Pom and Dance Team Constitution

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Pom and Dance Team Constitution

DCEDCE ConstitutionConstitution andand CoachesCoaches ExpectationsExpectations

D.C. Everest Dance Team Mission Statement The purpose of the D.C. Everest Dance Team is to practice and perform with passion. Through hard work and dedication, we will model a positive image and promote school spirit at athletic and community events, while instilling the love of dance. We recognize that this program is not built on one person but our team as a whole. In the end it is not the award that is the significant measure of success, but the journey toward earning the award that is recognized.

Congratulations on being selected as a member of the DC Everest Varsity Dance Team! It is a real honor and privilege. The purpose of our constitution is to make it clear what is expected of all members of this group, a group that the girls choose to be a part of.

One item to be established early on is the importance of rules and regulations that will guide this team through our season. Please read these thoroughly, and have an accurate understanding of them. If you or your parent(s) have any questions about any of the rules, please see a coach before you sign the agreement form.

These rules are not for the purpose of making it difficult for anyone, but rather for the purpose of making us a successful and effective group. There is room for flexibility, but there is no room for abuse. As you read through these, please keep in mind that we are a team and must practice and perform as a team to be our best.

*Rule #1 Attendance Summer Conditioning Summer Conditioning Program Attendance is mandatory for practices, games, parades, 1. Dancers must attend a competitions, team fundraisers, and team building events. This total of 15 sessions. (45 is how we create a functional and successful team. hours) 2. Dancers should plan All dancers will be given a practice and performance schedule. ahead to ensure they get Multiple copies will be distributed.* Dancers and parents can in the hours. also check team website for reminders. It is important that all 3. Dance team will be dancers be at all practices and events. If a dancer cannot having Open Gym – be present, we expect to be told by the dancer ahead of time Open Dance and reminded prior to the absence via email or voice a. Yoga b. Zumba message from the parent. c. Piloties d. Plyometrics * Do not plan to work until a half hour after the scheduled e. Technique practice time; therefore, you will need to make alternations to f. Skills the schedule before turning it in to employers. g. Pre-games h. Try-out Routine

- 1 - Revised 04/27/13 School Absence ONLY ONE HOUR A DAY TO PARTICIPATE AFTER SCHOOL The Athletic Hand Book Reads: (page 10) “An athlete must be in school the full day in order to participate in games, meets, or practices. An athlete may be excused for doctor, dentist, therapy appointments, or absences approved by the athletic director or principal.”

Attendance at school is critical to succeed both in the classroom and on the dance floor. Please do not allow your daughter to miss a class to sleep-in, especially if it is following a competition or dance team event. This reflects poorly on the team.

Practice Attendance Expectations - REQUIRED: Dancer must contact Coach  Excused absence Renee about an absence via text or facebook  Illness with medical attention Parents are welcome to send coach or daughter a reminder about the absence, but we like the  Funerals dancers to be communicating with coach ahead  Family wedding of time.  School field trip  Unexcused absence If something is planned way in advanced please  Appointments let coach know, because adjustments can be  Senior pictures made in the calendar to ensure all are present for  Concerts practice.  Driver’s Ed classes or test  Unplanned vacations

1. Failure to contact could cause removal from the next performance. 2. More than three absences from practice may result in removal from competition routines or the routine the team is working on. 3. Being on time for practice and ready to warm-up is mandatory, at least 5 minutes early. 4. If a dancer is absent from school and practice for two or more days, the dancer should not expect to perform at the next performance. 5. The coach will decide if a dancer is ready to perform depending on how many practices the dancer misses. The coach knows what is best for the dancer and the entire team. 6. If on academic probation or code violation, dancers must still attend all practices and dance on the side until put back into formations. 7. If a dancer becomes eligible after serving academic probation or code violation, the coach decides when the dancer can be put back in to formations.

Competition Practice Attendance Expectations-

1. Choreography practices during the summer are expected. (August) 2. Absence from choreography practice in the summer may result in an alternate position for that routine.

