Cardinal Joseph Bernardin
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Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Athletic Board
Constitution and By-Laws
Enacted June 2011 Table of Contents
Preamble and Mission Statement
Article I – Name
Article II - Purpose
Article III - Membership
Article IV – Selection of Athletic Board Members
Article V - Resignations or Removal of Board Members
Article VI - Terms of Office
Article VII – Athletic Board Meetings
Article VIII - Accountability
Article IX - Athletic Director Duties
Article X – Duties of the President
Article XI – Duties of the Vice-President
Article XII – Duties of the Secretary
Article XIII – Duties of the Assistant Secretary
Article XIV – Duties of the Treasurer
Article XV – Amendments
Article XVI – Supervision and Management of the CJB Gymnasium
Article XVII – Volunteer Coordinator Preamble and Mission Statement
The mission of the athletic program at Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School (CJB) is to promote an opportunity for all children to develop their physical talents, increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and promote the values of sportsmanship and teamwork in a manner that is grounded in our love of Christ and Catholic faith.
Through participation in the CJB athletic program, our students may develop life-long skills and positive values, including leadership, healthful living habits, self-discipline, integrity, respect for rules and regulations, and the ability to participate with dignity and grace.
Article I – Name
The name of this organization is the Cardinal Joseph Bernardin (CJB) Athletic Board. The CJB Athletic Board is a standing committee of the CJB School Advisory Council that works in collaboration and consultation with the CJB school Principal and Executive Pastor.
Article II - Purpose
● The CJB Athletic Board will organize, manage, operate and fund an Athletic Program open to all eligible students enrolled in Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School in compliance with Archdiocesan rules, the CJB School Handbook, the CJB Athletic Handbook and the Constitution and By-laws of the CJB Athletic Board. The CJB Athletic Board operates with the consent of the Executive Pastor and Principal, who have primary authority over any decision-making power of the CJB Athletic Board.
● The Principal and the Executive Pastor expressly reserve the right to immediately review and reverse any decision or policy of the CJB Athletic Board, if deemed appropriate by the Principal and Executive Pastor, to protect the best interests of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School and its students.
Article III - Membership
● The CJB Athletic Board is comprised of the Athletic Director (AD) and nine (9) other selected individuals that will act as a standing committee of the CJB School Advisory Council, with ultimate accountability to the Executive Pastor and Principal.
● The Athletic Director (AD) shall be a permanent member of the Athletic Board in accordance with the terms of his or her employment relationship with CJB. The AD shall be a non-voting ex officio member of the Athletic Board. ● There shall be two registered parishioners over the age of 21 years sitting on the CJB Athletic Board who are from the sponsoring parishes of St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr, St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Julie Billiart.
● The remaining member of the CJB Athletic Board shall be comprised of a faculty member from CJB school appointed by the Principal. In the event that a faculty member is unable to serve, the Principal shall appoint a substitute member who must be a registered member of any of the four sponsoring parishes in CJB.
● Due to conflict of interest considerations, coaches of CJB athletic teams cannot simultaneously serve on the CJB Athletic Board.
● The officers of the CJB Athletic Board consist of the following: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer.
● The officers of the CJB Athletic Board are elected annually by the current Board at the last regular meeting of the fiscal year (held in June). Prior to the start of the June Athletic Board meeting, any of the Athletic Board members may nominate any other member, including oneself, as a candidate for officer. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the June meeting.
● The nominee receiving the most votes by written ballot for a given office, whether in person or by written proxy, shall be elected to such office. The office of President is filled first, followed by the Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. An Athletic Board member can be nominated for multiple offices, but can only serve in one capacity. Athletic Board members may decline a nomination.
● If the current Athletic Board President does not run for re-election, he or she presides over the election. If the current Athletic Board President is either running for re- election or another office, the senior most Athletic Board member not running for office presides over the election. In the event that all Athletic Board members are running for an office, the Athletic Board shall petition the Principal to preside over the election.
