Curriculum Vitae s400
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1. Personal details: Date of birth: 17/01/1974 Citizenship: South African, UK Languages: English, Afrikaans, German, French (elementary) Postal address: Gersthoferstrasse 119/2/6, Vienna 1180, Austria Telephone: +43(0)69911856612 E-mail: [email protected] Marital status: divorced (previously Dingle), 2 children
2. Academic record:
2007: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Law), University College London (UCL), London, UK 2002: Masters Degree (LLM), Marine and Environmental Law, University of Cape Town (UCT): Distinction 1997: Degree of Bachelor of Laws (UCT) 1995: Degree of Bachelor of Arts (UCT), South Africa 1991: Cape Senior Certificate, Westerford High School, South Africa
3. Academic achievements and appointments:
2014 - present: Post-doctorate fellowship Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) 2011-2014: Honorary Research Associate, Public Law, UCT 2003: Commonwealth Scholarship (for PhD at University College London: 2004 – 2007) 1997: Class Medal (Corporation Law, UCT), Adams & Adams Prize (Corporation Law, UCT) 1995: Class Medal (African Customary Law, UCT) 1993 – 1997: Dean’s Merit List (UCT)
4. Work experience:
July-December 2016: Consultant: Research and Evaluation for FishFORCE Fisheries Crime Law Enforcement Academy Project (NMMU) August-November 2016: Consultant for United Nations Office on Crime and Drugs Global Programme for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime (UNODC): assistant in organisation of international FishCRIME 2016 symposium and consultant for internal report ‘Fisheries crime in the value chain’ June 2016: UNODC: consultant for population of UN SHERLOC database on fisheries crime ( February-May 2016: UNODC: assistant in organisation of Fisheries Crime Expert Group Meeting and consultant for outcome Conference Room Paper July 2015-October 2015: UNODC: consultant May 2014 – present: Hub coordinator & Steering Committee member, PescaDOLUS network on transnational organised fisheries crime February 2014 –present: Post-doctorate fellow (NMMU): fisheries crime research; January- March 2014: UNODC, Maritime Crime Programme, consultant on fisheries crime in West Africa July 2010-present: Assistant Managing Editor (Journal of European Tort Law), Institute for European Tort Law, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna February – March 2007: Guest Lecturer, Masters in Marine Law, Law Faculty, UCT October 2005: Tutor, European Social and Political Studies Introduction to Law module, UCL, London November 2004- December 2004: Tutor, European Social and Political Studies Introduction to Law module, UCL, London December 2002 – January 2004: Assistant Lecturer/ Researcher, Institute of Marine & Environmental Law, UCT April 2001-December 2002: Assistant Lecturer, Law Faculty, UCT April 2000 – March 2001: Researcher, Institute of Marine & Environmental Law, UCT March 1999 – March 2000: Researcher, Centre for Socio-Legal Research, UCT 1996 –1997: Student advisor UCT Legal Aid Clinic
5. Published written work: 2
2017: with P Snijman ‘Law enforcement responses facilitated by a fisheries crime approach: the South African example’ (forthcoming in Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa, 2017)
2016: with M Isaacs ‘Fisheries crime, food security and small-scale fisheries in South Africa: is it a case of bigger fish to fry?’ (in ‘Transnational Organised Fisheries Crime’ (edited volume) forthcoming in 2017)
2015: with E de Coning ‘Towards a new “fisheries crime” paradigm: South Africa as an illustrative example’ Marine Policy 2015 Volume 60, October 2015, 208–215
2014: ‘Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing on the High Seas: The Port State Measures Agreement in Context’ The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 29 (2014) 290- 320 ‘Research and comparative analysis on the fisheries crime situation in the Gulf of Guinea comparing the developed United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Maritime Strategy and the Mandate for the Gulf of Guinea with the equivalent United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Fisheries Gulf of Guinea Strategy and Mandate’ unpublished internal report for UNODC, March 2014 (internal note, UNODC consultancy) 2012: E Witbooi Fisheries and Sustainability: A legal analysis of EU and West African Agreements (2012) Queen Mary Studies in International Law 6, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2008: ‘The infusion of sustainability into bilateral fisheries agreements with developing countries: the European Union example’ 2008 (32) 4 Marine Policy 669-679 ‘Governing global fisheries: Commons, Community Law and Third-Country Coastal Waters’ Social Legal Studies 2008 17(3) 369-388 ‘Cooperation in Promoting Ecological Integrity and Socioeconomic Justice in Marine Fisheries: European Community-West African Relations’ chapter 22 in C Soskolne (ed) Sustaining Life on Earth: Environmental and Human Health through Global Governance (2008) Lexington Books, United Kingdom 2006: ‘Law and fisheries reform: legislative and policy developments in South African fisheries over the decade 1994-2004’ 2006 30 (1) Marine Policy30-42
2005: With J Glazewski ‘Environmental Law’ in University of the Witwatersrand School of Law Annual Survey of South African Law, (2005) Juta, Cape Town With J Glazewski ‘Marine Living Resources’ chapter 13 in J Glazewski Environmental Law in South Africa 2nd Edition (2005) Butterworths, Durban 'Fishing rights: a new dawn for South African marine subsistence fishers' 2005 (19) Ocean Yearbook 74-104
2004: ‘Review and audit of the legal provisions and institutional arrangements that impact on the artisanal fisheries sector in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) Region‘, unpublished report for Environmental Evaluation Unit, University of Cape Town (UNDP Project: LMR/AFSE/03/01/A), October 2004, 56pp With J Glazewski ‘Environmental Law’ in University of the Witwatersrand School of Law Annual Survey of South African Law, Juta, Cape Town ‘Alien vegetation and fires: (when) are land owners liable?’ 2004 (19) 1 SA Public Law
2003: ‘Plastic bag regulation in South Africa: Just a load of rubbish?’ 2003 (10) 1 South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 67 – 91 With S Burman and N Glasser ‘The South African Family Court: A First World Ideal in a Second World Country’ in Family Law: Processes, Practices and Pressures (ed. J. Dewar and S. Parker), Hart Publishing, London, UK ‘Obligations on property owners to control alien invasive vegetation on their land’ 2003 (7) 1 Butterworths Property Law Digest With J Glazewski ‘Environmental Law’ in University of the Witwatersrand School of Law Annual Survey of South African Law (2002) 550 – 572 Juta, Cape Town 3
2002: ‘From Diepsloot to Kyalami: environmental concerns and informal housing – has anything changed?’ 2002 (6) 4 Butterworths Property Law Digest 15 With J Glazewski ‘Sustainable development, poverty-alleviation and the right to “sufficient water” in the new democratic South Africa’ for IUCN Environmental Law Conference, University of Natal (20 – 22 August) With M Sowman and L McDaid ‘Policy, legal and institutional framework for sustainable development in South Africa’ unpublished report. The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Third Human Development Report for South Africa (2002) UNDP, Pretoria South Africa ‘Subsistence Fishing in South Africa: Implementation of the Marine Living Resources Act’ 2002 (3) International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 431
2001: ‘Restrictive environmental measures: (When) do they justify compensation for the property owner?’ 2001 (8) South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 215 ‘Insurance risks imposed by alien invading plants in urban areas’ unpublished report for Environment Evaluation Unit, UCT (January 2001) With J Glazewski ‘The impact of Environmental Law on the Property Lawyer’ Butterworths Property Law Digest (2001) vol 5 (1) 3 ‘Environmental measures and property rights – when is compensation due?’ Butterworths Property Law Digest (2001) vol 5 (2) 10 ‘Biodiversity and the Law: Legal issues arising from the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity into South African law’ (March 2001) Report for National Research Foundation (Social Science and Humanities) Grant holder: Professor J Glazewski ‘Legislation prior to the Marine Living Resources Act (1998) providing for access to coastal resources for subsistence resource users’ unpublished report for Environmental Evaluation Unit, UCT (September 2001) With J Glazewski Final Report: ‘Recommendations for the Implementation of international ballast water guidelines into South African Law’ (November 2001) prepared for and presented at First International Workshop on the Legal Aspects of Ballast Water Management and Control, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden (15 – 16 November) Summarised in: Globallast Legislative Review, Globallast Monograph Series N.1, Final Report 2002 (Moira L. McConnell (ed.)).
2000: With S Burman and N Glasser ‘The new Family Court in action: An initial assessment’ South African Law Journal (2000) vol 117 (1) 111 With S Burman and N Glasser ‘The South African Family Court: A First World ideal in a Second World Country’ for the International Society of Family Law 10th World Conference, Australia, June 2000 With J Glazewski ‘Treasure Oil Spill – Legal lessons learned’ for Treasure Oil Spill Conference on Wildlife Issues (23 – 25 November 2000)
6. Technical written work
For UNODC Global Programme for Combatting Wildlife & Forest Crime (consultant): Conference Room Paper on UNODC/WWF Expert Group Meeting on Fisheries Crime, February 24-26, UNODC, Vienna, Austria for Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 25th Session, March 2016, Vienna, Austria For UNODC Global Programme for Combatting Wildlife & Forest Crime ‘Transnational organised crime along the value chain in the fisheries sector’, (internal UNODC document) December 2016.
7. Workshops, Seminars and Conferences:
2016: Member of organising team and participation in UNODC/WWF Expert Group Meeting on Fisheries Crime, February 24-26 , UNODC, Vienna, Austria. Member of organising team and presentation of conference paper at International Symposium on FishCRIME 2016, 10-11 October, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Attendence of and presentation at Norway-South Africa Science Week, 2-3 November, Cape Town, South Africa. Presentation of paper at NMMU FishFORCE Fisheries Law Enforcement Academy project symposium, 23-24 November Mombasa, Kenya.
2015 4
Member of organising team and participation in International Symposium on FishCRIME 2015, 12-13 October, Cape Town, South Africa Presentation of paper ‘Towards a new “fisheries crime” paradigm: challenges and opportunities with reference to South Africa as an illustrative African example’ at Juristenrunde Seminar, Institute of European Tort Law, Vienna, January 21, 2015
2014 Presentation of conference paper ‘Towards a new “fisheries crime” paradigm: challenges and opportunities with reference to South Africa as an illustrative African example’ at AIM Strategy: Legal Challenges & Opportunities Conference 2014, NMMU, November 13-14 2014. 2013 Presentation of conference paper ‘IUU Fishing: Profits, Plunder, Port State Control and Flags of Convenience’ at Fisheries Crime Symposium, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town, 9 July 2013 and attendance of and participation in INTERPOL Project Scale Regional Consultation on Fisheries Crime, Cape Town 10-11 July 2013. 2005 Presentation of paper ‘ The need for increased cooperation for ecological integrity and socio- economic justice: West African coastal issues’ at Global Ecological Integrity, Human Rights, and Human Responsibility: Intersections Between International law and Public Health Conference, Venice, Italy (29 June – 3 July) Presentation of paper ‘ The legal response to the complexities of effective fisheries management: the duty of cooperation’ at Management of the Commons Workshop, UCL, London (6 July)
2003: Presentation of paper ‘A window of opportunity for South Africa’s marine subsistence fishers’ at People and the Sea II: Conflicts, Threats and Opportunities Conference, Centre for Maritime Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands (4-6 September) Presentation of paper ‘Environmental justice in South Africa: legislative attempts to balance equitable access to adequate, safe water with sustainable use of the nation’s water resources’ at Global Ecological Integrity, Human Rights, and Human Responsibility: Intersections Between International law and Public Health Conference, Urbino, Italy (27 June – 1 July) Attendance of and presentation of paper ‘Legislation & Governance Applicable to Seal Protection and Welfare in South Africa’ at International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Seal Workshop, Hout Bay, South Africa (13 -14 March)
2002: Attendance of and presentation of Elizabeth Mann Borgese memorial lecture ‘A new dawn for South African marine subsistence fishers’ at Pacem in Maribus (PIM) 2002 Conference: The Ocean in the New Economy, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa (8 – 14 December); Attendance of and presentation of paper ‘Transformation of South Africa’s subsistence fisheries: the legal context’ at International Symposium: Transformation of the South African Fishing Industry, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa (14 – 15 October); Attendance of ‘IUCN Environmental Law Conference’, University of Natal, South Africa (20 – 22 August)
2001: Attendance of and participation in ‘First international Workshop on the Legal Aspects of Ballast Water Management and Control’, World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden (15 – 16 November)
8. Other
2016: Co-supervisor of LLB treatise NMMU 2015: Co-supervisor of Doctoral treatise NMMU; Co-supervisor of LLB treatise NMMU 2014: External examiner of LLB treatise, NMMU
2003: External examiner for MSC theses, University of Malawi, Malawi External examiner for LLM thesis, Potchefstroom University, South Africa. Temporary representative on the UCT Environmental Thrust Team (in place of Professor Glazewski while on special leave)
2002: Guest editor of International Journal of Discrimination and the Law ‘Special Issue of South African and Botswana’ Vol 5 No. 2/3 (2001) Servicing of Postgraduate Programme Review Committee (March – September) Temporary representative on the UCT Environmental Thrust Team (in place of Professor Glazewski while on sabbatical) 5
9. Relevant lecturing experience:
2007: Guest lecturer of Marine Resources Law (LLM), UCT 2005: Tutor of first year European Social and Political Studies Introduction to Law module, UCL, London
2004: Tutor of first year European Social and Political Studies Introduction to Law module, UCL, London
2003: Convenor & lecturer of final year LLB Environmental Law course, UCT Assistant lecturer (together with Profs J Gibson and J Glazewski) of LLM Environmental Law course, UCT Convenor & lecturer of Environmental & Fisheries Law II Module of National Diploma: Fisheries Resources Management, Cape Technikon
2002: Assistant lecturer of Environmental Law module for MPhil (Environmental and Geographical Science), UCT; Convenor & lecturer of final year LLB Environmental course, UCT; Lecturer of 9 week Environmental Law module for MSc (Environmental Geochemistry), UCT; Presentation of workshop on marine pollution law to Applied Marine Science Masters, UCT
2001: Co-presenter (with Prof J Glazewski) of workshop, IOI (International Ocean Institute), Marine Pollution Control component in Workshop on Train-Sea-Coast programme, Benguela Upwelling Systems, UWC (December 2001) Assistant lecturer of Environmental Law module MPhil (Environmental and Geographical Science), UCT