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State of New Mexico s6

Iredell Statesville Schools School Improvement Plan A Continuous Improvement Strategic Plan

Use the mouse to move from field to field. School Name: North Iredell High School School Year: 2008-09 Quarter: Four Date: April 30, 2009 Current NCLB Status: Not Met (10 out of 13) Current ABC Status: No recognition

n Overall SMART Goal: Your overall goal will reflect a two to three year long-range goal a l

P By 2011, NIHS will reduce lost instructional days (OSS) by 50% from 1511 to 755 as measured by I-SS Individual School Discipline Report. Target SMART Goal/Measure: (Selection of a school wide goal must be based upon academic or operational need and must be supported by data. State clearly how academic goal will provide for accelerated learning for students at risk of not meeting standards or making AYP. Any school missing AYP as a result of EC, LEP or ED populations must have a goal representing these groups.) NIHS will reduce the number of lost instructional days due to OSS from 1207 days to 1028 days for the 2008-2009 school year as measured by the I-SS Individual School Discipline Report. Insert (or attach) data table to support the selection of the above stated the overall SMART Goal and Target SMART Goal

2005-2006: 954 OSS days 2006-2007: 1511 OSS days (an increase of 557 instructional days lost due to OSS from 05-06 through 06-07). 2007-2008: 1207 OSS days (a decrease of 304 instructional days lost due to OSS from 06-07 through 07-08).

y 2006 – 2007 Days Lost to OSS 2007 – 2008 Days Lost to OSS 2008 – 2009 Days Lost to OSS d

u 306 247 350 t Quarter 1 Quarter 1 Quarter 1 S Quarter 2 448 Quarter 2 278 Quarter 2 364 Semester 1 754 Semester 1 525 Semester 1 714 Quarter 3 459 (1213 total) Quarter 3 453 (978 Total) Quarter 3 254 (968 total) Quarter 4 298 Quarter 4 229 Quarter 4 Semester 2 757 Semester 2 682 Semester 2 Year Total 1511 Year Total 1207 Year Total

Page 1 of 32 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Summer 1. What are the key Based on analysis Based on analysis Based on analysis Based on analysis strengths and from the previous from the previous from the previous from the previous data to support quarter, adjust quarter, adjust quarter, adjust quarter, adjust it? strategy and strategy and strategy and strategy and Days lost to OSS has been deployment plan as deployment plan as deployment plan as deployment plan as reduced each quarter when needed. needed. needed. needed. comparing the 2007/08 school year to the 2006/07 school year. 2. What are the key opportunities for y d Data analysis: Improvement u t (SWOT) analysis and the data to S support it? Reduce OSS referrals by 200 days for the 08/09 school year and determine the root causes for the OSS referrals. 3. What information/dat a is needed that we do not have? Root causes, teacher source, location, and time for OSS referrals from the 2007-2008 school year 4. What is your next 4. What is your next 4. What is your next 4. What is your next 4. What is your next step? (Identify key step? (Identify key step? (Identify key step? (Identify key step? (Identify key approach or approach or approach or approach or approach or strategy) strategy) strategy) strategy) strategy) Identify n a l Key Approach Develop and implement Implement Freshman Implement Freshman Maintain the Freshman P (Strategy) intervention strategies Refocusing Center (FRC) Refocusing Center (FRC) Refocusing Center (FRC) with a focus on that includes behavior that includes behavior which includes behavior improvements from the interventions and interventions and interventions and 2007-2008 root causes. counseling for freshman counseling for freshman counseling for freshman student discipline issues. student discipline issues. student discipline issues.

Page 2 of 32 Do Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan for ensuring the strategy forthe ensuring For the current quarter the For Create the deployment Create Parent and Community Parent and encumbered and name encumbered (Indicate title, content (Indicate title, Person(s) ResponsiblePerson(s) deployed during the deployed during Resources Resources Available Resources Resources Needed during the currentduring the currentduring the currentduring the currentduring quarter (include $ quarter (include current quarter current and audience) (Stakeholder) Development Involvement Professional of budget) quarter quarter quarter plan is is NA NA NA Team (Goal Chair) Wood Stephanie ( Watkins Shannon facilitator) Team Swofford Kim Goal facilitator Goal Team Use the Quarter1 Use the deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal 2.5110….00,and Grant (1/4 Monies through encumberedfrom FLC $24,000without benefits (Goal Chair) Team Wood Stephanie ( WatkinsShannon Team facilitator) KimSwofford FRC. in consecutive days freshman with Conferences for Parent/Student expectations. procedures, and guidelines, FRCtrained on be coordinator will FRC and teachers Freshman Academy NA for Coordinator.FRC 2.5110….21) be to used 2.5110….07. ½ through Goal Team facilitator Use the the Quarter 2 Use deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal 2.5110….00, 2.5110….00, and Monies throughGrant (1/4 encumbered FLC from benefits $24,000 without Team (Goal Chair) Wood Stephanie ( Watkins Shannon facilitator) Team Swofford Kim FRC. in days consecutive with freshman for Conferences Parent/Student expectations. and procedures, guidelines, on FRC be trained will coordinator FRC NA FRC for Coordinator. to used 2.5110….21) be ½through 2.5110….07. Goal facilitator Goal Team Use the Quarter3 Use the deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal FRC. in consecutive days freshman with Conferences for Parent/Student NA NA for Coordinator.FRC 2.5110….21) be to used 2.5110….07. ½ through 2.5110….00,and Grant (1/4 Monies through encumberedfrom FLC $24,000without benefits (Goal Chair) Team Wood Stephanie ( WatkinsShannon Team facilitator) KimSwofford Goal Team facilitator Use the the Quarter 4 Use deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal Page Page 3 of of 32 Study goal? overalltarget goal or the impactedstrategy if to the determine usedatawillyouC. What with fidelity? deployed wasstrategy if to the determine use What B. data will you deployed? wasstrategy if to the usedetermine datawillyou A. What Evaluation: with 07/08. with compared as 08/09 Quarter1 for days OSS in C. reduction necessary. if provided will be opportunities development staff modified or policies strategies/discipline intervention and analyzed Quarter 1 datafrom OSS B. 07/08 from analysis on data OSS based modified policies discipline strategies/ Intervention A. deployment ofdeployment B.of Evidence conferences. re-entryfrom documentation and contracts/portfolio behavior and documentation A. FRC 08/09. fromQuarter1 with with and 07/08 as 08/09 compared for daysQuarter 2 OSS C.Reduction in coordinator FRCbyrecorded contracts/portfolio behaviors deployment of of deployment ofEvidence B. conferences. re-entry from documentation and contracts/portfolio behavior and documentation FRC A. 08/09. from 2 and Quarter 1 withand07/08 with compared as 08/09 Quarter3 for days OSS Reduction in C. coordinator FRCby recorded contracts/portfolio behaviors from 08/09.from 3 and Quarters1, 2, with with and 07/08 as 08/09 compared for daysQuarter 4 in C. OSS Reduction coordinator FRCbyrecorded contracts/portfolio behaviors ofdeployment B.of Evidence conferences. re-entryfrom documentation and contracts/portfolio behavior and documentation A. FRC C. B. A. Page Page 4 of of 32 Study the data questions to the data questions use deployment plan and current quarter from the Report the data analyze the resultsanalyze the 3. 2. 1. referral? to majorrequisite a as pre-used a often ASD How is take fighting place? doesWhere the have? do not wethat needed is a information/dat What fighting). to of days 101 120 due days and 350 total to (245 due OSS of of lost amount days a for disproportionate accountedFreshmen it? support the data to and Improvement for opportunities key are the What enrolled).students from reports 1225 (293 population perreferrals student percentage of the had 2 quarter. this We have offensesreportable has had NIHS only 3 it? support data to and strengths key are the What nd lowest 1. 3. 2. compared 754).to 06/07 year school (714 at point the this in still than werelower we increasedin are Q2, we days to lost OSS Even the though NIHS it? support and data to strengths key the What are pulled NC from Wise.) (This has beendata not attributed freshmento The of number days not wehave? do neededthat is information/data What last year. lost to compared the an increase 189 of days from in This 350 Q1. is increasedto in 364 Q2 days due OSS lost to NIHS instructional it? support data to and the Improvement opportunities for key the What are point. strengths at noted this There are other no (Q1) to to (Q1) 17(Q2) 6(Q3). improved 23 campus from itemsinappropriate on days to OSS due to 55(Q2) 31(Q3). from (Q1) reduced 60 to days to OSS due fighting data is not 1 trendthan quarter, so in been place more for data. has FRC FRC not offenderRepeat data and (110 reduction) Q3 day 364 Q2 254 from in to in days reducedOSS were days dueOverall lost to 1. 3. (Q3). to (Q2) 27 (Q1) 23 to Phone from Cell up 0 10. Code from to Dress up 3 8 38.from to of up Possession Tobacco 2. support it? support data to and strengths key are the What have? do not wethat needed is ta information/da What it? to support the data and Improvement for opportunities key are the What 3. 2. 1. we have?we not do is that needed information/data What it?support thedata andto Improvement opportunities for aretheWhatkey it? supportdata to strengths and aretheWhatkey 3. 2. 1.

