Finance Chairman, Alderman Eric Schenck

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Finance Chairman, Alderman Eric Schenck

The City of Canton Clerical Committee met on May 12, 2009 in Council Chambers located at 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520.

Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 p.m. Present – Aldermen Rick Reed, Eric Schenck, Larry Sarff, Jorge Rivero, Jerry Ellis, Jim Hartford, Absent – Craig West and Jason Strandberg.

Others attending – Mayor Kevin R. Meade, City Clerk Nancy Whites, Deputy Clerk/Human Resource Diana Tucker, City Treasurer Aaron Anderson, City Attorney Chrissie Peterson, Police Chief W. Dan Taylor, Assistant Chief Dick Groves for Fire Chief Bonnie Cremer, Public Works Director Cliff O’Brien, Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc., Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers, Water Treatment Plant Supt. Greg Pollitt, Street Supt. George Spahn, Video Services by Joe Ginger. In the audience – News Media of John Froheling from the Daily Ledger, Mark Bixler from WBYS Radio, DECO Tony Rolando, Country Companies Insurance Rep. Ray Riekena, Phil Fleming ESDA Director City of Canton, John & Pat Stanko, Pete Livers, Fulton County ESDA Director Chris Helle, Former Alderman Pamela Ihnes, and a number of residents in support of Curbside Recycling.


Bills. Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the bills and forward on to council, and was duly seconded by Alderman Schenck. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Treasurer’s Report. City Treasurer Aaron Anderson mentioned that the General Fund Revenues were 102% in April. Other departments were at 93% of their budgets and commended all department heads. Some of the smaller accounts were earning practically nothing. I moved the funds to three departments, and they are administration, system maintenance, and garbage. Alderman Sarff asked what the total amount was that was moved. City Treasurer Aaron Anderson said $205,000.00 and moved from Mid America National Bank to the Ipava State Bank. Alderman Sarff asked what amount the city has in Mid America National Bank? Aaron answered a certificate of deposit in February of this year, and they are up some $200,000 since I’ve taken office. Alderman Sarff made the motion to forward the report on to council, and was duly seconded by Alderman Schenck. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Bid Results from Main Street (IL 78) Water Main Relocation. Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc. said that 4 bids were received. CSU Inc. from Plainfield was the low bidder at $261,474.51. They did not meet the US Department of Rural Training. They are not certified in this area, nor are they in Indiana. They are trying to get certified and to have it work also for Illinois. But the time won’t allow for it to happen. They are not a responsive bidder, so their bid was thrown out. Keith recommended then the next low bidder of Hoerr Construction Inc. of Peoria in the amount of $328,025.00. Keith asked about the bid bond of CSU Inc. We can keep 10% of the bid bond, its council’s call.

Alderman Sarff made the motion to accept the low bid from Hoerr Construction in the amount of $328,025.00, and forward on to council; and was duly seconded by Alderman Schenck. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Alderman Sarff made the motion to keep 10% of the bid bond from CSU Inc., and forward on to council; and was duly seconded by Alderman Schenck. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Bid Results for Bradley Corners Service Area Televising. Keith Plavec from Maurer Stutz Inc. said there were three bidders. The engineer’s estimate was $100,000.00. The low bidder was $21,780.00 and it concerns us as they are sending only one person to do the work. Started calling references and they were very pleased with their work. Some of the work calls for two. Wastewater Treatment Plant Supt. Joe Carruthers said he is not concerned with a one man crew, he’ll find a problem and he will have to call the cleaning crew.

Bradley Corners Lift Station Generator Set Quotation from Altorfer $21,150; and - Bradley Corners Lift Station Remove & Relocate Existing Generator Quotation from Seward Construction $7,100.00. Keith Plavec of Maurer Stutz Inc. gave background information on the generator by Leander Construction Inc. We thought we were going to keep the generator and make as portable since would not work in the area planned for. Leander Construction Inc. wanted the generator back. We went and got quotes from Altorfer and he gave the same quote back in 2008 of $21,150.00. With Sewer Construction offering a pad for $7,100.00 and making the total $28,250.00, and the city gets to keep the generator. Leander Construction Inc. price was $32,666.17. Alderman Sarff made the motion forward on to council and request we accept as single source from Altorfer Power System for $21,150.00 and Sewer Construction for furnishing material and labor for the sum of $7,100.00, and to accept total price installed of $28,250 and keeping the generator already have, and mounting on a trailer; and was duly seconded by Alderman Schenck. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Refinancing TIF 3 Local Banks. Alderman Schenck said that Mark Rothert the SRPED Executive Director been working on continually trying to get refinement of opportunity we have for refinancing of our TIF revenue into a TIF Bond. And looking at a suite of projects that could be, and expenses the city could undertake by the refinancing activity. One of which is to pay back existing indebtedness we have for monies we borrowed from Mid America National Bank. And also, to be able to move forward with the work at the IH site, the existing development work we have there. As well as to be in a position to take advantage of grant opportunity as they come up, such as the streetscape grant. SRPED Executive Director Mark Rothert mentioned the amount we are working with is closed to $3 million for revenue streams and bond issue of how the City can spend over the years. Alderman Schenck directed city staff to continue working with Bond Counsel and to bring a proposal to City Council of using the full capacity of the $3 million, and was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Police Chief Dan Taylor asked to be able to buy ammunition of 6,000 rounds from Rockford, Illinois in the amount of $2,176.00. The ammunition is to be used for hand gun and rifle training that is mandated by the State of Illinois. Not being listed on the agenda was forward on to council for consideration.


