Information Technology (240 Indicative Hours) Course
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Program Information Technology (240 indicative hours) course
Course Description
Course Title: Information Technology Hours: 240 Indicative Hours Possible AQF Certificate II in Information Outcome: Technology and/or Statement of Attainment. Course Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide students with opportunities to develop competencies relevant to employment in industries where Information Technology is used. Course Students must attempt each of the units of Requirements: competency described in the course structure and undertake a minimum of 70 hours work placement, 35 hours of which can be in a simulated work environment.
Articulation: The core competencies must be completed to enable further study and qualifications in this industry. A minimum of 4 electives must be undertaken and along with successful completion of the core competencies this provides an Information Technology pathway/qualification. Recognition of competencies requires assessment of the competencies by a qualified assessor. At the end of Year 12 a student may opt to sit an external examination in Information Technology the mark from which would count towards the student’s UAI. Structure: Students must complete the 11 core units of competency plus a minimum of 4 elective units of competency. 2
Core Units of Competency
Year 11 - Equivalent to 120 hour course Unit of Code Indicative Hours Competency Work effectively in ICAITTW001B an IT environment 20
Apply Occupational 10 ICAITTW004B Health and Safety procedures Operate computing packages – ICAITU006B 40 applications desktop. Operate computer 20 ICAITU005B hardware Design organisational documents using ICAITU012B 20 commercial computing packages. Integrate commercial ICAITU013B 20 computing packages Communicate in ICAITTW002B 20 the Workplace Year 12 Maintain ICAITU007B equipment and 15 consumables Connect hardware ICAITS014B 10 peripherals Install software ICAITS015B 20 applications Maintain system ICAITS017B 15 integrity Receive and ICAITD003B process oral 15 information Maintain ICAITS008B equipment/softwa 15 re inventory ICPMM63bA Access the 15 3
Internet Administer ICAITS121A network 15 peripherals 4
Elective Units of Competency – A minimum of 4 must be chosen in order to complete the 240-hour course.
Code Unit of Competency Indicative Hours ICAITD003B Receive and process oral 15 information ICAITS008B Maintain equipment/software 15 inventory ICAITS009B Interact with clients 15 ICPMM11bA Identify components of multimedia 15 ICPMM63bA Access the Internet 15 ICAITS016B Record client support requirements 15 ICAITS010B Apply problem-solving techniques 15 to achieve organisational goals. ICAITTW011 Participate in a team and 15 B individually to achieve organisational goals. ICAITS022B Determine client computing 15 problems and action ICAITS121A Administer network peripherals 15
Delivery mode There are many possible ways of sequencing the core learning components, and one such arrangement is illustrated in the following table. Sequencing of the chosen elective components will need to take account of their respective entry competency requirements.
STREAM DELIVERY SEQUENCE ICAITS014B ICAITU007B Hardware Connect Hardware Maintain equipment and Systems peripherals consumables and ICAITU005B ICAITS015B ICAITS017B operations Operate computer Install software Maintain system Hardware applications integrity Software ICAITU006B ICAITU012B ICAITU013B Application s and Operate Design Integrate operations computing organisation commercial packages documents using computing commercial packages ICAITTW001B – Work effectively in an Information Technology Environment Workplace Skills ICAITU004B ICAITTW002B Apply Occupational Heath Communicate in the workplace and Safety procedures 5
Year 11 – 120 Hours Unit of Competency Resources ICAITTW001B - Work Non-endorsed materials for effectively in an IT ICAITTW001B environment TAFE NSW Module 3624A TAFE NSW Module 3624K ICAITTW004B - Apply Non-endorsed materials for Occupational Health and ICAITTW004B Safety procedures National IT Module ITL303 ICAITU006B - Operate Non-endorsed materials for computing packages – ICAITU006B applications desktop. National IT module ITG201 – Using Computer Networks. National IT module ITF307 – Freehand Graphics Packages. National IT module ITF305 – Advanced Operations Spreadsheets. National IT module ITF205 – Basic Operations Databases. National IT module ITF207 – Basic Operations Spreadsheets. National IT module ITF308 – Retrieving Database Information. National Office Skills Module NOS116 – Keyboarding Techniques and Operations. National Office Skills Module NOS222 – Word Processing Introduction. National Office Skills Module NOS304 – Word Processing Advanced Operations. TAFE NSW Module 3617D – Introduction to the Internet. Stables 2000 6
ICAITU005B - Operate Non-endorsed materials for computer hardware ICAITU005B National IT module ITC301 – Computer Systems Basics. National IT module ITH302 – PC User Fundamentals. TAFE NSW Module 3625L – Hardware/software portfolio. Fundamentals of Systems Administration – John Hamilton ICAITU012B - Design Non-endorsed materials for organisational documents ICAITU012B using commercial Same resources as for computing packages. ICAITU006B plus National IT module ITF309 – Desktop Publishing Applied. Stables 2000
