9-12Th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

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9-12Th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Month Standa Content Skills 9 10 11 12 Assessment Instructio Vocabulary rds nal Activities 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School Quarte 1.6 Comprehension Comprehension: Etymology r One Teacher Modeling Meter Analyze elements of plot. observation and guided -Iamb -Pentameter of class practice Synthesize informational & narrative -Anapestic text using main ideas and supporting discussion using -Dactylic details teacher Foreshadowing Teacher directed Onomatopoeia observation Summarize and paraphrase reading activities Plot selections verbally & in writing of students’ with use of oral reading overhead Summarize, analyze, and synthesize and fluency charts; and Six Traits words: Story Elements including tone, mood, Sentence Fluency Selected other purpose, point of view, and Organization instruction atmosphere assessments Voice al tools. Conventions Study characteristics of narrative and 6 Trait Ideas informational genres Writing Word Choice Rubric Options: Respond to text verbally or in writing, 4.1 using a variety of strategies including Varied mulit-media. group sizes

Use examples and details to make Peer inferences or logical predictions activities during pre and post reading. Brainstorm Answer and generate literal, critical, ing interpretive, and inferential questions in a story. Graphic organizers Recognize multi-culture aspects in literature and informational text. Multimedi a response Model and practice fluency based on to purpose, text difficulty, form, and literature style.

9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Month Standards Content Skills Assessment Instructional Vocabulary Activities 1.6 Comprehension Comprehension: Teacher Modeling and Subdivide Quarter observation of guided practice Poly-syllabic Two Analyze and summarize Critical class discussion using teacher narrative and informational directed activities Interpretive Fluency text Teacher with use of Irony observation of overhead charts; Analyze and evaluate poetry and other Tone students’ oral instructional tools Transitional Identify author’s point of view reading devices Sonnet Selected Recognize Story Elements Options: Six Traits words including character assessments development, plot Varied group sizes Sentence Fluency Spelling tests Organization development, conflict, point of Peer activities Voice view, and theme. 6 Trait Writing Conventions Rubric Computer/software Ideas Determine how the author’s Word Choice purpose and perspective Teacher read aloud affects the meaning and reliability of the text. 4.1 Respond to text verbally or in writing.

Use examples and details to make inferences or logical predictions during pre and post 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School


Answer and generate literal, critical, interpretive, and inferential questions in a story.

Recognize multi-culture aspects in literature and informational text.

Model and practice fluency based on purpose, text difficulty, form and style.

Use context clues to infer meaning of unknown words.

Review elements of each genre

Apply self monitoring skills for comprehension when meaning is disrupted.

Anticipate author’s tone and purpose during pre-reading

Apply background knowledge to make text-to-text connections and deepen understanding. 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Apply knowledge of text features to locate and utilize information from text.

Introduce author’s use of literary devices (irony, tone, transitional devices)

Summarize informational text using main ideas and supporting details

Introduce the use of organizational strategies to the use of informational text (sequence, description, compare & contrast)

Read and respond to assigned poetry. Vocabulary/Word Vocabulary and Word Study 1.5 Study Recognize, explain, and use words with a variety of connotations and denotations.

Use the knowledge of selected Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and Latin root words and affixes in determining meaning and 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

building words.

Introduce selected synonyms and antonyms, homonyms, and homographs.

Identify and use context clues in a passage to determine meaning.

Relate new grade level vocabulary to prior knowledge and use in new situations.

Trace selected vocabulary word(s) etymology

Build words using given list of roots and affixes

Subdivide poly-syllabic words to aid in determining word meaning

Use Thesaurus to broaden vocabulary base.

Determine meaning using print and digital reference materials.

Writing Applications 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Writing Write complex sentence types: 2.1 Applications -declarative -interrogative -imperative -exclamatory

Recognize and use prepositional phrases during writing

Compose and analyze paragraphs with grammatically correct sentences of varying length, complexity, and type.

Practice writing persuasive paragraphs with introduction, supporting details and ending sentence (conclusion).

Utilize graphic organizers

Practice selecting and organizing ideas relevant to topic, purpose and genre. 2.2 Utilize self, peer, and teacher feedback to improve writing.

