Standard 4: the Modern America

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Standard 4: the Modern America

Standard 4: The Modern America


Standard USHC-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the industrial development and the consequences of that development on society and politics during the second half of the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries.

Section 1- The Rise of the Railroad

4.1: Summarize the impact that government policy and the construction of the transcontinental railroads had on the development of the national market and on the culture of Native American peoples.

. . During and after the ______, the United States entered a period of ______economic ______and westward ______fostered by ______policies. . This growth created a ______market but also threatened the ______survival of the ______of the ______. . . Railroad ______prior to the ______had impacted the growing ______between ______and ______vied for routes to the ______. . The Kansas Nebraska Act had been ______in order to provide a ______west for the ______. . . The absence of ______Democrats from ______during the _____ allowed Republicans to ______laws that reflected their ______beliefs. . . The ______promoted the building of ______railroads because it provided both a ______and ______to sell to raise ______for the building of the ______. . . The passage of a ______granting western ______to settlers for ______as long as they created a ______and promoted the ______of the ______and of the national economy. . . The ______railroad fostered the ______of a national ______by ______all parts of the ______. . The railroad provided ______for ______and ______to markets in the ______as well as access for emerging ______to the natural resources of the ______. . . The ______of railroads greatly impacted ______in the ______. . The roaming ______posed a ______to the ______on the ______, the railroad ______the killing of the ______. . . Plains ______, largely ______on the buffalo, could no longer ______themselves. . ______settlers were ______to the west by the availability of ______land with access to ______via the ______. . . Just as the ______had resulted in the removal of ______Native American tribes in ______, a ______policy of ______native peoples off of their ______lands to ______to make way for ______settlers was followed for ______tribes. . . Native peoples were ______to agree to ______that moved them onto ______reservations where they were taken ______of by the ______. . Some Native Americans ______but were pursued in a series of ______by the U.S. ______. . . Others ______only to be ______from the reservations because of the discovery of some ______in the lands they had been ______. . . ______of the U.S. policy of ______treaties with the Native Americans resulted in a ______of policy. The new policy attempted to foster Native American ______into American society. . . Tribal lands were ______into ______parcels and given to individual ______. However the ______believed in ______ownership of lands and ______how to be ______. . As a result, many Native Americans ______the land to ______, again. . . Native American ______were taken from their ______and sent to ______schools in the ______where they were taught ______and how to ______and act like ______Americans, thus ______their cultural ______. . . Attempts to revive ______, such as the Ghost Dance, were viewed as ______by the ____ and resulted in a ______at ______, South Dakota. . Native Americans were left in ______and cultural ______, without a ______in America’s ______.

In summary:

Section 2- Economic Growth; Foreign and Domestic

4.2: Analyze the factors that influenced the economic growth of the United States and its emergence as an industrial power, including the abundance of natural resources; government support and protection in the form of railroad subsidies, tariffs, and labor policies; and the expansion of international markets.

  Factors that contributed to economic growth were ______which included its ______such as ______, coal and ______.  Other factors were ______, capital, ______and entrepreneurship.  The national bank provided needed ______and at the same time ______currency.   ______- upheld the power of ______and passed ______that protected the rights of the ______.  ______- The national government ______interstate ______and protected ______industries with a ______.   ______changes that helped the ______were the ______of the steam ______and its application to the ______, oil drilling and the ______.   The ______of banking promoted a more secure ______climate.  War ______further ______the economy (making ______).   ______policies promoted the ______of ______.  The government promoted ______that supplied a ready force of ______.  The ______was passed ______the completion of the ______when these ______were no longer needed.   As ______began to ______into unions and strike to ______their interests, the ______took the side of ______and sent federal ______to break up ______.  These actions ______the interests of ______rather than the ______  Although high tariffs protected the ______of ______, tariffs did not ______the interests of ______because ______of ______were kept ______high.  ______growth led to a ______of products that ______be purchased by ______consumers and became available for ______.   These surpluses ______the government to ______the ______of international markets through ______initiatives that ______United States’ territorial influence, ______American investments abroad and ______trade.

