Section Ii: Grant Program Information s5

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Section Ii: Grant Program Information s5

Notice of Grant Opportunity 10-RE01-G03

Teaching and Learning with Essential New Technologies in the 21 Century (TALENT21) Grants American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Lucille E. Davy Commissioner of Education

Willa Spicer Deputy Commissioner of Education

Janis Jensen Director Office of Academic Standards Division of Educational Standards and Programs

Laurence Cocco Manager Office of Educational Technology Division of Educational Standards and Programs

September 2009

Application Due Date: November 4, 2009


JOSEPHINE E. HERNANDEZ ……………………………………. Union President

ARCELIO APONTE ……….……………………………………… Middlesex Vice President

RONALD K. BUTCHER ………………………………………….. Gloucester

KATHLEEN A. DIETZ ……………………………………………. Somerset

EDITHE FULTON …………………………………………………. Ocean

ROBERT P. HANEY ……………………………………………… Monmouth

ERNEST P. LEPORE ……..………………………….……………. Hudson

FLORENCE McGINN …………………………………………….. Hunterdon

ILAN PLAWKER ………………………………………………….. Bergen

DOROTHY S. STRICKLAND …………………………….………. Essex

Lucille E. Davy, Commissioner Secretary, State Board of Education

It is a policy of the New Jersey State Board of Education and the State Department of Education that no person, on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex, handicap or marital status, shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or be excluded from or denied benefits of any activity, program or service for which the department has responsibility. The department will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations concerning nondiscrimination. TABLE OF CONTENTS

SECTION 1: GRANT PROJECT INFORMATION...... 1 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE GRANT PROGRAM...... 1 1.1.1 Project Goals and Objectives ...... 2 1.1.2 Grant Project Design...... 3 1.1.3 Nonpublic Participation...... 4 1.2 ELIGIBILITY TO APPLY...... 5 1.2.1 High-Need LEA...... 5 1.2.2 Eligibility for Partnership...... 6 1.3 STATUTORY/REGULATORY SOURCE AND FUNDING...... 7 1.4 FEDERAL COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS (DUNS, CCR)...... 9 1.5 DISSEMINATION OF THIS NOTICE...... 9 1.6 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE...... 10 1.7 APPLICATION SUBMISSION...... 10 1.8 METHOD OF PAYMENT...... 11 1.9 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS...... 11

SECTION 2: PROJECT GUIDELINES...... 14 2.1 PROJECT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS...... 14 2.1.1 Alignment with NJDOE Initiatives...... 14 2.1.2 Partnerships...... 16 2.1.3 Professional Development...... 16 2.1.4 Policy and Procedures...... 17 2.1.5 Infrastructure Implementation Issues...... 18 2.2 PROJECT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS...... 18 2.2.1 Goals, Objectives, Indicators and Activities...... 18 2.2.2 Additional Requirements...... 23 2.2.3 Evaluation Plan...... 24 2.2.4 Grantee’s Responsibilities...... 28 2.2.5 Constructing the Application...... 31 2.3 BUDGET DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS...... 34 2.4 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS...... 35




the effective integration of technology and 21 and technology of integration effective the century skills and themes across content areas as areas content across themes and skills century


environment. Intensive professional development for teachers and administrators will assist with assist will administrators and teachers for development professional Intensive environment.

teachers in selected schools through the provision of a one-to-one wireless mobile computing mobile wireless one-to-one a of provision the through schools selected in teachers

provide high speed wireless Internet access to all sixth- and seventh-grade students and their and students seventh-grade and sixth- all to access Internet wireless speed high provide

capability to evaluate and use the myriad of information found online. This grant program will program grant This online. found information of myriad the use and evaluate to capability

o oti eeat ifrain fo ewrs fo rud te wrd wie dvlpn the developing while world the around from networks from information relevant obtain to

have Internet access through mobile computing devices to the tools and information that they need they that information and tools the to devices computing mobile through access Internet have

that blend physical and digital infrastructures to seamlessly support learning. support seamlessly to infrastructures digital and physical blend that Students will Students

century learning environments in grades six and seven and six grades in environments learning century 21 establishing in schools assist will


grants (TALENT21) Century 21 the in echnologies T ew N ssential E with earning L nd A eaching T

peers and others across state and national borders. borders. national and state across others and peers

routinely access the web to identify, research, and solve real world problems in collaboration with collaboration in problems world real solve and research, identify, to web the access routinely

engaged in meaningful and relevant authentic tasks using the appropriate technological tools. They tools. technological appropriate the using tasks authentic relevant and meaningful in engaged

curriculum and in the teaching and learning process. In this kind of environment, students are students environment, of kind this In process. learning and teaching the in and curriculum

niomns truh te sseai n rnprn nerto f tcnlg cos the across technology of integration transparent and systematic the through environments

olbrto ih ohr cos te globe the across others with collaboration etr learning century 21 in accomplished is This .


cur n pl otn nweg n kls truh atv xlrto, itrcin and interaction, exploration, active through skills and knowledge content apply and acquire

prepare students to thrive in the global economy. As engaged digital learners, students are able to able are students learners, digital engaged As economy. global the in thrive to students prepare

positioned to transform learning, to foster critical thinking, creativity, and innovation, and to and innovation, and creativity, thinking, critical foster to learning, transform to positioned

e esy Cr urclm Cnet Sadrs fr Tcnlg, Technology, for Standards Content Curriculum Core Jersey New ehooy i uniquely is Technology

and skills essential for the digital age and for college and career readiness. According to the 2009 the to According readiness. career and college for and age digital the for essential skills and

The goals of this grant program are in response to the need to prepare students with the knowledge the with students prepare to need the to response in are program grant this of goals The


and job seekers to obtain the skills and education needed in a competitive global economy.” economy.” global competitive a in needed education and skills the obtain to seekers job and

one of its six priority areas to: “Develop a world-class workforce by assisting the state’s students state’s the assisting by workforce world-class a “Develop to: areas priority six its of one

Economic Growth Strategy for the State of New of State the for Strategy Growth Economic Corzine’s Jon Governor identifies as identifies 2007 Jersey

rdcs ytm n evcs fr a cmeiie goa akt n rcgiin o hs need, this of recognition In market. global competitive a for services and systems products,

abundance of information, and work in diverse teams with the goal of producing innovative producing of goal the with teams diverse in work and information, of abundance

blt o rsod cetvl o cmlx polm, cmuiae ars utrs aae an manage cultures, across communicate problems, complex to creatively respond to ability

economies, emerging industries and firms and high-growth jobs require educated workers with the with workers educated require jobs high-growth and firms and industries emerging economies,

skills to personal, workplace or global situations, and create and enhance knowledge enhance and create and situations, global or workplace personal, to skills . Advanced .

access, evaluate and synthesize content, apply knowledge and knowledge apply content, synthesize and evaluate access, to: able be must students school,

for success in a knowledge- and innovation-based economy. By the time they graduate from high from graduate they time the By economy. innovation-based and knowledge- a in success for

and communicate and require new approaches to teaching and learning in order to prepare students prepare to order in learning and teaching to approaches new require and communicate and

Globalization and rapidly changing technologies continue to affect the way we work, collaborate work, we way the affect to continue technologies changing rapidly and Globalization






information using a range of emerging technological tools. technological emerging of range a using information

Applying information-literacy skills to access, manage, and communicate and manage, access, to skills information-literacy Applying 2.1: Objective

Standards by: Standards

century skills to assist in meeting the 2009 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Curriculum Core Jersey New 2009 the meeting in assist to skills century 21


GOAL 2: 2: GOAL in learning and in using in and learning in engagement increased demonstrate will Students


grant period to include sixth-, seventh-, and eighth- grade teachers and and teachers grade eighth- and seventh-, sixth-, include to period grant

continue to be achieved and expanded upon for at least two years beyond the beyond years two least at for upon expanded and achieved be to continue

Objective 1.6: Objective Developing a sustainability plan to ensure the goals of the grant program program grant the of goals the ensure to plan sustainability a Developing

related objectives were met. were objectives related

Using data to evaluate how successfully grant program goals 1 and 2 and 2 and 1 goals program grant successfully how evaluate to data Using 1.5: Objective

learning experiences. learning

sn tdn aa t oiy isrcinl srtge n personalize and strategies instructional modify to data student Using 1.4: Objective

Curriculum Content Standards. Content Curriculum

eet-rd nt n vros cnet aes aind t h 09 Core 2009 the to aligned areas content various in units seventh-grade

hms ad sil n rs otn oncin n slce it- and sixth- selected in connections content cross and skills and themes

Learning (PBL) Learning century 21 technology, of integration the includes that


olbrtn i te eeomn n ipeetto o of implementation and development the in Collaborating 1.3: Objective Project-Based

to improve and enhance professional development and leadership skills. leadership and development professional enhance and improve to

Using technology as a tool to promote a student-centered school culture and culture school student-centered a promote to tool a as technology Using 1.2: Objective

diverse student needs. needs. student diverse

implementation of 21 of implementation century instructional/ assessment practices that meet that practices assessment instructional/ century


a full time educational technology integration specialist to assist with the with assist to specialist integration technology educational time full a

Engaging in sustained and intensive professional development facilitated by facilitated development professional intensive and sustained in Engaging 1.1: Objective

century learning environments by: by: environments learning century 21


of acquiring and implementing teaching, learning and leadership practices needed in needed practices leadership and learning teaching, implementing and acquiring of

Content area teachers and school administrators will demonstrate evidence demonstrate will administrators school and teachers area Content 1: GOAL

1.1.1 Project Goals and Objectives Objectives and Goals Project 1.1.1

or to offer other schools the seed money to develop such environments. environments. such develop to money seed the schools other offer to or

outcomes for those schools that are moving towards 21st century teaching, learning and leadership and learning teaching, century 21st towards moving are that schools those for outcomes

for each sixth- and seventh-grade student. This grant program is intended to either strengthen either to intended is program grant This student. seventh-grade and sixth- each for

Some New Jersey schools already have wireless Internet access, and/or mobile computing devices computing mobile and/or access, Internet wireless have already schools Jersey New Some

extends beyond the grant period. period. grant the beyond extends

development of a sustainability plan that plan sustainability a of development the with along standards, 2009 revised the in required


century learning environments in environments learning century 21 experience will year school 2010-2011 the in grant


school year. As a result, the original cohort of sixth-grade students participating in the in participating students sixth-grade of cohort original the result, a As year. school

learning practices implemented as a result of the grant in grade eight during the 2012-2013 the during eight grade in grant the of result a as implemented practices learning

eighth-grade teachers in the 2011-2012 school year in order to continue the 21 the continue to order in year school 2011-2012 the in teachers eighth-grade century


trainer” professional development over the grant period to offer coaching and training to training and coaching offer to period grant the over development professional trainer”

grant period will include plans for seventh-grade teachers who have received “train the “train received have who teachers seventh-grade for plans include will period grant

The The that establishes strategies for extending grant activities beyond the beyond activities grant extending for strategies establishes that plan sustainability

practices established in Phase in established practices II (2010-2011). (2010-2011). II

grade class of 2011-2012 in order to continue and build on the 21st century learning century 21st the on build and continue to order in 2011-2012 of class grade

students must be purchased with grant funds by September 1, 2011 for use by the sixth- the by use for 2011 1, September by funds grant with purchased be must students

in sixth grade during Phase II. Mobile computing devices for all 2011-2012 sixth-grade 2011-2012 all for devices computing Mobile II. Phase during grade sixth in

In 2011-2012, seventh-grade students will use the mobile computing devices they received they devices computing mobile the use will students seventh-grade 2011-2012, In

of grant strategies into the seventh grade in the 2011-2012 school year. year. school 2011-2012 the in grade seventh the into strategies grant of

teachers in order to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to continue the implementation the continue to necessary skills and knowledge the gain to order in teachers

Phase I and Phase II professional development opportunities and partner with sixth-grade with partner and opportunities development professional II Phase and I Phase

implement the plan developed in Phase I. Seventh-grade teachers will participate in all in participate will teachers Seventh-grade I. Phase in developed plan the implement

September 1, 2010 – September 15, 2011 15, September – 2010 1, September ( II Phase In ), all sixth-grade teachers will teachers sixth-grade all ),

2011) and a sustainability plan for two years beyond the grant period. period. grant the beyond years two for plan sustainability a and 2011)

implementation plan for grant activities for Phase II (September 1, 2010 – September 15, September – 2010 1, (September II Phase for activities grant for plan implementation

administrators with wireless mobile computing devices by September 2010; and designs an designs and 2010; September by devices computing mobile wireless with administrators

and software in order to provide all sixth-grade students and all participating teachers and teachers participating all and students sixth-grade all provide to order in software and

grade teachers and administrators; integrates all necessary technology systems, hardware systems, technology necessary all integrates administrators; and teachers grade

the grantee: initiates professional development for participating sixth-grade and seventh- and sixth-grade participating for development professional initiates grantee: the

is an seven-month planning period ( period planning seven-month an is I Phase ) during which during ) 2010 August to 2010 February

project (February 1, 2010 – September 15, 2011), designed with two phases. phases. two with designed 2011), 15, September – 2010 1, (February project

capabilities for sixth and seventh grade students. It It students. grade seventh and sixth for capabilities is a nineteen and a half-month grant half-month a and nineteen a is

h AET1 gat porm spot n-ooe mbl optn n wireless and computing mobile one-to-one supports program grant TALENT21 The

1.1.2 Grant Project Design Design Project Grant 1.1.2

systems for all sixth and seventh grade teachers, administrators and students. and administrators teachers, grade seventh and sixth all for systems

includes the implementation of a high speed wireless mobile computing mobile wireless speed high a of implementation the includes

century learning that learning century 21 support to infrastructure technology a Establishing 3.1: Objective


learning environments by: environments learning

h col Pann em wl aiiae te ceto f 21 of creation the facilitate will Team Planning School The 3: GOAL century


multiple cultural perspectives, differing points of view, and diverse values diverse and view, of points differing perspectives, cultural multiple .

ann nacd udrtnig o lbl itreednis a el as well as interdependencies global of understanding enhanced Gaining 2.3: Objective

broader community, and the environment. the and community, broader

new knowledge, and make informed decisions that affect individuals, the individuals, affect that decisions informed make and knowledge, new

Thinking critically and creatively to solve problems, synthesize and create and synthesize problems, solve to creatively and critically Thinking 2.2: Objective


atcpto form Participation h opbi qial Participation Equitable Nonpublic the as well as D), (Appendix

Documentation of Nonpublic School Nonpublic of Documentation The participation. and eligibility school nonpublic

Consultation with nonpublic schools is required as detailed in Appendix B and C regarding C and B Appendix in detailed as required is schools nonpublic with Consultation

Nonpublic Participation Nonpublic 1.1.3

century instructional environment. environment. instructional century 21


provide a complete picture of the applicant’s current status and anticipated growth toward a toward growth anticipated and status current applicant’s the of picture complete a provide

environment. This document in conjunction with the TALENT21 grant application will application grant TALENT21 the with conjunction in document This environment.

end of the NGO) that details the current technology integration status of the instructional the of status integration technology current the details that NGO) the of end

Each applicant is required to complete the the complete to required is applicant Each (located at the at (located Checklist Integration Century 21


added resources. added

additional funding sources to support the participation of additional teachers, students and students teachers, additional of participation the support to sources funding additional

understanding that the grant funds will not increase. LEAs are encouraged to look at look to encouraged are LEAs increase. not will funds grant the that understanding

teachers and students in participating grades that participate in the grant project with the with project grant the in participate that grades participating in students and teachers

In all aspects of the grant program grant the of aspects all In , the LEA may at any time increase the number of number the increase time any at may LEA the ,

600 – 750 Students 750 – 600 $2,300,000

401 - 600 Students 600 - 401 $1,960,000

201 – 400 Students 400 – 201 $1,430,000

101 - 200 Students 200 - 101 895,000 $

Less than 100 Students 100 than Less $625,000

Number of Sixth-Grade Students Sixth-Grade of Number Maximum Award Maximum

Funding is commensurate with the number of students as follows: as students of number the with commensurate is Funding


school year. See Appendix A for the eligible high-need school districts and schools and districts school high-need eligible the for A Appendix See year. school

total number of sixth graders within the eligible school building for the 2009-2010 the for building school eligible the within graders sixth of number total

The applicant may apply up to the maximum award that corresponds to the to corresponds that award maximum the to up apply may applicant The teachers.

incoming sixth-grade class of 2011-2012 as well as the expenditures for the seventh-grade the for expenditures the as well as 2011-2012 of class sixth-grade incoming

mobile computing devices, but takes into consideration the expenditures needed for the for needed expenditures the consideration into takes but devices, computing mobile

Funding is based on the number of sixth-grade students in the eligible school(s) requiring school(s) eligible the in students sixth-grade of number the on based is Funding

tools. tools.

ongoing, and sustainable beyond the grant period and that encourage the use of Web 2.0 Web of use the encourage that and period grant the beyond sustainable and ongoing,

ait f poesoa eeomn ol uig te drto f te gat ta are that grant the of duration the during tools development professional of variety a

Applicants are required to use to required are Applicants systems. data and Internet the equipment, of use on training

limited to, professional development workshops, in-class support, technical support, and support, technical support, in-class workshops, development professional to, limited

century technological tools in their classroom. Resources include, but are not are but include, Resources classroom. their in tools technological century 21 using


grade teachers in developing and implementing interdisciplinary, project-based lessons project-based interdisciplinary, implementing and developing in teachers grade

resources to guide sixth- and seventh- and sixth- guide to resources development professional provide will TALENT21

century learning environments. environments. learning century 21 to transformation the in participate

st their sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade school years; and all three middle grades will grades middle three all and years; school eighth-grade and seventh-, sixth-, their


See list in Appendix A at end of NGO of end at A Appendix in list See


less .

score of three or or three of score

indicator to have a a have to indicator

Technology Technology

in the the in above process process

(CAPA) review review (CAPA) level two or or two level

OR AND Achievement Achievement

with a status status a with

in poverty in

Planning for for Planning

improvement improvement

children living living children

Assessment and and Assessment

need of of need

percentage of of percentage the Collaborative Collaborative the

identified as in in as identified

state average average state

identified through through identified

schools schools

are above the the above are or or 2008 of

one or more more or one

that that Districts Districts

Technology Survey Survey Technology Districts with with Districts

on the School School the on

technology based based technology

assistance in using using in assistance

as in need for for need in as

Districts identified identified Districts

ALL DISTRICTS IN NEW JERSEY NEW IN DISTRICTS ALL Graphic depiction – eligibility: – depiction Graphic

indicator to have a score of three or less. or three of score a have to indicator

Assessment and Planning for Achievement (CAPA) review process in the Technology the in process review (CAPA) Achievement for Planning and Assessment

esy Sho ehooy Sre 08 o dniid truh te Collaborative the through identified or 2008 Survey Technology School Jersey

b. Has a substantial need for assistance in using technology as determined by the New the by determined as technology using in assistance for need substantial a Has

OR two or above above or two

a. Includes one or more schools identified as in need of improvement with a status level status a with improvement of need in as identified schools more or one Includes


Jersey that are above the state average percentage of children living in poverty in living children of percentage average state the above are that Jersey

LEA that is among those LEAs in New in LEAs those among is that LEA a is agency” educational local “high-need A

What is a “high-need local educational agency”? educational local “high-need a is What 1.2.1

Only eligible local entities may receive Ed Tech competitive grant funds. funds. grant competitive Tech Ed receive may entities local eligible Only

 an “eligible local partnership”. partnership”. local “eligible an

 or agency” educational local “high-need a

either either

n eligible local entity is entity local eligible n a program, grant this of purposes For criteria. specific meet that entities

TALENT21 is a limited competitive grant program. It is open to all New Jersey eligible local eligible Jersey New all to open is It program. grant competitive limited a is TALENT21


. . school nonpublic participating

(Appendix E) must be submitted be must E) (Appendix Form Consultation of Affirmation and Summary for each for


above. above.

Two high-need LEAs and one or more other partners listed in items 1 through 4 4 through 1 items in listed partners other more or one and LEAs high-need Two 

partners listed in items 2 through 4 above, or above, 4 through 2 items in listed partners

An LEA not identified as high-need, a high-need LEA, and one or more other more or one and LEA, high-need a high-need, as identified not LEA An 

One of two high-need LEAs, or LEAs, high-need two of One 

An LEA not identified as high-need with a high-need LEA partner, or or partner, LEA high-need a with high-need as identified not LEA An 

One high-need LEA, or or LEA, high-need One 

following categories: following

An applicant (the lead agent) for this grant program MUST fall under one of the of one under fall MUST program grant this for agent) lead (the applicant An

serve as the fiscal agent for the award. award. the for agent fiscal the as serve

If an eligible local partnership is awarded grant funds, ONLY an LEA may LEA an ONLY funds, grant awarded is partnership local eligible an If subgrantee.

ihne E, te h ihne E ut b nldd i h plcto s a as application the in included be must LEA high-need the then LEA, high-need

Any LEA within the partnership may serve as the lead agent. agent. lead the as serve may partnership the within LEA Any If the lead agent is not the not is agent lead the If

agencies, libraries, or other educational entities appropriate to provide local programs. local provide to appropriate entities educational other or libraries, agencies,

h atesi a nld te oa dctoa gnis dctoa service educational agencies, educational local other include may partnership The

application of educational technology in instruction; and and instruction; in technology educational of application

ulc o rvt opoi raiain wt eosrtd eprie i the in expertise demonstrated with organization nonprofit private or public A 4.

program cannot benefit monetarily); monetarily); benefit cannot program or or

technology in instruction (a for-profit business or organization participating in this grant this in participating organization or business for-profit (a instruction in technology

ehooy pout r srie, o a usata xets n te apiain of application the in expertise substantial has or services, or products technology

A for-profit business or organization that develops, designs, manufactures, or produces or manufactures, designs, develops, that organization or business for-profit A 3.

been identified by its State as low-performing under section 208 of such Act; such of 208 section under low-performing as State its by identified been

requirements of section 207(f) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and that has not has that and 1965 of Act Education Higher the of 207(f) section of requirements

n isiuin o ihr euain ta s i ul cmlac ih te reporting the with compliance full in is that education higher of institution An 2.

partner LEA on the Document of Eligibility form found in this NGO); this in found form Eligibility of Document the on LEA partner

academic content and student academic achievement standards (as certified by the by certified (as standards achievement academic student and content academic

the preparation of students to meet challenging State challenging meet to students of preparation the and subjects; academic core

research, and that the integration results in improvement in classroom instruction in the in instruction classroom in improvement in results integration the that and research,

technology and proven teaching practices into instruction, based on a review of relevant of review a on based instruction, into practices teaching proven and technology

n LA ta a eosrt eces i t col r fetvl integrating effectively are schools its in teachers demonstrate can that LEA An 1.

: following the of one least at and

is a partnership that includes at least one high-need LEA high-need one least at includes that partnership a is partnership local eligible An

eligible local partnership"? local eligible “ an is What 1.2.2

See Appendix A for the list of high-need local educational agencies. educational local high-need of list the for A Appendix See partnership. A high-need LEA may apply as the lead agent for this grant program independent of a of independent program grant this for agent lead the as apply may LEA high-need A


ece riig ad criuu eein t mlmn eerhbsd instructional research-based implement to redesign curriculum and training teacher

norg fetv nerto f tcnlg eore n ytm upre by supported systems and resources technology of integration effective Encourage 3.

location, or disability. or location,

grade, regardless of the student’s race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic income, family gender, ethnicity, race, student’s the of regardless grade,

2. Ensure every student is technology literate by the time the student completes the eighth the completes student the time the by literate technology is student every Ensure

secondary schools. secondary

Improve student academic achievement though the use of technology in elementary and elementary in technology of use the though achievement academic student Improve 1.

