Attachment D: Module D Vapor Intrusion

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Attachment D: Module D Vapor Intrusion

Event ID: 0001321 Page 1


Assessment and Mitigation of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway




The Vendor shall state a firm, fixed price per hour for the following labor classifications. Classifications will be limited to:

 Professional 4 Associate level (Contract management, associate level review of projects)  Professional 3 Senior level (Senior level project management)  Professional 2 Project level (Project management)  Professional 1 Staff level (Professional field staff level)  Technical 3 Environmental Technician  Technical 2 Drafting/CAD  Technical 1 Clerical

Each of these classifications will have a labor rate, and only these seven different labor rates are allowed. These rates shall be inclusive of all overhead charges (including computer, telephone, postage and photocopying), general administrative costs (including invoicing and cost tracking) and profit. Reimbursement using these rates will apply once the Vendor's personnel arrive at the job site ready to begin work and until departure. Charges for overtime will be accepted only at the approved rate per hour.

CLASSIFICATION RATES PER HOUR Initial Option Option Option 2 Years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Professional 4 $185 $197 $202 $208

Professional 3 $152 $162 $166 $171

Professional 2 $117 $124 $128 $132

Professional 1 $100 $106 $109 $112

Technical 3 $90 $95 $98 $101

Technical 2 $85 $90 $93 $96

Technical 1 $75 $80 $82 $84 Event ID: 0001321 Page 2

1. a) The normal work day generally occurs between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Under certain conditions, however, the work activities may require site access during other hours. The Project Coordinator under these circumstances, in conjunction with the Vendor's Project Manager, will schedule the work to meet the project needs.

b) Minimum time charged is in 1/4 hour increments.

c) Travel time, other than mobilization, will be considered reimbursable work time only when employees are required to travel in excess of 30 miles one way from their residence or place of employment (whichever is less) to a site (to conduct site activities) and return within a standard work day.

d) All travel time will be billed at 100% straight time.

e) Reimbursement for travel time will not be made if the Vendors' employees are not paid for travel time.

f) The Vendor shall state an all inclusive firm, fixed price for one person per diem (lodging, food). Other expenses incurred during the project are built into the overhead charges in the labor rates (see Section 1). Any other expenses incurred at the job site that are not included in the labor rates must be approved by the KDHE project manager prior to incurring the expense. Per diem is applicable only when an overnight stay (receipt must be included with invoice) is required during normal working hours, weekends and holidays will be excluded, unless prior arrangements have been made and approved by with KDHE. The per diem provided shall not exceed those allowable per the State of Kansas. A link to the current State of Kansas Travel Handbook has been provided for reference purposes:


2. $125 per day per person.

g) There will be no labor charge for standby over weekends. It is assumed that once site activities are initiated, work will continue on site until completion. If work activities are to be interrupted, e.g., breaking for a weekend on longer term projects, no additional mobilizations will be allowed nor will travel to and from the site be allowed.

h) The Vendor shall identify the positions associated with each professional and technical level. The Vendor shall also provide a detailed description of the level of responsibility and types of tasks typically assigned to each professional and technical level staff. Response to this proposal shall include identification of the Vendor’s staff, each staff’s professional level, and resumes; this applies to contract manager and all project manager level staff.


a) The Vendor shall state a firm, fixed price for all equipment and materials listed in this section. These line item costs will apply regardless of whether the equipment and materials are owned or rented by the Vendor. The Vendor is expected to stock standard equipment normally expected to be used in the environmental industry. KDHE reserves the right to dispute equipment that should be owned by the Vendor versus rented on a consistent basis.

b) KDHE will not allow any separate overhead fees (or pass-through) for listed (standard) equipment; if any overhead charges are necessary for the Vendor, these charges must be built into the line item rates. Event ID: 0001321 Page 3

c) The listing of equipment and materials on the following pages may be expanded by KDHE depending on site requirements. The Vendor is strongly encouraged to submit a supplemental listing of equipment, with line item rates, considered necessary to perform the investigative tasks identified in this RFP. If any overhead charges are necessary for the Vendor, these charges must be built into the line items rates.

d) The Vendor shall be reimbursed for pre-approved equipment that must be obtained for project specific use (rented short-term use). Reimbursement will be at a cost plus a surcharge (see table below for the applicable surcharge rates).

