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For those with sophisticated toys (GPS S 26’ 59” E 28 19’ 11”) Reveille meetings first Tuesday monthly except January 19hr30 for 20hr00

INTRODUCTION This dissertation was prompted as a result of frequent requests made to the writer by MOTH interested in our origins how we conduct ourselves at our meetings and in every day life as ex-servicemen now proud respectable members of Reveille and the unique MOTH order. The following paresis is respectfully presented by MOTH TREVOR THOMAS of Reveille Shellhole Benoni, previously of Bulawayo Lion Shellhole in Rhodesia. - (Originally Bulawayo Lion was named Rhodesian Lion)- Note: Throughout this précis the Masculine is also the Feminine Membership of the MOTH is restricted to ex- Front-Line War Veterans who qualify having submitted proof required by the MOTH Constitution see page 114 conditions. MOTH’s take direction and guidance given to us by MOTH Members of long good standing in the Shellhole and MOTH ORDER guided by the MOTH Constitution. .-(DO NOT REFER TO THE CONSTITUTION AS ‘THE PINK BOOK’ IT IS OUR CONSTITUTION AND STANDING ORDERS speak about it respectfully.

*QUALIFICATION REQUIRED TO BE CONSIDERED TO BECOME A MOTH*. Those who qualify for membership into the MOTH were previously ex- Navy, Army or Air-Force war veterans, who conditionally served under war- time conditions to be considered eligible for MOTH membership including a Shellholes approval Ref: (MOTH Constitution page 114 Annexure “B”)

THE FOUNDING OF THE MEMORABLE ORDER OF TIN HATS The MOTH ORDER was founded by Charles A Evenden (Evo) on the 7th May 1927 Durban South Africa with the aid of eleven WW1 ex-military service and work pals. At the time he was a cartoonist working for the Natal Mercury. A cartoon depicting ‘Forgetfulness’ about the (1914-1918)-(First World War) sketched by him entitled -“The Tin Hat”- stimulated his founding of the MOTH ORDER. An article placed in the Mercury news paper by a reporter pal Robert. Johnson (Johnnie) who wrote a recruitment paragraph in ‘his’ column ‘the idler’ This article stimulated a flood of ex-war veterans to storm the Durban Town Hall where the original recruitment was planned for and held. Johnies words to ‘Evo’ before writing the above story was:- “An idea like this only wants a spark and it will run like a prairie fire” What an accurate statement. - With only 50 tin-hats as we know them today plus a light hearted constitution and application forms their estimation of attendance fell far short of attendance. More tin-hats, constitutions and forms were urgently made to meet this overwhelming demand from both ex-service-men and woman applicants desiring to become MOTH.

2 * A GLIMPSE OF SOUTH AFRICA DURING 1927.* Most of the South African public of 1927 nine years after WW1 had some-how obviously lost sight of the contribution war veterans had made to peace and justice in the world after World War One- (1914-1918) - This first world war was supposed to put an end to all wars prompting the Mercury’s editor Kingstone.Russell to expose a world wide urgent problem with Evo’s sketch (The tin-hat) that provided the necessary impetus stimulating Evo to pursue his dream of forming an ex-service-men brotherhood into becoming reality. The public as a whole appeared to be unconcerned with veteran soldiers post war plight. Most war-veterans after this conflict found themselves in an unfamiliar civilian world without any help from the ‘Authorities’ to ease their burdens. Help was well overdue yet nothing happened until the above mentioned move was made to test soldier opinion to help them selves. Kingstone.Russell was the first ever ‘acting’ Old Bill no record being Old Bill . *THE CARTOON THAT FIRED THE FOUNDING OF THE MOTH ORDER.* Charles A Evendens cartoon ‘The tin-hat’ depicting ‘Forgetfulness’ gave him the push he needed to form our brotherhood of ex-servicemen and women. This idea of his had been carried around in his mind for a long time, first thinking of it on his return trip to Australia while traveling on a troop ship after his (WW1) service. He served with the ‘Australian New Zealand Army Corps’ (Anzac) forces during World War One at Gallipoly Turkey.-(Anzac military campaign)- that took place on the Turkish peninsular on the Mediterranean Sea. The above event is the most commemorated battle by Australians, New Zealanders and the Tasmanians. ie More so than the end of both WW1 and WW2 armistice commemorated by other Allied countries Remembrance-Day 11th November yearly.

3 EVO-MOTH ‘O’ Charles A Evanden is affectionately known as EVO and respectfully as MOTH ‘O.’ All MOTH Membership numbers follow on from MOTH ‘O’- Evo’s number naught. MOTH numbers are issued on attestation and recorded on our membership certificates. *MOTH membership numbers are the equivalent of our Military number* . THE NAME EVO -MOTH O’s fathers ‘nick-name ’Evo’ was adopted by MOTH ‘O’ as his own .

*THE LONDONER AUSTRALIAN SOUTH AFRICAN* -MOTH ‘O’ –‘Evo’- London born Evo immigrated first to Australia then to South Africa after seeing Durban from a troop-ship on his return to Australia after WW1. Africa drew him like a magnet. *Evo arrived in SA at age 28 then sadly passing away in 1961 at age 66*- He lived his MOTH dream for a short yet happy 34 fruitful years leaving a legacy.

*EVO MOTH ‘O’ WAS ALSO A VOLUNTEER* ‘Evo’-MOTH ‘O’- applied and turned down three or four times before being able to slip into the Australian armed service as a volunteer. His previous attempts failed due to his poor eye-sight and a badly damaged hand. His damaged hand hampered his artistic skills all his life. This injury occurred while still very young working in his first job in the UK

*UNION DEFENCE FORCE RED-TABS* South Africa and Rhodesia were fully manned by volunteers during WW1 and WW2 No conscription was in force in either country! Slide-on Red tabs were worn by all South African troops proudly displaying voluntary status of this country. * Allied countries conscripted all their healthy young into the armed forces.* Rhodesia and South African Armed Forces were the only forces during both wars to wear Brown Boots this practice continues by both countries to this day, others have followed. -Rhodesian Forces- Rhodesian forces refrained from displaying volunteer status. Rhodesian population by percentage contributed more manpower by proportion than any other Allied Forces during both World War One and Two .

4 *MOTH BACKGROUND* The need for a (war veterans-brother-hood) was obvious as some ex-soldiers had returned to civilian life war-wounded or just down in the dumps and disorientated even un-employed. Support and comfort was overdue for many of them with nowhere to turn This problem was not unique to Africa it was a world wide difficulty though his idea was being considered in South Africa ‘nine years’ after this brutal wars end Only an ex-soldier can truly imagine the bond soldiers form with one another during war that remains to include other ex-vets as pals from other wars when acquainted. World circumstances at that time following this most horrendous war was now in peace mode, not that it was obvious as various tensions were there only different. Without exception, ex-soldiers missed their war-time camaraderie experienced only while in uniform. This identity shared between war-vets turned out to be the key needed for an ex-servicemen association to come together satisfying most soldiers. Similar attitudes internationally were experienced and since continued after other wars throughout the world, resulting in the formation of ‘Veterans Associations’ sprouting in most countries examples are in the UK, (Anzac)-Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania - America, Canada and Russia possibly with the largest numbers

*HISTORY HAS A HABIT OF REPEATING ITSELF* At the conclusion of WW Two similar attitudes and circumstances accounted for swelled MOTH Membership throughout colonial Africa and the United Kingdom. *Sadly - WW Two, South African Black Soldiers were given ‘a suit and a bicycle” as their -‘Reward’- for 6 long years service in the Front Lines of Battle in North Africa and Italy!* They were in a sedentary role yes! It was no safer than other troops-(???)-. -Rhodesian soldiers fared a lot better by being given help to buy their own property .


*REVEILLE SHELLHOLE* Reveille Shellhole had over a thousand visitors attend every MOTH meeting in the Benoni Town-Hall during 1945 and 1946. From these large numbers of MOTH and visitors, many previously from operative Benoni and Boksburg Shellholes were formed, since now closed. Sadly many Shellholes have since closed down, mainly due to WW2 MOTH Sunset- calls. When the writer arrived on transfer from Rhodesia to Reveille in 1980 over 150 MOTH attended the 1st Tuesday night monthly meetings. At that time MOTH were either WW1 or mostly WW2 veterans with me a lone Rhodie for at least my first two years after my arrival in the land of my birth, my parents having exported me when still a baby. Currently twenty-five MOTHS attending a monthly meeting is now considered an excellent turn-out, this includes five or more visitors from other Shellholes.

Our ‘Outstanding Reveille Shellhole Building’ quoted in ‘Old Soldiers Never Die’ ie Evo’s book titled Benoni MOTH Center, now referred to as Reveille Shellhole. *Reveilles Visitors book contains Evo’s entry also Vera Lynn’s* *WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.* *World War One and World War Two Volunteers* Veterans who found themselves un-employed after WW1 and WW2 were young volunteers who had recently left school to join-up. Most without any job market qualifications or Matric school qualifications. South Africa and Rhodesia comprised of Volunteers only in their armed forces No one was conscripted during WW1 orWW2.this only came about when National Service started in the fifties -see ‘Red tabs’ later-

*World-wide economic down-turn* The downturn in the world economy post WW1 placed most people in financial difficulties. Unfortunately this desperate financial situation extended itself into the 1930’s. Historically this period was known as the Great Depression having affected the whole world without exception prompting reasons for WW Two (1939 to 1945)

*THE MOTH ORDER WAS BORN ON 7th MAY 1927* Our MOTH rites, rituals and traditions are adopted from British culture surrounding the period of the Battle of Delville Wood and commemorated by MOTH on 16th July 1914. The battle of Delville Wood was a devastating horrific battle where Rhodesians and South Africans fought side by side. .Both countries fielded only Volunteers. -Other Allied-Servicemen during WW1 (1914-1918) were all Conscripted-. *The Second World War saw a repeat of SA and Rhodie volunteers once again. Our volunteer attitude saw the only Two Armies at that time to wear ‘Brown Boots’

6 This tradition or practice has continued in both countries without change since then

*MOTH RITES AND RITUALS* MOTH use WW1 slang for the fun of it, we constantly try to emulate WW1 morals and disciplined way of life as our own. This attempted behavior is evident in what we pursue in our every day lives also during our behavior and conduct during MOTH meetings. WW1 Chivalry during this period of history (1914-1918) is unfortunately no longer seen. Historically at that time society was motivated by gentlemanly behavior at all levels, now these traits all MOTH eagerly strive for so willingly proudly MOTH’s . THE MOTH OATH IS OUR THREE IDEALS - (TC - MH - SM.) – . TC = True Comradeship. MH = Mutual Help. SM =Sound memory  TC = True Comrades- The way disciplined soldiers behave towards one another while in uniform, the way it occurred during our various wars. MOTH and Other Ex-Servicemen are automatically Comrades.  MH = Mutual Help, The same help we provided for one another so willingly while in our particular war, this continues as a MOTH. . -This personal aspect is individually meaningful.-  SM = Sound Memory.- Our Roots-Rites-Traditions and pride.  The above three ideals are what soldiers the world over seem to stand for during war service from rookie to veterans and now in the MOTH ORDER. Our Individual Regiments, Units, Companies, Platoons Ships or Squadrons, include areas of deployment uniqueness, dangers, happiness, laughter or sadness, ups and downs are all part of the mix it’s a khaki bond of memories never to be taken away from any of us. A help ‘makaar’ thing only ex-servicemen can understand

. *TO THE FALLEN* They went with songs to the battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. Laurence Binyon 21st September 1914

*NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN* *Never neglect learning about your roots within the MOTH ORDER or about those of your Shellhole. Never neglect motivation left behind by fellow MOTH who have since answered the sunset call for their sacrifices made for freedom and justice that followed their actions no different to your or my war wherever it may have occurred. Never forget the where, when, why or how, own your moments. -MOTH Trevor.Thomas- MOTH SYMBOL ie Tin-hat and verse.

. -SUNSET CALLS- We show respect for our fallen fellow MOTH who have answered the Sunset Call. The memory of fallen comrades is forever in our thoughts – (Sound Memory)- -They paid the supreme sacrifice for freedom and justice-. *THE VACANT CHAIR SALUTE IS IN RESPECT FOR ALL OUR FALLEN* We Commemorate all Sunset calls with a salute to the ‘Vacant Chair’ dedicated to all the ‘Unknown Soldiers’ who died without a grave to call their own, included are the memory of our own individual war-time comrades who answered the sunset-call during our war.

7 -Included are all MOTH Comrades who have since answered the Sunset-call.-. *This MOTH salute is always given with bowed heads and in true thanksgiving*

THE MOTH PRAYER (Ritual) I shall pass through this world but once, any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show my fellow-man, let me do it now, let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again!- Also known as ‘WHITE KNIGHT’-Author unknown-

. PRAYER TO OUR FALLEN. (Ritual) They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. By Laurence Binyon 1926

*ALL MOTH EXECUTIVE TASKING IS THE OLD BILLS RESPONSIBILITY* THE OLD BILLS FIRST DUTY AT A MOTH MEETING IS ENSURING THE REQUIRED CORUM OF MOTH IN GOOD STANDING ARE IN ATTENDANCE ie A CORUM IS 20% OF (PAID-UP) MOTH. (ie MOTH in good standing 1 in 5) Nb NO SHELLHOLE IDEAS OR DECISIONS MAY BE PROPOSED SECONDED OR RATIFIED WITHOUT THE CORUM OF SHELLHOLE MOTH IN ATTENDANCE. *NO MOTH is a free agent to add or subtract from any MOTH traditions, rites or rituals* The Wee Bill is an Old Bill in waiting ‘except at Reveille’ A good MOTH intention that has never followed on at Reveille. Wee Bill is Old Bills helper standing in if required

*SHELLHOLE EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY* *MOTH- Rites-Ritual-Traditional and Prayers some-up the 'MOTH OATH’* *TC True Comrades-MH Mutual Help-SM Sound Memory* Collectively the Adjutant and Pay Bill are our ‘money-bags’ responsible for Shellhole funds and Security. They are the ‘Watch-Dogs of all Shellhole financials and procedures.. *Old Bill remains the Responsible-Person*. *Wee Bill is expected to ensure responsible effective procedures are followed* The Shellholes Executive is jointly responsible for the traditional MOTH way of running the Shellhole smoothly no different to running a successful business. The MOTH ORDER subscribes to ‘Smart-Edge’ accounting system for the Shellhole All Shellhole executives are required to be familiar with the Smart Edge system to be able to manage our Shellhole funds and avoid inaccurate procedures or false authorization. Nb Poor record keeping results in no control easily opening-up opportunities for fraud. *Fraud has previously occurred in the MOTH ORDER*. Guess what? *Shellholes go broke because ‘someone’ broke the law of the land)* Nb Where fingers are ‘found in the till’ a crime has occurred, a criminal case will be opened and fully investigated. If guilt is proved criminal charges will be initiated. Offenders face excommunication from the MOTH ORDER is guaranteed.-What a shame- *Compliments and complaints are to be investigated by the executive for acceptance*

*COMMEMORATIVE MOTH CALENDER*  There are five commemorative dates on the MOTH calendar where both Rhodesians and South Africans fought together side by side during both WW1 and WW2. Nb *These five dates are recorded on the reverse of your MOTH Membership Card.*


8  MAY 07- Founders Day (The founding of the MOTH ORDER). -Commemorative Church Parade and Family-day with friends..  MAY 24- General. Jan. Smuts’ birthday.- (Tree Planting).-  JULY 16- Delville Wood. (A WW1 battle in France) -(Parade)-  OCTOBER 23- El Alamein (A WW2 battle in North Africa)-(Parade)-  NOVEMBER 11- Remembrance Day- Commemorating the End of both WW1 and World War 2 also wars that followed everywhere are commemorated.  All MOTH parades are held on the Sunday closest to the dates listed above.  All MOTH Parades are Church Parades. All MOTH commemorative calendar dates are seen on the reverse of each yearly membership card for easy referral. . *THE TWO MINUTE MOTH PARADE SILENCE.* In honour of Survivors and the Fallen of all wars are two minutes of respectful silence. First minute is dedicated to all survivors the second minute to all the Fallen. Parade stands to attention in complete silence and respect, this parade ritual haves its roots in South Africa its inception credited to the inspiration of Sir Percy Fitzpatrick of ‘Jock of the bushvelt’ fame. Sir Percy was an author, politician and mining financier. His eldest son a Major serving previously with ‘Imperial Light Horse’ was killed in action on 4th December 1917 at Blaumitz in France during World War One. Two years later, Sir Patrick requested through Lord Milner former High Commissioner for South Africa propose on his behalf to King George V that a moment of silence be observed annually on the 11th November in honour of the dead of World War One. On the 17th November 1917 King George V proclaimed that at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month there may be for the brief space of two minutes, a complete suspension of all our normal activities so that in perfect silence, the thoughts of everyone may be concentrated on reverent remembrance of the glorious dead! The first minute of silence period is thanksgiving for those who have survived. The second minute to remember the fallen.

