Ohio - Natural Resources Conservation Service October 2010

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Ohio - Natural Resources Conservation Service October 2010

Ohio - Natural Resources Conservation Service October 2010

Description Refer to front page of the Pheasant The purpose of this practice is to SAFE job sheet for all applicable CRP establish a cover of native grasses on policy requirements. eligible cropland that will enhance environmental benefits. Native grasses Establishment are those species considered to have Overview been found in Ohio at the time of Seeding native grasses (Switchgrass, European settlement. Establishing this Bluestems, Indiangrass, Eastern cover creates and enhances wildlife Gamagrass, Sideoats Grama, Wild Rye) habitat by providing food as well as is not as simple as the traditional winter and nesting cover seeding of our introduced cool season grasses and legumes (timothy, Practice Requirements orchardgrass, alfalfa, fescue, etc.). Vegetation shall be established in Seeding native grasses requires some accordance with the Conservation different management practices and Cover standard (327) in the local Field PATIENCE to successfully get Office Technical Guide (FOTG). established.

Grass Species Requirements Some native grass seed (Bluestems, Mixes must include a minimum of 3 species Indiangrass) have seed appendages Grasses are to be seeded at 18-22 PLS per (awns) that give the seed a “fluffy” square foot appearance and restrict the movement Mixes must include both short and tall grasses; of seed through conventional drills. mix shall have at least 60% (based on seed Alternatives to deal with this problem number) as short species include: (1) use a specially designed Forb/ Legume Species Requirements native grass drill; (2) have the seed Mixes must include a minimum of 5 species of “debearded” (awns removed); or (3) forbs/legumes; these may introduced or native; broadcast the seed with an “air flow” introduced legumes limited to alfalfa, alsike fertilizer spreader. clover and Korean clover Forbs are to be seeded at 12-16 PLS per Site Preparation and Planting square foot; introduced legumes seeded at Apply soil amendments as needed and wildlife rates described on the specifications sheet. Must include at least 2 bloom periods and at Soil amendments, if needed, shall be least one legume applied prior to seedbed preparation or CRP Policy before planting if a no-till drill is used. Normally, the application of lime and/or uniformly at a depth no greater than ¼ fertilizer is not needed when inch for native grasses. establishing native grasses and forbs in cropland. The addition of fertilizer may Tilled Seedbed A firm seedbed is in fact encourage the growth of other important when seeding native grasses. plants to the detriment of the native Initial tillage (plow, chisel, disc) should grasses. begin at least a month prior to seeding. About 2 weeks should be planned Because planting depth is critical for between initial tillage and final seedbed these plants, a firm, level seedbed is preparation to allow the weeds to necessary. Also, because they germinate and be killed by the final germinate later than most other plants seedbed preparation. A nonselective typically found in fields, it is important to herbicide can be used prior to seeding have a weed-free seedbed. In some to control weeds, especially the cases, site preparation may be perennial weeds. The final seedbed necessary the year before seeding. should be cultipacked until firm enough Native grass seeds should be planted to leave footprints only 1/4 to 1/2 inch no deeper than ¼ inch. If planted deep. Once the seedbed is prepared, properly, approximately 40% of the seed seed the area by: will be on top of the ground after  Drill Seeding – Uniformly drill the seeding. If drilling, ensure that the drill is seed ¼ inch deep properly calibrated and set up. OR  Broadcast Seeding – Use an “air- Seed the species listed on the flow” fertilizer applicator or broadcast specifications sheet. Seed at rates and seeder capable of handling these according to methods described on the seeds to uniformly seed the area. A specifications sheet. carrier may be needed if using a fertilizer spreader. Cultipack again No-till Planting The first step is to kill or after broadcast seeding to achieve suppress existing vegetation. If planting seed coverage and seed-to-soil into an existing sod, treatment will need contact. to begin the year before planting. Mow the existing sod and follow with a fall Seeding Dates application of appropriate burndown The best time to seed native grasses is herbicide to control grasses and April 1 until May 30. Dormant seedings broadleaved plants. New growth may may be done from November 1 until occur in the spring prior to planting, so March 14. For dormant seedings, an additional burndown treatment may increase the rate 25% if drilling and 50% be necessary. If the previous crop was a if broadcast seeding. row crop, use a nonselective burndown herbicide to control existing vegetation Maintenance during Establishment at the time of planting. Once competing Mow, clip or