Miscellaneous supplies and minor equipment items are not considered reimbursable by KDHE. The Vendor must ensure that all equipment (rented or owned by the Vendor) is in proper working order prior to mobilization to a site. KDHE will not pay labor, travel costs, or per diem in situations where the Vendor arrives at a site with equipment that is not in proper working order.

e) Vendor owned vehicles including automobiles, vans, pickup trucks (2 and ¾ ton), four-wheel drive and utility truck and SUVs will be reimbursed at the federal rate (currently 51 cents per mile) subject to annual federal rate adjustment. The Vendor shall be required to submit daily mileage logs with their invoices. There will be no reimbursement for maintenance, insurance, and fuel. Charges for parking and tolls will be reimbursed at cost with appropriate receipts. Rental vehicles will be reimbursed based on actual rates with appropriate receipts.

Surcharge Rate Table: Surcharge Description Surcharge % Surcharge on Non-Standard Items (less than $5,000) 10 % Surcharge on Non-Standard Items ($5,000 to $25,000) 8 % Surcharge on Non-Standard Items (greater than $25,000) 6 %


Special Utility Vehicle $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A Back Hoe $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A (Case 580 or equivalent) Grader $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A (John Deere 670 or equivalent) Truck, Dump (10-15 cu. yard) $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A

Truck, Vacuum (1800 gallon) $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A

Truck, Tanker (5000 gallon) $ N/A $ N/A $ N/A

Other $ $ $

Other $ $ $

N/A - Not Applicable – Site/project specific vehicle unit rates from local providers will be provided for each project. The rates quoted must include all maintenance and insurance, as well as incidental fees and charges such as parking , tolls and fuel. There will not be any additional mileage charge. Event ID: 0001321 Page 4


Generator (5kw) $ 60 $ 210 $ Pressure washer $ 93.40 $ 374 $ (minimum 3000 psi) Portable Light Array $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ Other $ $ $ Other $ $ $

NOTE: Please provide a listing of all other available equipment owned, along with rental or usage rates that may require utilization under this contract.


Personal Decontamination System $ 30 $ 150 Portable Eye Wash $ 2 $ 10 Micromanometer $ 50 $ 250 Air flow meter $ 25 $ 125 Helium Gas Detector $ 99 $ 413 Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Meter(s) $ 94 $ 248 Organic Vapor Analyzer $ 110 $ 330 Photoionization Detector (10.2 to 11.6 eV) $ 83/116 $ 248/275 Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer $ 550 $ 2,750 (portable) (HAPSITE, or equivalent) Electronic Water Level Indicator $ 33 $ 88 Steel Measuring Tape $ 5 $ 20 Vacuum pump (hand) $ 27.50 $ 82.50 Low-Flow Air Sampling Pump $ 22 $ 55 (GilAir 3, 5, or equivalent) Other SEE ATTACHED $ $ Other $ $

N/A - Not Applicable

NOTE: Please provide a listing of all other available equipment owned, along with rental or usage rates that may require utilization under this contract. SEE ATTACHMENT D1 (2) Event ID: 0001321 Page 5


1. LABORATORY ANALYTICAL: All project specific analyses must be performed by a laboratory certified by KDHE for the requested analysis. (See ATTACHMENT I) Air Laboratory QAMs are attached.

The laboratory must be able to perform all analyses (or their equivalent) listed in ATTACHMENT H. Cost must be provided for each laboratory method listed in ATTACHMENT H for air analysis. Costs should also be provided for both rush and standard turn-around times for sample analysis. The Lab Costs proposed shall be inclusive of sample containers (e.g., batch certified canisters)/media, sample disposal costs as well as the cost of the analysis. Separate costs shall be provided for individually-certified canister/flow controller rental. Line item costs must include any markup costs for subcontracting.

