Constitution and By- Laws of St. Juliana Altar Society

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Constitution and By- Laws of St. Juliana Altar Society


Article I (Name)

The name of the Society shall be St. Juliana Altar Society

Article II (Mission)

The mission of this Society shall be the care and maintenance of the altar and sanctuary of St. Juliana Church. Specific duties shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Provide articles such as altar linens, candles, flowers, etc. to enhance the beauty and ceremonies in the Church. 2. Assist in any project pertaining to the maintenance of the altar and sacristy. 3. Host fellowship and receptions for special events. 4. Care for (wash, iron, etc.) purificators and other cloths used at the altar. 5. Foster the spiritual development of its members through prayer and fellowship.

Article III (Membership)

The Altar Society shall be open to all women of St. Juliana parish. (Women shall be invited to join by bulletin announcement and personal invitation).

Article IV (Officers)

* Personnel: the officers of this Society shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

The Spiritual Director of this Society shall be the Pastor or someone designated by the President.

 Elections: Officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the October meeting.  Term of Office: The officers shall be elected for a term of two years, with the privilege of re-election for a second term.  Duties of Officers A. President: the President shall preside at all meetings of the society. She shall appoint all chairpersons and committees. The President shall, with the Treasurer, sign all checks and shall perform the duties pertaining to the office. B. Vice President: The Vice President shall attend all meetings, assist the President, and perform the duties of the President in her absence. The Vice- President shall act as Parliamentarian and shall assume the duties of the President in her absence.

C. Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings. She shall keep a correct list of the names and addresses of all members of the Society. She shall conduct all correspondence of the Society and shall be custodian of the files of official papers. In the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall conduct the meetings.

D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Society. She shall collect and deposit all dues along with any other monies acquired by the Society. She shall make all payments in accordance with the budget and handle other expenditures on authorization of the President. She shall keep full and accurate accounts and present financial statements at the regular meetings of the Society and turn over to her successor all books with a financial report upon completion of her term of office.

Article V. (Meetings):

Regular meetings shall be held after Mass on the fourth Sunday of each month, September through May. Exceptions to this meeting schedule may be made at the discretion of the President.

 A quorum of the Society shall be 50% of the members.

Article VI. (Committees)

Standing Committees and their duties: (Each committee will have a chairperson who will serve on a voluntary basis)

 Altar and Sacristy Care: All members will be invited to help clean and decorate the Church for special celebrations (Christmas, Easter, etc.).

Members will volunteer to prepare the Church for Sunday Mass. Members will volunteer to wash and iron cloths used at the Altar.

 Courtesy: This committee will send greeting cards, check on sick members of the parish and perform other duties as determined by the Chairperson and the President.  Social: This committee will prepare refreshments for all events as voted on by the general membership of the Society.

 Decorating: This committee will be responsible for purchasing flowers, decorations and other items to enhance the beauty of the Church.

Article VII (Financial Arrangements):

 The fiscal year of this Society shall be from January 1st to December 31st.  Dues: The dues of this Society shall be $3.00 per month for twelve months. (Members who fail to pay dues for one year without making arrangements with the president or treasurer will be dropped as a member of the Society). A long term member (5 or more years) who becomes ill and is no longer able to pay dues or attend meetings will be listed as an Honorary Member.

Article VIII: (Spiritual Benefits):

 Special graces: (By direction of the Pastor of St. Juliana Catholic Church)  Spiritual Exercises: Members will strive to attend Mass as a body on a regular basis, pray the Rosary as a group, or perform other spiritual excerises, as agreed upon by the members.  Masses: Upon the death of a member, the Society will have a Mass offered for the repose of her soul. A Mass card will be sent to the family by the designated chairperson.

Article IX (Parliamentary Authority): Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised shall be followed in all matters not provided for in these By-Laws.

Article X (Amendments):

These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the membership. The proposed amendment should be submitted in writing and read to the members one month before a vote is taken.

Article (XI)

All previous Articles in the Constitution and By-Laws are repealed.

The Constitution and By-Laws shall be reviewed every four years.

Adopted, 1998 Revised, 2014 Date reviewed: Date revised: Date adopted:

Date reviewed: Date revised: Date adopted:

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