*PROTOCOL SILENCE ON PARADE* For parade protocol purposes ‘each minute of silence’ are concurrently consecrated. First minute after ‘Last Post’ the second before-‘Reveille’-both blown by a lone Bugler *Parade format*. *MOTH salute and MOTH Prayer to the fallen is followed by a lone bugler blowing ‘Last Post’ followed by MOTH drop-salute signaling Reveille to be blown* *During the above ritual all on parade remain to attention during Last Post and Reveille* See this full ritual format later.

9 . *MOTH VETERAN FORMAL DINNERS* Reveille arranges a Veterans Formal Dinner most years where the younger MOTH’s serve as waiters to older veterans. All MOTH events are always shared with other Shellholes, Military Units, family and friends. Dinner dates selected are usually a Friday or Saturday evening close to a MOTH calendars event

*MOTHS MUST ACHIEVE THESE OBJECTIVES*  Learn about the MOTH ORDER its history, rites, ritual and traditions, necessary to create pride in what you stand for as a disciplined MOTH.  Should a MOTH know any or all MOTH subjects well, then it becomes his duty to teach those new members in the MOTH ORDER who don’t know.  Should you not know a MOTH subject ask your mentor to teach you so that you understand then, put this new found knowledge into practice on-going throughout your MOTH career  .Don’t be a slacker be a go-getter, learn all you can, knowledge is power.!

*MOTH OATH & MOTH SALUTE*. (These Rituals are taught and enforced on Installation night)

*MOTH OATH* -Don’t take your ‘OATH’ lightly! “I give my comradeship to this Shellhole and my zeal to this order, I give my cheerful service as a witness that we live to lighten each others burden. In the light of this Shellhole, I declare that he who fought by my side is my comrade still wherever he may be and in his name I solemnly acknowledge by this MOTH salute that we are here to work within the three ideals TC-MH-SM which require our practical expression and sincere endeavor in the work of this memorable order” *(Recruits repeat the above with suitable pauses prompted by the Old Bill)*

*HOW TO MOTH SALUTE* . An Open Right hand placed over an Open Left hand. (The right hands thumb is to be positioned in your belly button). Nb -The MOTH salute is not reverse arms it is uniquely MOTH. Napoleon quoted –‘An Efficient and Effective Army Marches on its Stomach’ . *MOTH BLAZER BADGE* The badge is designed with a lit candle placed on a Tin-Hat at its centre, symbolizing a Light of Remembrance in respect to our fallen comrades. *(The Tin-Hat that saved so many lives in times of war)*symbolizes the perpetuation of front line comradeship that transcends race rank and material worth in memory of our MOTH roots, rites, rituals and traditions in memory of our Elder Brethren who since have answered the sunset call, included symbolizing us being protected under an ‘umbrella covering’ by the tin-hat all in common pursuit and unity with one another and our -MOTH-Three Ideals - (TC-MH-SM)- Twelve stars are arranged in an un-ending circle symbolizes us being proud MOTH for every twelve months of a year and in our daily and nightly actions donating the eternal universe, forever the divine example of harmony.

10 The two inverted and crossed rifles with bayonets fixed are leaning as if thrust into battlefield soil, crossed to signify sacrifice and reserved as a token of remembrance in honour of those soles who paid the supreme sacrifice, shows all beholders that we are proud veterans in our unique brotherhood, the MOTH ORDER.

. *THE WORD-MOTH* The word MOTH is already in the plural ie-(Memorial Order of Tin-Hats)-so there is no need to say Moths! Having said that, most MOTH use MOTH’s ongoing during every day conversation. Do not ever feel guilty if criticized for saying MOTH’s as Evo used ‘MOTH’s’ on-going in his book -(Old Soldiers Never Die)- a biography about himself and how the MOTH idea evolved. This story was only written long after the founding the MOTH . * MOTH FLAG* The MOTH flag has three equally spaced vertical panels its colours, Navy blue, Red and Air force light blue. ie. From the left, Navy Blue symbolic of the Senior service the Navy, then Army Red , followed by the junior service the Air Force light blue. At the center, a white tin-hat with lit candle. The MOTH flag is flown at all our parades. It also hangs on the Executive Top Table at MOTH meetings. *-(Never allow any flag to lie down like a tablecloth) -* However, we drape a MOTH’s coffin with our MOTH flag at MOTH funerals. The Tin-Hat and lighted candle mounted on a plinth is placed thereon Scatter paper poppies are added onto the coffin as a ritual part of our MOTH input at funeral services all part of tradition being our final cheerio. (As a matter of interest, R.S.A’s protocol –‘Police’- SAPS- are the Senior Service.). The reason, the First Service formed in South Africa was the Police. In Rhodesia it was the British South Africa Police. -Nb Any countries first formed military service evolved is the ’Senior Service’-

*MOTH BANNER* The Banner is designed in the above flags colours yet oblong in shape, the smaller measurement at the top. The banner is mounted on a two meter long staff. Usually the Shellholes name appears at the banners base. Banner bearers, march ahead of a parade when marching in ‘Column of Route.’ The banners staff fits into a retaining pouch mounted to a waist belt usually white in colour. This staff is held with left hand fully extended the right hand belt high. When standing to Attention in ‘Review Order’ on parade, banner bearers take up position in the center of the front rank of a platoon formed-up in threes. Lowering the banner to ground level occurs when in-salute. .ie MOTH salute.

*OUR MOTH UNIFORM AND DRESS REGULATIONS*. Dress regulations are a strict dress code. Wear only MOTH regulation uniform. No mixing of non-regulation clothing. ie - (As per military regulations)- .-Black (single-breasted) Blazer with MOTH badge and MOTH buttons -White Shirts with Navy Blue MOTH Tie. *(Reveille embroidered shirts are available from Shellholes Quartermaster)* - School Grey longs with school grey socks only to be worn. - (During winter wear only a school grey pullover or jersey) - Black shoes only worn with a black belt or with black braces. - (Please ‘No Industrial Shoes’ to be worn!)- *Dress Smart - you are an ex-Soldier*.

11 Be a proud MOTH we are always on parade, *We are all MOTH AMBASSADORS*

*RHODESIAN MOTH DRESS REGULATRIONS* The only exception to the above Dress Regulations apply to Rhodesians who became MOTH while living in Rhodesia and conditionally prior to April 1980. The Rhodesian differences are a MOTH Black tie having a larger than normal gold MOTH logo and worn with Black socks and Black pullover or jersey in winter. -Black being the colour associated with mourning the suggestion was initiated- At the advent of UDI in Rhodesia no Business or Association was legally permitted to have their (GHQ) (Head-Quarters) located outside of Rhodesia. *(MOTH GHQ is entrenched in Durban South Africa for all time)* Rhodies being both proud and stubborn in Silent Protest chose to change Rhodesian MOTH Dress Regulations by wearing Black accessories in mourning in preference to regulation MOTH traditional grey accessories and a navy blue tie. -The above decisions were not for political reasons- . *TRADITIONAL SCHOOL UNIFORM IS OUR MOTH REGALIA*. Inspect yourself thoroughly before you go anywhere! – You are your own SGT/MAJ. MOTH regalia was adopted from Traditional school uniform. * Buy your regalia only from a school outfitter for it to be correct in every respect* Previously mentioned, many a WW1 veteran joined-up straight from school on their return to civvy-street many ex-soldiers continued to wear their school uniforms in a very hard unfamiliar civilian world and not being able to afford anything new. *MOTH Uniform is Traditional South African and Rhodesian Schools Uniform*

. *MOTH TIN-HAT DRESS REGULATIONS* *WEARING YOUR TIN- HAT APROPRATLY MAKES YOU FULLY DRESSED* (Provision is made available should you be unable to wear your MOTH regalia for any reason to a MOTH function or unable to change into MOTH regalia after work)

*MOTH AWARDS DRESS REGULATIONS* Only one award may be worn at a time. Position the award one pencil width below the tin-hat. ONLY A POPPY MAY BE ADDED UNDER THE TIN-HAT NOTHING ELSE.

* RECRUITMENT* Its every MOTH’s duty to recruit new members who qualify to join our ranks.- Look only for those ex-soldiers who will be an asset to your Shellhole not to increase numbers for your nominal role. *YOUR RECRUIT WILL WEAR A JACKET WITH A TIE TO EVERY MEETING.* .-Do not accept any slackness of dress ever! You and he reflect the MOTH where ever you both go or speak with. *Dress requirements are not negotiable*. When you go fishing go slack. Only smart is acceptable at a MOTH meeting. *Nb -You and your Recruit WILL be correctly dressed at all times!*

*SPONSORSHIP REQUIREMENTS* Every potential MOTH requires a Sponsor, to issue him with application forms and vet and prepare the recruit. Explain clearly what occurs at our meetings and reasons. Do your job well and your recruit will be more relaxed and enthusiastic to learn what you have to

12 teach them. Where you do not feel adequate for this briefing task to train your recruit, call on a suitably qualified MOTH to assist you. Listen intently to how this was done, do this task yourself the next time you are part of the team! Nb Ensure the encumbant qualifies and has proof of whatever claims he makes. NB.. Three consecutive visits to Shellhole meetings is necessary by all recruits. . *THREE MONTH COMPULSORY WAITING PERIOD* *The waiting period allows enough time to reveal the recruits suitability and seriousness to become a worthy MOTH. If unsuitable, ample time is also available to withdraw your sponsorship without any prejudice to either the MOTH or recruit.  Explain the Three Ideals TC-MH-SM. (Show and explain the dice blocks on the top table) Show Evo’s and Gen. Smuts’ photographs displayed one on the left and right of the sanctuary ‘North Wall’. ie Evo on the left – Ou Baas on the right. Explain both their Status and Honour shown to them in MOTHDOM.  Explain the MOTH Custom of holding a glass in the left hand during Harmony it shows Honour and Respect for our Founder and all our fallen Comrades (Never to spill a drop while shaking hands) *(Left and Right hands will be more fully explained later)*

RECRUITS The happiest Recruits are those who enjoyed their military careers with all its bull, this was an important part of our Military life followed into Mothdom. Soldiers that were disciplined militarily, always smartly dressed, and interested in ALL things they made the best soldiers usually the best MOTH’s  The cherry on top are those who served in Units with ‘Esprit de corps’ proud, immaculately turned-out, well mannered with gentlemanly behavior. *We are always on display and expected to behave like MOTH Ambassadors* . *Teach your recruit these qualities in preparation of becoming a proud MOTH* Complete the ideal MOTH cocktail. - (If worth doing, do it well or not at all)-

 Caution the recruit :- MOTH is not Religion, - Not an intended Drinking-Hole, Democratic Sports Club or a place of easy Hand-outs You are ex-Military so don’t change, be disciplined under all circumstances.  Should undesirable traits appear likely in the recruit’s attitude when the above is made known drop him like a hot-cake. *Remember we have to live with our choices* . *BE RESPONSIBLE* Encourage sobriety! eg If found guilty at a road-block it could destroy ones image and discredits the MOTH let alone the damage to ones family and situation at your place of employment. Be responsible blokes!!- OK? Additionally no wife or mother needs to deal with a drunk!

*ACCEPTABLE USE OF TRENCH LANGUAGE AND RESTRICTIONS*. Explain why trench language is used in moderation at Sanctuary meetings. ie (1914-1918) Soldiers did it and Evo condoned its use in moderation} (Don’t over-do it chaps) *Trench language must be avoided when females or dignitaries visit us*

13 RECRUITMENT OF BORDERBOYS The number of Border Boys who qualify to become MOTH is considerable. Therefore these potential applicants need to be harvested if and when an opportunity arises to speak with them. Look only for quality not quantity, tell a recruit this MOTH story. Where satisfied with the incumbent and his credentials, most importantly, does he aspires to know more and desire to attend a monthly meeting, submit his details to your Old Bill together with completed sponsorship forms. Explain where forms are submitted they are to include proof of operational service with deployment dates this including Medals are to be verified by both our Shellhole executive first and later by MOTH GHQ in Durban. This requirement is to occur before the next Shellhole Meeting including sponsorship forms to enable onward transmission to District then, Province before reaching GHQ. The above requirement is most important Nb Don’t be slack on this or any other items. Note. The jobs not done till the paper work is in order

*AVOID RECRUITMENT PROBLEMS* Un-fortunately, some applicants join the Order without taking the MOTH OATH seriously on installation night resulting in their return to the wilderness with no gain for the incumbent or us or the MOTH ORDER. Approach your recruitment correctly- Avoid any problems speak clearly and be serious. Sponsorship forms are obtainable from the Old Bill or Adjutant. (Check the constitution to ensure the applicant qualifies to become a MOTH) See page116 ANNEXURE “B” (Don’t cause disappointment for either party)-  Make sure your recruit is set-on becoming a MOTH.  ENSURE ALL THE RECRUITS CREDENTIALS HAVE BEEN CHECKED BY THE OLD BILL OR SHELLHOLE ADJUTANT.  On meeting night introduce your recruit to everyone - no exceptions! FOLLOW ALL THE ABOVE ORIENTATION REQUIREMENTS. *THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT*.

*A MOTH COMRADE* Who is this happy warrior ? Who is he whom everyman in arms should wish to be ? It’s his generous spirit whose high endeavors are an inward light that makes a path before him always bright Wordsworth

-*TRADITIONALY MOTH DESCRIPTIONS* - WW1 MOTH - were first generation MOTH. There are no longer any WW I South Africans or Rhodesians alive. WW2 MOTH – known as second generation MOTH Those of us who followed are considered to be third generation MOTH . WHY ARE ONLY (WW1) MOTHS REFERED TO AS GENTLEMEN?

