Davis Lacrosse Association

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Davis Lacrosse Association

Davis Lacrosse Association October 18, 2007 Board Meeting Minutes

I. Opening of Board Meeting: 7:45 p.m. Don Aiello opened the meeting, with Board members Dan Reeves and Rex Berry present. Mr. Aiello reviewed the previous board meeting minutes and asked for approval of those minutes. Rex Berry moved that the minutes be approved, Dan Reeves seconded, and the motioned passed 3-0.

II. Open Board Position, Review and Vote: Following the review and approval of the previous board meeting minutes, Mr. Aiello introduced Jack Latow who is heading up the Davis High School Boys Lacrosse Team’s Booster and parent group. Mr. Aiello then nominated Mr. Latow to fill the at-large Board position vacated when Mr. Reeves was elected to be Board Secretary at the previous board meeting. Mr. Berry made a motion to elect Mr. Latow to the board, Mr. Reeves seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0.

III. Results from Free Clinic: Mr. Aiello then updated the Board on the results from the Association’s free lacrosse clinic open to boys and girls interested in learning and playing lacrosse. There were 96 participants in all, 80% of those children had never played the sport before. There was a significant increase in participation over last year, to which Mr. Aiello credited that the clinic was right after school started this year and that he was able to get notices out to the local schools sooner than last year.

IV. Fall Ball Status: Following the discussion of the Free Clinic, Mr. Aiello then discussed the “fall ball” programs for boys and girls. The programs are designed to introduce lacrosse and essential skills to new players. The programs are two months in length and have three practices a week. The programs were fee based and attracted 25 girls and 42 boys. The girls and boys programs brought in approximately $9,000 in fees and should net the Association approximately $3,200.

V. Accountant Status and Tax Filings: Mr. Aiello then updated the Board on its tax preparation and filings. Tax filings are not complete and the Board is in need of an accountant. The Association has a bank balance of approximately $17,000. The board then discussed position options for an accountant. Mr. Aiello agreed to provide the board with another update at the next board meeting and hoped Kurt Snipes would have an accountant candidate to keep the books and the tax filings.

VI. Field Lining, Issues and Alternatives: Mr. Aiello updated the board on the latest bid for field lining. The previous vendor asked for a substantial fee increase. The Board agreed the bid was far too high going from $160 to $215 for initial lining and from $80 to $125 for every subsequent repainting. Given the Association may need up to four fields that would cost the Association nearly $6,500 a year for lining. In contrast, Mr. Aiello stated a paint machine plus paint would cost approximately $2,000. Mr. Reeves suggested that the Association purchase the paint and paint machine and hire high school students to do the painting. Other board members questioned the reliability to get the work done accurately and regularly under such a scenario. Mr. Aiello suggested asking for parent volunteers and said that he would search for additional bids. Mr. Berry suggested contacting landscapers who may be interested in getting in the business of lining fields. Mr. Latow then volunteered to research the cost of purchasing lining equipment and asked Mr. Aiello to reject the vendors bid, but counter with a more reasonable amount. Mr. Aiello assured the Board he had already done so and it appeared unlikely that he would be able to reach an agreement with last year’s vendor.

VII. Introduction by San Francisco Dragons Representative Chris Bernard and discussion of the upcoming season and ticket packages: Mr. Bernard discussed the upcoming spring season for the Dragons and special offers to the Davis Lacrosse Association and special season ticket packages. Mr. Bernard made available to members of the Davis Lacrosse Association special season ticket prices of $50 for kids and $125 for parents, which includes six games and parking. Mr. Bernard also offered to provide the Davis Lacrosse Association with a share of ticket profits for full priced season tickets sold and attributed to the Davis Lacrosse Association. Mr. Bernard went on to explain that the venue for the Dragon games will change, likely out of the City of San Francisco to the South Bay. He also explained how the Dragon games are much more affordable than all other comparable professional sport franchises and once people see the game turn into repeat customers.