Curbside Recycling Program. Pamela Ihnes was the spokesman for a small group of people who want Curbside Recycling Program. West Management has agreed to furnish one container free for glass, more types of plastic, etc. The fee is $1.00 per week. Sixty percent of paper is recycleable. Alderman Schenck made the motion forward to May 25 Mechanical Committee meeting, and was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

GABBY Days. Alderman Sarff made the motion to have GABBY Days June 27th and June 28th, and was duly seconded by Alderman Schenck. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Economic Development Update from Mark Rothert. Tourism and Marketing position - the ad is currently running.

Façade grant application – the purpose of the grant is to help supplement investment by downtown business or property owners to enhance their building FACADES and return them to their historic look when first built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s.

Jack Schultz (author old Boom Town USA) – he is CEO of Agracel, Inc. and Effingham, Illinois, based industrial development firm specializing in the agurban market, a Schultz-coined term for the small towns in rural America with great opportunities for success with business, jobs, and lifestyle.

The 7 ½ Keys to Big Success In Small Towns 1. Adopt a “Can Do” Attitude 2. Shape Your Vision 3. Leverage Your Resources 4. Raise Up Strong Leaders 5. Encourage an Entrepreneurial Approach 6. Maintain Local Control 7. Build Your Brand 7 ½. Embrace the Teeter – Totter Factor

Teska & Associates Retail Study – The City has been successful in its recent streetscape efforts in the downtown and redeveloping plentiful land near the downtown. This retail study focuses on the mixed-use corridor on 5th Avenue/Route 9. It is a north south corridor that is one of the main arteries through town. The corridor has a mixed of uses, including small commercial lots and mixed housing types. Two blocks to the west lie a vacant railroad line and the former International Harvester site that is currently under redevelopment, including the current construction of Cook Medical.

5th Avenue is an important corridor that links downtown Canton toward the east and north to the Peoria area. Most competition is actually located within Canton and each has a unique niche. 5th Avenue heads toward downtown that has very low vacancy and is home to retailers, restaurants and workplaces. Major retail, however, is located in two major commercial areas of North Main and Route 78.

Elm Street Corridor Streetscape Plan – Mark Rothert explained what a gap is – a lot of supply and not a demand, or demand and not enough supply. The Elm Street corridor we want to make attractive as we can and we want to adopt a streetscape plan for Elm Street.

Alderman Schenck made the motion to forward on to council for approval, was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. Motion was by unanimous voice vote.

TIF Administration information needed – they are needing information from the City Treasurer as have received the request from the city clerk. Mark said he would see what the final information that is needed.

Randolph Building Grand Opening – the opening house will be Friday May 15 from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and open to the public. Mayor Kevin R. Meade said the Cook family will be there as well.

Liquor Commission met and will bring for vote next week of Herbst Landing for a Class B License and also Canton Development, both for the address of 1920 North Main, being the former Canton Country Club. Brew-N-Cue is wanting to construct an Outdoor Supplemental in back of the Tavern. You will have information in the packets for each aldermen.

The Community & Industrial Development Committee adjourned at 7:38 p.m.


Request from S. Park United Methodist Church Handicapped Parking Spaces. Alderman Ellis – South Park Methodist Church is in the planning stages of changing their handicap ramp. The current ramp is not constructed according to code and the Board of Trustees is wanting to change the configuration so that it will comply with the ADA requirements. The Board of Trustees has proposed to extend the present ramp from the level platform east toward the sidewalk along First Avenue. Our request is to petition for two parking spaces directly in front of the church along First Avenue to be posted and marked as Handicap Parking only by the city. We also request for removal and replacement of the approach part of the city sidewalk from the street to the existing sidewalk to include a non slip grid installed in the new approach. The letter is from Rev. Rick Atchley. Alderman Schenck made the motion to have the city attorney draft an ordinance for the council meeting May 19, 2009, to allow two handicapped parking spaces, and was duly seconded by Alderman Rivero. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Jim & Michelle Cambell Development Agreement – Release Lien. Attorney James Elson asked City Clerk Nancy Whites to take this off the agenda.

Resolution Water Pre-Annexation for Tyson and Amy Smith. City Attorney Chrissie Peterson commented that this property is in the Westgate area and the previous agreement states, any new homeowner has to seek a pre- annexation agreement. This will be on the agenda for the next council meeting.

Chrissie Peterson reminded everyone about the law firm of Heyl, Royster of Peoria having a joint seminar on the major issues facing local governmental officials – including the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act, Prevailing Wage, IMRF, conducting meetings, budgeting, prohibited transactions, and pending/new legislation on these and other old favorites. The seminar is scheduled for May 18, 2009, at 9:00 a.m., in the Historic Depot, 50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois.

