State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)

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State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)

State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes A. Governance: Increase the number of children who are appropriately referred to and served by community resources that serve their need 1. The Executive Committee of 9/1/12-6/30/13 DOE representation Current Commissioners 1. Findings from SAIEL will meet weekly and (3) membership: designate statewide early learning include no more than six DHHS: Kris appropriate projects drive persons, three from each DHHS representation Michaud, Sheryl personnel and integrations and systems department. (3) Peavey, Amy Dix authority based on improvements 2. SAIEL Management Team, DOE: Janine staff changes and which is a larger group with Blatt, Jaci reconfiguration of 2. SAIEL plans and representation of the major Holmes, Cindy responsibilities promotes long term early childhood programs Brown sustainability for across both departments, System Level: System Level: integrated ELD will set up meetings with key *Preliminary *Completion of a initiatives. dept players to share the findings from resource map that SAIEL workplan and identify the work of is used to inform areas where their priorities SAIEL and the and guide align. Maine Children’s priorities, 3. The Executive Committee of Growth Council accountability and SAIEL will review and update Sustainability collaboration the current DHHS/DOE MOU Committee that * Through accordingly to align with the indicate partnership with components of this work opportunities for the Children’s plan. clarification of Growth Council, function/service SAIEL will and repurposing coordinate of funding monthly, and will # Qualitatively, make there are recommendations

1 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes multiple formal to the points of entry Commissioners to processes that integrate and /or connect families reduce the to programs and number of points services. of entry/connecting processes in place shared by both departments by December 2013.

4. SAIEL will review current 10/1/12-1/31/13 DOE representation RTT-ELC Project Revised Reform By April 2013, resource mapping efforts, (2) Budget and Agenda Budget departments issue joint the work of the MCGC DHHS representation State Budget Maine Early guidance for funding Sustainability Committee, (2) that offers concrete and existing funding of the Learning Investment Group possibilities for various ELD programs within MCGC Data communities: Pooled each department and make Committee; ELD (MELIG) and Institute of funding, Joint funding, recommendations for the Accountability Team New funding “repurposing” of limited Education Science State finances. grant opportunities B. High Quality Accountable Programs: Increased coordination of Head Start, Early Head Start, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, Public Pre-K and Child Care programmatic standards 1. Draft a logic model to 10/1/12-6/30/13  DOE Draft standards for 1. Both departments

2 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes articulate program representative QRIS standards public pre-k, CDS use consistent standards for public pre-k,  State CDS IEU staff contractors* expectations, Early Childhood and Early  Child Care Team Federal HS definitions and Childhood Special Education Leader standards *In rule writing processes. programs to be consistent  Child Wellness process now 2. Departments have a with DHHS TQRIS strands. Liaison DOE Transition plan for measureable 2. Increase coordination of  Head Start Services Laws, application of these Head Start/Early Head Collaboration Rules, Policies Coordination with standards to increase Start/Public PreK  Head Start TA and Procedures state longitudinal capacity to serve high programmatic expectations Team data system risk children in 3. Convene a group of key  PreK Collaboration DHHS Transition quality programs. personnel from DOE and Coaches Services Laws, As a result of this 3. There are DHHS to discuss Rules, Policies initial meeting comparable levels of interdepartmental and and Procedures. with SAIEL, this quality across various intradepartmental stakeholder group ELD programs. transitioning services for System Level: will consider an children and families. *As of January interdepartmental 2013 there are Quality 1,315 licensed Improvement providers in the Project in State of Maine collaboration with TQRIS system. the DHHS Office of *As of January Lean Management 2013 only 41% focused on of licensed transition services providers are at for children and a Step 2 or families receiving

3 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes higher in the services through TQRIS system. DOE and DHHS in *As of January the State of 2013 there are Maine. 197 public preschool System Level: programs. *By July 2013, we *As of January will quantify the 2013 53 (27%) number of public preschool providers and programs are their required to corresponding participate in TQRIS Step Level the QRS and who serve children maintain a Step and families in 4 due to Head Start, Early partnerships Head Start, Early with community Intervention, Early programs. Childhood Special Education, Public Pre-K, , and Child Care. *By December of 2013 42% of providers serving children in Head Start, Early Head

4 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes Start, Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, Public Pre-K, and Child Care will assigned a Step 2 or higher in the TQRIS system. By December 2013 there will be a 9% increase in programs in Steps 2-4 C. Promoting Early Learning and Development Outcomes: Increase the number of children served in early care settings that incorporate the Early Learning Guidelines 1. Complete the revision of the 6/2011 - 3/31/13 ELDS Revision Domain Completed 1. ELDS will be available Early Learning and Development Workgroup (with workgroups in standards posted online and clearly show standards (ELDS) with SAIEL representation) process of online by FY14 alignment from a birth- contracted support finalizing for grade 3 continuum. peer review System Level: the Across the EC system, the System Level: two sets of workforce understands Two sets of Early guidelines are what children’s levels of Learning revised by proficiency are and what Guidelines are September 2013 they need; systems currently in use: to become two understand what one for infants sets of standards professional

5 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes and toddlers and for the respective development/technical the other for age groups assistance/career three to five *The Early preparation the year olds. Learning workforce needs; and Child Level: Guidelines for child transitions through *12,550 are children 3-5 will ELD programs are being served in be revised by Fall synchronized with the K- settings that 2013. They will be 3 system. incorporate a)linked to the Maine’s Early Infant/Toddler Both departments are Learning Guidelines to better able to identify Guidelines from serve as a children with special 10/1/11- continuum of needs and identify 9/30/12. standards, b) learning styles and *4,784 children posted in a web explicit needs of were served in a based format, c) vulnerable children at public preschool become the risk of school failure. that incorporate shared reference Maine’s Early documents used Learning to guide Guidelines from appropriate 9/1/11-6/30/12 curriculum, practice and instruction incorporated into a common training network.