● The ballots for each office are tallied and confirmed by whoever presides over the election. Once the entire election is completed, the new officers assume their functions and facilitate the remainder of the meeting.
Article IV – Selection of Athletic Board Members
● All members of the CJB Athletic Board must be of a good moral character at all times, interested in the welfare and growth of the students of CJB, model Christian values and be willing to uphold and promote the policies and guidelines of the CJB Athletic Program. All members must comply with all annual Archdiocesan requirements for interaction with minors, including all VIRTUS training.
● The AD and Athletic Board members must model Christian values.
● The AD is a paid position whose selection shall be based on the same hiring process utilized for the hiring of any other faculty member at CJB. The terms of the AD’s employment relationship shall be entitled to the same degree of confidentiality and respect afforded to other school faculty members.
● Each of the 8 Athletic Board members from St. Stephen Deacon & Martyr, St. Elizabeth Seton, St. Francis of Assisi and St. Julie Billiart collectively shall be selected by the respective Pastor of that parish. The procedure for selection of each Athletic Board member shall be based on a discernment process established by each individual Pastor at his discretion. If there are insufficient applicants from any single parish, the parish in question may open its application and discernment process to any of the 3 other parishes that sponsor CJB school.
● The faculty member shall be selected by the Principal based on a discernment established by the Principal at the Principal’s discretion. This process will also apply in the event that a faculty member is unable to serve, thus necessitating the Principal to appoint a substitute member from one of the four participating parishes.
● It is not a requirement to have a child enrolled in CJB school to serve on the CJB Athletic Board.
Article V - Resignations or Removal of Board Members
● Any CJB Athletic Board member may resign from the Board by submitting a resignation in writing to the Athletic Board;
● If the President resigns from the Board, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of office;
● The replacement on the Board of any member that has resigned will be identified by either the Pastor of the respective parish where the resigned officer registered, or by the Principal if the member was a school faculty member or other substitute appointee. The replacement shall be appointed to fulfill the original term of the member that resigned;
● Once a resignation has occurred and a new replacement appointee has been identified, the Athletic Board shall hold elections for any open officer positions; ● Any resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein and, unless otherwise specified therein, no acceptance of such resignation shall be necessary to make it effective;
● Members may be removed by a majority vote of the Board for “just cause” after a hearing on the merits of the petition, pending ratification of the Athletic Board’s decision by the Executive Pastor and Principal. Any member of the Athletic Board can submit a petition for removal.
Article VI - Terms of Office
● Except for the AD, membership on the CJB Athletic Board shall initially be for a term of 3 years, starting on July 1st and ending on June 30th. After 3 years, each Athletic Board member may request a one-year extension. The decision to grant that extension rests solely in either the discretion of the Pastor from the respective parish that the board member is from, or the Principal if the member is filling the faculty position on the Board. With the exception of the AD, no Athletic Board member shall serve more than 4 years total, subject to the exception noted below for those members appointed for the 2011-12 school year.
● Terms ordinarily should expire on a rotating basis, with the term of one member of each parish expiring in a different year than the other member of that same parish. For those individuals from the sponsoring parishes selected to the CJB Athletic Board for the 2011- 12 school year, they are allowed any necessary one-year extension by the Pastor to avoid both members of the sponsoring parish from leaving the Athletic Board in the same school year. This term exception would expire once the original members (or their replacements) selected to the Board for the 2011-12 school year leave the CJB Athletic Board and a proper rotating protocol is in place.
● The terms of employment for the AD shall be governed by a contract/agreement with CJB school.
Article VII – Athletic Board Meetings
● Members of the Athletic Board are expected to attend monthly meetings during the school year which will be held on the second Monday (except June) of each month at CJB school. Board members who are unable to attend a meeting must notify the Secretary in advance of the scheduled meeting. The Athletic Board may terminate the term of office of any member who misses two Athletic Board meetings without notification in a school calendar year through a majority vote.