14 Referring to a current serving MOTH as a Gentlemen is being disrespectful towards veterans of world war one... Using the above terminology is a chargeable MOTH offence. *The word Gentlemen is reserved for WW1 veterans only* . -THREE TRADITIONAL DESCRIPTIONS ARE GIVEN TO WORLD WAR ONE.- WW1 has three accepted historic descriptions labeling that horrendous war. The Great War The war to end all wars The last Gentleman’s war.

Being a Gentleman was part of English and European culture of the period.

THE LEFT AND RIGHT HAND IN MOTHDOM EXPLAINED. (Swords were worn on the left hip for both Right handed and Left handed Officers.) Left handed Officers would draw their sword with their right hand then transfer it to their left hand to use it. The Right Hand is known as the Working Hand in Mothdom. There is no provision made in any Military for Lefties by any of the Worlds Military. . The right hand is the Working hand. The left hand is the hand of Honour.  MOTH’s show respect for all WW 1 veterans by:- a) Referring to them as the last MOTH Gentlemen in this wonderful brotherhood. b) MOTH’s enjoy a drink when holding a drinking glass in the left hand only, to shows respect for sacrifices made by WW1 Soldiers whilst fighting for freedom and justice in the world we have now inherited from them. c) Our left hand, hand of honour, respects veterans of the first world war-(1914-1918)- . MOTH Left and Right hands are explained detail later. - See The North Wall.- In support of the above claims historically it is said that the last honorable “Gentleman” fought one another during the First World War (1914-1918). To give substance to this claim during a recess in hostilities during Christmas 1914 set in ‘No-Mans-Land’ Allied and German forces climbed out of their trenches to shake hands with one another then have a smoke followed by singing Christmas carols afterwards they enjoyed a game of soccer together! The next day it was back to war as usual. * (What a Gentlemanly way to fight a war) * The above story was quoted by Evo in his book “Old soldiers never die”

*During the inception of the MOTH, who chose to join?* When the MOTH was formed Boer-War veterans from both sides joined the MOTH. Later many of these previously hostile ethnic enemies became the best of pals; ending years of racial rift previously entrenched in South African Society

. *King George V words* Evo quoted King George V words, taken from his last Christmas message that became the famous MOTH slogan “We are the friends of all and the enemy of none” His son King George VI also created a famous MOTH slogan ending his radio Christmas message before arrival in South Africa on the battleship HMS Vanguard on 17th February 1947 with his family at Cape Town docks.

15 By now the King and his word had become one with the South African public. “I said to the Man who stood at the gate of the year, ’Give me a light that I may step boldly into the unknown.’ And he said to me, ‘Put thine hand into the hand of God and it shall be to thee better than light and safer than a known way”. This poetic Kingly words are often used at MOTH funerals. - see later-.

*PROUDLY A MOTH* *To be called MOTH------is surely the highest respect any veteran can be shown*.

-SHELLHOLE STANDARDS- MOTH ‘O’ advocated that we develop our Shellholes to a very high standard ensuring that all our needs are met to create a belongingness -Your Shellhole is your home! When our Shellhole standards are operating efficiently, eg Workmanship Structurally its Plumbing, Electrical, Paintwork and furnishings etc, only then is welfare or other forms of assistance for ‘others’ be considered as a proposal for another Shellhole project. MOTH ‘O’ said very clearly “The MOTH ORDER is not a charity” Our MOTH priority remains the relief of ex-servicemen and their families in need. When our ex-service project help is successfully achieved, the civilian aged can be considered followed by civilian youth, thereafter other civic needs may be considered.

*REVEILLE DONATION PROJECTS*. Where Reveille has R500-00 spare, traditionally, we look for a fresh project selection. Reveilles primary project contributions are to MOTH Cottages in Benoni and Brakpan Yearly our consideration is a list of benefits for our contribution, not all are ex-military.

-TINNED BULLY BEEF- (Reveille Shellholes Traditional Snack) The staple diet for WW1 & WW2 soldiers was hot or cold Bully-Beef with a dog biscuit. During the bush war in Rhodesia 1944 North African Desert War issue Bully- Beef was issued to Rhodesian troops. This issue was tastily eaten by the Rhodesian Security Forces without any adverse health consequences ……….the writer included. Our traditional snack at Reveille is a slice of bully beef together with a slice of Red- Onion ring previously soaked in white vinegar, served between a bread roll. (Lately this tradition has been discontinued due to the increased cost of a can of bully). Currently, our Supply Bill and his team create different snacks for us on meeting nights . DOOR LEVY and CHARGES The main reason for signing-in on entry to our sanctuary is numbers in attendance at meeting for record purposes also establishing if a Shellholes attendance Quorum NB….. NO Quorum = NO decision making is permitted …a MOTH constitution requirement. Door levy contribution requirements cover the cost of snacks supplied during harmony. *(Charges and fines are for fun and a welfare collection all falsely initiated by Sgt/Maj)* Fines imposed add fun and laughter during MOTH meetings. Guaranteed! Our Sgt/Maj will find some infringement, genuine or imagined to charge us with. Do not be offended if charged, it’s an honour to contribute towards welfare funds. Share in your Shellholes Bull for the evening it’s a MOTH Tradition having fun. No MOTH will ever be charged where unable to contribute financially. (Charges occur just before a meetings closure)

16 (HOW WERE THESE FINES DETERMINED) Charges are determined in multiples of a days pay at WW1 rates of One shilling per days fine. The current ‘One Rand Coin’ being of similar size with our previous South African currency of Pounds shillings and pence. A Shilling rate is now a Rand per day fine. Don’t expect a ‘one day fine’ it won’t happen! The ten day fine is more likely. In the interest of some fun during a hearing the prisoners-friend is permitted to defend the accused MOTH, much like a useless defense lawyer. The more unreal non-sense spoken during the defense proceedings obviously promotes even more fun and laughter... Nb Defaulters are always found guilty. Fine minimum is R5-00 and maximum R10-00. (Be glad to receive a fine, it is an honor plus you get to give the blokes a laugh!)

*THE MOTH ORDER IS APOLITICAL* No Political Event or political fund raising may ever occur on MOTH property. MOTH is no different to any Military, never talk Politics, Religion or about Females. . (Manners maketh the MOTH).

. - (THE BATTLE OF DELVILLE WOOD)-. The battle of Delville Wood is commemorated on 16th July every year or on the closest Sunday to this date. Timings are 10hr15 for 10hr30- Last-Post is sounded at 11hr00. A Six day and five night South African and Rhodesian battle while serving together as the 1st South African Infantry Brigade from 05hr00 on 15th July 1916 to 21st July 1916.

*MOTH PARADE FORMAT* THIS FORMAT APPLIES TO EVERY MOTH PARADE. MOTH TRADIONAL REGULATION FORMAT INCLUDES HYMNS. Traditionally MOTH - No additions or subtractions are permitted to any MOTH Traditions, rites or rituals are permitted under any circumstances ever

. *MOTH CHURCH PARADE SEQUENCES* See a parade program example my story addendum. *PARADE TIMINGS, OBJECTIVES AND MOTH TRADITIONAL RITUAL* NB… In accordance with Military Protocol the National Flag is already raised 10hrs15 Invited Guests and Visitors are expected to be already seated with a program. District Sgt/Maj Delegates banner bearers be marched into position. Unit banners are placed in strict Protocol Service Order into the banner rack provided. Sentry positions are selected and marched into position coming to attention at the Wall or Cenotaph steps. Once called to the MOTH salute, they remain at the salute for the duration of the parade. Drop salute and dismiss only occurs when the District Sgt/Maj calls the parade-end. eg ‘To harmony and fun parade dismiss’. 10hrs25 District Sgt/Maj falls-in MOTHS and visitors dressed in blazers into three ranks. Brings the parade to attention and marches them towards the cenotaph and halted. (Briefs location of pre-allocated seats) - To your seats fall-out. - 10hrs40 District Old Bill welcomes Shellholes ex-servicemen VIP-guests and visitors to our Remembrance Parade thanking everyone for their attendance and Reveille for hosting and organizing the parade. Asks District Sgt/Maj to bring the parade to attention MOTH Chaplain, Priest or Reverend assumes his position for the Invocation. (District Sgt/Maj orders civilian men remove headdress – Those in Uniform – Remove head-dress – One – Two Three One. MOTH Chaplin delivers the Invocation. (ie An invitation to pray) - ( Nb Caps are off) -

17 After the Invocation. District Sgt/Maj Orders a slow headdress Replacement Replace headdress –One---Two---Three-One. (Nb If any additional prayers repeat above) Orders Parade - Stand at ease - Stand easy Hymn - Amazing grace. (Chaplin continues with his Scripture reading and or Sermon). Hymn - Abide with me. MOTH Chaplin delivers the Benediction. (ie An invitation to receive a blessing) Chaplin and District Old Bill change places 10hr57 -District Old Bill asks Sgt/Maj to bring the parade to attention 11hr00 -District Old Bill Orders - ‘MOTH SALUTE’ - Last Post is be blown with simultaneous National Flag and other flags slowly lowered. Parade remains at the salute for the full ‘two minute silence. ie One minute for survivors, the other One minute for the fallen. At conclusion of Last Post the Parade remains to attention for the MOTH Ritual. District Old Bill delivers the MOTH opening prayer to the fallen during all wars ‘Let us remember our elder brethren for they shall grow not old, as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, -‘We will remember them’- MOTHS Respond -‘We will remember them’- Next an exception of a rule - The District Sgt/Maj orders MOTH- DROP SALUTE (District Sgt/Maj Orders -Uniformed Officers and Warrant officers on parade - -TO YOUR FRONT SALUTE- *District Sgt/Maj salutes using an open hand salute* The lone bugler sounds Reveille. The National flag and other flags are slowly hoisted When blowing of Reveille is concluded. District Sgt/Maj Orders UNIFORED PERSONNEL--- ‘DROP SALUTE’ *The following salute includes suitably dressed MOTH see explanation later* ------o------*EXPLANATION* NB *Only one style of Military salute is permitted by a regulation dressed MOTH veteran or a MOTH wearing MOTH regalia is to include beret and badge use only British Army open hand salute applicable during (WW One and WW Two) ie (1914-18) & (1939-45) . *INTERNATIONAL VETERANS DRESS REGULATIONS* *Regimental Traditional step-out dress eg Blazer and badge buttoned-up, tie beret and badge to qualify as ‘Uniformed Military Dress International’ Provision: Use Applicable Salute Only. ------o------District Old Bill - Wreath laying will now commences read-out by the Wreath Orderly. Wreath Orderly reads-out the wreath to be collected in strict Protocol Order During wreath laying a Lone-Piper plays ‘Flowers of the Forrest’ until conclusion. *Visitors who desire to lay a single Rose, supplied by Reveille Shellhole may do so now*

District Old Bill announces whoever desires to participate in the-‘Klip-Stapeling’- come forward. - MOTH, Ex-servicemen, Associations, Family, Visitors, Friends and Public - *Klip Stapeling is a Boer-War ritual*


18 The salute is held by uniformed personnel until the conclusion of the National Anthem


*Note Nb District Sgt/Maj and MOTHS do not share in this flag salute* MOTH APOLOTICAL STATUS APPLIES IN THIS INSTANCE

District Old Bill reads Protocol list in appreciation, invites guests to attend refreshments asks District Sgt/Maj to close the Remembrance Day Parade *PARADE CONCLUSION* District Sgt/Maj Orders: Parade ---To harmony and fun –-- Dismiss –--

*Battle of Delville Wood* Delville Wood was a Scene in the Battle of the Somme in France during World War One . This battle started on July15th 1916 lasted 5 days. General Sir H.T.Lukin in Command of South Africans and Rhodesians gave orders to take and hold their position at all costs. Delville Wood is close to the town of Longueval located 90 kms north-east of Paris a key position during the battle of the Somme. Our forces succeeded in capturing this wood however, a series of counter-attacks launched by German forces continued almost day and night for 5 days. Enemy shells fell at a rate of over 400 shells per minute during this horrific battle. Our troops held their ground despite fearful losses. Relief only came on 20th July 1916. Of the121 Officers and 3032 other Ranks that entered the wood the uninjured Survivors 5 Officers and 750 Other Ranks. THIS BATTLE SAW THE LARGEST LOSS OF LIFE IN MILITARY HISTORY OF BOTH SOUTH AFRICA AND RHODESIA. (During the First World War Internationally 8 Million soles lost their lives) A National Monument Commemorating the Battle of Delville Wood stands at this battle site in France, its Duplicate at the Union Buildings in Pretoria. South Africa. *The Battle of El Alamein* - Libya North Africa (WW2) - The Battle of El Alamein is commemorated yearly on 23rd October or closest Sunday.

*World War Two casualties* Fifty Million lives were lost these were from all countries that participated in this war Twenty Million were Military personnel. Twenty three and a half Million were Civilians Six and a half Million were children. Sadly mankind has learnt nothing from the carnage during wars the world is at war somewhere. Observations of Edmund Burke in 1729 were:- The only thing necessary For the triumph of evil is For good men to do nothing.

*THE WEARING OF MEDALS WITH MOTH REGALIA* *Nb All MOTH parades are Church Parades where we wear only full sized Medals* (Miniature medals may only be worn with Mess Dress or a Dress- Suit.)- The wearing of Medals is under instruction of Old Bill for the various church parades.


19 (El Alamein takes its name from a Railway Siding of that name in Libya, near where these three battles of El Alamein took place.(In withdrawal by our and Allied forces.) The Third Battle of El Alamein started for us in withdrawal from Gen Rommel’s Afrika Panzerarmee yet our victory later became an important date in history. The Battle of El Alamein was fought over a front of 40 miles where 8th Army Guns were spaced every 12 yards apart, this was the greatest barrage seen since battles of the Somme during 1917.World War One . - WHAT IS BEING A MOTH ALL ABOUT? - MOTHDOM –Is a strange attraction Ex-Servicemen seem to have with one another that in the writers humble explanation is a ‘Khaki-Bond’ Soldiers seem to share with one another where interest and loyal bonding is made possible with previous strangers

*MOTH.UNIQUENESS* Luckily the MOTH is Unique.-“Outsiders Can Not Buy Their Way In-to Our Circle”. We are War Veterans THAT QUALIFY to become MOTH and proud to be Unique. MOTH have an obligation to ‘Lighten the Burden’ of those less fortunate than ourselves by the MOTH practice of Mutual Help and True Comradeship when and where needed by fellow MOTH and within the Society where we live. . * MOTH MUST AVOID* It is perfectly natural for all of us to have likes and dislikes for our fellow man. Where we may have differences with one another, resolve these issues as soon as possible in an effort to ensure True Comradeship with everyone. All forms of dissention are unacceptable in our brotherhood the MOTH ORDER.


MOTH GHQ MOTH GHQ is located at Warriors Gate in Durban. - See Evos sketch of GHQ in the form of a Norman Gate House later. Evo completed all the architecture at Warriors Gate as this was his hobby. GHQ’s facade was constructed from stone taken from every South African battle site. . Later Evo drew some of the plans for MOTH Cottages. *Durban is entrenched for posterity as MOTH GHQ for all time*

. Sketch by Evo –MOTH ‘O’ *GHQ OLD FORT ROAD DURBAN* * REVEILLE ORGANOGRAM * PROVINCE - (Platinum Province)- Evenden House Centurion.(Near Pretoria.) DISTRICT - (East Rand District) - There are seven Shellholes in our District -. District meetings rotate monthly to each Shellhole in turn this is rotated in alphabetical order. .