Line item laboratory costs must be presented in the following format:


2. ON-SITE ANALYTICAL: Costs associated with on-site analytical work for indoor air and soil gas samples, etc. must be documented below. Specialized equipment may be necessary given the low detection limits often required for during vapor intrusion assessments. Line item costs are not to include sample collection costs (these costs will be covered elsewhere in the contract). Assume an 8 hour day. Line item costs must include any markup costs for subcontracting.

a) MOBILE LABORATORY: Mobilization costs include all costs associated with transporting the mobile laboratory equipment and crew to and from the site. No staff hours or other expense will be paid for mobilizing to and from the sites.

MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION GC/MS LUMP SUM OR PER MILE MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION GC LUMP SUM OR PER MILE Mobile Laboratory $ 2.20/mile Mobile Laboratory (Assumes access to power $ 2.50/mile supply; otherwise a rental generator would be an add on cost at $60/day or $210/week) Event ID: 0001321 Page 6

ANALYTICAL PETROLEUM HALOGENATED TOTAL TECHNOLOGY VOCS ONLY VOCS ONLY VOC SCAN Gas Chromatograph $ 138 Per Hour $ 138 Per Hour $ 138 Per Hour $1100 Per Day $ 1100 Per Day $ 1100 Per Day Gas Chromatograph / $ 187 Per Hour $ 187 Per Hour $ 209 Per Hour Mass Spectrometer $ 1320 Per Day $ 1320 Per Day $ 1485 Per Day

NOTE: The Vendor shall be reimbursed for pre-approved non-standard analytical methods and/or testing that must be obtained for project specific use with prior approval from KDHE. Reimbursement will be at a cost plus a surcharge (see table in Attachment D1, Section 2 for the applicable surcharge rates).



2. SOIL GAS SURVEY: The Vendor is to provide a listing of all soil gas survey equipment to be used under this contract. Line item costs must include any markup costs for subcontracting. Line item costs must also include costs for decontamination of equipment.

a) MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION: Mobilization costs include all costs associated with transporting the soil gas survey crew and equipment to and from the site. No staff hours or other expense will be paid for mobilizing to and from the sites.


Soil Gas Survey Equipment $ 2.50/mile

b) SOIL GAS SURVEY PROBES: Probe costs must be documented below for the soil gas survey (including all supplies, equipment, decontamination, and labor).

SOIL GAS SURVEY PROBES COST PER MILE OR LUMP SUM Direct Push Sampling Equipment (to include rig, rods, and $ 1,320 Per Day any other sampling equipment necessary to complete task) $ 6,600 Per Week Plugging $ 1.10 Per Foot Event ID: 0001321 Page 7 c) PERMANENT SOIL GAS WELL INSTALLATION: Installation of a permanent soil gas well, using a Geoprobe, Hydropunch, or similar hydraulic equipment. Installation costs are to include probing, tubing, screen with filter pack, annular seal and grouting. Well completion costs are to include Swagelok (or equivalent) cap, concrete pad, protective cover, and protective bumpers if necessary.

SOIL GAS WELL COST Installation $ 11 Per Foot Well Completion (Standard) $ 220 Per Well Well Completion (Flush Mount) $ 250 Per Well Well Abandonment $ 1.65 Per Foot

NOTE: The Vendor shall be reimbursed for pre-approved non-standard methods and/or testing that must be obtained for project specific use with prior approval from KDHE. Reimbursement will be at a cost plus a surcharge (see table in Attachment D1, Section 2 for the applicable surcharge rates). Event ID: 0001321 Page 8