● When necessary, a "special" meeting may be called and all board members are expected to attend. ● A majority of the Board, present either in person or by written proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the CJB Athletic Board. The act of a majority of the voting Athletic Board members shall be the act of the CJB Athletic Board. In those cases where only the officers of the Athletic Board are entitled to vote (such as the Grievance Procedure), the act of a majority of the voting officers shall be the official act of the Board.
● Meetings are generally open to parents and guardians of students. Those who wish to address the Athletic Board must submit the request in writing to the Secretary of the Board not less than 3 days prior to the scheduled meeting. This allows the item to be placed on the agenda and sufficient time allotted for discussion. Only individuals who have been allotted time on the agenda will be allowed to speak during the meeting. However, the notification requirement may be waived for an individual by a majority vote of the Athletic Board. Any participating parents or guardians shall not unduly interfere with the regular course of monthly business of the Board.
● Executive sessions, which are only open to CJB Athletic Board members, are either conducted before the regularly scheduled meeting or after it. Executive sessions are called by either the President of the Board, the Executive Pastor or the Principal. The Athletic Board meets in executive session to deal with sensitive issues that may not be shared with the public.
● There will be an agenda and minutes for each Athletic Board meeting. The agenda will be prepared by the President with the assistance of the AD and will outline a review of sports programs, issues/concerns, budget/financial issues, grievances, fundraising and special events. The agenda shall be provided to the Principal at least 48 hours before any scheduled meeting.
● Minutes of the meeting will be taken by the Secretary and distributed at the start of the next board meeting. Copies of all minutes shall be distributed to the Principal and Executive Pastor after each meeting.
● At the beginning of each meeting, there will be an opening prayer and the minutes will be reviewed for accuracy, modified if necessary, and accepted by the Athletic Board. The minutes will outline the topics discussed, actions to be taken and responsible party(s).
● The AD and Athletic Board officers will each present general reports to the Board, with the Treasurer presenting a monthly written budget report for review and approval by the Board.
● The Vice-President shall present a monthly report on the status of all fundraising activities. ● Any record of documented complaints shall be discussed, as well as the status of any pending grievance petitions, unless the President determines in his or her discretion that the matter should be reviewed in an Executive Session of the Board.
● Open issues and new business will be reviewed and discussed;
● Closing Comments.
Article VIII - Accountability
● The CJB Athletic Board is a standing committee of the CJB School Advisory Council with ultimate accountability to the school Principal and the Executive Pastor.
● The AD shall have discretionary authority to perform or delegate any of the AD’s job responsibilities to any other member of the CJB Athletic Board when necessary to fulfill the mission of the school athletic program, or comply with any guidelines or policies of the CJB Athletic Board. Any decision or conduct by the AD deemed inconsistent with the mission of the school athletic program, or guidelines set forth in either the CJB Athletic Handbook or the Athletic Board’s Constitution and By-laws, shall be subject to immediate review and reversal by the Principal and Executive Pastor.
● The other members of the CJB Athletic Board (other than the AD) shall only perform those activities or responsibilities that have been outlined in this handbook, or that have been approved with the consent of the AD, or a majority vote of the Athletic Board. Any decision or conduct by these other members of the Athletic Board deemed inconsistent with the mission of the school athletic program, or guidelines set forth in either the CJB Athletic Handbook or the Athletic Board’s Constitution and By-laws, shall be subject to immediate review and reversal by the Principal and Executive Pastor.