ICAITU013B - Integrate Non-endorsed materials for commercial computing ICAITU013B packages Same resources as for IC AITU012B. ICAITTW002B - Communicate Non-endorsed materials for in the Workplace ICAITTW002B National Communications Module NCS018 - Dealing with customers and clients. National Communications Module NCS001 - Workplace Communication National Communications Module NCS004 - Work team Communication. 7
Year 12 Unit of Competency Resources ICAITU007B - Maintain Non-endorsed materials for equipment and consumables ICAITU007B National IT module ITC201 – Computer Hardware Fundamentals National IT module ITH201 – Computer Administration National IT module ITH302 – PC User Fundamentals. Fundamentals of Systems Administration – John Hamilton
ICAITS014B - Connect Non-endorsed materials for hardware peripherals ICAITS014B National IT module ITC201 – Computer Hardware Fundamentals National IT module ITH302 – PC User Fundamentals. TAFE NSW Module 3625L Hardware/software portfolio. National Module NITG302 - Installing and managing peer-to- peer LANS. National Module NITG - Value added information services. Fundamentals of Systems Administration – John Hamilton ICAITS015B - Install Non-endorsed materials for software applications ICAITS015B National IT Module ITC301 - Computer Systems Basics National IT module ITH302 – PC User Fundamentals. TAFE NSW Module 3625L Hardware/software portfolio. Fundamentals of Systems Administration – John Hamilton ICAITS017B - Maintain Non-endorsed materials for system integrity ICAITS017B National IT Module ITH201 - Computer Administration. Fundamentals of Systems Administration – John Hamilton 8
Electives – 4 only Unit of Competency Resources ICAITD003B - Receive and process oral information ICAITS008B - Maintain Non – endorsed materials for equipment/software ICAITS008B. inventory National IT Module ITC201 – Computer Hardware Fundamentals. National IT Module ITH201 – Computer Administration. National IT Module ITH302 – PC User Fundamentals.
ICAITS009B - Interact with Non – endorsed materials for clients ICAITS009B. National Communications Module – Dealing with customers and clients.
ICPMM11bA - Identify Non – endorsed materials for components of multimedia ICPMM11bA. TAFE NSW Module 3617G – Using Multimedia Systems.
ICPMM63bA - Access the Non – endorsed materials for Internet ICPMM63bA. TAFE NSW Module 3617D – Introduction to the Internet. TAFE NSW Module 3617E – Writing for the World Wide Web. ICAITS016B - Record client Non – endorsed materials for support requirements ICAITS016B. National Communications Module NCS001 – Workplace Communication. National IT Module ITC201 – Computer Hardware Fundamentals.
ICAITS010B - Apply problem- Non – endorsed materials for solving techniques to achieve ICAITS010B. organisational goals TAFE NSW Module 3624E – Software applications project. TAFE NSW Module 3624L – Hardware/software portfolio. 9
ICAITTW011B - Participate in Non – endorsed materials for a team and individually to ICAITTW011B. achieve organisational goals. National Communications Module NCS018 – Dealing with customers and clients. National Communications Module NCS004 – Work team Communication.
ICAITS022B - Determine Non – endorsed materials for client computing problems ICAITS022B. and action ICAITS121B - Administer Non – endorsed materials for network peripherals ICAITS121B. National IT Module ITG201 – Using Computer Networks. National IT Module NITG302 – Installing and managing peer to peer LANs. National IT Module – Value added information services. 10
Assessment The courses within the Curriculum Framework are competency- based courses. The Board of Studies and the Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board (VETAB) require that a competency-based approach to assessment be used and that a record be held by the school of the competencies achieved. The purpose of assessment is to judge competence on the basis of performance against the performance criteria set out under each element of competency. A student is judged either competent or not yet competent. Competency based assessment incorporates all aspects of skill performance, including problem solving and the capacity to apply skills and knowledge in both familiar and new situations. Assessment of competence involves the assessment of skills and knowledge combined. It is not necessary, nor is it necessarily desirable, for individual performance criteria to be demonstrated separately for assessment purposes. Rather, assessors should adopt an integrated or holistic approach to assessment. This method of assessment is to be used in line with the concept of competence as the integration of a wide range of skills, knowledge and attitudes and is emphasised in the Information Technology Training Package. In addition to the assessment guidelines, the Training Package sets out detailed assessment requirements - the evidence guide - for each unit of competency and provides advice indicating where units can be assessed interdependently . These requirements are set out within the text of each unit of competency included in Part B of the syllabus.