What What we do not do have?we thatneeded is information/data the and Improvement for opportunities key are the What it? to support data and strengths key are the What Page Page 5 of of 32 detailed steps) Act/Plan (Provide Steps #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 Target Goal Met? Target Goal discipline polices, procedures, or possible staff development. or staff possible procedures, polices, discipline concerning be developed nextwill steps suggested data Quarteranalysis, 1 on Based data. year schoolthe2007-2008to compared year schooland - 2009 2008 for Quarter 1 the from categories incidentby days lost oftheanalyzedfrequencythe and will for becollected Data developed policies and discipline to adjustmentswillbemade data analysis, frequency on Based each the Quarter from 2007-2008 for incidentby daysthe lost frequency categories of Analyze the year. school -2008 data the endoffrom 2007 year discipline for incidentby daysthe lost frequency categories of Analyze the .

OSS Quarter 1 Deployment1 Plan OSS Quarter new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the furtherto order in goal target

Abandon current Abandon Continue current Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If intervention strategies will be will be strategies intervention intervention strategies, strategies, intervention action action below: theappropriate overall goal thefurther to impact goal order target in new new strategy identifyand strategy plan deployment improvementsto strategy, make but next Qtr plan deployment for update and strategy

Continuecurrent NOno, Ifcheck yes, YES If change Abandon Abandon current Continuecurrent Stephanie Wood Stephanie WatkinsShannon Swofford Kim Wood Stephanie WatkinsShannon Swofford Kim Wood Stephanie WatkinsShannon Swofford Kim Wood Stephanie WatkinsShannon Swofford Kim Wood Stephanie WatkinsShannon Swofford Kim action below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the furtherto order in goal target new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy Responsible

Person(s) Continue Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If Abandon current Abandon Continue current stepsdeveloped next OFIsand identified data Quarteranalysis1 developed. strategies intervention adjustmentsand policyDiscipline analysis Quarterly data YearDataEnd analysis of new new strategy identifyand strategy plan deployment improvementsto strategy, make but next Qtr plan deployment for update and strategy action below: theappropriate overall goal thefurther to impact goal order target in

Abandon Abandon current Continuecurrent Continuecurrent NOno, Ifcheck yes, YES If change Measure(s) new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the further orderto in goal target

11/07/08 10/31/08 8/22/08 8/22/08 8/22/08 Abandon current Abandon Continue current Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If Completion Completion Date Action Step Action Step Page Page 6 of of 32 Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide OSS Quarter 2 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Develop Freshman Refocusing Center (FRC) protocol, Terry Jonas FRC protocol and 11/18/08 expectations, and procedures. FRC will involve components Shannon Watkins procedures of counseling, academic interventions, and behavior interventions (Student Intervention Portfolio PDSA). #2 Meet with Freshman Academy teachers to decide on location Terry Jonas Meeting agenda and 11/18/08 for Freshman Refocusing Center (FRC) and to provide Shannon Watkins focused feedback from professional development on FRC protocol, expectations, teachers. and procedures. Location of FRC secured #3 Hire and train FRC Coordinator. NIHS FRC Coordinator hired and 11/25/08 Administration trained #4 Implement Freshman Refocusing Center intervention NIHS FRC Attendance Log and 1/22/09 program. Administration analysis of Student Intervention Portfolio PDSA #5 Data will be collected and analyzed from Quarter 2 for the Libby Hill Quarter 2 data analysis 1/22/09 2008-2009 school year and will be compared to Quarter 2 Shannon Watkins for the 2007-2008 school year as well as Quarter1 for the 2008-2009 school year. #6 Analyze Student Intervention Portfolio PDSA data to Stephanie Wood SWOT Analysis of Student 1/22/09 determine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for Intervention Portfolios improvement. #7 Based on Quarter 2 data analysis for the 2008-2009 school Stephanie Wood OFIs identified and next 1/22/09 year, next steps will be developed and deployment plan will steps developed be adjusted accordingly.

Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide OSS Quarter 3 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Pull grade-level OSS data from NC Wise and update SWOT Libby Hill SWOT analysis updated to 2/06/09 analysis reflect grade-level data analysis #2 Review and adjust Freshman Refocusing Center (FRC) Terry Jonas FRC protocol and 1/30/09 protocol, expectations, and procedures. FRC will involve Shannon Watkins procedures components of counseling, academic interventions, and behavior interventions (Student Intervention Portfolio PDSA). #3 Coordinate the relocation of the health room. Set up room Terry Jonas Health room moved 1/18/09 I201 so that it will be conducive to Freshman Refocusing Shannon Watkins Center expectations and procedures. Rm I201 set up for FRC 1/30/09 #4 Hire and train FRC Coordinator. NIHS FRC Coordinator hired and 1/30/09 Administration trained #5 Implement Freshman Refocusing Center intervention NIHS FRC Attendance Log and 2/06/09 program (which will include parent/student conferences for Administration analysis of Student

Page 7 of 32 students with consecutive days in FRC). Intervention Portfolio PDSA #6 Data will be collected and analyzed from Quarter 3 for the Libby Hill Quarter 2 data analysis 3/27/09 2008-2009 school year and will be compared to Quarter 3 Shannon Watkins for the 2007-2008 school year as well as Quarter1 and 2 for the 2008-2009 school year. #7 Analyze Student Intervention Portfolio PDSA data to Stephanie Wood SWOT Analysis of Student 4/03/09 determine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for Intervention Portfolios improvement. #8 Based on Quarter 3 data analysis for the 2008-2009 school Stephanie Wood OFIs identified and next 4/03/09 year, next steps will be developed and deployment plan will steps developed be adjusted accordingly.

Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide OSS Quarter 4 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Pull repeat offender data and FRC data from NC Wise and Libby Hill SWOT analysis updated to 5/08/09 update SWOT analysis Shannon Watkins reflect grade-level data analysis #2 Review, adjust and implement Freshman Refocusing Center Terry Jonas FRC protocol and 5/15/09 (FRC) protocol, expectations, and procedures based on data Shannon Watkins procedures adjusted analysis and recommendations from FRC Coordinator, FLC Director, and FLC Teachers #3 Conduct parent/student conferences for students with NIHS FRC Attendance Log and 6/12/09 consecutive days in FRC). Administration analysis of Student Intervention Portfolio PDSA #4 Data will be collected and analyzed from Quarter 4 for the Libby Hill Quarter 3 data analysis 6/12/09 2008-2009 school year and will be compared to Quarter 4 Shannon Watkins for the 2007-2008 school year as well as Quarter1, 2 and 3 for the 2008-2009 school year. #5 Analyze FRC data to determine strengths, weaknesses and Stephanie Wood SWOT Analysis of FRC data 6/12/09 opportunities for improvement. FRC data includes FRC Shannon Watkins documentation, behavior contracts/portfolio, documentation from re-entry conferences, and evidence of deployment of behaviors contracts/portfolio recorded by FRC coordinator. #6 Based on Quarter 4 data analysis for the 2008-2009 school Stephanie Wood OFIs identified and next 6/12/09 year, next steps will be developed and decision will be made Shannon Watkins steps developed on implementation of FRC next school year.