Article IX - Athletic Director Duties
● Supervise, on a daily basis, the CJB athletic programs pursuant to the policies and guidelines of the CJB Athletic Handbook and the Athletic Board’s Constitution and By- laws herein;
● Work in consultation and collaboration with the other members of the CJB Athletic Board to fulfill the mission and objectives of the CJB Athletic Program;
● Act as a liaison between all parties – student-athletes, coaches, parents, school;
● Arrange for registration of team players and distribution of registration materials; ● Official point of contact for athletics with other parishes, outside athletic organizations and other groups;
● Plan and schedule all practices, games and tournaments;
● Submit proposed leagues and tournaments to the CJB Athletic Board for approval;
● Recruit and appoint a volunteer coordinator to assist with the scheduling and supervision of all volunteers within the CJB athletic program;
● Set criteria, screen and present prospective coaches for approval by a majority of the CJB Athletic Board;
● Chair the pre-season meetings with coaches and parents;
● Conduct an annual parent meeting to inform new parents of the policies and procedures that govern the CJB Athletic Program;
● Determine how teams will be slated when there is an insufficient number of registered and eligible players per grade or age level, or when the number of registered and eligible players is large;
● Organize the tryout/team selection evaluation and ensure that all tryouts/evaluations are fair and accurately reflect the true capabilities of the players for that season;
● Develop a formalized template to be used for all athletic try-outs, evaluations or skill assessment, and provide the evaluator’s written results to the students and their families upon request;
● Provide coaches and volunteers with opportunities for continuing education in appropriate coaching techniques and child development related to the physical, psychological and emotional well-being of children;
● Work with the coaches to assure proper playing facilities;
● Communicate the school, athletic board and league policies to all coaches and oversee compliance therewith;
● Monitor and supervise coaches during practices and games over the course of the season and bring any problematic coaching issues to the attention of the President of the CJB Athletic Board;
● Ensure that coaches complete end of season player evaluations to be maintained by the Assistant Secretary of the Athletic Board;
● Work with the school faculty as a liaison in reporting to coaches those students who are ineligible to participate due to academic reasons; ● Prepare end of season reports which should include an evaluation of coaches (with input from head coach on all assistant coaches) and an assessment of leagues, to be shared with the Athletic Board, Executive Pastor and Principal;
● Conduct in-person evaluations of coaches at the end of the season;
● Coordinate and supervise the use of the CJB gymnasium and concession stand;
● Develop and communicate an "Emergency Plan" for unexpected occurrences at games and practices, including medical emergencies;
● Maintain first aid equipment and ensure its access and availability;
● Develop a plan for "crowd control" to be put into effect as needed;
● Recruit, train and supervise all gym supervisors;
● Develop, communicate, and maintain standards of safety with all coaches, gym supervisors and volunteers;
● Monitor inventory of athletic equipment and work with coaches for proper maintenance and return of equipment;
● Provide briefings to the Executive Pastor, Principal and CJB School Advisory Council (as requested) on the status of all athletic programs;
● Administer the approved budget in conjunction with the Treasurer;
● Present to the CJB Athletic Board for approval by the June meeting a calendar of events for next year’s athletics;
● Perform any other duties as requested by the other members of the CJB Athletic Board, Principal or Executive Pastor.
Article X – Duties of the President
● Provide leadership and direction to CJB athletic programs, and provide assistance and support to the AD when requested;
● Communicate the Philosophy of the Athletic Program and ensure that it is clearly understood and followed by other CJB Athletic Board members;
● Ensure that the CJB Athletic Board meets at least once on a monthly basis;
● Preside at all CJB Athletic Board Meetings and set the monthly meeting agenda, with copies of the agenda to be provided to the Principal no later than 48 hours before any Board meeting; ● Communicate information on all CJB sports programs and activities to CJB school;
● Receive any and all written complaints from the Athletic Director referred to the CJB Athletic Board through the grievance process established in the CJB Athletic Handbook. No complaints shall be accepted by the President unless the complaint is in writing and the author of the complaint has been identified.
● Lead, enforce and monitor the grievance process outlined in the CJB Athletic Handbook to ensure that the process proceeds in a fair and orderly manner;
● Review and evaluate the rules, regulations, and eligibility standards within the athletic program;
● Monitor enforcement of any eligibility determinations for each sport;
● Conduct monthly assessments to ensure that the Athletic Program has the necessary proof of insurance coverage to protect CJB school and its students (both medical and general liability) during all athletic activities sponsored by CJB;
● Form short-term ad hoc committees at his or her discretion to complete necessary tasks;
● Ensure that all members of the CJB Athletic Board are compliant with their assigned job responsibilities.