Attachment D1(2.): Equipment and Material Supply

EnviroGroup Limited Equipment Rates

Equipment Rate ½ h.p. 10 GPM submersible pump $50/day 2-1/2” Carbide Dry Core Bit $30/day 3-Way Luer Lock $3.15/ea 4-Way Luer Lock $3.25/ea Luer Lock Coupler $0.50/ea Air Bubbler/Diffuser $2.20/ea Barometric Pressure USB DataLogger (Pair) $20/day Cord, nylon 3/16” $0.10/foot Cutthroat Flume $75/day Diagnostic Testing Shop Vac $15/day Drill Bits (1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 1”, 1-1/4”) $10/day Drill Bits (Spline hammer 1”x36”, ½” x 60”) $25/day Dwyer Handheld Digital Manometer $50/day Energy Conservatory DG-500 Micro-Manometer $50/day Field laptop computer $80/day Garmin eTrex GPS $15/day Geoprobe® Anchor $6.15/ea Geoprobe® SS Soil Vapor Screen, 0.25"x6" $32.15/ea Geopump peristaltic pump $35/day Geotech 0.45 micron disposable filter $23.00/ea Geotech, poly 0.75”x36” disposable bailer $8.50/ea Geotech, poly 1.5”x36” disposable bailer $7.50/ea Geotech, poly 1.5”x48” disposable bailer $8/ea HACH ferrous iron test kit $25/day Hammer Drill $50/day Hotwire Anemometer $50/day Luer Lock Syringe, 60 mL $1/ea MultiLine P3 meter w/pH & cond. Probes $60/day Nylaflow Tubing, 0.125"x0.079" $0.14/foot Nylaflow Tubing, 0.25"x0.19" $0.14/foot Nylon Barb Tee, 0.25"x0.25"x0.25" $2/ea Poly Tubing, 3/8”x1/2” $0.30/foot RP145, RP265, or GP501 Mitigation Fans $30/day SKS Vac U Tube $50/day Soil hand auger $25/day Swagelock ¼” Nut or Ferrule Set $2/ea Tedlar Bag, 1 Liter $12.80/ea Teflon lined Poly Tubing, 3/8”x1/2” $2.50/foot Tip, VOC, 0.75”/1.5”, poly disposable $1.50/ea Tygon Tubing, 0.25"x0.125" $2.85/foot Tygon Tubing, 3/8"x0.25" $2.85/foot Vane Anemometer $5/day Water level meter – 100’ $40/day YSI-556 20 meter cable $140/day YSI-556 Flow Cell $15/day Event ID: 0001321 Page 9


Attachment D1(2.): Rental Equipment and Material Supply


Rugged Reader® Handheld PC $44 $132 $ N/A MiniRAE 3000 with 10.6 eV Lamp $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A MiniRAE 2000 with 10.6 eV Lamp $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A MiniRAE 2000 11.7eV Lamp (Add-on) $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Photovac 2020 PRO with 10.6 eV Lamp $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A Photovac 2020 with 10.6 ev Lamp $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A TE 580B OVM with 10.6 eV Lamp $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A 580B OVM 11.8 eV Lamp (Add-on) $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A ToxiRAE PGM-30 VOC Monitor 10.6 eV $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A ppBRAE Model PGM-7240 ppb VOC Monitor $137.50 $ 385.00 $ N/A ppBRAE 3000 10.6eV PGM-734 $137.50 $ 385.00 $ N/A UltraRAE Specific Compound Monitor $132.00 $ 385.00 $ N/A UltraRAE 3000 - 10.6 120V $132.00 $ 385.00 $ N/A PE Photovac MicroFID $ 93.50 $ 275.00 $ N/A Foxboro TVA 1000 Vapor Analyzer- PID/FID $137.50 $ 385.00 $ N/A MultiRAE PLUS Model PGM-50 Gas Monitor $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A MSA Sirius (LEL/O2/CO/H2S/PID) $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A VRAE LEL/O2/CO/H2S $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A QRAE PLUS LEL/O2/CO/H2S D $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A RKI Eagle Gas Monitor $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A AreaRAE Monitor LEL-O2-CO-H2S and PID $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A ProRAE- Remote Host Pkg. $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A MSA Watchman LEL/O2/CO/H2S $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A RKI GX-2003 LEL-O2-CO-H2S $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Industrial Scientific iTX Gas Monitor $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A LEL/O2/CO/H2S MSA Orion Multigas Detector LEL/O2/CO/H2S $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A MIRAN SapphIRe XL version $495.00 $1,210.00 $ N/A ToxiRAE PLUS PGM-35/36/37 Toxic Gas $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Monitor Event ID: 0001321 Page 10

Industrial Scientific T82 Single Gas Monitor $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Arizona 631-X H2S Analyzer $209.00 $ 638.00 $ N/A Jerome 860 H2S Monitor $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Gowmac Gas Leak Detector- Helium $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A MGD-2002 Helium Leak Detector $ 99.00 $ 412.50 $ N/A RKI Eagle Gas Portable Monitor w/ CO2 $104.50 $ 330.00 $ N/A GEM 2000 Plus Landfill Gas Monitor w/ H2S $165.00 $ 495.00 $ N/A GEM 2000 Landfill Gas Monitor $121.00 $ 352.00 $ N/A Temp Probe for GEM2000 $ 27.50 $ 55.00 $ N/A H2S Sensor $ 16.50 $ 33.00 $ N/A Envision Landfill Monitor $165.00 $ 495.00 $ N/A PE Photovac Voyager GC- Gas Chromatograph $330.00 $ 825.00 $ N/A MIE DR-4000 DataRAM Real-Time Aerosol $165.00 $ 495.00 $ N/A Monitor Temperature Conditioning Heater, 115V $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A In-Line Impactor Head (PM10/ 2.5) $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A TSI DustTRAK Aerosol Monitor $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A TSI Dusttrak Environmental Enclosure 8520-1 $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A TSI DustTRAK 2 Desktop Model 8530 $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A pDR-1500 Handheld Aerosol Monitor $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A MIE pDR-1000 PersonalDataRam $ 82.50 $ 209.00 $ N/A MIE pDR-1200 Aerosol Monitor $ 82.50 $ 209.00 $ N/A Rechargeable Battery for pDR $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A Tripod w/ Environmental Enclosure $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Alarm System Strobe Light $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A Walkie Talkie/Charger $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A Alarm System Radio Transmitter $ 22.00 $ 66.00 $ N/A Quick Talk, Ritron- (VHF) $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A Serial Wireless Modem - DR4000 $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Andersen PM-10 High Volume Air Sampler $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A PM-10 Calibration Kit $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Andersen TSP High Volume Air Sampler $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A TSP Calibration Kit $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Andersen (PUF) Polyurethane Foam Sampling $ 82.50 $ 275.00 $ N/A System PUF Calibration Kit $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Partisol FRM 2000 Air Sampler RP $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A Event ID: 0001321 Page 11

Cal Kit, SLPro- Partisol FRM $ 66.00 $ 192.50 $ N/A BGI PQ100 Portable PM10/ TSP/PM2.5 $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A Sampling Unit Gilian GilAir-3 Air Sampling Pump $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Gilian GilAir-5 Air Sampling Pump $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Cyclone Adapter for Gilian Pump $ 5.50 $ 27.50 $ N/A Gilian Low Flow Module $ 5.50 $ 27.50 $ N/A MSA ELF Escort Sampling Pump $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Gilian Gilibrator Air Flow Calibrator $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A BIOS DryCal DC-Lite (specify range) $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A BIOS Defender Calibrator (specify range) $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A SKC Universal PCXR8 Programmable Pump $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A SKC Vac-U-Chamber - 1L $ 27.50 $ 55.00 $ N/A SKC Vac-U-Chamber - 10L $ 27.50 $ 55.00 $ N/A Gilian AirCon-2 High Vol Air Sampler, DC $ 44.00 $ 132.00 $ N/A Program Gast 1532 High Volume Area Sampling Pump $ 22.00 $ 71.50 $ N/A CS3 HVS3 High Volume Small Surface Sample $ 82.50 $ 220.00 $ N/A Pump, Sensidyne HFS-513 AUC, Clock $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Jerome 431X Mercury Vapor Analyzer $121.00 $ 363.00 $ N/A Jerome J405 Mercury Vapor Analyzer $181.50 $ 495.00 $ N/A Lumex 915 + Mercury Analyzer $550.00 $1,650.00 $ N/A RP-91 Option, ColdVapor,Lumex $220.00 $ 660.00 $ N/A RP-91C Option,pyrolysis,Lumex $330.00 $ 990.00 $ N/A TSI VelociCalc Plus Ventilation Meter 8384, $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A 8385, 8386 TSI VelociCalc Velocity Meter 8345, 8346 $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A TSI VelociCalc Rotating Vane Anemometer $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A 8322, 8324 TSI VelociCheck Velocity Meter 8330, 8340 $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A TSI Q-Trak IAQ Monitor $ 82.50 $ 247.50 $ N/A TSI Q-TRAK PLUS with CO IAQ Monitor $ 82.50 $ 247.50 $ N/A Metrosonics AQ5000-IAQ $ 82.50 $ 247.50 $ N/A TSI P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A Delmhorst Moisture Meter BD-10 $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Delmhorst BD-2100 Moisture Meter $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A MultiRAE IR CO2 and PID Monitor $ 82.50 $ 247.50 $ N/A IAQ RAE Monitor with VOC (temp,humidity, $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A CO2) Event ID: 0001321 Page 12

Drager (CMS) Chip Measurement System $ 27.50 $ 110.00 $ N/A Drager Accuro Hand Pump $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A Sensidyne Piston Hand Pump $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A RAE Piston Hand Pump Model LP-1200 $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A Gastec Hand Pump- GV-100-S-TR $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A Solinst101, Heron Dipper-T or SLOPE WLM 100' $ 27.50 $ 55.00 $ N/A Solinst101, Heron Dipper-T or SLOPE WLM $ 27.50 $ 66.00 $ N/A 200' Solinst101, Heron Dipper-T or SLOPE WLM $ 33.00 $ 99.00 $ N/A 300' Solinst101, Heron Dipper-T or SLOPE WLM 500' $ 33.00 $ 99.00 $ N/A Solinst101, Heron Dipper-T or SLOPE WLM $ 49.50 $ 148.50 $ N/A 1000' Heron Skinny Dipper WLM 100' $ 27.50 $ 55.00 $ N/A Solinst122, Heron H.01L or Testwell Interface $ 49.50 $ 154.00 $ N/A Probe QED Hammerhead Pump- 2" $ 38.50 $ 148.50 $ N/A QED Hammerhead Pump- 4" $ 55.00 $ 220.00 $ N/A QED LP1301 Pulse Pump $ 38.50 $ 148.50 $ N/A QED LP1702 4" Eliminator Pump $ 55.00 $ 220.00 $ N/A Grundfos Redi-Flo2 2" Pump Rental (specify $ 52.25 $ 159.50 $ N/A length) Control Box for Grundfos2" 120V $ 52.25 $ 159.50 $ N/A Control Box for Grundfos2" 230V $ 52.25 $ 159.50 $ N/A Grundfos Redi-Flo3 5, 115 V $ 77.00 $ 220.00 $ N/A Grundfos Redi-Flo3 30, 220V $ 77.00 $ 220.00 $ N/A Turbine Flow Meter w/ Display (1-10 GPM) $ 22.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A GeoPump2 Peristaltic Pump $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Solinist Peristaltic Pump - Model 410 $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Extra Battery & Charger, 12V $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A QED SamplePro Portable Micropurge Pump $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A 1.75" QED SamplePro Portable Micropurge Pump .75" $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Marschalk Bladder Pump $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A QED Well Wizard Dedicated Sampling Pump $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A QED Micropurge Basics MP10 Controller $ 82.50 $ 247.50 $ N/A QED Micropurge Basics MP10 H Controller $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A QED Micropurge Basics MP10 UH Controller $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A QED MP50 Controller/Compressor $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A QED MP15 Control & Power Pack (CO2 Tank $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A Event ID: 0001321 Page 13 full) Extra CO2 TANK for MP15 (empty) $ 5.50 $ 16.50 $ N/A QED Compressor 12V, Model 3020 $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A QED Compressor, MP40, Gasoline Powered $ 82.50 $ 330.00 $ N/A Nitrogen Regulator $ 11.00 $ 27.50 $ N/A Proactive Tsunami PVC High Performance $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Pump Proactive 12V SS Monsoon Pump 130ft Cable $ 66.00 $ 170.50 $ N/A Proactive PVC Mega-Monsoon, 24V, 210ft Cable $ 52.25 $ 159.50 $ N/A Proactive SS Mega-Monsoon $ 82.50 $ 247.50 $ N/A Power Booster 2 Low Flow Controller (PVC $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A Tsunami) Power Booster 2 LCD Controller (used for SS $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A Monsoon) Power Booster 3 LF Controller (PVC Mega $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A Monsoon) 2" Trash Pump, Honda WP20 $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A ISCO 6700 Composite Sampler $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A ISCO 6712 Composite Sampler $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A ISCO 3710 Composite Sampler $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Global WS300 Wastewater Sampler $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Solinst Discrete Sampler $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Archer Handheld computer $ 27.50 $ 110.00 $ N/A Laptop Computer $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Hach Spectrophotometer Model DR/2800 $ 66.00 $ 198.00 $ N/A (*Reagents are not included*) Hach Spectrophotometer Model DR/2400 $ 66.00 $ 198.00 $ N/A (*Reagents are not included*) HACH DR/890 Colorimeter (*Reagents are not $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A included*) TSI Portacount Plu Respirator Fit Tester $181.50 $ 495.00 $ N/A (Adapter not included) Tripods Rescue System (tripod and winch) $110.00 $ 385.00 $ N/A Confined Space Blower $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Quest NoisePro/Q-300/400 Noise Dosimeter $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Quest 2700/1900 Sound Level Meter $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Sound Level Meter, SoundPro DL (SP-DL-2) $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A SoundPro DL 1/1 & 1/3 Octave $ 66.00 $ 198.00 $ N/A Octave Band Filter - OB100 $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Octave Band Filter - OB300 $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Quest TempII Heat Stress Monitor $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Event ID: 0001321 Page 14

