Safety Committee Minutes November 25, 2015 10:00 a.m., Pennsylvania Room Present: P. Graham E. Johnston T. Rowles J. Russler S. Swatsworth D. Wakefield J. Webster MA Wigfield H. Williams

Absent: A. Danko J. Hayward J. Holter

I. Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM by Erick Johnston

II. Review of November’s minutes & approval. Motion to accept, Tom Rowles. Second, Deb Wakefield.

III. Old Business:

a) Scott Swatsworth installed the new handicap parking sign at the ramp.

b) Deb Wakefield and Scott Swatsworth are going to look into getting a moveable post for the handicap signage.

c)Scott Swatsworth repaired the lights in the garage

d) We have received two quotes to fix the roof over the Clinton Room carport and are awaiting one more.

IV. New Business:

a) Erick Johnston will email the West Decatur office staff about a new system for garbage: each evening, if they would like their garbage taken out- they can simply pull it out into their general office space. If their garbage does not need taken out they can leave it under their desk.

b) Tom Rowles and Scott Swatsworth will look into using an intercom system, that we currently have in the garage, for use at the front desk.

c) Exterior Doors: Panic bars will be installed on the Pennsylvania Room exterior door. The door located by Karen Krise’s office and Pennsylvania Room FOB’s are disabled. These doors will be used for emergency exits only. They will be accessible with the use of a key, Mary Ann Wigfield will need a copy of these keys. Tom will inform Kelly Boob that we will not need him to fix the panel of the FOB system.

d) It was brought to the attention of the committee that the cement just outside the main entrance is breaking off and causing the door not to shut properly. Scott Swatsworth will look into fixing it.

Continued on next page e) Cameras: All interior cameras are functioning properly. Three exterior cameras are not working: two in the back carport area and one that looks onto the side road. Tom Rowles will look into getting them working. Tom Rowles will also send a link to the Safety Committee members to be able to access the camera feeds. This will need to be operated using Internet Explorer. Tom Rowles will then need to activate the program on Committee member’s computers. All exterior doors need to be in view of a camera. It was discussed that if we move the location of one camera we will be able to view anyone entering and exiting the main parking lot area. f) The Safety Committee annual training and walk-through will be scheduled for April.

V. Adjournment at 3:00 p.m.