FAQ S Re: Points Based System for Research Degree Applicants and Students

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FAQ S Re: Points Based System for Research Degree Applicants and Students

FAQ’s re: Points Based System for Research Degree Applicants and Students

May 2012

1 Contents

1. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies for Admissions incorporating English Language and Progression

2. Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies for Visa Extensions

3. Student Visitors

4. Attendance Monitoring

5. Appendix I Draft CAS PDF e-mail (including accompanying e-mail)

6. Appendix ii – E-mail requesting further information in order to generate a CAS

7. Appendix iii – Apply Online Changes

8. Appendix iv – ‘Accept-Online’ changes

9. Appendix V: SOATEST and SAAADMS screen shots

10. Appendix VI – Offer Letter/CAS Statement Work-flow

11 . Appendix VII – Summary of CAS Statuses

2 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies for Admissions


The introduction of the ‘Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies’ and mandatory reporting duties under the Points Based System (PBS) Tier 4 was introduced on the 22nd February 2010. The University of Leeds applied and was granted a Highly Trusted Sponsor (HTS) licence by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) which means that we are able to “sponsor” international students to come to the UK and study at the University of Leeds. As part of obtaining a Tier 4 General Student Visa an applicant must obtain 40 points and must demonstrate that they are academically able via academic qualification, level of English language, ability to pay fees and for some applicants, having obtained ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme – operated by Foreign and Commonwealth Office). 30 points are obtained from the University offer and 10 points from financial evidence.

From this date when applying for a visa to study in the UK, non-UK/EEA applicants need to use a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). The CAS is a unique code generated by UK Border Agency – this is done by their Sponsor Management System (SMS). The CAS contains relevant information regarding an applicant which has been sent to UKBA by the University via UKBA’s Sponsor Management System (SMS).

1. What is the purpose of the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies?

When applying for a Visa, non-UK/EEA applicants will need to enter their CAS number into the visa application form, and also submit financial documents alongside their original supporting academic documentation to UKBA.

2. When can a CAS be generated by the University?

A CAS can only be generated when:

 The applicant has accepted an Unconditional Offer (decision code 06) (hence met University of Leeds academic and English Language requirements (the minimum requirement must be in line with the English language levels required by UKBA*). This can be viewed from SWADCRV. In order for an offer to be unconditional the applicant must have provided us with a copy or certified copy or originals (though we do not encourage this as the applicant requires originals to make their visa application) of the relevant academic qualification and a copy of IELTS/internet based TOEFL which we can verify on-line (or again copies if other relevant paper based qualifications). If we have made the unconditional offer based on photocopies the offer letter will state that they need to show the originals at the point of registration.  The applicant has provided the University with all the mandatory information needed to generate a CAS (see question 5)

3  The applicant’s programme start date is 6 months away or less (A CAS has only a 6 month life span which is back dated from the programme start date)  “Academic progression “ has been checked and the appropriate statement is included on the applicant’s record (where required)

*In March 2011, UKBA announced minimum levels of English Language attainment for applicants wishing to apply for a Tier 4 General Student Visa. This was to be implemented from 21 April 2011. There was a slight disparity between the minimum language levels of the University and UKBA at component level, and hence the University raised its minimum English Language requirements to match that of UKBA. For any person who had applied before June 2011, and whose components were at the lower level, a temporary solution was implemented whereby the UoL Language Centre conducted further tests – this being acceptable to UKBA.

3. Applicants can accept their offer by:

 Using the “Accept Online” facility which can be accessed at the following address: http://acceptonline.leeds.ac.uk  Notifying Research Student Administration – [email protected] whose staff will then update the applicant’s Banner record and notify the relevant School  Notifying the School who will inform Research Student Administration.

4. When can applicants apply for their Visa?

UKBA regulations state that the CAS has a lifespan of 6 months and applicants can only apply for their visa a maximum of 3 months before their programme start date.

For an applicant hoping to start a programme of study in January 2013 this means we can start to generate the CAS in August 2012 and the applicant can then apply for a student visa from October 2012 onwards.