- 2 - Revised 04/27/13 3. Any dancer that does not meet the criteria and dance level for a routine learned over the summer may be asked to sit out of performances until she reaches the level of her fellow dancers. We will AUDITION for routines. 4. Absence for more than one day of learning a competition routine in the school year may make you an alternate for the routine or moved to a different position. 5. If on academic probation/monitor or conduct violation when learning a competition routine the dancer may become an alternate for that routine. 6. If a dancer misses a competition practice or practices the week directly before a competition, the dancer may not compete that weekend. This is because the dancer is usually too weak; however if the dancer is healthy and the coach sees it is in the best interest of the team the dancer may perform.

Philosophy behind the rules:  When we learn a competition routine we need all the dancers present to ensure the choreography works. The vision of the choreography depends on all members dancing in their assigned placements.  When drilling, perfecting, and critiquing a routine before a competition, it is critical to have all dancers present.  When you have this many girls who are sweating and working hard to make the routine perfect, it is important for all girls to be at practice to maintain a positive team atmosphere.  It is important for alternates to attend, learn, and perfect routines as they may have to fill in at a minutes notice due to an unforeseen injury/illness of another team mate.

Games, Competitions, and Special Events Attendance Expectations:  Dancers must be at all scheduled events that are scheduled on the calendar including playoff games as they come up.: Including but not limited to: Dream Flight, Parades, Service Performances, etc.

 Dancers will most likely compete at the following competitions: o Titletown Invite in Green Bay – Brown County Arena – December o Freedom Dance Invite?-I really don’t want to do this one… o Little Chute Dance Invite? o Kaukauna Dance Classic in Kaukauna? – January o An event in the southern region? o WACPC Regionals - January o State in La Crosse -February  Some events the dancers may participate in are optional. For example: o WACPC All State o WACPC Scholarship NOTE 1. Must be at school the time that is pre-designated to meet, at least 5 minutes early. 2. Members should arrive in outfit designated by the coach and ready to go.

- 3 - Revised 04/27/13 3. Dancers who miss more that two performances could be removed from competition routines. 4. If on academic probation or serving a conduct violation, the dancer must still attend all events but will not participate. 5. All Dancers are expected to ride the transportation provided by the school to and from an event. For some circumstances, exceptions can be made—please talk to your coaches. 6. When school transportation is not provided, parents are responsible for transporting their child to events. 7. When traveling as a team, dancers are required to stay at accommodations as decided by the school/coaches.

*Rule #2 Academic Requirements

Academic Eligibility – ( Athlectic Handbook PAGE 7) Academic Eligibility pertains to all students involved in all DCE athletics.

Section 2 – Academic Eligibility A. A student must meet school and DPI requirements defining a full-time student and have received no more than one failing grade (including incompletes) in the most recent grade-reporting period.

1) A student who becomes academically ineligible may regain eligibility on the 16th scheduled school day by meeting the academic standard, following a period of 15 scheduled school days and nights of ineligibility. (Fall Sports— The minimum ineligibility period shall be the lesser of (1) 21 consecutive calendar days beginning with the date of earliest allowed competition in a sport or (2) one-third of the maximum number of games/meets allowed in a sport (rounded up if one-third results in a fraction). 2) …A student may erase ineligibility status following the last grade-reporting period of the school year through summer school courses (including correspondence courses) at the same or some other school, provided the course(s) made up are equivalent to the one(s) that caused the ineligibility… 3) A student may erase ineligibility status related to the last grade-reporting period through summer school courses (including correspondence courses)… A school because of computer printout of grades being delayed may use a prearranged date other than the last day of a grade-reporting period to determine eligibility…

- 4 - Revised 04/27/13 MANDATORY Fall Sports meeting August 1st

Rule #3 Code of Conduct Requirements Conduct/Behavioral Guidelines - You must be of high moral character and possess qualities that will make the school and the community proud to have you wearing their colors and names. DCE Athletic Conduct: (PAGE 12) The following types of conduct are in violation of the policy:

D.C. Everest Code of Conduct Training rules are established for the best interests of the athletes and the team. The athlete who complies with these rules demonstrates a desire to dedicate himself or herself to self-improvement as well as to act in the best interest of his/her team and school. All athletes must observe year round training rules, refraining from any conduct at anytime that would reflect unfavorably on him/herself or the school.

