CU7 Develop One S Own Knowledge and Practice

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CU7 Develop One S Own Knowledge and Practice

CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Elements of competence

CU7.1 Reflect on and evaluate one’s own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness CU7.2 Synthesise new knowledge into the development of one’s own practice

Summary This unit describes the development of one’s own knowledge and practice - a key part of a worker’s role.

The first element is about reflecting on and evaluating one’s own values, interests, priorities and effectiveness in practice as it is only through knowing oneself that one can reflect on the effectiveness of one’s interaction with others. This is particularly the case in the health and social care sector when so many areas of practice are inter-mixed with potentially conflicting values and priorities. This element is based on the belief that to be effective in practice one needs to know not only the starting point of the people with whom one works but also one’s own basis of action. The element captures reflecting on the effectiveness of the outcomes and processes of one’s practice and learning from these.

The second element builds on the first and focuses on how new knowledge is incorporated and embedded into practice. The new knowledge may come from reflecting on and evaluating one’s own practice or from finding out about and utilising the developments made by others. This element is intended to support good practice in action research and the development of evidence-based practice.

Who this unit is aimed at The unit is designed to be applicable to all workers in the health and social care sector who are accountable for their own actions and responsible for their own development.

Principles of good practice A major focus within this unit is the responsibility to develop competence and practice in line with new developments and thinking.

Relationship to other units This unit relates to other units on development of self and teams - CU9 on effective team working and CU10 on contributing to the effectiveness of work practice. This unit is intended to reflect the greater demands on those who should take responsibility for their own development themselves.

This unit also appears as unit 1.1 in the National Occupational Standards for Professional Activity in Health Promotion and Care.

Place in the SVQ framework This unit occurs in the following qualification: Care Level 3; Caring for Children and Young People Level 3; Diagnostic and Therapeutic Support Level 3; Dialysis Support Level 3; Promoting Independence Level 3; Care Level 4

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 1 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Evidence Requirements for this unit You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence must be provided in the following ways, taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted below:

Special Considerations The nature of this unit means that your assessor will only be able to observe any changes in your practice as a result of you carrying out the requirements. Other evidence will have to come from written, or oral reflective accounts and work products. It is not possible to simulate any of this evidence.

1 Direct Observation

Your assessor may observe you in real work activities which may provide at least some of the evidence for each element in this unit. During these observations you will meet many of the Performance Criteria (PCs) and as many aspects of the Range Categories.

PCs which might not be observed by your assessor include: see Special Considerations.

Aspects of range which might not be observed by your assessor include: see Special Considerations.

You can, of course, cover these PCs and aspects of range during the observations if the opportunity arises.

2 Other types of evidence of your performance and knowledge

Your assessor will also want to see other evidence to feel confident that you can consistently repeat this standard of work and to cover those performance criteria and aspects of range which are not met during the observations. They will also want to see evidence that you know, understand and can apply in practice the knowledge which is listed in the specification. Your assessor may decide that you have already demonstrated some knowledge and understanding when they observe you working.

You will need to agree, and review an assessment plan with your assessor so that you can collect sufficient evidence to show that you are competent and meet the requirements of the unit. You will need to discuss with your assessor what will be acceptable. Types of evidence could include:

 products of your work  statements from other people who have seen you working (witness testimony)  questioning, oral or written  case studies, projects, assignments and reflective accounts of your work

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 2 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Element CU7.1 Reflect on and evaluate one’s own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness

Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) Performance criteria Date DO P W RA Q Other 1 One’s own values, interests and priorities in relation to health and social well-being are identified 2 The impact which one’s own values, interests and priorities have on own practice and personal life are thought about and identified 3 The factors which have influenced one’s own health and social well-being are acknowledged together with how these have affected one’s own values 4 Own personal beliefs and preferences are reflected on to identify the effect which they have had on how one thinks about and works with others 5 One’s own strengths in working with others and one’s effectiveness in different settings are evaluated 6 The outcomes and processes of one’s own work are monitored and their effectiveness evaluated 7 The ways in which one’s own work can be improved are identified 8 Specific plans are developed to tackle any behaviour and practice which might directly affect how well one can work with different individuals and groups 9 Effective support systems and networks are used for ongoing and crisis situations 10 Feedback from others is used constructively to inform change and development

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 3 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Element CU7.1 Reflect on and evaluate one’s own values, priorities, interests and effectiveness

Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) Range Date DO P W RA Q Other 1 Identified through: a) self evaluation b) discussion with colleagues and friends c) educational experiences 2 Factors: a) life experiences b) socio-economic background and status c) cultural background

Notes on this element Performance criterion 7: the ways in which one’s own work can be improved will include thinking about how one can build effectively on one’s own strengths and limit the factors which inhibit one’s effectiveness.

