10 Things To Know How To Do in myReports

1. get help  Welcome to myReports site, http://www.asu.edu/it/eds/welcome.html  TechBase wiki, https://techbase.asu.edu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page myReports category  [email protected] 2. install plug-in client  uninstall old version of client Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs: Hyperion System 9 BI + Interactive Reporting Web Client  install current version from https://techbase.asu.edu/wiki/index.php/Hyperion_Web_Client9203  make myReports a trusted site https://techbase.asu.edu/wiki/index.php/Hyperion_Setup_Trusted 3. log in & navigate  https://www.asu.edu/myreports/index.jsp  Search in asu.edu : myReports, Brio, Hyperion, data warehouse....  folder structure – security aspects, content aspects 4. recognize 3 types of pre-built content - pre-scheduled, ad hoc, & blank queries 5. use pre-scheduled query output  results of prescheduled queries available for further analysis  can be run against the transaction processing system as well as the PeopleSoft data warehouse  three output files – HTML client version, Interactive Reporting version, log file 6. use ad hoc queries  provided for common reporting topics  heavy lifting done by subject matter experts – the new direction.  discover intended use by location in folders, file name, query information page, and using it  hit process button and adjust the limit parameters as desired  copy to your own folder for modification beyond changing the limit parameter. 7. use blank queries  a blank query with a connection to an all tables  copy to your own folder first!  hard to get started  available for legacy data warehouse databases, new PeopleSoft data warehouse, and both at the same time, sort of: must join results from two separate queries. 8. recognize the three types of tables in the PeopleSoft data warehouse  staging tables – delivered & ASU added  fact tables  dimension tables 9. import legacy query into myReports  https://techbase.asu.edu/wiki/index.php/Importing_Queries 10. request or provide new content -> [email protected]