In Summary:

Define the terms and state how they impacted economic growth (positive and negative)

Chinese Exclusion Act

Surplus Dartmouth v. Woodward

Gibbons v. Ogden

Section 3- New Industries, New Problems

USHC-4.3 Evaluate the role of capitalism and its impact on democracy, including the ascent of new industries, the increasing availability of consumer goods and the rising standard of living, the role of entrepreneurs, the rise of business through monopoly and the influence of business ideologies.   ______- economic system that is characterized by ______of property to make a ______ Capitalism supports the ______ideal of individual ______and ______.  Social ______- survival of the ______ ______capitalism- government hands ____   ______the Civil War, corporations ______industrialization by raising ______through the sale of ______to ______in large scale ______ventures.  In the ______Civil War period, corporations became ______and more ______through mergers and ______and had a greater influence on the economy, ______and government policy.   The railroad’s need for ______, wooden railroad ties, and ______and its ability to ______goods contributed to the ______of the steel, ______, ______packing, and the ______industries, and many others.  Railroads setup our current ______.   The ______brought new ______through aggressive ______, ______, and provided ______access to ______.  New towns ______along its ______and older ones were able to ______in particular products.  When the cut-throat ______drove some railroad companies into ______; the national ______was thrown into ______.   Entrepreneurs used new ______and ______to create ______corporations to ______their ______.  Major players in the industrial race include Andrew Carnegie (______), and ______(oil)   The introduction of the ______process and ______business practices prompted the ascendancy of ______to control of the steel industry through ______integration of his ______that gave him a ______.  Carnegie ______the steel industry from the ______of iron ore and ______to the steel ______.   Rockefeller used a ______of tactics in his struggle against his ______to gain control of the ______.  He forced railroads to give him ______and ______that ______his competitors.  He controlled ______outlets and forced them ______the products of his competitors.  He ______the market until he drove his competition ______and then ______the price of oil.  He initiated the ______known as the ______to gain control of the oil ______industry through a ______integration.   ______- Negative name given to ______who ______fair business practices  ______business practices led to ______and a ______call for government ______ ______made monopolies ______; however, business owners found ______the law.   Through the ______process, the ______public pressured the ______to assert ______control over the ______of Big Business  ______of the public over the political power of the monopolies later contributed to the ______  Popular ______such as the Horatio Alger stories of “______” success provided support for the ______that ______could make it if they ______enough.   Andrew Carnegie ______his public image with his advocacy of the ______and gave away ______to ______and ______.  ______was also a ______, especially after his business practices came under public ______and the threat of ______action during the early ______  Despite the ______that ______were able to charge for their products, the period led to a ______in the ______and ______consumer ______for many Americans.  The harnessing of ______,the invention of the ______, and the ______provided new opportunities for ______in the ______and new ______in the home.   ______and mass production ______the ______of goods.  However, some Americans, including ______and ______, did not enjoy this improved standard of living because of ______for their ______and ______for their ______.  In summary Terms to know- how did it impact businesses in the late 19th Century

John D. Rockefeller

Andrew Carnegie

Laizze Faire capitalism


Political Cartoons

Cartoon #1 Cartoon #3

What does the ship on the left represent? What is the Carnegie on the left doing?

What does the ship on the right represent? What is the Carnegie on the right doing?

What is in the background on the left? What is he standing on?

What is happening in the cartoon? What perspective is the cartoonist coming from?

How does this image reflect the feeling towards big Why would people be jealous of Carnegie? business in the late 1800s?

Cartoon #4 Cartoon #2 1. Who is on the bottom? Who is the character on the left? On the right? 2. Who is on the top? What is the person on the left doing? 3. What does this symbolize? Does the cartoonist think that this is a trustworthy beast? Why? 4. Write a caption/speech bubble for a person on the top and a worker Why would Carnegie claim that the monopoly is trustworthy?

5. Identify the point of view of the cartoonist. How is this evident?

• Please write a few sentences about the cartoons. How were these businessmen viewed by the public? Why do you think it was that way? What did they do to counteract their criticism?