5. What information do applicants need to provide before they can be issued with a CAS by the University?

The majority of the information needed to generate a CAS is currently recorded and stored in systems used in our existing admissions process e.g.  Name  Address  Programme of Study  Academic Fees etc.  The applicant’s Passport Details  The applicant’s Country of Birth  Previous Academic qualifications and English language

6. How do we capture this information?

 Passport Details

To capture and record the applicant’s passport details, the University made changes to its online application form and also to the ‘Accept-Online’ facility in 2010. 4 When applying online, overseas applicants will be directed to supply their passport details (Passport number, Place of Issue and Expiry Date). If they cannot provide these at this stage, they can still complete their application and provide them at a later point using the ‘Accept-Online’ facility.

The ‘Accept-Online’ facility (see Appendix iv) was upgraded to include a section where applicants can directly input their passport details. Instructions for logging in to the ‘Accept Online’ facility are included in all of our offer letters. Applicants who applied via paper form can also use this facility. Instructions on how to do this are sent with the offer letter.

Our paper application form will include a section for non-UK/EEA applicants to provide us with their passport details.

7. What about applicants who have accepted an unconditional offer but are missing information needed to generate a CAS?

In order to make sure that applicants are aware that they need to supply us with this information, emails will be sent to applicants with missing information when they have accepted their unconditional offer and then on a continual regular basis until they supply the information or withdraw their application. The emails will direct the applicant to the ‘Accept-Online’ facility to submit the mandatory information. When they have provided us with all the information required, their CAS will be generated and they will no longer receive the emails from us (Please see a copy of the emails in Appendix ii). E-mails are tailored so that they remind applicants who must obtain ATAS do so first before applying for a student visa.

8. How is a CAS generated?

Once the applicant has accepted an Unconditional Offer, has provided all the mandatory information, and is within 6 months of the start date of their course, RSA will e-mail the applicants to check they still intend on taking up their place and have the funding in place. Upon the applicant confirming this, RSA will submit their relevant information electronically to UKBA via the Sponsor Management System or SMS. RSA will pay for the CAS and once obtained (instantly) we then download the applicant’s CAS back to Banner

An automated PDF copy of a ‘CAS Letter’ (see appendix i) will then be sent to the applicant’s email address and also the email address of any overseas agent associated with that application.

9. Who will be uploading the information to UKBA?

Staff in RSA will be uploading the information using the Sponsor Management System on a daily basis. All applicants who have met the mandatory criteria on that day will have their details submitted.

10. How much does it costs the University to generate a CAS?

Each individual CAS costs the University £13 using the Sponsor Management System (increased in session 12/13 from the previous £10). The University also pays an annual licence fee to UKBA.

Note: Although an applicant can receive more than one CAS from UoL or other universities, they are only able to use one when applying for their visa.

11. How much does it cost an applicant to apply for a visa?

5 The cost of applying for a visa varies*:

If the applicant is applying for their visa from outside the UK, it costs £289. If the applicant is applying for the visa inside the UK via Post, it costs £394. If the applicant is applying for a visa inside the UK at a public enquiry office, it costs £716.

* June 2012

12. What effect will these changes have on the way RSA issues Offer Letters?

UK/EEA applicants will continue to receive Offer Letters as they do now .They do not have to apply for a Visa to study in the UK, so there is no need for them to be issued a CAS.

Non UK/EEA applicants will receive Offer Letters in the same manner as UK/EEA applicants. In addition to this, the applicant will also receive an information sheet – this sheet will state if RSA need any further details before we can issue a CAS/when we will issue the CAS. They are also notified of student and University obligations under Tier 4 -please see link http://www.internationalstudentsupport.leeds.ac.uk/immigration/tier_4_responsibilities/

13. What about Unconditional applicants who have accepted their place but who have not provided all the mandatory information? What will they receive?

All eligible applicants will receive offers in the normal way from the University. However a CAS cannot be generated and sent to them until all the mandatory information has been received. They will be sent emails on a monthly basis requesting this information until they do so, or inform us they do not intend to come to the University to study.

14. When will the University begin sending the ‘CAS Letter’ out via email?

UKBA regulations mean that the CAS can only be generated a maximum of 6 months before the start of the applicant’s course. This means that for the applicants beginning in October, RSA will start the process of generating the CAS and sending out the ‘CAS Letter’ via email from May for September/October starters.

