Texas State Vita s6

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Texas State Vita s6


Please note: For all entries, list most recent items first. Headings without entries may be eliminated, but the heading lettering/numbering should remain consistent with this template.

I. Academic/Professional Background

A. Name: Title:

Scott Wm. Bowman Associate Professor

B. Educational Background

Degree Year University Major Thesis/Dissertation

PhD 2007 Arizona State University Justice Studies

Wealth and Asset Decision Making of Black Middle Class Families: The Rationalization of Economic Growth and Justice

M.S. 2002 Arizona State University Justice Studies

Ritual Acts of the Collective: A Comparative Analysis of Southern Lynchings and Northern Sporting Events

B.S. 1996 Arizona State University Justice Studies

B.A. 1992 Arizona State University Psychology

C. University Experience

Position University Dates

Associate Professor Texas State University 8/13-Present

Assistant Professor Texas State University 8/07-8/13

Lecturer Texas State University 8/06-8/07

Lecturer Arizona State University – West 8/05-8/06

Adjunct Lecturer Arizona State University 8/03-8/05

II. TEACHING A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

2014 – “Favorite Professor” (Alpha Chi National College Honor Society) 2010 – Teaching with Sakai Innovation Award 2012 Runner-up – Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching 2011 Dean Nominee – Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (Applied Arts Award) 2010 Dean Nominee – Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (Applied Arts Award) 2009 Dean Nominee – Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (Applied Arts Award) 2008 Dean Nominee – Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (Applied Arts Award)

B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University CJ 2355 (Corrections) CJ 3300 (Juvenile Justice) CJ 3346 (Research in Criminal Justice) CJ 3322 (Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice) CJ 4327 (Ethics of Social Control) CJ 4340 (Crime Theory and Victimization) CJ 5101 (Graduate Assistant Supervision) CJ 5370 (Professional Paper) CJ 5380I (Race, Class, and Crime) CJ 7101 (Instructional Assistant Supervision) CJ 7313 (Race, Ethnicity and Crime) CJ 7330 (Qualitative Research Methods) CJ 7350 (Qualitative Data Collection, Coding and Analysis)

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please indicate):


Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Michelle Quinones (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Steve Boehm (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Jaclyn Schildkraut (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Yongsok Kim (Member)

Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Erin Cole (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Elizabeth Carroll (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Rachel Trimble (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Meredith Wilson (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Jeremy Thomison (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Ashley Leal (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Tabitha Morales (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – David Martinez (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Alyson Goldman (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Chris Gardner (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Corey St. Lawrence (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Tamika Ware (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Stephanie Trogdon (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Victor Jackson (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Barrett Watts (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Christina Gardner (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – James Jordan (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Brian Reyes (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Audrey Gibson (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Armando Vega (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Tylesia Lewis (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – LaShunda Williams (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Yvonne Troyano (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Elisha English (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Renee Kimball (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Kristina Bone (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Rebecca Meyers (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Suzanne Martinez (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – James Anderson (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Danielle Bridges (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Alicia Ybarra (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Jennifer Hampton (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Rodolfo Gonzales (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Tiffany Gentry (Chair) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Joseph McKenna (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Rory Oldham (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Erin McGann (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Matthew Herrera (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Keely Hammond (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Kristina Villarreal (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Kelly Barbeneaux (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Megan Holmes (Member) Graduate Thesis / Professional Paper Committee Member – Kristina Villarreal (Member)

Serving Doctoral Dissertation Chair – Jeremiah Hicks (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Chair – Kevin Elliott (Member)

Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Brian Reyes (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Lindsay Deveau (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Joe McKenna (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Shannon Cunningham (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Lisa Holleran (Member) Doctoral Dissertation Committee Member – Hunter Martindale (Member) D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

CJ 4309 (Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice) CJ 5380 (Race, Class, and Crime) CJ 7313 (Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice) CJ 7350 (Qualitative Data Collection, Coding and Analysis)

E. Other:

Participant – Program for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2008) Participant – Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Institute Guides (2009) Participant – Technology Integration Workshop (2010) Participant – Sloan-C Online Training (2013-14) Participant – Creating and Teaching an Online Course (2014)


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate) a. Scholarly Monographs:

N/A b. Textbooks:

N/A c. Edited Books:

Bowman, S.W. (2014) Color behind bars: Racism in the U.S. prison system (vol.1 – Historical and contemporary issues). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Bowman, S.W. (2014) Color behind bars: Racism in the U.S. prison system (vol. 2 – Public policy and the U.S. prison system). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. d. Chapters in Books:

Bowman, S.W. (2014). The School to Prison Pipeline and the 'Death of Deviance' in the American Public School System. In M. Dwelling, N.W. Pino, & J.A. Kotarba (eds.) The Death and resurrection of deviance: Current ideas and research. New York: NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Bowman, S.W. (2014) Residential segregation and the construction of an incarcerated underclass: Historical considerations. In Scott W Bowman (ed.) Color behind bars: Racism in the U.S. prison system (vol. 2) (59-76). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Bowman, S.W. (2014) Privilege and prison: A reconstruction of the race/crime paradigm. In Scott W Bowman (ed.) Color behind bars: Racism in the U.S. prison system (vol. 2) (605-624). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Bowman, S.W. (2012). Cultural competence, in S.M. Barton-Bellessa (ed.) Encyclopedia of cultural competence (100-103). Bloomington, In: Thousand Oaks, Ca; Sage Publications.

