Venue: Parish Meeting Room, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR

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Venue: Parish Meeting Room, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR


Parish Meeting Room Main Road Middleton Cheney Banbury Oxon OX17 2LR

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Monday, 8th May 2017 – 7.15 p.m.


Venue: Parish Meeting Room, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, OX17 2LR.

Present: Cllr. A. Youel (Chairman), Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey (Vice-Chairman), Cllrs. C. Bowden, J. Canning, A. Deary, R. Solebury-Timms, P. Dixon, B. Amos Clerk/RFO & District Cllr. V. Furniss (Mrs.), Clerical Assistant E. Winn (Mrs.)

17/130 Resolution to approve apologies for absence

No formal apologies received:

Cllr. C. Bowden ) ) Arrived late: 7.40 p.m. Cllr. J. Canning )

17/131 Members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda

 Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, email - [email protected] MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council

There were no Members’ declaration of interest in items on the Agenda


 An opportunity for residents of the village to raise any items concerning the Parish. 3 residents attended to observe the meeting.

o 1 relating to Agenda item 17/141 Help at Hand - brought forward – agreed by all Councillors o 1 relating to the withdrawal of bus service 500 to Chacombe & Euro Garages o 1 relating to a proposal for a ‘Voluntary Speed Watch scheme’

17/133 Resolution to approve Minutes of the previous meetings:

 3rd April 2017 – Full Council Meeting  10th April 2017 – Annual Parish Meeting  18th April 2017 – Planning & General Meeting

The minutes from the previous meetings detailed above were approved and signed.

Proposed: Cllr. R. Solebury-Timms Seconded: Cllr. C. Bowden 17/057

17/134 Authorisation of Payments – Payroll and Invoices

Chq. No. Payee S137 VAT Total Inc. VAT 5551/5554 Payroll - Four Employees - Net £ - £ 3,170.74 Employee - Tax & NI - Tax month 01 = £458.92 HMRC £ 696.59 5555 Employer N I - Tax month 01 = £237.67 NCALC-12 X Councillors Dividers + postage & packaging £ - £ 5556 27.65 NCALC- Membership subscription - Year ending 31 March £ - £ 5557 2018 1,414.85 Banbury Digital Ltd - Photocopy costs PMR £ 32.12 £ 5558 192.73 Glasdon UK Ltd - Black wheeled bin & 2 Boxes of poly £ 46.45 £ 5559 sacks - Litter Pickers 278.73 E-on - Street lighting - 01/01/2017 to 31/03/2017 £ 412.82 £ 5560 2,476.91 E-on - Replace lantern Barnett Road/Disconnect unmetered £ 137.00 £ 5561 supply, Install new pole, bracket and service box 822.00 E-on - Remove existing lanterns (2) Supply & install new - £ 136.00 £ 5562 Cheney Courts 816.00 E-on - Replaced Ignitor - Midway £ 6.25 £ 5563 37.52 E-on - Replaced Ignitor and replaced photocell - Slade Leas £ 23.46 £ 5564 140.74 Grass Contractor - Grass cutting and Path Clearing April £ - £ 5565 2017 1,340.00


Sanderz Ltd - 22 weeks-Banbury Guardian - PMR £ - £ 5566 29.50 E. Winn - Expenses - stamps, coffee, t-roll £ - £ 5567 38.21 V. Furniss - Expenses, travel, kitchen requirements, PPE £ 18.20 £ 5568 equipment, keys for bins, ink cartridges 163.13 DD Anglian Water - Parish Meeting Room monthly usage. DD £ - £ 3rd April 2017 5.00 DD E-on Parish Meeting Room monthly electricity costs. DD 5th £ 3.50 £ April 2017 21.00 DD British Telecom - Meeting room electricity. DD 10th April £ 46.47 £ 2017 278.80 DD SGW Payroll/Pension processing for March 2017 Month 12. £ 10.22 £ DD 18th April 2017 61.32

£12,011.4 Total £ 872.49 2 Proposed Cllr. C. Bowden Seconded Cllr. P. Dixon

Bank Statements Received 28th March 2017 £ 50709379 Community Account 107.01 142,319.1 10709360 Business Saver (Premium) Account 2 106,063.2 70795259 Business Base Rate Tracker 5

Bank Statements Received 22nd April 2017 £ 50709379 Community Account 100.00 142,319.1 10709360 Business Saver (Premium) Account 2 106,063.2 70795259 Business Base Rate Tracker 5


17/135 Planning - Letters, Decisions & Applications.