The Training Package User Guides provide guidance on the design of assessment materials and advise that close attention be paid to the performance criteria, range statements and evidence guides. Assessors must use methods that enable the gathering of valid, sufficient, accurate, consistent, current and authentic evidence for assessment decisions. The process must also be valid, reliable, flexible, fair and cost-effective, the basic criteria for ensuring the effectiveness of assessment for the industry:
Valid The assessment actually assesses what it claims to assess, integrating knowledge and skills with their practical application.
Reliable 11
The assessment process must be able to produce consistent results, no matter who does the assessment or when the assessment is done.
Flexible The assessment should be able to be conducted in a variety of situations. It should allow for diversity in how, where and when competencies have been acquired.
Fair The method chosen must not disadvantage any person, with reasonable adjustments made to assessment procedures for people with special needs. Assessment tasks should be determined with the participation of the persons being assessed.
Cost-effective The process must be as cost-effective as possible in terms of both time and money.
Competency Record Book Each student will have recorded progressively in a student log book all units and elements of competency that a student has successfully achieved. This forms a permanent record of all the student’s achievements within the Information Technology Curriculum Framework.
Higher School Certificate Examination – Information Technology At the conclusion of this course students may opt to sit a 2-hour written examination. This examination result will have no impact on a student’s eligibility for AQF qualifications.
The HSC examination will be based on 3 areas: - The core units of competency in Information Technology, including - elements of competency - performance criteria - critical aspects of evidence - underpinning knowledge and skills
. Minimum prescribed learning contained in the Higher School Certificate requirements for each unit of competency, including - minimum learning for the Higher School Certificate - key terms and concepts . Associated key competencies 12
YEAR TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Introduction to the course Work effectively in an OH&S in the IT Work place Annual stocktaking and What is IT, the IT industry Information technology Operate Computer tracking of Hardware OH&S principal’s environment Packages Mail Merge, within an organization – responsibilities and Basic hardware devices power point Methods and procedures legislation. Accident Operate computer Design organisational employed reports packages Spread Sheets documents Developing web pages The rights and MS Access Integrate commercial responsibilities of Identify computer output computing packages employees and employers and input devices and Typing skills their uses Operate computer Access the internet packages., WP, Presentation software Basic Hardware devices Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Researching information Report on the hardware Practical Exam. Designing Web Pages out 11 on a range of hardware and software supported Design A data base of ling their business IT using the Internet. by the schools IT customers whish stores product and services. Advising management of department addresses, phone Practical Test. Test and suitable equipment to be Presentation of OH&S numbers and persons connect peripherals to purchase based on this issues relating to the IT name and type of ensure correct functioning, research industry (ergonomics, RSI, business. Produce queries and explain to clients Identify and connect at Fatigue) and develop simple forms how to set up the least 5 computer Produce business and reports. computer system they peripherals to a PC letters introducing a new Developing Templates, borrow Rebuild computers from product to customers reports and documents for parts supplied Develop graphs using an IT business including Typing skills at least 30 data entered into spread spread sheets, Database WPM at 95% accuracy sheets and export these of customers, and mail graphs into a WP merge letters, Develop document Logo
ICAITTWOO4B, ICAITU006B ICAITTWOO1B, ICAITS014B ICAITU013B, ICAITU012B ICAITS008B ICAITU005B 13 YEAR TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Install software Maintain System and Annual stocktaking and o OS win98, 2000Pro consumables tracking of Hardware o MSOffice 2000 within an organization – o VET Anti virus Methods and procedures o Visual Basic employed System Integrity Developing web pages o Hard ware failure o System Security o Virus Protection o System, Backup and restore Maintain System and consumables Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Install Win 98 and or Maintain System and Designing Web Pages 2000Pro from CD and consumables in out ling their business HDD. Administration IT product and services. Determine o o Obtain cleaning Practical Test. Test minimum System chemicals and connect requirements from o Carry out cleaning peripherals to ensure the internet as per instructions correct functioning, and o Customise o Maintain hard disk explain to clients how 12 o Locate required and remove drivers unwanted files to set up the computer o Install and agree system they borrow to licence details of MSOffice, VET, and Visual Basic. o Complete registration form o Configure Windows networking and connect to a shared printer Design System Integrity Policy o Carry out backup and restore files o Complete backup of main server according to policy o Update virus scanners o Check for illegal software and remove