20 MOTH (GHQ) Durban’s (Durban is entrenched as GHQ for all time)

- SHELLHOLES NAMES- Shellhole names were chosen by Democratic vote. All Shellholes have a history in the name selected. Most MOTH Shellholes comprise Ex-Army blokes with a few Navy or Air Force chaps yet we are all comrades in arms. (See more on Shellholes later)

MOTH EXECUTIVES AT ALL LEVELS OF THE MOTH ORDER ARE THE SAME AS A SHELLHOLES STRUCTURE Chairmen = Old Bill- (Equates to a Lt / Colonel) – (A Unit Commander)- Vice Chairmen = Wee Bill- (Equates to a Major- A Company Commander) Secretary = Adjutant - (Equates to a Captain An Admin OC ) Treasurer = Pay Bill - (Equates to a Lieutenant Pay Master) Master of Ceremony is the Shellhole Sergeant Major.(Equates to a RSM) (Sgt/Maj is not an *Executive Member* yet responsible for all Shellhole discipline) The Play Bill, Supply Bill and Quartermaster all equate to Sergeants. The sentry is our ‘Sergeant at Arms’ equating to a staff sergeant. The rest of us are mere Privates, so ensure suitable respect for those in office when speaking with them at all times -Expected Protocol - MOTH Rites Ritual and Traditions-. *Stand-up, button-up, and speak-up don’t mumble, think before you speak* . *RAIDING OTHER SHELLHOLES*. When visiting other Shellholes, ie Raiding a Shellhole, ask how to conduct yourself. -Example- At an Ex-Navy Shellhole is known as a ‘Matlow’ Shellhole ie Navy Unit, their Chairman is not called Old Bill, he is called ‘Old Man.’ their foot drill is more like a shuffle yet you are not required to shuffle like they do as you are Army blokes.  Do your home-work before visiting other Shellholes- eg Matlows toast with a tot of Rum during their meeting visitors can participate or decline in advance. Visiting other Shellholes is good for all of us, its all about good Comradeship.  Where possible visit other Shellholes as often as possible as this promotes good harmony by making new friends and project bonus in the MOTH ORDER. See more about other Shellholes later. Nb Seven and more MOTH visitors is an official visit less than seven is a casual visit. An official visit does not have to be a raid yet is expected to be reciprocated.

*MOTH CONDUCT* *(Stand to Attention when speaking at any gathering, with your blazer buttoned-up.)* Nb Stand-up-Speak-up then Shut-up.-(Get to the point, be able to be heard clearly) A major fault found with MOTH STANDING ORDERS needing correction follows. +Consider the following+ There are many Generals found in any Army yet only -ONE *Sgt/Major* OF THE ARMY-.  Unfortunately MOTH POLICY has lost sight of the Sgt/Maj uniqueness.  A Warrant Officers importance ability knowledge pride and significance at any level OF every service ie Navy Army or Air-force either makes or breaks a Unit.- Always has and always will, NOW OVERDUE FOR CORRECTION.. *PROTOCOL CURRENTLY LACKING* All .MOTH need to render deserved respect for a Sgt/Maj’s position within MOTHDOM and return all our Sgt/Maj’s to Executive Status as was in the past... NB….. MOTH Sgt/Maj is a Master of Ceremonies and responsible for discipline, Share meeting protocols with top table four and do all fetching and carrying yet are

21 Non-Executive Members in the MOTH at all levels--WHY-????? *Our MOTH Constitution gets most things right why not this-one??!!!*  MOTH Policy makers please correct this situation to bring us in-line with our ex- Military heritage! –Thank you!- Trusting the above will be treated as motivation for correction –Thank you! . *MOTH ERRORS THAT ARE WELL OVERDUE FOR CORRECTION*  MOTH WHO ACCEPT AN EXECUTIVE POSITIONS AT VARIOUS LEVELS WITHOUT BOTHERING TO LEARN MOTH TRADITIONS AND RITUALS ALL EASILY AVALABLE TO THEM IN STANDING ORDERS.  eg AN OLD BILL WHO DOES NOT ACT THE OFFICER AND GENTELMAN SPEAKING IN LOW TONES OR A SGT/MAJOR WHO IS NOT PROUD AND SMART BEFITTING A SGT/MAJ OR WORST OF ALL MUTTERING AND USING INCORRECT WORDS OF COMMAND. SHOUTING is a (Sgt/Maj) ‘DUTY’ OLD BILL PLEASE, ALLOW Sgt/Maj HIS THUNDER. OLD BILLS ACT THE OFFICER AND SPEAK LIKE AN OFFICER BEHAVE THE UNIT COMMANDER DO NOT SHOUT COMMANDS.  SGT/MAJOR LOOK EXTRA SMART. RELAY THE OLD BILLS REQUESTS INTO ORDERS CLEARLY AND CORRECTLY... Eg Old Bill Opens and Closes parades in the voice of an Officer and Gentleman. Requesting the MOTH Salute and Drop Salute and authorizing the wearing of Medals at parades and at MOTH funerals. -Key word REQUEST- *OFFICERS REQUEST SGT/MAJ ORDERS*  SEARGENT MAJORS- Do your tasks correctly. eg MOTH-FORM-UP IN THREES - NOT CRIMEAN WAR TWOS OR ANY BENT-ARM DRESSING.- DON’T TRY REINVENT THE WHEEL OVER AGAIN. LEARN WHAT HAS BEEN.SINCE THE BEGINNING OF MOTHDOM. SGT/MAJ YOU ARE ON DISPLAY ALWAYS.  BLOKES YOU ARE WAR VETRANS, IF YOU DON’T KNOW, LEARN, THEN PRACTICE, DO EVERYTHING PROUDLY CORRECT.  NO MOTH IS A FREE AGENT TO DO THEIR OWN THING, UPHOLD OUR MOTH RITES RITUALS AND TRADITIONS THE WAY INTENDED.  EMBARRACING YOURSELF OR MOTHDOM IS NOT ON!  Come on blokes if you have the guts to take on a position have the guts to learn and do it correctly. All Shellholes have ex-Officers and ex-N.C.O’s that can help with the necessary skills needed, just ask, no excuses for shoddy tasking seek help, make the effort –Thank you!

*A MOTH ETIQUETE SIGNAL* Were one speaks on a subject intended for the good of the MOTH ORDER. Signal your sincere intention by placing your left hands index and center fingers over your blazers tin- hat at the front with the thumb of this hand behind the tin-hat.

22 Hopefully, one day with my fingers correctly placed as per the above explanation correction may be forthcoming for my above suggestions that require correction. -Who knows time will tell-. Blokes have respect for your Executive Sgt/Major and one another. Serve your Shellhole and fellow MOTH in such a way that all forms of dictatorial behavior and hostility are avoided. ie True Comradeship - Mutual Help – Sound Memory, the MOTH Oath

*PREVIOUS MILITARY RANK IS NOT ACKNOWLEGED IN THE MOTH * The exception to this rule is a General who becomes a MOTH. This provision is in place to render suitable respect for MOTH (Honorary Old Bill) General Jan.Smuts and in thanks for all his contributions towards MOTH causes and his untiring help given to Evo the founder of the MOTH ORDER. Note its MOTH first then General. MOTH Gen.Smuts once said to Evo-‘You don’t know what a good thing you have done’ he was complimenting Evo on his founding of the MOTH.ORDER.

-REVEILLE- (GENERATION OF FUNDS) Reveilles main source of Revenue is in the Rent we receive from our Tenants. Our Bar-Restaurant has a tenant of long standing MOTH’s enjoy reciprocity there. Secondly the Large Yard Area is rented out to a Builders Hardware Company.. Our Shellhole generates funds through raffles and collections as and when necessary..

THE ROTUNDA -(REVEILLES BUILDING)- The top floor is for our exclusive use. It houses our Sanctuary and bar area with a separate kitchen and both gender toilet facilities. Our Rotunda is used for Formal Dinners and other Social Events. Adjoining the Rotunda is a well equipped Museum. Donations to the museum are always welcome. The Rotunda is hired out to reliable users for a small fee. MOTH members are encouraged to make use of the Rotundas facilities at generous discounts. -Our Play Bill and his team run our bar and organize most of our functions-

-SPORTING FACILITIES- All our sporting facilities have been withdrawn. Previously we played Bowls, Billiards Tennis and Swam. All this Sport was popular yet, no longer cost effective to remain operative, mainly due to diminishing MOTH numbers that made use of these facilities previously. These shrinking numbers are age related and no more acknowledged as new ways to draw members from..

-(REVEILLES GROUNDS)- Our Grounds are now used for MOTH Parades at the War Memorial Cenotaph of Remembrance. Other Areas are used for MOTH birthday parties or for Braai’s and Other Social Events. Previously the Benoni Town Hall accommodated our parades. This venue was denied in 2006, no reason was ever given for this action by Council.

(WRITERS OBSERVATION)- Being a Freemason myself in my opinion Evo or most of his eleven close friends were Freemasons. No proof of my belief is available other than the majority of his pals were

23 Scotsman who could well have been Free Masons as many MOTH rites and rituals are reminders to me of how some Freemason ritual was motivated. Freemason MOTH friends of the writers share this opinion.

. -(MOTH SONGS SUNG AT MEETINGS)-. OLD SOLDIERS Old soldiers never die, never die, Old Soldiers never die they simply fade away. (very softly) - They simply fade away

. PACK-UP YOUR TROUBLES. Pack-up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile, While you have Lucifer to light your fag, Smile boys that’s the style , What’s the use of worrying it never was worth while,- so- Pack-up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile.

TIPPERARY It’s a long way to Tipperary It’s a long way to go, It’s a long way to Tipperary to the fairest girl I know, Goodbye Picadilly, farewell Leichester Square, It’s a long way to Tipperary but my heart’s right there. *Some insight for those of you who don’t already know- Tipperary is a town In County Tipperary -The Irish Republic* .-Learn these songs as they are part of MOTH rituals, traditions and good fun.-

(FOR THOSE WHO CAN MEMORISE TEXT) OLD BILL’S OPENING PRAYER (THE MOTH PRAYER.) ALSO KNOWN AS (WHITE KNIGHT) NB….Recited during lights out. *.I shall pass through this world but once, any good therefore that I may do, or any kindness that I can show towards my fellow man, let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again*

*RITUAL CRIB NOTES FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIFFICULTY MEMORIZING* *For those who have difficulty reciting verse the writer has made up framed crib notes for all executives at the top table placed in front of each executives use at MOTH meetings* . OLD BILLS OPEN & CLOSING PRAYERS. (Lights out). *With bowed heads in TC-MH & SM let us remember our elder brethren, and those who continue to fight for freedom and justice. They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and the morning, we will remember them* (MOTH respond)-: ‘We Will Remember Them.’


24 (Only an Old Bill may order this salute) – Unless delegated to a previous Old Bill to perform on a current Old Bills behalf when he is unable to attend for any reason

*HOW TO MOTH SALUTE* .This salute is open Right Hand over an open Left Hand - with the thumb of your right hand in your belly button, this ensuring uniformity on parade. ‘Napoleon - said it all ie Efficient Armies fight on a full stomach’

*WHEN AND HOW MEDALS ARE TO BE WORN *. (ONLY AN OLD BILL INSTRUCTS THE WEARING OF MEDALS) NB…. Old Bill requests action Sgt/Maj ensures his requests are carried out... MOTH dress regulations only make provision for full sized medals to be worn with MOTH Regalia. *Miniature medals are only intended for mess dress and dress suits* . TARNISHED BY WAR It is said – MOTHS are never to polishes their medals as we are all tarnished by war. Handy Andy is one way to clean your medals when grubby, preferably give them an ‘Army-Brasso-Shine followed by a wipe-over using methylated spirits this prevents brass and silver from tarnishing. *Look smart and be smart and clean always*. We are all ex-Military, smartness and pride is what the MOTH should be all about. Note. Our MOTH regalia is the equivalent to your Military number one step-outs.

*MOTH AWARDS* M = Merit award is the highest MOTH award - (A Service award)- E = Excellence - (A Service award)- C = Comrade – (Shellhole award) X = Executive Service - (A Shellhole award) *Only One Award may be worn at a time, mounted one pencil width below the Tin-Hat MOTH Dress Regulations are no different to Military regulations. *Find out what you can and can not do then comply with regulations don’t be slack* *Shellhole Civilian Recognition Award* *Nb There is no provision for Civilian Honorary MOTH*. Civilians who show dedication towards a Shellholes causes over many years can be recommended for a Good Comrade Certificate awarded with a ‘G’ button lapel badge.

- (THE LIT CANDLE)- (Light of Remembrance)- The only light available to WW1 troops in the trenches was a Wax-Candle that was ‘wax- stuck’ to their Tin-Hats. The MOTH ‘Light of Remembrance’ lit at meetings, is in respect to ‘them’ for all their hardships and dangers they faced during their horrific World War One while they were striving for Freedom and Justice in this world that you and I now enjoy worldwide.. When we light the Remembrance Candle at MOTH meetings, only safety matches may ever be used, never a lighter During WW1 they used safety matches now a MOTH tradition. When we have a Sunset-Call (ie the demise of a fellow MOTH), the candle is allowed to burn throughout the MOTH meeting in respect to our fallen comrade another MOTH tradition. See MOTH funerals later.

25 26 SGT/MAJ’S ORDERS DURING MOTH INSTALLATIONS The installation of a recruit to become a MOTH is a serious ceremony, similar to being placed on orders in the military when charged for a serious offence the serious part is the Oath we take because it is binding on our conscience... This ceremony may only be observed by fellow MOTH. Visitors are asked to leave the sanctuary to the lounge area, for a short while during the installation, later they will return to witness the conclusion of the MOTH meeting. Nb This ceremony is the Recruits night, it is not a family night hence, non-MOTH and all visitors are removed from the sanctuary for a short while during the recruit’s serious oath taking at HIS installation.

*INSTALLATION CEREMONY SEQUENCE* Sgt/Maj marches the recruit in single file accompanied by two selected escorts, one at his front the other behind. Usually, both Escorts are friends or sponsors of the recruit. Sgt/Maj halts this detail in front of the Executive Top Table.- (THE MOTH INSTALLATION RITUAL STARTS) -See Orders for this ceremony later-.