Bowman, S.W. (2011). Juvenile justice wiki project - Constructivism through technology, in R. Morgan & K. Olivares (eds.) Quick Hits – Teaching with technology (88-89). Bloomington, In: IU Press. e. Creative Books:


2. Articles a. Refereed Journal Articles:

Terranova, V.A. & Bowman, S. (2015). The forgotten population: Elderly and community corrections. Journal of Community Corrections. 24(3): 5-12.

McKenna, J., Martinez-Prather, K., & Bowman, S.W. (2014). The roles of school-based law enforcement officers and how these roles are established: A qualitative study. Criminal Justice Policy Review (online first).

Travis, Jr., R. & Bowman, S.W. (2014). Validation of the individual and community empowerment inventory: A measure of rap music engagement among college first years. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. (online first)

Bowman, S.W. (2013) A formative evaluation of WIKI’s as a learning tool in a face to face juvenile justice course. Educational Technology Research & Development, 61 (1), 3-24.

Bowman, S.W. & Travis, Jr., R. (2012). Prisoner reentry and recidivism according to the formerly incarcerated and reentry service providers: A verbal behavior approach. Behavior Analyst Journal, 13 (3-4), 9-19.

Vandiver, D., Bowman, S.W., and Vega, A. (2012). Music piracy among college students: An examination of low self-control, techniques of neutralization, and rational choice. The Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice. 8 (2): 92-108. Bowman, S.W. (2012). African-American male incarceration and the limitations of sociopolitical change. In The American Mosaic: The African American Experience.

Travis, Jr., R. & Bowman, S.W. (2011). Negotiating risk and promoting empowerment through rap music: Development of a measure to capture risk and empowerment pathways to change. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 21 (6), 654-678.

Travis, Jr., R. & Bowman, S.W. (2011). Ethnic identity, self-esteem, depression and variability in perceptions of rap music’s empowering and risky influences. Journal of Youth Studies. 15 (4), 455-478.

Bowman, S.W. (2010). Locked out, locked up, and locked in: The factors that influence continued African American incarceration. In The American Mosaic: The African American Experience.

Bowman, S.W. (2010). Multigenerational interactions in Black middle class wealth and asset decision making. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 32 (1): 15-26. b. Non-refereed Articles:


3. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

N/A b. Non-refereed:


4. Abstracts:


5. Reports:


6. Book Reviews:

Keys, D.V. & Maratea, R.J. (2016). Race and the death penalty: The legacy of McClesky v. Kemp. (forthcoming)

Bartollas C.F. & Miller, S.J. (2010). Juvenile justice in america (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall – Book Reviewed, March 2011.

7. Other Works in Print:

Bowman, S.W. (2008). George Foreman. In M.C. Whitaker (ed.) African-American Icons of Sport: Triumph, Courage, and Excellence (73-82). Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press. B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

Bowman, S.W. “The School to Prison Pipeline, Reentry, and Swimming Upstream” Paper presented at the June, 2015 Second Chance Conference at Toronto, Ontario.

Bowman, S.W. “Implicit Attitudes Testing and Juror Deliberations - A Preliminary Analysis of Hidden Biases” Paper presented at the March, 2015 ACJS meetings at Orlando, Florida.

Bowman, S.W. “Using Probation Narratives to Examine Probationer Process and Outcome,” Paper presented at the March, 2014 ACJS meetings at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Travis, R. & Bowman, S.W. “Negotiating Risk and Promoting Empowerment Through Rap Music,” presented at the March, 2014 Couch-Stone Symposium: Symbolic Interactionist Takes on Music. San Marcos, Texas.

Summers, E.J., Bowman, S.W. "The Need for Reflective and Transformative Methodologies: Autoethnography as a Social Justice Tool in Developing Novice Researchers," Paper presented at the May 2013 International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry meetings at Champaign-Urbana, Ill.

Bowman, S.W. “"Is Chivalry Dead?: Gender Construction in Jury Deliberations." Paper presented at the November 2012 Teen Court Association of Texas meetings at New Braunfels, Tx.

Bowman, S.W. “Locked Up, Locked in, and Locked Out: A Foucauldian Analysis of Black Male Incarceration.” Paper presented at the August, 2012, ABS meetings, Denver, Co.

Bowman, S.W. “Using WIKIs to Enhance A Social Pedagogy: Examples from a Juvenile Justice Course.” Paper presented at the August, 2012, ABS meetings, Denver, Co.

Bowman, S.W. “Exploring Teen Court Deliberations -- What Takes Place Behind Closed Doors.” Paper presented at the November 2011 Teen Court Association of Texas meetings at Longview, Tx.

