Please Read Carefully Before Completing Application
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Illinois Certification Board, Inc. d/b/a Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association Inc.
The application fee is $30.00. The continuing education unit (CEU) fee is $5.00 for each CEU awarded. ICB will issue an invoice for CEUs awarded for the training program.
ICB will review applications to determine whether the information submitted meets AODA Counselor (CADC, CRADC, CSADC, CAADC), Preventionist (CADP, CSADP), Assessment and Referral Specialist (CARS), Problem and Compulsive Gambling Counselor (PCGC), Criminal Justice Addictions Professional (CCJP), Registered Dual Disorder Professional (RDDP), Associate Addictions Professional (CAAP), Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS), Interventionist (BRI I/BRI II), Medication Assisted Addictions Professional (MAATP), MISA (MISA I/MISA II), Family Partnership Professional (CFPP), Adolescent Treatment Endorsement (ATE), and Gender Competent Endorsement (GCE) criteria.
Once a program has been awarded CEUs, the program number is valid for two years from the date the application is processed.
ICB requests that you not advertise which category your program is until you have received notification of category assignment. You may indicate that you have applied for ICB CEUs for your home-study program.
Maintain all information concerning the program for at least two years.
June 2012 Illinois Certification Board d/b/a Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. HOME-STUDY APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Category 1, 2 and 3 continuing education units awarded by ICB. CATEGORY 1: Education must be specific to alcohol and other drug abuse/dependency for AODA Counselors, ATODA Preventionists, and Assessment and Referral Specialists, specific to alcohol and other drugs or MAAT for Medication Assisted Addiction Treatment Professionals, specific to knowledge and skills related to alcohol and other drug abuse/dependence or mental health for MISA, specific to gambling for Problem and Compulsive Gambling Counselors, specific to criminal justice for Criminal Justice Addiction Professionals, specific to knowledge and skills related to mental health recovery and the role of peer support in the recovery process for Recovery Support Specialists, specific to alcohol and other drug abuse/dependency as related to the performance domains for Associate Addictions Professionals, specific to intervention for Interventionists, and specific to knowledge and skills related to the provision of services to children and families and the role of peer support to families for Family Partnership Professional. CATEGORY 2: Education must be specific to the knowledge and skills related to the core functions and domains, and/or knowledge areas of the credentials. For Associate Addictions Professionals, education must be specific to ethics and professional boundaries. For Interventionists, education must be specific to knowledge and skills related to the counseling field/profession. CATEGORY 3: Education must be specific to knowledge and skills related to the MISA Core Functions. For Registered Dual Disorder Professionals, education must be alcohol and other drug abuse and co-morbidity specific. For Adolescent Treatment Endorsement, education must be in adolescent specific alcohol and other drug addiction treatment performance domains. For Gender Competent Endorsement, education must be in women specific alcohol and other drug addiction performance domains. To complete the application form, refer to the following instructions that correspond to the numbers on the application. 1. Print the name, address, telephone number, and website of the organization offering the continuing education program.
2. Identify an individual who will assume primary responsibility for the continuing education program and serve as the contact person to ICB in this application process. Also list the contact person’s email address.
3. Print the name of the home-study program.
4. Estimate the minimum and maximum number of persons expected to complete this home-study program.
5. Give a brief description of your intended audience.
6. Submit a description of your continuing education program, to include: Objectives of the program: list the learner objectives Program content : a brief summary of the content of the program Format of instruction: brief description of instruction format (videotape, film, audiotape, books, pre-test, post-test) Time frame: number of hours required to complete this home-study program. Faculty/Instructor qualifications: provide documentation of the qualifications of the program instructor. (You may submit resumes or vitas)
7. ICB requires programs awarded CEUs be evaluated by certified or board registered participants. Attach a copy of the evaluation form you will be using to evaluate your program.