Practice 6 Trait Writing techniques. 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Write to a specific audience

Social Communication Practice effective listening skills: -multi-step oral directions 3.1 3.2 -formulate and ask appropriate 3.3 Social Communication questions

-analyze and evaluate message, purpose, and perspective of information being communicated. 4.1 Practice appropriate conversation and listening strategies in multiple situations

Demonstrate sensitivity to the use of words in general as well as to particular audience.

Practice safe and ethical behaviors when communicating and interacting 4.1 with others when using internet. 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Evaluate messages while reading, listening, and viewing for biased, hidden agendas, and commercialism.

Listen and ask insightful questions to elicit information

Listen to and evaluate the clarity, quality, and effectiveness of important 3.2 points, arguments, and evidence being communicated.

Study Skills

Use different reference sources

Use glossary, dictionary, and Study Skills thesaurus to assist with word knowledge.

Review note taking strategies.

Use graphic aids to assist in meaning.

Use selected online resources 4.1 provided by teachers for specific learning purposes 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Month Standards Content Skills Assessment Instructional Vocabulary Activities Quarter Comprehension Comprehension: Teacher Modeling and oxymoron Three observation of guided practice allusion Analyze and summarize class discussion using teacher epiphany narrative and informational directed activities dialect text Teacher with use of observation of overhead charts; Six Traits words: Interpret and present dramatic read aloud books students’ oral readings and other Sentence Fluency reading instructional tools Organization Read and respond to assigned Voice Selected Conventions poetry Options: Ideas 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Identify story sequence assessments Varied group sizes Word Choice

Identify author’s point of view 6-Trait Writing Peer activities Rubric Recognize Story Elements Computer/software including oxymoron, allusion, State Writing Oral interpretation Assessment epiphany, dialect. of poetry. Summarize, analyze, and synthesize text

Analyze how the author’s purpose and perspective affects the meaning and reliability of the text.

Respond to text verbally and in writing using a variety of strategies including multimedia.

Answer and generate literal, critical, interpretive, and inferential questions in a story.

Recognize multi-culture aspects in literature and informational text.

Model and practice fluency 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

based on purpose, text difficulty, form and style.

Use context clues to infer meaning of unknown words.

Review elements of each genre

Model self monitoring skills for comprehension when meaning is disrupted.

Anticipate author’s tone and purpose during pre-reading

Apply background knowledge in text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections.

Make complex inferences by synthesizing information while previewing or reading text.

Apply knowledge of text features to locate and utilize information from text.

Summarize informational text using main ideas and supporting details 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Introduce the use of organizational strategies to the use of informational text (sequence, description, compare & contrast)

Critique the effects of historical, cultural, political, and biographical influence in a variety of genres.

Vocabulary/Word Vocabulary and Word Study Study Recognize, explain, and use words with a variety of connotations and denotations.

Use the knowledge of selected Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and Latin root words in determining meaning and building words.

Identify, interpret, and use idioms and hyperboles

Introduce selected synonyms and antonyms, homonyms, and homographs.

Identify and use context clues in a passage to determine 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School


Relate new grade level vocabulary to prior knowledge and use in new situations.

Trace selected vocabulary word(s) etymology

Use Thesaurus to broaden vocabulary base.

Grammar Skills Grammar Skills Write complex sentence types: -declarative -interrogative -imperative -exclamatory

Utilize a variety of sentence structures in writing.

Writing Skills Writing Skills Write and publish persuasive, compare/contrast, and narrative essay

Practice writing paragraphs with introduction, supporting 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

details and ending sentence (conclusion).

Utilize graphic organizers

Practice selecting and organizing ideas relevant to topic, purpose and genre.

Utilize self, peer, and teacher feedback to improve writing.

Practice 6 Trait Writing techniques.

Write to a specific audience

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation using techniques to aid in comprehension (different fonts, title page, format, highlighting, and spacing)

Social Social Communication Communication Practice effective listening skills: -multi-step oral directions

-formulate and ask appropriate questions 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

-analyze and evaluate message, purpose, and perspective of information being communicated.

Practice appropriate conversation and listening strategies in multiple situations

Demonstrate sensitivity to the use of words in general as well as to particular audience.