17/135.1 – Applications - Determined by SNC – Local Planning Authority

S/2017/1054/TPO – 3 Michaelmas Close – Delegated Decision

The felling & Removal of one Blue Atlas Cedar

 Councillors had no comments to make

S/2017/1049/TCA – 8 Royal Oak Lane – FOR INFORMATION ONLY

Eucalyptus – To reduce the crown in height by 1/3 and shape – carry out 10% crown thin and remove all risings

 No comments required

S/2017/1098/FUL – 23 Bull Baulk Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, email - [email protected] MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council

Part single storey, part first floor rear extension

 Councillors had no comment to make. They would like any concerns/comments by neighbours taken into account.

17/135.2 – Decisions - SNC – Local Planning Authority Responsibility

S/2017/0616/FUL – Land West of White Ladies 27 Chacombe Road Removal of condition 9 noise scheme of S/2016/2982/FUL (New dwelling with associated access and parking) REFUSAL

S/2017/0818/NMA - 1 Ashlade Non Material Amendment to S/2016/3101/FUL (two storey side extension and single storey rear extension including a covered Veranda) to omit projecting two storey bay windows and substitute with reduced width windows. APPROVAL

17/136 Play Areas – MCPIT - Astrop & Stanwell Clerk

 Update on progress of the project

o Cheque – balance required had been sent to Eibe in order for equipment to be ordered. Final balance will be necessary on completion of installation.

 Skate Ramp - Suppliers

o Meeting had taken place with Fearless Ramps. They have quoted for a 16’ wide, 4’ high wooden frame halfpipe with Skatelite Pro riding surface – preferred supplier when compared to other companies. o ROSPA comments have been sought relating to safety o Other agencies will be approached relating to usage.

 Astrop Road & Stanwell – damage and associated concerns

o Safety signs and tape had been removed and replaced on a piece of equipment at Astrop Play Area. o Quotation has been received for a higher fence. Referred to Finance Working Party. o Anti Social Behaviour had been experienced at Stanwell Play Area. 17/059

17/137 Great British Spring Clean – National Campaign - Update Clerk

 Scouts – Beavers – 14 children, supervised by adults, carried out litter picking at Astrop Play Area and continued this activity until they reached the Scout Hut – achievement: Badges for adventure and world challenge.

 Residents also carried out general collections and deposited their bags at the Parish Office. This had been a worthwhile exercise.

17/138 Eon – Light Survey Cllr. A. Deary

 Cllr. A. Deary had completed the survey sent to us by E-on – village has 199 lamps.


 1 light on Dands Drive was not on the list sent to the Parish Office.  New Developments in Waters Lane and Bovis/Barwood estates were not on the list albeit we have agreed commuted sum. To be added at a later date.

17/139 Grant Funding Applications Cllr. A. Youel/Clerk

 PFA – Why Letter of Support not issued

o Cllr. A. Youel reminded all Councillors they had been sent a copy of his email detailing events and recommendations relating to the initial and final application. The email had also been sent to PFA Committee members as the PFA’s Chair had requested a copy. Requests by Council for a business projection had not been forthcoming despite being asked for. In addition, invite for PFA members to attend a Parish Council meeting for matters to be discussed had been disregarded. o The Clerk believed a Committee was being formed and she suggested that 2 Cllrs. should represent the Parish Council. Cllrs. R. Solesbury-Timms and B. Amos said they would be willing to attend meetings.