VIII. Budget, Approval of Fees for spring of 2008: Mr. Aiello then passed out a 3 page budget summary for the Association (see attachment) and all its programs. The Board then went through the summary line by line while Mr. Aiello provided explanation of each expense and budget line. Mr. Aiello then went through the boys and girls budgets and Mr. Latow asked about the high school boys’ contribution to the Association for operating expenses and questioned whether the high school booster program should be required to contribute the same amount to the Association as the other club programs. Mr. Aiello then walked through all the costs associated with running the Association and explained how all those costs are as applicable to the varsity boys as they are to the junior girls and boys. At this point, Mr. Berry suggested that he and Mr. Aiello attend the next varsity boys’ booster program meeting to outline the costs and explain to the parents how their contribution is being utilized. Mr. Aiello agreed. The Board then debated the fees for spring of 2008. Based on the budget provided by Mr. Aiello the cost per person to cover the proposed budget expenditures would be $375 per player. The Board then discussed the existing balance and whether it could afford to charge a lower fee for the spring league. Mr. Aiello discussed the on-going balance maintained by the Association and the fact that fundraising efforts could offset the shortfalls created by fees not covering all expenses for the year. The Board members then discussed the purposes for the balance and the need for a rainy day fund, but all agreed that the Association should dip into the existing balance to smooth out the increase over last year’s fee of $325 to avoid suppressing participation while working more aggressively in fundraising to meet the upcoming year’s expenses. At that point, Mr. Berry moved that instead of charging $375 per child that the fee be reduced to $350. Mr. Aiello asked if there was a motion to reduce the fee even further, however, given that a reduction could substantially encroach upon the Association’s existing rainy day fund, that motion was not seconded. At that point, Mr. Berry’s motion to charge $350 per child was seconded by Mr. Reeves, and passed 4-0.

IX. High School Request for Advance to Purchase Boys’ Jerseys and Extra Helmets: Mr. Latow then discussed how the Boys’ Varsity team needs to purchase jerseys and a couple extra helmets prior to collecting fees from the booster’s organization. He requested that the Association make $5,500 available for the purchase with the understanding that that amount would be repaid when the fees are collected from the boosters. Mr. Berry moved that the request be approved, Mr. Aiello seconded the motion and the motion to expend to up to $5,500 for jerseys and extra helmets for the Varsity Boys was approved 4-0.

X. Coaches Status, Boys and Girls: Mr. Berry opened this presentation focusing on efforts to recruit and hire coaches for the girls’ club teams. He discussed how ads had been placed on the UCD job listing server and other area lacrosse web-sites. He also discussed how he has contacted many former players living in the area and asked them for suggestions. Mr. Berry then stated he believed he had two coaches and hoped a third would commit shortly. Mr. Aiello then gave a presentation on the boys’ side. He mentioned that the Association could have four club teams, plus the High School Varsity team. He mentioned that their were several candidates for the High School varsity and junior varsity teams, however, finding coaches for the younger boys was significantly more challenging. He had four names, but still had three more slots open with no immediate candidates. Both Mr. Aiello and Mr. Berry then discussed the calls they were placing, but made it clear that the Board may have a real challenge finding trained coaches for every club team this spring. All agreed to revisit the issue at the next board meeting after registration has opened and there is a clearer idea how many coaches will be needed this Spring.

XI. Concussions and “Commotio Cordis”: Due to the latest of the evening, Mr. Berry agreed to table his presentation and proposal on concussions until the next Board meeting. XII. Adjournment: At 10:10 p.m. Mr. Reeves moved that the Board adjourn; however, before the motion was seconded Mr. Latow requested that the Association consider providing a clinic to parents about the rules of the game and how it works. He suggested that most parents don’t understand the rules of the game and have trouble following it and would probably be interesting in attending a clinic to understand better what their kids are doing on the field. Mr. Berry volunteered to research putting together a “parents’ clinic” for the Boosters and would contact Sylvia with the Boosters organization to discuss it. At that point Mr. Aiello moved to adjourn and Mr. Berry seconded the motion which carried 4-0.

______Don Aiello, President, Davis Lacrosse Association

______Dan Reeves, Secretary, Davis Lacrosse Association

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