15. What about applicants who do not have an email address?

A valid email address is mandatory for all online applicants. Applicants who apply using a paper application form but who do not supply us with a valid email address will be sent a letter explaining the need for us to have an email address on record in order for them to receive their CAS.

16. How does this affect the offer letter?

If an applicant has included original documents with their application (and RSA have verified IELTS or TOEFL scores via their respective on-line systems), the offer letter will state “Unconditional Offer”. If an applicant has supplied a photocopy of their original documents the letter will still say Unconditional but will inform the applicant that they must show the original documents prior to or at registration.

Information sheets are included with all offers explaining what the applicant needs to do (if anything).

17. What information is included in the CAS Letter? 6 Please see the copy of the CAS letter in Appendix I.

18. Will schools be sent copies of the CAS Letter?

No. Although academic schools will not be sent a copy of the CAS Letter, the CAS number will automatically populate back into the Banner screen (SWAACAS). A report will be available for academic schools to run via Argos (CAS Status Report) which will inform them which of their applicants have successfully been issued a CAS. They will also be able to see from this the current status of the applicant’s CAS.

(Please see Appendix VII for CAS Status Summary) Academic schools will continue to receive copies of Offer Letters as they do now.

19. What about applicants who change their start date?

Due to the life-span of the CAS, it is likely that we will need to issue another CAS for applicants who change their start date after we have issued the original CAS. This will cost the University another £13. If an applicant is simply deferring by a month, RSA may be able to enter a “sponsor note” onto the SMS informing UKBA of the change of start date. If the applicant has “USED” their CAS for a visa application RSA can still enter a note on the SMS, but there would need to be a good reason for the deferral, as once the CAS is “USED” in a successful visa application, the University is responsible for monitoring the student’s attendance. If a student enters the UK in January on a student visa for a January start date, but then wishes to change the start date to April, the student will be in breach of their visa regulations as they will be in the UK on a student visa but not studying. Advice must be obtained from the International Student Office as the University may need to issue a new CAS and the student may have to return back to their home country in order to apply for entry clearance.

20. Who is communicating visa process to applicants?

An explanation letter is being sent out alongside applicants’ Offer Letters explaining the CAS system and how and when they will receive the CAS Letter. In addition to this, the emails they will receive at set intervals will be used to remind the applicant what they need to do before they can receive their CAS.

The International Student Office also includes this in information in their Pre-Arrival Guide. Detailed information is available on their website at: http://www.internationalstudentsupport.leeds.ac.uk/immigration/

21. What is being communicated to our overseas representatives?

The International Student Office is also communicating with our overseas representatives to ensure that applicants are kept up to date with the PBS process. They will also be encouraged to communicate the need for applicants to provide any mandatory additional information needed to generate the CAS.

A FAQ document aimed at informing overseas agents about the PBS and our admissions process has been produced.

7 22. What about Language Centre courses?

If an applicant is coming to study on a Language course at the University of Leeds in order to meet a condition of their offer, they will need a CAS for both courses. This means that they will not be able to apply for their Visa for their main programme of study until after they have successfully completed their English Language course (though they will be able to make the new visa application from within the UK)..

Applicants who are coming to study on an English Language course ‘voluntarily’ (i.e. not to meet a condition of their offer) can be issued with a ‘Joint-CAS’ for both courses and as such will not need to reapply for a new CAS for their main course of study. Please note they must have accepted both offers (language and main/academic programme of study).

23. Will we know when an applicant has used their CAS to apply for a visa?

Yes. A key feature of the Sponsor Management System is that we will be informed when an applicant has used their Leeds CAS to apply for their visa. As applicants can only use one CAS to apply for a visa, this will give us a good indication that the applicant will be coming to study at Leeds.

When an applicant uses a CAS to apply for their visa, any other CAS’s they might have will be marked as obsolete. Because of this, we will also be informed when applicants have used another CAS for another University to apply for their visa. If an applicant uses a CAS from another University to apply for their visa, and the Leeds CAS becomes obsolete, a decline (07) will automatically be recorded in Banner.

