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04/05/2010 BAKER COLLEGE CS111: INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 4 Quarter Hours Syllabus



OFFICE HOURS: Appointment (best) or walk-in

CONTACT INFORMATION: 810 766-8798, [email protected]

Class Website: Select the “CS111 Introduction to Programming” link 1) Each class’ slides will be available for download before the class meets for your note taking convenience. They will not be downloaded and printed at/during class. 2) A running record of each student’s standing is located on the web site

Textbooks: Starting Out With Programming Logic & Design; Gaddis; Edition 2; Pearson; 978-0-13-607773-2

Additional Material(s): Another form of external storage for optionally saving of programming work.

Grading: Percentage of earned against total possible points (quizzes, exams, etc.)

Standard Grading Scale Health Sciences Grading Scale A = 93-100% A- = 90-92% B+ = 87-89% B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-79% C = 73-76% C- = 70-72% D+ = 67-69% D = 63-66% D- = 60-62% F = 0-59%

Total points earned divided by total points possible = grade % Grades are determined using quizzes, exams, tests, homework, and labs. 0658302ed33b3fdc80aa17144a6e1b8f.doc COURSE SPECIFIC INFORMATION

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduces the concepts of programming computers using the concept of Pseudo- Code and the Visual Basic computer language. Pseudo-Code is used to provide a foundation for developing computer programs independent of any single computer language. This course uses Microsoft Visual Basic language to provide students practical experience with an easy to learn and easy to use programming language while exposing them to visual development tools. Students will demonstrate the ability to write simple, straightforward computer programs that provide the foundations for later, more advanced programming courses. Prerequisite(s): Any INF Course or NET101. Co-requisite(s): MTH 111.

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL(S): USB Storage Device COLLEGE SPECIFIC INFORMATION TUTORING: See your instructor for recommendations on tutoring, Learning Support Services, and/or other help.

HONOR CODE: There are three possible consequences for violating Baker College’s Honor Code. The College may implement any or all of the following: failure of the assignment, failure of the course, expulsion from the College. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further details.


1. Eating and/or drinking in class is prohibited.

2. Smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas.

3. Children are not allowed in the college buildings. This includes regular class and lab periods. Children may not be left unattended anywhere, especially in the Student Center or Library. Children may come into the building, rather than be left unattended in a vehicle, while a parent conducts college business, drops off an assignment, etc.

4. Pagers and cells phones must be in an inaudible mode in the classroom. ADA STATEMENT: Baker College is committed to addressing the needs of students who meet the criteria for special accommodations. It is the College’s policy to comply fully with federal and state laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), regarding students with disabilities. Information concerning the College’s policies and procedures related to disability can be found in the Student Handbook and on the Baker College web site:

ATTENDANCE POLICY:  The computer system will automatically drop a student if two (2) consecutive weeks of class are missed  The student will be dropped if four (4) or more classes are missed  Attendance may be taken more than once during the class session and may be taken at any time the instructor chooses 0658302ed33b3fdc80aa17144a6e1b8f.doc  In-class assignments and exercises, whether they are graded or not, may also be used to verify your attendance.  Tardiness: Tardiness is a distraction to the class and will not be tolerated. Repeatedly interrupting class by being late will be considered a violation of the Student Conduct policy below and will be dealt with accordingly. In addition, tardiness may affect your official attendance and may result in a loss of assignment points, which could affect your final grade. The instructor reserves the right to refuse admittance to class to any student who violates this policy.  You are responsible for class material presented when you are absent or tardy. It is not the responsibility of the instructor to remind you that you were absent or to re-present the material covered. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further details about the Baker College attendance policy. Instructor Tutoring: See your instructor for recommendations on tutoring. Learning Support Services, and/or other help.

Documentation:  Any work turned in must have the students name and UIN  If the UIN is missing the work will not be counted and will be considered as not turned in

Late Work:  No late work or make-up quizzes or exams will be accepted after the end of class in week #9!  It is expected that ALL assigned work will be ready to be turned in at the BEGINNING of the class in which it is due  Only 1 late assignment or exam will be accepted for the entire quarter  The mid-term or final exam may not be made up unless authorized before the exam has been normally schedule/given

Exams/Tests: You must take exams during class on the assigned date. The student is responsible for requesting the make-up exam by submitting a written request to the instructor within ONE week of the date of the missed exam. This request must be submitted directly to the instructor in class or during an office appointment.  An exam may not be made-up after the beginning of the 9th week  Only 1 late assignment or exam will be accepted for the entire quarter  Scantrons may be used

Homework: is assigned to help you prepare for class and will frequently be used during in-class discussions. Please keep the following points in mind in order to earn the greatest number of homework points:

 You must attend and be marked present for the class in which homework is due in order to be eligible to earn credit for the assignment.  You may submit ONE late homework assignment, which means by the BEGINNING of the next class session. Please do not attempt to submit more than one late homework assignment.  Homework may not be turned in early