• •

• Section 4- Industrial Impact on Minorities

• USHC-4.4 Explain the impact of industrial growth and business cycles on farmers, workers, immigrants, labor unions, and the Populist movement and the ways that these groups and the government responded to the economic problems caused by industry and business.

  As a result of the introduction of the ______and ______that greatly ______productivity, and the ______of land in the ______, farmers ______an ______of ______.  Despite the ______urban ______, ______exceeded ______, prices ______.  ______were unable to make ______on the ______that they had taken to purchase ______and ______.   Farmers responded to this problem as ______by planting ______so that they could make more ______.  Farmers also tried to ______their ______by organizing ______, by ______to ______legislatures.   During periods of ______farmers ______make ______on their ______and suffered ______.  Farmers wanted the ______supply to be increased to ______the price they could get for their ______while at the same time allowing them to ______their ______with money that ______as much as when they took out the loan.   ______legislatures passed ______which tried to ______how much the ______could ______for ______and ______.  The ______found that state law ______the rate charged by the ______for transportation across state lines because only the ______government can regulate ______.   ______passed the Interstate Commerce Act to control ______and ______, which set a precedent for ______of business by the ______government.  However, in a series of cases the ______, the Supreme Court ______the effectiveness of this law.   The Populist Party founded by ______was formed in the ______and supported the regulation of ______and an inflationary currency in the form of the free and unlimited ______, which Populists argued would help them get ______for their ______.   Popular election of ______, the ______, and an ______ Advocated an ______day and restrictions on ______.  The Populist Party was successful in electing senators, ______and state legislators in the ______and ______but ______to win the ______.   The workers’ attempt to ______to protect themselves against the ______of the market place resulted in the development of ______.  Unions formed in response to ______working conditions, including long hours, ______and ______working conditions, and the ______composition of the work ______.   As more and more ______came to the U.S., ______and ______were added to the ______work force and the influx of ______drove ______wages.  During the 1890s only ______of unskilled workers earned more than ______, today’s poverty line.   ______, injury and ______were a constant threat to the industrial ______.  Although the early unions ______the ______, wildcat walkouts, ______responses to lay-offs or wage cuts ______.   ______used ______and ______as ‘______’ to break the ______.   ______used ______security forces, used the company ownership of ______and ______as well as ‘______’ contracts and ______to ______the workers.  Local and national ______also took the ______.   The U.S. government use of government ______in ______labor incidents such as the ______of 1877, the ______Incident, and the ______strike.  As a result of ______during strikes, ______were often compared to ______foreign ______such as socialists, ______and anarchists.   The ______of skilled workers into ______unions led to some ______for the labor union movement through use of ______on the “______” issues of wages, hours and conditions.  Skilled workers (______, welders, plumbers) were ______to replace and so the threat of strike was ______.  Although ______and ______by the end of the century, the average day was still ______ Only about _____ of all workers were in ______by ______.   The main issue was ______versus ______, or bimetallism vs. gold  The underlying issue was would the government protect the ______ William Jennings ______(Democrat) lost to William ______(Republican)  ______voted for the ______because they ______for their ______and monetary policy that would ______the price of ______.  Farmers were ______in using the democratic process to ______their economic problems in the ______because they ______to appeal to the growing ______class • In Summary •

• Impact of Industry

• Gro • Far • Wor • Pop • Imm • Unio • Gov • Capi ups mers kers ulist igra ns ern talist s nts men s t • How • • • • • • • did gro wing indu stry impa ct the m? • • • • • • • • • Wha t did they do or push for? • • Section 5- Urbanization

• USHC-4.5 Explain the causes and effects of urbanization in late nineteenth-century America, including the movement from farm to city, the changing immigration patterns, the rise of ethnic neighborhoods, the role of political machines, and the migration of African Americans to the North, Midwest, and West.

