Minutes of a Meeting of Ellistown and Battleflat Parish Council
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Held at: CHURCH HALL, SWEPSTONE Date: Tuesday 17th November 2015 8.00pm
Present Councillors: B Sumner, J Millward, N Makin, A Milner Chair : C Robinson Parish Clerk: Nicola Land Public: 2 , E Traeherne (NWLDC)
097/2015 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr N Maskrey Brown (Minorca Representative) Police
098/2015 LOCAL POLICING REPORT There were no police present at the meeting, and no report was emailed either. Clerk to Contact as it was understood there had been several incidents recently occurring in the village.
099/2015 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A local Resident attended the meeting and asked the council about the following:- Sing Christmas – It was agreed the Council would continue to run this alongside the Congregational Chapel. Clerk to liaise with Janet Thorpe. Bus Service – Clerk to contact Appleby Magna regarding the Bus situation. Post Office - An invoice was presented for the Post Office for the period April 2015 – Sept 2015. She briefed councillors on the current post office opening hours and services offered by the postmaster, Since the closing of the village store, the Post office stocks a small selection of groceries. It was suggested the opening hours and services provided should be included in the parish magazine to ensure the village know.
0100/2015 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors were reminded of their duty to declare any personal or prejudicial interests
0101/2015 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held 21st October 2015 were agreed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
0102/2015 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES None – All items covered as Agenda items or on Monthly Progress report
0103/2015 MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Councillors reviewed the progress report of agenda items that are ongoing. Report updated as matters are completed. - Parish Questionnaire – Draft presented to Councillors, minor alterations made, clerk to resend to councillors, Once agreed print for door to door delivery, and NWLDC to upload onto our Website to enable electronic completion if preferred. - Notice Board Replacement – Following funding application only being partly successful, only one notice board to be purchased and to replace the NWLDC adopted one at the corner of the Pinfold, Main Street Newton Burgoland. Design agreed, Green Agreed. Cllr Millward to order. - Phone Kiosk – Cllr Millward to continue with the adoption of the BT Phone Kiosk. Once Adopted Council to decide on its future use. It was suggested maybe a defibrillator. Clerk to contact Carlton Clerk as they purchased a red kiosk for this usage.
0104/2015 MINORCA UPDATE Apologies received from Mr Maskrey Brown, When update received, it will be uploaded onto website
0105/2015 WRAGGS YARD Next Event, Childrens Christmas Party Sunday 13th December, Belper Arms
0106/2015 NWLDC DRAFT CORE STRATEGY CONSULTATION Councillors already submitted concerns re Lack of Traveller Policy, or Provision for Travellers. Councillors request confirmation regarding limits to development, as this isn’t clear on the plan. Once received from NWLDC, councillors request to submit any relevant comments.
0107/2015 POST OFFICE Discussed in detail in Public Session. Current opening hours Tuesday 1.30-3.00pm Wednesday 12.30 – 2.00pm
0108/2015 STREET LIGHTING CONCERNS LCC responded to the clerk to advise that the street lighting should be off between 12.00am and 5.30am. They may differ slightly depending on age of equipment and also changes in natural light. No calibration is required they right themselves. 0109/2015 BENCH REPLACEMENT Cllr Sumner awaiting a further quotation, Agree once received to email our to councillors. Once all agreed, place order and progress.
0110/2015 CHURCH LIGHT SWITCH ON EVENT Sunday 29th November 2015, 4.30pm Agreed Parish Council to assist with funding. Tree and Lights - Cllr Sumner Tea Urn – Cllr Milner Refreshments – Cllr Robinson (approx. 50 people) PR – Cllr Millward Switch On Plunger - Clerk
0111/2015 ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME TRAINING Cllr Millward and the clerk, updated councillors on the training session they attended regarding littering, flytipping, recycling etc. Emma Traeherne confirmed that NWLDC will email out the powerpoint presentations, and associated information for councillors perusal.
0112/2015 BUS SERVICE Discussed in detail during public session,
0113/2015 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Payments raised, Bank reconciliation agreed.
0114/2015 PLANNING MATTERS No Planning received