PROPS: Hut, a Broken Coconut Taped Together, Big Stick

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PROPS: Hut, a Broken Coconut Taped Together, Big Stick


SCENE 1: Curtains Open

PROPS: hut, a broken coconut taped together, big stick

(A coconut and a big stick are placed on the floor. CAPTAIN is still looking for the duck at the beginning of this skit, so he is not on stage yet. BELINDA and DR. XOCHILT are on stage, behind their hut, so the audience does not see or hear them. The GARUVI then

ENTER from back door and walk up to center-stage, where they “knock” on the hut.)

OWATAGU: Knock, knock.

BELINDA: (from behind hut) Who’s there?


BELINDA: Garuvi who?

SIAM: The Garuvi cats, that’s who!

(BELINDA and DR. XOCHILT ENTER from behind the hut)

BELINDA: It’s good to see you cool guys again.

OWATAGU: Like it’s cool to see you guys again, too, but where are the others?

DR. XOCHILT: The Captain and Jilly went looking for that duck.

OWATAGU: Cool. Maybe you’ll all get rescued. While we’re waiting for them to return, do you guys know any games you could teach us?

BELINDA: Uh, do you know how to play baseball?

SIAM: What’s baseball?

DR. XOCHILT: You hit a ball with a big stick and try to run to one of the bases before someone gets you out. Do you have a ball? OWATAGU: I don’t know, man. Like, what’s a ball?

BELINDA: I know! We could use a coconut for a ball. Here’s one! (she picks up the coconut from the floor)

DR. XOCHILT: And here’s a stick. (she picks up the stick) Pitch it to me, Jilly.

(BELINDA pitches the ball and DR. XOCHILT hits it, but it breaks in half)

DR. XOCHILT: I don’t think this is going to work.

(CAPTAIN and JILLY ENTER from back door and walk up to center-stage with the others)

BELINDA: Hey, did you find the duck?

CAPTAIN: Nope; no luck with that duck.

OWATAGU: Bummer, man.

SIAM: Like, sorry you didn’t find that quacker. And like, sorry you don’t dig it here, man.

CAPTAIN: Actually, I dig it here a lot, Siam.

SIAM: (surprised) You, do?

JILLY: Yeah. He’s been digging around on this island and you wouldn’t believe the treasure he found buried under a rock.

TAGU: Siam didn’t mean that kind of digging.

DR. XOCHILT: There’s another kind of digging?

OWATAGU: Yeah. When we say we dig something, it means we like it. Like I really dig coconuts!

JILLY: Well, how about that? Belinda, I dig you.

BELINDA: Well I dig you too, Jilly! CAPTAIN: And we islanders really dig you Garuvi cats!

(CAPTAIN attempts to shake hands with OWATAGU)

OWTAGU: Eww! Only a square shakes hands like that! Let me show you how . . .

(OWATAGU gives the CAPTAIN a cool, fancy handshake)

CAPTAIN: Excuse me, but what’s a square?

OWATAGU: It’s like, an uncool person. If you’re a square, it means you’re not very cool.

SIAM: Yeah, but now that you know the Garuvi handshake, you’re totally cool!

OWATAGU: Yeah. And if you’re outrageously cool, you say, (making the peace sign)

“peace out.”

SIAM: No, Owa; it’s “peace in!”

OWATAGU: Peace out!

SIAM: Peace in!

CAPTAIN: Whatever. Let me ask you something, Owatagu.

OWATAGU: Like, sure.

CAPTAIN: You Garuvi say you like each other, I mean dig each other, right?

OWATAGU: Like yeah. We dig each other a lot.

CAPTAIN: Enough to die for each other?

SIAM: (shocked) Whoa! I don’t know about that, man!

OWATAGU: Like, we’re all good friends, but I don’t think we would die for each other.

SIAM: No way, man!

CAPTAIN: Well that’s not very cool.

OWATAGU: (stunned) It’s not? CAPTAIN: No, it’s not. Jesus is the coolest ever, and he died for everyone!

OWA: He did?

CAPTAIN: Yeah, and not just for the people he liked. The Bible says he even died for people who were spitting on him and calling him names and hitting and kicking him.

SIAM: Whoa! That Jesus dude is way cool!

JILLY: Yeah. Jesus is the one who made the Sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, and everything else. And if you ask Jesus into your heart, he’ll save you, and you won’t be always arguing with each other any more.

OWATAGU: No more peace in – peace out?

CAPTAIN: Right! And you won’t always be calling everybody a square just because they shake hands differently from you.

SIAM: (convicted) Yeah, I guess we all need Jesus.


JILLY: Now you’re talking! Let’s pray.

(JILLY, CAPTAIN, and the GARUVI bow their heads in silent prayer)

OWATAGU: Whoa! Like what a big change just happened inside me!

SIAM: Me, too!

OWATAGU: Yeah, man! I still like nature, but now I really love people!

BELINDA: Hey, do you guys know any games you could teach us?

SIAM: Yeah, man. Have you ever heard of fire-walk?


SIAM: It’s easy. You just take off your shoes, make a fire, throw rocks on top of it and walk on the hot rocks. BELINDA: (horrified) Uh, no thanks. I like my feet just the way they are.

JILLY: Yeah, me too. I don’t want to turn my toes into Hot Cheetos!

OWATAGU: Okay. See you later, man. Thanks for praying with us!



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