Note of Khalg Meeting 11.11.2013

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Note of Khalg Meeting 11.11.2013


PRESENT – Pam Dowling. June Allart. Ray Allart. David Allart. Trevor Barnes. Reg Wiggins. Clive Watson. Vic Barnes. Korehan Dora. John Griffiths.

Minutes of last meeting were rectified and taken as read.

MATTERS ARISING – Committee to decide if plots should be dug over and be ready for new members and if this is financially viable. June said that paying someone to do this would cost the site money instead of bringing in money.

It was brought up about the purchase of the chain saws. John did not think we had made the decision to buy immediately. It was thought that our discussion was to look into prices or if we could get our others repaired.


A discussion by the Committee to stand by their previous decision that Lindsay and Jane will lose two of their four plots.

Did the letters to Margaret, Francois, Gerry and Martin go out?

Korehan and the tables – latest update is that Koran is able to get the tables, not sure about price and will arrange to transport them.

Gates being left open – a reminder to plot holders and the Bee People that gates must be kept shut at all times.

Notice boards – still to be re-sited or adjusted.

Financial – costs of Apple Crusher that is not up to the job. Chain saws that cannot be repaired.

Dealers in McCulloch chain saws say it is cheaper to buy new ones than it is to mend the broken ones.

CHAIRS REPORT: Clive reported that the site had been broken into through the top gate on Fairlawn Crescent and various pieces of equipment had been stolen. These included chain saws, Post Hole Borer, four Strimmers and safety equipment. Clive added that we were not insured for this equipment. This brought up questions why.

As far as everyone was aware we were covered. None of the Committee had any reason to think otherwise. Reg said he would be talking with the insurance company to get the full picture. He would then look into what level of insurance cover we should have.

Reg would also look further into the insuring of Volunteers if not already covered.

The committee agreed that Reg should go ahead and make sure we have effective insurance cover immediately.

As members we can look at the Insurance Policy on KHALG website.

Discussion on scaffold boards and again the reason why Scaffold Companies will not either give them away or sell them. Their concern is that people would not only use them for their allotment.

David had looked into security wireless alarm system. One of these alarms could contact four mobile phones. He would talk to Mick Barnes son-in-law who may be able to help with a discount.

Because the shop is attached to Club House it is not insured.

TREASURER’S REPORT – Nothing to report other than monthly figures.

SECRETARY REPORT – Ray wanted to thank all the people who helped to repair the damage caused by the break in.

John said S C would like to take over the orchard near to his plot. However, there was discussion that her name was not on the waiting list. Contact Ron and Tim about this.

Vic says this must be checked and to look on old waiting list files.

Letter from L asking for copies of the letters sent due to the state of his allotments. He said he has not been well. His request to the committee to withdraw notice to quit on Plots 41B and 44B was denied so the decision stands. Letter to be sent regarding the committee decision. There have been no replies to the letters or e-mails sent to Veronica about the height of her fruit frame. They are still measuring 7’10. It should be no higher than 6’6”. Ray to follow up with a letter by registered/recorded post.

LETTINGS MANAGER – No lettings this month. A short discussion about this as was felt we are losing money by having empty plots. This then moved into another discussion on how we present plots to new holders and if we should prepare these by digging over.

SITE MANAGER – David wanted to thank people for their help. The gate has been repaired. Door of machinery room has had extensive security put in. Grills to be on shop window. Do we need to secure the safe to the floor in office? Screen put on office window.

We need to get advice from Police and Insurance Company. Suggest a camera. CCTV in appropriate places.

There has also been a spate of stealing vegetables.

Tom Rosser of LBL – 10’ off all round Oak Tree by Hamstead Row and trim trees around the fence line. Seven trees by Fairlawn Park to be taken out by Bromley Council. All chipping will be done on site.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS – Open Day will be Sunday 25th May 2014.

Manure is to be kept locked up. Committee members have access to the key.

A discussion about this was brought by John. He felt that this should be freely available and not locked. However, the committee felt it should be kept locked for the time being.

KOREHAN opened a discussion by saying he had visited another allotment site and felt ashamed of KHALG site. There should be an ambiance and a feeling of enthusiasm. Some Committee members felt this was not the case.


We have a history of not finishing projects – other things get in the way then listed: WORKSHOP – Diabolical state. Too much in there. Must be sorted out. Next Volunteers day must do this as a necessity. Where has all the equipment gone?

Bad leak – David has made temporary repairs.

Korehan will investigate a work party.

TABLES – Korehan said there were about 30 or more tables. Possibly a charge of £140 which the committee agreed was a good price. These would replace the old ones in members’ room. He will organise the transportation.

SHOP – Korehan said that the shop must be cleared and cleaned. Ray said at the moment it is shut until February for refurbishment. There are offers of help to do this. It must be cleared and ready for next season.

VIC – remind plot holders that they must cut the grass on the path closest to Club House. And keep in a good state of repair.

Keys to machinery room etc. should be for committee members only.

No equipment should be allowed off site.

Wine barrels should be removed.

Wheelbarrows should be taken back to their appropriate place and not left on plots.

A M – cleaning garden sprays in kitchen

All plot holders must cultivate their plots.

Committee members’ names and plot numbers displayed on site.

Bikes and scooters cannot be allowed on site for health and safety reasons.

Rules, Aims and Objectives membership booklet must be up-dated particularly in view of the height of fruit frames and other constructions on plots.

Letters to people with big plots that they must cultivate – Site Manager letters.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm. Next meeting on Monday 9th December 2013. AGENDA FOR MONDAY 9th DECEMBER 2012


PRESENT: June Allart. Ray Allart. David Allart. Trevor Barnes. Reg Wiggins. Clive Watson. Korehan Dora. Pam Dowling.





Security Alarms, CCTV Security

Shop’s Insurance


Volunteer’s day jobs



Query of name on waiting list

Membership Aims, Objectives, Rules booklet to be up-dated







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