*MOTH COPY-RIGHT* MOTH Regalia may not be copied or manufactured. Supplies are a sole GHQ initiative. MOTH regalia may only be ordered through GHQ in Durban via District then Province. *Orders and Sales to MOTH are controlled through the Shellholes Quartermaster*

27 *THE NORTH WALL AND SANCTUARY LAY-OUT* (The wall layout is in tribute to WW1 & WW2 troops) The Top-Table is set in the “North” because our troops during both WW1 and WW 2 were sent ‘Up North’ Up-North was a common term in conversation at the time. This walls positioning selection is preferably located magnetic North. Where this ideal selection is not possible the most suitable position for the Top Table in a Shellhole is then selected. The Top-Tables position selection remains in front of the NORTH WALL. (see overleaf) The North Wall is adorned with two photographs at the left and right extremity On the left PHOTOGRAPH OF MOTH ‘O’ - ( Our left hand being the hand of honour)- .On the right photograph of MOTH Gen Jan Smuts - (Our right hand is our working hand) *THE TOP TABLES SETTINGS* From left to right viewed from YOUR front is Pay Bill, Adjutant, Old Bill and Wee Bill. (At Reveille these chairs are suitably labeled with engraved plaques by donors) -The Royal family sat on these chairs when they visited Reveille on their1947 visit - *THE VACANT CHAIR IN FRONT OF THE TOP TABLE* The Vacant Chair is positioned at the center front of the Top Table. The vacant chair commands every MOTH respect dedicated to unknown soldiers. This chairs connotation with both Jacobs Chair of the Bible and also the Union Flag. (This Union Flag is often incorrectly known by most people calling it the Union Jack)- *(JACOBS CHAIR EXPLAINED)* The Tribe of Jacob, one of the twelve tribes of Israel are said to be ancestors of the British nation, Jacobs’s original chair is currently used at British Royalty Coronations. Reveille has two additional separate chairs dedicated to Rhodesians and our Border Boys. Center of the top-table is a wooden dais Tin-Hat and candle This Dias is placed above the draped MOTH flag on coffins at funerals for those MOTH answering their sunset call. The Vacant Chair previously mentioned stands at floor level centre Rhodies on the left and Border boys on the right. The vacant chair has a WW1 Great-Coat and Gas-mask with our Shellholes Charter. The Unknown Soldier are all soldiers who paid the supreme sacrifice during times of war without a grave to call their own while fighting for freedom and justice in this world. *All MOTH’s salute this chair on arrival at meetings in respect for our fallen*

28 29 *SHELLHOLE MOTH CHARTER* The MOTH Charter displayed on the vacant chair is a Shellholes Authority to recruit and install new MOTH, stage MOTH parades and collect MOTH funds within the rules of the MOTH Constitution and Reveille Shellhole Standing Orders.

30 *THE MOTH FLAG* The MOTH flag hangs down from the Top Table, held there by three large dice blocks marked separately TC- MH and SM, this in memory of the games of dice played by WW1 and WW2 military personnel. -see Dice blocks explanation later.

*RED TIN-HAT*. A Red painted tin-hat is used to collect donations or collections. The red colour is symbolic of spilled blood during war. This tin-hat is placed up-side-down on the table when not in use to avoid damage to the painted surface. Collections taken go towards Reveille Welfare Fund or a pacific projects collection. (Nb. The MOTH flag is never to be laid down like a table cloth)

*PROMPT CARDS & ORNAMENTS* Many Shellholes do not conform to the above North Wall and Table layout described; obviously not having this information or this tradition has lost meaning for them. Included on the top table are Prompt Cards, ie reminders for the Executive about ritual to follow ie meeting format and ritual wording to be recited... Meaningful Reveille Memorabilia is included scattered on the table donated to us by MOTH from various units they served with displayed like ornaments in ones home, adding some individual uniqueness for Reveille Shellhole.

*WW ONE IN THE TRENCHES*. Picture the (1914-1918) First World War in a soldier’s life in the trenches, no light or heat other than a wax candle placed on a tin-hat. The tin-hat also served as a seat on occasions, a wash basin on other occasions even as a toilet for some! The company runner ran the greatest risk of death from sniper fire of all soldiers. Other sniper favorites were re-supply and casualty evacuation personnel while they negotiated from one echelon to the next. All movement was continually the target of enemy snipers, who had a field day every day. Snipers mainly accounted for the most direct hits from their opposites, the enemy sniper. During the lull of battle while ankle deep in mud with the odd rat and a bully beef tin used as a toilet to keep them company. Other hazards were exploding mortars and mustard-gas bombings of poisonous gas under freezing weather conditions. Foot- rot and lung damage were reminders of trench battle in later life. Sleeping if at all possible, required wearing a gas-mask at all times as a means of avoiding skin burns. Other illnesses measles, trench fever, dumbness, blindness, TB and even death. The Cold Weather with all the above hazards were reason for the choice of a Great-Coat and Gas-Mask being placed side by side on the Vacant Chair dedicated to the Unknown Soldier and those who died without a grave to call their own.

31 *RESPECTFUL SALUTE* Our salute to this chair on entering the Shellhole is in respect of all unknown soldiers and all our own wars fallen in battle including those MOTH comrades who have answered a peace-time sunset call. Tributes in Sound Memory include our personal war experiences


There are three OLD BILL logos in circulation; the middle one may have been drawn by Evo or all drawn by separate artists, either way, popularly in use by most Shellholes.

*REGIMENTAL BADGES* *The wearing of Regimental badges has become very popular recently*. Some MOTH have looked rather overdone and criticized by GHQ in orders to Shellholes stating that only the tin-hat and a poppy on the left lapel with a MOTH award if applicable is permitted and nothing on the right lapel are recent MOTH DRESS REGULATIONS. The writer finds this recent order out of place after so many years of no comment! Previously military regulations applied. ie No civilian items to be worn. eg Bowls! (Try not to over-do this ornamentation that may make one look like a Christmas tree). Badges are your past and unique to you the beholder. What some of us now wear is from our military past uniquely ours. Remember you were a soldier long before you became a MOTH. Considers your previous Units Dress Regulations when a soldier! *GHQ NEED TO RE-LOOK AT THIS UN-ACCEPTABLE REGULATION*. In this writer’s opinion, defiantly no civilian ornaments eg Club or Bowls badges etc. *Thereafter what is yours won’t change as it became a talking point with new friends*

. * A TRIBUTE TO MOTH (GEN) JAN.SMUTS* Jan Christian Smuts was born near Riebeek-West in the Cape on 24th May 1870. He rose from farm-boy to Boer-War General, First World War and General Second World War General Jan Smuts promoted at age 70 to Honorary Field Marshall in the British Army. Nb Honorary Rank is only acknowledged on ‘Official Occasions’ therefore he is always referred to as General or as MOTH General Jan Smuts.and affectionately as “Ou-Bass” The British Empire Service League was formed after WW1 by him and General Lukin and Field Marshal Earl Haig. Now the ‘Royal Commonwealth Ex-Service League’ Now (The South African Legion)-The first ex-servicemen Association formed in RSA.

32 As an Academic and Intellectual of note Gen Smuts was South African Head of State on two occasions and the creator of the Union Defence Force plus he was largely responsible for the establishment of what became the Royal Air Force. He was also the founding father of the League of Nations later becoming The United Nations for which he drafted its covenant. The General was a close friend of British Royalty keeping up correspondence with them until his demise. He remained in politics until his death in 1950 at age 80. MOTH Gen Smuts worked very closely with Evo in the expansion of the MOTH ORDER to make our veterans brotherhood what it is to-day. General Smuts was made an honorary ‘Old Bill’ by MOTH ‘O’ The only other ‘honorary Old Bill’ in MOTH records was MOTH Gen Montgomery – (Viscount Lord Montgomery of Eli Alamein)- he was similarly honored when visiting MOTH Shellholes in Salisbury Rhodesia. Visits to Shellholes that own MOTH property have memorabilia displayed that was donated to the MOTH ORDER by the late Hon (Old Bill) MOTH Gen Jan Smuts. ie Tanks, Guns and Aircraft etc. Never forget, all Military items remain the property of the South African National Defense Force. The MOTH ORDER are the custodians of these previous donations. *Try to keep these relics in original condition as a coat of paint just way-lays history*


*FUN AT HARMONY SETTING-UP CHARGES* Our Sgt/Maj is always looking for infringements by bringing MOTH on charge thereby promoting fun and laughter for us sitting in the columns to enjoy while generating welfare-funds for Reveille. When you are placed on charge ask for a prisoners friend to defend your cause. Only one outcome occurs at trumped-up charge hearings. You are guilty as charged.

*.MOTH FINES*. Fines are determined at the rate of pay used during WW1 ie One shilling per days pay. The size of our current Rand is similar to the Shilling of old hence, the fines imposed are one R1-00/day fine to conform to WW1 pay rates. (WW One is MOTH Tradition). Minimum fine 1 day - Maximum fine 10 days. eg .Five days fine = R5-00. Our Old Bill imposes the fine then collected by Sgt/Maj who hands it to our Pay Bill. *Fun is the aim for all MOTH games at harmony*.

*DEFAULTERS ON CHARGE* Sgt/Maj Falls-in the defaulter with his two escorts. Marches the detail in single file halting them in front of the top-table then advanced and remain standing at attention. Where a Past Old Bill is placed on charge Escorts must only be Past or Current Old Bills. All defaulters are entitled to defense using a ‘Prisoners Friend’ to promote laughter at the meeting. Preferably choose a born comic as defense not a serious MOTH. All on charge must do smart foot drill. Rag those who are not doing their best .*Those with any form of physical limitations are never raged.

33 *MONTHLY MEETING FORMAT & ORDERS* On entering the reception area ie the bar area at Reveille, greet everyone with a firm hand shake. Do the same on departure. This is MOTH manners never to be neglected When called upon to enter the sanctuary at the start of our meetings sign the Register and pay your ration- door- levy, in payment for your Reveille snack offered during harmony the time we socialize and have some boy fun. Jokes and stories always very welcome leave the bull at home as we are vets and not easily fooled. Advance smartly towards the vacant chair, do the MOTH salute with bowed head in Remembrance of the fallen. Fall-out to the right. Take-up any seat where you will be comfortable. Thereafter try to keep the same seat.

*MEETING FORMAT*. It is MOTH tradition to take- up the same seat every meeting however, don’t be offended if your seat is inadvertently taken in error by a visitor- Next time, get to your seat a bit earlier! When all MOTH are seated. Sgt/Maj closes the sanctuary doors and curtains, awaiting a request from the Old Bill to bring the Shellhole to attention. -(Sgt/Maj will be looking for infringements or trumped-up reasons for later charges to be imposed on his unsuspecting victims all intended as some barrack room- fun.)- The Old Bill stands up, then requests ‘Sgt/ Maj’ to prepare the Shellhole.’ -The Shellhole remains seated awaiting instruction from the Sgt/Maj.- Sgt/Maj = ‘Brother MOTH be up-standing button-up and shut-up’. Old Bill = ‘Sgt/Maj bring the Shellhole to attention’. Sgt/Maj = ‘Shellhole- Attention’ Old Bill= ‘Lights please Sgt/Maj’-(The Old Bill now lights the candle on the tin-hat). Old Bill = ‘Brother MOTH -assist me in opening this monthly meeting of Reveille Old Bill =’Wee- Bill’, what is the symbol of Remembrance for The Memorable Order of Tin Hats. Wee Bill = While pointing with an open Right Hand at the tin-hat and candle says: ‘The tin-hat that saved so many lives in times of war, now placed upon the table’. Old/Bill = ‘Adjutant- what is the symbol of the light of Remembrance to our fallen comrades?’ Adjutant = While pointing with open left hand says; ‘The light of Remembrance which is placed upon the tin-hat as a sign, that as the tin-hat protected us ,so shall we protect the memory of fallen comrades.’ Old Bill = ‘MOTH Salute’ -All MOTH salute-. Old Bill = ‘While we are at the pause are there any sunset calls?’ (Where there is a sunset call, the lit-candle remain burning throughout the meeting) – Where there are no Sunset-calls, the candle is extinguished by the Old Bill at the conclusion of this opening ritual with a licked thumb and forefinger to quench flame. NB….. MOTH remain at the salute- Old Bill=’With bowed heads and in true thanks- giving let us remember our Elder brethren, they shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.’ All MOTH- ‘We will remember them’. Old Bill = ‘Drop salute.- Old Soldiers’ – All MOTH - Drop salute and sing ‘Old Soldiers’ -Remember we are still in the dark-. Old Bill = ‘Lights please Sgt/Maj’ – Sgt/Maj turns on the shellholes lights. Old Bill = ‘Sgt/Maj seat the Shellhole’.-

34 Sgt/Maj = ‘Shellhole stand at ease, stand easy, be seated.’ ‘Remove your jackets if you so wish.’

* MOTH MEETING AGENDA* MOTH meetings have a fixed agenda Check the attendance Register for corum of Shellhole MOTH, Visitors and Apologies Minutes of the previous meeting. (proposer and seconder) Financial report. Past events report. Future events report Welfare report District, Province and Cottage Reports as applicable General is for reports and any questions. During general, all MOTHS are given the opportunity to speak, if you have nothing to say –tell a joke –No joke, expect to go on Sgt/Maj orders and get charged and get fined. This is the fun part of the meeting. Proposals require a Seconder. *All proposed expenditure requires floor approval*. *Payment of goods or service require prior three outside quotes, proposal and seconder*. -NO LOANS FOR WHATEVER REASON ARE ALLOWED.- ANY SUSPECTED FRAUD A CASE IS TO BE OPENED & INVESTIGATED WHERE FOUND GUILTY- EXPULSION FROM THE MOTH ORDER .The MOTH sitting in the columns run the ORDER the Executive serve the Shellhole and in turn serve the MOTH ORDER.-The key word is we serve one another-. *MOTH OATH AND THREE IDEALS* All MOTH’s subscribe to the THREE IDEALS on taking this OATH when installed into this exceptional and unique memorable MOTH brotherhood the MOTH ORDER. These three ideals bind us to all MOTH rites, rituals and traditions there being no provision for any deviation from the laid down Standing orders and Constitution.  T.C = True Comradeship  M.H= Mutual Help.  S.M=Sound Memory.  True Comradeship is a ‘Khaki Bond’ we have with one another that symbolizes ‘He who fought by my side is my comrade still, be he local or foreign or from any of the Services ie Navy, Army or Air-Force.  MUTUAL HELP means we help one another in every way possible...  SOUND MEMORY means ‘Remember those MOTH’s who built our brotherhood, all MOTH buildings, regalia, and memorabilia over many years, flourishing in honour and pride to be MOTH’s fulfilling these ideals always.. Additionally and most importantly, remember those friends and comrades who paid the supreme sacrifice during your individual war. *‘We will remember them’*.

35 *A MOTH AFTER WAR* Great is the power of might and mind The size of a man is determined by the Only Love can make us Kind depth of his conviction-The height of For all we are or hope to be his ambition-The breath of his mercy Is empty Pride and Vanity and the reach of his love. If love is not part of all By D.N.Jackson. The Greatest man is very small. Author Helen. Steiner-Rice.

-RAIDS ON OTHER SHELLHOLES.-  We visit other Shellholes to meet other MOTH and promote harmony and comradeship with one another. During these raids we attempt to ‘liberate’ some item of memorabilia without being caught prompting the unsuspecting Shellhole we have ‘stolen from’ to visit us and take back what we had liberated. Hopefully when they visit they will be as successful.  An OFFICIAL visit requires SEVEN OR MORE MOTH to attend the raid under seven MOTH is considered a casual raid.  MOTH need to have a pen and note- book to hand. - Recorded notes are best-.  Every Shellhole has its own unique history and characters so enjoy the visit Arrive at the Shellhole to be raided just before they are due to cover General on their Agenda so that their Business for the month is not disturbed. Secret visits are the best; some Shellholes prefer to have a planned raid whereby the Executive only have knowledge of the raid. The bulk of its members then have a surprise

.*HOW RAIDS ARE TO BE CONDUCTED* The ‘Raiding party’ takes control of your top table by their Executive to run the meeting with as much fun as possible. A formal handing over of a pennant or some other memento is given over formally as proof of the raid. Collecting fines for the raided Shellhole or making a donation by placing MOTH on Charge is all part of the fun. Joint planning of future events is also often decided upon. .The closing of the meeting ie Toasts etc are all completed by the raiders. The liberating of Memorabilia of recent date has been discouraged for safety and security reasons including the prevention of damage to collectables that had occurred in the past. Having fun and harmony with MOTH is the objective now.

