Year 6: Links to NLS Objectives

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Year 6: Links to NLS Objectives

Year 6: Links to NLS objectives

Term 1 Unit number/title Texts provided Key Objectives Other links/opportunities Unit 1: Poetic style 1. My Mother Saw a T3 personal responses to literature NLS: T4 familiarity with works of established authors; T10 write own poems Dancing Bear T5 contribute to shared discussion of literature experimenting with active verbs; S1 to revise from Y5: word classes; sentence by Charles Causley order; complex sentences; standard English; W3 independent spelling strategies 2. I Saw a Jolly Hunter Grammar for Writing: Unit 44 (word classes) by Charles Causley Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 58 Speaking: oral techniques 3. The Magic Box to present persuasive argument by Kit Wright Unit 2: Developing narrative 4. Twenty Seventeen T2 narrative viewpoint NLS: T7 plan plot, characters and structure of own writing; W1 identify mis-spelt by Mat Coward S1 word classes, complex sentences words in own writing; W2 use known spellings as basis for spelling other words; S5 form complex sentences W3 independent spelling strategies S6 more sophisticated punctuation marks Grammar for Writing: Units 44 (word classes) and 47 (complex sentences) Unit 3: Plays and media 5. James and the Giant T1 compare/evaluate novel or play in print and NLS: T9 prepare story as script; W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W3 (Roald Dahl) Peach (story) film/TV version independent spelling strategies 6. James and the Giant T2 narrative viewpoint Grammar for Writing: Unit 47 (complex sentences, punctuation) Peach (playscript) S6 more sophisticated punctuation marks Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 61 Drama: consider impact of live or recorded performance Unit 4: Plays and media 7. Macbeth (playscript) T1 compare/evaluate novel or play in print and NLS: T6 manipulate narrative perspective; S6 more sophisticated punctuation (Shakespeare) 8. Macbeth (film clip) film/TV version marks; W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W2 use known spellings as T4 familiarity with established authors basis for spelling other words Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 61 Drama: consider impact of live or recorded performance Unit 5: Journalism 9. French Fun for all the T12 comment critically on language/style/ NLS: T8 summarise text; T15 journalistic style; T16 style/conventions of Family! success of non-fiction texts journalism; T18 use IT to plan/revise/edit writing; S4 connecting words and 10.Fish ate my Dog and phrases; W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W3 independent spelling Bone! strategies Grammar for Writing: Units 44 (word classes; adapting writing for readers/purposes) and 46 (connecting words and phrases) Unit 6: Biography and 11.A Yorkshire Childhood T3 personal responses to literature NLS: T14 biographical and autobiographical writing; S5 form complex sentences autobiography 12.Pedro’s Paintings T11 distinguish between biography and using connective devices; S6 more sophisticated punctuation marks; W3 13.The Boy from autobiography independent spelling strategies; W5 use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as a Bassendean S2 revise work on verbs and understand terms support for spelling by Rolf Harris active and passive Grammar for Writing: Units 45, 48 (active and passive verbs) and 47 (complex 14.John Lennon’s early sentences) years in Liverpool Unit 7: Reports 15.Tudor Exploration T8 summarise a text NLS: T17 write reports; S2 revise verbs; active and passive verbs; S3 changes 16.Ideas of the Ancient T13 features of non-chronological reports from active to passive; W3 independent spelling strategies; W5 use word roots, Greeks prefixes and suffixes as a support for spelling 17.Hindu Festivals Grammar for Writing: Units 45 and 48: active and passive verbs Year 6: Links to NLS objectives

Term 2 Unit number/title Texts provided Key Objectives Other links/opportunities Unit 8: Poetic form 18.The Warm and the Cold T3 recognise how poets manipulate words NLS: W2 use known spellings as basis for spelling other words by Ted Hughes T4 investigate humorous verse 19.Sea Shoals See Shows T5 how messages, moods, feelings and attitudes on the Sea Bed are conveyed in poetry by Paul Cookson T6 read and interpret poems in which meanings are implied or multi-layered T9 increase familiarity with significant poets Unit 9: Features of narrative 20.The Lex Files T1 aspects or narrative structure NLS: T11 write own story using flashbacks/story within story; T13 parody; S3 by Robert Swindells T7 identify key features of different types of complex sentences; W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W2 use known 21.Eco-Wolf and the Three literary text spellings as basis for spelling other words Pigs Grammar for Writing: Unit 52 (paragraphing) by Laurence Anholt Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 64 Drama: drama strategies to explore themes Unit 10: Argument 22.Vivisection: Is it right to T15 recognise how arguments are constructed to NLS: T18 construct effective arguments; T19 to write balanced report of experiment on animals? be effective controversial issue; S5 investigate conditionals by Brian Moses T16 identify features of balanced written Grammar for Writing: Unit 51 (investigating conditionals) arguments Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 58 Speaking: oral techniques W8 build a bank of useful terms and phrases for to present persuasive argument; Objective 62 Speaking: participate in a whole- argument class debate; Objective 63 Group discussion and interaction: consider examples of conflict and resolution

Unit 11: Formal writing 23.Notification of Sale T17 features of official language NLS: W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W3 independent spelling 24.Formal letter T20 discuss how standard English varies in strategies 25.Property details different contexts Grammar for Writing: Unit 49 (formal official language) S2 understand features of formal official language Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 66 Listening: language through collecting and analysing examples variation in formal and informal contexts Year 6: Links to NLS objectives

Term 3 Unit number/title Texts provided Key Objectives Other links/opportunities Unit 12: Revising narrative 26a, b and c. Mind Your T7 annotate passages in detail NLS: W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W2 use known spellings as Own Business T18 secure skills of skimming, scanning and basis for spelling other words; W3 independent spelling strategies by Gillian Cross efficient reading Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T2 Objective 64 Drama: drama strategies S1 language conventions and grammatical to explore themes features of different text types Unit 13: Revising poetry 27.The Plaint of the Camel T3 describe and evaluate poet style NLS: W1 identify mis-spelt words in own writing; W3 independent spelling by Charles Edward Carryl T4 comment critically on the overall impact of a strategies; W7 experiment with language 28.Silver poem by Walter de la Mare Unit 14: Revising non-fiction 29.Make an Egyptian T15 features of explanatory texts NLS: T22 select appropriate style and form to suit specific purpose/audience; Pyramid T19 non-fiction text types and their characteristics W3 independent spelling strategies; W5 use word roots, prefixes and suffixes as 30.How do Waves Shape S1 language conventions and grammatical a support for spelling the Coast? features of different text types Grammar for Writing: Units 52 (paragraphing) and 53 (language conventions) 31.Roman Britain Speaking, Listening, Learning: Y6 T1 Objective 58 Speaking: oral techniques 32.Jooster Booster to present persuasive argument Unit 15: Author study – 33.Capturing Animals T1 describe and evaluate the style of an individual NLS: T12 compare texts in writing Ted Hughes 34.The Snow Shoe Hare writer T5 compare and contrast the work of an individual writer

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