University College Absalon European Policy Statement

May 2013 Part 1: Please describe your institution's international (EU and non- EU) strategy. In your description please explain a) how you choose your partners, b) in which geographical area(s) and c) the most important objectives and target groups of your mobility activities (with regard to staff and students in first, second and third cycles, including study and training, and short cycles). If applicable, also explain how your institution participates in the development of double/multiple/joint degrees.)

University College Absalon has a development contract with the ministry of Education. This Development Contract has a number of specific international milestones including specific mobility targets. In order to broaden this contract, the Board at University College Absalon has developed and adapted a global strategy with 6 target areas, one of them being "Internationalisation". This aspect is hence reflected in

- the global strategy and therefore also in each of the actions plans developed by

- each of the 9 University College Absalon bachelor degree programmes,

- in the department for in-service training and further education,

- in research and innovation and

- on each support departments of the institution.

Furthermore University College Absalon has developed a comprehensive international strategy. The International Strategy has in order of priority 5 dimensions:

1. The Knowledge dimension

2. The Action dimension

3. The Intercultural dimension

4. The Language dimension

5. The Organisational dimension.

This strategy pays tribute to the fact that producing, acquiring, sharing and teaching new knowledge is the primary reason for engaging in international cooperation. Our Research and Innovation Department selects partners on the basis of where to find and share knowledge at the appropriate level, rather than finding partners in a pre-set geographical priority areas. The educational programmes in cooperate the latest international knowledge in the curriculum and the selection of partners in general reflects the importance of the knowledge dimension. The Action Dimension is about mobility and project cooperation and is influenced by the knowledge dimension. Moreover, the Action Dimension takes into consideration the mobility possibilities for students, and priority is given to

1. Cooperation within the Nordic Countries to support students who wishes or only has the opportunity to travel short distances (for financial, linguistic or personal reasons) or for those who find the highest applicable standards within their field of study, within these countries.

2. Cooperation with the EU programme Areas to give the students the opportunity for Erasmus grants while at the same time working with a distinct European dimension within their educations. All programme countries are open for University College Absalon students, but particularly close cooperation has been established with UK, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey, Malta and Spain.

3. Cooperation outside of the Programme Area is focused on Vietnam, Uganda, Ghana, Namibia, South Africa, USA and Canada. Australia and China are also relevant partner countries for University College Absalon.

The intercultural and language dimensions add significantly to the students and staff self-development, their professional and personal identity and support their future international career opportunities. The organisational dimension secures an organisation wide access to international cooperation, and this is in particular supported by Strategic Partnerships (SPs). SPs are partnerships where all aspects of inter-institutional cooperation are included, and they are characterized by direct involvement of University College Absalon rectorate, i.e. one or more of the four University College Absalon Directors.

As an overall principle University College Absalon is aiming at having as many "broad" partnerships as possible, i.e. partnerships where cooperation takes place within a number of different educations rather than just one. Potentially these partnerships include staff and student mobility, knowledge sharing and development as well as cooperation within one or more externally funded projects.

University College Absalon has primarily 1st. cycle students, although the institution is involved in one European Master in Occupational Therapy, run as a joint programme between 6 HEI. The mobility focus is therefore on 1st cycle students and the priority is given to 2nd year students, although there are differences between the 9 different bachelor degree programmes. University College Absalon has also developed a joint degree: Interactional Teacher Education (ITE) together with partners in Holland (Stenden) and Norway (Buskerud). The ITE is a very direct result of the Erasmus Programme (ETEPS - European Teacher Education for Primary Schools). The policy objective is to include at least one non-programme country before 2015. Further developments of joint degrees hinges on an open interpretation of national laws in programme countries including Denmark, and the Programme participation is among the most important driving factors for this development.

Internationalisation at Home (IaH) is important and developed with a particular focus on non-mobile students. Non-mobile students can engage in international projects, work as international tutors or get involved in English language taught modules and have their intercultural and language exposure through incoming international students.

Part 2: Please describe your institution's strategy for the organisation and implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme.