Page 8 of 32 Iredell Statesville Schools School Improvement Plan A Continuous Improvement Strategic Plan

School Name: North Iredell High School School Year: 2008-09 Quarter: Four Date: April 30, 2009 Current NCLB Status: Not Met Current ABC Status: No Recognition

n Overall SMART Goal: Your overall goal will reflect a two to three year long-range goal a l

P By 2012, 100% of the staff at North Iredell High School will implement all components of the Team Work Matrix with fidelity as measured by School Quality Assurance Reports. Target SMART Goal/Measure: By the end of the 2008-2009 school year, 100% of teachers will implement PDSA with fidelity in their classrooms as measured by CWT data. Insert (or attach) data table to support the selection of the above stated the overall SMART Goal and Target SMART Goal

NIHS ISS HS NIHS ISS HS NIHS ISS HS NIHS ISS HS NIHS 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09 08/09

Baseline Q1 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q3 Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 Q4 1e. Classroom PDSA learning target and SMART goal are displayed and current. (PLAN) Yes 36% 53% 59% 83% 77% 71% 80% 82% 74% 83% No 64% 39% 31% 17% 21% 26% 19% 16% 21% 17% Unable to determine 0% 2% 2% 0% 2% 2% 1% 2% 5% 0% 1g. Classroom PDSA trend data is discussed and analyzed. (STUDY) Yes 5% 36% 37% 56% 69% 59% 69% 78% 63% 71% 95% 53% 44% 42% 26% 34% 31% 18% 29% 28% y No d u Unable to determine 0% 4% 5% 2% 4% 7% 0% 3% 8% 1% t

S 2a. Current PDSA strategies for the teacher are aligned to PDSA target and posted. (DO) Yes 32% 51% 55% 80% 75% 66% 75% 81% 72% 80% No 68% 40% 35% 19% 22% 30% 24% 16% 22% 19% Unable to determine 0% 3% 3% 1% 3% 4% 1% 3% 6% 1% 2b. Improvement cycles indicate what the teacher will do differently in next cycle. (ACT) Yes 2% 35% 35% 53% 66% 55% 65% 75% 61% 72% No 98% 53% 45% 45% 30% 39% 33% 21% 30% 27% Unable to determine 0% 4% 5% 2% 4% 6% 2% 4% 9% 1%

NOTE – The NIHS 08/09 Baseline data was collected from August 25, 2008 through September 12, 2008. Q1 08/09 runs from September 15, 2008 through November 7, 2008. Q2 08/09 runs from November 10,2008 through January 16, 2009, Q3 08/09 runs from January 22, 2009 through March 20, 2009, Q4 runs from March 23, 2009 through June 10, 2009.

Page 9 of 32 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Summer 1. What are the key strengths Based on analysis Based on analysis Based on analysis Based on analysis and data to from the previous from the previous from the previous from the previous support it? quarter, adjust quarter, adjust quarter, adjust quarter, adjust strategy and strategy and strategy and strategy and CWT data has improved deployment plan as deployment plan as deployment plan as deployment plan as from Q2 to Q3 (a needed. needed. needed. needed. minimum of 10% improvement) for indicators 1e, 1g, 2a, and 2b.

2. What are the key y d Data analysis: opportunities u t (SWOT) analysis for S Improvement and the data to support it?

NIHS needs to improve 1g (55%) and 2b (48%)

3. What information/dat a is needed that we do not have? Quarter 1 from the 08/09 school year 4. What is your next 4. What is your next 4. What is your next 4. What is your next 4. What is your next step? (Identify key step? (Identify key step? (Identify key step? (Identify key step? (Identify key approach or approach or approach or approach or approach or strategy) strategy) strategy) strategy) strategy) Identify Fully implement the Provide intra-departmental Provide intra-departmental Provide intra-departmental n

a PDSA approach in all coaching of PLC teams coaching of PLC teams coaching of PLC teams l Key Approach P (Strategy) classrooms with fidelity. through the use of through the use of through the use of Instructional Facilitator Instructional Facilitator Instructional Facilitator and demonstration and demonstration and demonstration classroom teachers. classroom teachers to classroom teachers to increase use of classroom increase use of classroom PDSA with fidelity. PDSA with fidelity.

