TIDCOMBE PRIMARY SCHOOL Marina Way, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 4BP Tel & Fax: 01884 252973 e-mail: [email protected] Web address: www.tidcombe.devon.sch.uk

Dear Y3 Children, Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the Summer Term at Tidcombe. We will be starting our new topic “Magic and Nature” which we are hoping will be very exciting! Mrs Edwards will be teaching on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Kedward will be teaching on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

In English we will begin by learning to paint pictures with words, using our text “Evie in the Wild Woods” and a range of film clips, poetry and experiences to develop our adventurous language. We will then be inventing magical plants for non-chronological reports.

In Maths we will look at Fractions to begin with, followed by Geometry: Properties of Shape and Measure. Throughout we will continue to practise and reinforce previous learning with regular Fast Maths sessions! Please keep practising your times tables at home.

For Science and Topic we will be covering areas such as plants and growing, magnets, light and shadows. (We may also be looking at how we can use our knowledge and learning about Science to create and perform magic tricks – watch this space!) Art and DT will involve some 3D sculpture work of bees or flowers.

In PE we will be learning gymnastics and orienteering. Information on PE kit is below. The PE schedule is as follows: Tuesdays: Indoor PE Wednesdays: Outdoor PE

Guided Reading Home Learning will be sent out for individual groups and Maths Home Learning will be sent out on a Friday, due back by Tuesday.

We are really excited to be back with the class for the Summer Term and look forward to lots of fun learning in the weeks ahead.

Mrs Kedward and Mrs Edwards

PE Uniform Indoor PE/Summer PE: Plain white or plain burgundy Tshirt (with or without the school logo on it), black shorts (to include shorts or short leggings which are just below the knee) Outdoor PE: Plain white or plain burgundy Tshirt (with or without the school logo on it), plain dark tracksuit.