Honors Geometry Syllabus s1

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Honors Geometry Syllabus s1

August 2013

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian,

My name is Mrs. Patricia Banach and I will be your son’s/daughter’s math teacher this school year. In order to provide your child and all other students in the class the excellent educational climate they deserve, I have outlined a class syllabus, classroom discipline, and grading scale.

It may help you to know that tutoring is available throughout their day in four different ways.

 First, a math tutor is available during your child’s study/lunch period four days a week, Monday thru Thursday.  Second, student’s can seek help during connection period from any of their teachers. Connection period is on Wednesday’s from 2:35 to 3:10. (except for 3rd Wednesday of the month.)  Third, NHS students are available during study/lunch period or after school.  Fourth, the Internet is a great resource. (Specific sites are noted in this syllabus.)  And finally, even though I coach, there are times when I am available after school. Your child can check my volleyball practice calendar in my room and arrange to get help from me in advance on days that I am available.

Should you ever have any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You will get the quickest responds by using e-mail. My e-mail address is [email protected]. If you would like to share your e-mail with me, please do so by sending me a quick email. This will provide me with the opportunity to contact you promptly should any concerns arise on my end. Another way to contact me is by leaving a message on my voice mail 687-0500, ext 3691 and I will call you back as soon as possible.

Please take some time to look over this material and perhaps share your views with your child. I look forward to this school year with your son/daughter. By working together, I am confident that your child will find success in this class.

Thank you for your time and support.


Pat Banach

HONORS GEOMETRY SYLLABUS INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Patricia Banach COURSE: Honors Geometry 320 CREDITS: One – Honors TIME: 8th 2:15-3:10 period SCHOOL YEAR: 2013– 2014

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Honors Geometry is the second course in the college preparatory mathematics sequence. The course implements the shift from geometry as a course in proof to geometry as representation of the world around us. The study of geometry also encompasses its close relationship with algebra by using coordinate and algebraic means to verify the synthetic representations. There is a progressive development of both inductive and deductive reasoning. Throughout the entire course there is a strong emphasis on logical reasoning skills, on the use of a variety of proof styles, on problem solving, on communication skills especially through cooperative learning and mathematical writing skills. Technology is integrated in the course through the use of the TI-30 and Geometer Sketchpad.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: After successfully completing this course, the student will be expected to: 1. Apply arithmetic and algebra to the solution of geometric problems. 2. Develop skills in visualization, pictorial representation, and the application of geometric ideas to describe and answer questions about physical phenomena. 3. Recognize and apply the concepts of Euclidean Geometry using angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. 4. Construct convincing arguments and proofs to solve problems. 5. Use geometric figures and their properties to solve problems involving circular regions.

TEXTBOOK: Geometry for Enjoyment and Challenge McDougal, Littell, 2000

COURSE OUTLINE: First Semester: Measurements of segment and angles Paragraph and two-column proofs Deductive reasoning Congruent triangles Parallel and perpendicular lines

Second Semester: Polygons Similarity Pythagorean Theorem Circles Area and Volume INTERNET SITES for homework help: “http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Mathematics/” An ideal starting place that has links to other math sites.

“http://www.tc.cornell.edu/Edu/MathSciGateway” Provides links to math and science resources for grades 9 – 12.

“http://forum.swarthmore.edu/mathmagic” K-12 telecommunications project in Texas that uses a computer to increase problem solving and communication skills. http://forum.swarthmore.edu/dr.math/ Students in grades K-12 can ask Dr. Math their own questions.


1. Prerequisite: Honors Algebra 1 with a “B” or higher or Algebra 1 with an “A”with teacher recommendation.

2. Classroom supplies: - 1” binder/dividers or spiral/folder - 2 pencils - pen - calculator - planner - Book cover

3. Evaluation: a. Announced tests b. Quizzes, could include “pop” quizzes c. Homework assignments will be given daily. Homework will be checked and/or collected with credit given for serious attempt. Late work is not accepted. d. Projects e. Classroom notes can be collected at anytime for a grade.

Daily attendance is expected. New information that is presented often requires knowledge of previous concepts; therefore the student should make every effort to be in class.

Excused Absences – See student handbook. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any assignment missed. All assignments are posted on the bulletin board daily. If a handout or worksheet is given they can be found in the folder on my desk. Any missed test or quiz must be made up one week after the date of absence – see me about scheduling a time.

Unexcused Absences – See student handbook. NO CREDIT for missed work, tests, or quizzes.

CALCULATOR USAGE: All students will be expected to attain and maintain a level of non-calculator based computational proficiency. However, calculators will be used for conceptual and procedural understandings of number, numeration, operations, estimations, and approximations. We support the National Council of Teacher Mathematics Association of America, in regards to calculator usage. It is their recommendation that calculators are used to judge reliability of results in order to strengthen the context of applications and problem solving.

GRADING: Each nine weeks, total points earned will determine students’ grades. The following grading scale will be used to determine the letter grade. GRADE PERCENTAGE A 100 – 90 B 89 – 80 C 79 – 70 D 69 – 60 E 59 and below There will be a comprehensive final examination given at the end of each semester. It will count as approximately 20% of the semester grade. Each nine-week grade will count as 40% of the semester grade.



2 Algebra II 620 3 Algebra II 620 4 Algebra II 620 5 Supervision/lunch 620 6 Algebra II 620 7 Plan 620 8 Honors Geometry 620

INSTRUCTOR: Patricia Banach CLASS: Algebra I, Hrs Geometry, Algebra II C L A S S R O O M M A N A G E M E N T P L A N


1. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. 2. Bring your supplies and positive spirit to class daily.

3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

5. Respect the rights and individuality of others.

6. No severe behavior will be tolerated. (i.e. fighting, insubordination, vandalism, etc. )

7. Any use of a communicating or unapproved calculating device during a test or quiz will fall under the category of cheating and will result in a score of a zero. Cell phones will be confiscated and sent to the dean’s office.

*** Rules and regulations contained in the Student/Parent Handbook will be followed. Note: proper attire is expected at all times.


1. Specific verbal praise 2. ‘Blue chips’ can be earned for extra-credit points. 3. Reduced homework assignment 4. Provide the opportunity relaxed atmosphere and enhance social skills. 5. Positive letter/phone call to parent/guardian.

CONSEQUENCES: First Consequence Verbal Warning Second Consequence Individual student conference directly after class Third Consequence Parent Contact Fourth Consequence Dean’s detention and/or teacher’s detention Fifth Consequence Discipline referral

Severe Clause: Send to dean/administrator (discipline referral) * * * * * Parent contact may occur at any time as needed ******

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