Page 10 of 32 Do Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan for ensuring the strategy forthe ensuring For the current quarter the For Create the deployment Create Parent and Community Parent and encumbered and name encumbered (Indicate title, content (Indicate title, Person(s) ResponsiblePerson(s) deployed during the deployed during Resources Resources Available Resources Resources Needed during the currentduring the currentduring the currentduring the currentduring quarter (include $ quarter (include current quarter current and audience) (Stakeholder) Development Involvement Professional of budget) quarter quarter quarter quarter plan is is NA models. department toand teachers to coaching additional provide will executives Allschool teachers). Demo (possibly models specific of use department staff the through all to coaching/sharing PDSA Provide PD PDSAClassroom NA NA Chair) Team Poole Matthew Facilitator) Ivey David Use the Quarter1 Use the deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal Team (Goal NA Team Chair) PooleMatthew Facilitator) David Ivey NA additional coaching willprovide Allexecutives school teachers. classroom demonstration specific department ofthethroughuse coachingteam PLC departmental Provide Intra- Team Coaching PLCDepartmental Intra- NA Use the the Quarter 2 Use deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal Team (Goal (Goal NA Chair) Team Jason Evans Facilitator) Ivey David NA teachers. to coaching additional will provide All executives school teachers. classroom demonstration specific department of the through use coaching team PLC departmental Intra- Provide Team Coaching PLCDepartmental Intra- NA Use the Quarter3 Use the deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal Team (Goal NA teachers. to additional coaching willprovide Allexecutives school teachers. classroom demonstration specific department ofthethroughuse coachingteam PLC departmental Provide Intra- Team Coaching PLCDepartmental Intra- NA NA Team Chair) JasonEvans Facilitator) David Ivey Use the the Quarter 4 Use deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate (Goal Team (Goal (Goal Page Page 11 of 32 Study goal? overalltarget goal or the impactedstrategy if to the determine usedatawillyouC. What with fidelity? deployed wasstrategy if to the determine use What B. data will you deployed? wasstrategy if to the usedetermine datawillyou A. What Evaluation: and 2b.and 1g, 1e, 2a, indicators datafor CWT in C. Improvement 2b.and 1g, 1e, 2a, indicators datafor CWT in ImprovementB. 2b.and 1g, 1e, 2a, indicators datafor CWT in Improvement A. and trainees)and (trainers trainings fromfeedback and minutes PDagendas,B. sheets A. PD training sign-in and 2b. for Q2 2b. and for 2a, 1g, indicators 1e, CWT data for in C.Improvement and trainees)and (trainers trainings from feedback and minutes PDagendas, B. sheets PDtrainingsign-in A. and forQ3 2b. and 1g, 1e, 2a, indicators datafor CWT in Improvement C. and 2b. during 2b. andQ4. during 2a, 1g, indicators 1e, CWT data for C. in Improvement trainees)and (trainers trainings fromfeedback and minutes B. PD agendas, sheets A. PD training sign-in C. B. A. Page Page 12 of 32 Study analyze the resultsanalyze the to the data questions use deployment plan and current quarter from the Report the data of the of goals lowercaused % some for explanation whatAn of 2. 1g-51% 1f-62% 1e-82% in low percentage for areimprovement, still we major showed 1: Although Indicator we 1. ACT. a increase have 46% in the up 47%. PDSA from Also the of have “DO” part the 2: 79% Indicator currently 11% 62% 1f: to 36% 82% 1e: to 16% 90% 1c: to 44% 92% 1b: to in growth shown have tremendous now We 100% 99%). the (startedfrom start @ has a1I been strength 0. have? do not wethat needed is a information/dat What it? support the data to and Improvement for opportunities key are the What it? support data to and strengths key are the What 1. 62.5% Fall Proficiency=EOC 70.9%YES Q2 PDSA =CWT data Social Depart: Studies 76.9% Fall Proficiency=EOC 81.6%YES Q2 PDSA =CWT data Science Department: 2b- (55%),NI ISS (65%) 2a- (66%),NI ISS (75%) 1g- (59%),NI ISS (69%) 1e- (71%),NI ISS (80%) The indicatesdata that Q2. from I to in 53% Q1 65% Item (Act) 2b improved in Q2. from in to 56% Q1 69% Item (Study) 1g improved 3. in Q2. from in to 80% Q1 75% Item (Do) 2a decreased in Q2. from in to 83% Q1 80% Item (Plan) 1e decreased 2. for Q2: are the ABOVE district 1g,2a,and at 2b) NIHS the PDSA classroom (1e, ALL items CWT tracking completing aremore classrooms support it? support and data to strengths key the What are a is neededisa information/dat What it? support data to and the Improvement for opportunities key the What are cycles.PDSA How many How “walks” per occur? will “walks”When the 3. ISS (72%) 2b- (75%), NI ISS (80%) 2a- (81%), NI ISS (71%) 1g- (78%), NI ISS (83%) 1e- (82%), NI HS (72%) 2b- (61%), NI HS (80%) 2a- (72%), NI HS (71%) 1g- (63%), NI HS (83%) 1e- (74%), NI from 50% 70% from to have (Act) improved 1g and Items (Study) 2b 80%.around are (Do) maintaining 1e and Items (Plan) 2a 1. of CWT of form) portions 1g 2b Act – and (especially Study the and completecyclea PDSA on be implementation of should to Focus continue data Q4. CWT during to Continue improve 2. 4 indicators.all PDSA same in as the totals ISS is NIHS approximately 4 indicators.all PDSA other schools than high in has Q3 NIHS higher data have? do not wethat needed is a information/dat What support it? support data to and strengths key are the What to support it? to support the data and Improvement for opportunities key are the What 3. 2. 1. we have?we not do is that needed information/data What it?support thedata andto Improvement opportunities for aretheWhatkey it? supportdata to strengths and aretheWhatkey 3. 2. 1. we do not do have?we thatneeded is information/data the and Improvement for opportunities key are the What it? to support data and strengths key are the What What What Page Page 13 of 32 detailed steps) Act/Plan (Provide Steps #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 Target Goal Met? Target Goal gaps in implementation and possible support/coaching forstaff. support/coaching possibleand in gaps implementation determine questionswill to 5be answered The Team,PLCs. anddata PLC,Goal SIT, Leadership by willQuarterbeanalyzed 1 CWT data for data. and will perform district CWTs and collect personnel School executives afor Identify need next steps. and determine toOFIs, Q1strengths, Q4Baseline and 08/09 from and 2a, 07/082b) from and (indicators 1g, 1e, CWT Collect analyze data and only.and43 bebrokendown quarter quarter data The will the2b)from2007-2008and 1e, (specifically 2a, AnalyzeCWT 1g, data models.department and to coachingto willprovide teachers additional executives teachers). All school Demospecific (possibly department models use to of staff the through all Provide coaching/sharing PDSA

new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the furtherto order in goal target Matrix Quarter 1 Deployment Plan DeploymentQuarter 1 Matrix

Abandon current Abandon Continue current Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If action action below: theappropriate overall goal thefurther to impact goal order target in new new strategy identifyand strategy plan deployment improvementsto strategy, make but next Qtr plan deployment for update and strategy

Continuecurrent NOno, Ifcheck yes, YES If change Abandon Abandon current Continuecurrent action below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the furtherto order in goal target new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy

Continue Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If Abandon current Abandon Continue current Matthew PooleMatthew David Ivey PooleMatthew David Ivey PooleMatthew David Ivey PooleMatthew David Ivey PooleMatthew David Ivey PooleMatthew David Ivey Responsible Person(s) new new strategy identifyand strategy plan deployment improvementsto strategy, make but next Qtr plan deployment for update and strategy action below: theappropriate overall goal thefurther to impact goal order target in

Abandon Abandon current Continuecurrent Continuecurrent NOno, Ifcheck yes, YES If change data the concerningCWT data questions Responses the 5 to Teachscape CWT in data entered Steps identified Next and Gap areas data the concerningCWT data questions Responses the 5 to data the concerningCWT data questions Responses the 5 to Q1 CWT data 08/09from PDAgenda Measure(s) new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the further orderto in goal target

Abandon current Abandon Continue current Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If 10/31/08 10/27/08 9/19/08 9/19/08 9/19/08 9/09/08 Action Action Step Completion Date Page Page 14 of 32 #7 School executives will provide feedback to department models, PLCs, David Ivey PD Agendas and 11/7/08 and individual teachers based on data question responses (specially the Matthew Poole feedback from PD next steps question) and provide training, coaching, and support where training needed based on CWT data.

Page 15 of 32 Action Step Steps Person(s) Matrix Quarter 2 Deployment Plan Measure(s) Completion (Provide Responsible detailed steps) Date #1 Analyze Q1 CWT data and determine departments and PLC teams that David Ivey Identification of PLC 11/07/08 need focused improvement in specific CWT indicators as compared to Matthew Poole teams in need of the overall school performance. focused improvement #2 Coach demo teachers on expectations and procedures for providing David Ivey Minutes from 12/05/08 assistance with intra-departmental PLC meetings Matthew Poole coaching session #3 Provide professional development for individual PLC teams. David Ivey PLC minutes 12/19/08 Matthew Poole #4 Collect feedback through plus/delta/issue bin and consensograms on David Ivey Feedback 12/19/08 meetings. Matthew Poole #5 Analyze feedback. David Ivey SWOT Analysis of 1/05/09 Matthew Poole feedback. #6 School executives and district personnel will perform CWTs and collect David Ivey CWT data entered in 1/22/09 data. Matthew Poole Teachscape #7 School executives will provide feedback to department models, PLCs, David Ivey PD Agendas and 1/22/09 and individual teachers based on data question responses (specially the Matthew Poole feedback from PD next steps question) and provide training, coaching, and support where training needed based on CWT data. #8 CWT data for Quarter 2 will be analyzed by Leadership PLC, SIT, Goal David Ivey Responses to the 5 1/22/09 Team, and PLCs. The 5 data questions will be answered to determine Matthew Poole data questions gaps in implementation, and to determine next steps. concerning the CWT data

Action Step Steps Person(s) Matrix Quarter 3 Deployment Plan Measure(s) Completion (Provide Responsible detailed steps) Date #1 Analyze Q2 CWT data and determine departments and PLC teams that David Ivey Identification of PLC 2/06/09 need focused improvement in specific CWT indicators as compared to Jason Evans teams in need of the overall school performance. focused improvement #2 Coach demo teachers on expectations and procedures for providing David Ivey Minutes from 2/20/09 assistance with intra-departmental PLC meetings Jason Evans coaching session #3 Provide professional development for individual PLC teams. David Ivey PLC minutes 2/20/09 Jason Evans #4 Collect feedback through plus/delta/issue bin and consensograms on David Ivey Feedback 3/06/09 meetings. Jason Evans #5 Analyze feedback. David Ivey SWOT Analysis of 3/06/09 Jason Evans feedback. #6 School executives and district personnel will perform CWTs and collect David Ivey CWT data entered in 3/27/09 data. Jason Evans Teachscape #7 School executives will provide feedback to department models, PLCs, David Ivey PD Agendas and 3/27/09

