Independent Reading Project: Realistic Fiction
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This trimester you will be required to read a realistic fiction novel of your choice for your independent reading. You will develop your skills in active reading skills by using the summarizing, questioning, evaluating, and predicting strategies studied in class. You will also keep a log of new vocabulary found as you read. Furthermore, you will study different story elements within your novel. I will check your progress half way through the trimester to ensure that you are pacing yourself. Bring your book to LA/SS every day (in case you finish an assignment early). Make use of Homeroom! Choose a book that will challenge and intrigue you! Citation: Title of Book Author Publisher City of Publication Date of Publication
Use this information to write a correct bibliography citation in the box below:
Important Dates: Check book selection - Must bring book and packet signed by parent ______Parent Signature:
______Mid-point check. You should be completed with at least half of your reading and half of the packet by this date. ______Completed packet due. Have it ready to hand in at the start of class
Challenge Date (optional): Share your review of the book that you read with the class. ______Prepare a two paragraph review (spoiler free) of your realistic fiction book.
Scoring Guide: Points Possible Points Earned/ Comments Book Selected/Parent Signature 5 Correct Citation of Book 5 Midpoint Check 5 Vocabulary 5 A ct Summarizing 5 iv Questioning 5 e R Evaluating 5 e Predicting a di n g S tr 5 a t e gi e s Double-Journal Entry 5 Theme 5 Total Score 50 points Goal Setting!
Set a goal for this Independent Reading Project. Make sure your goal is specific! DO NOT WRITE A GOAL THAT SAYS YOU WANT A SPECIFIC GRADE!
My reading goal for this Independent Reading Project is
Independent Reading Schedule
“Procrastination is the thief of time!”—Edward Young
1. My due date is .
2. I would like to be finished with my reading by .
3. There are days between today and the date I wrote in #2.
4. There are pages in my book.
5. Divide the number you wrote down in question #4 with the number you wrote down for question #3 .
6. Write down the answer to question #5 here . This is the number of pages you will need to read each day to finish your reading by your goal date.
*Remember to work on your packet and active reading notes every day too. Don’t leave it until the last minute! Vocabulary (5 points)
As you read, find ten challenging words. These should be words that are new to you or words that are used in a new way for you. Write the word in column one. Copy down the sentence where the word came from. Make sure to include the page number. Define the word. Finally, draw and color, or paste a concrete or abstract picture of the word or one that relates to the word in the third column. Word Sentence & pg # Definition Picture 1.
5. Active Reading Strategy: Summarizing (5 points)
As you read your book, select two chapters to summarize. Use the IVF strategy to write a summary statement for each of your selected paragraphs.
I V F Identify the Chapter Verb Finish
Write out the sentence:
I V F Identify the Chapter Verb Finish
Write out the sentence:
Active Reading Strategy: Questioning (5points)
As you read your book, select two chapters and write clarifying questions about them. If you do not have questions about the chapter, write questions that others might have after reading those chapters. As you read further, try to answer the questions. If you cannot answer the questions, explain why.
Chapter Question Answer/Explanation
Active Reading Strategy: Prediction (5 points) As you read your book, select two chapters and write predictions about the story. Use evidence from the text to support why you made those predictions.
Chapter Prediction Supporting Evidence Active Reading Strategy: Evaluating (5 points)
As you read your book, select two chapters) and write opinions about what is happening in the story. Use specific evidence from the text to support opinions. Chapter Event or Quote Your Opinion on the Event or Quote Double-Journal Entry (5 points)
Find and copy down lines from the novel that reveal something about a turning point, the setting, a main character, and a central conflict in the novel. Then explain why these lines are important. Quote My thoughts on why this quote is important to the novel. Pg #: Turning point
Pg #: Setting
Pg #: Character
Pg #: Conflict
Theme (5 points) Use this space to take notes on THEME. Write down a major theme from your book in the center box. In the “Quote” bubbles, record lines from the text that support your theme. Then, explain how those direct quotes support your theme.