Substance Abuse Such conduct includes, but is not limited to drug abuse including sale, possession, or illegal use or purchase of alcoholic beverages, smoking or chewing tobacco, street drugs, creatine, and other performance enhancing substances.

Conduct Unbecoming an Athlete Conduct unbecoming an athlete may include but is not limited to: 1) violation of law; 2) vandalism; 3) attending parties in which alcohol or other drugs are present; 4) disrespect to school authorities; 5) repeated violation of school rules including hazing or harassment; 6) immoral conduct; 7) inappropriate use of the Internet or other technology devices including derogatory statements about officials, opponents, coaches, team members, and peers; 8) hindering an investigation of an alleged incident by providing false or misleading information.

Penalties for Violations WIAA rules demand that all participating schools have year-round training rules. Participation in interscholastic athletics is a privilege, and failure to abide by the established rules may result in withdrawal of that privilege. An athlete reported for a violation of any of the training, eligibility or conduct rules may be required to appear before the Athletic Council. Any such appearance before the Athletic Council shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures described later in this handbook. All penalties will be imposed under the jurisdiction of the Athletic Council.

Substance Abuse 1. A first violation will result in suspension from the team for not less than 30% of the season the athlete is participating in or the next season the athlete participates in if he/she is currently not participating in a sport. If the athlete who when initially confronted about the offense and the athletic council

- 5 - Revised 04/27/13 meeting is honest and cooperative, may have the 30% suspension reduced to 20%. 1. A second violation will result in suspension from the team for not less than 50% of the season the athlete is participating in or the next season the athlete participates in if he/she is currently not participating in a sport. The maximum penalty will be one calendar year. 2. A third violation will result in suspension from all athletics for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the D.C. Everest School District. A student may, however, request an Athletic Council review after one full calendar year from his/her last code violation, if during that time of suspension the athlete has remained free from any additional athletic code violations. The Athletic Council may grant eligibility if it determines the athlete or situation warrants it. 3. Athletes hindering the investigation of an alleged incident by giving false or misleading information may be subject to receiving the minimum next penalty level, with the possibility of losing their eligibility permanently. 4. An athlete must be eligible for the games/meets in order to serve a suspension. 5. Substances classified or presented as “look-alikes” shall be considered and responded to as if they were, in fact, the actual chemicals. 6. If the suspension comes at the end of a season, he/she will serve the remaining portion of the suspension in the next sport season that he/she goes out for. No school awards will be given until the remaining portion of the suspension is served and he/she finishes the season in good standing. 7. If the suspension results in a student being suspended for one or more WIAA tournament competitions, the athlete shall be disqualified for the remainder of total tournament series in that sport.

8. If an athlete does not finish the season in good standing, the suspension in its entirety will be served during the next sport season the athlete goes out for. “Good Standing” means the athlete will complete the season to the head coach’s expectation and standards. 9. Any record of athletic code violations will be expunged from an athlete’s code violation file if the athlete remains free of athletic code violations for three full calendar years from the last recorded violation. At this time the athlete will be given a clean slate and the next violation will be considered his/her first.

Conduct Unbecoming an Athlete For conduct unbecoming an athlete (excluding substance abuse), the Athletic Council shall set down penalties, if any, depending on the nature of the violation and the number of offenses that the athlete has committed.

- 6 - Revised 04/27/13 *Rule #4 Fund-Raising: The dance team is a self-supporting group. We support our organization through fundraisers and a small allowance from the school. Participation in fundraisers helps build our budget and offset expenses. While we try to make our season as inexpensive as possible, there are times when you will be asked to cover expenses.

Fundraiser will be broken down into individual fundraisers and team fundraisers.

Individual fundraisers are offered to dancers to offset the fees and expenses. All dancers are expected to meet the minimal amount of the fundraiser.

Team fundraisers help cover team costs. Each dancer will be expected to participate. This covers awards, team dinners, bussing, etc.

What can I fundraise for? Expenses these fundraisers could account for are items such as: practice clothing, shoes, nylons, camps, state expenses, national expenses, etc. Everything on the EXPENSE SHEET may be fundraised for.

There cannot be PERSONAL PROFIT from fundraisers.

What if I have a negative balance at the end of the year? At the end of the year, any dancer who has a negative balance must pay it before auditioning for the team the following year.

