EGF Working Group Semi-natural Grasslands

Grassland Classification Questionnaire

I Personal details

Name: […]

Affiliation: […]

E-Mail: […]

II Basic questions

What should be the purpose of … (please mark all relevant points in botch columns)

… a common definition … a general classification of of ‘semi-natural grasslands according to grasslands’? agricultural / environmental characteristics?

Framework for policy makers (and   implication for farmers’ subsidies)

Framework for a better statistical   system on grasslands

Improved communication between scientists / other stakeholders from   different regions

Better transfer of research results and management expertise   between sites and regions

Starting point for quantification of agricultural / environmental   services of different types of grassland

Not necessary at all  

Other: […] […]

Other: […] […]

 Relevant boxes to be marked by typing in ‘’ or ‘X’.  Text may be entered into the blue-shaded fields ‘[…]’.  Please return the filled-in questionnaire to btonn(at) by 15. November 2012. EGF Working Group Semi-natural Grasslands – Grassland classification questionnaire

What should be the basis of the definition of ‘semi-natural grasslands’? (please mark all relevant points)

Vegetation type  Which vegetation classification system? […]

Management 

Site characteristics 

Function in a farming  system

Other  Which? […]

Give your personal definition of ‘semi-natural grasslands’ (max. 150 words).


2 EGF Working Group Semi-natural Grasslands – Grassland classification questionnaire

III Botanical characteristics of ‘semi-natural grasslands’

Which vegetation characteristics would be useful to delineate ‘semi-natural grasslands’? ((please mark all relevant points)

Yes No General indicator value can General indicator probably be defined value can (if possible, make probably not be suggestion) defined

[1] Species number    […] 

[2] Presence of rare species    […] 

[3] Presence of species from a list    […]  of indicator species

[4] Percentage of dicots/grasses    […] 

[5] Correspondence with a phytosciological vegetation type

[6] Productivity    […] 

[7] Productivity in relation to    […]  climate

[8] Time since complete    […]  destruction of sward

[9] Other, namely:

[10] […]  […] 

[11] […]  […] 

[12] […]  […] 

3 EGF Working Group Semi-natural Grasslands – Grassland classification questionnaire

IV Management characteristics of ‘semi-natural grasslands’

Which of the following management measures is consistent with a grassland still being defined as a ‘semi-natural grassland’?

Never Under certain conditions / up to Not a in certain amounts for which general relevant SNG guidelines probably … criterium for definition of … can be defined (if … cannot SNG possible, make be defined suggestion)

[13] Application of synthetic N fertilizer   […]  

[14] Application of synthetic P fertilizer   […]  

[15] Application of synthetic K fertilizer   […]  

[16] Application of farmyard manure   […]  

[17] Application of liquid manure/slurry   […]  

[18] Liming   […]  

[19] Application of herbicides   […]  

[20] Drainage   […]  

[21] Irrigation

[22] Resowing

[23] Soil tillage

[24] A period of abandonment   […]  

Other important management measures, namely:

[25] […]   […] 

[26] […]   […] 

[27] […]   […] 

4 EGF Working Group Semi-natural Grasslands – Grassland classification questionnaire

Which of the following management measures could be used as criteria to define ‘semi- natural grasslands’?

no possibly suitable very good suggestion suitable criterium criterium criterium

[28] Mowing frequency per se    […]

[29] Mowing frequency in relation to    […] climate

[30] Mowing frequency in relation to    […] site productivity

[31] Mowing frequency in relation to    […] other factors

[32] Average timing of fist cut    […] (phenological stage)

[33] Stocking rate per se    […]

[34] Stocking rate in relation to climate    […]

[35] Stocking rate in relation to site    […] productivity

[36] Stocking rate in relation to other    […] factors

[37] Other measure of grazing intensity    […]

[38] Grazing system  […]

Other management measures, namely:

[39] […]   […]

[40] […]   […]

[41] […]   […]

5 EGF Working Group Semi-natural Grasslands – Grassland classification questionnaire

IV Categories of grasslands with similar agricultural / environmental services and challenges

Which of the criteria listed in sections III and IV could be suitable indicators for a classification of grasslands into broad categories with similar agricultural / environmental services and challenges?

[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10] 

[11]  [12]  [13]  [14]  [15]  [16]  [17]  [18]  [19]  [20] 

[21]  [22]  [23]  [24]  [25]  [26]  [27]  [28]  [29]  [30] 

[31]  [32]  [33]  [34]  [35]  [36]  [37]  [38]  [39]  [40] 

[41] 

Others, namely:




V Further Working Group activities

I would probably attend the next Working Group meeting if it is held in conjunction with the EGF Symposium 23-26 June 2013 on Iceland Yes  No 

I would probably attend the next Working Group meeting if it is held independently of the EGF Symposium at some central location in Europe Yes  No  Suggestion for a meeting place: […]

I am potentially interested in participating in a COST Action addressing research needs identified by the results of this questionnaire Yes  No 