The CAS status will be viewable alongside the CAS number in the Banner screen SWAACAS

For a full list of the different stages of the CAS and what they mean, please see appendix viii.

24. What about Programmes that require ATAS approval?

ATAS only applies for research degree programmes in the following areas:

 Biological Sciences  Chemistry and Colour Chemistry  Physics and Astronomy  Applied and Pure Maths  Geography (Physical only)  Transport (Civil only)  Computing  Civil Engineering  Electronic and Electrical Engineering  Mechanical Engineering  Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering  Design

The ATAS clause will be included on the CAS upload automatically and applicant guidance will continue to be sent out to those applicants as it is at present.

Please see the following link for further information: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/what-we-do/services-we-deliver/atas/who-atas/

8 25 What do I do if I receive a query from an applicant who is having problems with the visa application process or requires immigration advice?

It is important that we are able to provide help for applicants as soon as we are aware that they need it. In order to co-ordinate support we would ask that you forward queries immediately to [email protected] Please note that only the International Student Office is allowed to give immigration advice.

26 What do I do if I receive a query from an applicant who has had their visa application refused?

Any visa refusal queries should be sent to [email protected] (copying in [email protected] . An applicant should have received an official visa refusal notification and we will need a copy of this from the applicant in order to assess the problem.

27 What do I do if I receive a query from an applicant who has incorrect information on their CAS statement?

Please contact [email protected] If it is a minor change after the CAS has been assigned then RSA can enter a “Sponsor note” which is a free text box, which will be bought to the attention of the Entry Clearance Officers when the applicant applies for a visa. Depending on the error it may be that RSA have to issue a new CAS. Please note after we have added a sponsor note the applicant does not receive a new CAS statement. They should need it but applicants can request a new CAS statement which will be produced by RSA via ARGOS and e-mailed to the applicant. Usually RSA just confirm any changes by e-mail.

28. How do I check whether an applicant has accepted an offer?

SWADCRV shows this – an 06 code will be visible.

29. Can applicants hold multiple unconditional acceptances?

Applicants must choose and accept only one offer.

30. How do I see if an applicant has been issued a CAS yet?

The ARGOS report CAS status report shows this, or alternatively the Banner form SWAACAS also shows this information.

31. What if an applicant is in receipt of a scholarship or is sponsored?

When Accounts Receivable Office are notified of a scholarship or receive a sponsor letter they will update the applicant’s record via SAP. This will then generate a new CAS statement which confirms that the fees are being paid. Otherwise an applicant needs to provide a copy of their sponsor or confirmation of scholarship letter with their visa application.

9 English Language

Sponsors must vouch for the applicant’s English language competency, ensuring that they align to UK Border Agency’s minimum requirements.

A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) issued by a Tier 4 sponsor must confirm that an applicant meets a minimum level of English as set by UKBA*. The required level can be assessed either through a Secure English Language Test (SELT) or another form of English language qualification. The main SELTs for PGR being IELTS and internet based TOEFL. There are other SELTs available: a full list can be accessed from the following link on the UKBA website: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/newsfragments/45-new-list-of-english-language

For applicants wishing to study at degree level or above, the minimum level is expressed as Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2. UKBA state this is equivalent to: . an IELTS score of 6.0* overall (with no less than 5.5 in any component score) . or an iBT TOEFL of 87 overall (with no less than 17 in listening, 18in reading, 20 in speaking and 17 in writing)

This means that all applicants, other than those in the UKBA exemptions list below will require a University statement on their CAS showing how they have met the CEFR level B2 above*.

*Exemptions  those who have previously completed a qualification equivalent to a UK degree which was taught in English in a majority-speaking country (including where the qualification was taught in the UK and Ireland); or  those who are nationals from a majority English-speaking country

The majority English-speaking countries are: Antigua and Barbuda Australia The Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada (this does not include non-Canadians who have previously completed a qualification equivalent to a UK degree which was taught in English) Dominica Grenada Guyana Jamaica New Zealand St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago United States of America.

UKBA have confirmed that Higher Education Institutions who hold Highly Trusted Sponsorship (HTS) such as UoL, are allowed to assess an applicant’s English in other forms such as an Indian XIIth certificate, if they have studied a Bachelor or Masters degree in an English speaking country, or through the completion of a pre-sessional English language course at Leeds University.

