Elloughton-Cum-Brough Parish Council
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Present: Councillors Mrs. Brogden, Credland (Vice-Chairman), Davis, Mrs. Galbraith, Ms Rowe and Scaife
Public Forum: Councillor Galbraith attended the meeting to observe only 5 members of the public attended the meeting; two members of whom wished to speak on item 4.6; one member to address item 4.4 and two members made a small presentation on a pre-application for a proposed change of use.
1. TO ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Councillors Burgess, Busk and Mrs. Duckles.
In the absence of the Chairman, Councillor Credland took the Chair.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations of interested received
3. TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PLANNING, HIGHWAYS AND SAFETY MEETING HELD ON 7 AUGUST It was proposed by Councillor Mrs. Galbraith seconded by Councillor Ms. Rowe and agreed unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 August 2013 be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
4. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 4.1 13/02195 – Change of use from woodshop/joinery unit to hot food takeaway shop (A5) for the preparation, delivery and collection of hot food including installation of an external extraction flue at Unit F15A Half Acres Industrial Estate, Wiske Avenue Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council objection to the application on the following grounds: The site is for industrial units only, not retail and is not a designated shopping area It would be inappropriate to have a single retail unit within an industrial site operating at night when the remainder of the units are closed
4.2 13/02392 – Erection of boundary fencing, CCTV mast, gates and turnstiles at BAE Systems, Skillings Lane Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council have no objections to the application.
4.3 13/02494 – Erection of single storey extension to rear and construction of bay window to front at Meadowcroft, 14 Westfield Park Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council have no objections to the application.
4.4 13/02526 – Erection of one detached dwelling and repositioning of vehicular access (Resubmission of 12/03749/PLF) at Land West of Riding School, Dale Road Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council have no objections to the application.
4.5 13/02532 – Erection of two storey extension to rear following removal of existing conservatory at 16 Cavendish Park Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council have no objections to the application.
Signed as a True and Accurate Record by the Chairman …………………………………………………… Date ………………… 2 4.6 13/02621 – Change of use from A1 (Florist) to A3 (Café) at 55 Main Street Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council have no objections to the application.
5. PLANNING DECISIONS 5.1 13/01732 – Erection of 1 no. dwelling and detached garage following demolition of existing building at 47 Main Street – Granted with conditions 5.2 13/01733 – Demolition of existing building at 47 Main Street – Granted with conditions 5.3 13/02277 – Retention of single storey extension and canopy to rear (Re-submission of planning application no. 12/04318/PLF) at 22 Myrtle Way – Granted with conditions
6. TREE APPLICATIONS 6.1 13/02485 – TPO Westerlands Hospital, Elloughton Road, Elloughton 1986 (Ref 291) & Elloughton Conservation Area – Fell Sycamore tree in close proximity to building and dropping debris on house at 1 Sands Lane Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council trust the recommendations of the Tree Officer.
6.2 13/02607 – Brough Conservation Area – Crown lift Ash tree (T1) to minimum 3 metres, Remove deadwood from Lime trees (T2&T5), Re-balance the crown of Horse Chestnut (T3) accordingly following the felling of Horse Chestnut (T4), Fell Sycamore tree (T6), Fell Sycamore tree (T7) and grind stump below ground level, Crown lift Horse Chestnut (T8) to 3 metres and remove deadwood, Fell Multi Stemmed Sycamore (T9) at The Ferry Inn, 20 Station Road Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council trust the recommendations of the Tree Officer.
6.3 13/02717 – Elloughton Conservation Area – Fell Conifer tree (T1) due to size and proximity to Church at Elloughton United Reformed Church, Welton Low Road Elloughton-cum-Brough Town Council trust the recommendations of the Tree Officer.
7. HIGHWAY/SAFETY ISSUES The Deputy Clerk is to chase ERYC with regard to the overgrown footpaths on Welton Low Road.
8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 18 September 2013
Signed as a True and Accurate Record by the Chairman …………………………………………….. Date …………………….