8. ICB requires programs awarded CEUs to provide certified or board registered participants with a form to document successful completion of the program. The proof of completion form MUST contain: Name of the sponsoring agency Title of the program Date of the program completion Name of participant/registrant (Names should be typed. Please do not provide blank certificates to attendees.) Number of ICB continuing education units Assigned categories ICB assigned program number
9. ICB maintains and provides a listing of educational events. Please indicate if you want your program listed. This service is free for listing in the ICB Continuing Education Bulletin (available in print format and on our website). If contact person for advertising is different than in sections 1 and 2, please complete advertising contact person section.
10. Indicate the fee you are charging for this program.
11. The application fee is $30.00. Attach a check or money order or credit card for $30.00 made out to ICB.
12. The contact person of the sponsoring agency should read, sign, and date the application.
13. The contact person of the sponsoring agency should read, sign, and date the release statement.
If you need assistance please call the ICB office at 1-800-272-2632 or (217) 698-8110. June 2012 Illinois Certification Board d/b/a Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. Illinois Certification Board, Inc. d/b/a Illinois Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association Inc.
This application form is to be used by sponsors of continuing education programs to request continuing education units from ICB for Home-Study Programs.
Please refer to the application instructions as you are completing this application form.
1. Sponsor Name:
City: State: Zip:
Telephone: ______Extension: ______Website:
2. Contact Person: E-Mail Address:
3. Title of Continuing Education Program:
4. Number of Participants:
How many persons do you expect will complete this program? (Minimum Number)
(Maximum Number)
5. Intended Participants: (please describe your intended audience)
What percentage of your participants do you anticipate _____ Less than 10% will be certified or board registered professionals? _____ 10% to 25% (Check one) _____ 25% to 50% _____ 50% to 75% _____ Over 75%
(This description must contain objectives of the program, summary of program content, description of format of instruction, number of hours you expect participant to complete it, and documentation of faculty/instructor qualifications.
7. Program Evaluation: (Attach a copy of the form to be used for the purpose of program evaluation.)
8. Proof of Completion: (Attach a copy of the form you will use to document program completion.) June 2012 Illinois Certification Board d/b/a Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. 9. Would you like your program advertised by ICB? (No Charge for inclusion in the Continuing Education Bulletin – print and website) ___ Yes ___ No Advertising Contact Information:
Contact Name: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email: ______
Website: ______
10. Fee you are charging for your program $
11. Application Fee: The application fee is $30 and is non-refundable. Remit application fee with the application. Make checks or money orders payable to ICB.
Credit Card Number - - - Expiration Date (VISA or Mastercard only) (Please include the three-digit number listed near the signature line on the back of the credit card)
Security Code: Name on Card
Telephone Number ( ) -
Credit Card Billing Address
City State Zip Code
RETURN APPLICATION TO: ICB 401 East Sangamon Avenue Springfield, IL 62702 12. Signature of Contact Person : I hereby certify that I have read the application packet and instructions and understand their requirements. I further certify the information supplied in this application is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge.
(Signature of Contact Person) (Date)
13. Release Statement Please read and sign the following.
In making application for continuing education units I give my permission for ICB and its representatives to gather and collect information from third parties pertaining to this application. I acknowledge that such communications shall be treated as confidential between ICB, its representatives and such third party. I hereby certify that I have read this entire application and that all of the information contained herein is true and complete. I understand that intentionally false or misleading statements will result in being denied continuing education program recognition. I understand that the required application fee is non-refundable. I further agree to hold ICB, their Board members, officers, committee members, general members, employees, and evaluators free from any civil liability for damages or complaints by reason of any action that is within the scope and arising out of the performance of their duties which they, or any of them, may take in connection with the application and evaluation of this application and/or the failure of ICB to award continuing education units.
(Signature of Contact Person (Date)
C H E C K L I S T : June 2012 Illinois Certification Board d/b/a Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc. _____ Program Description _____ Instructor(s) resume
_____ Time Frame _____ Sample of certificate of completion
_____ $30 application fee _____ Sample of evaluation form
June 2012 Illinois Certification Board d/b/a Illinois Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc.