Chapter 24: Glossary

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Chapter 24: Glossary

Chapter 24: Glossary The Pediatric Patient

Acrocyanosis Acrocyanosis in an infant presents as a bluish discoloration of the hands and feet while the rest of the body remains pink.

Anencephaly Anencephaly is an abnormal condition in which the cerebral cortex or cranium does not develop.

Apgar scoring Apgar scoring is a system used to evaluate the need for newborn resuscitation. The Apgar score is obtained 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth.

Brushfield's spots Brushfield's spots are small white flecks located around the perimeter of the iris. This finding may indicate Down syndrome.

Caput succedaneum In caput succedaneum, an abnormal condition that occurs during the delivery of a newborn, swelling is present over the occipitoparietal region.

Cephalhematoma A cephalhematoma is localized swelling over one cranial bone that is caused by trauma during delivery of a newborn.

Cradle cap Cradle cap is a condition in which greasy-appearing scales develop on an infant's scalp.

Craniosynostosis Craniosynostosis is a condition that results in an abnormal shape of the skull due to ossification of the suture lines of the brain before growth is complete.

Craniotabes Craniotabes is softening of the skull.

Epstein's pearls Epstein’s pearls are small white cysts found on the hard palate and gum margins.

Copyright © 2010 by Delmar, 5/8/2018Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. Harlequin color change A harlequin color change is present when one-half of a newborn's body is red or ruddy and the other half is pale.

Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus is an abnormal condition indicated when an infant's head circumference is above the 95th percentile.

Intussusception Intussusception is an abnormal condition in which the ileocecal region of the intestine telescopes into the ileum.

Lanugo Lanugo is the fine, downy hair present on the skin of a newborn.

Metatarsus varus Metatarsus varus, or clubfoot, is an abnormal condition in which the toes and foot are inverted and medially adducted.

Microcephaly Microcephaly is an abnormal condition characterized by a small brain and a small head.

Molding Molding is a condition in which the newborn’s parietal bone overrides the frontal bone, the result of increased pressure during delivery.

Mongolian spots Mongolian spots are a deep blue pigmentation over the lumbar and sacral areas of the spine, the buttocks, and possibly the upper back or shoulders in dark-skinned newborns.

Telangiectatic nevi Telangiectatic nevi, also known as stork bites, appear as marks on the back of the neck, lower occiput, upper eyelids, and upper lip of the newborn; they are flat, deep, irregular, and pink in light-skinned children and deep red in dark-skinned children.

Vernix caseosa Vernix caseosa is a thick, cheesy, protective covering on the skin of a newborn that consists of sebum and shed epithelial cells.

Copyright © 2010 by Delmar, 5/8/2018Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

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