Minutes for Organization Meeting (Short Form) s1
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Newtown Babe Ruth Softball Meeting Minutes October 12, 2016
I. Present: Chuck Hepp, Pat McCleary, Michael Bonacci, Kristen Bonacci, Mark D'Amico, Adam Bova, Anna Bova, Mary Tucker, Sue Gouveia, Chris Gardner, Jen Penrod Markham, Frank Libero, Meghan McGuiness, Angela Cundari, Geraldine Jackman, Trina Bayles II. Next meeting: November 9, 2016
Call to Order – 8:00pm Minutes Accepted – Chuck Hepp
Public Comments: None
Treasurer's Report - Pat McCleary Year End Financials o Fiscal year ended Sept. 30th 2017 Budget o Interactive merge Travel and rec. o Look into any volunteers who would like to be a part of a committee to discuss budget o Same programs/ kids o Status quo budget o Contribute $ to baseball for Lower Liberty they are asking for $10,000 Discussion surrounding ways to Raise $ for Lower Liberty o Sponsorships o Banners (may be out of bounds on field due to neighbor Ed)- Discussed writing a proposal to Ed o fundraising o Raffle Tickets o Scrimmages (Getting kids involved) o Home Run Derbys By-Law Changes o Table it / and circulate at next meeting o Have members in good standing vote
Travel – Michael Bonacci METS o METS want $500.00 Check Deposit right away for Citifield o Will offer teaching seminar o Grounds keeping with coaches o Going on field and practicing with METS o Mike will look into more info.
Travel Director o Michael Bonacci nominated Chris Gardner o Chris Gardner is now new Travel Director
U 10 o 1st game rain out o Need to hire a Head Coach (Maybe 1,000-1,500) o Ian, Adam and Mike have been running practices o Would like to hire Head Coach before winter clinics U 12 o Practices going well o Have a game on October 23rd o Pat McCleary- stated 1st Travel pymt. is due on October 23rd then will figure out payment schedule going forward o Will practice in November (Mondays from 6-7PM) @ NYA ---Dates Nov. 7, Nov.14th and Nov. 21st for $225.00 an hour -Will poll other teams to cut cost U14 o Mike Bonacci met with team and everyone is happy - 1 girl left o Let's focus on girls playing ball Time at NYA for Travel o Have 3 teams - will allocate time for each team
Director of Ops – Mark D'Amico & Kristen Bonacci Small Equipment order - add to Amazon o Documents for non profit for Amazon acct. will speak with Pat McCleary Fall o Getting cold / Going well / Kids having fun U8 o No under the lights scheduled for U8 -Kristen Bonacci said coaches couldn't agree on dates- said they will revisit and re-circulate dates o Close Out Fall Winter Clinics - Start in January o 5:30PM -7:30PM @ NYA o Will run for 8 weeks and then will do evals. for spring o Due to cost of NYA - discussed sending out Blast to other towns to help promote it and cut down costs o Mark D'Amico stated Bobby G. is out of running to run clinics at NYA however some of his kids may be able to help out. o Discussed Tracey G. (Bobby G. daughter) as an option o Mark stated will look into more options (will respect who they hire to choose who will assist and will let them make decision) o Discussed other options as possibilities to look into----Joanna Berry, Meghan McGuiness, Angela Cundari, Ian Thoesen Additional Training o Player Development o Coaches Clinic - Great feedback in past Need $ for new Equipment o Kristen Bonacci asked about budget for equipment (such as, discussed getting helmets off ground)--Pat McCleary stated to get preliminary pricing Discussed collecting bags at end of season and going through equipment so it doesn't get ruined Discussed old spirit wear - and different options o Give away o Incentive for signing up for winter clinic o Incentive if you register early for winter clinic Discussed Equipment and Bins o Kim McIntosh has offered to scrape and paint Rankin Order o All parents received order or received refund
President – Chuck Hepp Rec. o Pictures for plaques -Possibly Sue Gouveia to take pictures for Sponsorships -Girls should wear their uniform Website o Renewal - Pat and Leigh U 14 o Let's move forward o Mary Tucker asked about U14 fee - Chuck Hepp still figuring out travel budget Insurance o Insurance paid through February 2017 o Will look into other insurance company's will talk with Rob Hoffman and Pat McCleary o It's an ages and numbers game
Additional Discussion: o Mary Tucker- Asked about travel uniforms and when they would be in Vision - New custom apparel supplier o Kristen Bonacci discussed 10 business days to receive order- they will come to practices and measure girls Registration o Leigh Libero will now assist with Registration
Meeting Adjourned –