*Please be aware that the University’s minimum English Language requirements for PGR students requires an overall score of 6.0 in IELTS. Some Schools do, however, already require a higher score.

10 The University’s minimum English Language requirements meet UKBA requirements and ensure that new students have the ability to meet the demands of their chosen programme.

32. What English language evidence can we accept for entry onto PGR degree programmes?

UKBA have confirmed that Higher Education Institutes holding HTS status can assess applicants’ English language through any qualification they deem eligible to meet CEFR level B2 for entry onto degree programmes or above (for examples see Question 2, Indian Standard XII, applicants using a degree from an English speaking country etc).

33. What English language evidence can we accept from graduates of countries included in the RP admissions policy exemptions list, but not on the UKBA exemptions list? We will state the degree as evidence of English language attainment provided it has been delivered through the medium of English.

34. What English language evidence can we accept from applicants whose nationality is included on the RP Admissions Policy exemptions list, but not on the UKBA exemptions list, but have graduated from a country not included in either list?

In this circumstance we would need further evidence of the applicant’s English language. For the most part we would ask for evidence of the highest level of English language qualification they took before applying for entry onto a degree level course, i.e. first degree, A-level or GCSE equivalent. For example, if we had an applicant whose nationality was Nigerian whose highest qualification was a Bachelor degree from France, we would then ask for their WAEC (West African Examination Certificate) or A-level/ GCSE equivalent.

35. What English language evidence can we accept for entry onto pre-sessional English language courses?

All of those applicants whose entry is conditional on English and who wish to study a pre-sessional English language course through the Language Centre must have a minimum of CEFR level B1 for entry. The UKBA have announced this must be evidenced through a Secure English Language Test (SELT). No exceptions are allowed.

CEFR Level B1 is equivalent to:

 IELTS of 4.0 overall (with no less than 4.0 in any component score)  Ibt TOEFL of 57 overall (with no less than 9 in listening, 4 in reading, 16 in speaking and 13 in writing)  Pearson Test of English (PTE academic) of 36 overall (with no less than 36 in any component)

36. How does recording the non-UK/EEA applicant’s English language information affect a CAS being generated?

The University will need to have assessed and entered into Banner the applicant’s level of English language attained. It must then be stated on the CAS that the applicant has achieved English language at the relevant CEFR level and by what means. The University is expected to keep records of all of the applicant’s scores for the purpose of being audited by UKBA. Therefore the University must be confident that the applicant has fully achieved CEFR level B2 or above.

11 As part of the offer making process RSA record how we have assessed an applicant’s English Language. When RSA upload Banner information to obtain a CAS, this information is also uploaded onto the CAS and appears on an applicant’s CAS statement. So the statement may contain an IELTS score or whether we have used an applicant’s academic degree which has been delivered through the medium of English to confirm English Language levels.

37. Where will the non-UK/EEA applicant’s English language be recorded?

All of the English language SELT information for applicants can be recorded primarily through a drop down list within the Banner screen SOATEST, and any qualifications such as for example first degree from a British University etc are recorded as free text within SAAADMS. This will be completed by the RSA when the recommendation report is received from the school. Please see Appendix V for example screen shots of SOATEST and SAAADMS.

38. Can a CAS be issued without an applicant’s English Language information?

No – it is a statutory requirement that the University must have assessed and entered into Banner the applicant’s level of English and that we keep records of all applicants’ have met the English language conditions.

39. What is the SELT expiry date? A SELT must be no more than 2 years old at the commencement of the programme of study. Therefore if an applicant defers entry, they may have to resit the SELT. RSA also use this rule for other qualifications that have been used to meet the English language requirements.

40. Can a School still make a case for non-UK/EEA applicants who do not fall into one of the ‘recognised’ groups for meeting the University and CEFR level B2 English language requirements?

Please contact Research Student Administration – [email protected]

Miscellaneous Research Student Visitors

Please see http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rsa/admissionsandregistration/forstaff/studentvisitors.html

English language criteria will also apply to miscellaneous students coming to the University of Leeds for a period of over 6 months (and hence require a CAS).