The Legal & Ordinance Committee adjourned at 8:45 p.m.


ESDA. Chris Helle the Fulton County ESDA Director reported that he is a part-time director. His office is in Farmington. They work side by side with agencies handling things such as search and rescue, hazardous materials, large scale incidents, natural disasters, emergency planning, recovery and mitigation. Our agency has helped develop Emergency Operation Plans for the City of Canton, City of Farmington and are currently working with the City of Cuba and Lewistown.

Our agency is staffed by people trained I CERT, Storm Spotting, Search and Rescue, Hazmat Awareness, National Incident Management System, Grief Counseling and countless other items. We also have a search and rescue K9 Unit who is capable of several different tracking methods, and a non law enforcement K9.

Alderman Sarff asked about the salary. Chris said he has budgeted $30,000, plus $4,000 training, $3,000 phone.

Howard Williams is the Assistant Director and has 17 years in the field of experience.

We’ve worked with the City of Canton on numerous incidents before and look forward to working with you in the future.

ESDA proposed Budget. Phil Fleming said that Mayor Kevin R. Meade had approached him about being full time and bringing someone with professionalism. The agency needs a lot of work. Alderman Hartford and I toured the ESDA facility housed in the Fire Department. All equipment needs to be brought up to standard. I have 35 years radar safety, 18 years county ESDA under Gene Burchett for 9 years. I am the emergency diocese for Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Mayor Meade said the salary of $208.00 monthly is a rather small salary. Looked at our options, and it’s up to council what the salary would be. Want to get quality and if certified can get grant funds, and the city has not been certified since 1978. Phil Fleming said this is 24 hours 7 days a week, and a lot of responsibility goes with it.

Alderman Sarff asked for the mayor to contact the county and have someone come here to discuss benefits for us. I don’t feel we need a full time ESDA Director position and this would be a hard sell to me.

Alderman Schenck said he falls into Alderman Sarff’s camp. This is not to me a top requirement. We are looking at two other positions, rather have the funds for them frankly.

Alderman Hartford said Phil is well qualified to have this set-up and should be full- time. Phil has a lot of work to do.

Mayor Kevin R. Meade said Mike Elam will come to the Mechanical Committee meeting in two weeks.

The Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel Committee adjourned at 7:38 p.m.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield discussion from Ray Riekena. Ray Rikena stated he feels there has been a misunderstanding by going with Blue Cross/Blue Shield direct. On April 6 through the 15th was the bid dates. I hand delivered mine with a cover letter that you have. The advertisement gave me only one day. I was lucky to find out. Intermediate or initial bid was not asked for. I spend 90% of my money in Canton. I will be accessible to all city employees and Diana Tucker, bless her heart she got involved in the whole thing.

Mayor Kevin R. Meade mentioned that $55,000 has been built in for an agent/broker. The money cannot be given back to the City as it stays with Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Our plan does not have anyone named for that position. Alderman Sarff said we paid Rick Semonis $2,000 as a consultant. He saved the city $1/2 million dollars. I think we should consider Rick frankly.

Alderman Schenck asked what does an agent supply? Ray mentioned, open enrollment, following who quits, new hires. Why not hire someone in town.

Alderman Hartford asked where are we on this? Alderman Sarff answered that the insurance has been awarded for May 1 renewal. Not being able to meet that requirement will stay with Health Alliance for the month of May and Blue Cross/Blue Shield will take over June 1, 2009.

Alderman Sarff asked for Diana Tucker the deputy clerk/human resource to speak. Diana - the enrollment forms are complete by 98% and Blue Cross/Blue Shield will come in tomorrow and pick up all the forms and will be complete then. Rick Semonis met with the City’s Insurance Committee to review the three bids. Based on Country Companies quote, it did not meet bid specifications. I talked with Rick Semonis and he said we could have a potential increase next year by using the $55,000 for an agent.

Alderman Sarff said it is the opinion of the Insurance Committee the sealed bid and were submitted to Rick Semonis, and we hired Rick Semonis for several years to be our consultant.

Ray said he does not agree, seems not right to not hand over the $55,000. If I thought I would hurt the City in any way tonight I would back off.

Alderman Reed mentioned that the city has the right to accept and rejects bids.

Alderman Schenck asked how did your proposal lien?

Ray Rickena said he took the initial quote for the first step, you take out all large claims, and you come back with intermediate. Still not the same quotes, so you take out 25 to 31 year olds and take the demographics. That is the difference between intermediate, initial and final. That is the reason I was kicked out initially. Alderman Sarff asked three times if there was a motion. No motion was made.

Alderman Ellis made the motion to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing Land Sale, and was duly seconded by Alderman Sarff. The motion was by unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Kevin R. Meade mentioned that there was no need to discuss Personnel.

The regular scheduled Clerical Committee convened into executive session at 8:46 p.m.



The Clerical Committee reconvened in open session at 9:20 p.m. to adjourn.

Recording Secretary,

Nancy Whites, City Clerk

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