The goals of Title II, Part D are to: are D Part II, Title of goals The

of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). (ESEA). 1965 of Act Education Secondary and Elementary the of

the NCLB Act of 2001. TALENT21 is guided by the statutory requirements of Title II, Part D Part II, Title of requirements statutory the by guided is TALENT21 2001. of Act NCLB the

and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and the Title II, Part D of the ESEA Act of 1965, as amended by amended as 1965, of Act ESEA the of D Part II, Title the and 2009 of Act Reinvestment and

This TALENT21 grant program is 100 percent federally funded under the American Recovery American the under funded federally percent 100 is program grant TALENT21 This

investments with the potential for sustainable long-term benefits. long-term sustainable for potential the with investments

potnt o ipoe tahn n erig ad sol s hs ud s short-term as funds these use should and learning and teaching improve to opportunity

positive results for students and our nation. LEAs should view ARRA funding as a unique a as funding ARRA view should LEAs nation. our and students for results positive

n col dsrcs i dacn eom n mrvmns ta il cet long-lasting create will that improvements and reforms advancing in districts school and

or the Recovery Act) on February 17, 2009, providing an historic opportunity to support states support to opportunity historic an providing 2009, 17, February on Act) Recovery the or

President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA 2009 of Act Reinvestment and Recovery American the signed Obama Barack President

: Source Statutory Federal


n te eotn eurmns apy nldn urel rn eotn o te federal the to reporting grant quarterly including apply, requirements reporting other and

significant transparency and accountability provisions with regard to the expenditure of funds of expenditure the to regard with provisions accountability and transparency significant

September 30, 2011, so swift action is required on the part of each LEA, if funded. Numerous funded. if LEA, each of part the on required is action swift so 2011, 30, September

ARRA funds be distributed “swiftly and impeccably.” Funds will only be available through available be only will Funds impeccably.” and “swiftly distributed be funds ARRA

state and federal regulations. regulations. federal and state Congress and the U.S. Secretary of Education have directed that directed have Education of Secretary U.S. the and Congress

The applicant’s project must be designed and implemented in conformance with all applicable all with conformance in implemented and designed be must project applicant’s The


found in Appendix F. F. Appendix in found

partners through the completion of the Documentation of Partnership Eligibility Form Eligibility Partnership of Documentation the of completion the through partners

another LEA as the lead agency. The applicant’s CSA must certify the eligibility of all of eligibility the certify must CSA applicant’s The agency. lead the as LEA another

Any LEA may submit only one proposal or participate in only one partnership under partnership one only in participate or proposal one only submit may LEA Any

activities. grant

outcomes and grant requirements and both districts must benefit equitably as a result of result a as equitably benefit must districts both and requirements grant and outcomes

there are two high-need LEAs partnering, then both high-need LEAs would have the same the have would LEAs high-need both then partnering, LEAs high-need two are there

clearly benefit in the ability to increase academic achievement from the grant activities. If activities. grant the from achievement academic increase to ability the in benefit clearly

Both LEAs may use the grant funds. However, the high-need LEA must LEA high-need the However, funds. grant the use may LEAs Both LEA. high-need Although a partnership is formed, the grant activities must benefit and focus on the on focus and benefit must activities grant the formed, is partnership a Although


remaining awards will be made to the next highest scoring applications regardless of region. If region. of regardless applications scoring highest next the to made be will awards remaining

points or above in each of the three regions (north, central and south) will be funded. The funded. be will south) and central (north, regions three the of each in above or points

The applications will be ranked from highest to lowest. The highest scoring applications at 65 at applications scoring highest The lowest. to highest from ranked be will applications The

TALENT21 application is on the Appendix G list. G Appendix the on is application TALENT21

of these applicants only. Only five points will be added if more than one LEA involved in the in involved LEA one than more if added be will points five Only only. applicants these of

the list of eligible LEAs. An additional five (5) bonus points will be awarded to the final score final the to awarded be will points bonus (5) five additional An LEAs. eligible of list the

but who were eligible for less than $50,000 from the 2008-09 allocation. See Appendix G for G Appendix See allocation. 2008-09 the from $50,000 than less for eligible were who but

, Subgrant Formula Consolidated 2001: of Act Behind Left Child No the of allocations D Part

Priority consideration will be given to eligible applicants that received funding from Title II Title from funding received that applicants eligible to given be will consideration Priority

the availability of funds. funds. of availability the

The actual award amount will be determined at the time of pre-award revision and subject to to subject and revision pre-award of time the at determined be will amount award actual The

$2,300,000 Students 750 – 600

$1,960,000 Students 600 - 401

Students 400 – 201 $1,430,000

101 - 200 Students 200 - 101 895,000 $

Less than 100 Students 100 than Less $625,000

Number of Sixth Grade Students Grade Sixth of Number Maximum Award Maximum

and professional development needs: development professional and

requiring mobile computing devices, dependent on the schools equipment, software, support software, equipment, schools the on dependent devices, computing mobile requiring

funding is based on the number of sixth grade students in the eligible school(s) eligible the in students grade sixth of number the on based is funding Maximum

The anticipated amount to be awarded through this NGO is up to $2,300,000 for each grantee. each for $2,300,000 to up is NGO this through awarded be to amount anticipated The

from February 1, 2010 – September 15, 2011. 2011. 15, September – 2010 1, February from

This grant program is designed to provide $11,998,944 in support for the 19 ½ -month period -month ½ 19 the for support in $11,998,944 provide to designed is program grant This

teachers; and technical support.” technical and teachers;

access to digital content that is aligned to state standards; professional development for development professional standards; state to aligned is that content digital to access

hardware and software, including wireless laptop computers; broadband internet access; internet broadband computers; laptop wireless including software, and hardware

Funding shall enable the purchase of the following components: following the of purchase the enable shall Funding law. federal applicable

shall award grants pursuant to a competitive process and in a manner that complies with complies that manner a in and process competitive a to pursuant grants award shall

. The New Jersey Department of Education of Department Jersey New The . methods teaching new enable to environments

wr hl e ue o rfsinl dvlpet ta oue n uiiig digital utilizing on focuses that development professional for used be shall award

Twenty-five percent of any grant any of percent Twenty-five training. and software hardware, computer wireless of

Education shall provide competitive grants awarded to school districts for the purchase or lease or purchase the for districts school to awarded grants competitive provide shall Education

09 (RA o dctoa ehooy Sae Gat, te Nw Jre eatet of Department Jersey New the Grants, State Technology Educational for (ARRA) 2009

From federal funds that are available pursuant to the American Recovery Reinvestment Act of Act Reinvestment Recovery American the to pursuant available are that funds federal From “

In “Section 34 Department of Education” of the State of New Jersey 2009 Budget it states that: states it Budget 2009 Jersey New of State the of Education” of Department 34 “Section In

: Source Statutory State

agencies. methods that can be widely implemented as best practices by state and local education local and state by practices best as implemented widely be can that methods


at the New Jersey Department of Education, of Department Jersey New the at Standards Academic of Office the contacting

Additional copies of the NGO are also available on the NJDOE web site (above) or by or (above) site web NJDOE the on available also are NGO the of copies Additional


Route 29, P.O. Box 500, Trenton, NJ 08625-0500; telephone (609) 633 (609) telephone 08625-0500; NJ Trenton, 500, Box P.O. 29, Route 6974; fax (609) 777- (609) fax 6974; -

Center at the New Jersey Department of Education, River View Executive Plaza, Building 100, Building Plaza, Executive View River Education, of Department Jersey New the at Center or by contacting the Application Control Application the contacting by or

The DGA is available on the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) web site at: site web (NJDOE) Education of Department Jersey New the on available is DGA The

complete application. complete

otis te rqie udne plcto om n isrcin eesr o peae a prepare to necessary instructions and forms application guidance, required the contains

must , which , (DGA) Application Grant Discretionary the with combination in NGO this use

constitute the complete application package. All applicants All package. application complete the constitute not does NGO This : Important

regions and counties in which the eligible agencies are located. located. are agencies eligible the which in counties and regions

identified in Section 1, subsection 1.2, and to the executive county superintendents of the of superintendents county executive the to and 1.2, subsection 1, Section in identified

The Office of Educational Technology will make this notice available to all eligible agencies eligible all to available notice this make will Technology Educational of Office The


will be made to an applicant not in compliance with FFATA. with compliance in not applicant an to made be will

Documentation of Federal Compliance (DUNS/CCR) form found in Appendix H. No award No H. Appendix in found form (DUNS/CCR) Compliance Federal of Documentation

eitain wl ean atv o h nie gat pro. Cmlt n umt the submit and Complete period. grant entire the for active remain will registration

registration as part of the application and must certify that they will ensure that their CCR their that ensure will they that certify must and application the of part as registration

plcns ae eurd o umt ter US ubr adeprto dt fter CCR their of date expiration and number DUNS their submit to required are Applicants

 To register with the CCR database, go to to go database, CCR the with register To

 To obtain a DUNS number, go to to go number, DUNS a obtain To

are available for free to all entities required to register under FFATA. under register to required entities all to free for available are

Contractor Registration (CCR) database. DUNS numbers are issued by Dun and Bradstreet and Bradstreet and Dun by issued are numbers DUNS database. (CCR) Registration Contractor

recipients must have a valid DUNS number and must also be registered with the Central the with registered be also must and number DUNS valid a have must recipients

In accordance with the Federal Fiscal Accountability Transparency Act (FFATA), all grant all (FFATA), Act Transparency Accountability Fiscal Federal the with accordance In


Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, Salem. Salem. Ocean, Gloucester, Cumberland, May, Cape Camden, Burlington, Atlantic,

The southern region consists of the following counties: counties: following the of consists region southern The

Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset, Union. Union. Somerset, Monmouth, Middlesex, Mercer, Hunterdon,

The central region consists of the following counties: counties: following the of consists region central The

Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Warren. Sussex, Passaic, Morris, Hudson, Essex, Bergen,

The northern region consists of the following counties: following the of consists region northern The

highest scoring application(s) above 65 points may become eligible for award. for eligible become may points 65 above application(s) scoring highest balances are available or if additional funds become available during the fiscal year, the next the year, fiscal the during available become funds additional if or available are balances


Trenton, NJ 08625 NJ Trenton, 08625-0500 NJ Trenton,

100 River View Plaza View River 100 Plaza View River 100

New Jersey Department of Education of Department Jersey New New Jersey Department of Education of Department Jersey New

Application Control Center Control Application Center Control Application

Mailing Address Mailing Courier Service Address Service Courier

The mailing and courier service addresses are listed below: listed are addresses service courier and mailing The

 Arrange for delivery by an overnight courier service to ensure timely delivery. timely ensure to service courier overnight an by delivery for Arrange

 Send the application by Certified Mail or Return Receipt; or Receipt; Return or Mail Certified by application the Send

8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday (excluding state holidays); or holidays); state (excluding Friday through Monday P.M., 5:00 and A.M. 8:30

located next to the Mercer County Waterfront Park on Route 29, between the hours of hours the between 29, Route on Park Waterfront County Mercer the to next located

 Hand-deliver the application to 100 River View Plaza, Trenton, New Jersey, which is which Jersey, New Trenton, Plaza, View River 100 to application the Hand-deliver

To ensure timely delivery, applicants are encouraged to: encouraged are applicants delivery, timely ensure To

Application Control Center (see address below): address (see Center Control Application

The original and four (4) copies (4) four and original The of the application must be mailed or delivered to the to delivered or mailed be must application the of

application not in conformance with the requirements of this NGO. NGO. this of requirements the with conformance in not application

in fact, eligible for evaluation. The Department of Education reserves the right to reject any reject to right the reserves Education of Department The evaluation. for eligible fact, in

Applications received by the due date and time will be screened to determine whether they are, they whether determine to screened be will time and date due the by received Applications

include all elements listed in Section 3.3, Application Component Checklist of this notice. this of Checklist Component Application 3.3, Section in listed elements all include

consideration, an application received after this deadline. Complete applications are those that those are applications Complete deadline. this after received application an consideration,

the ACC will not accept, and the Office of Grants Management cannot evaluate for funding for evaluate cannot Management Grants of Office the and accept, not will ACC the

LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2009. 4, NOVEMBER WEDNESDAY, ON P.M. 5:00 THAN LATER Without exception, Without

etr (C) ms eev n oiia n or cpe f te cmlt plcto application complete the of copies four and original an receive must (ACC) Center NO

The responsibility for a timely submission resides with the applicant. The Application Control Application The applicant. the with resides submission timely a for responsibility The

will not accept late applications late accept not will therefore . .

procedures designed to ensure accountability and integrity in the use of public funds and funds public of use the in integrity and accountability ensure to designed procedures

The Department of Education operates discretionary grant programs in strict conformance with conformance strict in programs grant discretionary operates Education of Department The


accommodations are required at the workshop, please identify these needs when registering when needs these identify please workshop, the at required are accommodations .

h opbi col prnr r nie o atn h A wrso. I special If workshop. TA the attend to invited are partner) school nonpublic the

. All applicants and partners (including partners and applicants All . at: register Please

Registration is required, and the deadline for registering is Wednesday, September 30, 2009. 30, September Wednesday, is registering for deadline the and required, is Registration space: white-lined a within lot any in permitted is Parking . at: found are Campus Edison the to Directions 08818. NJ .

Center at the Middlesex County College, Edison Campus, 2600 Woodbridge Avenue, Edison, Avenue, Woodbridge 2600 Campus, Edison College, County Middlesex the at Center

will be held on Friday, October 2, 2009 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Performing the in p.m. 12:30 to a.m. 9:30 from 2009 2, October Friday, on held be will

The Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop regarding preparation of the TALENT21 application TALENT21 the of preparation regarding Workshop (TA) Assistance Technical The


292-7276. (609) fax ; 984-6031 (609) telephone River View Executive Plaza, Building 100, Route 29, P.O. Box 500, Trenton, NJ 08625-0500; NJ Trenton, 500, Box P.O. 29, Route 100, Building Plaza, Executive View River


10/15/11 9/15/11 – 2/1/10 Final

6/1/11 5/15/11 – 2/1/10 5


3/1/11 2/15/11 – 2/1/10 4


12/1/10 11/15/10 – 2/1/10 3


9/1/10 8/15/10 – 2/1/10 2


6/1/10 5/15/10 – 2/1/10 1


Date Dates Activity Due Reports

Reporting Due Reporting Period Reporting Program & Fiscal

determined): be to dates reporting

to achieve the grant goals. Reports for this program will be due as follows follows as due be will program this for Reports goals. grant the achieve to : ARRA : NOTE (

requirements and to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of a comprehensive plan comprehensive a of completion the toward progress satisfactory make to and requirements

During the first phase of the contract period, the grantee is expected to complete all program all complete to expected is grantee the period, contract the of phase first the During

legislation. legislation.

to the current agreement period, and its conformance with program regulations and enabling and regulations program with conformance its and period, agreement current the to

reviewed to ascertain the degree of the grantee’s progress within the scope of work appropriate work of scope the within progress grantee’s the of degree the ascertain to reviewed The reports will be will reports The .

rn eiin’ aul fr Dsrtoay Grants Discretionary for Manual Recipient’s Grant the in indicated at:

program and fiscal reports are to be submitted to the Application Control Center as Center Control Application the to submitted be to are reports fiscal and program

epniiiy o h ed aec o clet rprig ifrain fo l ates partners. all from information reporting collect to agency lead the of responsibility All

h icl ad porm proi eot r eurd o l rn eiins t i the is It recipients. grant all of required are reports periodic program and fiscal The


e uoil cn b iwd b cesn h eatets wbie at website department’s the accessing by viewed be can tutorial web A system. Grant)

Reimbursement Requests will be processed utilizing the EWEG (Electronic Web Enabled Web (Electronic EWEG the utilizing processed be will Requests Reimbursement

funds from the United States Treasury and the expenditure of funds for program purposes. program for funds of expenditure the and Treasury States United the from funds

1990 (CMIA) which requires grantees to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of transfer the between elapsing time the minimize to grantees requires which (CMIA) 1990

electronic reimbursement process to comply with the Cash Management Improvement Act of Act Improvement Management Cash the with comply to process reimbursement electronic

pn eeuin o h rn gemn, pyet o gate il b ae truh an through made be will grantees to payments agreement, grant the of execution Upon


the requirements of this NGO. this of requirements the

Department of Education reserves the right to reject any application not in conformance with conformance in not application any reject to right the reserves Education of Department

time will be screened to determine whether they are, in fact, eligible for evaluation. The evaluation. for eligible fact, in are, they whether determine to screened be will time

Application Component Checklist of this notice. Applications received by the due date and date due the by received Applications notice. this of Checklist Component Application

NJDOE receipt. Complete applications are those that include all elements listed in Section 3.3, Section in listed elements all include that those are applications Complete receipt. NJDOE

is required. Applicants are encouraged to obtain a receipt or to sign in upon delivery to verify to delivery upon in sign to or receipt a obtain to encouraged are Applicants required. is

acceptable evidence of timely submission. Receipt by the due date and time and date due the by Receipt submission. timely of evidence acceptable not are Postmarks

Applications submitted by fax will not be accepted under any circumstances. circumstances. any under accepted be not will fax by submitted Applications


from a federal a from directly funds receives and for applies that entity any or agency state a is

later than 10 calendar days after the end of each calendar quarter. (A “direct recipient” “direct (A quarter. calendar each of end the after days calendar 10 than later

report to the U.S. Department of Education with regard to recovery funds received not received funds recovery to regard with Education of Department U.S. the to report

recipient of ARRA funds must funds ARRA of recipient direct other any and NJDOE : Reporting Quarterly 2.

requirements are incorporated as a special condition of this award. this of condition special a as incorporated are requirements

eurmns etbihd i h eoey At eoey Atrltd reporting Act-related Recovery Act. Recovery the in established requirements

certain information to NJDOE in order for NJDOE to comply with quarterly reporting quarterly with comply to NJDOE for order in NJDOE to information certain

Funds shall not be commingled with non-Recovery Act funds. Grantees must submit must Grantees funds. Act non-Recovery with commingled be not shall Funds

separately tracked and monitored independently of any non-Recovery Act funding. Act non-Recovery any of independently monitored and tracked separately

RA fns ms be must funds ARRA : Funds ARRA of Monitoring and Tracking Separate 1.

the ARRA as follows. as ARRA the

All recipients of TALENT21 funds must comply with all reporting requirements specified in specified requirements reporting all with comply must funds TALENT21 of recipients All

ARRA Reporting Requirements Reporting ARRA

evaluation report that depicts the successful completion of grant goals. grant of completion successful the depicts that report evaluation completed The 3.


rfsinl dvlpet ihn ad otie te casom fr tahr and teachers for classroom the outside and within development, professional

artv elcig administrators reflecting narrative A 2. esetvs wt ead t h dqay of adequacy the to regard with perspectives ’


A description of the physical changes made to classrooms involved in the grant the in involved classrooms to made changes physical the of description A b.

the classroom; and classroom; the

The number of students that gained access to technology and the Internet within Internet the and technology to access gained that students of number The a.

computing solution within the sixth grade classes that contains: that classes grade sixth the within solution computing

artv f te dsrcs xeine wt mlmnig a oet-n mobile one-to-one a implementing with experience districts’ the of narrative A 1.

must also include: also must report program final The

report and non-employee compensation report. compensation non-employee and report

must also include f include also must report fiscal third The iscal reports along with an equipment inventory equipment an with along reports iscal

The status of nonpublic participation, if applicable. if participation, nonpublic of status The 3.

level of the instructor and the topic(s) addressed. addressed. topic(s) the and instructor the of level

The list of coaching activities must include the date and time of service, grade service, of time and date the include must activities coaching of list The NOTE:

atcpns i tedne n h vrl aifcin rtn f te participants. the of rating satisfaction overall the and attendance, in participants

the title, duration, date completed, number of number completed, date duration, title, the : date to workshop or activity completed

it o rfsinl dvlpet atvte ht icue h olwn o each for following the includes that activities development professional of list A 2.

A narrative of the project’s achievements, challenges, and fiscal issues. fiscal and challenges, achievements, project’s the of narrative A 1.


program periodic the of each to attached be must and required, are reports listed reports

the Grant Recipient’s Manual for Discretionary Grants, the following additional narrative additional following the Grants, Discretionary for Manual Recipient’s Grant the

six periodic program reports as described in described as reports program periodic six ALL for required information the to addition In Additional Reporting Requirements Reporting Additional


NJDOE in the time, form, and manner requested. manner and form, time, the in NJDOE

rnes y sbitn hs apiain h rne ges t umt te ifrain to information the submit to agrees grantee the application, this submitting By grantees.

government agencies or designees that will require additional data collection from TALENT21 from collection data additional require will that designees or agencies government

NJDOE may be required to collect and report data elements for other surveys and/or federal and/or surveys other for elements data report and collect to required be may NJDOE

Other ARRA Reporting Requirements Reporting ARRA Other

Sub-recipient officer names and compensation (Top 5) 5) (Top compensation and names officer Sub-recipient 10.

9. Sub-recipient area of benefit benefit of area Sub-recipient

Sub-recipient place of performance performance of place Sub-recipient 8.

7. Sub-award period period Sub-award

Sub-award date date Sub-award 6.

Amount awarded to sub-recipient sub-recipient to awarded Amount 5.

4. Amount received by sub-recipient sub-recipient by received Amount

Sub-recipient type Sub-recipient 3.

Sub-recipient CCR information information CCR Sub-recipient 2.

Sub-recipient D-U-N-S D-U-N-S Sub-recipient 1.

Sub-Recipient (vendor) Required Data Required (vendor) Sub-Recipient

activity and a brief description of the types of those jobs those of types the of description brief a and activity

Estimate of the number of jobs created and the number of jobs retained by the project or project the by retained jobs of number the and created jobs of number the of Estimate k.

Completed) Completed)

example, Not Started; Less than 50% Completed; Completed 50% or More; Fully More; or 50% Completed Completed; 50% than Less Started; Not example,

Evaluation (i.e., status report) of the completion status of the project or activity (for activity or project the of status completion the of report) status (i.e., Evaluation j.

Physical location (street address) of the primary place of performance of the grant the of performance of place primary the of address) (street location Physical i.

Total amount paid to the grantee as of date of report report of date of as grantee the to paid amount Total h.

Total amount of the grant award grant the of amount Total g.

Grantee organization type (i.e., independent school district, nonprofit organization, etc.) organization, nonprofit district, school independent (i.e., type organization Grantee f.

Federal congressional district number district congressional Federal e.

Physical location (street address), of the grantee the of address), (street location Physical d.

Legal name of the grantee organization grantee the of name Legal c.

