Landowner and Business Group Meeting - Minutes

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Landowner and Business Group Meeting - Minutes

Landowner and Business Group Meeting - Minutes 2.30pm, Monday 29 September 2014 at Newlon offices, Hale Village, N17

Attendees Name Organisation Initials Cllr Alan Strickland (Chair) Haringey Council AS Robert Evans Argent RE Adam Brown (to item 2 only) Landholt + Brown AB Tav Kazmi Canal & River Trust AC Andrew Chandler Canal & River Trust TK Jane O’Neill CONEL JO’N Neale Coleman GLA NC Jamie Dean GLA JD Jonathan Kiddle Grainger Plc JK Lyn Garner Haringey Council LG Stephen Kelly Haringey Council SK Peter O’Brien Haringey Council PO’B Paul Wray Hermes PW Katie Sully ISIS KS Chris Shellard Lee Valley Estates CS Michael Polledri Lee Valley Estates MP Stephen Wilkinson LVRPA SW Will Southward Network Rail WS Caroline Pennock Newlon CP Matthew Yates TfL MY Donna-Maria Cullen THFC DC Liz Poole (Secretariat) Haringey Council LP

Apologies Peter Harris Bellway PH Debbie Jackson GLA DJ Fiona Duncan GLA FD Victor Olisa Met Police VO Nick Walkley Haringey Council NW Malcolm Smith Haringey Council MS Suzanne Johnson Haringey Council SJ Naetha Uren UNITE Group NU

Agenda Item Minutes Action 1. Notes of Last  RE ran through minutes of last meeting. Meeting &  SK to provide CS with retail study findings. SK/LP Matters  WS noted that no decision has been taken regarding a fourth Arising platform and track.  Minutes of the last meeting were approved.  RE noted that he was stepping aside from the independent chair role at this meeting, though will remain as part of the Group. AS recorded his and the Group’s thanks to RE for his contribution.  The Group thanked Newlon for hosting the meeting. 1 2. White Hart  AB presented an overview of the station designs (which had been Lane Station subject to public consultation with the High Road West masterplan).  MY noted that funding is not yet secured for the scheme delivery, there will be more clarity once TfL Business Plan is considered by the TfL Board in December. 3. Partners  DC noted that the UTC has opened and suggested the next meeting round up could be held there. Over 100 students to date.  CS noted that two more pavilions are under construction, and the dialysis unit will open from 1 October.  JO’N noted that the College is revisiting its property strategy for Tottenham.  LG noted that the High Road West masterplan consultation will complete in October and is due to be considered by Cabinet in December. An update on the Green market will be brought to the Group, and it is likely that a winter festival will be scheduled. SJ/LP  CP noted that Brook House has seen substantial interest post launch. School will complete in January for September opening.  WS noted that NR are looking to accelerate the WAML programme to align with the TfL scheme.  CS asked for work in the area to be aligned and for early identification of planned works e.g. Thames Water. PO’B to coordinate within Council to determine best ongoing management, PO’B and may need operational lead from each organisation. 4. Update on  PO’B noted that he is working on the final version submission, Housing Zone which will be subject to a Housing Investment Group panel review.  Tottenham Hale District Centre Framework – consultation sessions scheduled for residents and businesses in coming weeks, and target is for a preferred option by February. 5. Tottenham  SK noted that the preferred option with key principles is scheduled AAP to be considered by Cabinet in November, with a final draft (Regulation 19) to be considered in March / April.  SK noted headline issues and work ongoing. 6. Group – next  LP presented survey findings. Group members supportive of steps continuation of Group, discussion held as to whether theme or area-focused sub-groups should be established, determined this may follow in future.  Members keen to understand progress on areas such as crime, school places, street cleaning. AS noted this could be a dashboard. LP/LG LG/LP to determine format of such. 7. GP Access in  CS noted that the Healthwatch Haringey report will be Tottenham considered at the Health and Wellbeing Board on 30 September Hale and LVE have made a written submission expressing concerns over health provision and will be attending the meeting. The Group agreed to minute support on behalf of the Group members of the shared concern, and for the Committee Clerk to be contacted with confirmation of such in advance of the meeting. LP

8. AOB  No items raised.


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