Page 16 of 32 and individual teachers based on data question responses (specially the Jason Evans feedback from PD next steps question) and provide training, coaching, and support where training needed based on CWT data. #8 CWT data for Quarter 3 will be analyzed by Leadership PLC, SIT, Goal David Ivey Responses to the 5 3/27/09 Team, and PLCs. The 5 data questions will be answered to determine Jason Evans data questions gaps in implementation, and to determine next steps. concerning the CWT data and fidelity data

Action Step Steps Person(s) Matrix Quarter 4 Deployment Plan Measure(s) Completion (Provide Responsible detailed steps) Date #1 Analyze Q3 CWT data and determine departments and PLC teams that David Ivey Identification of PLC 3/25/09 need focused improvement in specific CWT indicators as compared to Jason Evans teams in need of the overall school performance. focused improvement #2 Coach demo teachers on expectations and procedures for providing David Ivey Minutes from 4/09/09 assistance with intra-departmental PLC meetings Jason Evans coaching session #3 Provide professional development for individual PLC teams. David Ivey PLC minutes 4/24/09 Jason Evans #4 Collect feedback through plus/delta/issue bin and consensograms on David Ivey Feedback 4/24/09 meetings. Jason Evans #5 Analyze feedback. David Ivey SWOT Analysis of 5/08/09 Jason Evans feedback. #6 School executives and district personnel will perform CWTs and collect David Ivey CWT data entered in 6/10/09 data. Jason Evans Teachscape #7 School executives will provide feedback to department models, PLCs, David Ivey PD Agendas and 6/10/09 and individual teachers based on data question responses (specially the Jason Evans feedback from PD next steps question) and provide training, coaching, and support where training needed based on CWT data. #8 CWT data for Quarter 4 will be analyzed by Leadership PLC, SIT, Goal David Ivey Responses to the 5 6/10/09 Team, and PLCs. The 5 data questions will be answered to determine Jason Evans data questions gaps in implementation, and to determine next steps. concerning the CWT data and fidelity data

Page 17 of 32 Iredell Statesville Schools School Improvement Plan A Continuous Improvement Strategic Plan

Use the mouse to move from field to field. School Name: North Iredell High School School Year: 2008-09 Quarter: Four Date: April 30, 2009 Current NCLB Status: Not Met (10 out of 13) Current ABC Status: No Recognition

n Overall SMART Goal: Your overall goal will reflect a two to three year long-range goal a l P By 2010, NIHS will achieve high growth status by increasing EOC scores 19% from 61.9 to 80.9 composite.

Target SMART Goal/Measure: (Selection of a school wide goal must be based upon academic or operational need and must be supported by data. State clearly how academic goal will provide for accelerated learning for students at risk of not meeting standards or making AYP. Any school missing AYP as a result of EC, LEP or ED populations must have a goal representing these groups.)

1. NIHS students will increase Algebra I EOC percent proficient from 54.1 to 57.1 by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.

2. NIHS students will increase Physical Science EOC percent proficient from 61.4 to 64.8 by the end of the 2008 - 2009 school year.

3. NIHS students will increase U.S. History EOC percent proficient from 65.3 to 68.9 by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.

4. NIHS students will increase Civics/Economics EOC percent proficient from 61.0 to 64.4 by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.

5. NIHS students will maintain or increase Geometry EOC percent proficient of 85.0 by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.

Insert (or attach) data table to support the selection of the above stated the overall SMART Goal and Target SMART Goal

Page 18 of 32 Study Spring Spring 09 08 Fall Spring 08 07 Fall Semester Spring 09 08 Fall Spring 08 07 Fall Semester ISS NIHS ISS NIHS ISS NIHS ISS NIHS ISS NIHS

Algebra Algebra I Civics NIHS NIHS 47.70 48.09 48.10 38.31 32.93 37.90 39.47 01-02 NA 78.7 72.8 67.1 62.4 74.6 71.2 NA NA NA NA NIHS 07,Spring (Fall 08,Fall Data Predictive Assessment 08,and Trend Spring 09) Quarter 1 Quarter 46.52 46.14 45.16 44.18 48.15 42.27 38.86 40.73 ISS ISS 02-03 75.9 76.4 63.8 62.5 72.7 73.2 NA NA NA NA NIHS EOC Percent Proficient – Trend Data – Trend EOC Proficient Percent NIHS 03-04 Fall 07 Semester Spring 09 Spring Fall 08 08 Spring Fall 07 Semester 09 Spring Fall 08 08 Spring 70.2 60.6 70.0 59.5 74.7 67.1 NA NA NA NA Quarter Quarter 2 04-05 Physical SciencePhysical 74.7 72.5 75.1 62.8 76.2 60.2 NA NA NA NA Physical Science Geometry US History Geometry Algebra I Civics NIHS NIHS 46.47 43.79 35.87 36.41 38.73 42.92 37.14 44.70 05-06 82.0 74.5 80.6 80.8 79.0 93.5 66.1 50.4 NA NA Quarter 3 Quarter 47.09 42.81 37.90 42.17 42.54 40.80 40.21 47.33 ISS ISS 06-07* 48.3 43.7 69.9 80.1 71.9 67.4 65.8 59.4 NA NA Fall 07 Semester Spring 09 Spring Fall 08 08 Spring 07-08 78.9 90.1 68.2 61.0 67.9 65.3 71.9 61.4 57.2 54.1 NOTE – All numbersNOTE represent correct percent –All Quarter Quarter 4 Fall 08/09 Fall 80.9 78.4 72.3 69.3 60.9 57.8 56.5 60.2 69.3 29.4 USHistory NIHS 51.33 47.56 53.64 38.54 08-09 Summer 56.34 45.59 51.72 37.39 ISS Page Page 19 of 32 Plan Plan Plan Plan Study for ensuring the strategy forthe ensuring encumbered and name encumbered Person(s) ResponsiblePerson(s) deployed during the deployed during Resources Resources Available Resources Resources Needed during the currentduring the currentduring quarter (include $ quarter (include current quarter current Data analysis: Key ApproachKey (SWOT) analysis of budget) (Strategy) Identify Identify quarter is is

NA NA – Geometry – Civics K. Kruckenberg History US – Eric Phy. Sci. – Stramecky I Melissa Alg – Coffey fidelity.with core courses key EOC Matrix theTeamwork in the Deploy I-SS strategy) or approach key(Identify step? is Whatnext your 4. semester)Spring (specificallyyear the for 07/08 data the school dataNeed analysis EOC of 3. 2. 1. we do not do have?we thatneeded is information/data What it?support to the data and Improvement for opportunities key are the What it? to support data and strengths key are the What Rusty AndersonRusty Rick Stalnaker needed. plan deployment as and strategy adjustquarter, thefromprevious on Based analysis NA for tutors.ASAO (2.5110….21) be to use FLC Monies Grant $14,000encumbered from Geometry – Civics K.Kruckenberg– US – History Phy.Sci.– Stramecky Eric Alg – CoffeyI Melissa Opportunities (ASAO) After AccelerationSchool Enhancementperiods and utilized during CFA analysis bedata to reviews andbased PA on Develop objective specific strategy) or approach step?key (Identify next your 4. is What Rusty AndersonRusty Rick Stalnaker needed. as plan deployment and strategy adjust quarter, the from previous analysis on Based NA ASAO for tutors. to use (2.5110….21) be Grant FLC Monies $14,000 encumbered from – Geometry – Civics K. Kruckenberg History US – Eric Phy. Sci. – Stramecky I Melissa Alg – Coffey (ASAO) Opportunities School After Acceleration Enhancement and periods during utilized data to CFA analysis be based reviews on and PA objectiveDevelopspecific strategy) or approach key(Identify step? is Whatnext your 4. Rusty AndersonRusty Rick Stalnaker NA for tutors.ASAO (2.5110….21) be to use FLC Monies Grant $14,000encumbered from Geometry – Civics K.Kruckenberg– US – History Phy.Sci.– Stramecky Eric Alg – CoffeyI Melissa Enhancementperiods. utilized during CFA analysis bedata to reviews andbased PA on Develop objective specific strategy) or approach step?key (Identify next your 4. is What needed. plan deployment as and strategy adjustquarter, thefromprevious on Based analysis

