Easy Homemade Cleaner Recipes

Bleach Alternative 12 cups water 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 cup hydrogen peroxide Mix. Add 2 cups per wash load or put in spray bottle and use as a household cleaner.

No Fume Oven Cleaner Ingredients: 6 T baking soda 5 T vinegar 4 drops of Dawn Dish Liquid Directions: Mix into a paste Coat the oven Let sit for 20 min and scrub clean

Chemical Free Floor Cleaner Use a damp -- not saturated -- sponge mop to wash with warm water. If your wood floor is really dirty, try a solution of 1/8 cup plant-based liquid soap and 1/8 cup distilled white vinegar to 1 gallon water (some people like to add 10 drops essential oil for fragrance). For ceramic and stone floors (including marble), use warm water and a pH-neutral all- purpose cleaner.

Glass Cleaner How To: •1/2 C. water •1/2 C. white vinegar •1 tsp. dish soap (like Dawn)

Stir to combine, pour into a spray bottle & be amazed!

Homemade Soft Scrub Baking Soda Dish Soap Mix the dish soap and the baking soda together in a bowl until desired consistency. The consistency ended up about the same as paint, so you can “paint” your homemade soft scrub onto whatever needs cleaning.

Homemade Laundry Detergent (There are TONS of recipes online, but here is one) 1 bar (or 4.5 ounces) of shaved bar soap (a homemade laundry bar, Dr. Bronner’s, Ivory, ZOTE, or Fels-Naptha) 1 cup of borax 1 cup of washing soda

Directions: Thoroughly stir together for 5 minutes and enjoy the results! You can take this a step further and blend the mixture in a blender or food processor to create a powder that will dissolve easily even in cold water. (Just be sure to let the dust settle before removing the lid of your blender or food processor so you don’t inhale the fine particles.) Store in a sealed container with a small scoop. To Use: Use 1 Tbsp per load (or 2-3 Tbsp for large or heavily soiled loads). Grout Cleaner 1/4 cup bleach 3/4 cup baking soda It creates a nice thick paste that I mixed together in an old cup. I went to work with an old toothbrush and was able to clean a 5' x 6' area with this amount. After scrubbing the grout, I let it sit for ten minutes, then wiped it clean with a rag and hot water.

Stainless Steel Cleaner Ingredients: 1 cup of baking soda 1/4 cup lemon juice 3 Tablespoons Borax Club Soda Combine first 3 ingredients into a bowl and mix together. Then add just enough club soda to make a thick paste. Dip a rag into the paste and rub onto your stainless steel appliances. Gently then wipe off with wet rag.

Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner Vinegar Baking Soda Turn off water’s shutoff valve. Flush until there is no water in the bowl. Sprinkle baking soda around toilet bowl. Spray vinegar all over. Let sit for 15 minutes then scrub. Turn valve back on and flush.