Quest Temp 34 Thermal Environmental Monitor $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Global Positioning System Trimble Pro XRS $220.00 $ 660.00 $ N/A GPS GPS, Trimble Geo XT (Handheld) $220.00 $ 660.00 $ N/A GPS, Trimble Geo XH (Handheld) $220.00 $ 660.00 $ N/A Zephyr Antenna Kit $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Hurricane Antenna Kit $ 11.00 $ 55.00 $ N/A Meridian Magellan GPS $ 11.00 $ 27.50 $ N/A Topcon AT-G7 Survey Set $ 27.50 $ 82.50 $ N/A Topcon Pulse Total Station GPT-6000C $165.00 $ 495.00 $ N/A Schonstedt GA72 CD Magnetometer $ 44.00 $ 132.00 $ N/A Schonstedt GA52 CX Magnetometer $ 44.00 $ 132.00 $ N/A Schonstedt MAC 51B Pipe & Cable Locator $ 55.00 $ 176.00 $ N/A Two Way Radios $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A Laser Level (tripod, rod, laser level) $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station $ 49.50 $ 148.50 $ N/A Davis Vantage Pro Weather Station $ 49.50 $ 148.50 $ N/A Tripod, Weather Station $ 5.50 $ 16.50 $ N/A Ludlum MODEL 3 Survey Meter $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Ludlum MODEL 3 Survey Meter with 44-9 G-M $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Detector Ludlum MODEL 5 Geiger Counter $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Ludlum MODEL 19 MicroR Meter $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Hand Auger Kit (auger head, t-handle, 3 $ 16.50 $ 49.50 $ N/A extensions) Power Auger Kit $ 88.00 $ 418.00 $ N/A Soil Sample Kit (liners sold separately) $ 33.00 $ 99.00 $ N/A Scale, Analytical $ 5.50 $ 16.50 $ N/A Split Core Sampler 2 x 6 $ 5.50 $ 16.50 $ N/A AMS Soil Gas Vapor System (tubing & tips sold $ 88.00 $ 418.00 $ N/A separately) Geoprobe Hand Tool System (liners sold $110.00 $ 330.00 $ N/A separately) Generator 3,000-5,000 watts $ 60.00 $ 210.00 $ N/A Generator , Small, Honda EU2000I $ 60.00 $ 210.00 $ N/A Generator, Honda EU1000i $ 60.00 $ 210.00 $ N/A Digital Camera with 3/5" disk storage $ 55.00 $ 165.00 $ N/A Ultraviolet Light $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A Extech Heavy Duty Light Meter $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A Event ID: 0001321 Page 15