Rusty AndersonRusty Rick Stalnaker approach or strategy)or approach key(Identify step? is Whatnext your 4. needed. as plan deployment and strategy adjust quarter, the from previous analysis on Based Page Page 20 of 32 Study Do Plan Plan goal? overalltarget goal or the impactedstrategy if to the determine usedatawillyouC. What with fidelity? deployed wasstrategy if to the determine use What B. data will you deployed? wasstrategy if to the usedetermine datawillyou A. What For the current quarter the For Create the deployment Create Parent and Community Parent and (Indicate title, content (Indicate title, during the currentduring the currentduring and audience) (Stakeholder) Development Involvement Professional Evaluation: quarter quarter quarter plan PA scores PA 2and Quarter scores CFAQuarter1 C. interview) studentand minutes, PLC observations, through (gathered strategies of implementation of documentation sheets and Summary ofanalysis Goal data based on identified OFIs steps B. Next / answered) questions (data analyzed sheets Summary Goal and distributed, obtained, EOCdata A. NA Use the Quarter1 Use the deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate repeat Enhancement identified needingas for who students are Parent/Student Conference Raider on Expo 11/10/08 NA EOCresults C.Semester One Opportunities. Acceleration After School Enhancement and attended students that EOCofandresults AnalysisB.of CFA Leadership submitted to and groups PLC by analyzed Reviews are A. Objective Specific Tutorial. Use the the Quarter 2 Use deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate Enhancement candidates for been identifiedhave as of who parents students Ed Connect message to and protocol expectations (Enhancement)Block NIHS on Train staff E assessment data. data. assessment baselineto compared Opportunities Acceleration School After and Enhancement attended that students PA of Q3results and of CFA1 C. Analysis data. Checklist Fidelity Observation Enhancement of Analysis B. PDSA. PLC with each Leadership to submitted are reviews objective specific and Enhancement for candidates Suggested A. Use the Quarter3 Use the deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate EOC results. C.Semester Two Opportunities. Acceleration After School Enhancement and attended students that EOCofandresults AnalysisB.of CFA2 PDSA.PLC witheach Leadership submitted to arereviews specific objective Enhancement and for candidates A. Suggested Enhancement candidatesfor have been as identified parents students of who Connect messageto Ed NA Use the the Quarter 4 Use deployment plan deployment template belowtemplate C. B. A. Page Page 21 of 32 Study analyze the resultsanalyze the to the data questions use deployment plan and current quarter from the Report the data 1. subtraction,scalar operate(addition, Goal 3.02 – directvariation problemssolve using Goal 1.03 andmodel – Connections AlgebraI /Algebra PA covered before 5, and7 were which – higher Scores goalson 4, HistoryUS byshown PAresultsthe systemaverage as than arehigher the forScores goals 5 and6 Physical Science 9.6,and7.5. exceptobjectives9.5, targeton for proficiency 19Of objectives,are we exceptobjective 9.6). 19of objectives(All inevery andin 18 goal NIHS ahead systemis of Civics inObj2.03 Littleabove systemthe Geometry 35% correct! students atscored least More 60% than of problems matrices to multiplication) with support it? support data to and strengths key are the What


students proficientscored proficient). of 99% honors results 07/08 from (78.9% were par districton with results (78.7% proficient) NIHS semester first EOC Geometry 1. celebration! Algebra creditI is a in class the earned an 29.4%(5 17 of students) repeaters. So, the that fact and was classit a of Algebra this I semester, We had classonly 1 of Algebra I scored proficient. 47 56 students of honors US History HONORS! this thereyear are NO compared 61.4%)andto scores proficient(61% were 07/08 comparable to NIHS EOC Fall scores Physical Science yearschool we 08/09 complete the until we not goal adjusting are the ofgoal but proficient, 64.4% * proficient) compared 68.2%to (69.1%proficient district in scores 07/08 were thanhigher the proficient 07/08) in and compared 61% to proficient fall this compared 07/08 to (69.1% results when improved NIHS semester first EOC Civics (108 109).of Civics surpassed their target surpassed their Civics support it? support and data to strengths key the What are the individual goals the individual 2 were We solve problems.”conclusions and deductive to draw and reasoning 1 2.01: 42%.correct. percent 2 are We Geometry are close.are goals, scores teachers’ all In all percent correct. Highest variation:using problems direct solve1.03-Modeland Goal problems: Highest in the county. functions to solve exponential 4.04-Goal in Highest the county. to solve segments problems: and linesperpendicularity of or 2.02-Use the parallelism Goal I Algebra Quizzes. TestScores, Goal PA and Scores, (6-9) Areasonis This based Goal shownhavestrength inStudents History US including (54.76%) changechemical of indicators theand 6.04 analyze Measure motion analyze (55.44%) mathematically/graphically and 2.01 Measure (55.98%) solutions and of compositionproperties the and 6.05 Investigate analyze types: (56.55%) various simpleequations of balance reactionsand chemicalof products and 6.03 Identify the reactants SciencePhysical Parents. the from Teach project part 6,Goals7,ofand essentials 8, in strongvery were in the business We atsemesters end. content the adequate to complete be willour and the essentials pacing that supportedNIHS is covering predictivedata results The Civics 1. st support it? support data to and strengths key are the What in the district “ in the district nd in the district overallinthedistrict on

nd Graph Graph evaluate and or betteror of56% on Use Use logic 3. 2. 1. we have?we not do is that needed information/data What it?support thedata andto Improvement opportunities for aretheWhatkey it? supportdata to strengths and aretheWhatkey 3. 2. 1. we do not do have?we thatneeded is information/data the and Improvement for opportunities key are the What it? to support data and strengths key are the What What What Page Page 22 of 32 2. What are the 2. What are the 2. What are the key key key opportunities opportunities opportunities for for for Improvement Improvement Improvement and the data to and the data to and the data support it? support it? to support it? Geometry Geometry Geometry Improvement need in all Our EOC scores in 1.02 30.6% Correct objectives below the Geometry dropped (which 3.01 29.88% Correct district. was expected), but we 3.02 30.98% Correct Civics will need to score higher Civics Maintain and complete than 90% in the spring to We need to review Units 1, 3, 6, and 10. We have not instruction of all reach our target goal of covered Unit 1, but have not objectives. 85% covered or taught Units 3, 6 Objectives 9.5, 9.6, and 71.5% of academic and 10. The PA indicates a 7.5 are below Geometry students were low level in these areas, so expectations proficient (88 of 123). we are anticipating the Physical Science Civics needed emphasis on content Goals 2 through 4, since 57.7% of academic Civics for increased scores. PA scores reflect low students were proficient Physical Science performance compared to (56 of 97) 3.01: Investigate and analyze storage of energy (26.98%) the system average Physical Science 4.02 Investigate and analyze US History We are still far below the direct current electrical 1 percentage point below district (District in 07/08 circuits (31.75%) district in Goals 3 and 10 scored 71.9% proficient 3.04 Investigate and analyze 0.5 percentage points compared to NIHS Fall 08 the transfer of energy by below district in Goal 6 at 61% proficient) waves (37.41%) Algebra I / Algebra US History 2.02 Investigate and analyze Connections NIHS US History scores forces as interactions that can change motion (38.57%) Goal 2.01 – Find the for Fall 08 (58.2% US History lengths and midpoints of proficient) are below The earlier Goals (1-4) segments to solve NIHS 07/08 scores students have shown low problems (65.3% proficient) and performance levels as Goals 2.02 – Use the ISS 07/08 scores (67.9% documented by PA Scores, parallelism or proficient) Goal Test Scores, and perpendicularity of lines Algebra I Quizzes. and segments to solve Improve Algebra I scores Algebra I problems this semester compared to Goal 2.01-Find the lengths Less than 20% of the 07/08 school year (We and midpoints of segments to solve problems: Lowest students scored at least have 9 sections this percentage (has not been 35% correct semester compared to 1 covered in class). section in Fall 08). Goal 3.03- Create linear 3. What 3. What models for sets of data to information/dat information/data is solve problems: Lowest needed that we do percentage (some students a is needed not have? have not seen this material). that we do not District EOC data for Fall 08. have? Goal Summary Data for Fall 3. What semester EOC exams information/data is needed that we None. do not have? None. Page 23 of 32 Act/Plan Target Goal Met? Target Goal new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the furtherto order in goal target