What if I have a positive balance at the end of the year? If you will be returning to the team the following season, it may be transferred to your account to help offset expenses the following year.

If you are graduating or will not be returning to the team, you will not be reimbursed.

If you are graduating or will not be returning to the team, it may be donated and transferred to another dancer’s individual account. (Example: family)

If you quit the team before the completion of the entire season, you will not be eligible for any deposit reimbursements, even if your account is positive enough to do so. Additionally, if you have a negative balance and quit the team you are responsible for that balance. Failure to do so will put you on the fines list.

If I am a leader for a fundraiser will I be paid for the extra time I put in to set up the fundraiser?

1. No, if the money raised is divided by the number of hours the dancers/parents put in, you may not put down hours that went into organizing, setting up or cleaning up

- 7 - Revised 04/27/13 *Rule #5 Attitude

Attitude should be appropriate at all practices. This means no talking or being silly while coaches or captains are trying to get something done. Members should listen to the person in charge and should not insult her by comments, rolling of eyes, etc. Talking and silliness must be limited. This applies to performances as well. Key Word = RESPECT. That includes ALL players, dancers, and the flag. Remember that you are representing what is best at DCE! Any violations of this could result in removal of a performance.

Other Assorted Thoughts

1. You must have a high sense of good sportsmanship and fairness, and be able to adapt to disappointing situations with self-control. Must be a good winner as well as a good loser.

2. You must be of good health and stamina, and maintain good, healthy practices. A physical card or alternate year card indicating a satisfactory physical must be submitted before the start of the school year.

3. You must be willing and capable of promoting school spirit and entertaining in coordination with the school band at athletic events, pep rallies or other special events.

4. You must have the initiative to work in routines, pre-games, and special skills. All members are expected to practice and stretch on their own, especially when having difficulty. Other members of the team will help you if you ask, but it is expected that you can learn the routines in a limited time period.

5. Must be able to work well with others. If a disagreement occurs regarding routine steps, the majority vote of the team and the decision of the coach will be used to settle the issue

*Rule #6 Practice Attire Monday – Black *Tuesday- Teal * Wednesday-White*Thursday-Pink*Friday-Black *Sunday-Green

You will need to come to practice dressed so that you can perform all the moves. . You will need to provide your own practice attire. . Be properly dressed for practice. – Wear the assigned practice colors/top for the day. . Practice attire must be in good taste. A dancer will be asked to change if attire is inappropriate. A dancer should always completely cover the torso from above the chest cleavage to mid-thigh. Proper undergarments should be worn. Clothing items such as strapless tops, tube tops, sport bras (alone) are not allowed. . Hair should be pulled back, away from the face. NO BANGS IN FACE. . No Jewelry is to be worn at practice.

- 8 - Revised 04/27/13 *Rule # 7 Special Games & Competition Day Attire We will dress uniformly as a team. Which uniform to wear for a game will be announced prior to the games and the decision is made by the coaches in collaboration with the team.

At games, uniforms include hairnets, hairpieces and make-up. All pieces of all uniforms should be kept clean. They should be washed. They should be put outside to air out after competitions. Remember that you are representing your school!

1. The uniforms are school property and shall be given adequate care. Abuse of this school property will result in a fine to be paid according to damages. Students are responsible for replacement costs for lost/missing/stolen and damaged costumes and poms.

2. Uniforms will be checked in at the end of the season. There will be a $10 daily late fee charged to the dancer’s individual account. In addition there will be a $10 fee charged for uniforms that are unclean.

3. Complete uniforms shall be worn to school the day of the game, at the game, to competitions, and at competitions. Not wearing the proper outfit only causes divisions between teammates. Do not let this rule divide the team. We need a disciplined and united team to have a successful season.

4. The coach(s) will collect money and order the equipment the members choose to purchase.

5. The coach must approve all uniform alterations.

6. When wearing your uniform you are not only representing yourself, but you are also representing your parents, your coach, your team, your school, and your community. You must be of high moral character and possess qualities that will make the school and the city proud to have you wearing their colors and name.

7. When wearing anything that represents the DCE Dance Team whether it is a sweatshirt, jacket, T- shirt, or uniform, you must exercise good judgment at all times and not easily swayed into compromising situations.