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 4 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Element CU7.2 Synthesise new knowledge into the development of one’s own practice

Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) Performance criteria Date DO P W RA Q Other 1 Advances in knowledge and practice relevant to one’s own area of work are monitored to a sufficient level to keep abreast of developments 2 Opportunities to examine and challenge the advances in knowledge and practice made by others are identified and taken appropriately 3 Others’ work is evaluated for its relevance and applicability to own area of practice 4 Evidence from own and others’ work is used to inform the development of one’s own practice 5 Ideas for improving own practice are implemented in structured ways which allow them to be tested and generalised 6 The changes which are made in one’s own practice are monitored and reflected on to determine the effectiveness of the outcomes 7 New knowledge synthesised into own practice is applied to all areas of work in which it is relevant and likely to be effective

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 5 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Element CU7.2 Synthesise new knowledge into the development of one’s own practice

Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) Range Date DO P W RA Q Other 1 Advances in knowledge and practice: a) technology b) approaches to working c) concepts, models and theories d) strategies and policies e) legislation 2 Opportunities: a) debates, discussions and conferences b) publications c) collaboration and consultation

Notes on this element Information about advances in knowledge and practice (performance criterion 1) may be gained formally or informally from: books and research reports, professional and trade journals, learning programmes, observation, discussion and presentations.

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 6 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following: (the numbers after each knowledge statement refer to performance criteria)

Legislation, policy and good practice Relates to performance criteria Select evidence index no(s) 1 Why it is important to understand your own personal beliefs and preferences, values, interests and priorities Whole of element CU7.1 when working with others in relation to their health and social well-being 2 Recent developments in technology, approaches to working, concepts, models and theories, strategies and Whole of element CU7.2 policies, and legislation which are likely to have an impact on the area of work 3 The purpose of keeping abreast of developments for yourself and others CU7.2.4 4 The purpose of monitoring changes in practice based on others’ work CU7.2.3 5 The purposes of linking into others’ research and the benefits which might accrue CU7.2.7 Services and products 6 The networks and support systems which may be available and the nature of the support they may give CU7.1.10 7 The advantages of different networks and support systems for different people and situations and why they CU7.1.10 may be of particular importance in crisis situations 8 The support which others may give to reflecting on practice 9 The range of sources available in own area of practice and how this compares with other practitioner groups CU7.2.4 Factors which influence what you do 10 How interests, priorities and values may affect your own work and change over time CU7.1.1 11 The factors which affect health and social well-being and the ones of particular importance in your own CU7.1.3 situation 12 The nature of the inter-relationships between yourself and others with whom you work and how this may CU7.1.4 affect your ability to work effectively 13 The limits of your own work role and its inter-relationship with the work roles of others CU7.1.5 14 The relationship of strengths and limitations to different contexts and work with different people CU7.1.8 15 The role of development programmes in learning more about yourself and the use which can be made of these CU7.1.7 16 The meaning of the term ‘learning styles’ and the worker’s own learning style CU7.1.6 17 Opportunities there may be for evaluating and challenging others’ work and developments CU7.2.2 18 The purpose of structuring your own action research and developing and implementing these in structured CU7.2.5 and CU7.2.6 ways How to achieve important outcomes 19 How you can evaluate your own values and practices constructively CU7.1.4 20 Effective ways of challenging and developing yourself in relation to values and attitudes CU7.1.4 21 The meaning of the term ‘reflective practitioner’ and how you can become more reflective in your work CU7.1.7

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 7 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

22 How to tackle own behaviour and practice effectively when it adversely affects how you work with different CU7.1.8 people 23 How to assess your own strengths and limitations CU7.1.5 24 The different ways in which own development can be planned and structured CU7.1.7 25 How to access and use networks and support systems CU7.1.10 How to achieve important outcomes Relates to performance criteria 26 How to keep abreast of developments in an efficient and effective way given other pressures CU7.2.1 27 How it is possible to balance the need to keep up-to-date with advances whilst meeting current deadlines and CU7.2.1 personal responsibilities 28 How to provide constructive challenges which focus on the work and not on the person who did it CU7.2.2 29 Strategies and methods for evaluating others’ work and its relevance to own area of practice CU7.2.3 and CU7.2.4 30 How you can evaluate realistically the outcomes of your own action research CU7.2.5 31 How to structure and use evidence from others’ research and integrate this into own practice CU7.2.4

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 8 CU7 Develop one’s own knowledge and practice

Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) Knowledge and understanding Date DO P W RA Q Other There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit

Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) Evidence requirements Date DO P W RA Q Other The evidence generated by the candidate meets the evidence requirements for this unit

Assessor/Internal verifier comments

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name IV’s name

Candidate’s signature Assessor’s signature IV signature

Date Date Date

Unit: B6T4 04 (CU7) Develop one’s own knowledge and practice 9

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