Practice safe and ethical behaviors when communicating and interacting with others when using internet.

Evaluate messages while reading, listening, and viewing for biased, hidden agendas, and commercialism.

Listen and ask insightful questions to elicit information

Study Skills Study Skills Use different reference sources 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Use glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus to assist with word knowledge.

Practice a variety of note taking strategies in content areas.

Use graphic aids to assist in meaning.

Use selected online resources provided by teachers for specific learning purposes

Month Standards Content Skills Assessment Instructional Vocabulary Activities Quarter Comprehension Teacher Modeling and hyperbole Four observation of guided practice 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Comprehension: class discussion using teacher Six Traits words: directed activities Teacher Sentence Fluency with use of Synthesize informational & observation of Organization overhead charts; Voice narrative text using main ideas students’ oral and supporting details read aloud books Conventions reading and other Ideas Word Choice Summarize and paraphrase Selected instructional tools reading selections verbally & in writing assessments Spelling tests Analyze Story Elements Options: including tone, mood, purpose, 6 Trait Writing Varied group sizes point of view, and atmosphere Rubric Peer activities Summarize, analyze, and synthesize text Computer/software

Compare and contrast Teacher read aloud characteristics of dramatic and informational genres

Respond to text verbally, in writing using a variety of strategies and multimedia.

Use examples and details to make inferences or logical predictions during pre and post reading. 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Answer and generate literal, critical, interpretive, and inferential questions in a story.

Recognize multi-culture aspects in literature and informational text.

Model and practice fluency based on purpose, text difficulty, form and style.

Use context clues to infer meaning of unknown words.

Review elements of each genre

Model self monitoring skills for comprehension when meaning is disrupted.

Anticipate author’s tone and purpose during pre-reading

Apply background knowledge in text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections.

Apply knowledge of text features to locate and utilize information from text. 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Introduce author’s use of literary devices, hyperbole, flashback, simile, metaphor, personification)

Summarize informational text using main ideas and supporting details

Apply organizational strategies in informational text (sequence, description, compare & contrast)

Select appropriate text for research purposes. Vocabulary/Word Study Vocabulary and Word Study

Recognize, explain, and use words with a variety of connotations and denotations.

Use the knowledge of selected Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and Latin root words in determining meaning and building words.

Practice selected synonyms and antonyms, homonyms, and 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School


Identify and use context clues in a passage to determine meaning.

Relate new grade level vocabulary to prior knowledge and use in new situations.

Trace selected vocabulary word(s) etymology

Use Thesaurus to broaden vocabulary base.

Grammar Skills Grammar Skills Synthesize wide variety of sentence types for use in compositions:

Writing Skills Writing Skills Analyze and compare song lyrics for elements of rhyme scheme and meter

Structuring ideas and arguments in an effective and 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

sustained way, following an organizational pattern appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Utilize graphic organizers for pre-writing, generating, and organizing information.

Practice selecting and organizing ideas relevant to topic, purpose and genre.

Utilize self, peer, and teacher feedback to improve writing.

Practice 6 Trait Writing techniques.

Write to a specific audience

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation & citation of information used, incorporating techniques to aid in comprehension (different fonts, title page, format, highlighting, and spacing) 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

Social Communication

Social Practice effective listening Communication skills: -multi-step oral directions

-formulate and ask appropriate questions

-analyze and evaluate message, purpose, and perspective of information being communicated.

Practice appropriate conversation and listening strategies in multiple situations

Demonstrate sensitivity to the use of words in general as well as to particular audience.

Practice safe and ethical behaviors when communicating and interacting with others when using internet.

Evaluate messages while reading, listening, and viewing for biased, hidden agendas, 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

and commercialism.

Listen and ask insightful questions to elicit information

Discuss and analyze stereotypical presentations of differences in groups or cultures.

Study Skills Study Skills Use different reference sources for a particular purpose

Use intermediate level daily planner.

Practice a variety of note taking strategies in content areas.

Model the process of locating the key terms for note taking and study purposes.

Use graphic aids to assist in meaning.

Use selected online resources provided by teachers for specific learning purposes 9-12th Grade Language Arts Curriculum Map Mrs. Fort Calhoun High School

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