Windsor Locks Volunteer Fire Department

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Windsor Locks Volunteer Fire Department

Board of Fire Commissioners Windsor Locks Fire Department Minutes – Wednesday, December 10, 2014

1. Call to Order -The meeting of December 10, 2014 was called to order by Chairman Dennis Gragnolati at 7:30 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call -Commissioners present: Dennis Gragnolati, Dan Riley and David Montemerlo . Commissioner Courtney arrived at 7:45 p.m. -Chiefs present: Assistant Chiefs DeBella and Donahue -Chief absent: Chief Ruggiero -Fire Marshal present: Mike Sinsigalli

3. Public Input –

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion to move Human Resources to 3A. Motion was made by Commissioner Montemerlo and seconded by Commissioner Riley. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

3A. Human Resources – -Commissioner Gragnolati swore in James Moylan in as a new member of the Windsor Locks Volunteer Fire Department as a Probationary Firefighter as recommended by the Chief.

4. Secretary’s Report –

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion to approve the Secretary’s Report for the meeting of November 12, 2014. Motion was made by Commissioner Montemerlo and seconded by Commissioner Riley to approve the minutes as submitted. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

5. Report of Officers -Fire Marshal report – -There were 10 code inspections conducted this period and 5 sets of plans reviewed and received. -The plans and specs for the High School windows and HVAC project are currently under review. -Fire Marshal has been accepting digital plans for review. The benefits are that storage requirements for rolls of plans are minimized and submittals can be received via email. Fire Marshal will be looking for a computer in the new budget o set up a plan review area in the office with a large display. The Commission discussed into looking into all our computer equipment and considering an upgrade to many computers and system. Commissioner Gragnolati will ask Chief Ruggerio for a summary of our current computer equipment. -Inspector Pascarelli has completed the fire investigation module of fire marshal certification on November 25th and is fully qualified to act as a Deputy Fire Marshal. -The State Fire Marshal’s Office is presenting another fire investigation certification course in January. An invitation has been extended to the Police Chief to have one or two of his officers attend this course.

-Chief report – Presented by Assistant Chief DeBella -There were 26 alarms and 5 drills during November. Drills were held during the month. -During the month the Department Members were trained by Seagrave on the new Tower 1. Much individual driver training and other training with the new Tower 1 is ongoing. -The Chief is in charge of the 125 year club and is listening to suggestions. -On November 1 the Department held its Annual Memorial Service at our Memorial Bell followed by a Mass at St. Roberts. -On November 15, the Department held its Annual Banquet and Awards night at Fire Headquarters. Captain Brian Long received his 25 year award that night. Several other Department members received their Service Awards that night as well. -Chief has the draft for the Capital Improvement. He hasn’t completed the Annual Budget yet but will finish and e-mail to everyone when he returns.

6. Standing Committees- Purchasing – Ongoing. Budget – In progress. Truck Committee – Finished. We received the letter with the estimate. Training- Ongoing. With the tower ladder now. Blood Bourne Pathogens starts in January. Building Committee – Meeting with Chief of Police is being rescheduled. Human Resources – We are working on one more. He travels for work so we are having scheduled difficulties. Town Ordinance – No report. This will be removed from the Agenda going forward.

7. Old Business – None

8. New Business – -A Hoarding Task Force will begin in January. Fire Marshal Sinsigalli will be attending. -On the social end the Christmas Tree sales has been a huge success.

9. Appointments and Promotions – None

10. Correspondence – None

11. Public Input – -Question regarding the updating of minutes on the website. I advised them that I have not been able to get into the website since the Town redid it. I am working on fixing that.

12. Commission Comments – None

13. Announcements – None

14. Adjournment

Chairman Gragnolati entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. Motion made by Commissioner Courtney and seconded by Commissioner Montemerlo . All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion.

Submitted by Susan Urso,

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