8. You must have a high sense of good sportsmanship and fairness, and be able to adapt to disappointing situations with self-control. It is important to win with grace and lose with dignity.

9. You must be neat, clean, and well groomed. No gum chewing during a performance or at a practice. Hair must be tightly pulled back in a ponytail or bun. NO jewelry for any performances!

- 9 - Revised 04/27/13 New Girl Necessary Purchases:

Hand Weights DCE order $30.00 Hip Hop Shoes -Just for Kix – on own $32.99 Warm Ups -DCE Orders $75.00 Teal Tie Dye -DCE order Neon Pink T -DCE order Bootie Shorts -DCE order Hip Hop Flowy Tank -DCE order Black Sports Bra -on own Revolution Tights -on own Revol Tan Jazz Shoes -on own Revol Black Jazz -on own Bun Donut -on own Fake Eyelashes DCE ORDER Jersey Shirts DCE ORDER $40.00

Returning Girls New Purchases

Hand Weights $30.00 Neon Pink T -DCE order Bootie Shorts -DCE order Flowy Tank -DCE order Black Sports Bra on own Bun Donut -on own Fake Eyelashes DCE ORDER Jersey Shirts DCE ORDER $40.00

All Dance Team Members

- 10 - Revised 04/27/13 Camps – JFK $199 Due June 1 Power of Dance $100 Due July 1 Abby Server $100 Due Aug 1 Rental Fee- fee $150 Due Aug 1

- 11 - Revised 04/27/13 Fundraising Goals 2013-2014

1. Purpose for Fundraising: a. Team Building f. Community Service hours b. Leadership Skills g. Resume Building c. Commitment to Excellence h. Booster Club Scholarship d. Life Skills i. Earn athletic letter e. Renaissance Hours

2. Accounts Individual Accounts $700 per girl a. $150 rental, make-up, Team Account $20,000 goal or ($770 per family) hairpieces New Poms = $1,500 b. $400 camps and New Pom Uniforms = $8,500 choreography New Jazz Uniforms = $5,600 c. $150 plus for apparel New Kick Uniform = $4,000

3. Proposed Individual Account fundraisers: o Noodles o Politos

4. Summer Fundraisers for Team Account  Rummage Sale o May 30-June 1 . Big items for sale . Pricing Details . Set Up . Take Down . Advertising  Dance Team Golf Outing o Date June . Hole Sponsors/Leadership Groups . Silent Auction – 28 items . Raffle  Little Mermaide Dance Clinic o Date: July 1-2 o Costume Fitting ? o Snacks for Camp o Daily Parent Helpers

* Fall Clinic – Perform at football game o Date: TBA

o Hosting WACPC Regional Competition - 12 – Updated 04/11 2013-2014 DCE Dance Team Sisters

1. Kallie Ziegler Jackie Mahler 2. Anna Balk Paris Gunderson 3. Hannah Mezei Halle Davis 4. Hannah LaCalamita Kaley Luedtke 5. A’lea Yonker Skylar Witte 6. Jessie Seehafer Sydney Mittelsteadt 7. Jessa Klemm Jennah Cummings 8. Alexandria Frei Jordan Suchomski 9. Alexa Kufalk Savanah Frei 10. Karen Sirianni Marissa Schuettpelz 11. Brooke Westergaard Bryce Cebula 12. Payton Bottomley Anna Rae Schaber 13. Paige Jagler Kalynn Fuller

Leadership Groups:

Anna Balk Kallie Ziegler Payton Bottomley Kaley Leudtke Jordan Suchmoski Erin Sirriani A’Lea Yonker Jessie Seehafer Jennah Cummings Alexa Kufalk Paige Jagler Savannah Frei Sydney Mittelsteadt Skylar Witte Halle Davis Alexandria Frei Anna Rae Schaber Jessa Klemm Marissa Schuttepeltz Hannah Mezei Bryce Cebula Hannah LaCalamita Brooke Westergard Jackie Mahler Paris Gunderson Kaylnn Fuller

- 13 – Updated 04/11 - 14 – Updated 04/11 .

- 15 – Updated 04/11

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