Recommendation -California Community College System

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Recommendation -California Community College System


Recommendation -California Community College System

Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party

Develop & Provide focused Career Ladders Strategic Assistance . Disseminate models, practices, tools . Develop technical resources . Develop practitioner-based CCC-BOG January 2005 – June . Develop team approach (using college technical assistance model that CCCCO 2006 practitioners, expert intermediaries local assembles teams of college CLP workforce board leaders practitioners, expert . Develop system technical assistance fund intermediaries and local workforce investment board representatives who have all successfully implemented career ladders model programs . Incorporate resource request in Consultation the agency budget change Council proposal (BCP) process . Expand system capacity to provide practitioner-based technical assistance for career ladders program development and implementation, demonstration projects and regional initiatives. . Include: identification of clear roles and responsibilities, assistance in partnership development and maintenance. . Collaborate with Community

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Based Organizations to capitalize on the strengths of each organization to meet goals of Career Ladders programs. . Develop assistance for local colleges to engage in MOU’s and contracts with local WIBs. . Incorporate the creation of a technical assistance fund to use as leverage for other resources from WIBs and philanthropic organizations.

Support, Develop & Evaluate Demonstration Projects . Leverage funding across CC/WIA systems . Develop and implement career CCCCO Aug 04 – . Create bridges to and/or focus on high ladders demonstration projects CLP Dec 06 wage/high growth careers with community college/CBO/WIB Private . Incorporate learning communities, cohort partnerships leveraging public and Foundations approaches private resources including community college, WIA and LWDA philanthropic resources. EDD . Focus on high wage/high growth CWIB sectors WIBs . Focus on creation of bridges to career pathways and post secondary education, particularly for disconnected youth . Create and pilot evaluation tools and models for multi-partner

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workforce collaborations as part of demonstration projects.

Link/Integrate Career Ladders into Relevant Programs & Funding Streams . EWD, VTEA, Tech Prep . Incorporate Career Ladders CCCCO Jan 2004 – Jun 2006 . Matriculation, CalWORKs, EOP&S priorities into system RFAs CLP . Financial Aid . Incorporate Career Ladders priorities into State Vocational Education Plan . Integrate Career Ladders priorities into categorical programs serving targeted populations . Evaluate progress and further integrate Career Ladders priorities EDPAC into Economic And Workforce Outside Development RFPs Evaluator . Increase alignment of EWD Initiative Centers with colleges

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Provide Career Ladders Seed/Base Funding to all Colleges . Support partnership development . Engage system BCP process CCCCO/CLP Jan 2005 – Aug 2006 . Expand career ladders capacity . Incorporate career ladders . Further program/curriculum design, elements and benchmarks for use Consultation development and integration of funds. Council . Address integration of support . Provide colleges across the state services/instruction with base funding to support the BOG development and maintenance of partnerships with WIBs, Governor’s Community Based Organizations, Office/DOF Business and Industry, Labor Organizations to develop and Legislature articulate regional Career Ladders pathways to high wage/high demand sectors . Seek sufficient funding to enable colleges to appropriately staff the development and implementation of Career Ladders programs . Promote curricular and student support service innovation and integration . Expand and support related professional development for faculty and administrators

Support Career Ladders Related Student Support Services

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Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party

. Counseling Career Services . Support system BCPs to CCCCO Jun 2005 – Aug 2006 . CalWORKs strengthen support services Consultation . Multi Partner/Cross Agency Council Collaborations . Enhance integration of financial HHSA aid services with career ladders offerings CBOs . Work with state agencies to model and highlight cross agency support services

Address Barriers to Career Ladders Enrollment . Promote cohort-based, learning . Create a system wide taskforce CCCCO Jun 2005 – Jun 2006 communities to develop responses and Consultation . Address enrollment management issues strategies to mitigate barriers to Council related to career and technical education Career Ladders Programs (i.e. . Consider barriers related to student cohort enrollment, small class BOG transition from contract, not-for-credit and enrollment, transition from non credit to “regular” apportionment contract to regular enrollment, overcap and non-credit enrollment)

Continue to Streamline System Processes

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. Curriculum and program approval . Implement BOG adopted policy to CCCCO Aug 04 – Dec 05 . Grant application and tracking streamline by removing system Academic . Reporting requirements requirements for course and Senate program approval and improve CIOs regional and local college processes for program approval Consultation . Implement BOG policy to modify Council reporting requirements where appropriate . Continue work to simplify system RFA processes and grant reporting requirements

Mobilize an information campaign to promote the expansion of Career Ladders programs . System level exposure and system-wide . Reaffirm and update CCC-BOG Jan 05 – Dec 05 promotion of Career Ladders commitment to Ladders of . Local College benefit Opportunity Initiative . Incorporate Career Ladders into Jan 05 – Dec 05 BOG Strategic Planning Process . Identify funds for campaign . Highlight existing Career Ladders CCCCO Jun 05 – Jun 06 programs CLP . Market the work and role of Community Colleges as a part of Industry the workforce development Associations, system Private . Highlight benefits and Foundations, benefactors of Career Ladders & program CBO Reps

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. Work with local workforce and economic development agencies to promote the ability of Career Ladders approach to develop the availability of a qualified workforce.