University College Absalon attaches significant importance to participation in teaching and training in relation to projects implemented under the Programme. University College Absalon therefore holds the role of project initiator and project owner in a considerable number of projects under Leonado and Erasmus programmes (eHAP, eQuity, numerous IP projects, and Commenious exchanges). The strategy has since 2006 been to increase the number of project participations in order to fund new educational developments (the knowledge dimension), increase staff participation (action dimension) and adding a European dimension to University College Absalon education (intercultural and language dimension). Projects funded under the programme are supplemented by projects funded under the Interreg Programme, by regional development funds and by the Nordplus programme. All such projects are administratively anchored in the Project Secretariat (4 full time staff members). When taking part in such projects, teaching staff are relived form their teaching obligations, and project participation is hence - in relation to teaching - considered an equally valuable and important activity. Educational partners such as local and regional authorities are often included in projects, establishing an ever closer link between those who provide the trainee ships and the students and their lectures. University College Absalon also engaged in HEI cooperation and development projects in Vietnam and China, in 5 countries in Africa and in cooperation activities with USA and Canada. A future opportunity to run the Master level at university colleges in Denmark would significantly consolidate and raise the benefits of international cooperation in general, but particularly with countries outside the programme area. Organisation and implementation of international cooperation projects supplements national and institutional funding for the modernisation agenda and all its 5 priorities. The combination of funding sources adds to the sustainability of the actions and relations.

Part 3: Please explain the expected impact of your participation in the Programme on the modernisation of your institution (for each of the 5 priorities of the Modernisation Agenda*) in terms of the policy objectives you intend to achieve.

Participation in the Programme is a cornerstone for the 5 dimensions of the University College Absalon International Strategy (IS). The Programme and 5 dimensions strongly support the 5 priorities of the Modernisation Agenda in the following aspects:

1. Attainment

Offering quality study and placement opportunities in a large number of countries and settings, students are given the best chances to get involved and stay involved throughout their bachelor programme. The Action, Intercultural and Language dimensions of the University College Absalon IS focusses on these aspects. The University College Absalon Policy Objective in relation to attainment is described in the University College Absalon Development Contract with the Ministry of Education, Objective 3. ( professionshoejskolen-absalon/strategi/udviklingskontrakt/) 2. Quality

The Quality aspect of modernisation is what University College Absalon reflects in the Knowledge dimension of the IS and in the Objective 1 in the Development Contract (as per above).The Policy objectives are to reflect the knowledge dimension in the publications and work of the Research and Innovations Department, Educations obligations to reflect latest international knowledge in curricula and finally will the knowledge and quality aspects be decisive when strategic partners are selected. The impact of participation in the Programme is very direct in terms of signing inter-institutional agreements, and implementation of the various mobility arrangements (staff and students).

3. Mobility and Cross-border cooperation.

The Action dimension of the University College Absalon’s IS hinges directly on Programme participation, and the impact is significant as it counts for significant shares of student and staff mobility. The cross-border cooperation is strongly supported by Programme participation and University College Absalon is constantly taking part in 6-8 actions supported by the Programme. This priority of the Modernisation Agenda is supported by the Objective t of the Development Contract.

4. Linking HEI, research and business

This priority is reflected in the University College Absalon IS through the Knowledge Dimension and in the Objective 4 and 5 of the Development Contract. The policy objective of the Knowledge Dimension is to strengthen high quality partnerships, which is clearly supported through Programme participation.

5. Funding and Governance.

This priority is supported through the University College Absalon IS Organisational Dimension. The Policy objective of this dimension is to engage management in international strategic partnerships, hence building and maintaining focus on international standards and demands for modernisation of HEI. As a result, University College Absalon has established a Project Secretariat in 2010 to secure professional project and programme administration. The Project Secretariat works closely with the International Secretariat and the Research and Innovation Department to secure seed funding for mobility, cross border cooperation and for research and innovation. The seed money is combined with national funding and institutional funding to secure maximum impact and sustainability.