Fisher Control Light Meter $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A Manometer, 477-4-FM $ 11.00 $ 38.50 $ N/A Well-vu Down Hole Camera $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A Insight Vision DXP-300 Camera $137.50 $ 412.50 $ N/A FLIR BCAM SD infra-red camera $121.00 $ 363.00 $ N/A Wobble Light $ 11.00 $ 33.00 $ N/A Power Mister 18" 1/8HP $ 38.50 $ 115.50 $ N/A Event ID: 0001321 Page 16

Attachment D2. Item 1 - Laboratory Analytical costs

Standard 10 5 Business Day Analysis Sample Day Rush 3 Business Day 1 Business Day (Level 2 Test America Laboratory Method Matrix Analysis Rush Analysis Rush Analysis Deliverable) Laboratory BTEX only (TO-14A) Air 176 220 308 176 LA BTEX only (TO-15) Air 176 220 308 176 LA BTEX only (TO-15 SIM) price includes individually certified cans Air 242 303 424 242 LA VOCs (TO-14A) Air 198 248 347 198 LA VOCs (TO-15) Air 198 248 347 198 LA VOCs (TO-15 SIM)price includes individually certified cans Air 242 303 423 242 LA VOCs (TO-17 passive) Air 308 385 539 308 Phoenix VOCs (TO-17 active) Air 259 324 453 259 Phoenix SVOCs (TO-13A) Air 259 324 453 259 Burlington

Note: above rates include batch certified cans & flow controllers (except SIM analyses). Individually certified cans are an additional $30/can.

If Level 4 data package is required, an additional 15% surcharge will apply and the TAT is 15 business days.

Attachment D2 Item 2 – Mobile laboratory GC/MS equipment from Plains Environmental

ANALYTICAL SYSTEM (GC/MSD). The analytical system includes a laboratory grade gas chromatograph (GC) and computerized data processing station for data acquisition, storage, and retrieval. An HP5890 Series II Plus GC equipped with an HP5972A MSD (mass selective detector) provides ppb sensitivity for identifying a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). A J&W Scientific DB-624 capillary column (0.32mm x 30m) is used to effectively separate a wide range of VOCs. All data is captured, processed, and stored with the HP5972A MSD/Win ChemStation System. Event ID: 0001321 Page 17

Attachment D3 (Item 2) Geoprobe and Soil Gas Equipment

Equipment list from Below Ground Services

Geoprobe Systems DPT Rig Model 5410 mounted in the bed of an F350 Ford 4x4 Pickup Truck

Geoprobe Systems DPT Rig Model 6610DT; Self-contained, remote-controlled unit mounted on rubber tracks; Includes a 2-speed rotary drive for turning augers

Geoprobe Systems DPT Rig Model 6620DT; Self-contained, remote-controlled unit mounted on rubber tracks; Includes a 2-speed rotary drive for turning augers

Geoprobe MIP and Soil Conductivity (EC) Systems; Direct Image Techniques Grout and Injection Pumps including Geoprobe and Chemgrout Systems Geotech peristaltic pumps and tubing check valves Small-Diameter Bladder Pumps for Low-Flow Sampling YSI 556 Multi Probe Sensor Water Quality Meter Kit Mini RAE 2000 Photoionization Detector Concrete Core Drills with various size diamond bits Steam Cleaners, Power Washers, and Decontamination Equipment Various Flatbed and Cargo Trailers Honda ATV and various racks for moving equipment

A full line of Geoprobe tools and samplers, including Macro-Core, Dual-Tube (DT-32 and DT-21), RS-60, and Large-Bore soil samplers; SP-15, SP-16, and Vertical Profile groundwater samplers; and 2.125- and 3.25-inch rods for well installations and dual-tube sampling

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