 Football Club – New Equipment

o The Chair of the Football Club had apologised for not being able to attend as he was due at the PFA AGM. The draft Grant Application had been circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting for them to digest. It was explained that a Business Plan was being prepared and should be available for the next Parish Council meeting.

 Lay-by – B4525 & Astrop Road

o The Clerk had submitted the Grant Application for the Lay-by to District. The Administrator for the Grant Funding Panel said she would let the Clerk know if any legal requirements had not been met. o Funds for Astrop Road project referred to Finance Working Party to see if viable.


17/140 Highways Clerk

 Safety Issues - Give Way Road Marking o Highways had been contacted and they had carried out a site visit. Their view was they are unable to help. However, suggestions relating to a Stop sign and raised curbs would be referred to Highways again to see if they are acceptable.

 Voluntary Speed Watch – B4525

o A resident had approached the Clerk to seek Council’s support for him to set-up a voluntary speed watch campaign with Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, email - [email protected] MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council

approximately 10 volunteers to run it with training provided by the police (Safer Roads Team). It was agreed support would be given and the clerk was asked to write to the Prevention and Community Protection Department and ask for details.

17/141 Help @ Hand Cllr. A. Deary

 Insurance Premium – Payment Request £182.89

o Councillor Deary reviewed the correspondence received by Help at Hand and he recommended that we continue to pay for the required insurance. All Councillors agreed. This amount to be reimbursed.

 Bank Accounts - Revenue

o A grant of £195 has been agreed with Northamptonshire. The Bank Account already has £111 giving a total of £306.

o It was agreed that Cllr. Deary would help to set-up an accounting system taking matters forward.

o It was also agreed that a small sum of say £20 should be allocated for telephone calls.

17/142 SnapDragon Consultants – Banbury 15 Clerk

 Update – Planning Application yet to be submitted. Design scheme will not change significantly. Traffic counts yet to be carried out – when they have been done we will be notified.

 Banbury Guardian – Chairman and Clerk had been approached and messages left. Neither had made a comment to the Banbury Guardian.

17/143 Came & Company – Insurance Review Clerk/RFO

 Came and Company’s Scheme Manager had attended a meeting with the Clerk/RFO to discuss a review of the policy and cover Parish Council currently has. It was agreed ‘best practice’ is to ensure revision of any longstanding arrangements with third parties are fully aware of expectation and obligations. Recommendations were made and will be implemented including a review of the Asset Register to ensure validity of cover. 17/061

17/144 Cemetery


 Working Party Review Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey

o Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey gave an overview of the meeting. Rules and Regulations as well as Costs to remain the same. Other topics discussed are outlined below.

 Complaint relating to work carried out Clerk

o A letter together with Rules and Regulations had been sent to a resident who had made accusations regarding work being carried out by the Contractor that cannot be verified. We have not received a reply.

 Raised Bed – Dedication Cllr. R. Solesbury-Timms

o Cllr. R. Solesbury-Timms has approached the Rural Dean and other denominations in the village regarding a dedication service and they are more than happy to carry this out. Date to be agreed.

 Benches – Gifting to Parish Council Clerk

o 3 letters have been sent out and 2 have replied. Funeral Directors, Humphris, are arranging for the third to be signed.

17/145 Chairman’s & ICC’s Report Cllr. A. Youel

 E-on o Fixed monthly Direct Debit is now £125 starting 5th May o Outstanding Balance of £230.74 to be cleared.

 Grant Application – Air Ambulance request has been received. Agreed sum of £500 will be sent.

 NCALC Membership.

o Invoice – Payment approval agreed - based on electorate of 3892.

 Local Plan 2A – Cllrs. Questions o Cllr. A. Youel reminded Councillors of the reasons behind the Local Plan and possible outcomes. Discussion took place on different aspects and Council’s responsibility with reference to the Neighbourhood Plan yet to be finalised. Consultations will take place in June and open to all.

Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, email - [email protected] MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council


17/146 Clerk/RFO Report – Update, Approval & Agreement Clerk

 Barclays – Additional signatory required for Admin. Purposes

o Following discussions on why required i.e. purely for admin purposes and not for signing cheques all Councillors were in agreement. To be followed through.