Grant award number assigned by NJDOE NJDOE by assigned number award Grant b.

from grantees) from

Grantee organization’s DUNS number (NJDOE will need to collect this information this collect to need will (NJDOE number DUNS organization’s Grantee a.

following information is required: is information following

For each grant that equals or exceeds $25,000 in the total grant award amount, the amount, award grant total the in $25,000 exceeds or equals that grant each For

The information may change pending final adoption by OMB. by adoption final pending change may information The requested.

the grantee agrees to submit the information to NJDOE in the time, form, and manner and form, time, the in NJDOE to information the submit to agrees grantee the

proposed by OMB contains the following data elements. By submitting this application, this submitting By elements. data following the contains OMB by proposed

of Education or through a central government-wide portal. The required information required The portal. government-wide central a through or Education of

Law 109- 282), NJDOE is required to provide quarterly reports to the U.S. Department U.S. the to reports quarterly provide to required is NJDOE 282), 109- Law

ARRA and the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Public 2006 of Act Transparency and Accountability Funding Federal the and ARRA

n acrac ih Scin 11() of 1512(c) Section with accordance In : Reporting Quarterly for Elements Data 3.

agrees to submit information to NJDOE in the time, form, and manner requested. manner and form, time, the in NJDOE to information submit to agrees

comply with this reporting requirement. By submitting this application, the grantee the application, this submitting By requirement. reporting this with comply government agency.) NJDOE must obtain certain information from grantees in order to order in grantees from information certain obtain must NJDOE agency.) government


knowledge and skills to solve real world problems. world real solve to skills and knowledge

through a curriculum that provides opportunities to authentically apply authentically to opportunities provides that curriculum a through

student-centered strategies that increase student engagement and learning and engagement student increase that strategies student-centered

o Moving away from excessive reliance on lecture and test prep and using and prep test and lecture on reliance excessive from away Moving

includes virtual and face-to-face opportunities; and and opportunities; face-to-face and virtual includes

o nertn ehooy i rnprn n ytmtc mne that manner systematic and transparent a in technology Integrating

active involvement of students in their own learning; learning; own their in students of involvement active

approaches to teach rigorous content and skills and to promote more promote to and skills and content rigorous teach to approaches

o sn ait f invtv taeis ad mlil n flexible and multiple and strategies innovative of variety a Using

 Transformed Teaching and Learning that includes: that Learning and Teaching Transformed

for all learners. all for expectations

high are there where culture school a in valued and known are students

 esnlzto: cetn tdn-etrd sho niomn o ta all that so environment school student-centered a creating Personalization:

goals of the IMPACT grant, particularly with respect to: to: respect with particularly grant, IMPACT the of goals

Elements of Transforming New Jersey Secondary Schools Secondary Jersey New Transforming of Elements are congruent with the with congruent are

etr iiesi.Teesesadspotv oiisotie nte the in outlined policies supportive and steps These citizenship. century Essential

globally competitive students for work, postsecondary education and 21 and education postsecondary work, for students competitive globally preparing of


content standards, assessments and high school graduation requirements with the goal the with requirements graduation school high and assessments standards, content

schools and high schools through action steps and supportive policies that align that policies supportive and steps action through schools high and schools

The Secondary Education Transformation Initiative focuses on redesigning middle redesigning on focuses Initiative Transformation Education Secondary The

Jersey’s Secondary School School Secondary Jersey’s ). ). (

niomns a ecie n te the in described as environments seta lmns o rnfrig New Transforming of Elements Essential

AET1 fns ms e ue o spot suetcnee learning student-centered support to used be must funds TALENT21 2.1.1.a.

Alignment with NJDOE Initiatives NJDOE with Alignment 2.1.1


in the DGA and the project specific information contained in Sections 2 and 3 of this NGO. this of 3 and 2 Sections in contained information specific project the and DGA the in

application selection process is based upon conformance with the application requirements contained requirements application the with conformance upon based is process selection application

The DGA contains the requirements, forms and instructions applicable to all grant programs. The programs. grant all to applicable instructions and forms requirements, the contains DGA The

Discretionary Grant Application Grant Discretionary the use must agencies application, an developing When . (DGA)

considerations and requirements that are to be considered and/or addressed in their project. project. their in addressed and/or considered be to are that requirements and considerations

Additionally, the information contained in Section 2 will assist applicants in understanding the specific the understanding in applicants assist will 2 Section in contained information the Additionally,

of this NGO to ensure a full understanding of the state’s vision and purpose for offering the program. the offering for purpose and vision state’s the of understanding full a ensure to NGO this of

applications, potential applicants are advised to review Section 1.1, Description of the Grant Program Grant the of Description 1.1, Section review to advised are applicants potential applications,

design, and develop a proposed project that meets the purpose of this grant program. Prior to preparing to Prior program. grant this of purpose the meets that project proposed a develop and design,

The intent of this section is to provide applicants the program framework within which they will plan, will they which within framework program the applicants provide to is section this of intent The SECTION 2: PROJECT GUIDELINES PROJECT 2: SECTION


TALENT21 funding and resources may be used to support existing LEA Goals LEA existing support to used be may resources and funding TALENT21 2.1.1.d.

and the transformation of classroom practices. classroom of transformation the and

 The ability to increase student achievement through better access to technology to access better through achievement student increase to ability The

technology into teaching and learning, and learning, and teaching into technology

use of technological tools and implementation strategies to effectively integrate effectively to strategies implementation and tools technological of use

 Professional development opportunities that increase teacher competency in the in competency teacher increase that opportunities development Professional

 Technology and support to access learning resources; learning access to support and Technology

technology plan goals by providing: providing: by goals plan technology

ciiis udr te TLN2 rn il ass h E n meig its meeting in LEA the assist will grant TALENT21 the under Activities

access digital information on demand and to communicate virtually. communicate to and demand on information digital access

to safely to staff and administrators students, all for necessary infrastructure

New Jersey school districts will establish and maintain the technology the maintain and establish will districts school Jersey New 4: Goal

other educational settings such as community centers and libraries. and centers community as such settings educational other

all learning environments, including classrooms, library media centers, and centers, media library classrooms, including environments, learning all

administrators and utilized for instructional and administrative purposes in purposes administrative and instructional for utilized and administrators

dctoa ehooy wl e acsil y suet, tahr and teachers students, by accessible be will technology Educational : 3 Goal

standards and experience success in a global society. global a in success experience and standards

order to enable students to achieve the goals of the core curriculum content curriculum core the of goals the achieve to students enable to order

and knowledge necessary to effectively integrate educational technology in technology educational integrate effectively to necessary knowledge and

All educators, including administrators, will attain the 21st century skills century 21st the attain will administrators, including educators, All : 2 Goal

our global society using 21 using society global our century skills. skills. century


All students will be prepared to excel in the community, work place and in and place work community, the in excel to prepared be will students All 1: Goal

goals for the integration of technology into the instruction: the into technology of integration the for goals

technology plan is based on the four New Jersey Educational Technology State Plan State Technology Educational Jersey New four the on based is plan technology

he-er Lcl Sho itit hre col Tcnlg Plan Technology School Charter District/ School Local Three-Year Each .

There is an ongoing expectation that all districts meet or exceed the goals of their of goals the exceed or meet districts all that expectation ongoing an is There

Plans Technology School District/Charter School

Three-Year Local Three-Year support to used be may resources and funding TALENT21 2.1.1.c.

o Development of global perspectives in all content areas. areas. content all in perspectives global of Development

o Technology integration; and integration; Technology

o Cross content integration; content Cross

o century knowledge, skills and themes; and skills knowledge, century 21


achievement by focusing on: focusing by achievement

thinking, problem-solving and creativity skills with the goal of increased student increased of goal the with skills creativity and problem-solving thinking,

h eie tnad rvd h onain fr te dvlpet o critical of development the for foundation the provide standards revised The

during the grant program. grant the during

itits criuu o te 20 J Cr urclm Cnet Standards Content Curriculum Core NJ 2009 the to curriculum district’s

TALENT21 funding and resources may be used to support the alignment of the of alignment the support to used be may resources and funding TALENT21 2.1.1.b.


and maintaining technology devices. However, technical support models are to be coordinated be to are models support technical However, devices. technology maintaining and

technology proficient students provide before or after school training to other students on using on students other to training school after or before provide students proficient technology

could address minor troubleshooting issues during the school day. Another model is to have to is model Another day. school the during issues troubleshooting minor address could

implementation. Grantees may also consider training students. “Student Technology Teams” Technology “Student students. training consider also may Grantees implementation.

area for content-specific discussions/activities involving technology integration and classroom and integration technology involving discussions/activities content-specific for area

online classes. An effective professional development strategy is to group teachers by content by teachers group to is strategy development professional effective An classes. online

Professional development may occur in various formats such as workshops, webinars and webinars workshops, as such formats various in occur may development Professional

topics for professional development that support the TALENT21 grant program. grant TALENT21 the support that development professional for topics

that grant activities can impact student learning. See Appendix I for resources and suggested and resources for I Appendix See learning. student impact can activities grant that

development component of this grant program must be conducted at a more accelerated rate so rate accelerated more a at conducted be must program grant this of component development

board). It is important to note that due to the compressed grant timelines, the professional the timelines, grant compressed the to due that note to important is It board).

instruction rather than solely on the development of isolated skills (e.g., how to use a smart a use to how (e.g., skills isolated of development the on solely than rather instruction

professional development activities must focus on using technology to support and enhance and support to technology using on focus must activities development professional

no te tahn n erig poes truhu h uain o h rn. A such, As grant. the of duration the throughout process learning and teaching the into

Professional development activities focus primarily on the effective integration of technology of integration effective the on primarily focus activities development Professional

Professional Development Professional 2.1.3.

that will benefit the agency itself as well as the high-need LEA. high-need the as well as itself agency the benefit will that

 Experience and track record of success in providing educational and related activities related and educational providing in success of record track and Experience

effective integration of technology; and and technology; of integration effective

 nweg f rsac- ad rfr-ae eaois ta a e spotd by supported be may that pedagogies reform-based and research- of Knowledge

through implementation and annual evaluation of the program; the of evaluation annual and implementation through

 Willingness to be actively involved in the program from the initial planning stage planning initial the from program the in involved actively be to Willingness

implementation beyond the grant period; grant the beyond implementation

 Ability to assist with building school capacity to achieve program goals and extend and goals program achieve to capacity school building with assist to Ability

Criteria for selecting a partner include: include: partner a selecting for Criteria

planning team. planning

grant activities in collaboration with the grantee, and be a part of the school-based the of part a be and grantee, the with collaboration in activities grant

partner(s) should provide input into the development and implementation of ongoing of implementation and development the into input provide should partner(s)

etr ntutoa niomns The environments. instructional century 21 into schools transforming in experience


The partner should have should partner The period. grant the beyond activities grant implement to resources

It is recommended that an applicant partner with an entity that will provide expertise and expertise provide will that entity an with partner applicant an that recommended is It

Partnerships 2.1.2.

century learning environment. environment. learning century 21 a


leadership skills to support them in building the school’s capacity to create and sustain and create to capacity school’s the building in them support to skills leadership

diinly rn ciiis wl sit picpl n ehnig instructional enhancing in principals assist will activities grant Additionally,

term partnerships that may include assistance in acquiring out-of-district funding. out-of-district acquiring in assistance include may that partnerships term

technology into daily instruction, building leadership teams and establishing long- establishing and teams leadership building instruction, daily into technology The LEA may align grant activities with existing LEA goals that target integrating target that goals LEA existing with activities grant align may LEA The


of theft; of

 Policies for installing tracking systems that will trace the location of the device in case in device the of location the trace will that systems tracking installing for Policies

 Policies for continued access when a student does not have his or her assigned device; assigned her or his have not does student a when access continued for Policies

 Guidelines for offering or requiring insurance for each device; each for insurance requiring or offering for Guidelines

 Policies for storing the devices during the summer break months; break summer the during devices the storing for Policies

 Policies for teachers, administrators and students taking the devices home; devices the taking students and administrators teachers, for Policies

 Limitations on installing software and saving work on the device; the on work saving and software installing on Limitations

the classroom; the

 Guidelines for caring for the mobile computing device and its peripherals in and out of of out and in peripherals its and device computing mobile the for caring for Guidelines

 Acceptable use guidelines; use Acceptable

Policies and procedures that should be in place by June 2010 include: 2010 June by place in be should that procedures and Policies

Policy and Procedures Procedures and Policy 2.1.4.

the grant period. period. grant the

teacher capacity to implement 21st century learning strategies in the seventh grade after grade seventh the in strategies learning century 21st implement to capacity teacher

activities, including professional learning communities, during the grant period to build to period grant the during communities, learning professional including activities,

 Seventh grade teachers grade Seventh are required to participate in all professional development professional all in participate to required are

guidance provided by the NJDOE. the by provided guidance

 Professional learning communities learning Professional are also required and are to be developed with developed be to are and required also are

as a team to provide the necessary support to participating teachers teachers participating to support necessary the provide to team a as

member may be charged with this responsibility, or two or more staff members may act may members staff more or two or responsibility, this with charged be may member

required to provide support for teachers both in and outside the classroom. One staff One classroom. the outside and in both teachers for support provide to required

designing and delivering instruction. An educational technology integration specialist is specialist integration technology educational An instruction. delivering and designing

 consists of observing teachers and providing recommendations for recommendations providing and teachers observing of consists support In-class

computing devices are received. received. are devices computing

must occur for teachers prior to, or at the same time that mobile that time same the at or to, prior teachers for occur must technologies

 Professional development related to knowledge about and use of new classroom new of use and about knowledge to related development Professional


the seventh grade. seventh the

encouraged to establish summer activities to help transition Phase II sixth-grade students into students sixth-grade II Phase transition help to activities summer establish to encouraged

reflection beyond the school day and during summer break. Seventh-grade teachers are teachers Seventh-grade break. summer during and day school the beyond reflection

Teachers may develop a blog or wiki to continue whole-class collaboration, peer review and review peer collaboration, whole-class continue to wiki or blog a develop may Teachers

tdns aporae claoaie poetbsd wr sinet uig te sho year. school the during assignments work project-based collaborative appropriate students

student mobile computing devices. Teachers can encourage after-school activities by giving by activities after-school encourage can Teachers devices. computing mobile student

participants, partnerships with libraries and community centers, or a take-home policy for policy take-home a or centers, community and libraries with partnerships participants,

After-school access can be made available through extended-hours school access for grant for access school extended-hours through available made be can access After-school

may take place anytime students have access to mobile computing devices and the Internet. the and devices computing mobile to access have students anytime place take may

beyond the school day. Online research, collaboration, mentoring and peer review activities review peer and mentoring collaboration, research, Online day. school the beyond

Applicants are encouraged to develop programs where students may continue their learning their continue may students where programs develop to encouraged are Applicants

surface during the implementation of grant activities. activities. grant of implementation the during surface with the TALENT21 technician who is responsible for resolving troubleshooting issues that issues troubleshooting resolving for responsible is who technician TALENT21 the with


planning team responsibilities as stated in Section 2.2.4. Section in stated as responsibilities team planning

atcptn eces i l otn ra, a el a efr other perform as well as areas, content all in teachers participating

rfsinl dvlpet for development professional for plan implementation detailed

eeo a develop to team planning school-based TALENT21 a Establish 1.1.a. Activity

diverse student needs. needs. student diverse

century instructional/ assessment practices that meet that practices assessment instructional/ century 21 of implementation


ultm dctoa ehooy itgain seils o ass ih the with assist to specialist integration technology educational full-time

Engaging in sustained and intensive professional development facilitated by a by facilitated development professional intensive and sustained in Engaging : 1.1 Objective

century learning environments by: by: environments learning century

acquiring and implementing teaching, learning and leadership practices needed in 21 in needed practices leadership and learning teaching, implementing and acquiring


Content area teachers and school administrators will demonstrate evidence of evidence demonstrate will administrators school and teachers area Content : 1 Goal

2.2.1. Goals, Objectives, Indicators and Activities and Indicators Objectives, Goals, 2.2.1.



lunch or during specific times during the day. Additional batteries may also be a viable a be also may batteries Additional day. the during times specific during or lunch

the temporary storage areas for students who are not using their mobile computing devices at devices computing mobile their using not are who students for areas storage temporary the

solution is to have charging carts available to address this issue. Charging carts could also be also could carts Charging issue. this address to available carts charging have to is solution

electrical outlet or power strip to avoid cables crossing across the floor of the classroom. One classroom. the of floor the across crossing cables avoid to strip power or outlet electrical

devices’ batteries are low, a procedure must be in place as to “how” each device will access an access will device each “how” to as place in be must procedure a low, are batteries devices’

classroom must be resolved prior to Phase II. For example, when the mobile computing mobile the when example, For II. Phase to prior resolved be must classroom

Electrical issues related to the number of available outlets and their locations within each within locations their and outlets available of number the to related issues Electrical

complement during the grant. the during complement

number of mobile computing devices that will be added to the school’s computing school’s the to added be will that devices computing mobile of number

 The survey should address the impact on the school’s data network as network data school’s the on impact the address should survey The a result of the of result a

system components to be installed in order to fulfill grant requirements. grant fulfill to order in installed be to components system

 should identify any required additional data or electrical outlets and other and outlets electrical or data additional required any identify should survey The


uninterrupted high speed Internet access throughout all sixth and seventh grade instructional grade seventh and sixth all throughout access Internet speed high uninterrupted

installation of an 802.11N wireless Internet system. This wireless system must provide for provide must system wireless This system. Internet wireless 802.11N an of installation

application in order to allow the grant applicant to accurately budget for the purchase and purchase the for budget accurately to applicant grant the allow to order in application

must be completed and submitted as part of this grant this of part as submitted and completed be must survey infrastructure wireless A

Infrastructure Implementation Issues Implementation Infrastructure 2.1.5.

permission forms are required for students to receive a computing device. computing a receive to students for required are forms permission

prvl ad cmimn o spot ter cids ue o h eie. Parental devices. the of use child’s their support to commitment and approval

fee o poie ifrain t aet bu h ntaie ad oti parental obtain and initiative the about parents to information provide to offered

 Procedures and activities for parental involvement policy. “Parent Nights” may be may Nights” “Parent policy. involvement parental for activities and Procedures

work; and work;

 Procedures for digitally storing and backing up students’ and teachers’ grant related grant teachers’ and students’ up backing and storing digitally for Procedures


again in June 2011. June in again

professional development activities associated with this grant and then and grant this with associated activities development professional

Assess teachers’ level of technology implementation before beginning before implementation technology of level teachers’ Assess 1.2.e. Activity

. tasks/activities student engaging

ait f dgtl rsucs esn pas ape assmns and assessments sample plans, lesson resources, digital of variety

development activities. The site will include, but is not limited to a to limited not is but include, will site The activities. development

be used as a tool for all teachers in curriculum redesign and professional and redesign curriculum in teachers all for tool a as used be

Activity 1.2.d. Activity by June 2011 that will that 2011 June by engine resource based web searchable a Create

grantee involved in the grant program. program. grant the in involved grantee

links to the main district web page and the web pages for each for pages web the and page web district main the to links and project

eeo n an Develop 1.2.c. Activity by June 2011 that describes the grant the describes that 2011 June by site web accessible

development, mentoring and collaboration activities. collaboration and mentoring development,

diitaos i re o fcltt omncto, professional communication, facilitate to order in administrators

rae a a Create 1.2.b. Activity o eces and teachers for community learning professional virtual

they demonstrate learning. demonstrate they

This includes offering students flexibility in how they learn and in how in and learn they how in flexibility students offering includes This

policy revisions necessary to support 21 support to necessary revisions policy century learning environments. learning century


integration skills skills integration in order to assist with curriculum redesign and facilitate and redesign curriculum with assist to order in

and administrators’ leadership, technological literacy and technology and literacy technological leadership, administrators’ and

rvd Provide . 1.2.a Activity eachers’ t enhance to support and development professional

improve and enhance professional development and leadership skills. leadership and development professional enhance and improve

Using technology as a tool to promote a student-centered school culture and to and culture school student-centered a promote to tool a as technology Using : 1.2 Objective

planning team members. members. team planning

sixth-grade and seventh-grade teachers, administrators and school-based and administrators teachers, seventh-grade and sixth-grade

and continue professional development as required in Phase II for all for II Phase in required as development professional continue and

Complete professional development activities for Phase I by August 2010 August by I Phase for activities development professional Complete 1.1.e. Activity

professional development strategies. development professional

and assessment practices through targeted through practices assessment and instruction into integration

diitaos aaiy t vlae efcie technology effective evaluate to capacity administrators’ Build . 1.1.d Activity


seset patcs truh tree rfsinl development professional targeted through practices assessment

teachers’ capacity to integrate technology into instruction into technology integrate to capacity teachers’ Build . 1.1.c Activity and

as stated in Section 2.2.4. Section in stated as

throughout the grant period, including in-class training and other activities other and training in-class including period, grant the throughout

il poie ogig ad itne poesoa eeomn support development professional intense and ongoing provide will

three months of the start of the grant program. The integration specialist integration The program. grant the of start the of months three

actively participate on the TALENT21 school-based planning team planning school-based TALENT21 the on participate actively within

dctoa ehooy itgain specialist integration technology educational full-time a Assign 1.1.b. Activity to


related objectives were met. were objectives related

Using data to evaluate how successfully grant program goals 1 and 2 and 2 and 1 goals program grant successfully how evaluate to data Using : 1.5 Objective

driven decision making. making. decision driven

related to the use of data of use the to related practices and policies new adopt and Explore 1.4.d. Activity

individualize instructional strategies and interventions. and strategies instructional individualize

to enhance teaching and teaching enhance to measures evaluation multiple from results Use 1.4.c. Activity

and analyze student data. student analyze and

to collect, manage collect, to process and system assessment formative a Establish 1.4.b. Activity

decision making decision .

diitaos o h the on administrators s o omtv assmn n aa driven data and assessment formative of use

rvd rfsinl dvlpet ad spot t eces and teachers to support and development professional Provide . 1.4.a Activity


Using student data to modify instructional strategies and personalize learning personalize and strategies instructional modify to data student Using : 1.4 Objective

and lesson plans. lesson and

professional learning community to assist them in developing PBL units PBL developing in them assist to community learning professional

eces ad amnsrtr ciey priiae i virtual a in participate actively administrators and teachers Ensure 1.3.c. Activity

implement during Phase 2- September 2010 through 2010 September 2- Phase during implement September 2011. September

arts literacy and mathematics by the end of Phase I (August 2010); and 2010); (August I Phase of end the by mathematics and literacy arts ( rf ouet n language in documents draft )

languages ae n te cmo oe standards core common the on based and

n hscl euain cec, sca tde n world and studies social science, education, physical and

Jersey standards in visual and performing arts, comprehensive health comprehensive arts, performing and visual in standards Jersey New

eeo Develop 1.3.b. Activity based on the 2009 revised 2009 the on based lessons related and unit PBL one

designed products and tasks. and products designed

nur rcs tutrd aon uhni usin n carefully and questions authentic around structured process inquiry

engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended an through skills and knowledge learning in students engages

ytmtc tahn method teaching systematic a ), PBL ( Learning Project-based that

ahr ih rsucs ad spot t fetvl implement effectively to support and resources with eachers t Provide 1.3.a. Activity

Content Standards. Content

grade units in various content areas aligned to the 2009 Core Curriculum Core 2009 the to aligned areas content various in units grade

themes and skills and cross content connections in selected sixth- and seventh- and sixth- selected in connections content cross and skills and themes

ht icue h nerto f tcnlg, 21 technology, of integration the includes that (PBL) Learning century


olbrtn n te dvlpet ad ipeetto f of implementation and development the in Collaborating : 1.3 Objective Project-Based

and creating a student-centered school culture. school student-centered a creating and

on professional development outcomes, development of leadership skills leadership of development outcomes, development professional on

activities and then again in June 2011 to gauge the impact of technology of impact the gauge to 2011 June in again then and activities

rvdd b te NDE pir t einn rfsinl development professional beginning to prior NJDOE the by provided

uvy suet, tahr n diitaos wt n assmn tool assessment an with administrators and teachers students, Survey 1.2.f. Activity


preparation of work products and performances. and products work of preparation

ways that foster increased collaboration and innovative approaches in the in approaches innovative and collaboration increased foster that ways

in situations real-world to them apply and tasks complete to tools

choose appropriate technology appropriate choose to opportunities with tudents s Provide 2.1.a. Activity

information using a range of emerging technological tools. technological emerging of range a using information

plig ifrainltrc kls t ces aae n communicate and manage, access, to skills information-literacy Applying : 2.1 Objective

Standards by: Standards

etr kls t sit i etn h 09 Nw Jre oe Criuu Content Curriculum Core Jersey New 2009 the meeting in assist to skills century

in learning and in using 21 using in and learning in engagement increased demonstrate will Students 2: Goal


school. Additional grant funding will not be available. available. be not will funding grant Additional school.

for all incoming sixth, seventh and eighth grade students, and/or extend access into the high the into access extend and/or students, grade eighth and seventh sixth, incoming all for

program beyond the sixth and seventh grades to provide high speed wireless computing access computing wireless speed high provide to grades seventh and sixth the beyond program