spray during the growing vegetation is controlled, use a drill season to control weeds, insects or designed for no-till seeding warm other undesirable species. Do not mow season grasses. Seed should be drilled shorter than 8 inches. The goal the seeding year is to reduce the shade The Final Evaluation should be made pressure that weeds can exert on the during the early summer of the second warm season grass seedlings. The year. If an average of 2 healthy plants seeding should be mowed at least once are found per square foot, a successful before early August. There are stand and cover should be herbicides labeled for some native accomplished. grasses. These have proven to be very effective in helping the native grass Maintenance after Establishment seeding get established. However, Maintain the cover to provide adequate some caution must be used so that erosion control, comply with noxious these materials do not harm desirable weed laws and control undesirable species included in the mix. plants species, insects or rodents that negatively affect the CRP cover or Areas that fail to become established adjacent lands. should be re-seeded during the next seeding period. After the initial establishment is completed, maintain the planting Stand Evaluation according to your CRP conservation Native grasses often have slower plan. Maintenance activities are only germination than typical introduced cool- allowed between July 16 and February season grasses and legumes. It is 28 (outside the primary nesting and appropriate to give the stand sufficient brood-rearing season) unless the FSA time to develop when evaluating stand County Committee has approved success. maintenance activity during the nesting season prior to the activity taking place. The Initial Evaluation should be made 6-8 weeks after planting. Check and Scout fields in May to early June to record seedling density (plants per identify problems such as thistle, square foot) and distribution in several johnsongrass, other noxious weeds or areas of the field. This is also a time to trees. These may need treatment to check weed pressures. If it appears that control. undesirable cool season grasses and legumes are overtaking the native Spot treatment necessary to control grasses, consider using an Imazapic noxious weeds or pests that will damage herbicide over the top to kill or suppress the CRP cover may be allowed during the cool season grasses. the primary nesting season (March 1 to July 15) if: it is limited to the affected The Second Evaluation should be area of the field; the method used shall made in late summer of the seeding be the least damaging to nesting wildlife year to evaluate stand adequacy based and habitat; and it is approved on density of established plants. An beforehand by the FSA County average of at least 2-4 strong seedlings Committee. per square foot should be the minimum acceptable stand. Periodic mowing, mowing for cosmetic purposes and annual mowing for generic weed control are prohibited. In order to maintain a grass cover, mowing If prescribed burning is to be used, it may be necessary to control unwanted must be conducted in accordance with woody plant invasion. Typically, mowing an approved burn plan and all every 2 to 3 years will control woody applicable state or local regulations. vegetation. Mowing for this purpose may not be done annually. INFORMATION ON THIS JOB SHEET Mow no shorter than 8 inches for native IS CONSIDERED TO BE PART OF grasses. Do not mow after August 20 in THE CONTRACT AND order to allow regrowth for winter cover. CONSERVATION PLAN THAT HAS Mowing shorter than 8 inches will also BEEN DEVELOPED WITH THE damage or kill the warm season grasses PARTICIPANT. and promote cool season grasses. CP38-4D NATIVE GRASSES SPECIFICATIONS SHEET For: Farm #: Field(s): Tract #: Planned By: Date: GRASS-FORB/LEGUME SEEDING Cover Acres to be seeded: Grasses Forbs/Legumes Species Rate Species Rate PLS PLS lb./ac lb./ac.

Total Grass (lbs./acres) Total Forbs/Legumes (lbs./acre) Cover Acres to be seeded: Grasses Forbs/Legumes Species Rate Species Rate PLS PLS lb./ac lb./ac.

Total Grass (lbs./acres) Total Forbs/Legumes (lbs./acre) SITE PREPARATION - BEFORE PLANTING IN YEAR: Herbicide: Per OSU Extension, professional consultant and/or label recommendations. Tillage: Fertilizer/Lime: Temporary Seeding: Other: NOTES: PLANTING YEAR: Planting Method: Date If unforeseen circumstances prohibit planting by this date, please contact the local NRCS office as soon as possible. POST-PLANTING MAINTENANCE FOR PEST CONTROL DURING ESTABLISHMENT Herbicide: Per OSU Extension, professional consultant and/or label recommendations. Mowing Prescribed Burning – Burn according to approved plan Note: After the seeding is established, maintenance activities during the March 1 – July 15 period require prior approval of the FSA County Committee. Mowing may only be done between July 16 and August 20. Other maintenance activities must be conducted between July 16 and February 28 unless prior approval for work outside these dates has been given by FSA County Committee.

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