Bowman, S.W. “Taking it to the Streets – The use of Wikis as a Collaborative Learning Tool in a Juvenile Justice Course” Paper presented at the March, 2011 ACJS meetings at Toronto, Canada. Bowman, S.W. “Judged by One’s Peers? -- Research on Teen Court Jury Deliberations” Paper presented at the March, 2010 ACJS meetings at San Diego, Ca.

Bowman, S.W. "Incorporating Marx in a ‘Race/Ethnicity and Crime’ Course – Crime, Historical Materialism, and the Social Construction of Race" August, 2009, ASA meetings, Boston, Ma.

Bowman, S.W. "Wealth and Asset Decision Making Of Black Middle Class Families: The Rationalization Of Economic Growth and Justice” Paper presented at the August, 2009, ABS meetings, Boston, Ma.

Bowman, S.W. “Confronting Issues in Health and Criminal Justice” Poster Presentation at the March, 2007 ACJS meetings at Seattle, Wa.

Bowman, S.W. "The Culture of Rational Choice: Understanding Wealth and Asset Decision Making for Middle Class African-Americans” Paper presented at the August, 2006, Race, Ethnicity, and Place Conference, San Marcos, Tx.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

Bowman, S.W. “Juvenile Justice Wiki Project”, Presented at Sakai Conference at Denver, Co. June, 2010

Bowman, S.W. “Wealth Matters: Educate to Elevate our Economic Growth.” Presented at the African American Leadership Conference at San Marcos, Tx. January, 2007

3. Consultancies: Office of Capital Writs, Austin, Texas – Social Historian (Death Penalty Case) - 2011 Office of Capital Writs, Austin, Texas – Social Historian (Death Penalty Case) - 2012 Office of Capital Writs, Austin, Texas – Social Historian (Death Penalty Case) - 2014

4. Workshops:

WIKI presentation for summer Technology Integration Workshop (2010)

5. Other Works not in Print: a. Works “submitted” or “under review”

Bowman, S.W. “Who and What You Know: Social and Cultural Capital in Black Middle Class Economic Decision-Making", Race and Social Problems.

Travis, R. & Bowman, S.W. “Musical Interactions: Girls Who Like & Use Rap Music for Empowerment", Studies in Symbolic Interaction Martinez-Prather, K., McKenna, J. & Bowman, S.W. “The School-to-Prison Pipeline: How Roles of School-Based Law Enforcement Officers May Impact Disciplinary Actions", Police Practice and Research: An International Journal b. Works “in progress”

Bowman, S.W. & Brooks, R. “Exploring Teen Court Deliberations – What Takes Place Behind Closed Doors” (expected completion 12/2015)

Bowman, S.W. & Sanders, B. “Probation Revocation: A Qualitative Analysis” (expected completion 12/2015)

Bowman, S.W. “Utilizing Autoethnography in a Doctoral Course” (expected completion 1/2016) c. Other works not in print

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

Sanders, B. & Bowman, S.W. (Co-PI) Bexar County Probation: Analysis of Revocation (2012)

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

NSF Career Grant -- (Submitted 2010)

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

Bowman, S.W. (PI). Research Enhancement Program (REP) Grant. Texas State University “Implicit Associations Testing.” (2011)

Travis, R. & Bowman, S.W. (Co-PI). Research Enhancement Program (REP) Grant. Texas State University “Hip Hop and Positive Youth Development.” (2008)

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:


D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors: IV. SERVICE

A. Institutional

1. University: Faculty Senator (2015 – 2018) Budget Committee (2015-) Member – Faculty Senate Liaison (2014 – 2015) Member – TRACS Steering Committee (2010 – Present) Member – University Council (2009 – 2013) Founder – Black Faculty Brown Bag Lecture Series (2009) Co-Coordinator (w/ Dr. Joe Kotarba) – Dr. John Johnson Lecture (2012) Discussant – First Annual Texas State Qualitative Research Conference (2012) Discussant – Second Annual Texas State Qualitative Research Conference (2013) Facilitator – Equality University (2013-15)

2. College:

3. Department/School:

Advisor – LAE (Criminal Justice Fraternity) (2007 – 2015) Search Committee Chair (2015) (x2) Search Committee (2014) (x3) Search Committee (2013) Search Committee (2012) Search Committee (2010) Master’s Department Committee (2013-15) Master’s Coordinator (2015- Professional Paper Committee (2011)

B. Professional

Reviewer – American Journal of Economics and Sociology Reviewer – Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology Reviewer – Journal of Qualitative Criminology and Criminal Justice Member – Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Member – American Sociological Association Member – Association of Black Sociologists

C. Community:

San Marcos High School Presenation (2010 / 2012) Empowerment Roundtable (2010) Central Texas Representative for the Texas Law Public Safety, Correction, and Security Teacher Association annual Criminal Justice Competition (2010/2011) Community Empowerment Roundtable (2010)

D. Service Honors and Awards:

Texas Network of Youth Services’ Steve Wicke Award for Innovation and Program Development (2008) E. Service Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Service Grants and Contracts


3. Funded Internal Service Grants and Contracts:


4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Service Grants and Contracts:


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