Grantees may use existing district funds or other funding sources to extend the extend to sources funding other or funds district existing use may Grantees NOTE:

instructional practices beyond the grant period. grant the beyond practices instructional

rd eces s hy cn mdl ad sae efcie TALENT21 effective share and model can they so teachers grade

Foster opportunities for collaboration among sixth, seventh, and eighth- and seventh, sixth, among collaboration for opportunities Foster 1.6.e. Activity

included in the grant program grant the in included .

atcptn eces poie tann n etrn o tahr not teachers to mentoring and training provide teachers participating

dp a Adopt . 1.6.d Activity where model development professional trainer” the “train

continuation of the grant program. grant the of continuation

Secure a a Secure 1.6.c. Activity with one or more entities that will contribute to the to contribute will that entities more or one with partnership

. 2011

of mobile computing devices in sixth and seventh grade in September in grade seventh and sixth in devices computing mobile of

Develop a a Develop . 1.6.b Activity to prepare for the deployment the for prepare to 2011 May by plan transitional

seven and eight. and seven

services for at least two years beyond the grant period in grades six, grades in period grant the beyond years two least at for services and

six and seven. Include Include seven. and six for successful grant activities grant successful for strategies expansion

enabled changes that have taken place in teaching and learning in grades in learning and teaching in place taken have that changes enabled

summarizes the grant- the summarizes that 2011 June by plan sustainability a Develop 1.6.a. Activity


rn eid t nld it- eet- n ihh rd eces and teachers grade eighth- and seventh-, sixth-, include to period grant

continue to be achieved and expanded upon for at least two years beyond the beyond years two least at for upon expanded and achieved be to continue

Developing a sustainability plan to ensure the goals of the grant program grant the of goals the ensure to plan sustainability a Developing : 1.6 Objective

the successful completion of grant goals. grant of completion successful the

with the final program reports that depicts that reports program final the with report evaluation n a Submit 1.5.c. Activity

completion of approved goals and objectives. and goals approved of completion

to evaluate the grant program for successful for program grant the evaluate to data other and student Use . 1.5.b Activity

implementation during the 2010-11 school year. school 2010-11 the during implementation

evaluation plan with targeted measures targeted with plan evaluation an Develop 1.5.a. Activity by June 2010 for 2010 June by


within three months of the start of the grant the of start the of months three within team planning school-based

3.1 actively participate on the TALENT21 the on participate actively to technician support a Assign .b. Activity

all necessary upgrades to fulfill the goals of the grant. the of goals the fulfill to upgrades necessary all

starting point, and provide an implementation plan by April 1, 2010 for 2010 1, April by plan implementation an provide and point, starting

nrsrcue sre umte s pr f te gat apiain a a as application grant the of part as submitted survey infrastructure

3.1 of current infrastructure using the wireless the using infrastructure current of evaluation formal a Complete .a. Activity

systems for all sixth and seventh grade teachers, administrators and students. and administrators teachers, grade seventh and sixth all for systems

nlds te ipeetto f a hg pe iees mbl computing mobile wireless speed high a of implementation the includes

Objective 3.1: Objective century learning that learning century 21 support to infrastructure technology a Establishing


environments by: environments

century learning century 21 of creation the facilitate will Team Planning School The 3: Goal



bu oa r goa su r eet o olbrtv, web-based collaborative, a on event or issue global or local a about

rvd tdns opruiis t yteie ad pbih information publish and synthesize to opportunities students Provide 2.3.c Activity

as a result of a technological society. technological a of result a as

appreciation of world cultures, including the evolution of cultures caused cultures of evolution the including cultures, world of appreciation

ein ad ipeet atvte ht spot udrtnig and understanding support that activities implement and Design 2.3.b. Activity

countries using technological tools. technological using countries

interdependence of various systems (i.e., social and economic) in other in economic) and social (i.e., systems various of interdependence

ein ad ipeet atvte ht fse nesadn f the of understanding foster that activities implement and Design 2.3.a. Activity

multiple cultural perspectives, differing points of view, and diverse values diverse and view, of points differing perspectives, cultural multiple .

ann nacd udrtnig o lbl itreednis a el as well as interdependencies global of understanding enhanced Gaining 2.3: Objective

the environment. the

solutions to problems that affect individuals, the world community, and community, world the individuals, affect that problems to solutions

raie a vn hr tdns cn dmntae ter ceto of creation their demonstrate can students where event an Organize 2.2.c. Activity

use information accurately and creatively to solve problems. solve to creatively and accurately information use

information efficiently and effectively, evaluate information critically, and critically, information evaluate effectively, and efficiently information

that require students access students require that activities instructional implement and Develop 2.2.a. Activity

community, and the environment. the and community,

knowledge, and make informed decisions that affect individuals, the broader the individuals, affect that decisions informed make and knowledge,

Thinking critically and creatively to solve problems, synthesize and create new create and synthesize problems, solve to creatively and critically Thinking 2.2: Objective

and cyber ethics. ethics. cyber and

related to cyber safety, cyber security, cyber safety, cyber to related behaviors online student Assess 2.1.c. Activity


perspectives on a local or global problem or issue, and propose possible propose and issue, or problem global or local a on perspectives

eres fo te ein, sae r cutis t nesad their understand to countries or states regions, other from learners

participation in an online learning community learning online an in participation student Encourage 2.1.b. Activity with


The sustainability plan must include the activities listed below: listed activities the include must plan sustainability The

The Sustainability Plan Sustainability The 2.2.2.d.


Form in Appendix L. For more CIPA information see Appendix K at the end of this of end the at K Appendix see information CIPA more For L. Appendix in Form

compliance by completing the Children’s Internet Protection (CIPA) Certification (CIPA) Protection Internet Children’s the completing by compliance

hlrns Itre rtcin At rqieet. Ec itit ms etf its certify must district Each requirements. Act Protection Internet Children’s

No Child Left Behind requires that all recipients of grant monies comply with the with comply monies grant of recipients all that requires Behind Left Child No

2.2.2.c. Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Act Protection Internet Children’s

not be able to receive grant funds. grant receive to able be not

approved 2007-2010 technology plan as evidenced by the NJDOE’s web site or will or site web NJDOE’s the by evidenced as plan technology 2007-2010 approved

have an have MUST program grant the in involved LEAs the process, that of end the to

is notified as eligible for an award, the pre-award revision process will begin. Prior begin. will process revision pre-award the award, an for eligible as notified is

district level technology plan are listed on the NJDOE’s web site. When an applicant an When site. web NJDOE’s the on listed are plan technology level district

effective from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010. All districts with an approved an with districts All 2010. 30, June through 2007 1, July from effective

public school district must have an approved educational technology plan that is that plan technology educational approved an have must district school public

CBde o eur htpiaeshoshv ehooypa. plan. technology a have schools private that require not does NCLB Every

Technology Plans Technology 2.2.2.b.

access and utilization of technology within the targeted school. school. targeted the within technology of utilization and access

Appendix J). The The J). Appendix provides evidence of the current the of evidence provides Checklist Integration Century 21


ah plcn ut opee te the complete must applicant Each . 2.2.2a om (see Form Checklist Integration Century 21


Additional Requirements Additional 2.2.2

can be expanded to the sixth and seventh grades in September 2011. September in grades seventh and sixth the to expanded be can

sixth-grade students by May 2011 in order to ensure that grant activities grant that ensure to order in 2011 May by students sixth-grade

Order all equipment, systems, software and peripherals for 2011-2012 for peripherals and software systems, equipment, all Order 3.1.f. Activity

alternative devices by June 2010. June by devices alternative

particular student(s), please contact the NJDOE project director to discuss to director project NJDOE the contact please student(s), particular

sinet o oie cmuig dvc s nt aporae fr a for appropriate not is device computing mobile a of assignment

including students with IEPs. If the child study team determines that determines team study child the If IEPs. with students including

: All sixth-grade students must receive a mobile computing device computing mobile a receive must students sixth-grade All : NOTE

3.1 oie cmuig dvc o ec it-rd student. sixth-grade each to device computing mobile a Allocate .e. Activity

and a printer) prior to September 1, 2010. 2010. 1, September to prior printer) a and

(mobile computing device, interactive whiteboard with attached projector attached with whiteboard interactive device, computing (mobile

3.1 Assign each sixth- and seventh-grade teacher the required equipment required the teacher seventh-grade and sixth- each Assign .d. Activity

of the grant begins in September 2010. September in begins grant the of

administrators on a timely basis in order to assure that full implementation full that assure to order in basis timely a on administrators

tdns eces ad amnsrtr n eet rd eces and teachers grade seventh and administrators and teachers students,

3.1 , systems, software and peripherals for sixth grade sixth for peripherals and software systems, , equipment all Order .c. Activity


program and to fulfill all other support responsibilities as stated as responsibilities support other all fulfill to and program in section in


the impact of grant activities. activities. grant of impact the

 provide further insights on insights further provide self-evaluation and interviews Participant

grade level and content area they teach. they area content and level grade

 reflect the number of attendees and the and attendees of number the reflect logs development Professional

integrate technology into instruction and assessment practices. assessment and instruction into technology integrate

grant funded professional development increased teachers capacity to capacity teachers increased development professional funded grant

provide evidence of the extent to which the which to extent the of evidence provide observations classroom

 and interviews; principal and teacher ; data survey student and Teacher

Measures: Evaluative

diverse student needs. student diverse

century instructional/ assessment practices that meet that practices assessment instructional/ century 21 of implementation


ul tm dctoa ehooy itgain seils o ass ih the with assist to specialist integration technology educational time full

Engaging in sustained and intensive professional development facilitated by a by facilitated development professional intensive and sustained in Engaging 1.1: Objective

1: Goal

completion or indicators of success. The grantee may add additional indicators. additional add may grantee The success. of indicators or completion

Each objective below has corresponding evaluative measures that may be used as evidence of evidence as used be may that measures evaluative corresponding has below objective Each

number of sixth-grade students sixth-grade of number . .

number of participating teachers and the grades and content areas they teach and the and teach they areas content and grades the and teachers participating of number the

the grantee’s overall program. The evaluation design must include pre- and post-collection of post-collection and pre- include must design evaluation The program. overall grantee’s the

implementation phase to data acquired in the post-implementation phase to provide a picture of picture a provide to phase post-implementation the in acquired data to phase implementation

h vlain dsg il cmae bsln aa ta s aqie uig te pre- the during acquired is that data baseline compare will design evaluation The or .

found maybe evaluator an at:

students, on activities grant of eces ad amnsrtr. Rsucs t locate to Resources administrators. and teachers

betvs wr civd ad t esr h xet o h impact the of extent the measure to and achieved were objectives and goals grant

vlain dsg n process and design evaluation o b mlmne n Pae I o dtrie if determine to II Phase in implemented be to

During Phase I, the grantee must secure an evaluator who will assist in the development of an of development the in assist will who evaluator an secure must grantee the I, Phase During

Evaluation Plan Evaluation 2.2.3

technology may require additional upgrades. additional require may technology

er o mlmnain h eie il so er ad rpdy changing rapidly and wear show will devices the implementation, of year

A budget for each of the two years beyond the grant period. period. grant the beyond years two the of each for budget A 6. by the third the by Note:

seven and eight. eight. and seven

involvement in the activities to further the grant goals throughout grades six, grades throughout goals grant the further to activities the in involvement

Definition of the role of school and district leaders in terms of the level of level the of terms in leaders district and school of role the of Definition 5.

designing project-based lesson plans in grades seven and/or eight. eight. and/or seven grades in plans lesson project-based designing

identified to lead workshops, provide turnkey training, and support teachers in teachers support and training, turnkey provide workshops, lead to identified

Development of a train-the-trainer model where a minimum of five teachers are teachers five of minimum a where model train-the-trainer a of Development 4.

Details of anticipated outcomes for two years beyond the grant period. grant the beyond years two for outcomes anticipated of Details 3.


accommodate sixth and seventh grade students in using the mobile computing mobile the using in students grade seventh and sixth accommodate

Modification of records, systems, and other pertinent networking operations to operations networking pertinent other and systems, records, of Modification 2.

six, seven and eight funded by LEA or other external funding. external other or LEA by funded eight and seven six,

Expansion of grant activities to additional teachers and students within grades within students and teachers additional to activities grant of Expansion 1.


and skills. and

century themes century 21 and technology of integration reflects that lesson


corresponding rubrics, and classroom observation of a project-based a of observation classroom and rubrics, corresponding

nt pa n eae esn pas tdn ok pout, and products, work student plans; lesson related and plan Unit

Measure: Evaluative

Content Standards. Content

grade units in various content areas aligned to the 2009 Core Curriculum Core 2009 the to aligned areas content various in units grade

themes and skills and cross content connections in selected sixth- and seventh- and sixth- selected in connections content cross and skills and themes

century 21 technology, of integration the includes that (PBL) Learning


Project-Based of implementation and development the in Collaborating : 1.3 Objective


development of leadership skills and creating a student-centered school student-centered a creating and skills leadership of development

gauge the impact of technology on professional development outcomes, development professional on technology of impact the gauge

diitaos wt n assmn ol poie y te NDE to NJDOE the by provided tool assessment an with administrators

 r- ad ps-eut f a a of post-results and Pre- uvy fr suet, tahr and teachers students, for survey

enGauge is found at the following site: following the at found is product

Central einl Euain Lbay. Ifrain o the on Information Library). Education Regional

rdc ht i urnl aiiae y NRL (National NCREL by facilitated currently is that product

A tool for use by both teachers and administrators is the enGauge the is administrators and teachers both by use for tool A .

tool administrators may be found at found be may administrators for

their col. oe ifrain o h self-assessment the on information More schools.”

hi edrhp rl f ipeetn prpit ehooy in technology appropriate implementing of role leadership their

Office of Educational Technology. This tool assists administrators “in administrators assists tool This Technology. Educational of Office

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Secondary and Elementary of Department Massachusetts

administrator technology self-assessment tool is available through the through available is tool self-assessment technology administrator An .

information about LoTi about information be found at found be may

implementation by teachers as well as other school staff. Additional staff. school other as well as teachers by implementation

ol ta cuaey maue uhni lsro technology classroom authentic measures accurately that tool

Levels of Technology Implementation (LoTi) Scale is one example of a of example one is Scale (LoTi) Implementation Technology of Levels

and data collected at the end of the program implementation phase. implementation program the of end the at collected data and The

pre-program implementation phase implementation pre-program the during collected data benchmark

This includes a comparative analysis each year between the between year each analysis comparative a includes This practices.

n ntutoa integration instructional and classroom the within implementation

 Pre- and post-results of a survey measuring the level of technology of level the measuring survey a of post-results and Pre-

Measures: Evaluative

improve and enhance professional development and leadership skills. leadership and development professional enhance and improve

Using technology as a tool to promote a student-centered school culture and to and culture school student-centered a promote to tool a as technology Using : 1.2 Objective

and impact of professional learning communities. learning professional of impact and

 provide documentation of the status the of documentation provide discussions of logs and Minutes

knowledge and skills acquired. skills and knowledge

 Lesson plans and minutes of teacher meetings provide evidence of the of evidence provide meetings teacher of minutes and plans Lesson


community, and the environment. the and community,

knowledge, and make informed decisions that affect individuals, the world the individuals, affect that decisions informed make and knowledge,

Thinking critically and creatively to solve problems, synthesize and create new create and synthesize problems, solve to creatively and critically Thinking : 2.2 Objective

technological tools. technological

 lsro bevtos o tdns wrig wt ag of range a with working students of observations Classroom

and their applications. their and

 Student work that depicts knowledge of a range of technological tools technological of range a of knowledge depicts that work Student

information literacy skills. literacy information

 r- ad ps-eut n priiaig suet’ tcnlgcl and technological students’ participating on post-results and Pre-

Measures: Evaluative

information using a range of emerging technological tools. technological emerging of range a using information

plig ifrainltrc kls t ces aae n communicate and manage, access, to skills information-literacy Applying : 2.1 Objective

Goal 2: 2: Goal

beyond the grant period. grant the beyond

The completed sustainability plan that includes all required components required all includes that plan sustainability completed The

Evaluative Measure: Evaluative


rn eid t nld it- eet- n ihh rd eces and teachers grade eighth- and seventh-, sixth-, include to period grant

continue to be achieved and expanded upon for at least two years beyond the beyond years two least at for upon expanded and achieved be to continue

eeoig a ssanblt ln t esr h ol f h rn program grant the of goals the ensure to plan sustainability a Developing : 1.6 Objective

determined by grantee. by determined

discussions at NJDOE mandatory meetings, other multiple measures multiple other meetings, mandatory NJDOE at discussions

 eidc Poet Rprs rvee s a ds ui, atnac and attendance audit, desk a as reviewed Reports Project Periodic

on the analysis of data. data. of analysis the on

implementation of the grant program goals were met or modified based modified or met were goals program grant the of implementation

 nlss fo rne vlao n ouetto ht the that documentation and evaluator grantee from Analysis

Measures: Evaluative

related objectives were met. were objectives related

Using data to evaluate how successfully grant program goals 1 and 2 and 2 and 1 goals program grant successfully how evaluate to data Using 1.5: Objective

student achievement student

 Teacher and administrator interviews related to the process used and used process the to related interviews administrator and Teacher


describing how instructional strategies were modified based on student on based modified were strategies instructional how describing

 nlss o h aa fo h tdn aa sse n interviews and system data student the from data the of Analysis

Measures: Evaluative


Using student data to modify instructional strategies and personalize learning personalize and strategies instructional modify to data student Using : 1.4 Objective



learning resources for all sixth and seventh-grade students, teachers and teachers students, seventh-grade and sixth all for resources learning

 Student work that reflects access to network-based and Internet-based and network-based to access reflects that work Student

all sixth grade students, teachers and administrators. and teachers students, grade sixth all

 Observation of effective use of wireless mobile computing devices by devices computing mobile wireless of use effective of Observation

connectivity service in all sixth and seventh grade learning areas. areas. learning grade seventh and sixth all in service connectivity

participants that demonstrates successful implementation of wireless of implementation successful demonstrates that participants

 Observation of effective use of high speed wireless technology by grant by technology wireless speed high of use effective of Observation

Evaluative Measures: Evaluative

systems for all sixth and seventh grade teachers, administrators and students. and administrators teachers, grade seventh and sixth all for systems

nlds te ipeetto f a hg pe iees mbl computing mobile wireless speed high a of implementation the includes

century learning that learning century 21 support to infrastructure technology a Establishing : 3.1 Objective


Goal 3: 3: Goal

thinking and points of view. of points and thinking

 r n ot itriw ih suet ht rva hne n their in changes reveal that students with interviews post and Pre

sets of values. of sets

their awareness, understanding and appreciation of other cultures and cultures other of appreciation and understanding awareness, their

 Classroom observations of students working in situations that increase that situations in working students of observations Classroom

Evaluative Measures: Evaluative

multiple cultural perspectives, differing points of view, and diverse values diverse and view, of points differing perspectives, cultural multiple .

ann nacd udrtnig o lbl itreednis a el as well as interdependencies global of understanding enhanced Gaining : 2.3 Objective

situations that reflect the intent of objective 2.2. objective of intent the reflect that situations

 Classroom observations of students working on real world tasks in tasks world real on working students of observations Classroom

individuals beyond the classroom and school environment. school and classroom the beyond individuals

nomto n rnfr o e nweg n kls ta affects that skills and knowledge new of transfer and information

 Student work that shows evidence of problem solving, synthesis of synthesis solving, problem of evidence shows that work Student

Learning . Stiggins Rick by 2007) Edition (5th

a e fud b eern o to referring by found be may tdn-novd Assmn for Assessment Student-Involved

work during the grant project. Information on formative assessments formative on Information project. grant the during work

performance. One measure may be an electronic portfolio of student of portfolio electronic an be may measure One performance.

The grantee will set and meet at least two measures of student academic student of measures two least at meet and set will grantee The

success of the grant project in meeting the students’ academic needs. academic students’ the meeting in project grant the of success

statewide assessments, multiple measures will be used to analyze the analyze to used be will measures multiple assessments, statewide

n adto o NJ to addition In grade. seventh and grade sixth the in students

pig 21 aa o h it- ad sxhgae suet, a el as well as students, sixth-grade and fifth- the of data 2011 spring

of the current sixth-grade students. This data will be compared with the with compared be will data This students. sixth-grade current the of

from the spring 2010 assessments of the current fifth-grade students and students fifth-grade current the of assessments 2010 spring the from

sixth grade class and state assessments. Collection of data must occur must data of Collection assessments. state and class grade sixth

results for students participating in the program from fifth grade and grade fifth from program the in participating students for results

 r- ad ps-omtv, smaie ad sadrie assessment standardized and summative post-formative, and Pre-

each year and across each year. year. each across and year each

classes and in the fifth grade class – measuring the rate of progress for progress of rate the measuring – class grade fifth the in and classes

 Pre- and post-student performance results in participating teachers’ participating in results performance post-student and Pre-

Measures: Evaluative


December 15, 2010 15, December

October 21, 2010 21, October

September 14, 2010 14, September Implementation Kick-off Meeting Kick-off Implementation

July 13, 2010 13, July

June 2, 2010 2, June

March 16, 2010 16, March

Kick-off Meeting Kick-off 2010 11, February

to the following schedule below: below: schedule following the to

directors and sometimes for participating teachers and administrators that occur according occur that administrators and teachers participating for sometimes and directors

The Planning Team will attend NJDOE TALENT21 grant program meetings for project for meetings program grant TALENT21 NJDOE attend will Team Planning The 3.

school principal, a content area supervisor, and the TALENT21 technician. technician. TALENT21 the and supervisor, area content a principal, school

specialist (a different person than the individual previously mentioned), a student, the student, a mentioned), previously individual the than person different (a specialist

effective integration of technology into instruction, the educational technology integration technology educational the instruction, into technology of integration effective

two seventh grade teachers, a staff member who currently assists and supports teachers’ supports and assists currently who member staff a teachers, grade seventh two

weekly, and will minimally consist of the following personnel: two sixth grade teachers, grade sixth two personnel: following the of consist minimally will and weekly,

The planning team will provide ongoing support for grant participants. The team must meet must team The participants. grant for support ongoing provide will team planning The 2.

curriculum materials and the creation of the grant evaluation plan evaluation grant the of creation the and materials curriculum .

 Supporting the implementation of Project-Based Learning, development of related of development Learning, Project-Based of implementation the Supporting

Library/Media) to attend planning meetings; and meetings; planning attend to Library/Media)

 Inviting representatives from other district offices (i.e., Information Technology and Technology Information (i.e., offices district other from representatives Inviting

teachers across content areas; areas; content across teachers

 Facilitating professional development for all participating sixth and seventh grade seventh and sixth participating all for development professional Facilitating

 eployment of equipment to classrooms, teachers and students; and teachers classrooms, to equipment of eployment d the Facilitating

plan for Phase II that includes: that II Phase for plan

The TALENT21 school-based planning team leads the development of an implementation an of development the leads team planning school-based TALENT21 The 1.