Those students coming for under 6 months can enter the UK on a student visitor visa instead – the new visa rules do not apply to this category.

Research Student Administration English Language Booklet

For information on the University’s English Language requirements, please see our booklet which can be found at: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rsa/admissionsandregistration/forstaff/english.html

12 Academic Progression

A CAS issued by a Tier 4 sponsor to a student to undertake a second or subsequent course of study in the UK must confirm that it represents academic progression from the previous course of study undertaken in the UK.

Sponsors do not need to show academic progression if the student is undertaking their first course of study in the UK or if we are assigning a CAS for a student to complete an existing course.

The on-line application form and paper based form have been updated to ensure that relevant applicants supply the correct information so we can identify when we need to confirm academic progression.

We must then provide certain information in the CAS which will be cross-checked by the UKBA against their migrant data. This is a very important rule for UKBA and if we do not comply it could jeopardise our HTS status.

41. What does Academic Progression mean?

It involves the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) – the level of the new course should normally be above the level of the previous course – for example a student who has previously undertaken a Bachelor degree (NQF level 6) or a Masters degree (level 7) can undertake doctorate degrees which are level 8. (Please note MPhil, Masterships by research are level 7).

42. Can an applicant study a second or subsequent programme of study within the UK at the same level?

Yes provided that the University can confirm that the new course is complementary to the previous course. For example a student may wish to move from a taught masters degree to a research masters degree or where the subsequent course allows the student to develop a deeper specialisation in a particular field.

43. Can an applicant study a second or subsequent programme of study within the UK at a lower level?

It is unlikely - RSA would need to look at this on a case by case basis and on advice from International Student Office.

44. What does this mean for Tier 4 applicants who are currently studying in the UK and are moving onto a course at a higher level?

RSA will enter a statement into SAAADMS which confirms progression “Academic Progression Confirmed” based on information on the application form.

45. What does this mean for Tier 4 applicants who are currently studying in the UK and are moving onto a course at the same level?

RSA will need to enter a different statement onto the CAS. These statements are:

13 A. Academic Progression confirmed: programme is intended to provide enhanced specialist knowledge to support career development B. Academic Progress confirmed: programme is intended to allow change of career direction and broadening of knowledge base C. Academic Progression confirmed: programme provides a research led experience enabling the candidate to undertake in-depth projects and modules unavailable in previous institutions D. Academic Progression confirmed: programme required for professional accreditation in chosen career field E. An alternative statement can be provided on the CAS statement to better suit the applicant which must be discussed with RSA.

46. What is the process in regards to offer making?

When the School sends the School Recommendation Report requesting RSA to make a formal offer, if an applicant falls under this process please complete the Conditions box with “PROG = A” for example.

This is an academic decision and should be made by the supervision team and signed of by the Postgraduate Research Tutor.

It is however a rare occurrence at research postgraduate level. If a recommendation is sent through to RSA and we note that academic progression is required we will contact the School for the further information that is required.

The School will also be required to keep notes regarding the reason for the decision to allow someone to undertake another course in the UK.

47. What is the 5 year rule?

From 6 April 2012, a student will only be issued with a Tier 4 (general) visa if it does not result in the student exceeding the time limit specified by the UK Border Agency for courses at degree level and above. This rule will take into account all previous time that a student has spent studying at degree level or above in the UK as a Tier 4 (General) student, or on a Student visa under the rules in place before March 2009.

The time students spend studying in the UK must not exceed 5 years in total (including your previous course and the course you intend to study). This limit applies even if you need extra time to complete your course.

Exceptions to this Rule:

There will be an exemption from the 5 year limit for the following courses:

Students who wish to study a Master's course after having successfully completed an undergraduate programme that was at least 4 years long will be permitted to stay for 6 years. This does not apply to students who took longer than expected to complete their course; for example, due to repeating a module.