Article XI – Duties of the Vice-President
● Perform the functions of the President in case of the President’s absence;
● Assist the President or any other member of the CJB Athletic Board in any delegated responsibilities;
● Serve as fundraising coordinator for the CJB Athletic Program, which would include planning, implementing and supporting fundraising, and supervise any ad hoc committees established to further fundraising efforts;
● Conduct a semi-annual review of all athletic policies and procedures to ensure compliance with all Archdiocesan guidelines;
● Check with all of the parish and school calendars on a monthly basis to avoid schedule conflicts, with special attention devoted to avoidance of conflicts with Church sacrament celebrations and special events sponsored by CJB school;
● Coordinate and schedule team pictures;
● Coordinate and/or schedule any team award banquets. Article XII – Duties of the Secretary
● Responsible for processing, maintaining and storing records of the CJB Athletic Board;
● Conduct the general correspondence of the Athletic Board and to notify all members of Board meetings;
● Retain all league correspondence from sports coordinators;
● Maintain copies of all agendas for all monthly Board meetings;
● Keep an accurate record and minutes of all discussion, topics, votes and policy decisions made at the CJB Athletic Board Meetings, and present them for approval by the Board at the next meeting (shall be retained indefinitely);
● Ensure that a copy of the minutes is provided to the President of the CJB School Advisory Council, Principal and Executive Pastor prior to the third Tuesday of each month when the Advisory School Council meets;
● Coordinate all CJB athletic publications, marketing efforts, advertisements and public relations connected with the CJB sports programs, including all contact with the CJB school Marketing Committee, Development Committee or any other standing committee of the School Advisory Council;
● Collect and retain all annual player and coaching evaluations;
● Distribute, collect and file all signed code of conduct forms verifying that all coaches, students, and parents have acknowledged that they have reviewed the CJB Athletic Handbook and have agreed to be bound by all guidelines as set forth in the Handbook.
Article XIII – Duties of the Assistant Secretary
● Maintain a record of all complaints relating to the CJB Athletic Program that are directed or referred to the President of the CJB Athletic Board through the grievance process established in the CJB Athletic Handbook, as well as a response to that complaint by the coach, AD or Athletic Board;
● Maintain a record of the status and progress of all grievance procedures as established in the CJB Athletic handbook, including the results of the process, which is to be submitted to the Principal, Executive Pastor and President of the CJB Advisory School Council on a monthly basis;
● Verify that all coaches and volunteers for the athletic program have completed the necessary VIRTUS training for protecting children from child sexual abuse, and to maintain a written record of such compliance; ● Verify that all employees, coaches and volunteers in the CJB Athletic Program who are mandated reporters with the Archdiocese of Chicago complete the Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse; Training for Mandated Reporters ONLINE, and maintain a written record of such compliance;
● Administer parent, student, and coach compliance matters that relate to all legal and safety aspects of the athletic program, including verification of athlete’s age, parental permission/waivers in writing, medical insurance coverage documentation, yearly athletic physicals, and emergency contact information. All documents relating to these matters shall be retained by the Assistant Secretary;
● Maintain a record of all coaches’ volunteer forms and applications;
● Maintain a record of all general liability insurance coverage information relating to the use of athletic playing areas off the premises of CJB.