TALENT21 School-based Planning Team Responsibilities Team Planning School-based TALENT21

Grantee’s Responsibilities Grantee’s 2.2.4

literacy and assessment results will be reviewed as part of onsite monitoring visits. monitoring onsite of part as reviewed be will results assessment and literacy

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standard 8.1, the tools used to determine technological determine to used tools the 8.1, Standard Content Curriculum Core Jersey New

the classroom, supported by professional development. Alignment of the curriculum to the to curriculum the of Alignment development. professional by supported classroom, the

technological literacy as part of the process of systematically using educational technology in technology educational using systematically of process the of part as literacy technological

technologically literate each year. Students and teachers are expected to increase their level of level their increase to expected are teachers and Students year. each literate technologically

developed a process to assess students so that they may report the number of 8 of number the report may they that so students assess to process a developed graders that are that graders


students under Title II-D to the federal government. School districts across the state have state the across districts School government. federal the to II-D Title under students

The Office of Educational Technology is responsible for reporting the technological literacy of literacy technological the reporting for responsible is Technology Educational of Office The

Technological Literacy Technological

assignments may be considered. be may assignments

For example, the level of student engagement in class and completion of completion and class in engagement student of level the example, For activities. grant

Grantees may consider collection of “soft” data to reflect other areas impacted by TALENT21 by impacted areas other reflect to data “soft” of collection consider may Grantees


September 2010 through 2010 September September 2011. September

ahmtc y te ed o hs Ags 00; ad ipeet drn hs 2- Phase during implement and 2010); (August I Phase of end the by mathematics

rf ouet n lnug rs ltrc and literacy arts language in documents draft ) (

tde n ol agae n ae n te cmo oe standards core common the on based and languages world and studies

in visual and performing arts, comprehensive health and physical education, science, social science, education, physical and health comprehensive arts, performing and visual in

Develop Develop 6. based on the 2009 revised New Jersey standards Jersey New revised 2009 the on based lessons related and unit PBL one

students and be provided to students prior to beginning a task. a beginning to prior students to provided be and students

Use multiple measures to assess students’ work. Rubrics will be created by teachers and/or teachers by created be will Rubrics work. students’ assess to measures multiple Use 5.


Increase their use of technology in instructional activities in accordance with the goals of the of goals the with accordance in activities instructional in technology of use their Increase 4.

individual growth. individual

Evaluate their technology skills at the beginning and end of the grant period to assess to period grant the of end and beginning the at skills technology their Evaluate 3.

support Project-Based Learning and 21 and Learning Project-Based support century learning environments. learning century


Participate in professional learning communities in order to develop units and lessons that lessons and units develop to order in communities learning professional in Participate 2.

Attend weekly project meetings and all professional development workshops. development professional all and meetings project weekly Attend 1.

: will Teachers

Teacher’s Responsibilities Responsibilities Teacher’s

Participate as an active member of the TALENT21 school-based planning team. planning school-based TALENT21 the of member active an as Participate 5.

principals in supporting a successful program. successful a supporting in principals

NJDOE meetings outside of the district designed to address the needs of needs the address to designed district the of outside meetings NJDOE required Attend 4.

project in a timely fashion. fashion. timely a in project

Develop procedures to secure necessary materials for the implementation of the grant the of implementation the for materials necessary secure to procedures Develop 3.

models and best practices that have been implemented as a result of grant activities. grant of result a as implemented been have that practices best and models

enhance his/her ability to recognize and evaluate the effectiveness of new instructional new of effectiveness the evaluate and recognize to ability his/her enhance

strategies during classroom visitations and walkthrough observations. The principal should principal The observations. walkthrough and visitations classroom during strategies

otne t xad hs e kls t ses efcie ue o dctoa technology educational of use effective assess to skills her his/ expand to Continue 2.

articulation meetings. articulation

s iprat ta h edrhp fcltts bt oiotl atclto n vertical and articulation horizontal both facilitates leadership the that important is

project-related discussions in the professional learning community and project meetings. It meetings. project and community learning professional the in discussions project-related

Provide release time for teachers, as necessary, for professional development opportunities, development professional for necessary, as teachers, for time release Provide 1.

The Principal will: Principal The

Principal’s Responsibilities Responsibilities Principal’s

June 2, 2011 2, June January 10, 2011 10, January


the NJDOE program officer regarding any issues that affect the implementation of the grant the of implementation the affect that issues any regarding officer program NJDOE the

Be the primary contact to the NJDOE’s Office of Educational Technology, and will contact will and Technology, Educational of Office NJDOE’s the to contact primary the Be 1.

The Project Director will: Director Project The

Project Director’s Responsibilities Responsibilities Director’s Project

Be an active member of the TALENT21 school-based planning team. planning school-based TALENT21 the of member active an Be 6.

Conduct o Conduct 5. ngoing, job-embedded professional development that supports learning activities. learning supports that development professional job-embedded ngoing,

skills into all participating classrooms. participating all into skills

century 21 of infusion foster and strategies technology educational with content connect


eeo rfsinl rltosis wt itit cnet seilss ad sprios to supervisors and specialists content district with relationships professional Develop 4.

evaluation plan that will be implemented in Phase II of the grant project. grant the of II Phase in implemented be will that plan evaluation

rvd nu n te dvlpet o h rfsinl dvlpet shdl n the and schedule development professional the of development the on input Provide 3.

to enhance lessons. enhance to

Introduce various technological tools as part of lesson planning, including digital resources digital including planning, lesson of part as tools technological various Introduce 2.


based learning, and effectively integrating educational technology into the instructional the into technology educational integrating effectively and learning, based

Facilitate regular meetings with participating teachers to assist them in developing project- developing in them assist to teachers participating with meetings regular Facilitate 1.

The Educational Technology Specialist will: Specialist Technology Educational The

Specialist’s Integration Technology Educational Responsibilities

Be an active member of the TALENT21 school-based planning team. planning school-based TALENT21 the of member active an Be 3.

students and teachers in the grant project in a timely manner. timely a in project grant the in teachers and students

drs ewr sus ad hrwr afntos eprecd b h participating the by experienced malfunctions hardware and issues network Address 2.

the operation of the newly purchased technologies. purchased newly the of operation the

the high speed wireless infrastructure and developing or modifying policies associated with associated policies modifying or developing and infrastructure wireless speed high the

installation of hardware, imaging and loading of standard and new software, maintenance of maintenance software, new and standard of loading and imaging hardware, of installation

lsros eces ad suet. Te dpomn nlds u s nt lmtd to, limited not is but includes, deployment The students. and teachers classrooms,

Facilitate the deployment of all mobile computing devices during the grant project for project grant the during devices computing mobile all of deployment the Facilitate 1.

The Technician will: Technician The

Technician’s Responsibilities Technician’s

teachers and two seventh grade teachers). grade seventh two and teachers

Be active members of the TALENT21 school-based planning team (at least two sixth grade sixth two least (at team planning school-based TALENT21 the of members active Be 9.

the classroom. the

Modify seating arrangements to accommodate the technology being used in various areas of areas various in used being technology the accommodate to arrangements seating Modify 8.

of their technological literacy development. literacy technological their of

Instruct students on safe use, research techniques and filtering basics of the Internet as part as Internet the of basics filtering and techniques research use, safe on students Instruct 7.


technology into instruction for sixth grade teachers in the identified school. identified the in teachers grade sixth for instruction into technology

 Describe the need for professional development related to the integration of educational of integration the to related development professional for need the Describe

Statement of Need Section (15 Points) (15 Section Need of Statement

and projected outcomes over the multi-year grant period. grant multi-year the over outcomes projected and

The applicant is required to provide a one-page summary of the proposed project’s need, purpose, need, project’s proposed the of summary one-page a provide to required is applicant The

Program Abstract (0 Points) (0 Abstract Program


The NGO# required for the grant application forms is found on the top right-hand side of the Title the of side right-hand top the on found is forms application grant the for required NGO# The

Title Page Title

indicated on the forms). the on indicated

have sequential page numbers at the bottom of every page (in addition to numbering pages as pages numbering to addition (in page every of bottom the at numbers page sequential have

For reference purposes, the entire application package, beginning with the Title Page, should Page, Title the with beginning package, application entire the purposes, reference For

Constructing the Application the Constructing 2.2.5

the educational activities of their children. their of activities educational the

child’s involvement in the program. Provide parents information on how they can support can they how on information parents Provide program. the in involvement child’s

quarterly (at a minimum) of the status of grant activities that relate to instruction and their and instruction to relate that activities grant of status the of minimum) a (at quarterly

program by November 1, 2010 to explain the grant program, and keep them informed them keep and program, grant the explain to 2010 1, November by program

Plan and coordinate meetings with the parents of the children who are involved in the grant the in involved are who children the of parents the with meetings coordinate and Plan 8.

meetings, secure minutes, etc.). minutes, secure meetings,

Facilitate and coordinate the TALENT21 school-based planning team activities (arrange activities team planning school-based TALENT21 the coordinate and Facilitate 7.

Facilitate the development of the sustainability plan in Phase II. II. Phase in plan sustainability the of development the Facilitate 6.

Phase II of the grant project. project. grant the of II Phase

Facilitate the development and completion of the evaluation plan to be implemented in implemented be to plan evaluation the of completion and development the Facilitate 5.

any required federal data collections. data federal required any

grant objectives, including the timely submission of all required reports to the NJDOE and NJDOE the to reports required all of submission timely the including objectives, grant

Ensure the implementation of every aspect of the approved application to meet each of the of each meet to application approved the of aspect every of implementation the Ensure 4.

Collect data reflecting students’ progress for the length of the grant project. grant the of length the for progress students’ reflecting data Collect 3.

objectives of the grant program. grant the of objectives

Facilitate regular meetings among district personnel and parents to further the goals and goals the further to parents and personnel district among meetings regular Facilitate 2.

among all parties involved in the grant project. grant the in involved parties all among

questions and issues of concern). E-mail is the primary method used for communication for used method primary the is E-mail concern). of issues and questions

will be able to monitor the success of grant activities and provide immediate answers on answers immediate provide and activities grant of success the monitor to able be will project or about any concerns or questions regarding the grant project (NJDOE office staff office (NJDOE project grant the regarding questions or concerns any about or project


to play in the delivery of services, and how grant resources will be shared to carry out carry to shared be will resources grant how and services, of delivery the in play to

 Describe the comprehensive role each school-based planning team member will have will member team planning school-based each role comprehensive the Describe

agency. agency.

grant application and how programs and services will be coordinated by the applicant the by coordinated be will services and programs how and application grant

school, specify the number of LEAs and/or charter schools that will be served by this by served be will that schools charter and/or LEAs of number the specify school,

 If the grant application is developed on behalf of more than one LEA and/or charter and/or LEA one than more of behalf on developed is application grant the If

nonpublic schools will be involved in the implementation of the grant project. grant the of implementation the in involved be will schools nonpublic

 Provide a clear description of the grant project design; include the activities in which in activities the include design; project grant the of description clear a Provide

Project Overview Project

planning and meeting time to lead the effort. the lead to time meeting and planning

team. The applicant must indicate how the district will ensure that the team has sufficient has team the that ensure will district the how indicate must applicant The team.

multiple schools are involved in the grant project, each school must be represented on the on represented be must school each project, grant the in involved are schools multiple

for each member of the team. If team. the of member each for M) (Appendix Form Team Planning School-based on

Verification of Participation of Verification a Submit project. grant this in participation for considered

rvd h ae il n col (r ohr lcto) o ah mme f te team the of member each of location) other (or school and title name, the Provide

Identify School-based Planning Team Planning School-based Identify

curriculum and instruction, assessment of learning and student engagement. student and learning of assessment instruction, and curriculum

urclm Cnet Sadrs i 21 in Standards Content Curriculum etr erig evrnet ht addresses that environments learning century


rvd ttmn f yu itits vso o mlmnig te Nw Jre Core Jersey New the implementing for vision district’s your of statement a Provide

Vision Vision

three areas in the project description section of the TALENT21 application. TALENT21 the of section description project the in areas three

applicant’s intention for the project over the grant period. The applicant must address the following the address must applicant The period. grant the over project the for intention applicant’s

conceptualize the proposed plan to meet the grant outcomes. The narrative will show the the show will narrative The outcomes. grant the meet to plan proposed the conceptualize

In this section, applicants are to provide the reader with an overall picture of the project and and project the of picture overall an with reader the provide to are applicants section, this In

Project Description Section (25 Points) (25 Section Description Project

access for teachers. for access

 Describe the availability of Internet access for students and teachers, and Internet e-mail Internet and teachers, and students for access Internet of availability the Describe


 Identify the type and capacity of computers available in the school for student/instructional for school the in available computers of capacity and type the Identify

within the district, and the desired ratio. desired the and district, the within

 Identify the approximate ratio of students in grades sixth, seventh and eighth to computers to eighth and seventh sixth, grades in students of ratio approximate the Identify

2010 school year. school 2010

grade teachers in the eligible school who will be served by this grant program in the 2009- the in program grant this by served be will who school eligible the in teachers grade

 Indicate the total number of sixth-grade students and the number of sixth- and seventh- and sixth- of number the and students sixth-grade of number total the Indicate

 Discuss the level of technical support services available to the staff at the identified school. identified the at staff the to available services support technical of level the Discuss

varying interests and learning styles. learning and interests varying

 Discuss the extent teachers currently use technology to accommodate student readiness and readiness student accommodate to technology use currently teachers extent the Discuss


ehooia ol n eore t et te epcain eie n te 20 Core 2009 the in defined expectations the meet to resources and tools technological

o cmuig rsucs ad tos n n ices n te suet’ aiiis t use to abilities students’ the in increase an and tools, and resources computing to

influence systemic change that results in an increase in the number of students with access with students of number the in increase an in results that change systemic influence

 Discuss how the grant applicant will use the grant project to build school capacity and capacity school build to project grant the use will applicant grant the how Discuss

capacity to develop in-district program options in a 21 a in options program in-district develop to capacity century classroom. century


Each applicant must include the following information in describing the LEA’s commitment and commitment LEA’s the describing in information following the include must applicant Each

Organization Commitment and Capacity (25 Points) (25 Capacity and Commitment Organization

required to support the goals and objectives of this grant program. program. grant this of objectives and goals the support to required

Specific activities that must be addressed are found in section 2.2. Additional activities are also are activities Additional 2.2. section in found are addressed be must that activities Specific

serve as the basis for the expenditures proposed in the budget. budget. the in proposed expenditures the for basis the as serve

mandated goal and objective. The Project Activity Plan must directly support the budget, as it will it as budget, the support directly must Plan Activity Project The objective. and goal mandated

plcns ms ecie te pooe ciiis ta il b mlmne o ahee each achieve to implemented be will that activities proposed the describe must Applicants

Project Activity Plan (20 points) (20 Plan Activity Project

Objectives, and Indicators” form found in the DGA the in found form Indicators” and Objectives, .

niaos ta orsod wt te gvn gas ad ojcie, ad sbi te “Goals, the submit and objectives, and goals given the with correspond that indicators

of completion of each goal and objective. objective. and goal each of completion of evidence All applicants are required to construct the construct to required are applicants All

(See Section 1.1) However, they must develop specific program indicators. The indicators are the are indicators The indicators. program specific develop must they However, 1.1) Section (See

Applicants are required to adopt the state’s goals and objectives for the TALENT21 grant project. grant TALENT21 the for objectives and goals state’s the adopt to required are Applicants

Goals, Objectives, and Indicators (5 points) (5 Indicators and Objectives, Goals,

participation in this grant program for all sixth grade students and their teachers. their and students grade sixth all for program grant this in participation

 tp h plcn rpss t nue eutbe acs o and to, access equitable ensure to proposes applicant the steps e th Outline for the list for nonpublic schools). schools). nonpublic for list the for

Rfr t h e esy Dprmn f Euain wb site: web Education of Department Jersey New the to (Refer

n mlmnain o hs gat poet f nnulc shos ae participating. are schools nonpublic if project, grant this of implementation and

 Identify and describe ways in which nonpublic schools will be involved in planning in involved be will schools nonpublic which in ways describe and Identify

o Public and private non-profit organizations non-profit private and Public

o Business and industry and Business

o Learning centers and museums and centers Learning

o Institutions of higher education higher of Institutions

o Public libraries Public

o Private/non-public schools Private/non-public

the local level: local the

applicable, will be involved in planning and implementation of this grant program at program grant this of implementation and planning in involved be will applicable,

 dniy ad dsrb h as i hc oe o h olwn gnis as agencies, following the of some which in ways the describe and Identify

 Explain the process to notify nonpublic schools and describe the consultation process. consultation the describe and schools nonpublic notify to process the Explain those roles. roles. those


 Onsite coaching Onsite

 Conference or workshop registration costs, travel, meals, and lodging lodging and meals, travel, costs, registration workshop or Conference

 Consultant fees Consultant

the purpose of transforming to 21 to transforming of purpose the century classrooms: century


- It is expected that expenditures will be necessary in the following areas for areas following the in necessary be will expenditures that expected is It - Costs Allowable

of loaner devices to be available so that students will always have devices available in class. class. in available devices have always will students that so available be to devices loaner of

the device may be temporarily out of service. The grantee may consider purchasing a number a purchasing consider may grantee The service. of out temporarily be may device the

Continuous Access - - Access Continuous Students may forget to bring their mobile computing devices to class, or class, to devices computing mobile their bring to forget may Students

individualized instructional strategies and interventions (Goal 2). (Goal interventions and strategies instructional individualized

completion of goals, analyze student data and use the results to enhance teaching by generating by teaching enhance to results the use and data student analyze goals, of completion

nweg. Tahr r eurd ue dt o eaut h rn rga o successful for program grant the evaluate to data use required are Teachers knowledge.

provide an interface between school and home, and that generate timely feedback on student on feedback timely generate that and home, and school between interface an provide

using data to address the needs of each student. Various software and tools are available to available are tools and software Various student. each of needs the address to data using

- Applicants are encouraged to review systems that will assist the teachers in teachers the assist will that systems review to encouraged are Applicants - Systems Data

staff changes that will need to be considered in the budget component of the grant. the of component budget the in considered be to need will that changes staff

modified to meet the needs of the grant may require time allotments, substitute resources and resources substitute allotments, time require may grant the of needs the meet to modified

Additionally, the professional development opportunities that will need to be developed and/or developed be to need will that opportunities development professional the Additionally,

has greater functionality, memory and storage than the devices purchased for the students. the for purchased devices the than storage and memory functionality, greater has

accomplish with their mobile computing device and consider providing them with a system that system a with them providing consider and device computing mobile their with accomplish

- The grantee may consider the activities that the teachers are expected to expected are teachers the that activities the consider may grantee The - Access Teacher

especially NCLB funding sources. funding NCLB especially

rn rjc ih tcnlg-eae ciiis spotd wt ud rm ohr sources, other from funds with supported activities technology-related with project grant

other grant or in-kind monies. monies. in-kind or grant other coordinate activities funded through this through funded activities coordinate should applicant The

aware that the total cost of delivering a project across two LEAs may warrant the inclusion of inclusion the warrant may LEAs two across project a delivering of cost total the that aware

Grant funding is a maximum designated for each application, not each LEA. Therefore, be Therefore, LEA. each not application, each for designated maximum a is funding Grant

every classroom that are noted in the BUDGET REQUIREMENT section of this NGO. NGO. this of section REQUIREMENT BUDGET the in noted are that classroom every

beginning of Phase II, the implementation part of the grant project. There are required tools for tools required are There project. grant the of part implementation the II, Phase of beginning

l f te ncsay rsucs ad spot ut b ed n n te casom b the by classroom the in and ready be must supports and resources necessary the of All


items noted in section 2.4. section in noted items

The applicant should consider the items noted in section 2.3 below and must address the budget the address must and below 2.3 section in noted items the consider should applicant The

Budget (10 Points) (10 Budget

computing devices. devices. computing

 Explain how administrators, teachers, students and parents are ready to utilize mobile utilize to ready are parents and students teachers, administrators, how Explain

address issues and plan proactively regarding instructional practices. practices. instructional regarding proactively plan and issues address

 Explain if the district currently has an established collaborative team and processes to processes and team collaborative established an has currently district the if Explain Curriculum Content Standards. Content Curriculum


prudent use of resources. Funds available through this grant project must have a clear and clear a have must project grant this through available Funds resources. of use prudent

The applicant's budget must be adequate for the implementation of the project and demonstrate and project the of implementation the for adequate be must budget applicant's The


*Title references are used to describe grant functions – specific certifications not implied. not certifications specific – functions grant describe to used are references *Title NOTE:

 Mobile tracking systems to serve as theft deterrents for mobile computing devices devices computing mobile for deterrents theft as serve to systems tracking Mobile

 Insurance for mobile computing devices computing mobile for Insurance

cameras, MP3 players or iPods or players MP3 cameras,

 tdn epne Sses (Rs, vdo ad sil cmrs cnes document scanners, cameras, still and video (SRAs), Systems Response Student

graphing calculators, external hard drives and flash drives flash and drives hard external calculators, graphing

eie ht maue tmeaue ad mto) iia irsoe n probes, and microscopes digital motion), and temperature measure that devices

 Additional batteries, storage, digital devices related to specific content areas (such as (such areas content specific to related devices digital storage, batteries, Additional


ces i l it n eet-rd ntutoa ra ht d o rqie new require not do that areas instructional seventh-grade and sixth all in access

 Upgrade internal wiring, networks or electrical capacity as needed to support wireless support to needed as capacity electrical or networks wiring, internal Upgrade

grant-use share for maintenance for equipment already owned by the district the by owned already equipment for maintenance for share grant-use

program options for students with disabilities. Grant funds can pay only the prorated the only pay can funds Grant disabilities. with students for options program

technology, for the purpose of enhancing and expanding in-district public school public in-district expanding and enhancing of purpose the for technology,

 lsro ntutoa upis ad gatfne qimn, icuig assistive including equipment, grant-funded and supplies instructional Classroom

 In-state conference registrations fees and travel costs for staff for costs travel and fees registrations conference In-state

for educational technology in the core content areas content core the in technology educational for

for the purpose of enhancing and expanding in-district public school program options program school public in-district expanding and enhancing of purpose the for

 Twenty-five percent of total grant funds funds grant total of percent Twenty-five be spent for professional development, professional for spent be must

in-district public school program options for students participating in the grant project grant the in participating students for options program school public in-district

for professional development activities, for the purpose of enhancing and expanding and enhancing of purpose the for activities, development professional for

 Fees for service agreements with consultants, including specialized service providers, service specialized including consultants, with agreements service for Fees

collaborative planning meetings and participate in professional development activities development professional in participate and meetings planning collaborative

 Substitutes, temporary or permanent, for the purpose of permitting teachers to attend to teachers permitting of purpose the for permanent, or temporary Substitutes,

training before school, after school, and/or during summer months summer during and/or school, after school, before training

 Compensation for participation for school personnel in collaborative team meetings or meetings team collaborative in personnel school for participation for Compensation

 Technical Support Person* Support Technical

 Full time Educational Technology Integration Specialist* Specialist* Integration Technology Educational time Full


 The project director must be an employee of the lead agency or the partner LEA, if LEA, partner the or agency lead the of employee an be must director project The


 Equipment for loan to the nonpublic school for the duration of the grant period, if period, grant the of duration the for school nonpublic the to loan for Equipment

grant related professional development activities) and hiring of appropriate staff staff appropriate of hiring and activities) development professional related grant

 Professional development (includes substitute teachers and paying teachers to attend to teachers paying and teachers substitute (includes development Professional


fee that serves the sixth- and seventh-grade instructional areas is paid for by grant by for paid is areas instructional seventh-grade and sixth- the serves that fee

students. Internet access costs must be pro-rated so that only the portion of the access the of portion the only that so pro-rated be must costs access Internet students.

nent cneto o te Itre evc rvdr o t lat 1 Mp e 100 per Mbps 1 least at of Provider Service Internet the to connection Internet

 Internet access fees to obtain a minimum connectivity level consisting of an external an of consisting level connectivity minimum a obtain to fees access Internet

 Computers, peripherals, software, and technical support technical and software, peripherals, Computers,

 Materials including consumables including Materials

 Substitutes


must be received and installed prior to September 2, 2010. 2, September to prior installed and received be must

All required purchases must occur no later than September 15, 2010. All Phase II equipment II Phase All 2010. 15, September than later no occur must purchases required All

Service Provider of at least 1 Mbps per 100 students. 100 per Mbps 1 least at of Provider Service

Internet access fees must be included to obtain an external Internet connection to the Internet the to connection Internet external an obtain to included be must fees access Internet

grade instructional areas. areas. instructional grade

and installation of an 802.11N wireless Internet system throughout all sixth and seventh and sixth all throughout system Internet wireless 802.11N an of installation and

application in order to allow the grant applicant to accurately budget for the purchase the for budget accurately to applicant grant the allow to order in application

A wireless infrastructure survey must be completed and submitted as part of this grant this of part as submitted and completed be must survey infrastructure wireless A

users, including users who may struggle with the use of the device. the of use the with struggle may who users including users,

guidelines of the devices. They should also provide the highest degree of accessibility to all to accessibility of degree highest the provide also should They devices. the of guidelines

ih a iiu f aiu r des pyia fet. Rve egnmc tnad or standards ergonomic Review effects. physical adverse or fatigue of minimum a with

The mobile computing devices purchased are intended to be used efficiently and comfortably and efficiently used be to intended are purchased devices computing mobile The

802.11N Wireless capability Wireless 802.11N d.