Students who are studying at doctoral level are also exempt from the limit. However, once a student has completed a PhD they will not be permitted to apply for any more time in the UK under Tier 4 if it will result in their spending more than 8 years in the UK. This rule combine with the progress rule may mean that in rare circumstances we are unable to issue a CAS. 14 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies for Visa Extensions

26 How does a current student extend their visa?

Students can either submit the statement request form (found at http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rsa/forms/forms_admissions.html ) or call in person at the counter. At the counter a CAS Extension request form will be printed via ARGOS. This form contains the details that will be used to obtain a CAS - the student will check details/add passport information etc.

The request forms will be processed by RSA who will upload this information to SMS and obtain a CAS number. The CAS number will then be downloaded back to Banner. An automated job will then produce an e-mail and a CAS statement (in the form of the PDF) and sent to the students’ university e-mail account. The student can then use the CAS number when completing their UKBA visa application form.

The CAS statement for extensions looks the same as the CAS statement for applicants except instead of it stating the highest academic qualification used when making the offer of a place, we state the CAS is issued on the basis of progress. However if a current student has started the programme within 4 months previously we state the academic qualification instead.

When a student requests a CAS , RSA will check the registration status and contact the School if we have any queries around academic progress, in the case of referrals whether the student needs to remain in the UK and that the School is prepared to monitor attendance. Where a student has submitted for examination, RSA will issue a CAS for a period of 3 months between submission and viva (UKBA give an additional 4 months of time on top of any end date we provide to them so a correction period will be covered by this.

Student Visitors

Information on the University’s student visitor policy can be found at http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rsa/admissionsandregistration/forstaff/studentvisitors.html

Attendance Monitoring

The University must undertake reporting duties to UKBA for any international student who has commenced since April 2010, and has come to the UK on a student visa. In summary this means reporting changes to the students’ circumstances and includes no shows, students who fail to re- register, leavers and suspensions and students who complete early (RSA will take this information from the publication of the formal Pass List – notify UKBA and the student). Schools must also keep records of attendance.

Please see http://www.leeds.ac.uk/rsa/admissionsandregistration/forstaff/attendance.html for full attendance monitoring policy.

15 Appendix I Draft CAS PDF e-mail

Student ID: 29999999 Date: 25/03/2010

Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Statement

Applicant Details: CAS Number: E4G1XY3A05L0A1 Last Name: Smith First Name: John Middle Name: Gender: Male Date of Birth: 08/02/1978 Nationality: Botwanan Country of Birth: Botswana Passport Number: N454380

Sponsor Details: Licence Number: H3GNC03A4

Course Details: Course Start Date: 01/06/2010 Expected Course End Date: 31/05/2014 Course Level: Doctor of Philosophy Secondary Course Level: Research Postgraduate Course Title: History Course Fee for First Year: £10300 ATAS Certificate required: No

Documentation used to obtain the offer: Qualification Evidence: MA in History from University of Oxford English Evidence Assessed at CEFR Level B2: MA in History from University of Oxford

For IELTS/TOEFL alternatively it may say: English Evidence Assessed at CEFR Level B2: IELTS Overall Score 6.0 IELTS Reading Score 6.0 IELTS writing Score 6.0 IELTS Listening Score 6.0 IELTS Speaking Score 6.0

OR: English Evidence This applicant is from a majority English language speaking country, as defined by the UKBA list

Academic Progression Confirmed.

OR if the CAS is for a visa extension: The student commenced this programme on Start Date and is extending their visa. The progress of the student in their current studies is the basis for the University supporting this application to extend their visa to complete their studies.

Please note that it is strongly recommended that you make an appointment with the International Student Office before you submit your visa application. To do this you should go in person to:

International Student Office International Centre Level 11, Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT

Yours sincerely

Student Records Officer Research Student Administration Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)113 343 6534 Example CAS June 2012

16 Accompanying e-mail to CAS statement



Thank you for your application to study at the University of Leeds. We are writing to inform you that we have submitted your details to the UK Border Agency and can now issue you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS)

Student ID number Data will be automatically populated

A PDF document is attached which contains your CAS number and your details that we have submitted to the UK Border Agency.

You will need this information to apply for your visa, so please print a copy.

You can find out more about the Points Based System by following this link: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/studyingintheuk/

If you immigration application is refused or rejected, you cannot apply again using the same CAS. You will need a new CAS for your new application. You can request a new CAS by emailing the following address [email protected].