Quizzes:  Scantrons may be used  A quiz may not be made-up if missed  Are worth 10 points per question 0658302ed33b3fdc80aa17144a6e1b8f.doc  There will be one or more during the class period at the discretion of the instructor  In class o You must take quizzes during class on the assigned dates o Cannot be made-up  Student web site: a quiz may be placed on the site following each class period. o The quiz should be taken before the next class period. o The quiz may be taken once o The quiz will be unavailable at start of the next class period

Email:  Utilize the Baker College email account  See instructor contact section for information

Student Conduct:  All students MUST conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times  Distractions, including tardiness and excessive or loud talking during class will not be tolerated  There will no usage of laptops during class

Computer Usage: Computers are to be used only during instructor designated times

Food and Drink:  Water only is allowed in class  Food and drink, other than water, are not allowed in the class rooms  Food and/or drink are acceptable for medical purposes with a document from the Academics Office

Cell Phones: will be placed on vibrate or turned off. Only emergency calls should be responded to.

Class Cancellation: In the event that class is canceled, assignments due on the day of the canceled class will be due at the NEXT class meeting. This policy does not apply to any assignments that are required to be turned in electronically. On days when the university has NOT canceled classes, students should wait 30 minutes for the instructor to arrive in the classroom. If the instructor has not arrived in that period of time, the class will be considered cancelled.

Incomplete Grade: An incomplete grade will only be granted in the most extraordinary of circumstances and must be requested by the student. The instructor will adhere to the Incomplete Grade policy in the Student Handbook. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information.

Withdrawals: If, for what ever reason, the student can no longer attend classes do not merely stop attending. This will lead to a final grade of “F”. Be sure and officially Withdraw from the class.

Grade Changes (for graded work): If you believe that an error has been made in assigning the grade for your work, you may request to have the grade changed. All grade-change requests for any graded work should be typed and accompanied by a copy of your graded work, and they must be submitted no later than the next class session. Please note any computational errors, identify pages from the text that support your answer or articulate any ambiguity in the wording of the question that caused problems.

0658302ed33b3fdc80aa17144a6e1b8f.doc Minimum Time Requirement: Failure to attend the entire session of any scheduled class will be considered an official absence for that class.

Technology Requirement: The use of certain communication and/or education technologies is required in this course (i.e. Internet, Blackboard, Email, etc.). Failure to utilize the available technology as directed by the instructor may result in a reduction of points and/or the assignment of a failing grade for the course.

Specific Requirements: The instructor will provide either verbal or written instructions/requirements for assignments, homework, exams, etc. Please note that failure to meet these specific requirements may result in a reduction of your score for the assignment or exam. Failure to meet the requirements set forth in this syllabus may result in a loss of points, which may reduce your final grade for the course.

Student Success Policy: It is the philosophy of Baker College to give students a fair opportunity to be successful in their academic endeavors. It is recognized that:  Learning is a process.  Practice and repetition are valuable tools in teaching and learning.  Failure can provide a valuable learning experience to students.  Students are responsible for their own learning.

Honor Code: Any student who violated the Honor Code, as defined in the Student Handbook will receive an “F/zero” grade on that work. Further details are available in the Student Handbook.

College Policies: 1. Eating and/or drinking (other than water) in class are prohibited. 2. Smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas. 3. Children are not allowed in the college buildings. This includes regular class and lab periods.

0658302ed33b3fdc80aa17144a6e1b8f.doc 06/19/06 Effective for F2006 BAKER COLLEGE CS111 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 4 Quarter Hours Student Learning Outcomes

COPYRIGHT 1997 The student will demonstrate understanding and mastery of the following concepts and tasks:

1. Describe the differences between the different generations of programming languages and provide an example of each generation.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of programming terminology and methodology. 3. Analyze a problem and develop a problem-solving algorithm to solve the problem. 4. Solve a problem by using flow-charting and/or pseudocode. Utilize the resulting code or chart to design, compose and test the program.

5. Distinguish between the different variable types and differentiate when each type should be used.

6. Demonstrate the ability to perform calculations as required to meet specifications for a program.

7. Distinguish and compare the different flow control mechanisms including the following:

a. If-Then-Else b. Select-Case c. For-Next d. Do While – Loop e. Do Until – Loop f. > g. < h. == i. >= j. && 8. Differentiate between single and two-dimensional arrays.

9. Organize complex computer problems into modular components using subroutines and functions.

0658302ed33b3fdc80aa17144a6e1b8f.doc 10. Demonstrate the ability to write and debug programs using simple input and output routines as well as interactive debugging tools if they are part of the selected computer language.

11. Demonstrate the ability to complete a programming assignment that includes development, documentation, design, and debugging of a program.

These SLOs are approved for experiential credit

SLOs developed by Pat Topping, Van Scott/F and revised by Dale Pickett/CT


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