Sufficient RAM for multimedia multimedia for RAM Sufficient c.

Integrated Microphone Integrated b.

Integrated camera Integrated a.

Teacher and student mobile computing devices with with devices computing mobile student and Teacher 3.

Interactive whiteboard with attached projector attached with whiteboard Interactive 2.

Headphones or headsets for each mobile computing device computing mobile each for headsets or Headphones 1.

participating teachers’ classrooms: teachers’ participating

h olwn tm ut b ucae f te o nt aray eit wti ah o the of each within exist already not do they if purchased be must items following The

maintenance costs for the specific technologies used in the grant project. project. grant the in used technologies specific the for costs maintenance

for technical support is at the discretion of the lead LEA and is based on the projection of projection the on based is and LEA lead the of discretion the at is support technical for

technical support person in place for each 500 computing device users. The amount budgeted amount The users. device computing 500 each for place in person support technical

needed to support this grant project is working consistently. There should be at least one least at be should There consistently. working is project grant this support to needed

Grant funds must be budgeted for technical support and maintenance to ensure the technology the ensure to maintenance and support technical for budgeted be must funds Grant

maintenance for equipment already owned by the district. district. the by owned already equipment for maintenance

n betvs o h rn. Gat fns cn py ol h rrtd gatue sae for share grant-use prorated the only pay can funds Grant grant. the of objectives and

ensure constant teacher and student access to the technology as needed to implement the goals the implement to needed as technology the to access student and teacher constant ensure

working order” when the teacher and students need it to further the grant objectives. This will This objectives. grant the further to it need students and teacher the when order” working

grant-funded equipment. The technology required to implement the program must be in “good in be must program the implement to required technology The equipment. grant-funded

Sufficient resources and funding must be allocated to provide for the consistent maintenance of maintenance consistent the for provide to allocated be must funding and resources Sufficient

Department of Education through the pre-award revision process. process. revision pre-award the through Education of Department

involved in the grant program; and ultimately the award amount will be determined by the by determined be will amount award the ultimately and program; grant the in involved

applicant's ability to provide support for its proposed budget based on the number of students of number the on based budget proposed its for support provide to ability applicant's

The actual amount awarded is subject to the availability of funds and is contingent upon the upon contingent is and funds of availability the to subject is awarded amount actual The

related to grant activities. activities. grant to related

be sufficiently justified, designed to meet the needs of the population being served, and directly and served, being population the of needs the meet to designed justified, sufficiently be

services that will directly affect student achievement of the CCCS. Equipment purchases must purchases Equipment CCCS. the of achievement student affect directly will that services direct link to an educational program outcome. Eligible costs must relate to activities or activities to relate must costs Eligible outcome. program educational an to link direct


Maximum Eligible Costs Costs Eligible Maximum

to receive funding. receive to

party contract is terminated or the agency, for multi-year programs, is not selected to continue to selected not is programs, multi-year for agency, the or terminated is contract party

equipment and all materials purchased and/or developed with grant funds in the event the third- the event the in funds grant with developed and/or purchased materials all and equipment

The New Jersey Department of Education reserves the right to transfer title to grant-funded to title transfer to right the reserves Education of Department Jersey New The

may be subcontracted to an outside entity. outside an to subcontracted be may

each task, groups of tasks, or responsibility. Also, no substantive portion of the scope of work of scope the of portion substantive no Also, responsibility. or tasks, of groups task, each

Position/Name column on Budget Detail Form A that includes the percentage of time spent on spent time of percentage the includes that A Form Detail Budget on column Position/Name

a staff member who serves as a teacher and a counselor), provide a brief job description in the in description job brief a provide counselor), a and teacher a as serves who member staff a

For each staff member whose salary must be entered in more than one salary line (for example, (for line salary one than more in entered be must salary whose member staff each For

submit NJDOE and ARRA reports. The workload must be considered and completed. and considered be must workload The reports. ARRA and NJDOE submit

school-based team meetings, facilitate the implementation of the activity plan and write and and write and plan activity the of implementation the facilitate meetings, team school-based

NJDOE meetings; attend many professional development opportunities, facilitate weekly weekly facilitate opportunities, development professional many attend meetings; NJDOE

may impact the success of the grant program. For example, the project director must attend 10 10 attend must director project the example, For program. grant the of success the impact may

are time consuming and not providing the necessary amount of time to accomplish the activities the accomplish to time of amount necessary the providing not and consuming time are

allocated to the TALENT21 project director. The project director’s scope of responsibilities responsibilities of scope director’s project The director. project TALENT21 the to allocated

grant project goals and objectives. The grantee is asked to carefully review the time time the review carefully to asked is grantee The objectives. and goals project grant all of

applicable. Although full-time is undefined, the project director will facilitate the completion completion the facilitate will director project the undefined, is full-time Although applicable.

project. The project director must be an employee of the lead agency or the partner LEA, if if LEA, partner the or agency lead the of employee an be must director project The project.

Each grantee must have a full-time project director specifically for the TALENT21 grant grant TALENT21 the for specifically director project full-time a have must grantee Each

in the application as a subgrantee. a as application the in

(listed in Appendix A) is not the lead agent, then the high-need school district must be included be must district school high-need the then agent, lead the not is A) Appendix in (listed

provided to these districts; if a partnership exists and the eligible high-need school district school high-need eligible the and exists partnership a if districts; these to provided

sufficient resources are provided to these districts. In order to better assess the services the assess better to order In districts. these to provided are resources sufficient

need” to benefit substantially from the implementation of grant activities. It is critical that critical is It activities. grant of implementation the from substantially benefit to need”

The intent of this grant project is for those school districts that have been identified as “high- as identified been have that districts school those for is project grant this of intent The

N must be used. used. be must N

form. The form entitled “Professional Development Budgeted Items” found in Appendix in found Items” Budgeted Development “Professional entitled form The form.

budget entries from the budget detail forms onto the list. The list is NOT a budget detail budget a NOT is list The list. the onto forms detail budget the from entries budget

percent of funds toward professional development. The list is created by copying the copying by created is list The development. professional toward funds of percent

The applicant must provide a list of all expenditures that satisfy the requirement for 25 for requirement the satisfy that expenditures all of list a provide must applicant The

classroom and/or library media center, and must include in-class support. support. in-class include must and center, media library and/or classroom

and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the in technology of use effective the further to personnel media library school and

intensive, high-quality professional development for teachers, principals, administrators, principals, teachers, for development professional high-quality intensive,

Twenty-five percent (25%) of the grant funds must be used for ongoing, sustained, and sustained, ongoing, for used be must funds grant the of (25%) percent Twenty-five

grade students and teachers. and students grade 8 and 7 the include

th th

expand the instructional program within the constraints of the grant program to program grant the of constraints the within program instructional the expand

TALENT21 grant program, this grant program may be used to enhance or enhance to used be may program grant this program, grant TALENT21

oe o h opnns aray i lc ht spot h ol f the of goals the supports that place in already components the of more

If the applicant school currently has an instructional program that has one or one has that program instructional an has currently school applicant the If note: Please


federal funds available under this grant project grant this under available funds federal

grant project, it may not cover any of the costs for those activities or services with services or activities those for costs the of any cover not may it project, grant

If a district is already providing any of the activities or services required under this under required services or activities the of any providing already is district a If NOTE:

mandated by statute, regulation, or students’ IEPs. IEPs. students’ or regulation, statute, by mandated

The grant will not fund direct services that local school districts must provide as provide must districts school local that services direct fund not will grant The services.

component(s) of a job that represent an expansion or enhancement of normally provided normally of enhancement or expansion an represent that job a of component(s)

o ciiis ad srie ht ae nt crety poie r sauoiy rqie, ad for and required, statutorily or provided currently not are that services and activities for

covers job services previously provided by a different person or job title. The exceptions are exceptions The title. job or person different a by provided previously services job covers

normally be required to pay for with either local funds or state aid. This requirement also requirement This aid. state or funds local either with for pay to required be normally

Federal funds cannot be used to pay for anything that a school district would district school a that anything for pay to used be cannot funds Federal funds. local

These grant funds are to supplement, not supplant (replace), existing federal, state and/or state federal, existing (replace), supplant not supplement, to are funds grant These

Supplement not Supplant not Supplement

Mileage reimbursement is capped at the State approved rate of $.31 per mile per $.31 of rate approved State the at capped is reimbursement Mileage

 No reimbursement for meals on in-state travel in-state on meals for reimbursement No

 No reimbursement for in-state overnight travel (meals and/or lodging) and/or (meals travel overnight in-state for reimbursement No

restrictions apply to all grant programs: grant all to apply restrictions

applies the A-5 restrictions uniformly to all grantees. Unless otherwise specified, the following following the specified, otherwise Unless grantees. all to uniformly restrictions A-5 the applies

applicant work with their business administrator when constructing the budget. The NJDOE NJDOE The budget. the constructing when administrator business their with work applicant

approvals, as well as expenditures related to travel. It is strongly recommended that the the that recommended strongly is It travel. to related expenditures as well as approvals,

The provisions of A-5/Chapter Law 53 contain additional requirements concerning prior prior concerning requirements additional contain 53 Law A-5/Chapter of provisions The

participate in activities sponsored by the grant program. program. grant the by sponsored activities in participate

be mindful of these requirements as they may impact the ability of school district personnel to personnel district school of ability the impact may they as requirements these of mindful be

administrative requirements on the travel of school district personnel. The applicant is urged to urged is applicant The personnel. district school of travel the on requirements administrative ( lcs additional places )

related and 53) Law Chapter euain t NJAC A2A1 e seq. et 6A:23A-1 N.J.A.C. at regulations

lae nt ht te psae o h col Dsrc conaiiy At (5 or (A5 Act Accountability District School the of passage the that note Please

 Purchase of space. of Purchase

 Software or materials that are non-secular (bound to religious guidelines); and guidelines); religious to (bound non-secular are that materials or Software

the grant program; grant the

 Capital improvement projects and renovations of spaces that do not directly relate to relate directly not do that spaces of renovations and projects improvement Capital

contracted days; contracted

 Salaries or compensation to teachers in the nonpublic school during regular school regular during school nonpublic the in teachers to compensation or Salaries

 Entertainment;

 Costs that are unsupported by the NGO; the by unsupported are that Costs

Grant funds may not be expended for the following: the for expended be not may funds Grant

only in those instances where existing staff will not be adequate. be not will staff existing where instances those in only

: Salaries will be considered be will Salaries : wages and salaries personnel Clerical/support teachers. grade

$1,500 cap is not to be attributed to the costs for in-class support for the sixth and seventh and sixth the for support in-class for costs the to attributed be to not is cap $1,500

large group activities. The fee may cover stipends, travel, materials and trainer fees. The fees. trainer and materials travel, stipends, cover may fee The activities. group large There is a $1,500 per day rate cap for professional development fees such as workshops or workshops as such fees development professional for cap rate day per $1,500 a is There


ineligible costs, as well as costs not supported by the Project Activity Plan. Activity Project the by supported not costs as well as costs, ineligible

from consideration all consideration from remove will Education of Department The basis. cost appropriate

related to the grant, the time frame when it will be used (within the grant period), and an and period), grant the (within used be will it when frame time the grant, the to related

entry that includes on the detail forms a description of what the cost is, what it is for, how it is it how for, is it what is, cost the what of description a forms detail the on includes that entry

costs must have a budget a have must costs all Plan; Activity the in activity specific a to linked be must costs All

. at: available

budget and how to construct budget entries are provided in the DGA document, which is which document, DGA the in provided are entries budget construct to how and budget To reduce the number of pre-award revisions, detailed instructions on how to construct the construct to how on instructions detailed revisions, pre-award of number the reduce To


to the final score of these applicants only for a possible maximum total point value of 105. of value point total maximum possible a for only applicants these of score final the to

Appendix G for the list of eligible LEAs. An additional five (5) bonus points will be awarded be will points bonus (5) five additional An LEAs. eligible of list the for G Appendix

, but who were eligible for less than $50,000 from the 2008-09 allocation. See allocation. 2008-09 the from $50,000 than less for eligible were who but , Subgrant

from Title II Part D allocations of the the of allocations D Part II Title from No Child Left Behind Act of 2001: Consolidated Formula Consolidated 2001: of Act Behind Left Child No

Priority consideration will be given to eligible LEAs in the partnership that received funding received that partnership the in LEAs eligible to given be will consideration Priority

eligible for funding consideration. funding for eligible

proposal evaluation and scoring process. All applications must score 65 points or above to be to above or points 65 score must applications All process. scoring and evaluation proposal

interest exists which would create an undue advantage or disadvantage for any applicant in the in applicant any for disadvantage or advantage undue an create would which exists interest

Readers of grant proposals for the Department of Education will certify that no conflict of conflict no that certify will Education of Department the for proposals grant of Readers

but are not limited to, staff from other state agencies or school personnel from other states. other from personnel school or agencies state other from staff to, limited not are but

External readers may include, may readers External NJDOE. the to external readers two and (NJDOE), Education

content area. The evaluation panel consists of one reader from within the Department of Department the within from reader one of consists panel evaluation The area. content

Grant proposals will be evaluated and rated by a panel of three readers knowledgeable in the in knowledgeable readers three of panel a by rated and evaluated be will proposals Grant

Sections 1 and 2 in this NGO. NGO. this in 2 and 1 Sections

the DGA to review and rate your application according to how well the content addresses content the well how to according application your rate and review to DGA the

Evaluators will use the Selection Criteria found in Part I: General Information and Guidance, of Guidance, and Information General I: Part in found Criteria Selection the use will Evaluators


evaluation process, and will be available to members of the public upon request. request. upon public the of members to available be will and process, evaluation

competitive grants process, will become matters of public record upon the completion of the the of completion the upon record public of matters become will process, grants competitive

evaluation results associated with these applications, and other information regarding the the regarding information other and applications, these with associated results evaluation

applications for discretionary grant funds received September 1, 2003, or later, as well as the the as well as later, or 2003, 1, September received funds grant discretionary for applications

Please be advised that in accordance with the Open Public Records Act. (P. L. 2001, c. 404), all 404), c. 2001, L. (P. Act. Records Public Open the with accordance in that advised be Please

 Number sequentially each page, including forms, starting from page one, the Title Page. Title the one, page from starting forms, including page, each sequentially Number

 Single-sided pages; and pages; Single-sided

 Single line-spacing; Single

 ; limitations Page

 Times New Roman, 12 point font; point 12 Roman, New Times

 Narrative format using complete sentences; complete using format Narrative

In preparing your responses, please adhere to the following guidelines: following the to adhere please responses, your preparing In

prepare a complete application. application. complete a prepare

use the DGA in combination with this NGO to NGO this with combination in DGA the use must You DGA. the in only found forms

application package must also be constructed in accordance with the guidance, instructions, and instructions, guidance, the with accordance in constructed be also must package application

with the program framework articulated in Section 2: Project Guidelines of this NGO. Your NGO. this of Guidelines Project 2: Section in articulated framework program the with

Project Information of this NGO. It will be planned, designed and developed in accordance in developed and designed planned, be will It NGO. this of Information Project

Your application will be a response to the state’s vision as articulated in Section 1: Grant 1: Section in articulated as vision state’s the to response a be will application Your

To apply for a grant under this NGO, you must prepare and submit a complete application. complete a submit and prepare must you NGO, this under grant a for apply To



(Appendix F) (Appendix

 NGO Documentation of Partnership Eligibility Form Form Eligibility Partnership of Documentation

(Appendix D) (Appendix

 Documentation of Nonpublic School Participation Form Form Participation School Nonpublic of Documentation NGO

Form (Appendix E) (Appendix Form

 Nonpublic Equitable Participation Summary and Affirmation Affirmation and Summary Participation Equitable Nonpublic NGO

 Statement of Assurances of Statement DGA

 Board Resolution to Apply to Resolution Board DGA

 Application Title Page Title Application NGO

) ( ) (  

Required Included Form Location


Applicants must submit forms and documentation in the order listed in the following following the in listed order the in documentation and forms submit must Applicants


Application and can be downloaded from the Internet at Internet the from downloaded be can and Application Grant

pca om r tahd t h G. Al ohr frs ae pr f te Discretionary the of part are forms other All NGO. the to attached are forms special

eurdfrsaeicue nyu plcto. application. your in included are forms required The Application Title Page and all and Page Title Application The Note: (

from consideration for funding. Use the checklist (see (see checklist the Use funding. for consideration from ) to ensure that all that ensure to ) Column Included 

application. Failure to include a required form may result in your application being removed being application your in result may form required a include to Failure application.

h olwn om r eurd(e (see required are forms following The ) to be included as part of your of part as included be to ) Column Required 




This section is limited to 20 pages) 20 to limited is section This (


This section is limited to 5 pages) 5 to limited is section This (


This section is limited to 10 pages) 10 to limited is section This (


This section is limited to 5 pages) 5 to limited is section This (


Point Value Point Component Application


The following point values apply to the evaluation of applications received in response to this to response in received applications of evaluation the to apply values point following The

five points will be added if more than one LEA is on the list in Appendix G. Appendix in list the on is LEA one than more if added be will points five nly o that

dditional points are awarded if any LEA in the partnership is on the list in Appendix G. Note G. Appendix in list the on is partnership the in LEA any if awarded are points dditional A


* Budget forms are required when applicable costs are requested. are costs applicable when required are forms Budget *

 Professional Development Budgeted Items Form (Appendix N) (Appendix Form Items Budgeted Development Professional NGO

 Application for Funds – Budget Summary Budget – Funds for Application DGA*

 Subgrant Budget Summary Budget Subgrant DGA*

 Budget Form F: Other Costs Other F: Form Budget DGA*

exceeds $2,000) exceeds

 Budget Form E: Equipment (an item with a unit cost that that cost unit a with item (an Equipment E: Form Budget DGA*

 Budget Form D: Supplies and Materials and Supplies D: Form Budget DGA*

 Budget Form C: Purchased Professional and Technical Services Technical and Professional Purchased C: Form Budget DGA*

 Budget Form B: Personal Services – Employee Benefit Employee – Services Personal B: Form Budget DGA*

 Budget Form A: Full-Time and Part-Time Salaries Part-Time and Full-Time A: Form Budget DGA*

 Organizational Commitment and Capacity and Commitment Organizational DGA

 Project Activity Plan Plan Activity Project DGA

 Goals, Objectives and Indicators and Objectives Goals, DGA

 Project Description Project DGA

 Statement of Need of Statement DGA

 Project Abstract Project DGA

) applicant the by submitted

 no form provided – – provided form no ( Survey Site Infrastructure Wireless NGO

Form (Appendix M) (Appendix Form

 Verification of Participation on School-based Planning Team Team Planning School-based on Participation of Verification NGO

(Appendix L) (Appendix

 Children’s Internet Protection Act Certification Form (CIPA) Form Certification Act Protection Internet Children’s NGO

 Century Integration Checklist Form (Appendix J) (Appendix Form Checklist Integration Century 21 NGO


(Appendix H) (Appendix

 Documentation of Federal Compliance (DUNS/CCR) Form Form (DUNS/CCR) Compliance Federal of Documentation NGO


Professional Development Budgeted Items Form Items Budgeted Development Professional N.

Verification of Participation on School-based Planning Team Form Team Planning School-based on Participation of Verification M.

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Certification Form Certification (CIPA) Act Protection Internet Children’s L.

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (CIPA) Act Protection Internet Children’s K.

Century Integration Checklist Form Checklist Integration Century 21 J.


Suggested Professional Development Topics and Resources and Topics Development Professional Suggested I.

Documentation of Federal Compliance (DUNS/CCR) Form (DUNS/CCR) Compliance Federal of Documentation H.

List of Districts Eligible for Five (5) Bonus Points Bonus (5) Five for Eligible Districts of List G.

Documentation of Partnership Eligibility Form Eligibility Partnership of Documentation F.

Form Form

Nonpublic Equitable Participation Summary and Affirmation of Consultation Consultation of Affirmation and Summary Participation Equitable Nonpublic E.

Documentation of Nonpublic School Participation Form Participation School Nonpublic of Documentation D.

Participation of Students Enrolled in Nonpublic Schools Nonpublic in Enrolled Students of Participation C.

Nonpublic School Eligibility School Nonpublic B.

Eligible High-Need School Districts and Schools List Schools and Districts School High-Need Eligible A. APPENDICES


Camden City Camden Riletta T. Cream E.S. Cream T. Riletta Miller Street E.S. Street Miller Newark

South Camden Alt Camden South City Camden Mckinley E.S. Mckinley Newark

Haviland Avenue E.S. Avenue Haviland Audubon Madison E.S. Madison Newark

Leap Academy University Charter School Charter University Academy Leap Louise A. Spencer E.S. Spencer A. Louise Newark

Due Season Charter School Charter Season Due First Avenue E.S. Avenue First Newark

CAMDEN COUNTY CAMDEN Fifteenth Avenue E.S Avenue Fifteenth Newark

Camden M.S. Camden Newark

Willingboro Township Willingboro Bragaw Avenue E.S Avenue Bragaw Newark School Middle Levitt

Riverside Township Riverside Abington Ave. E.S. Ave. Abington Newark M.S. Riverside

Luis Munoz Marin M.S. Marin Munoz Luis Newark E.S. Haines Isaiah Township Pemberton

N.J. Regional Day School Day Regional N.J. Newark MS Newcomb W. Marcus Township Pemberton

Cicely Tyson School Tyson Cicely Orange East School Riverfront Township Florence

Washington Academy Washington Orange East Watts Wilbur City Burlington

Number 4 Elementary 4 Number Belleville H.S. City Burlington City Burlington

BURLINGTON COUNTY BURLINGTON Number 10 E.S. 10 Number Belleville

Number 8 E.S. 8 Number Belleville

Number 5 E.S. 5 Number Belleville Union E.S. Union Rutherford

ESSEX COUNTY ESSEX Slocum/Skewes Slocum/Skewes Ridgefield

Memorial E.S. Memorial Ferry Little

5-6 School 5-6 Hackensack Lakeside M.S. Lakeside Millville

(Thomas Jefferson MS) Jefferson (Thomas Fairfield Township School Township Fairfield Township Fairfield

Garfield Middle School School Middle Garfield Garfield Port Norris E.S. Norris Port Township Commercial

Middle School Middle Park Elmwood Quarter Mile Lane E.S. Lane Mile Quarter Bridgeton

BERGEN COUNTY BERGEN Indian Avenue E.S. Avenue Indian Bridgeton

Cherry Street E.S. Street Cherry Bridgeton

CUMBERLAND COUNTY CUMBERLAND Jordan Road E.S. Road Jordan Point Somers

William Davies MS. Davies William Township Hamilton

Cleary Middle Cleary Regional Buena Woodbine E.S. Woodbine Woodbine

Dr M L King Jr Sch Comp Sch Jr King L M Dr City Atlantic Cape May County Special Services - Ocean Academy Ocean - Services Special County May Cape

CAPE MAY COUNTY MAY CAPE New Jersey Avenue E.S. Avenue Jersey New City Atlantic

New York Avenue School Avenue York New City Atlantic

Texas Avenue E.S. Avenue Texas City Atlantic Winslow Twp. M.S. Twp. Winslow Township Winslow

Pleasantech Academy Charter School School Charter Academy Pleasantech Lindenwold M.S. Lindenwold Borough Lindenwold

Oceanside Charter School Charter Oceanside U.S. Wiggins E.S. Wiggins U.S. City Camden

ATLANTIC COUNTY ATLANTIC Lanning Square E.S. Square Lanning City Camden

indicator to have a score of three or less. or three of score a have to indicator

Assessment and Planning for Achievement (CAPA) review process in the Technology the in process review (CAPA) Achievement for Planning and Assessment

esy Sho ehooy Sre 08 o dniid truh te Collaborative the through identified or 2008 Survey Technology School Jersey

Has a substantial need for assistance in using technology as determined by the New the by determined as technology using in assistance for need substantial a Has b.