*THE RED POPPY* A Red Poppy with a black center is recognized world wide as the symbol of Remembrance to the fallen in all wars ie. Remember those soles that have paid the supreme sacrifice for their country in time of war and in all other hostile conflicts. The Poppy Symbol was adopted internationally long after the First World War. The wearing of a ‘Haig Red Poppy’ shows respect for all this and other countries fallen comrades. MOTH and others that wear the Red Poppy is usually only seen by the general public during Remembrance Day Parades or during ‘S.A.Legion’ - Street collections-. MOTH’s wear this poppy to all church parades and also during MOTH funerals. Both (1914-1918) WW1 and (1939-1945) WW2 are Commemorated by us on the 11th November every year at 11hr00 or the Sunday closest to this date. (Remembrance-Day is actually Armistice Day. The end of both WW1 and WW2.) *THE STORY BEHIND THE RED POPPY*

36 The battle of Delville Wood during world war one saw the highest number of Rhodesians and South Africans lose their lives in a single war time battle in the military history of both these proud countries. More than 146000 Whites, 83000 Blacks and 2500 Coloureds and Asians served in South African Military Units during World War One. There were over18600 casualties with over 12452 killed, more than 4600 paid the supreme sacrifice in the European theater alone. After this horrific war Northern France and areas of the Somme in Belgium saw the prolific growth of Red Poppy fields the scenes of horrific heinous battles. Prior to these WW One battle phenomenon, white opium poppies were commonly found growing in artic regions. This new ‘Small Haig Type’ poppy was previously found at some battle sites after the Napoleonic wars yet the reasons were not clear. *The Red - poppy had some-how now evolved requiring learned explanation* Previously poppies grew only white in colour when in bloom and were only found in far north artic lands. Poppies had never grown naturally in northern France before.

37 POPPY MUTATION. Mutation is a fancy word used academically to explain the changes that took place for the white poppy to turn red or change. This phenomenon is explained as the result of Barbaric Mongoloid plunder where seed was unintentionally spilled by them during their plundering movement into Southern France and other countries of Europe centauries before. The notorious barbarian Gengis Khan first plundered India and China then the Middle East. Much later, his grandson Mantu Khan extended his grandfathers horrific travels by including the invasion of Turkey followed by setting his sights through Europe. In the year (1241 AD) Mantu Khans exploits with his barbaric hordes eventually reached Flanders fields in Belgium, later reaching adjoining battle sites in northern France including where the battle of Delville Wood was fought during WW 1. Mantu’s troops were all addicted to the various by-products of the opium poppy therefore in the habit of obviously carrying poppy seeds on their person. The poppy plants seed is located under the flowers petals in a tapered bulb shaped pod. Seeds are only just slightly larger than dust particles Before these flowers bloom the pod shaped bud when slit using a sharp knife causes a white paste to bleed-out. This white paste-like substance when air dried a powder forms. If then mixed with tobacco then lit and smoked is known as ‘Opium’ a very addictive drug. Habit forming that causes violent behavior with violent mood-swings. Minute size seeds are therefore easily spilt when handled however germination never occurred in season for whatever reason until the conclusion of WW1 six hundred years later. Agronomists concluded that these seeds dormancy escapes accurate explanation other than seeds found in Egyptian tombs that when planted grew after many thousands of years later. The battle of the Somme of which Delville Wood was one of these saw intense shellfire with horrific ordinance explosions, damaged military hardware that later rusted, included in this mix was shattered human and animal flesh that rotted having previously been blown to shreds during extremely heavy cannon bombardment. When this evidence is all added together the most ideal compost ingredients form This combination of diverse humus enriched soil with ample water wet Europe it encouraged germination of the poppy seeds that had laid dormant for centuries according to various joint learned agronomist opinions of the time and never disputed. This fertile soil richness changed the soils structure having the effect of producing a new species through mutation. - (Mutation is a fancy academic word for change)- This ‘new’ Red Poppy had in addition at the flowers center was a black shaped crucifix edged with a white strip at its edge included was a black crown of thorns that appears to be superimposed at the crosses center. Christian Theologians believe this was divine intervention reflecting this wars horrific intensity of carnage that men at that time thought would be the war to end all wars regrettably not so at Flanders Fields, Delville Wood or the other battle sites in these areas. *Ironically Napoleonic battle sites had evidence of red poppies recorded historically.*

38 *POPPIES GROWING IN BRAKPAN* The poppies described above grow in this writer’s MOTH Cottages in Brakpan. Poppy colours include white crosses with a black crown of thorns to white crosses with golden crowns of thorns, included are seventeen other magnificent red pink and mauve derivatives that bloom from August to January when planted May to June in very rich well watered soil. ie Compost manure and chicken manure pellets. These beautiful colours are thrilling to observe yet no explanation is possible for any of the changes that occur other than natural God given mutation! No explanation is offered by the writer for shrunk plant failure that happened in 2013. Examples of these Delville Wood / Flanders Field Poppies flower at our Cosy Corner MOTH Cottages in Brenthurst Brakpan having been cultivated over the years by many previous residents who obtained seed from Brakpan Municipal Parks Dept.. These seeds were originally obtained by South African veteran tourists visiting Frances battle sites at Deville Wood and Flanders Fields in Belgium over the years. The writer has only once grown a single ‘white poppy flower’ from these seeds obviously divine intervention mutation working in reverse back to the originals. -What a pleasure this very small flower gave all who saw it or those who have seen my cell phone photos of it growing side by side with its cousins little red poppies. The Delville Wood Poppy story continues. *-The Khan Modus operandi in detail-* Mantu Khans barbarians continually raped both men and woman at every settlement Attackers killed all life, human, animals and bird, raised to the ground everything that remained. The only witness to these events was ashes that soon returned to nature. These barbaric actions were traced through every country subject to this tyranny now recorded as actions most vile by humans on fellow humans historically.. Had this total killing of all forms of life and destruction by torching modus-operandi not occurred modern-day Europeans would of have had in their genes slant eyes and yellowish complexions.


39 *MOTH MEETING RITUAL REPEATED FOR TRAINING OUR EXECUTIVE* For the benefit of Old Bills and Sgt/Maj- what follows, an intended teaching aid. 1 All sign the Register & pay the door levy. (Sgt/Maj counts those on parade & compares numbers with the Register. 2 MOTH’s salute the Chair, remembering ‘Unknown soldiers and he who died during a war or without a grave to call his own. eg. March up to the chair, halt, MOTH salute, pause, right turn, and take-up your seat in the columns. 3. At Shellholes where the MOTH Charter is not suitably mounted on the vacant chair, their Sgt/Maj needs to place the Charter on a suitable hook for display usually at the top table where it remains for the duration of the meeting. The Charter is then returned to its previous position at the end of the meeting. The above Charter movement only occurs at Shellholes frequented by more then one Unit.. 4 The correct seating plan for the Executive etc see North Wall illustration.

*OPENING RITUAL* O/B - “Sgt/Maj prepare the Shellhole.” Sgt/Maj- “Brother MOTH be up-standing, button-up, shut-up, Shellhole- Attention.” O/B - “Wee Bill, what is the symbol of Remembrance for the Memorable Order of Tin- hats? Wee Bill-‘The tin-hat that saved so many lives in times of war now placed on the table.’ O/Bill- “Adjutant, what is the symbol of the light of Remembrance to our fallen comrades?”

Adjutant while pointing with the open left hand says:-“The light of Remembrance which is placed upon the tin-hat as a sign that as the tin-hat protected us so shall we protect the memory of fallen comrades.” O/B Recites the (MOTH PRAYER) “I shall pass through this world but once, any good that I may do, or any kindness that I may show my fellowman, let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way Again”. O/B - “Good evening Brother MOTH” MOTH respond “Good evening Old Bill.” O/B - “Brother MOTH please assist me to open this monthly meeting of Reveille Shellhole.” O/B - “Lights please Sgt/Maj” – (Sgt/Maj dims the lights) O/B - Lights the candle on the tin-hat (Use only safety matches). O/B – “ MOTH Salute.” All give the MOTH Salute – (Right hand over the left hand-R/H thumb in your belly- button). O/B – “While we are at the pause, do we have any sunset calls?”(Where there is a sunset call the candle will continue to burn for the duration of the meeting. (Where there is no sun-set call the O/Bill quenches the candle.) MOTH PRAYER Nb (All MOTH are already at the salute standing at attention.) O/B – “Let us remember our elder brethren They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.” All – “ We will Remember them”. O/B –“ Drop salute.” All MOTHS will drop salute.

40 O/B – “Old Soldiers”. (We all sing old soldiers.) eg “Old soldiers never die, never die, old soldiers never die, they simply fade away, (softly)- they simply fade away”. O/B - “Lights please Sgt/Maj “ Sgt/Maj Turns on the lights while O/B quenches the candle or where a sunset-call .is being remembered the candle continues to burn for the duration of the meeting. O/B - “Sgt/Maj seat the Shellhole” Sgt/Maj –“Shellhole- stand at ease- stand easy- be seated. - (If you wish, remove your jackets)- NB.Only an Old Bill may Order the MOTH SALUTE AND DROP SALUTE - (where the O/B is not available for whatever reason he will delegate another MOTH to perform this duty, usually and preferably a Past Old/Bill of your Shellhole. *FIXED MOTH AGENDA FOLLOWS*.  Minutes of the previous meeting are read out by the Adjutants- The O/B will ask if there are any comments or questions –after any comment- a proposer and seconder will be recorded in the current minutes. This format is used after every topic is concluded. Old Bill advised of Corum, Visitors, and Apologies numbers.  Visitors welcomed.  Financial report is read out by the Pay Bill  Correspondence in and out read by Adjutant.  Welfare report read out by the Welfare Officer  Province and District report if applicable  Cottage report read out by a cottage or committee member.  Previous and any Forthcoming Events.  General –( All members are given the opportunity to have their say- should you have nothing to say - tell a joke - should you still have nothing to say expect to be placed on orders and charged by Sgt/Maj. Nb Being placed on charge is intended to promote laughter also it is an honor to contribute towards our welfare funds. Those that can not afford to pay a fine will not be called upon to do so.

*MOTH TRADITIONAL ETIQUETE* *When proposing any topic for the benefit of the MOTH ORDER place your left hands index and centre finger over your “lapel tin-hat” with your thumb behind it until such time as your subject talk is concluded. This gesture is a sign of sincerity. - (Think carefully how and what you want to say stand-up speak-up then shut-up)-

*CHARGE ORDERS* Sgt/Maj forms up the Defaulter/s between two Escorts in single file in front of the top table then brings this detail to attention, he reads out the charge/s to the Old Bill. (Charges will only receive a guilty verdict)- Charges are paid at the rate of R1-00 per day with a maximum of ten days pay fine –ie Minimum fine R10-00. Fines are the result of a WW1 privates pay being a shilling per day at that time After fun and games.-Prisoner/s and escorts to your seats fall-out.. Nb. The shilling of old is the same size as the current Rand of to-day.

41 *MEETING CLOSE-REQUESTS AND ORDERS* Sgt/Maj – “Brother MOTH be upstanding, button-up, stand still and keep quiet.” “Shellhole- Attention” O/B – “ Lights Sgt/Maj” - O/B- Lights the candle.- Sgt/Maj. - Dims the Shellhole lights - O/B - “Now that our duties are complete for the time being, assist me in closing this monthly meeting of Reveille Shellhole” –“MOTH SALUTE” ALL MOTHS now Salute. O/B – “Let us remember our elder brethren, they shall grow not old, as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and the morning, we will remember them.” All - We will remember them. O/B – “Pack-up your troubles”. All sing- Pack-up your troubles in your kit bag and smile,smile,smile. While you have Lucifer to light your fag smile boys that’s the style Whats the use of worrying it never was worth while, so pack-up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile O/B - “Lights please S/Maj” Sgt/Maj Turns on the Shellhole lights O/B - Quenches the candle simultaneously. O/B - "Sgt/Maj Dismiss the Shellhole to harmony” Sgt/Maj- Shellhole to harmony and fun – dismiss . *PREPERATION FOR TOASTS*. When dismissed to Harmony we move into to the bar-area, where we are to charge our glasses with any drink of your personal choice then held in your left hand. Only ever hold your glass in your left hand at all times. Nb the left hand is the hand of honour. .-The hand joke goes like this:- This frees your right hand to shake hands anytime Anywhere or with anyone, never ever spills a drop. When Sgt/Maj has noticed that all on parade have a charged glass in their left hand, he calls fallen-in on parade, form-up in a semi-circle facing me and the Old Bill.. Sgt/Maj stands next to the Old Bill to call the order of toasts in the traditional fixed format. ie MOTH ORDER-SHELLHOLE-ABSENT FRIENDS-SOUTH AFRICA.. Traditional MOTH Toasts are in a set tradition and given order and never varied. *ORDER OF TOAST* 1st The MOTH Order- 2nd Our Shellhole - 3rde absent Friends - 4th.Our Country South Africa. NB…. Every set of MOTH Sgt/Maj:-Brother MOTH and Visitors – Holding your glass in the left hand charge your glass with your favorite drink and form-up in a semi-circle facing me and the Old Bill now. Sgt/Maj checks that all classes are charged. MOTH and Visitors button-up – Detail Attention. (Sgt/Maj selects the senior MOTH eg District old Bill by name asking he proposes a toast to the MOTH ORDER) thereafter select toasters at random. Should any other Toasts have merit to be added they are only to be tagged on at the end of the traditional toasts. - (preferably this toast after a short break.). Traditions format:-. Sgt/Maj calls our MOTH, MOTH Visitors and Civilians to Attention, under the request of the Old Bill-“Sgt/Maj please brings this detail to attention for our toasts” *Nb. MOTH traditions, rites or rituals are never varied*

42 After the toasts Sgt/Maj thanks everyone for their attendance and for putting up with his nonsense and intended good humor wishing all a fun evening with Reveille then gives- Stand at ease- Stand easy. . *It is just good manners* Nb It is good manners to brief visitors in advance how to propose any toast allocated *Use only selected MOTH and visitors who are willing to conform to tradition*.

