Course Description: Reason Studio Workshop Course

The Reason School program is perfect for dj’s, producers, and people driven by the MUSIC. Every student will work on the goal to complete and mixdown a track by the end of the course, meanwhile exploring production techniques, writing, and mixing techniques. All modules, devices, tools and sequencer will be covered. Students will have Reason excercises that are beneficial in learning the program and how it works. By taking this course you will have a grasp on Reason, and be prepared for real music production situations even outside the box. Also discussed and used are Propellerheads’ Recycle, Refill Packer, and Rewire with Pro Tools.

Classes are limited to two students, allowing students full individual attention in their sessions. There are no prerequisites for this course just basic knowledge of computers. We have two workstations fully operational complete with studio monitors, audio interfaces, and midi keyboards, but you can also bring your system in(before classes start) to properly configure your set up to work properly with Reason. Reason Studio Workshop is a 12 hour course spread out over 4 studio sessions three hours each. We conduct sessions on Monday, and Tuesday from 7pm – 10pm but we also offer private lessons that require different hours, days and even locations. The course is conducted at Instructor’s home studio in Culver City, CA.

Course Outline: Reason Excercises – Depending on performance and achievement all Students can move forward to the advanced course excercises.

Basic Reason

Class One Introduction to Reason Modules and Devices, and Basic Audio and Midi Routing 1. Reason and how far you can go using it. 2. The Devices and Modules or Reason and what they do. 3. Complete exercise 1 and 2. 4. Start your music creation by adding devices and patches.

Class Two Using Reason’s Sequencer and Edit/Arrange Windows, Basic Automation 1. All the essentials of using the sequencer’s edit and arrange windows. 2. Assigning an external midi controller to Reason’s knobs. 3. Micro and Knob controlled automation techniques. 4. Complete exercise 3 and 4 5. Work on your song. Class Three Redrum Drum Computer and making your sounds 1. All you need to know about the Redrum 2. Making you own sounds using waveforms, oscillatiors, LFOs and Filters 3. Complete exercise 4 and 5 4. Work on your song.

Class Four Creating Recycle files and your own refills. 1. Using Propellerheads Recycle program. 2. Maker you own Reason Refills. 3. Complete exercise 6 and 7. 4. Finish your song.

Advanced Reason

Class Five Using the Spider CV Merger and Splitter, using the vocoder, and NNXT Sampler 1. CV gate and how it works using the Spiders. 2. Using the Vocoder. 3. The world’s most powerful sampler Reason’s NNXT. 4. Complete the NNXT exercise

Class Six Using Reason’s mixer and Mastering Suite to tighten your mixes 1. Routing for a proper mixdown 2. Add Dynamic processing. 3. Using the Mastering Suite to master your song.

Class Seven Using Rewire Reason’s Hardware Interface with other audio programs. 1. Introduction to the Reason Hardware Interface, Rewire and Pro Tools. 2. How to route and create an effective mix of your song. 3. Complete the Rewire exercise.

Class Eight Using Matrix, Spider, and advanced automation techniques 1. Creating Patterns using the Matrix Sequencer 2. Adding the Spider CV Merger and Splitter. 3. Advanced automation techniques. 4. Reason Final Exam.