OR two or above above or two

Includes one or more schools identified as in need of improvement with a status level status a with improvement of need in as identified schools more or one Includes a.


that are above the state average percentage of children living in poverty in living children of percentage average state the above are that

A “high-need local educational agency” is an LEA that is among those LEAs in New Jersey New in LEAs those among is that LEA an is agency” educational local “high-need A



Samuel E. Shull M.S. Shull E. Samuel Brunswick New

Lincoln E.S. Lincoln Brunswick New

New Brunswick MS Brunswick New Brunswick New Kawameeh M.S. Kawameeh Township Union

Bright Beginnings Learning Center Learning Beginnings Bright - Crossroads School Crossroads

Academy Learning Center Annex Center Learning Academy - Union County Educational Services Commission – Commission Services Educational County Union

- N.J. Regional Day Sch at Piscataway at Sch Day Regional N.J. - Commission- Wilday M.S. Wilday Borough Roselle

Middlesex Regional Educational Services Services Educational Regional Middlesex - Developmental Learning Ctr. - Union - Ctr. Learning Developmental -

Carteret M.S. Carteret Borough Carteret Developmental Learning Ctr-Warren Learning Developmental -

COUNTY MIDDLESEX - Developmental Learning Ctr.- New Providence New Ctr.- Learning Developmental -

Morris-Union Jointure Commission - - Commission Jointure Morris-Union

Number 23, N.M. Butler E.S. Butler N.M. 23, Number Elizabeth Robbins E.S. Robbins Trenton

Number 6, Marquis Delafayette E.S Delafayette Marquis 6, Number Elizabeth Mott E.S. Mott Trenton

Number 1, George Washington E.S. Washington George 1, Number Elizabeth Monument E.S. Monument Trenton

Classical Academy Charter School of Clifton of School Charter Academy Classical Trenton Luis Munoz Rivera E.S. Rivera Munoz Luis

Central Jersey Arts Carter School Carter Arts Jersey Central Trenton Gregory E.S. Gregory

UNION COUNTY UNION Grant E.S. Grant Trenton

Columbus E.S. Columbus Trenton

Special Children's School Children's Special Lawrence Intermediate Lawrence Township Lawrence

Sussex County Educational Services Commission - - Commission Services Educational County Sussex Trenton Community Charter School Charter Community Trenton

SUSSEX COUNTY SUSSEX Foundation Academy Charter School Charter Academy Foundation


Smalley Middle School Middle Smalley Boro Brook Bound

SOMERSET COUNTY SOMERSET West New York MS York New West York New West

Jose Marti Middle School Middle Marti Jose City Union

Martin Luther King E.S King Luther Martin Paterson Thomas A. Edison E.S. Edison A. Thomas City Union

Number 27 E.S. 27 Number Paterson Washington E.S. Washington Kearny

Number 25 E.S 25 Number Paterson Joseph H. Brensinger No. 17 No. Brensinger H. Joseph City Jersey

Number 21 E.S. 21 Number Paterson Ezra L. Nolan No. 40 No. Nolan L. Ezra City Jersey

Number 18 E.S. 18 Number Paterson Dr. Charles P. Defuccio No. 39 No. Defuccio P. Charles Dr. City Jersey

Number 3 E.S 3 Number Paterson Rafael De J. Cordero No. 37 No. Cordero J. De Rafael City Jersey

Number 2 E.S 2 Number Paterson Alfred E. Zampella No. 27 No. Zampella E. Alfred City Jersey

Etta Gero No 9 E.S 9 No Gero Etta City Passaic Heights Middle School Middle Heights City Jersey

Jr. Julia A. Barnes No. 12. No. Barnes A. Julia City Jersey

Number 6, Martin Luther King, King, Luther Martin 6, Number City Passaic Number 4 Middle School Middle 4 Number City Jersey

Number 5 M.S. 5 Number City Passaic Thomas G. Connors G. Thomas Hoboken

Number 3, Mario J Drago J Mario 3, Number City Passaic Salvatore R. Calabro, No.4. Calabro, R. Salvatore Hoboken

Paterson Charter School for Science & Technology Technology & Science for School Charter Paterson Anna L. Klein E.S. Klein L. Anna Guttenberg

PASSAIC COUNTY PASSAIC School Charter Academy Liberty

School Charter Door Golden City Jersey

Lakewood M.S. Lakewood Lakewood HUDSON COUNTY HUDSON

Ella G. Clarke E.S. Clarke G. Ella Lakewood

Clifton Avenue Avenue Clifton Lakewood Woodbury Junior-Senior Woodbury Woodbury

Russell O. Brackman Brackman O. Russell Barnegat Parkview E.S. Parkview Westville

OCEAN COUNTY OCEAN Loudenslager E.S. Loudenslager Paulsboro

New Sharon H. Sharon New Township Deptford


Red Bank M.S. Bank Red Bank Red

- Ocean Township Intermediate M.S. Intermediate Township Ocean - Lincoln Avenue E.S. Avenue Lincoln Twp Orange Of City

- Enhancement Tech Prog at Lakehurst at Prog Tech Enhancement - Thirteenth Avenue E.S Avenue Thirteenth Newark

- Meridian Academy-Lakewood Meridian - Sussex Avenue E.S. Avenue Sussex Newark

- South Seventeenth Street Seventeenth South Newark

Monmouth-Ocean Educational Services Commission Services Educational Monmouth-Ocean Quitman Community Quitman Newark

Joseph R. Bolger MS Bolger R. Joseph Keansburg Peshine Avenue E.S Avenue Peshine Newark

MONMOUTH COUNTY MONMOUTH Oliver Street E.S. Street Oliver Newark

Newton Street E.S. Street Newton Newark 62


to improve those services; services; those improve to

 How the services will be assessed and how the results of the assessment will be used be will assessment the of results the how and assessed be will services the How

 How, when, where, and by whom the services will be provided; be will services the whom by and where, when, How,

 What services will be provided; provided; be will services What

be/have been identified; identified; been be/have

 Which children will receive benefits under the project and how their needs will needs their how and project the under benefits receive will children Which

discussion on such issues as: as: issues such on discussion include must generally Consultation

oslain with consultation h opbi cols hte hs ed i h rn’ rjc design. project grant’s the fit needs those whether school(s) nonpublic the

in determining when and teachers and students school nonpublic the of needs the assessing

itd blw ae te cnieain ht ms e tkn it con y l plcns when applicants all by account into taken be must that considerations the are below Listed


must continue must Consultation benefits. receive throughout the implementation and assessment of assessment and implementation the throughout

could affect the ability of nonpublic school students, teachers and other education personnel to personnel education other and teachers students, school nonpublic of ability the affect could

n eiin decision any to prior and application being made regarding the design of the local project that project local the of design the regarding made being

prpit opbi col ofcas officials school nonpublic appropriate h eeomn f te lcl poets grant project’s local the of development the to prior

eilto eurs al apiat o cnut conduct to applicants all requires legislation oslain wt the with consultation meaningful and timely

given a genuine opportunity to participate participate to opportunity genuine a given be must school(s) in the grant project. The NCLB The project. grant the in

h prpit opbi col ofcas t ei h oslain poes h nonpublic The process. consultation the begin to officials school nonpublic appropriate the

The applicant agency is responsible to to responsible is agency applicant The and to contact to and schools nonpublic appropriate all identify

suggestions on how to contact the schools and how to document those contacts. contacts. those document to how and schools the contact to how on suggestions

includes a list of nonpublic schools by locality as well as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with (FAQ) Questions Asked Frequently as well as locality by schools nonpublic of list a includes

h plcn hudvstteDprmn’ est t at website Department’s the visit should applicant the which

For assistance in identifying all of the nonpublic schools located within its geographic boundaries, geographic its within located schools nonpublic the of all identifying in assistance For

Timely and Meaningful Consultation Meaningful and Timely

Consultation below.) Consultation

rasre ypriiaigpbi col. schools. public participating by served area See section on Timely and Meaningful and Timely on section See NOTE: (

grade students who are in need of supplemental math instruction and must be in the geographic the in be must and instruction math supplemental of need in are who students grade

seventh and eighth grade students, then the nonpublic school(s) must serve seventh and eighth and seventh serve must school(s) nonpublic the then students, grade eighth and seventh

If the design of the grant project is to provide supplemental math instruction for instruction math supplemental provide to is project grant the of design the If **Example:

applicant agency determines the area to be served. served. be to area the determines agency applicant

applicant agency. According to the parameters of the grant project and available funding, the funding, available and project grant the of parameters the to According agency. applicant

opbi col ms e lctd wti h omnte r gorpi onais o the of boundaries geographic or communities the within located be must school nonpublic

be able to be met via the discretionary grant project’s specific program design. ** Generally, the Generally, ** design. program specific project’s grant discretionary the via met be to able be

specific grant project and the needs of the nonpublic school students and teachers. The needs must needs The teachers. and students school nonpublic the of needs the and project grant specific

Nonpublic school eligibility is based on the location of the nonpublic school(s), the design of the of design the school(s), nonpublic the of location the on based is eligibility school Nonpublic


Appendix B – TALENT21 – B Appendix


the Project Requirements and Budget Requirements sections of this NGO this of sections Requirements Budget and Requirements Project the . .

For project and budget requirements affecting the use of funds for nonpublic schools see schools nonpublic for funds of use the affecting requirements budget and project For

Project and Budget Requirements Budget and Project B.

include these forms in its grant application. grant its in forms these include

An applicant agency may be disqualified if it fails to fails it if disqualified be may agency applicant An appropriate. where official

n h opbi school nonpublic the and (CSA) Administrator School Chief applicant the both by

accompany the application and be signed and dated and signed be and application the accompany must forms two These application.

bt on n te Apni eto f ti G) wt h grant the with NGO) this of Section Appendix the in found (both Consultation

Nonpublic Equitable Participation Summary and Affirmation of Affirmation and Summary Participation Equitable Nonpublic signed the and form

Documentation of Nonpublic School Participation School Nonpublic of Documentation signed the submit must applicant The

Forms Forms A.

Grant Application Nonpublic School Requirements Requirements School Nonpublic Application Grant

 Be appropriate for the specific grant project. project. grant specific the for appropriate Be

nonpublic school students and/or teachers; and and teachers; and/or students school nonpublic

 eut i eeis wih hv iia fet o oh te apiat ad the and applicant the both for effects similar have which benefits in Result

school students/teachers into the operation of the local project; local the of operation the into students/teachers school

 Allow for the orderly and efficient integration of the services for the nonpublic the for services the of integration efficient and orderly the for Allow

following this course of action, a successful consultation should produce programs that will: that programs produce should consultation successful a action, of course this following

each matter each regarding views their subject to the consultation requirements outlined above. By above. outlined requirements consultation the to subject

the applicant agency shall give appropriate representatives a a representatives appropriate give shall agency applicant the to express to opportunity genuine

The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) §76.652 states that states §76.652 (EDGAR) Regulations Administrative General Department Education The

non-ideological. non-ideological.

manner. All services to nonpublic school students and teachers must be secular, neutral, and neutral, secular, be must teachers and students school nonpublic to services All manner.

children and teachers participating in the project, and they must be provided in a timely a in provided be must they and project, the in participating teachers and children

and benefits must be comparable (having a similar effect) to those provided to public school public to provided those to effect) similar a (having comparable be must benefits and

boundaries of the applicant agency or partner agency if applicable. The grant-related services grant-related The applicable. if agency partner or agency applicant the of boundaries

hlrn erle n nnulc eeetr n eodr col ihn te geographic the within schools secondary and elementary nonpublic in enrolled children

partners and participants be consistent (closely parallel, be similar) with the number of eligible of number the with similar) be parallel, (closely consistent be participants and partners

The NCLB legislation requires that the participation and involvement of the nonpublic school nonpublic the of involvement and participation the that requires legislation NCLB The

Consistent and Comparable Services and Benefits and Services Comparable and Consistent

is not adequate consultation. consultation. adequate not is representative school nonpublic the of part the on

: A unilateral offer of services by an applicant agency with no opportunity for discussion for opportunity no with agency applicant an by services of offer unilateral A : NOTE

 How and when decisions about the delivery of services will be made. made. be will services of delivery the about decisions when and How

 The amount of funds available for services; and services; for available funds of amount The


the participating students. participating the

that, in the absence of the ED Tech program, would have been made available for available made been have would program, Tech ED the of absence the in that,

personnel will supplement, and in no case supplant, the equipment and materials and equipment the supplant, case no in and supplement, will personnel

ny fr sclr eta, ad nnielgcl proe; ta rvt school private that purposes; non-ideological and neutral, secular, for only

assurance that equipment and materials placed in the private school will be used be will school private the in placed materials and equipment that assurance

Es sol ban fo h prpit rvt col ofca written a official school private appropriate the from obtain should LEAs

use. their monitor and inventories their on equipment and materials the keep must

materials and equipment (despite the absence of ED Tech funds); therefore, LEAs therefore, funds); Tech ED of absence the (despite equipment and materials

epniiiy t ep tte t, ad miti diitaie cnrl oe, the over, control administrative maintain and to, title keep to responsibility

opbi col udr ete f te aoe isacs h Es rti the retain LEAs the instances, above the of either under school nonpublic

LEAs must understand that if materials and equipment remain in a in remain equipment and materials if that understand must LEAs 80.32(c)).

ht D rgas hud e gvn roiy n te atr isac 3 CR § CFR (34 instance latter the in priority given be should programs ED that

LEA is implementing for the benefit of the nonpublic school students. school nonpublic the of benefit the for implementing is LEA Please note Please

activities currently or previously supported by the Federal Government that the that Government Federal the by supported previously or currently activities

there is no continuing ED Tech activity, then the equipment may be used for other for used be may equipment the then activity, Tech ED continuing no is there

the materials and equipment must be used for the current Title II, D purposes. D II, Title current the for used be must equipment and materials the If

Title II, D grant activity will no longer be funded). be longer no will activity grant D II, Title Under those circumstances, those Under

activity authorized by the TALENT 21 Program Officer (even though the ARRA the though (even Officer Program 21 TALENT the by authorized activity

opbi col fr te bnft o h cols suet ne continuing a under students school’s the of benefit the for school nonpublic

Under the first option, the LEA may allow materials and equipment to remain in a in remain to equipment and materials allow may LEA the option, first the Under 1.

options available to LEAs: to available options

TALENT21 program, the LEA must consult with private school officials. school private with consult must LEA the program, TALENT21 There are two are There

with ARRA Tile II, D program funds that has been placed in private schools under the under schools private in placed been has that funds program D II, Tile ARRA with

Before making any final decisions regarding the use or disposal of equipment purchased equipment of disposal or use the regarding decisions final any making Before

by Nonpublic School Students. School Nonpublic by

D. Regarding the Disposal of Equipment Purchased with ARRA II-D Funds for use for Funds II-D ARRA with Purchased Equipment of Disposal the Regarding D.

the elimination of the application from award consideration. consideration. award from application the of elimination the

requirements of this NGO. Failure to submit any required documentation may result in result may documentation required any submit to Failure NGO. this of requirements

JO eevs te rgt t eet ay apiain nt i ofrac ih the with conformance in not application any reject to right the reserves NJDOE : NOTE

. . website: department’s the

Links to frequently asked questions and a search of nonpublic schools may be found on found be may schools nonpublic of search a and questions asked frequently to Links


participation may be rescinded and any supplies and equipment to return to the public the to return to equipment and supplies any and rescinded be may participation

as agreed upon through the collaborative activities of both parties, the nonpublic school’s nonpublic the parties, both of activities collaborative the through upon agreed as

school’s implementation. If the nonpublic school does not implement the grant activities grant the implement not does school nonpublic the If implementation. school’s

The nonpublic school is required to implement the grant activities parallel to the public the to parallel activities grant the implement to required is school nonpublic The

assessment of the grant activities. activities. grant the of assessment

Comprehensive project planning must continue throughout the implementation and the and implementation the throughout continue must planning project Comprehensive C. After Receiving the Grant Award and Throughout the Grant Project Project Grant the Throughout and Award Grant the Receiving After C.


determining fair market value. market fair determining

private school officials, the LEA chooses this option, it must develop a method for method a develop must it option, this chooses LEA the officials, school private

f n cnutto ih the with consultation in If, equipment. and materials the over requirements

would no longer have the responsibility for administrative control and proper use proper and control administrative for responsibility the have longer no would

As a result, the LEA the result, a As value. market fair its for school non-public a to equipment

note that under this option, an LEA could sell some or all of the materials or materials the of all or some sell could LEA an option, this under that note

instructions on what to do if the fair market value is more than $5,000.00. than more is value market fair the if do to what on instructions Please

DA t 3 F 03() as provides also 80.32(e) § CFR 34 at EDGAR equipment. the of dispose

market value is less than $5,000.00, the LEAs may retain, sell, or otherwise or sell, retain, may LEAs the $5,000.00, than less is value market

needed for the current project or another Federal program and its per-unit fair per-unit its and program Federal another or project current the for needed

Under EDGAR (34 CFR § 80.32(e)), if the equipment is no longer no is equipment the if 80.32(e)), § CFR (34 EDGAR Under schools. public

Under the second option, LEAs may dispose of the equipment placed in non- in placed equipment the of dispose may LEAs option, second the Under 2.


calling your County Office of Education. of Office County your calling

schools by LEA district can be found in the New Jersey Department of Education School Directory or by or Directory School Education of Department Jersey New the in found be can district LEA by schools

complies with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352). A list of nonpublic of list A 88-352). (P.L. 1964 of Act Rights Civil the of VI Title of requirements the with complies

f te, ween ay hl a eal flil cmusr col atnac eurmns ad which and requirements attendance school compulsory fulfill legally may child any wherein them, of

State, other than a public school, offering education for grades kindergarten through 12, or any combination any or 12, through kindergarten grades for education offering school, public a than other State,

*A nonpublic school is defined in N.J.A.C. 18A:46A-1 as an elementary or secondary school within the within school secondary or elementary an as 18A:46A-1 N.J.A.C. in defined is school nonpublic *A

nonideological IASA, Sec 14503)\ Sec IASA, ( .

 and neutral secular, be must materials, and equipment including provided, benefits All

under the supervision of the contractor. the of supervision the under

performs the services outside of his or her regular hours and the employees performs the services the performs employees the and hours regular her or his of outside services the performs

 Funds may be used to pay for services of an employee of the nonpublic school if the employee the if school nonpublic the of employee an of services for pay to used be may Funds

benefits normally provided by the nonpublic school). nonpublic the by provided normally benefits

 (Funds cannot supplant cannot (Funds staff. and students of needs specific meet to used be must Funds

 Funds cannot be used for construction of nonpublic school facilities. school nonpublic of construction for used be cannot Funds

nonpublic school facility. school nonpublic

upss o h rn n a e rmvd fo h opbi ihu eoeig the remodeling without nonpublic the from removed be can and grant the of purposes

The contractor must ensure that the materials are used only for the for only used are materials the that ensure must contractor The grant. the for needed

 The contractor may place equipment and supplies in the nonpublic school for the period of time of period the for school nonpublic the in supplies and equipment place may contractor The

flow directly to the nonpublic via a subgrant). a via nonpublic the to directly flow

 The contractor must maintain administrative control over all funds and property. property. and funds all over control administrative maintain must contractor The (No funds can funds (No


When providing benefits to nonpublic school students with federal funds, the following must be must following the funds, federal with students school nonpublic to benefits providing When

EDGAR 76.650 - 76.662 - 76.650 EDGAR ( Requirements Funds of Use )

of those students to participate in the project. the in participate to students those of

their views regarding the above before an applicant makes any decision that affects the opportunities the affects that decision any makes applicant an before above the regarding views their

The applicant agency must give the appropriate representatives a genuine opportunity to express to opportunity genuine a representatives appropriate the give must agency applicant The

 how the project will be evaluated. be will project the how

 how the benefits will be provided; and provided; be will benefits the how

 what benefits will be provided; be will benefits what

 how the children’s needs will be identified; be will needs children’s the how

 which children will receive benefits under the project; the under benefits receive will children which

design of the project covered by this application, including consideration of: consideration including application, this by covered project the of design

Administrator) of students enrolled in nonpublic schools* during all phases of the development and development the of phases all during schools* nonpublic in enrolled students of Administrator)

this appropriation must consult with the appropriate representatives (nonpublic school Chief School Chief school (nonpublic representatives appropriate the with consult must appropriation this

In accordance with federal requirements (34 CFR, Part 76.650), an applicant for a subgrant under subgrant a for applicant an 76.650), Part CFR, (34 requirements federal with accordance In



Date Administrator School Chief Agency’s Lead of Signature


(Use additional sheets as necessary and please sign each sheet) each sign please and necessary as sheets additional (Use






federal agency) federal

documentation of nonpublic school contact and consultation, which is subject to review by the SEA and the awarding the and SEA the by review to subject is which consultation, and contact school nonpublic of documentation

eligibility to participate in the TALENT21 grant program. The lead agency grant applicant is responsible to maintain to responsible is applicant grant agency lead The program. grant TALENT21 the in participate to eligibility

: Signature below of the lead agency’s CSA certifies that the NGO was read and certifies the lead agency’s lead the certifies and read was NGO the that certifies CSA agency’s lead the of below Signature : Note (

other educational personnel in a nonpublic school became final as part of this application.” this of part as final became school nonpublic a in personnel educational other

participating in the above program before any decision that affects the opportunities of those students, teachers, and teachers, students, those of opportunities the affects that decision any before program above the in participating

nonpublic school representatives were contacted. They were offered a genuine opportunity to express their interest in interest their express to opportunity genuine a offered were They contacted. were representatives school nonpublic

In accordance with federal requirements contained within the No Child Left Behind federal legislation, the following the legislation, federal Behind Left Child No the within contained requirements federal with accordance In “

NGO #______NGO

NGO Title:______NGO

Application Amount: Application ______Name: Agency Lead ______


Appendix D – TALENT21 – D Appendix


Nonpublic School Telephone Number Telephone School Nonpublic

Nonpublic School Address, City & Zip & City Address, School Nonpublic


Nonpublic School Representative Date Representative School Nonpublic Date Agency LEA/Applicant – Official


Name of Nonpublic School Nonpublic of Name Agency LEA/Applicant of Name


No, we do not wish to participate in this grant opportunity grant this in participate to wish not do we No, □

Yes, we wish to participate in this grant opportunity grant this in participate to wish we Yes, □

Learning with Essential New Technologies in the 21 Century (TALENT21) Grant Program. Grant (TALENT21) Century 21 the in Technologies New Essential with Learning

teachers or other educational personnel in the Teaching And Teaching the in personnel educational other or teachers , children school nonpublic

h E/plcn gny md n eiin ta fetd te priiain o eligible of participation the affected that decision any made agency LEA/applicant the

By our signatures below we agree that timely and meaningful consultation occurred before occurred consultation meaningful and timely that agree we below signatures our By


What is the amount of estimated grant funding available for the agreed upon services? upon agreed the for available funding grant estimated of amount the is What 5.

to improve the services? the improve to

How and when will the services be assessed and how will the results of the assessment be used be assessment the of results the will how and assessed be services the will when and How 4.

services will be provided. be will services

What identified services will be provided? Explain how, when, where, and by whom the whom by and where, when, how, Explain provided? be will services identified What 3.

been/and will continue to be identified? be to continue will been/and

Describe the needs of the eligible nonpublic school students/teachers and how these needs have needs these how and students/teachers school nonpublic eligible the of needs the Describe 2.

and agenda. and

Describe the consultation process that took place including meeting date, those in attendance in those date, meeting including place took that process consultation the Describe 1.

nonpublic school. nonpublic

E/plcn gny ms umt wt h rn plcto oy o hs fr o each for form this of copy a application grant the with submit must agency LEA/applicant

the nonpublic school official. The official. school nonpublic the and CSA/CEO applicant the by dated and signed be must Form

this grant project, as required (EDGAR 76.650-76.662). For each nonpublic school, this Summary this school, nonpublic each For 76.650-76.662). (EDGAR required as project, grant this

meaningful consultation and the equitable participation of nonpublic school students/teacher(s) in students/teacher(s) school nonpublic of participation equitable the and consultation meaningful

to the components of timely and timely of components the to related directly is form this on described is what that ensure Please

agency is to briefly respond to each of the five items listed. items five the of each to respond briefly to is agency applicant the below, space the In

Complete a form for each participating nonpublic school. Copy this form as necessary. necessary. as form this Copy school. nonpublic participating each for form a Complete




Chief Executive Officer or Lead Person Lead or Officer Executive Chief

Signature of Lead Agency’s Chief School Administrator, School Chief Agency’s Lead of Signature Date



service agencies, libraries, or other educational entities appropriate to provide local provide to appropriate entities educational other or libraries, agencies, service

h atesi a lo icue ohr lcl euainl aece, educational agencies, educational local other include also may partnership The 6.

application of educational technology in instruction. instruction. in technology educational of application

5. public or private nonprofit organization with demonstrated expertise in the the in expertise demonstrated with organization nonprofit private or public A

participating in this grant program cannot benefit monetarily). monetarily). benefit cannot program grant this in participating

application of technology in instruction (a for-profit business or organization organization or business for-profit (a instruction in technology of application

produces technology products or services, or has substantial expertise in the the in expertise substantial has or services, or products technology produces

A for-profit business or organization that develops, designs, manufactures, or or manufactures, designs, develops, that organization or business for-profit A 4.

