LKS Library and Knowledge Services e-book guide

What you need

 Please note to access e-books you need an Athens username & password.

 You will need Adobe Reader on your computer to be able to access the e-books, if you do not have this you can download it by typing it in to Google.

 Sometimes you will need to download another programme in order to access the book, you will be alerted to this and given the option to download the programme e.g. “Digital Editions” or “Bluefire Reader”.

Finding the e-books

 Log on to  Click “Enter Library”.  The Guided Search page will appear. In the “All Fields” box if you type electronic books it will bring up all of the trust’s electronic books.  If you prefer to put in a specific book or author it will locate that book. Check there is an electronic version as there may be hard copies too.  You can also contact the library for a specific book, a direct resource link to the book can be sent to you at your chosen email address.

Once you have located the book

 Click on the title.  Click on the resource link.  This will open up the “Authentication Point”. Put in your Athens username & password.  You will have the option to:-

Read online or Download the book.

 Read Online –  NB – If you wish to download to your computer not to a tablet you will need Adobe Digital Editions however you can choose to read online.  You can read online for approximately 10 minutes then you will be asked to choose a loan length e.g. 1 day.  Downloading to your tablet – Choose a loan length (sometimes between 1 – 7 days). There may be a choice of Formats Available e.g. PDF & ePUB. Select PDF if you are downloading to a PC or Kindle & select ePUB for other E readers or tablets.

Contact us:- e-mail: [email protected] or phone 01743 210110 (Redwoods) 01785 221584 (Stafford). Library and Knowledge Services: Helping staff get quality information and evidence to provide an excellent service