Abandon current Abandon Continue current Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If action action below: theappropriate overall goal thefurther to impact goal order target in new new strategy identifyand strategy plan deployment improvementsto strategy, make but next Qtr plan deployment for update and strategy

Continuecurrent NOno, Ifcheck yes, YES If change Abandon Abandon current Continuecurrent action below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the furtherto order in goal target new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy

Continue Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If Abandon current Abandon Continue current new new strategy identifyand strategy plan deployment improvementsto strategy, make but next Qtr plan deployment for update and strategy action below: theappropriate overall goal thefurther to impact goal order target in

Abandon Abandon current Continuecurrent Continuecurrent NOno, Ifcheck yes, YES If change new strategy new identify and strategy plan deployment to improvements makebut strategy, Qtr next for plan deployment update and strategy below: action the appropriate goal overall impact the further orderto in goal target

Abandon current Abandon Continue current Continue current If NOno, check change yes, YES If Page Page 24 of 32 Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide EOC Quarter 1 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Obtain and distribute EOC results and Goal Summary sheets David Ivey Goal Summary 8/22/08 for NIHS from the 07/08 school year sheets distributed #2 Analyze Goal Summary sheets to identify strengths, Alg I – Melissa Coffey SWOT analysis from 9/5/08 weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement (SWOT Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky each target area analysis). US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #3 Essential Learning Requirements developed and prioritized Alg I – Melissa Coffey Prioritized Essential 9/5/08 based on SWOT analysis. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Learning US History – Rick Stalnaker Requirements Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #4 Baseline/Pretest assessment developed based on Essential Alg I – Melissa Coffey Pretest developed 912/08 Learning requirements, administered, and results analyzed Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky and data analysis US History – Rick Stalnaker presented to PLC Civics – K. Kruckenberg teams Geometry – Rusty Anderson #5 Implement curriculum/instruction based on adjusted Alg I – Melissa Coffey Sharing of best 9/12/08 - 9/26/08 Essential Learning requirements Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky practices and US History – Rick Stalnaker instructional plans Civics – K. Kruckenberg captured in weekly Geometry – Rusty Anderson PLC team minutes #6 Quarter 1 CFA developed based on Essential Learning Alg I – Melissa Coffey CFA developed, and 9/26/08 Requirements and gaps identified through baseline data Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky data analysis results, administered, and analyzed. US History – Rick Stalnaker presented to PLC Civics – K. Kruckenberg teams and SIT Geometry – Rusty Anderson #7 Essential Learning Requirements and instructional Alg I – Melissa Coffey Updated Essential 10/3/08 pacing/emphasis (Instructional Guides) adjusted based on Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Learning baseline and CFA data analysis. US History – Rick Stalnaker Requirements and Civics – K. Kruckenberg Instructional Guides Geometry – Rusty Anderson

Page 25 of 32 Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide EOC Quarter 2 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Analyze PA data to identify gaps in specific objectives and/or Alg I – Melissa Coffey SWOT analysis from 11/07/08 goals. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky each target area US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #2 Develop differentiated lesson plans based on identified gaps Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans and 11/25/08 to be utilized during weekly Enhancement Periods as well as Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky review plans for in After School Acceleration Opportunities (ASAO). US History – Rick Stalnaker Enhancement and Civics – K. Kruckenberg ASAO Geometry – Rusty Anderson #3 Implement the lesson plans during Enhancement Periods Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans utilized 1/22/09 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and in ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky in both US History – Rick Stalnaker Enhancement and Civics – K. Kruckenberg ASAO as measured Geometry – Rusty Anderson by administrative observations #4 Develop and administer Common Formative Assessment. Alg I – Melissa Coffey Common Formative 12/05/08 Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Assessment US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #5 Analyze CFA data to identify strengths, weaknesses, and Alg I – Melissa Coffey CFA SWOT Analysis 12/12/08 opportunities for improvement (SWOT analysis). Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Data Report US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #6 Compare CFA gaps to PA gaps in an effort to determine the Alg I – Melissa Coffey Comparative CFA 12/19/08 strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky and PA SWOT of the Enhancement Periods and the ASAO program. US History – Rick Stalnaker Analysis Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #7 Use comparative CFA/PA SWOT analysis to develop and Alg I – Melissa Coffey In-class and after 1/02/09 implement both in class and after school EOC review Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky school EOC plans sessions. US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #8 Analyze data from semester 1 EOC exams and determine Alg I – Melissa Coffey SWOT Analysis of 1/22/09 next steps. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky EOC data report US History – Rick Stalnaker (Goal Summary Civics – K. Kruckenberg sheets if available) Geometry – Rusty Anderson

Page 26 of 32 Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide EOC Quarter 3 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Provide professional development for staff to increase David Ivey PD sign-in roster and 1/27/09 understanding and fidelity of implementation of Penny Hedrick E Block Expectations Enhancement and to share the fidelity checklist. #2 Analyze Baseline Assessment (BA) data and EVAAS data to Alg I – Melissa Coffey BA SWOT and 2/06/09 identify candidates who are eligible for Enhancement and Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Enhancement Roster US History – Rick Stalnaker ASAO. Civics – K. Kruckenberg submitted to Geometry – Rusty Anderson Leadership #3 Connect Ed message sent to parents of students who are David Ivey Connect Ed log 2/09/09 identified as candidates for Enhancement Penny Hedrick #4 Develop differentiated lesson plans based on identified gaps Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans and 2/10/09 to be utilized during weekly Enhancement Periods as well as Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky review plans for US History – Rick Stalnaker in After School Acceleration Opportunities (ASAO) based on Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and baseline assessment SWOT. Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO #5 Implement the lesson plans during Enhancement Periods* Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans utilized 2/10/09 – 2/26/09 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and in ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky in both US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and * Administrators will conduct Enhancement “walks” to Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO as measured collect data using Fidelity checklist. by administrative Observation Fidelity Checklist data. #6 Develop, administer and analyze Common Formative Alg I – Melissa Coffey Common Formative 2/27/09 Assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses, and Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Assessment SWOT US History – Rick Stalnaker opportunities for improvement (SWOT analysis). Civics – K. Kruckenberg Analysis Data Report Geometry – Rusty Anderson #7 Analyze CFA1 data and EVAAS data to identify candidates Alg I – Melissa Coffey Enhancement Roster 2/27/09 who are eligible for Enhancement and ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky submitted US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #8 Connect Ed message sent to parents of students who are David Ivey Connect Ed log and 3/02/09 identified as candidates for Enhancement. Schedule Penny Hedrick Parent/Student meeting with parents and students of those who are meeting schedule repeating Enhancement. #9 Update and revise differentiated lesson plans (based on Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans and 3/03/09 gaps identified during BA SWOT and CFA1 SWOT) to be Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky review plans for US History – Rick Stalnaker utilized during weekly Enhancement Periods as well as in Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and After School Acceleration Opportunities (ASAO). Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO #10 Implement the lesson plans during Enhancement Periods Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans utilized 3/03/09 – 4/02/09 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and in ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky in both US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO as measured by administrative observations Page 27 of 32 #11 Administer Quarter 3 Predictive Assessment and analyze Alg I – Melissa Coffey SWOT Analysis of Q3 4/10/09 data from Quarter 3 Predictive Assessments to determine Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky PA data compared to US History – Rick Stalnaker next steps. Civics – K. Kruckenberg CFA1 data and Geometry – Rusty Anderson Fidelity Observation data.