*OLD BILL PROTOCOL TO BE ADHERED TO* *Nb- An Old Bill only REQUESTS his requirements are ORDERS given by the Sgt/Maj. The Old Bill is the Officer in command and does not give direct orders. Sgt/Majors duties are to TURN ALL OLD BILL REQUIREMENTS INTO ORDERS *Old Bill equates to a Lt/Col therefore must conduct himself as an Officer always*. * Treat all civilian Visitors with the above protocols of Officer Requirements.*. The above format applies in every Military and is an expected MOTH requirement* . *ALL MOTH TAKE SERIOUS NOTE* We are all ex-Military Veterans and expected to behave appropriately as our founding farther WW 1 Gentlemen would have done. *THE PUBLIC ARE WATCHING US*. *ALL MOTH READERS PLEASE-THIS IS SERIOUS, DO THE JOB PROPERLY*

*DELEGATION OF TOASTS* Sgt/Maj delegates a separate toast responsibility to different Shellhole MOTH, Visiting MOTH, or selected Civilian Visitors. -Chose appropriately not haphazardly. No restrictions apply to whom may be asked to propose any toast; obviously the smarter the job can be done the better, select the toaster carefully as impressions count especially visitor observation allow them to leave us well impressed. All who attend MOTH meetings are expected to partake in MOTH traditions and fun.

At the conclusion of the above format thank brother MOTH’s and visitors for their attendance and joining in our harmony and fun request everyone to go easy on the bottled sandwiches and to have a safe trip home, trusting they visit us again soon.. *We are ex-Military hence orders are a must*. “Shellhole- Stand at Ease, Stand Easy - Enjoy your evening with us at Reveille” Any job allocated to you in the MOTH do it like a soldier. Remember how you were able to come out of the wilderness into the MOTHORDER. Nb Charged glasses are only to be held in the left hand at all times!

*MORE ON HOW TO CALL MOTH TOASTS*  *MOTH ORDER* - I PROPOSE A TOAST TO THE FINEST VETRANS ORDER.-THE MOTH ORDER- All respond –The MOTH ORDER.  *SHELLHOLE*- I PROPOSE A TOAST TO THE FINEST SHELLHOLE – REVEILLE SHELLHOLE.- All respond REVEILLE SHELLHOLE.  ABSENT FRIENDS- I PROPOSE A TOAST TO ABSENT FRIENDS WHEREVER THEY MAY BE AND WHATEVER THEIR REASON. To absent friends wherever they may be and whatever their reason.  OUR COUNTY – JOIN ME IN A TOAST TO SOUTH AFRICA To the land that gives us our sustenance-South Africa All respond. -South Africa our home-. The above wording are the writers examples, use your own wording as you see fit .

43 *DURING HARMONY CONDUCT EXPECTED FROM EVERY MOTH*.  Shake hands with everyone and speak briefly with all MOTH and visitors.  Wish all good-night on departure-Drive safely, stay alert to all dangers.  Ensured you have not had too many bottled sandwiches before you leave.  NB… No wife or Mother needs to attend to an accident victim or deal with a drunk on their hands, so come on blokes be responsible, don’t give the MOTH or yourself a tarnished image through being irresponsible. Go well.

*RECRUITS INSTALLATION* The Recruit with his two selected escorts form up outside the Sanctuary entrance door stand in single file ready to be briefed and then marched in by Sgt/Maj. (Non-MOTH are required to vacate the Sanctuary and sit in the Reception area during the Installation, later the visitors are invited to return for our closing Ritual) *Nb. THIS IS THE RECRUITS NIGHT NOT AN OPEN NIGHT* While the Recruit is waiting outside the sanctuary, the Old Bill will discuss the Recruits credentials and suitability to become a MOTH. Nb one NO VOTE excludes the application - no appeals are entertained ever. Note the above is a formality. The Shellhole Executive would already have already done all checks balances during the three month compulsory consecutive Shellhole visits now already accepted by Shellhole MOTH in good standing. ie. The creditability of all submissions of required evidence applicable eg Medals and ex-military paperwork required by the MOTH constitution. See page 114 to116. Qualification for Membership Annexure “B” MOTH Constitution and Standing Orders issued by MOTH General Head Quarters Nb Blokes don’t take short-cuts on this one.

Ritual continues:- Old Bill: “Having been found wandering in the wilderness and having visited our Shellhole for the mandatory three visits, the recruits full Names and other details of his credentials are detailed. ie Everything having previously been confirmed and vetted by the Executive” eg War time Unit Number Rank Name and areas of war time operations. Nb Had there been a problem with the recruit’s application not being suitably qualified to become a MOTH or the Shellholes vote rejecting the incumbent he would not have reached installation. *ATTENTION ALL MOTH EXECUTIVES* Old Bill and your Executive must abide by the MOTH Constitution, most importantly the completion and checking of sponsorship forms for submission to MOTH GHQ via East Rand District for onward transmission via Province to GHQ for ultimate MOTH acceptability! Ensure an all-clear reply is to hand from GHQ before the incumbent’s installation night is planned. Embarrassment at a later date is unacceptable for all concerned. Ritual continues. Ritual calls for the Old Bill to ask all Reveille MOTH in good standing in advance. Not on installation night, unanimous acceptance by Shellhole MOTH is a must. This question is however still asked at an installation to formalize ritual format without any objections. Nb All incumbents MUST BE ACCEPTABLE BY THE SHELLHOLE . eg Old Bill must ask: “Are their there any objections?” The Shellholes response is complete SILENCE!

44 . *REVEILLE BIRD AND A BOTTLE TRADITION* Reveille calls for a donation from all recruits on their installation night for the supply of ‘A Bird and Bottle donation’ ie a Dressed Chicken and a Bottle of Spirits (750ml). Both these donations are raffled and drawn on installation night during harmony. Tickets are sold to all takers who visit the Shellhole for the installation. All proceeds from ticket sales go toward welfare funds. The Pay Bill, Play Bill and Adjutant are the administrators of these events. A visitor nominated by Sgt/Maj at harmony will draw numbers for the two prizes

* MOTH REVEILLE TRADITION*. MOTH Traditions have their roots in WW1 slang and behavior of that period of our Rhodesian and South African history. eg MOTH Rites, Rituals and Traditions. Are we living in the past?-Answer yes- that is what the MOTH of to-day is all about. Why this tradition? “Blokes took their birds and hooch to a functions ‘Dutch’ also included was to bring and braais.” - Meaning: - Young fellows took their girl-friends to functions having bought and paid for their own food and drink to every venue. Dutch is not sharing with others the main reason, after WW1 things were very expensive as the world was in recession, historically known as the Great Depression. MOTH installation night being the Recruits night, he is bringing his girl and hooch! NB….. Fulfilling the Bird and Bottle Reveille Tradition must have been confirmed by the Wee Bill that the recruit has complied with the requirement to supply a frozen chicken and bottle of spirit on installation night to celebrate him becoming a MOTH. This then becomes his first contribution to welfare at a Raffle draw during harmony.

* INSTALLATION RITUAL* While the recruits acceptance ritual is being carried out in the Sanctuary, the Sgt/Maj is briefing the Recruit and his Escorts how and what is to occur in preparation for the formal installation including the words of commands he will use to control the details movements. -The smarter the better.- Most importantly- Sgt/Maj must ensure everyone in this detail understands what and how they are expected to carry-out all the requirements. Nb British Army words of command are used at all MOTH parades including all drill movements will apply. When ready the Old Bill signals the Sgt/Maj via the ‘Sgt- at -arms’ to be prepared to enter the Sanctuary. ie (The MOTH on door levy and register duty is the sentry) He is the equivalent of a Sgt at Arms.

The Sgt/at/arms opens the Sanctuary curtains and entrance door. Sgt/Maj marches in the Recruit with two Escorts in single file. One escort to the recruit’s front, the other at the recruit’s rear. Sgt/Maj being a few paces behind this detail his first command is mark-time then halting them midway of the Top-Table. Sgt/Maj then orders both escorts to ‘one pace backwards march’ This detail remains to Attention facing the Executive awaiting further instructions. The recruit covers his left breast with an open right hand symbolic of covering his awarded medals that enabled his application for selection to become a MOTH also symbolic, in preparation for the recruits eligibility to wear the MOTH badge he will be entitled to wear once installed a MOTH. The above described ‘stance and symbolic simulations’ were previously instructed to the recruit and his escorts during Sgt/Maj briefing of the detail out-side the Sanctuary. Before the above, the Shellhole is already standing to Attention having being ordered there by a MOTH previously delegated to do so usually the sentry- Sgt- at- Arms.

45 Old Bill lights the candle and instructs the Sgt-at-Arms to dim the Shellhole lights. By candle-light the Old Bill and Adjutant leave the top-table to take up their respective positions in front of the recruit. The Adjutant has a tin-hat for issue to the recruit together with the recruit’s membership card for duration of the MOTH year including receipt for Subs and a copy of the MOTH Constitution and standing orders. The tin-hat is handed to the Old Bill when he asks for it. MOTH Membership card and a copy of the MOTH Constitution is given to the new MOTH by the Adjutant who also congratulates the new MOTH by shaking his hand. All MOTH and visitors take turns to shake the new MOTHS hand and wish him well. Conforming to ritual, Old Bill shows and tells the recruit what to say and do. O/B addresses the recruit or Recruits:-“Friend / Friends are you willing to serve the Order and this Shellhole?” - Recruit / Recruits reply – “Yes Old Bill” O/B -Repeat after me –I- your Name - give my comradeship to this Shellhole and my zeal to this order, I give my cheerful service as witness that we live to lighten each other’s burden. In the light of this Shellhole I declare, that he who fought by my side is my comrade still wherever he may be and in his name I solemnly acknowledge by this MOTH Salute” –O/B by example illustrates how recruit is to perform the MOTH salute. O/B-With open hands, right hand over the left hand, the thumb of your right hand in your belly-button. *(Recruit remains at the salute)* The Old Bill says -“We are here to work within the three MOTH ideals. (O/B- points at the three dice blocks in turn saying (TC-MH- SM) “True Comradeship- Mutual Help and Sound Memory, which require our practical expression and sincere endeavour in the work of this Memorable Order”. Old Bill- “Copy me – Drop salute” – The Old Bill pins on the MOTHS Tin-Hat into his blazers left lapel button-hole then congratulates the new MOTH with a hand shake. Adjutant hands-over subs-receipt and copy of the MOTH Constitution to the recruit. Concurrently with the above ritual while the Old Bill conducts the above and pining on the recruits MOTH Tin-hat, the Wee Bill standing at his top-table position, recites the following rites and ritual from the MOTH Constitution on page 111 :“Be it known to all MOTH COMRADES the Center of our Order is the Tin-hat, hallowed by the light of service. Our complete Emblem includes the Crossed Rifles of Sacrifice, surrounded by twelve stars, signifying Mutual Help, the whole within an unending circle expressing life and harmony without End . *(This ritual is directed at the recruit and also serves as a reminder for all MOTHS)* The above being the Oath we all took at our particular installation when we became MOTH now intended as a reminder and wake-up call for all of us!!! -Installations conclusion:-. O/B - “Sgt/Maj -About-turn the New MOTH and his Escorts.” Sgt/Maj- “New MOTH and his Escorts –About turn.” O/B – “In True Reveille Tradition welcome new MOTH-O/B gives his name- We All welcome the new MOTH by clapping.- later we will all shake his hand and wish him well at Reveille for many years of happiness as a MOTH into the ORDER. O/B-“Sgt/Maj seat the Detail” -Sgt/Maj- “New MOTH and Escorts to your seats fall-out.” All visitors are now invited to re-enter the sanctuary by either Sgt/Maj or Sgt/at/arms. O/B - “Sgt/Maj prepare the Shellhole”. -Sgt/Maj – “Brother MOTH - Be up-standing, button-up, stand still -.MOTH- Attention”. O/B -“Lights please Sgt/Maj” (Nb the candle is still burning since installations start.) O/B –“Now that our duties for the time being are concluded, assist me in closing this installation and our monthly meeting of Reveille Shellhole – MOTH salute”

46 -All Salute.-. Old Bill-.” With bowed heads and in true thanks-giving, in true comradeship, mutual help and sound memory, let us remember our elder brethren and those fighting for freedom and justice in the world.” “They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning, We Will Remember Them. All –“We Will Remember Them” O/B- “Drop salute - Pack-up your troubles”. All drop salute.-(we all sing- Pack-up your troubles. O/B “Lights please Sgt/Maj” – ( O/B Quenches the Candle) Sgt/Maj- turns on the sanctuary lights. O/B - “Sgt/Maj dismiss the Shellhole to harmony and fun.” Sgt/Maj – “Shellhole to harmony and fun – Dismiss”. All turn to the right, with a pause of two three- All file-out to the bar area. Order your preferred drink in preparation for the Toasts. Do not forget to hold your drink in the left hand. Ensure visitors also comply. All congratulate the new MOTH wishing him well with many years as a MOTH

. * MESS PROTOCOL* Nb-(All hold your drink in the left hand)-ie Hand of Respect to the fallen. Do’s AND Don’ts All MOTH refer to fellow MOTH as blokes-lads or chaps----never ‘Guys’ Guys is a modern term not a MOTH tradition, so if used expect to be charged. Ten days pay fine. (-Don’t ever think the word “Guys” at any MOTH event). Trusting the above explanations give the reader both insight and help to understand our MOTH rites, rituals and traditions within our unique MOTH brotherhood.

*KNOWLEDGE IS NOT RESTRICTED TO SHELLHOLE EXECUTIVES ONLY* The intention in making available what follows is intended as working reference for Mothing tasks required by MOTH serving executives and potential executives. Shared now with readers are happenings from the writers varied exposure to MOTH efficiency encountered over the years and remain relevant to-day regardless of ones Shellhole tasking. Try not to invent the wheel over again. MOTH rites rituals and traditions are used in set MOTH sequence to avoid exclusions.

*PLANNING AND OFFICIATING AT MOTH FUNERALS* .When receiving the sad news of a fellow MOTHS demise certain information is necessary to plan a funeral ceremony including help his family may require eg. Circulation of funeral, wedding or church parade information includes liaison with the event organizers ie Undertakers-Church Officials and Wedding suppliers. Programs, photos, venue and decor are family choices. Quotes for the varied expenses are often neglected if a budget is not considered MOTH participation at any of these ceremonies permission must be obtained in advance from the family. Bookings must be made for every single event!!!!!!!! My exposure on one occasion the deceased family banned a MOTH funeral because of their religious belief, though not the deceased Moths religious attitude. *Nb. Family wishes will always prevail, so do your homework.