Article XIV – Duties of the Treasurer
● Keep a written ledger of all Board expenditures and receipts and to develop a system of accounting in compliance with all Archdiocesan guidelines;
● Oversee the expenditures of all funds related to the CJB Athletic Program, and maintain the necessary back-up documentation relating to those expenditures;
● Provide requested financial information or other documents relating to all income and expenses of the CJB Athletic Program to the business manager/agent for CJB school so that all necessary figures can be included in the annual school budget;
● Provide all requested information to the business manager/agent for CJB school if deemed necessary as part of an audit of the financial status of the athletic program;
● Keep the CJB Athletic Board apprised of all budgetary considerations, and submit a written report on a monthly basis concerning the athletic programs financial performance relative to the forecasted budget, which would also include a final financial report delivered at the end of the school year to the CJB School Advisory Council;
● Work with the CJB business manager to develop a budget for the CJB Athletic Program, to be presented to the CJB Athletic Board as well as the Finance Committee of the CJB Advisory School Council and Principal for approval by the May meeting; ● Set participation fees with the assistance of the AD;
● Raise funds for the athletic program with the Vice-President, which would include planning, implementing and supporting fund-raising activities;
● Responsible for working with the CJB business manager for the purchase, maintenance, storage and inventory of athletic equipment.
Article XV - Amendments
● Any amendments to the Constitution and By-laws for the CJB Athletic Board, or the CJB Athletic Handbook, may be submitted by an Athletic Board member, in writing, to the CJB Athletic Board. If a majority of the Athletic Board members adopt the amendment, the amendment shall be submitted to the CJB School Advisory Council for approval. At least 2/3 majority of the CJB School AdvisoryCouncil is required for ratification of the proposed amendment, with final approval needed from the Principal and Executive Pastor.
Article XVI – Supervision and Management of the CJB Gymnasium
● Role of the Athletic Director ● The primary responsibility for the supervision and management of the CJB gymnasium while used for athletic events rests with the AD. The AD shall make every effort to be personally available and monitor the CJB gymnasium for all athletic events, particularly on the weekends. ● If the AD is not personally available to supervise and monitor the CJB gymnasium during CJB athletic events, the AD must at all times be available by cell phone or pager.
● Gym Supervisor ● The AD is responsible for identifying a list of those individuals who may serve as a Gym Supervisor for the CJB gymnasium when the AD is not on the premises; ● The AD must provide the list of available Gym Supervisors to the Secretary of the CJB Athletic Board, the Executive Pastor and Principal at the beginning of every school year; ● The Gym Supervisor must: ● Be 21 years of age; ● Submit Archdiocese of Chicago Form 7703, “Application for Employment or Volunteer Service”; ● Be available for personal interview by the CJB Athletic Board, Principal or Executive Pastor; ● Submit to background check and professional standards review as mandated by the Archdiocese; ● Attend Virtus training sessions as required by the Archdiocese; ● Attend CPR/AED Training Class; ● Attend and successfully complete any training; ● Model Catholic Christian values at all times; ● Exhibit and demonstrate a high standard of responsibility and trustworthiness; ● The Gym Supervisor must be named as an additional insured to the CJB General Liability Policy for any activity spent within the scope of his or her activities as the CJB Gym Supervisor;
● No individual can serve as a Gym Supervisor unless expressly approved by the Executive Pastor and Principal; ● In an effort to maximize the use of the CJB gymnasium and to preserve the safety and welfare of the children, the following guidelines have been developed regarding the use of the gym: ● The AD or Gym Supervisor must always arrive early, and should always be the first person(s) in the gym. ● Upon opening, all bathrooms near the gymnasium should be checked as a precautionary measure. ● No children shall be in the gym unsupervised. ● It is the responsibility of the AD, Gym Supervisor or coach to ensure that the children enter and exit thegym appropriately and that they remain in the supervised gym area and do not play in the school hallways.
● The following procedures shall be used upon opening the gym for an athletic event: ● Turn on lights in the gym, locker room, gym commons area, AD office, official’s room (teen room) and concession stand; ● Put on coffee and hot water; ● Lock Doors in Gym going out to the school; ● Put basketball nets down into location; ● Bring in portable stands, place in open area east of stands ; ● Pull out stands; ● Put out scorer’s table; ● Set up chairs for benches and scorer's table (12 home, 12 visitors and 3 at table); ● Set up time clock; ● Put out basketballs (2); ● 4th and 5th graders use 28.5 size ball; ● 6th, 7th and 8th graders use 29.5 size ball (official size); ● All girls games use 28.5 size ball; ● Check air pressure in balls; ● Put scorebook, rules, pencils, schedules and possession arrow on scorer's table; ● Check Locker Rooms - clean and make sure door is locked going out to school; ● Put Visiting Team and Home Team plates on locker room entrances; ● Set up gate area - table, chairs, pricing sign and cash box; ● Post game schedule on outside door; ● Check tables in Gym Commons area.