Steps Person(s) Action Step (Provide EOC Quarter 4 Deployment Plan Measure(s) detailed steps) Responsible Completion Date #1 Analyze Predictive Assessment (PA) data and EVAAS data to Alg I – Melissa Coffey PA SWOT and 4/08/09 identify candidates who are eligible for Enhancement and Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Enhancement Roster US History – Rick Stalnaker ASAO. Civics – K. Kruckenberg submitted to Geometry – Rusty Anderson Leadership #2 Connect Ed message sent to parents of students who are David Ivey Connect Ed log 4/21/09 identified as candidates for Enhancement Penny Hedrick #3 Develop differentiated lesson plans based on identified gaps Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans and 4/21/09 to be utilized during weekly Enhancement Periods as well as Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky review plans for US History – Rick Stalnaker in After School Acceleration Opportunities (ASAO) based on Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and predictive assessment SWOT. Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO #4 Implement the lesson plans during Enhancement Periods* Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans utilized 4/21/09 – 5/14/09 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and in ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky in both US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and * Administrators will conduct Enhancement “walks” to Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO as measured collect data using Fidelity checklist. by administrative Observation Fidelity Checklist data. #5 Develop, administer and analyze Common Formative Alg I – Melissa Coffey Common Formative 5/08/09 Assessment 2 to identify strengths, weaknesses, and Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Assessment 2 SWOT US History – Rick Stalnaker opportunities for improvement (SWOT analysis). Civics – K. Kruckenberg Analysis Data Report Geometry – Rusty Anderson #6 Analyze CFA2 data and EVAAS data to identify candidates Alg I – Melissa Coffey Enhancement Roster 5/15/09 who are eligible for Enhancement and ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky submitted US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Geometry – Rusty Anderson #7 Connect Ed message sent to parents of students who are David Ivey Connect Ed log and 5/19/09 identified as candidates for Enhancement. Schedule Penny Hedrick Parent/Student meeting with parents and students of those who are meeting schedule repeating Enhancement. #8 Update and revise differentiated lesson plans (based on Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans and 5/19/09 gaps identified during PA SWOT and CFA2 SWOT) to be Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky review plans for US History – Rick Stalnaker utilized during weekly Enhancement Periods as well as in Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and After School Acceleration Opportunities (ASAO). Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO #9 Implement the lesson plans during Enhancement Periods Alg I – Melissa Coffey Lesson Plans utilized 5/19/09 – 6/04/09 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and in ASAO. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky in both US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg Enhancement and Geometry – Rusty Anderson ASAO as measured Page 28 of 32 by administrative observations #10 Administer End of Course exams and analyze data from Goal Alg I – Melissa Coffey SWOT Analysis of 6/12/09 Summary Sheets to determine next steps. Phy. Sci. – Eric Stramecky Spring EOC data US History – Rick Stalnaker Civics – K. Kruckenberg compared to Fall Geometry – Rusty Anderson EOC data and Fidelity Observation data.

Page 29 of 32 Appendix I – Waivers 2007-2008 SIP Persons Action Steps Timeline Resources Responsible Evaluation Maximize the use of state funds and local August 2007- None Central Office EOG flexibility to improve student achievement. August 2008 Personnel EOC  Convert vacant teacher assistant positions Principal Climate Survey to teacher positions Safe Schools  Convert non-instructional support positions Report to teacher positions SAR  Utilized teacher assistants in grades other SIMS/NCWISE than K-3 for A part of a day for instructional Reports purposes (elementary only)  Utilize vacant months of employment for other staff positions and/or instructional supplies  Transfer state funds allotted for textbooks to classroom materials/instructional supplies/equipment  Use state textbook funds for the purchase of Textbooks not on the NC Textbook Adoption List Persons Action Steps Timeline Resources Responsible Evaluation Utilize waivers for maximum flexibility in the August 2007- None Central Office EOG following areas August 2008 Personnel EOC  Exceed class size in grade 4-12 Principal SAR  Exceed 150 student contacts per teacher NCWISE

Safe Schools Action Step (REQUIRED) – Healthy, Safe, Orderly, and Caring Schools Persons Action Steps Timeline Resources Responsible Evaluation Implement the Iredell-Statesville Schools Safe August, 2007- System Safe Administrators Climate Survey Schools Plan August, 2008 Schools Plan Faculty Crime and Violence SRO Report Other Staff Fire Drill Reports Discipline Reports

Persons Action Steps Timeline Resources Responsible Evaluation School will meet the expectations of the NC General August 2007 None Principal SIP Minutes statute 115C-105.27. Teachers will receive at August 2008 SIT Chair SIP least one hour of planning daily or the SIT will have approved a different approach.

Persons Action Steps Timeline Resources Responsible Evaluation Academically and Intellectually Gifted: Funds August 2007 None Principal Finance Reports may be transferred to other categories if all August 2008 academically and intellectually gifted students are appropriately served.


Page 30 of 32 School Improvement Plan Assurances Sheet Iredell-Statesville Schools

Please complete the following assurance items, sign, date, and attach to the School Improvement Plan for your school.

1. The School Improvement Team and the School Improvement Plan for

North Iredell High School meet all of the requirements set forth in Name of School

North Carolina General Statute 115C-105.27.

2. This School Improvement Plan is for school year(s) 2008-2009.

3. The members of the School Improvement Team and their position title are included with this plan. _____√___ Yes ______No

4. All prioritized gaps have been addressed in this plan. ____√____ Yes ______No

5. Staff development plans have been included in this plan. ____√____ Yes ______No

6. Waivers have been included in this plan. __√______Yes ______No

7. All eligible staff members were given the opportunity to vote on the School Improvement Plan by means of secret ballot on Tuesday, September 9, 2008.

The results of the vote was as follows:

79 For 2 Against 2 Abstain

8. For Title I Schoolwide Schools ONLY This plan reflects the 10 requirements for Title I Schoolwide Schools ______Yes ______No

Signature of Principal ______Date 9/9/08

Signature of School Improvement Team Chairperson ______Date 9/9/08

Page 31 of 32 2008-2009 School Improvement Team

School: North Iredell High School

Title (Principal, AP, Freshman Academy Director, Name Instructional Facilitator, Teacher, Classified staff, Parent)

Principal Penny Hedrick Assistant Principal Teresa Evans Assistant Principal Terry Jonas Assistant Principal Tom Robinson FA Director Shannon Watkins IF as AP David Ivey Teacher (CDC) - CTE Tina Gibson Teacher - English Lourdes Winters Teacher – Science (SIT Chair) Martin Johnson Teacher - Math Jenny Leamon-Smith Teacher – Fine Arts Chris Wilson Teacher – Foreign Lang. Kim Fox Teacher - JROTC George Keckeisen Teacher – Social Studies Stewart Kincaid

Teacher – Physical Ed. Tami Ramsey/Darla Cline

Teacher - EC Candace Lindstrom

Guidance Counselor Gail Ellerbe

Parent TBA

Student TBA

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