Recommendation –California K-16 Educational Institutions

Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party

Engage K-16 partners in career ladders vision and articulation . Incorporate School to Career and Tech . Map pathways in key fields across CCCCO Jan 05 – Jun 06 Prep all educational systems Academic . Continue K-12/ROP/Adult Ed/CC . Identify and/or share resources Senates articulation for continued articulation, faculty (CCC - UC . Continue work on CC-CSU-UC course and to faculty dialogue and -CSU) program articulation w/ focus on pre partnerships around specific transfer major preparation in key fields career pathways ICC . Work with Governor, CDE, K-12 on BCP for articulation of career and technical programs CDE/CCCCO

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Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party

Align Priorities for WIA Discretionary Funds . CC/WIB/Business partnerships . CCC and Ca Workforce System to CWIB Jan 05 – Jun 06 . Career Ladders and Bridges to align priorities for CCC resources LWDA Careers/College and WIA discretionary Funds. EDD . High wage/High Demand sectors . Integrate priorities in system CCC – BOG processes and proposals CCCCO

Address longstanding barriers to collaboration . Create joint task force to craft BOG/CCCCO Jun 05 – Jun 06 . Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) solutions LWDA . Tracking, evaluation, accountability tools . Incorporate into Inter Agency EDD . Contracting/procurement processes Agreement CWIB . Identify and implement needed regulatory or legislative changes Legislature

Collaborate with Labor and WFD Agency, EDD, CWIB to:

. Create large-scale Career Ladders . Work with Governor’s Office to CCCCCO Sep 04 – Jun 06 partnerships in key industry sectors include resources for large scale BOG . Create fund for regional Career Ladders collaboration around state initiative workforce priorities (such as LWDA . Secure federal funding for California Career healthcare). EDD Ladders sector initiatives . Collaborate with CCCCO to CWIB support regional initiatives fund . Create leverage for California to win federal grants such as the Department of Labor-High- wage/High-growth grant and

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Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party Community-Based Job Training Grants

Refocus Local Workforce Priorities . Longer term, post secondary . Convene local WIBS and colleges CCCCO Jun 05- Jun 07 education/training on regional basis WIBs . Career Ladders and Bridges to . Work with colleges and WIBs to CWA careers/college clarify regulations and WIA . Partnership development with college timelines . Include in strategic assistance plan

Collaborate with the Employment Training Panel to develop and expand Career Ladders programs . Promote successful model collaborations . ETP Career Ladders to collaborate ETP Jan 05 – Dec 06 . Jointly address barriers to college with CCC to minimize barriers to EDD participation expansion of Career Ladders CCCCO . Advertise and extend appropriate waiver programs processes (minimum salary requirements, . Include ETP tools in strategic removal o cap on literacy skills training assistance time)

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Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party

Work with Business, Industry and Labor . Develop and map Career Ladders pathways . Promote the development of CCC – BOG Jan 05 – Jun 06 . Connect to labor market demand externship, internship and work- CCCCO . Aggregate training needs based learning opportunities as a . Advocate, lead and help fund partnerships component of career ladders CWIB and Career Ladder sector initiatives program ESP . Identify funds and opportunities Foundations for development and mapping of CLP career pathways in high wage/high demand sectors of CA CA Chamber of economy Commerce . Advocate, lead and help fund partnerships and sector based Industry Career Ladder initiatives associations

CA Labor Fed

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Recommendation Tasks Responsible Timeline Party

Engage the Foundation Community to develop and promote Career Ladders . Seek collaboration on priorities (RFA . Create external advisory group of CCCCO Dec 04 – Dec 05 development, matching funds, etc.) foundations to inform system RFP CLP . Enhance college competitiveness for grant process and priorities Foundations applications . Invite wide participation and . Develop private/public partnerships that discussion of system career Funders leverage funds, model collaboration and ladders projects and priorities groups extend demonstration projects

Pursue Other State and National funding resources for Career Ladders . Secure more grants for career ladders . Build in grant development as CCCCO/CLP Jan 05 – Jun 06 projects part of strategic assistance . Enhance college and system . Leverage system resources to competitiveness for federal and national create funding matches and grants public/private partnerships . Expand system participation in models and . Conduct outreach to national Jan 05 – Jun 06 initiatives from other states and national demonstration projects initiatives organizations . Collaborate with foundations on . Work with California Congressional large scale projects and Foundations delegation to explore “earmark” requests institutionalization issues Funders . Work with CA state and federal groups legislators to develop and secure Legislators legislative “earmarks” for career Industry ladder initiatives in key CA Associations industry sectors CBO reps CA Labor Fed

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