Grade 6 Social Studies

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Grade 6 Social Studies

Grade 8 Physical Education 2014-2015

David Allen [email protected] Jenna Child [email protected] Instructors Steve Dodd E-mail [email protected] Blog Jason Juteau [email protected] Angela Respecki [email protected]

ISM School-Wide Student Goals At International School Manila, we expect students to work to the best of their ability to be: Effective Communicators: who can interact through a range of modes of communication and for a variety of purposes. Knowledgeable and Skilled Learners: who continually acquire useful knowledge and skills while developing understanding(s) across a broad and balanced range of contexts. Self-directed and Balanced Individuals: who strive to achieve their personal best and understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance. Inquiring and Reflective Problem Solvers: who can think critically and creatively to make informed decisions and then take appropriate action. Responsible, Caring and Ethical Contributors: who can empathize and be tolerant of differences and are committed to make a positive impact on their communities and environment.

Course Description Through the Physical Education course, all students will participate in a variety of sporting activities. Physical Education is the only subject that has an opportunity to change the long-term outlook on healthy lifestyles and provides students with skills and opportunities for lifelong pursuits in sport and exercise. As a growing portion of the world’s population continues to follow much less than healthy approach to life and obesity levels increase dramatically, ISM is trying to instill in students, the value and importance of regular exercise and healthy nutritional intake.

The Physical Education program will cover a wide variety of activities designed to meet the needs of developing learners. These activities will be delivered in three and four week units and will be assessed throughout that time. Students will participate in fitness testing at least twice during the year. A Physical Education uniform is required. White or green ISM t-shirt, shorts, socks and sneakers (tennis shoes). The standard uniform is available at the Uniform Shop on campus. We recommend that each student procure at least two sets. Please label each uniform. No jewelry is to be worn during class unless for religious or health reasons.

Students are advised to bring extra change of underwear, socks, shoes and towel, just in case we encounter an adverse weather change during outside lessons.

Students are responsible for their belongings. There are electronic lockers available outside the change rooms for students to secure their belongings while they are in Physical Education class. All valuables should be kept in their school lockers if they are brought to school.

The Physical Education Department at ISM expects that students who attend school will participate fully in all lessons. It is expected that students who are too sick to take part at all in physical education might be too sick to be at school and we would suggest they stay home or seek medical attention. For those rare occasions where a student may need to do something other than the scheduled class, we ask that parents email or call before the lesson, please DO NOT write a note. We have had issues in the past where notes have been falsified and even written by home help. Please email your child’s teacher at the email address listed at the top of this document if you have any issues or situations that you think the teacher should know about. Students must bring their physical education uniform for all classes (even when sick or injured as we can offer alternative sessions and officiating or assistant roles, alternative workouts or just helping other students in the class). We encourage all of our students to bring a water bottle for each class and refrain from wearing jewelry. (Please refer to the official ISM policy below for further information)

Assessment and Reporting At ISM, we believe that grades should reflect the level of understanding and achievement towards determined standards and that student behaviors (effort, participation, adherence to class rules, etc.) should be included separately. Therefore, the Physical Education grade will consist of two separate grading categories. These include Achievement and Learning Habits and both will be reported on in the semester report. Within the Achievement and Learning Habits categories, grades will be reported on in subcategories to provide further information to parents and students regarding strengths and areas for growth. Within the Achievement category, students will be assessed on Knowledge and Understanding (what do you know?), Transfer of Learning (How can you apply what you know?), and Communication of Learning (How can you communicate about what you know?). Within the Learning Habits category, students will be assessed on Organization, Engagement, and Collaboration. Grades will be reported on a scale of 7-1 with 7 and 6 representing Exemplary Achievement and Learning Habits, 5 and 4 representing Proficient Achievement and Learning Habits, 3 and 2 representing Developing Achievement and Learning Habits and a 1 representing Emerging Achievement and Learning Habits. All rubrics will reflect this scale, and grade boundaries for quiz and test type assessments will be determined by teacher teams on a case by case basis. Only summative assessments will be included in the Achievement grade. Learning Habits will be assessed at least three times per semester.

Homework Policy As per the Middle School guidelines, students should expect to have approximately 60 minutes of Physical Education homework per week. This may include short tasks that can be completed in one evening, or longer project based tasks that are to be completed over a number of days. Some homework is intended as a review or as preparation for an upcoming lesson. Every effort is made for assessment tasks to be completed in class, but on occasion students may be required to take an assignment home to finish it. All assignments must be completed on time, and failure to do so will be reflected in the Organization component of the Learning Habits grade on the report card. Extenuating circumstances resulting in the late submission of work must be communicated to the teacher, preferably before the assignment is due.

Assessment Plan

The Grade 8 Physical Education assessment plan is as follows. In Physical Education, Knowledge and Understanding is worth 40% of the final grade, Transfer of Learning is worth 40% of the final grade, and Communication of Learning is worth 20% of the final grade.

Summative Assessment Tasks - Grade Knowledge & Understanding Transfer of Communication of 8 Physical Education (40%) Learning Learning (40%) (20%)

International Games X

Soccer/Touch Rugby X

Volleyball X X

Wall Climbing X X X

Basketball X X

Track and Field X

Gymnastics X

Aquatics X X

Badminton X X

Motor Skills (Dec) X

Motor Skills (May) X

Fitness X

Number of Assessments Per Category 6 6 6 for the Year Communication Communication is a vital link between student, teacher and parent to ensure productive learning. Parents should feel free to contact us should they have any questions or concerns regarding their child's progress in school. Parents have access to Powerschool and can check for regular grade updates. To share concerns or to arrange a time to meet, please email us at one of the above addresses. We are looking forward to a wonderful year of learning with your sons and daughters. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

ISM Policy for Parental Notification Regarding Participation in Physical Education.

As a Physical Education Department at ISM, we do not accept written notes brought by students, as a valid reason for missing or being excused from a Physical Education class. In the past, students, siblings, yayas and even drivers have written forged notes.

We request that parents/guardians contact the Physical Education teacher directly either by email or telephone call (028408616) before the lesson and inform them of the child’s condition. (Should it not be possible to contact the teacher directly, please inform the school office to pass the message on) In many cases we can offer suggestions, not only to assist with rehabilitation, but also for specialist medical help at centers around Manila. The first communication from parents to the Physical Education teacher often proves to be an extremely valuable start to a conversation on how best to support the needs of the student and to help them along the road to recovery. Please feel free to supply any supporting medical documentation from Doctors or specialists, but this is often not required if you have entered into discussion with the teacher. The Physical Education teacher can forward the medical documentation to the clinic as required.

In all circumstances, it is expected that, as the student is at school, he/she will take some part in the lesson, but not necessarily by completing strenuous exercise or activity that would exacerbate any injury/illness, and should therefore bring the appropriate ISM Physical Education uniform. The department is sensitive to many illnesses, physical conditions and other situations (it’s part of our job every day) and can offer a variety of valuable Physical Education experiences for your child. From refereeing, scoring, coaching, evaluating and giving feedback to limited exercise sessions, specific weight training sessions, cardiovascular runs etc.

Please support ISM and your child, by contacting the Physical Education teacher before the lesson is due to take place. Please inform us of the nature of your child’s situation and feel free to request some suggestions for rehabilitation. We have fantastic facilities that could cater for most rehabilitative exercises and routines. In certain circumstances the Physical Education teacher would send the student to the clinic for examination to determine whether our qualified medical staff would advise the student should remain at school of return home.

Please feel free to contact Mr. Steven Dodd (Program Leader for Physical Education for MS and HS) [email protected] at your convenience if you have any questions or comments regarding this policy.

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