Best wishes,

Research Student Administration University of Leeds

17 Appendix ii – E-mail requesting further information in order to generate a CAS

Dear John Smith

Thank you for your application for Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Design starting on 01/10/2010. Your applicant ID is .

All international students (non UK/EEA) require a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) in order to apply for a UK Student Visa under the new Points Based Visa System.

In order for the University to apply to the UK Border Agency for a CAS we need to provide specific details concerning your passport / travel documentation.

Please can you check the following information we hold about you:

Passport/Travel Document Number: Place of Issue: Passport Expiry Date: Country of Birth: Thailand

If the information above is complete and correct then you do not need to do anything and a CAS will be automatically generated and sent to you via email.

If any of these pieces of information are missing or incorrect, you can provide this information online by logging into our accept-online facility at http://acceptonline.leeds.ac.uk

If you applied online, you can log in using your web login ID and pin.

If you applied using a paper application form, use your applicant ID (200517821) as the login and your date of birth (DDMMYY) as the password.

For further information about the Points Based Visa System please visit: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/studyingintheuk/ http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/

If you have any queries about the contents of this email please contact us at: [email protected]

Yours sincerely

Leanne Carr Student Records Officer Research Student Administration

18 Reminder e-mail to let applicants know that we are still awaiting information ______


RE: Required Passport / Travel Documentation Details

This is an automated reminder email to advise you that we still have not received your passport / travel documentation details. Please provide us with the required information as soon as possible to enable us to issue you with a CAS (Certificate of Acceptance for Studies) Number which will enable you to apply for a Student Visa under the Tier 4 Points Based Visa System.

The information we require is detailed below:

Please provide us with this information by using our online applicant facility at http://acceptonline.leeds.ac.uk. If you applied online, login using your web login ID and pin, or if you applied using a paper application use your Student Registration Number number as login and date of birth (DDMMYY) as password.

Please note that a reminder email will be sent to you every month until you have provided us with your required passport / travel documentation details or have declined your offer using our online applicant facility as above

For further information about the Points Based Visa System please refer to the following links:

UK Border Agency Website

UK Border Agency Visa Services Website

If you have any queries about the contents of this email please contact us at [email protected].

Best wishes,

Research Student Administration University of Leeds

19 Appendix iii – Apply Online Changes

 Overseas applicants are now instructed to submit their passport details at the time of application.  The ‘Help’ link at the top of the page will include further information on entering passport details for Non UK/EEA applicants.

20 Appendix iv – ‘Accept-Online’ changes

 Applicants can upload their passport details at a later date using the ‘Accept- Online’ facility.  They will be directed to select an application and then select ‘Update Applicant Details’

21  The following screen will then appear:

 They will then be able to update their passport details.  Any passport details entered for one application will automatically write across to the applicant’s other applications and to their Banner record.

22 Appendix V: SOATEST and SAAADMS screen shots



23 Appendix VI – Offer Letter/CAS Statement Work-flow

Applicant UOL UKBA

School Recommendation Received in RSA

Applicant Applicant made receives Conditional Conditional Offer Offer Letter

Applicant sends in supporting documentation

No Are conditions met?


Applicant made Unconditional Offer

Applicant accepts Unconditional Offer

Data extracted from Applicant NO All data required to Yes Banner and provides missing generate CAS CAS generated uploaded to SMS by data online present ? RSA

Automatic email Applicant receives to applicant automated email asking to provide missing data

Applicant PDF CAS letter Data extracted receives PDF auto-generated from SMS and CAS Letter by and sent by downloaded into Email Email Banner

24 Appendix VII – Summary of CAS Statuses

CAS Status Definition Assigned The applicant has been successfully issued a CAS by UKBA. Used The applicant’s CAS has been formally linked with a Visa application.

(Please note, this does not necessarily mean that applicants Visa application has been successful, only that they have used this CAS to formally apply for their visa.)

Obsolete The applicant has used another CAS to apply for their VISA. Expired The CAS was previously assigned to the applicant, but has passed its expiry date before it could be formally linked with a visa application.

Cancelled UKBA has cancelled the CAS given to the applicant. Withdrawn The University has withdrawn the CAS before it became ‘Used’


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