  City populations grew as people immigrated from ______and migrated from the ______to the ______.  Farm ______played a role as farmers in all regions ______and ______, defaulted on loans, ______their ______and moved to the ______to find ______.  Others were attracted to the ______because of its rich ______and ______.  Despite the ______growth of cities, the ______of the American people still lived ______areas before 1920.   In the late 19th century, ______patterns ______as more and more immigrants came from ______and ______rather than northern and western Europe.  ______increased as ______, Poles, ______, Russians came to ______immigration.  ______, schools, ______and newspapers reflected the ______of neighborhoods.  Many ______immigrants ______those who had ______to find ______and ______.   People ______for those who found them ______and ______through hard times.  Many political bosses were ______but also served an important role in ______immigrants to ______to their ______.  Bosses were able to ______important ______despite the abuses that occurred under city bosses such as ______Boss Tweed.   Increasingly ______city conditions led to problems with ______, sanitation, ______, water, ______and fire.  The progressive movement ______of the need to address urban ______and political ______.   The influence of disasters such as the ______, the hurricane and flood in ______and the 1906 San Francisco ______help make the way for the development of ______for addressing urban problems.   ______initiatives such as the temperance movement or efforts to ______immigrants through ______that started in the ______period and ______into the 20th century.  The temperance movement was ______whose cultures were associated with drink such as the ______, Germans, and ______.   The public school movement was promoted to ______the immigrants about ______and the ______religion of the American ______.  Consequently ______immigrant groups developed their own private school systems. • In Summary

• The Jungle

• 1. What happens to the spoiled meat and pickles?

• 2. What do you think Sinclair means by the “miracles of chemistry?”

• 3. Describe the quality of the “boneless ham.”

• 4. Describe the meat in the storage rooms.

• • 5. What did they put in barrels? How often did they clean them?

• Section 6- Progressive Movement

• USHC-4.6 Compare the accomplishments and limitations of the women’s suffrage movement and the Progressive Movement in affecting social and political reforms in America, including the roles of the media and of reformers such as Carrie Chapman Catt, Alice Paul, Jane Addams, and Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

  Muckrakers ______the ______and conditions of the times and pointed out the ______of businesses, especially ______businesses.  The most famous muckraker was ______whose book The Jungle exposed the ______.   ______was the ______to grant women suffrage; ______states generally allowed women to vote ______states.  Middle class women were ______frustrated by their ______to have political influence in solving the problems of ______and the ______.  The ______secured the civil rights of African-Americans which included ______.  In 1890, ______founded the National ______Women’s ______Association  Women campaigned on the idea that they would ______. They were ______by the ______and ______.  The 19th Amendment was finally passed in 1920 in part as a ______of this ______and of the ______in World War I as ______, public workers, and ______.  Democracy was ______as women gained the ______.  In the 1920s, Alice Paul campaigned for an ______.  Created the ______  ______created the Hull House in ______, immigrants were able to take ______classes and receive ______.   State laws ______and conditions and a ______was passed.  Progress was limited by the ______which ruled the federal child labor legislation ______.   The ______president to give any ______to the when he used his office as a ______and required that the coal ______in order to avoid a strike.  Supported government ______of the corporation through the application of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in a series of cases that won him the title of ______ He also ______the ______with his championing of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the ______.  Roosevelt also promoted ______of natural resources by creating ______. He was the founding force behind and candidate of the ______in 1912 which ______the Republican Party and gave the election to ______.   The ______allowed ______to be exempt from the anti-trust laws.  The ___ amendment authorized a income ____ and the ____ amendment provided for the direct election of ______.  The first federal ______was passed.  However, the ______Court later ruled that ______, thus limiting the progressive’s impact on this problem.  The ______addressed the farmers’ demand for a ______supply and gave the Fed ______of the economy.  ______for some workers, and some ______for injury on the job.   Both were essentially ______movements that employed the tactics of ______in order to pass legislation.  Both employed the talents of many ______supporters, particularly ______.  Both experienced ______• • In Summary:

• • Accomplishments • Limitations/Failures • Social • Political • Social • Political • • • • • • • • • • Progress • • ive • • • Movem • ent • • • • • • • • • • • • • Women’ • • s Rights • • • Movem • ents • • • •

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