 Training

o New Councillors Off to a Flying Start – Cllr. R. Solesbury Timms attending one during May and Cllr. B. Amos considering dates of next training course and will advise.

o Introduction to Planning – Group Training – Councillors were reminded of training on 11th May at 7.30 p.m.

 New Notice Board – Order/Colour of Board and Wording

o Notice Board to be ordered – Dark Green and Beige wording.

 Grass Cutting – Contractor’s H&S Concern

o We had received a complaint from the Contractor that a resident had made derogatory remarks to operatives while they were working and stood too close causing a H&S problem. A letter has been issued to all residents in the road concerned – any concerns/complaints should be addressed to the office only.

 New Litter Picker – Start Date

o New Litter Picker commenced employment – start date 1st May.


 NCALC – AGM – Saturday, 7th October – 10 – 1 p.m.

o Councillors were asked to put date in their diaries. Further information would be given closer to the date.

 Street Lighting – The Green & Midway – Balfour Beatty

o Representative from Balfour Beatty had been to Middleton and we are now waiting for a quotation. o The Clerk will visit Midway to see where a resident would like additional lighting.

 Chenderit School – Enterprise Day – Yr.9 Marketing Campaign

o The Clerk had been invited to judge a Yr.9 Marketing Campaign. She said the standard was high from all students – one stood out and this was being progressed to the next stage.


17/146 Clerk/RFO Report – Update, Approval & Agreement - Continued

 Chenderit School – Graffiti

o The school had asked the Clerk to view Graffiti on a fence close to the school to see who it belonged to. Grand Union had been advised and they are in discussions with the school.

 Bovis – Outstanding Invoice – Dog Waste

o The outstanding invoice had been settled – cheque received.

 Definitive Map – Rights of Way

o Replacements have been received and Cllr. S. Jerrams Coughtrey will action on behalf of Council.

 Salmons House – Management

o Long standing Manager is leaving to take up a new role and a member of staff who had been with Salmons House for a long time is replacing her.

17/147 Horton General Hospital District Cllr. V. Furniss

 SNC’s Legal Challenge - update

o A legal challenge has been launched following what is felt to be a confused and flawed consultation process regarding plans to Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, email - [email protected] MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council

downgrade key services at Banbury’s Horton General Hospital.

o An application has been filed for a judicial review into how Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has consulted with the public over changes to services. SNC are now waiting to hear if the case will proceed to the High Court for consideration.

17/148 Matters for discussion and possible future Agenda item

 Covenant Meeting  Cemetery - raised bed dedication – date to be agreed  Update on Definitive Map  Update on Street lighting – The Green/Midway  Voluntary speed watch campaign  Training – Future Requirements  SnapDragon Consultants – Banbury 15  Finance Working Party Recommendations  MCPIT – Update  Stagecoach 500 Bus Service  Grant Applications  Insurance Review  Annual Return  Strawberry Fair – Participation  Month of Madness 17/064

17/149 Next meetings

Planning & General Meeting – Monday 15th May 2017 at (7.15 p.m.) Annual Council Meeting – Monday 22nd May 2017 at (7.30 p.m.) Full Council Meeting – Monday 5th June 2017 (7.15 p.m.)

Signed ……………..……….…………….. Dated: 5th June 2017 Chairman

Queries Regarding the Agenda

If you have any queries regarding this Agenda, please contact the Clerk as follows:

 Tel. No. 01295 713500  [email protected]

Access to Meetings

10 MIDDLETON CHENEY Parish Council

If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the office, giving as much notice as possible before the meeting.

In Case of Fire – Evacuation Procedure

If you either hear the fire alarm or you are asked to leave the building please do so immediately and proceed to the assembly area – Village Green - and await further instructions.

Mobile Phones

Please ensure that any device is switched to silent operation or preferably switched off.


Chairman: Cllr. Alan Youel Vice Chairman: Cllr. Sue Jerrams Coughtrey Clerk: 01295 713500, email - [email protected]

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