An entity with expertise in educational technology. technology. educational in expertise with entity An 3.

been identified by its State as low-performing under section 208 of such Act. such of 208 section under low-performing as State its by identified been

requirements of section 207(f) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and that has not has that and 1965 of Act Education Higher the of 207(f) section of requirements

n isiuin o ihr euain ta s i ul cmlac ih te reporting the with compliance full in is that education higher of institution An 2.

challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. achievement academic student and content academic State challenging

ntuto ntecr cdmcsbet; subjects; academic core the in instruction the preparation of students to meet to students of preparation the and

eeat rsac, ad ta h nerto eut n ipoeet i classroom in improvement in results integration the that and research, relevant

technology and proven teaching practices into instruction, based on a review of review a on based instruction, into practices teaching proven and technology

n LA ta a eosrt eces i t col r fetvl integrating effectively are schools its in teachers demonstrate can that LEA An 1.

agency and the following (check all that apply): that all (check following the and agency

An eligible partnership has been formed that includes at least one high-need local educational local high-need one least at includes that formed been has partnership eligible An

I certify the following: the certify I

project. grant (TALENT21) Century 21 the in Technologies New Essential

lead LEA is required to certify eligibility to participate in the Teaching And Learning with with Learning And Teaching the in participate to eligibility certify to required is LEA lead

The signature of the chief school administrator, chief executive officer or lead person of the the of person lead or officer executive chief administrator, school chief the of signature The

______Amount: Application

______Name: LEA Lead

Form found in Appendix M.) Appendix in found Form

Verification Of Participation On School-Based Planning Team Planning School-Based On Participation Of Verification a submit partner, every (For



Kearny Town Kearny Hudson

Hoboken City Hoboken Hudson

Guttenberg Town Guttenberg Hudson

Woodbury City Woodbury Gloucester

Westville Boro Westville Gloucester

Paulsboro Boro Paulsboro Gloucester

Deptford Twp Deptford Gloucester

City Of Orange Twp Orange Of City Essex

East Orange East Essex

Belleville Town Belleville Essex

Millville City Millville Cumberland

Fairfield Twp Fairfield Cumberland

Commercial Twp Commercial Cumberland

Bridgeton City Bridgeton Cumberland

Woodbine Boro Woodbine May Cape

Leap Academy University CS University Academy Leap Camden Central Jersey Arts CS Arts Jersey Central Union

D.U.E. Season CS Season D.U.E. Camden Union Twp Union Union

Winslow Twp Winslow Camden Roselle Boro Roselle Union

Lindenwold Boro Lindenwold Camden Bound Brook Boro Brook Bound Somerset

Audubon Boro Audubon Camden Paterson CS For Sci/Tech For CS Paterson Passaic

Willingboro Twp Willingboro Burlington Barnegat Twp Barnegat Ocean

Riverside Twp Riverside Burlington Red Bank Boro Bank Red Monmouth

Pemberton Twp Pemberton Burlington Ocean Twp Ocean Monmouth

Florence Twp Florence Burlington Monmouth-Ocean Ed Ser Com Ser Ed Monmouth-Ocean Monmouth

Burlington City Burlington Burlington Keansburg Boro Keansburg Monmouth

Rutherford Boro Rutherford Bergen Perth Amboy City Amboy Perth Middlesex

Ridgefield Boro Ridgefield Bergen New Brunswick City Brunswick New Middlesex

Little Ferry Boro Ferry Little Bergen Monroe Twp Monroe Middlesex

Hackensack City Hackensack Bergen Milltown Boro Milltown Middlesex

Garfield City Garfield Bergen Carteret Boro Carteret Middlesex

Trenton Community CS Community Trenton Mercer Park Elmwood Bergen

Foundation Academy CS Academy Foundation Mercer CS Academy PleasanTech Atlantic

Trenton City Trenton Mercer CS Oceanside Atlantic

Lawrence Twp Lawrence Mercer City Point Somers Atlantic

Jersey City Golden Door Golden City Jersey Hudson Twp Hamilton Atlantic

Liberty Academy CS Academy Liberty Hudson Regional Buena Atlantic

West New York Town York New West Hudson City Atlantic Atlantic




Name and Title and Name


Signature of Chief School Administrator or equivalent or Administrator School Chief of Signature


. and shall maintain a current registration throughout the grant period. grant the throughout registration current a maintain shall and .

completed its registration on the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) website, found at at found website, (CCR) Registration Contractor Central the on registration its completed

I certify that this information is complete and correct. Furthermore, the applicant certifies that it has has it that certifies applicant the Furthermore, correct. and complete is information this that certify I

Parent organization DUNS number DUNS organization Parent ______

______name organization Parent

If yes, please provide the following: the provide please yes, If

Is the applicant owned or controlled by another entity? ______Yes Yes ______entity? another by controlled or owned applicant the Is ______No. ______

Part III– Parent Organization Parent III– Part



Part II – Primary Place of Performance under this award this under Performance of Place Primary – II Part

Expiration Date of CCR registration CCR of Date Expiration ______

______number DUNS


______Applicant of Name Organizational

Part I – Applicant Organization Applicant – I Part

Note: this form must be completed and returned by the applicant prior to any award being made. made. being award any to prior applicant the by returned and completed be must form this Note:

Documentation of Federal Compliance (DUNS/CCR) form (DUNS/CCR) Compliance Federal of Documentation Appendix H – Talent21 – H Appendix


teacher education. Home of the National Educational Technology Technology Educational National the of Home education. teacher

leadership by advancing the effective use of technology in PK–12 and and PK–12 in technology of use effective the advancing by leadership

provides leadership and service to improve teaching, learning, and school school and learning, teaching, improve to service and leadership provides

leadership for innovation. A nonprofit membership organization, ISTE ISTE organization, membership nonprofit A innovation. for leadership

source for professional development, knowledge generation, advocacy, and advocacy, generation, knowledge development, professional for source

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the trusted trusted the is (ISTE) Education in Technology for Society International

o (International Society for Technology Education) - ISTE states: "The "The states: ISTE - Education) Technology for Society (International ISTE

o - - Chris Dede Chris

o Web Literacy for Educators (A. November, 2008) November, (A. Educators for Literacy Web


 Web Literacy(Web 1.0 and 2.0 tools) 2.0 and 1.0 Literacy(Web Web

o Wiggins and Mc Tighe (2007) (2007) Tighe Mc and Wiggins Design by Schooling

 Redesigning Schools Redesigning

o Teaching the Digital Generation (F.S. Kelly, I Jukes, T. McCain, 2008) McCain, T. Jukes, I Kelly, (F.S. Generation Digital the Teaching

 Engaging Students in Learning in Students Engaging

o Download PDF (94 kB) (94 PDF Download

o Summary... Summary... Ravitz Jason Findings,

Descriptive Descriptive

o National Survey of PBL and High School Reform: Instrument and and Instrument Reform: School High and PBL of Survey National

o Download PDF (61 kB) (61 PDF Download

Summary... Ravitz Jason

08 2008)

o Project Based Learning as a Catalyst in Reforming High Schools (AERA, Schools High Reforming in Catalyst a as Learning Based Project

strategies and assessment and strategies

o includes information on research-based instructional instructional research-based on information includes Http://



 Project-Based Learning Project-Based



including presenters who are experts in the field. the in experts are who presenters including

o rvds mn eore n ms f te tpc listed, topics the of most on resources many provides

 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Development Curriculum and Supervision for Association


 Universal Design for Learning Framework Learning for Design Universal


 Data-driven Decision Making Making Decision Data-driven

Douglas Reeves. Douglas

o Celebrating Our Strengths and Confronting Our Challenges Our Confronting and Strengths Our Celebrating presented by presented

by Stephen Barkley Stephen by

o Schools as Collaborative Learning Communities: Getting Results Getting Communities: Learning Collaborative as Schools presented

 Presentations for use in training and capacity building in school districts school in building capacity and training in use for Presentations

o and - McKenzie Jaimie


o Redefining Literacy 2.0 - - 2.0 Literacy Redefining Warlick David


) ) ( worldwide.”

), ISTE represents more than 85,000 professionals professionals 85,000 than more represents ISTE ), NECC ( Conference

), and the National Educational Computing Computing Educational National the and ), CARET ( Technology

), the Center for Applied Research in Educational Educational in Research Applied for Center the ), NETS ( Standards


eces ad suet olbrt ih seilss t copih cmlx tss ad easily and tasks complex accomplish to specialists with collaborate students and Teachers

Teaming and Collaboration and Teaming

society such as virtual realities.* virtual as such society

understand and appreciates those cultures including cultures formed as a result of our technological our of result a as formed cultures including cultures those appreciates and understand

tdns udrtn neatos atesi n optto rm aon h ol, and world, the around from competition and partnership interactions, understand Students

Cultural Literacy and Global Awareness Global and Literacy Cultural

responds to these changes.* these to responds

new skills that will be required to deal with these conditions, and independently chart a course that course a chart independently and conditions, these with deal to required be will that skills new

Students are self-directed learners who are able to analyze new conditions as they arise, identify the identify arise, they as conditions new analyze to able are who learners self-directed are Students

Adaptability/Managing Complexity and Self-Direction and Complexity Adaptability/Managing


Teachers regularly use technology tools such as web 2.0 tools and literacy applications in daily in applications literacy and tools 2.0 web as such tools technology use regularly Teachers

Teacher Readiness Teacher

effectively, evaluate information critically, and use information accurately and creatively.* and accurately information use and critically, information evaluate effectively,

complex problems, use visual imagery to communicate ideas, access information efficiently and efficiently information access ideas, communicate to imagery visual use problems, complex

Teachers require students to think and reason logically, read critically, write persuasively, solve persuasively, write critically, read logically, reason and think to students require Teachers

Digital, Visual and Information Literacy Information and Visual Digital,

works.* works.*

promotion of creativity, construction of models, preparation of publications, and other creative other and publications, of preparation models, of construction creativity, of promotion

o ra-ol iutos i as ta d infcn au eut n icesd collaboration, increased in results value significant add that ways in situations real-world to

Students choose appropriate tools for the task that is aligned to the core content area and apply them apply and area content core the to aligned is that task the for tools appropriate choose Students

Effective Use of Real-World Tools Real-World of Use Effective


n oes uh itrcin eur nweg f eiute otn uiu o ta particular that to unique often etiquette of knowledge require interactions Such models. and

interactions in virtual learning spaces, phone/audio interactions, and interactions through simulations through interactions and interactions, phone/audio spaces, learning virtual in interactions

eid o omnct ital sc a pro-opro emi neatos itevs group listserves, interactions, e-mail person-to-person as such virtually communicate to period

Students and teachers have used mobile computing devices for at least two years prior to the grant the to prior years two least at for devices computing mobile used have teachers and Students

Students and teachers are proficient is using a mobile computing device. computing mobile a using is proficient are teachers and Students

Century Instructional Environment Instructional Century 21 for Criteria Yes/No


the practice currently exists in the targeted school for the TALENT21 grant program. grant TALENT21 the for school targeted the in exists currently practice the

Based on the practices described in the first column, please indicate Yes or No in the second column if column second the in No or Yes indicate please column, first the in described practices the on Based




Appendix J – TALENT21 – J Appendix Page 1 of 2 of 1 Page



An individual is available to primarily assist teachers & students with technical end user support user end technical with students & teachers assist primarily to available is individual An

Support User End collaborate with individuals and groups.* and individuals with collaborate


Changing the Way You Teach. You Way the Changing entitled book the

Educational Laboratory and the Metiri Group by Giselle Martin-Kniep and Joanne Picone-Zocchia in Picone-Zocchia Joanne and Martin-Kniep Giselle by Group Metiri the and Laboratory Educational

Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age by north Central Regional Central north by Age Digital the in Literacy Skills: Century 21 enGauge from Adapted *




: ______: Signature

(Please Print) (Please

______by: Completed

coaching activities related to effective integration of technology. of integration effective to related activities coaching

esn i vial hs rmr epniiiy s t sit tahr ih tann & training with teachers assist to is responsibility primary whose available is person A

Professional Development Development Professional

devices as part of classroom instruction. classroom of part as devices

hr r oiis rcse n taeis i lc o sn oie computing mobile using for place in strategies and processes policies, are There

School policies School

Mbps per 100 students. 100 per Mbps

external Internet connection to the Internet Service Provider of at least 1 least at of Provider Service Internet the to connection Internet external There exists an an exists There


The average response time to network problems in the building is one day or less. or day one is building the in problems network to time response average The

Technical Response Time Response Technical

Century Instructional Environment Instructional Century 21 for Criteria Yes/No





Appendix J – TALENT21 – J Appendix Page 2 of 2 of 2 Page



Enter into a compliance agreement with a recipient to bring it into compliance with such with compliance into it bring to recipient a with agreement compliance a into Enter (C)

order; or order;

Issue a complaint to compel compliance of the recipient through a cease and desist and cease a through recipient the of compliance compel to complaint a Issue (B)

Withhold further payments to the recipient under this part; this under recipient the to payments further Withhold (A)

with the requirements of this section, the Secretary may — — may Secretary the section, this of requirements the with

has reason to believe that any recipient of funds under this part is failing to comply substantially comply to failing is part this under funds of recipient any that believe to reason has



Part D until the school comes into compliance with the requirements. the with compliance into comes school the until D Part

unable to certify compliance with the requirements will be be will requirements the with compliance certify to unable for all funding under Title II Title under funding all for ineligible

Any school covered by the requirements described above for which the local education agency is agency education local the which for above described requirements the by covered school Any



measures during any use of such computers by minors or adults. or minors by computers such of use any during measures

Certification that the school/district is enforcing the operation of such technology protection technology such of operation the enforcing is school/district the that Certification 2)

measure to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. lawful other or research fide bona for access enable to measure

However, an administrator, supervisor, or authorized person may disable the technology protection technology the disable may person authorized or supervisor, administrator, an However,

 Harmful to minors minors to Harmful

 Child pornographic; and/or and/or pornographic; Child

 Obscene; Obscene;

protects against access through such computers to visual depictions that are: are: that depictions visual to computers such through access against protects

The operation of a technology protection measure through computers with Internet access that access Internet with computers through measure protection technology a of operation The 1)

place that addresses the following components: following the addresses that place

Internet Safety Policy Policy Safety Internet an have to required are funding technology educational receiving Schools in

access the Internet, or to pay the direct costs associated with accessing the Internet. Internet. the accessing with associated costs direct the pay to or Internet, the access

discounts and for which educational technology funding is used to purchase computers used to used computers purchase to used is funding technology educational which for and discounts

(ESEA). These requirements apply to elementary and secondary schools that do do that schools secondary and elementary to apply requirements These (ESEA). receive e-rate receive not

” into the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Education Secondary and Elementary the into ” (CIPA) Act Protection Internet Children’s “

Title II Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology, incorporates the requirements of the of requirements the incorporates Technology, Through Education Enhancing D, Part II Title


Appendix K – TALENT21 – K Appendix


Chief School Administrator Signature Administrator School Chief Date


to the Federal Communications Commission. Communications Federal the to

apply because the district has already certified its compliance with CIPA requirements CIPA with compliance its certified already has district the because apply

services and/or internal connections. The CIPA requirements in Title II Part D do not do D Part II Title in requirements CIPA The connections. internal and/or services

Every school in this district receives discounted e-rate services for Internet for services e-rate discounted receives district this in school Every

Act of 1934, as amended. as 1934, of Act

and secondary schools that do not receive e-rate services under the Communications the under services e-rate receive not do that schools secondary and

Internet, or to pay for direct costs associated with accessing the Internet, for elementary for Internet, the accessing with associated costs direct for pay to or Internet,

vial ne h rga r en sd t ucae cmues t ces the access to computers purchase to used being are program the under available

The CIPA requirements in the ESEA do do ESEA the in requirements CIPA The apply because no funds made funds no because apply not

compliance. (For additional information, see section 2441(b)(2)(C) of the ESEA.) the of 2441(b)(2)(C) section see information, additional (For compliance.

waiver from the U.S. Secretary of Education for those applicable schools not yet in yet not schools applicable those for Education of Secretary U.S. the from waiver

subpart 4 of Part D of Title II of the ESEA. However, the LEA has received a one-year a received has LEA the However, ESEA. the of II Title of D Part of 4 subpart

Not all “applicable schools” have yet complied with the requirements in requirements the with complied yet have schools” “applicable all Not

Every “applicable school” has complied with the CIPA requirements as described. as requirements CIPA the with complied has school” “applicable Every

of the boxes below that applies to the district. the to applies that below boxes the of one of (√) Check

federal agency. federal

with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, which is subject to review by the SEA and awarding and SEA the by review to subject is which Act, Protection Internet Children’s the with

The applicant is responsible to maintain documentation of complying of documentation maintain to responsible is applicant The . Internet the accessing

purchase computers used to access the Internet, or to pay the direct costs associated with associated costs direct the pay to or Internet, the access to used computers purchase

o nt rcie ert icut n o hc dctoa ehooy fnig i sd to used is funding technology educational which for and discounts e-rate receive not do

(CIPA) that apply to elementary and secondary schools that schools secondary and elementary to apply that (CIPA) Act Protection Internet Children’s

In addition, this document of eligibility is in accordance with the federal requirements of the of requirements federal the with accordance in is eligibility of document this addition, In



Appendix L L Appendix TALENT21 –


Signature of Chief School Administrator (CSA) Administrator School Chief of Signature Date


Print Name of Chief School Administrator (CSA) Administrator School Chief of Name Print District


I will provide data to the NJDOE for the purposes of the local and state evaluations, upon request. upon evaluations, state and local the of purposes the for NJDOE the to data provide will I

technologies to support student learning. student support to technologies

ok wt ehooy seilss i y sho o fcltt h s f required of use the facilitate to school my in specialists technology with Work 5.

other educators. other

address the diverse needs of all learners. I will share information and new skills with skills new and information share will I learners. all of needs diverse the address

Implement lessons developed as part of a Project-Based Learning unit design that design unit Learning Project-Based a of part as developed lessons Implement 4.

collaborative relationship with my team members. members. team my with relationship collaborative

atcpt n al shdld poesoa eeomn ciiis ad dvlp a develop and activities development professional scheduled all in Participate 3.

Actively participate as a team member to work and achieve project goals. goals. project achieve and work to member team a as participate Actively 2.

replication of the project. the of replication

Meet with other team members to ensure successful planning, implementation and implementation planning, successful ensure to members team other with Meet 1.

ensure successful results from the grant project. I will: I project. grant the from results successful ensure

As a member of the TALENT 21 School-based Planning Team, I commit to doing the following to following the doing to commit I Team, Planning School-based 21 TALENT the of member a As


If a non-LEA partner, indicate place of business and expertise: expertise: and business of place indicate partner, non-LEA a If


Title of Team Member (if teacher, indicate grade level): level): grade indicate teacher, (if Member Team of Title


Member: Team of Signature

______E-mail address: ______address: ______E-mail

(printed): Member Team of Name


Name: Agency Applicant

Planning Team Team Planning

olbrto n omtet t h AET1 poet b h ebr f te School-based the of members the by project TALENT21 the to commitment and collaboration

This document is to be signed by each team member and included with the application as evidence of evidence as application the with included and member team each by signed be to is document This





(use additional sheets, as necessary) as sheets, additional (use












workshops or meetings during the regular school day). school regular the during meetings or workshops

o ta eces my atn rfsinl development professional attend may teachers that so

meetings outside regular work hours, and hiring substitutes hiring and hours, work regular outside meetings


teachers to attend professional development workshops or workshops development professional attend to teachers

Request Request

rfsinl dvlpet wrsos opnain to compensation workshops; development professional

Grant Grant

ofrne tae ot; cnutn es t present to fees consultant costs; travel conference

Form the the

development costs include conference registration fees and fees registration conference include costs development

Detail Detail (from (from yia professional Typical ( here. information column

Number Object Code Object Budget Amount Amount oy ad pse te Cs aclto, Ui, o Quantity or Unit, Calculation, Cost the paste and copy

Item Function & & Function the From Dollar Dollar Do not Do here. column Description the or Position/Name

ugt Ety – – Entry Budget oy ad pse te wrs fo the from words the paste and copy

Budget entries from the budget Detail Forms that satisfy the 25% professional development requirement. development professional 25% the satisfy that Forms Detail budget the from entries Budget






BLDG. 100, ROUTE 29 – PO Box 500 Box PO – 29 ROUTE 100, BLDG.







(See NGO Section 3.3 for itemized list). itemized for 3.3 Section NGO (See CONSIDERATION FROM ELIMINATED BEING APPLICATION


(Please print or type name) type or print (Please












comply with the attached assurances if funding is awarded. I further certify the following is is following the certify further I awarded. is funding if assurances attached the with comply

correct. The document has been duly authorized by the governing body of this agency and we will we and agency this of body governing the by authorized duly been has document The correct.

: To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in the application is true and and true is application the in contained information the belief, and knowledge my of best the To CERTIFICATION APPLICATION



BUSINESS MANAGER: ______PHONE#: (____)______E-MAIL______(____)______PHONE#: ______MANAGER: BUSINESS

TELEPHONE NUMBER: (____)______FAX#: (____)______E-MAIL______(____)______FAX#: (____)______NUMBER: TELEPHONE

PROJECT DIRECTOR (Please print or type name): ______name): type or print (Please DIRECTOR PROJECT


PREVIOUS FUNDING: PREVIOUS Agency received funding from the NJ Department of Education within the last two years of submission of this application. this of submission of years two last the within Education of Department NJ the from funding received Agency



) ( ) ) ( ) (








Standards Academic OFFICE:

Programs and Standards Educational DIVISION:


TITLE OF NGO: OF TITLE Century 21 the in Technologies New Essential with Learning And Teaching




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