Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice s2

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Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice s2

Minutes of Bingley Medical Practice Patients Participation Group Monday 11th July 2016

Agenda Items Minutes Outcome/Action Present: Carey Dawson (Practice Manager) Kathleen Naylor (Chair), Jill Wadsworth (Vice-Chair) Norma Apologies and Welcome Bartle, Pam James,Pam Vinnicombe, David Child, John Menmuir, Lynne Asquith, Barbara Pullin Apologies: Ian Hodgson, jean Gallagher, Bette Turner

Welcome: Barbara Pullin

Minutes of Last Meeting Minutes of Monday 9th May 2016 Approved.

Jill to change the date Matters Arising Date on last Minutes Monday 10th May (incorrect) changed to Monday 9th May 2016 (not covered by items on the Percentages quoted of people not knowing about the PPG (incorrect) Jill to re-analyse the data and Jill to re-look at data agenda) change the statement. Kathleen read out 11 comments, 5 of which were complimentary, from PPG’s box. Patients complaints: 1. The length of wait to see a Doctor Carey to monitor the situation. 2. Having to wait 2-3 weeks for a non-urgent appointment is too long. Patient Comments and 3. Having to wait too long in the waiting room. Suggestions 4. Would it be possible for a text message to be sent if the Doctor is ‘running behind’ so that a patient didn’t have to wait in the waiting room with irritable children? 5. Could the receptionists “smile more” 6. If a Doctor requests to see a patient again – appointments should be available. 7. Lynn brought up the question about my granddaughter not being able to obtain an appt, then her going to A & E at Airedale Hospital, being sent back to the practice to be seen by a doctor etc who then arranged physio and strong painkillers.

Doctor Pitcairn – Good and valid comments – What can we do about it? Carey (Practice Manager) Carey (Practice Manager) to Practice Report He visited a practice in Bromley By Bow London. The practice has similarities to ours. He gave a give an update at the next short presentation to the PPG of his observations and suggestions to improve our service. The meeting. Practice is embarking on a major project looking at continuity of care i.e. ensuring that patients see the same Doctor (if they wish) to discuss their problem in better timelines As a Practice there are 2 objectives they are trying to meet. 1. Improve patient experience and clinician satisfaction. 2. Maintain excellent standard of care of patients. – These objective have been discussed by the clinicians and it’s a ‘work in progress’ Carey said he would e-mail copies of the presentation so that we could peruse them at our leisure.

He would like to have the Executive Committee to have an input into this discussion. Carey asked To be put on the agenda of the for opinions as the first step is the introduction of an improved ‘buddy’ system with the clinicians. next Executive meeting. This should give more continuity of care for patients. E.g. If blood results are received and the Doctor is not on duty then the ‘buddy’ doctor could act on the results. Carey to report back to us once Physiotherapy First - initial reports suggest this is working well. this is set up and working.

Contact with other PPGs Norma, Kathie and Jill reported.

Report from Kate (Springfield Practice) on Art Therapy. Kate met with Amina Rehmann Community Health Officer (BDCT) on 8th June. She is actively involved with setting up groups in Central Bingley area. Discussion centred on our possible involvement with these groups around Art therapy /mental health issues. (Aged over 18) She would like to meet with us to explore areas of interest to us. Kate suggested this could be at Canalside. Any group set up it was suggested should be GP or other professional referral. Any initiative would be funded by BDCT. They are currently training volunteers who are DBS cleared. Kathy felt any proposal would need GP approval & to take ideas to next individual PPG meetings.

Wendy (Oakglen Practice) outlined the proposals for an open meeting on Palliative Care. The date, Wednesday 14th September at Eldwick Memorial Hall. The speaker: Dr Hafees. The subject on Next Meeting in September Healthy Hearts is yet to be arranged but possibly in Novemember. During the discussion the practice manager at Oakglen joined the meeting sharing planning issues. Flyers to be sent to other PPG groups for distribution.

New Minutes Secretary Holly Grice has resigned as (before actively taking up the post) Minutes secretary Jill to write up this meetings Minutes but would like someone to take on the responsibility.


Kathie told us about the resuscitation course she attended at Springfield practice and recommended A.O.B. the course to other members of the PPG. It takes approximately 1 hour. Kathie to arrange course. Many in the room showed interest and felt that after the PPG have had the training it could be offered to patients. Kathie to arrange the next course.

Kathie reported back from the Network Meeting & contact with Hale who are being funded to attend Bingley Music Festival. Their bus will be situated outside the Park on Saturday 3rd September 2016. Kathie asked if there were any volunteers to help.

Fund Raising – Kathie suggested a sponsored walk to raise money to buy some ‘high seat’ chairs for the waiting room. It was discussed at length about whether high seat chairs were necessary, if they were only in the waiting room then the patients would have to sit on a low seat in the Doctors room! In general the opinion of the committee was that they were not necessary.

David Childs (Airedale ) gave dates of the ‘OPEN DAY’ a fun day out for the family. Notice to be put on our notice board. 17th August 2016 12pm – 4pm. AGM all welcome – 28th July 2016 2-00pm He also mentioned that the ‘Choose and book’ system is changing to e-system.

Date of next meetings Monday 13th September 2016 Further dates to be announced

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