Era of Reform

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Era of Reform

Era of Reform 1/14 8 th GRADE

8th 2003 L2 Obj 4 Which of these leaders is correctly identified with his or her major contribution to U.S. society?

A James Monroe — wrote the Doctrine of Divine Rights B Frederick Douglass — fought for prohibition of alcohol C Elizabeth Cady Stanton — sought equal rights for women D Harriet Beecher Stowe — wrote a book promoting slavery in the United States

8th 2003 L2 Obj 3 Use the cartoon and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

This cartoon represents the point of view of which reform movement?

A Child labor B Temperance C Abolition D Women’s rights

2/14 8th 2003 L2 Obj 3 One of the most popular and influential American novels of the 1800s was Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. It addresses the topic of —

A women’s suffrage B industry C slavery D westward movement

8th 2004 L4 Obj 5 Use the quotation and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

In this quotation, Sojourner Truth is emphasizing the -

A need for equal treatment of immigrants B unequal treatment of women C difference between the rich and poor D importance of education for women

8th 2004 L4 Obj 5

Use the diagram and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

Which of these best completes the diagram above?

A Women organize in support of temperance. B Women organize in support of education reform. C Women organize in support of women’s suffrage. D Women give up political organizing. 3/14

8th 2004 L2 Obj 5 Use the illustration and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

Which of these individuals would have been the most likely to agree with the point of view expressed in the illustration above?

A Temperance leader B Abolitionist leader C Suffrage leader D Business leader

4/14 8th 2004 L4 Obj 3 Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

Based on this excerpt, which statement would Horace Mann most likely agree with regarding public education?

A Public education promotes knowledge and skills that open the doors to opportunity. B Public education guarantees each person a government job. C Public education enables everyone to become wealthy. D Public education benefits the wealthy more than the poor.

8th 2004 L2 Obj 4

As the primary author of the Declaration of Sentiments, Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped advance the -

A temperance movement B women’s suffrage movement C prison-reform movement D education-reform movement


8th 2004 L4 Obj 3 Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

The actions taken by these people were aimed at -

A protecting states’ rights B passing fugitive-slave laws C stopping the South from seceding D ending slavery

8th 2006 L3 Obj 3 Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

In the excerpt above, Mann shows his support for— A women’s suffrage B prison reform C public schools D improved sanitation

6/14 8th 2006 L4 Obj 3 Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. According to the excerpt above, with which of the following statements would the speaker most likely agree? A Prisons should be reformed. B Women should have equal rights. C Men should work in agricultural jobs. D Women should pursue traditional occupations.

8th 2006 L3 Obj4 Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

Based on the information in the list above, which statement can be made about the Quakers? A Most Quakers were southern slaveholders B Many Quakers made significant contributions to reform movements. C Many Quakers supported the U.S. entry into the Mexican War. D Most Quakers supported the use of alcohol.

7/14 8th 2006 L2 Obj 4

Why did Elizabeth Cady Stanton oppose the15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? A Public education was not addressed. B Women were still excluded from voting. C Slavery was still allowed in the territories. D Native Americans gained citizenship.

10 h GRADE 8/14 10th 2003 L4 Obj 5 Use the excerpt and your social studies skills to answer the following question.

. . . in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies. . . . Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. . . . [We] will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.

— Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, March 1776

Based on this excerpt, which statement best describes how Abigail Adams felt about the role of women in the new government?

A Women should have a role in government. B Women must be married in order to vote. C Women should lead the government. D Women must accept their traditional roles.

10th 2004 L4 Obj 5

It is really mortifying, sir, when a woman possessed of a common share of understanding considers the difference of education between the male and female sex… Why should your sex wish or such a disparity [difference] in those whom they one day intend for companions and associates? Abigail Adams, Letter to John Thaxton, February 15, 1778

The author of this excerpt is expressing— A opposition to equal employment opportunities for women B support for equal government representation for women C opposition to equal rights for married women D support for equal schooling for women

9/14 10th 2006 L3 Obj 5

Use the illustration and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question. This illustration of an 1873 anti-saloon demonstration shows that women —

A had little interest in reform campaigns B preferred to exercise free speech in private C were active in reform movements D rejected male support for female suffrage

10/14 11 th GRADE 11th 2003 L2 Obj 3 The efforts of Susan B. Anthony and other leaders of the women's suffrage movement led to women —

A gaining the right to vote B earning the same wages as men C gaining the right to attend state universities D becoming property owners in some states

11th 2004 L2 Obj 3 Which of these made it possible for women to become full participants in American political life? A Appointment of women to the U.S. Supreme Court B Passage of the 19th Amendment granting women voting rights C Creation of the National Organization for Women (NOW) D Equal pay for female factory workers

11th 2004 L4 Obj 5 Use the excerpt and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

The state very properly assumes the right to provide that all its children shall be furnished with the means of education; and for years has required that children of tender age shall not be employed in factories unless they have attended school a certain number of months in each year. — Massachusetts House Document No. 44, 1867

The excerpt addresses which of the following issues? A The minimum wage B Private education C Day care D Child labor

11/14 11th 2004 L1 Obj 3 Susan B. Anthony worked for a constitutional amendment that would— A end slavery B give women the right to vote C protect the rights of African Americans D allow women to serve in the military

11th 2006 L2 Obj 4

Use the poster and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following question.

The poster above used which of the following to advertise a meeting in support of women’s suffrage? A Freedom of religion B Right to bear arms C Freedom of the press D Right to a fair trial

12/14 11th 2004 retest Obj 4 The ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920 was a victory in the long struggle for women’s equality because the amendment— A gave women the right to vote B allowed women to hold political office C guaranteed women the right to attend state universities D made it illegal to discriminate against female job applicants

11th 2004 retest Obj 3 The reform efforts of Susan B. Anthony contributed to-- A establishment of mental-health hospitals B establishment of settlement houses C passage of a women's suffrage amendment D passage of an amendment to end child labor

13/14 11th 2005 retest Obj 3 WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT

It can best be concluded from the illustration above that the women’s suffrage movement—

A utilized the protection of free speech to spread its message B employed scare tactics to intimidate the audience C proposed child-labor reform D advocated violence to spread its philosophy

14/14 11th 2006 retest Obj 3 William Lloyd Garrison

• Founded a Boston newspaper called The Liberator in 1831 • Favored northern secession from the southern states • Burned a copy of the U.S. Constitution and said, "So perish all compromises with tyranny!" ______

The information in the box describes William Lloyd Garrison, who became a leading advocate for abolishing — A child labor B monopolies C slavery D direct taxes

Era of Reform Answer Key Page #1 C B Page #2 C B C Page #3 B Page #4 A B Page #5 D C Page #6 B B Page #7 B Page #8 A D Page #9 C Page #10 A B D Page #11 B C Page #12 A C Page #13 A Page #14 C

Quick Analysis (# of released TAKS questions over 8th grade TEKS per topic)

8 th 10 th 11 th

Women’s Rights/suffrage 6 1 6 Abolitionist Movement 4 1 Education Reform 2 1 1 Temperance 1 1 Quakers 1

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