● Concession Stand ● Set up donuts, candy, chips and coffee items (cups, stirring straws, cream and sugar/equal, etc..); ● Post price list; ● Obtain cash box; ● Put garbage bags in cans - leave two in concession stand and put one by stands; ● Assign jobs to volunteers - concession stand and gate; ● Make sure that 2 scorekeepers are present - one for the board and one for the book.
● Games
● Greet coaches from visiting team - offer locker room, which they can use for the second half of the game before their game until half time of their own game; ● Periodically check on volunteers; ● Observe fans, players and coach for behavior that is unacceptable; ● Have volunteers clean areas that get messy such as the stands (between games) and Gym Commons area; ● Score keepers are to clean and organize bench area between games; ● Periodically remove big bills and excess cash from cash boxes and place in envelope; ● Order pizza at the midpoint of the day for any volunteers, scorekeepers, Gym Supervisor and any other help; ● Check bathrooms and hallways once an hour; ● Write scores of games on a master list.
● After the Games
● Clean up - concession stand, common areas, stands, benches; ● Put chairs and tables away; ● Throw all garbage away in bins outside; ● Collect cash boxes and place in locked file cabinet; ● If games are being played the next day leave everything set up.
● Prior to leaving the gym, the following shall be completed: ● The gym, washrooms, and locker room should be checked for persons or personal items, gym clothes, equipment, etc.; ● All gym doors should be checked and secured; ● Lights (gym, hall, bathrooms, etc.) should be turned off; ● The gym shall be checked for debris. All debris shall be placed in the proper receptacle; ● All equipment shall be returned to the proper storage location; ● The AD, Gym Supervisor or coach should be the last person to leave the gym after practices or games.
● Cash Handling ● All cash handling will be managed by the AD or supervising Gym Coordinator at each home event, using the following procedure: ● A petty-cash balance of $100 will be maintained in the AD’s cash box for home games. The box will be kept with the school business manager between games; ● The Event Reconciliation Sheet will be completed by the AD or supervising Gym Coordinator, recording all gate receipts and concession profits, which are then given to the school business manager as soon as practicable after each home game; ● Any person retained to assist the athletic program in the administration of any home games can only be paid with the approval of the school business manager; ● Any funds will be delivered to the CJB business manager as soon as practicable after each home game.
Article XVII – Volunteer Coordinator
● The AD is responsible for appointing one of the Athletic Board members to serve as the volunteer coordinator to help organize and lead volunteers needed for all athletic activities;
● The volunteer coordinator is to work with the AD, coaches and team parents to schedule volunteers as needed;
● All volunteers must attend Virtus training sessions as required by the Archdiocese;
● The volunteer coordinator is to work with the Assistant Secretary of the CJB Athletic Board to verify that all volunteers complete all Virtus training and that proof of completion is provided to the Assistant Secretary for filing; ● The volunteer coordinator should work to recruit volunteers first and foremost who are students and family members from CJB school to promote participation and spirit for the CJB athletic program;
● The volunteer coordinator should act as a liaison between the volunteer and the AD to obtain any necessary training or instruction.
● For the administration of home games, it is the responsibility of the AD and volunteer coordinator to ensure that there is adequate volunteer coverage for all tasks required in sponsoring athletic contests in the CJB gymnasium.
● All CJB parents of a student-athlete participating in the season sport are eligible and required to assist in a fair share of home game coverage duties.
This Constitution and By-Laws of the CJB Athletic Board are hereby adopted and approved this ___ day of June, 2011 by the Executive Pastor and Principal of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin School.
______Executive Pastor
______Principal of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin