Business Computer Information Systems I
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Instructor: Kim Rainbolt Campus Location: Weslaco High School, Room G-9A Office Telephone: 956-969-6700 E-mail: [email protected] Conference: Period 3A
BIM I develops technology skills with applications to personal or business situations. In this course the student will learn computer technology that focuses on word processing, spreadsheets, databases, telecommunications, desktop publishing, presentation management, networking operating systems, emerging technologies, and intermediate-level business skills. The skills learned will be applicable to social, post-secondary education and the workforce. This course is approved for Technology Applications credit. Students may take advantage of additional opportunities for leadership development through BPA (Business Professionals of America I & II) and UIL (University Interscholastic League) academics offered at Weslaco High School.
STUDENT MATERIALS NEEDED: (These items must be brought to class every day):
1. 3-Ring Binder (2-inch;any color) 2. Pen (Black or Blue) 3. #2 Pencil
Assignments must be on time for full credit. If late, I will take off an automatic 20 points. This deduction will be taken if it is late 1 day or two weeks. It is better to turn in late assignments than receiving a zero for not turning it in at all. All late work must be turned in no later than 1 week before the grades are due.
Six Weeks Grade: . 35% Daily/Homework/Participation . 10% Quizzes . 30% Tests, Projects . 25% Six Weeks Exam
Semester Grade: . 80% Six Weeks Grades . 20% Comprehensive Semester Exam
ATTENDANCE: It is vital that you are in this class every day. If you need to be absent, it is your responsibility to get the assignment from another student or come by after school to pick up missed assignment. You absolutely must bring an absence slip. You will not be allowed in class without an absence slip. If you know that you will be absent (band, athletics, doctor’s appointment, etc.), let the instructor know in advance so you can get the assignment ahead of time.
You are allowed only 5 absences per semester before you lose credit.
My class starts as soon as you walk into the room so it is important that you get here on time. If you are tardy, it is highly likely that you missed an assignment or important information for that day. Wait until class instruction is over and then ask about any missed information.
Beware of viruses; therefore, the instructor must OK any outside disk before it can be used in a classroom computer. Other security items will be discussed in class.
This room is for use before and after school, a lunch period, or an unused class period. If you need to use a computer, check with the instructor to make sure the lab will be open at that time.
Everyone is encouraged to join Business Professionals of America. This is a Career and Technology Youth Leadership organization closely associated to our classroom instruction. We attend conferences and participate in competition in all areas of business…from keyboarding to public speaking, and from interviewing skills to multimedia presentations. If you are interested in joining BPA, listen for special announcements about this great group on campus.
1. **OBSERVE ALL SCHOOL RULES AS STATED IN STUDENT HANDBOOK** (Remember, portable radios, pagers, cell phones, CD players, games, MP3’s, IPODs, etc. are not to be used during class time. If you have these items with you, please keep them in your backpacks or purses and make sure that it is turned off. As per school rules, these items will be taken from you if they are visible or used during class/school time.)
2. Do NOT bring any food, gum, or drinks into the classroom. 3. Use class time for this course only; do not expect to complete homework for other classes during our class time.
4. Be seated before the tardy bell rings and stay in your seat.
5. Sit up in class; stay seated until class is over; clean up around your desk before leaving at the end of the period; wait to be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. Place your chair under your desk before leaving the classroom.
6. Listen to and follow directions. You are urged to feel free to ask questions about instructions or assignments. Remember that you may not be the only student with a question. Raise your hand and sit quietly until the instructor can help you.
7. Have respect for everyone in the classroom and you will have no problems. Treat your classmates and instructor as you would like to be treated (if necessary, treat them even better).
8. Be Honest; dishonesty will not be tolerated in the classroom or office. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment or exam. Both parties will get zeros when caught.
9. Observe campus dress code; grooming should be taken care of before class; it will not be acceptable to comb your hair or apply makeup in class.
10. Keep everything off your desk except your instruction book, materials, and pen/pencil.
11. You are expected to care for your workstation/desk. You are responsible for any damage caused deliberately to any of the equipment, furniture or anyone else’s personal property in this room.
12. Leave computers as they have been adjusted on your desk.
13. Use the designated background and screen savers as directed by the teacher.
14. The Internet may be used only when you are given permission to do so.
15. Computer games may only be played when given permission to do so.
16. Use classroom printers for BIM I assignments only, unless you have asked for permission to print assignments from another class.
17. When given permission to print an article from the Internet, be sure to copy and paste the article to word.
18. Stay quiet while I am lecturing, unless an emergency arises.
19. Find or ask for extra work, if an assignment is completed before the end of the period. CLASS PROCEDURES:
I. Assignments
Name, Date, and Class Period are to be placed at the top of the page using a HEADER and Assignment Name should be placed at the bottom of the page using a FOOTER. On the day it is due, it should be turned in to the tray assigned for your class.
II. Entering the Classroom
Greet your teacher. Walk in quietly. Turn in homework, if any. Sharpen your pencil, if needed. Sit at your desk. Turn on computer and start working on the Warm Up.
III. End of Class
Start putting everything away when instructed by the teacher. Make sure surrounding area around your desk is clean. Log off computer. Stay in your seat. The bell does not dismiss you; I will dismiss you by rows or groups.
IV. Restroom Passes
Raise your hand and ask for permission. If allowed, fill in your restroom pass on the clipboard and bring to me for teacher’s signature. Walk out and walk back in quietly as not to disturb the class. If you misuse your restroom passes, you will lose your restroom privileges.
V. Behavior
Keep your hands to yourself. Keep hands off of cords and connections on back of computers. Stay in your seat as much as possible. Stay on task at all times. Be polite. Have good manners. REWARDS
Rewards will be given for attendance and for work well done. Rewards may consist of the following:
1. Stickers 2. Pencils/Pens 3. Folders/Notebooks 4. Other small items
1ST Offense → Warning
2nd Offense → 60 seconds after class
3rd Offense → Phone call to parents
4th Offense → Referral to Principal’s Office
Severity Clause: Teacher reserves the right to skip the first 3 consequences if offense is severe.