6 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes Child Level: An additional 2,000 children will be served in settings that incorporate Maine’s Early Learning Guidelines from 10/1/12-9/30/13 2. Develop an Early learning Phase 1: FY13- SAIEL, ELDS System Level: *Work with Comprehensive Assessment FY14 Workgroup, and *Localized stakeholder Framework (CAF) that includes a MCGC Accountability implementation groups(ELD, formative assessment protocol Teams, and other of screening HAT,PD to inform kindergarten teachers appropriate tools Accountability of the developmental status of interested parties *Misuse/misinte Teams of the entering children. rpretation of MCGC) to develop screening and a working assessment framework of CAF *No statewide components by connection of August 2013. screening, *Connect formative disparate assessment, groups/efforts data, and towards universal professional developmental development screening (B-5) by needs June 2013 –

7 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes Incorporate pilot findings from Educare by September 2013 *Link efforts of the State Longitudinal Early Childhood pilot to Framework by December 2013 *Link efforts of the MRTQ and PD Accountability Team *Develop webinar on components of Comprehensive Framework by December 2013 D. A Great Early Childhood Education Workforce: Increase the number of professionals trained in Early Learning Guidelines 1. Embed the revised ELD Ongoing MCGC Professional System Level: System Level: Cross-department Standards into the State of Development Existing Core Core Knowledge training that bridges Maine funded Core Knowledge Committee Knowledge trainings will disciplines and funding Training Program and workforce and workforce include resources sources competencies framework. competencies on the revised framework ELDS Standards Workforce Level:

8 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes Workforce Level: 200 additional 254 professionals will professionals receive training on have received the State of Maine training on the Infant/Toddler or State of Maine Maine Early Infant/Toddler Learning or Maine Early guidelines that are Learning employed in guidelines that programs from are employed in 10/1/12-9/30/13. 524 programs from 10/1/11- 9/3012.

2. SAIEL representation Ongoing Early Childhood 2011 MRTQ Annual Articulation agreements encourage a standing agenda Higher Education training needs Interdepartmental for ELD coursework item with the early Committee assessment; Early Learning and across public and private childhood higher education DATA from: Development institutions of higher committee to consider 2011 Workforce learning. embedding the revised ELDS professional Strategic Goals are in both two- and four-year development reflected in both degree programs throughout focus groups; departments’ the state. 2011-12 school plans 3. Support increased workforce readiness skill capacity to expand and

9 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes

improve family engagement forums; Maine while supporting family Professional understanding of child Development development Network (PDN) needs assessments. E. State Longitudinal Data Systems: Increase the number of early childhood programs that are in the State Longitudinal Data System 1. Develop DOE-DHHS MOU for 9/1/12-6/30/13  DOE Early State Level State State Level: The departments are Early Childhood Data Sharing Childhood Project DOE, DHHS, and *MDOE will have able to identify trends 2. Expansion of DHHS COGNOS Manager (Ted) OIT personnel linkages with within local communities frameworks client index  DOE have documented DHHS early and regions to better table by adding linkage with representatives requirements for childhood communicate the State Student Identifier (Jaci, Janine) linkage between program data learning needs of 3. Develop/refine the research  Child Care Team DHHS and MDOE through children in a particular questions to be answered by Leader programs and expansion of demographic area and to the REL-NEI project and SLDS  Child Wellness progress toward DHHS COGNOS guide continuous 4. Examine status of the early Liaison completion of Frameworks improvement efforts at childhood linkage pilots to  Head Start COGNOS linkage client index table local, regional and the track participation in Early Directors Ass’n is ongoing by adding linkage state level. Head Start, Head Start and leadership with State Pilots allow evaluation of Educare.  Educare A Set of research Student Identifier the effectiveness of early 5. Build on the results of the Leadership questions and by May 2013. childhood programs in initial pilot to further link  SLDS Director corresponding *Head Start and preparing children for child care data with CDS, 4- (Bill) data elements CDS children will elementary education Year-Olds and other early  Asst. AG (Sarah) have been have student and provide outcome childhood programs.  Researchers developed. identifiers and reports back to the DHHS

10 State Agencies Interdepartmental Early Learning Team (SAIEL)


Activities Time Frame Who is responsible, Performance Measures Results/ who are our partners Baseline Target Outcomes 6. The MDOE will assign a (MEPRI, REL) DHHS/MDOE programs. dedicated project  PTAC Early Pilot project data systems Early childhood program coordinator to lead the pilot Learning Data manager has been linkage in place participation and dosage project. Sharing named. by Summer of data will help inform 7. Bring CDS into the SLDS Workgroup 2013. elementary schools (multiple states) Initial pilot about at-risk indicators programs status for incoming students. examination complete and progress toward establishment of Headstart student identifiers is in progress.


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