47 *MOTH FUNERAL PLANNING* *WHO DOES WHAT AND HOW AT THE VARIOUS CEREMONIES.* Executives minimum tasking when officiating at all Church related events are the *Old Bill, Wee Bill, Adjutant and Sgt/Maj*.(Co-opt additional MOTH if need be) *GUARD OF HONOUR* Sgt/Maj forms up the Guard of honour outside the venue in two columns ie single files either side to form a passage for the coffin and mourners to pass through. At the head of each of these columns is Old Bill at the head of the one closest to the building entrance the other is headed by the Adjutant. When the hearse arrives pall-bearers take up their positions to carry the coffin to the wheeled carrier for entry to the venue. Sgt/Maj brings the guard of honour to attention... As the coffin approaches the honour guard the Old Bill calls the MOTH salute. – The drop salute is given by the Old Bill as the coffin passes him. Sgt/Maj gives the command-“Honour guard take up your seats -pause- fall-out”

. *ADORNING THE COFFIN* The coffins ‘head-side’ enters the venue coming to rest close to the Altar. Old Bill and Adjutant adorn the coffin as follows, drape the MOTH flag over the coffin equal hanging neatly, rope side at the foot of the coffin. -Congregation side-. Tin-hat and candle is placed centrally on the flag, with a box of matches. Where applicable place Medals and Photograph upright for everyone to see. After the coffin is adorned Old Bill and Adjutant take-up their seats MOTH services commence when Priest, Pastor or Reverend calls upon the Old Bill Nb. The importance of preplanning is speaking with all officials well in advance. *(Ritual readings at MOTH funerals are an Old Bill and Adjutant duty)*

*MOTH RITUAL CRIB NOTES* Ceremonial crib-notes have been produced and placed in a picture-frame by this writer for use by Reveille Executive to avoid memorizing ritual text.. Both frames fit easily into a MOTH blazer pocket for carrying ease. . *SGT/MAJ-(MOTH SERVICE RITUAL)* Separate verse is recited by the Shellholes Old Bill and Adjutant. Old Bill and Adjutant stand side by side at the head of the coffin. MOTH form-up at attention, in a semicircle facing the coffin. The number of MOTH attending dictates one or more ranks forming up around the coffin all wearing a paper ‘Haig Poppy. At all church parades the Haig poppy is pinned below the tin-hat. -This poppy is only removed during a funeral ritual.-. When both spoken rituals are completed, remove ‘Haig paper poppy with pin then Step forward (take your turn) then lay poppy down onto the coffin. - Give the MOTH salute- pause- Fall-out - Step outside, Form-up-(Guard of honour) When the coffin is due to exit the venue Sgt/Maj calls Guard of Honour to attention. Old Bill gives the MOTH salute. The salute is held until the coffin and family members have passed by before drop salute, remain at attention waiting for Sgt/Maj Note- When the coffin arrives at the start of a funeral the family are generally already inside the venue. The salute is therefore given to the fallen on entry to church venue. Sgt/Maj gives further or last instructions. eg .Directions to the wake or cemetery etc . Lastly - Fall-out or Dismiss as Applicable. *TAKE NOTE* *Nb Fall-out means we are not finished yet and Dismiss means we are now finished* *Get this correct or make a fool of yourself*

48 *SEPERATE RITUAL FOR OLD BILL AND ADJUTANT* First ritual -Adjutant’s task – “Be it known to all present that MOTH…full name….has answered the sunset-call and has gone to meet his higher command” Second ritual -Old Bill’s tasks: - “I said to the man that stands at the gate of the year, give me a light, so that I may tread safely into the unknown - he replied- Go out into the darkness and place your hand in the hand of God, so that for you all shall be better than a light and safer than any other way.”

*MOTH CLOSE* Old Bill – MOTH Salute – Let us remember our elder brethren they shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. We respond. – We Will Remember Them. We remain at attention - signal for the bugler- Bugler blows Last Post Conclusion of Last Post the Old Bill calls -“Drop Salute”- This signals the bugler to blow Reveille - Bugler blows Reveille. Reveille conclusion, MOTH begin to lay paper poppies, taking turns simultaneously your opposite - pause - MOTH salute - pause – Left or Right turn dependant on your side of the coffin followed by briskly moving outside to form-up with honour guard.

*CANDLE QUENCHING AND END OF MOTH RITUAL* *Nb Old Bill and Adjutant remain until last.*. The Old Bill licks his forefinger and thumb in the traditional candle quench. Where applicable the Adjutant will lay any photograph or medals facing upwards. Thereby avoiding breakage on removed by pallbearers. Adjutant to move out first, Old Bill follows last according to MOTH ritual. Both executives take-up position the same as on arrival for honour guard. Sgt/Maj brings the honour guard to attention when all are in position Old Bill calls for the MOTH salute. Drop salute is given after the family passes. Sgt/Maj then gives the Fall-out or Dismiss as applicable. *Nb. Sgt/Maj is usually -Master of Ceremony-*


* PLAN ALL MOTH EVENTS USING THIS FIVE POINT MILITARY FORMAT* . -Situation –Mission-Execution-Administration/Logistics-Command and Signal-. *The jobs not done till the paperwork is finished*

*PRE-PLANNING MOTH SERVICES*. *Information collected that may be required* Obtain the following information and record as a check-list cross-off when actioned. Make record of:- Deceased Moths full names and relationship with person advising of the death. Date day and venue of intended Funeral, Memorial, Church service etc. Venue, Denomination, Street Address, Town or City.-(contact person and phones)- Funeral Parlors Title-street address- town or city and (contact persons and phones)-. Who to compile? - Church or funeral parlor


Who and how will the above detail be advised on a need to know basis? RSVPs to who and how. *Where possible suggest a Friday service ensures a better and larger attendance*. Who will officiate at services? - Priest, Pastor or Reverent Rabbi etc? *Is funeral payments to-hand –ie. Insurance, medical aid or is help required? Eulogy - If so who? - or is help required? displayed on the coffin? Who are the pallbearers? Family, Friends or Shellhole MOTH Names and relationship Who-What-When-Where-Why and HOW are key questions ensuring good methods Coffins are customarily wheeled into the venue head-first-foot faces congregation. MOTH flag draped over the coffin equally hung on all sides. -Rope side at foot-.. MOTH tin-hat and candle positioned centrally over the flags tin-hat logo. -Nb Remember to take candle and matches with you.*Only Matches to be used*. Old Bill and Adjutant stand to attention at the head of the coffin their backs to the altar MOTHS form-up in a semi-circle facing the congregation standing at attention. *Where large MOTH numbers attend additional ranks are added to the semi-circle*. Eulogy usually delivered by a family member, friend or MOTH tasked to do so. Adjutant delivers the first allocated ritual from crib notes unless able to recite. Old Bill delivers his allocated ritual using the crib notes unless he is able to recite. Sgt/Maj duties usually include Master of Ceremony tasks or a delegated MOTH. MOTH on opposites sides of the coffin simultaneously place a poppy – pause - MOTH salute – pause – fall-out and take up previous position in. guard of honour outside. Sgt/Maj ensures all MOTHS are in position before calling attention, Old Bill calls MOTH salute and drop salute or delegates previous Old Bill if not available. Nb Old Bill is positioned close to the venue entrance to be able to call the MOTH salute and drop-salute when either coffin or family have suitably entered or exited the venue through the two column guard of honour at appropriate timings. Sgt/Maj gives the fall-out and form-up at the hearse where applicable. All form-up either side of the hearse. Each MOTH bringing themselves to attention giving the MOTH salute individually, this while the pallbearers are loading the coffin into the hearse. When the hearse has departed Sgt/Maj will give order ‘drop salute’ also any last instructions applicable before falling out the parade to cemetery or refreshments or wake. Sgt/Maj will then order - ‘Parade drop salute- fall-out’. *Usually tea and refreshments are served at church venues. *Customary MOTH wakes are always held at Reveille Shellhole*

50 *MOTH WEDDINGS*. Only a MOTH guard of honour applies at a MOTH wedding . *Any additional MOTH participation is a Bride and Groom choice*

*SOME CHURCH PARADE FORMATS* The following are some Reveille historic parade formats the writer evolved specifically for his use as District and Reveille Sgt/Maj. -What follows may help others in the future-. *CHURCH PARADES OF DISTRICT STRENGTH OF 50 PLUS MOTHS* Years ago Delville Wood Parades were held at the Methodist Church in Northmead Benoni then a tradition at Reveille. Delville Wood parades changed venue to Cosy Corner Brakpan as a result of Far East Rand District being absorbed into ‘our’ East Rand District This occurrence came about due to diminishing MOTH numbers on the Far East Rand. Reveille now attend Cosy Corner Shellhole for the annual Delville Wood parades since this writer organized their 2006 parade as organizing Chairman and serving as Parade Sgt/Maj while still East Rand District Sgt/Maj for life) A bout of ill health changed this intention. At this time also Reveille Old Bill for the year 2006 to 2007. *PREVIOUS METHODIST CHURCH PARADE FORMAT* The following parade format was used enabling a large number of MOTH to arrive at this church venue smartly enbloc as very few wives attended those parade for whatever reason. MOTH accompanied by their wives sat separately from the MOTHS This church allocated the MOTH our own exclusive area at these services every year... *DRILL FORMAT* *Methodist Church Parade Northmead Benoni on closest Sunday to 16th July yearly* Sgt/Maj forms up the attending MOTH in three ranks as per the following format District Old Bill takes up his position as ‘Column-of-route Commander two paces ahead of the MOTH Company in conventional three ranks, his three executives take up their positions two paces to the side of each right hand marker of the three ranks. Sgt/Maj positions the Old Bill two paces ahead of his executives in line with the centre rank..- ie Commander, executive and company standing in review order- *The Sgt/Maj briefs only the MOTH Executive and each Right-hand marker form three ranks. The executive head each rank. . There is no need to brief all the MOTHS on parade as soldiers follow instructions ie by following whoever is in front of them in this instance the Executive to their front. . *Nb Sgt/Maj speaks loudly and slowly enough to ensure understanding MOTH at the time had not been parade drilled for 20 to 30 years. Allowance is made for all eventualities including allowance for those with poor eye sight. Only executive briefing is necessary as ‘Troops’ follow instructions led by executive members at all MOTH parades. At briefing conclusion. Sgt/Maj asks-‘Are there any questions’ -(Any questions asked are answered for the sake of clarity)- Sgt/Maj - One rank at a time will be instructed to briskly march towards the church. The District Old Bill and his executive leading the centre rank all marching in unison.. Then the rear rank will be instructed to follow the centre rank Last to conform to the above format is the front rank Sgt/Maj continues- The key is our MOTH smartness and pride. Sgt/Maj ‘You will all march directly at the front door in single-file. Once inside the church observe two side doors, enter through the right door... Sgt/Maj- Are there any questions? -Questions answered- ‘Those of you with family already inside the church will break to join your family’. ‘The front right hand side six pews are reserved for MOTH’. ‘The front pew is for MOTH Executives use’- -‘The rest of us will take-up the remaining seats-’

51 Are there any questions? –Parade –Attention- Front rank- by the front quick march. Centre rank by the front quick march –Rear rank by the front quick march. The Ministers usually give a war type service mentioning Delville Wood 1914-18 war . The MOTH service begins when the Minister calls the District Old Bills to lead the Form up in front of the executive who will stand on the raised stage facing the congregation in two or three ranks for the MOTH ritual and MOTH prayer. D.O.B. calls the MOTH salute and performs MOTH ritual ‘With bowed heads in true thanks-giving let us remember our elder brethren. They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun and the morning. *We Will Remember Them* ‘District Old Bill’ I shall pass this world but once Any good therefore that I may do or any kindness that I may show my fellow man, Let me not defer it or neglect it, For I shall not pass his way again. MOTH Drop salute. After the DOB’s conclusion, MOTH file-out in their own time to refreshment area.

*PREVIOUS BENONI REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADES.* Previously Remembrance Day Parades were held at the Benoni City Hall every year from 1946 until 2006. That year the writer was both Old Bill of Reveille Shellhole also East Rand District Sgt/Maj at this last City hall parade. MOTH Reveille was advised that this venue was no longer available to us for Remembrance days Parades. All appeals to Benoni Council to have this decision reversed having fallen on deaf ears.

*CURRENT REMEMBERANCE DAY PARADES* Reveille Shellhole has since hosted Remembrance Day Parades at ‘MOTH CENTER’ The Official name given to our home by MOTH ‘O’ during his 1947 visit to Benoni shortly after its completion. He was most impressed with our MOTH predecessors achievements building this outstanding structure working mostly during their own time.



K.I.S S. ACCOUNTING - ARMY STYLE. *-Keep it simple stupid-* Nb (The job is not done till the paper-work is finished) .As a rule of thumb, petty cash must be on-hand for all on-going expenses using a float with a sufficient amount to cover and fulfill minor day to day expenses. Army style type accounting for petty cash needs works well and always easily audited. Spending example - Subtract expenses from the float. Obtain cash slips from suppliers with an official stamp or if a printed invoice must include the suppliers full details, included a full description of the transactions goods or services supplied signed and dated by the supplier. All slips must be counter signed and dated by you the receiver then compiled in date order with all the other slips where applicable. A separate statement is to be created by you in support of all slip transactions in date order with accumulated total and for the separate occurrence items. This military type accounting supported by slips in your possession with your signature and dated, then reflected on your own separate sheet is necessary simple arithmetic. Receiving or collecting money example. This above method using addition for funds received either sales or donations must have a running total. Record who, what, when, why and how much details, signed and dated by you is constantly available for banking and or auditing. -The key simple and honest-.

*Nb (The jobs not done till the paper-work is completed)*. Regular banking is most important ensuring up-to-date bank statements ongoing. Shellhole accountant/auditor are required to authorize your expenses or collections then presented with smart-edge format to be an acceptable compilation. *You don’t have to be an accountant to do simple military arithmetic*.

*THIS WRITERS WISH* To all readers of my MOTH story - Enjoy a Happy and Long Life in MOTHDOM. Keep your MOTH OATH of (TC-MH-SM) and Rites Rituals and Traditions alive always

*WRITERS PERSONAL DETAILS*. - (Certificate of Comradeship) and (Past Old Bill of Reveille Shellhole) - -Life Member Reveille Shellhole- -Past District (Sgt/Maj)- -Past Trustee of Cosy Corner- Life Membership of S.A.Legion previously known as British Empire Service League *Life Member of the Sappers Association* *Life Member Gunners Association* . Cell No- 079 136 136 3 6 MOTH COTTAGES 2 Zeeman Street Brenthurst,Brakpan,Gauteng. 1541. Republic of South Africa

53 *CREDITS* The material included in this dissertation collected verbally over the years from Soldiers, Legionnaires and MOTHS either word of mouth including instruction from various WW1 and WW2 MOTH friends in Rhodesia and later in South Africa. MOTH knowledge also gained from our MOTH Magazine (HOME FRONT) and extensive use of the MOTH Constitution and Standing Orders over the past 43 years officiating and participating in MOTH parades. Many articles by me to Home Front were written under my synonym ‘Cobra’ often my articles were complimented on for my input by the then Editor. On-going Training Bill at Reveille Shellhole or often Sgt/Maj now for well over 30 years. My self motivation in various Military studies and research includes MOTHDOM Never forgetting inspiration and wisdom drawn from Evo’s book ‘ Old Soldiers Never Die’ Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa ‘Springbok’ journal of South African Legion of Military Veterans. Poppy PRESS -The Royal British LEGION- The world’s most notorious men Numerous pamphlets and articles digested proudly over time seem to have stuck, others needing deserved originators credits can not be honestly given since mentally long eroded

*SPECIAL THANKS* My story is dedicated to my wife Dorothy, our daughter Althea, our son Afton, his two sons Ryan and Tristan for their patience with my pig-headedness sticking to telling my MOTH story as my family have little or no interest in either my Army or Moth careers. One day they may read this story and enjoy it as much as I have writing it for my friends.

*ANOTHER THANK YOU*. A special thank you goes to our son-in-law Derek Kilian for giving me this Mecer lap- top and encouraging me to learn ‘all finger touch-typing’ eventually me telling my story. Derek’s National service and call-ups were served in the SADF as an Eland Armoured Car Driver. To Legionnaires, Juri Roos and Martin Blake for helping with editing and insertion on the MOTH Web-site.

All I needed to say now on record for whoever may be interested. 1st February 2014


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