MINUTES of the MEETING of BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Held on Monday 1St March 2010 at Mount

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MINUTES of the MEETING of BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Held on Monday 1St March 2010 at Mount

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 7th August, 2017 in the Church Hall, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT : Councillor S. Scott-Ely, Chairman Councillor K. Hall Vice-Chairman Councillor R. Adams Councillor P. Bridge Councillor E. Croft Councillor D. Eldridge Councillor B. Fearneyhough Councillor Ms. J. Garvey Councillor Mrs. A. Jones Councillor F. Obeng Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

1. Items raised by Members of the public.

a) Request for footpath from Berinsfield Roundabout to Puffin Crossing on A 4074. Mr. David Scott from Clifton Hampden attended the meeting to inform those present about a petition that has been started to ask Oxfordshire County Council to connect the new Puffin crossing on the A 4074 with a footpath from Berinsfield roundabout. Copies of the petition document were left for residents of Berinsfield to sign if they wish. The Chairman, Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely informed Mr. Scott that Berinsfield Parish Council supports the request for a footpath to be constructed, but is not in a position to finance the construction of it.

b) Broken Street Light, No. 4F, Berinscourt. A resident reported that the street light located outside Berinscourt House was broken and she had reported this to Oxfordshire County Council on several occasions since October last year. The Parish Council agreed to investigate as it is possible that the street light is not one owned or maintained by Oxfordshire County Council.

c) Fir Tree, Russell Jackson Close. It was reported that the fir tree located in the green in the centre of Russell Jackson Close is obscuring the street light and needs pruning. The Parish Council agreed to refer this to SOHA Housing.

d) Large tree on the green between Green Furlong and Wimblestraw Road. It was reported that the large tree owned by South Oxfordshire District Council located by the central path on the green requires lifting. South Oxfordshire District Council will be asked to inspect the tree.

e) Tree adjacent to car park in Colwell Road. It was reported that the tree located near to 62 – 64 Colwell Road requires lifting to the statutory height. SOHA Housing will be asked to inspect the tree.

f) Items deposited in the car parking area adjacent to garage No. 55, Windrush Road. It was reported that a pile of hardcore and an old garage door had been deposited in the car parking area behind garage No. 55. It was reported that the owner of the garage was not prepared to remove the rubbish. The Parish Council agreed to investigate this matter.

g) SOHA Owned Garages, Berinsfield The Chairman, Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely welcomed Mr. Craig Dransfield, Head of Development, SOHA Housing, who spoke about proposals to remodel some of the garage areas in Berinsfield and in particular, in Ock Drive. Several members of the public had also attended the meeting in order to participate in the discussion about the proposal.

1 Mr. Dransfield informed the meeting that SOHA Housing had put in a bid to the Department for Communities and Local Government for a grant to look at public realm improvements in Berinsfield. The funds will be used to pay for Consultants, Architects and other specialists and not for carrying out work. Funds would still have to be found to carry out the work. Mr. Dransfield explained the reason for wishing to carry out the work, the first is that South Oxfordshire District Council is looking at land adjacent to Fane Drive opposite the entrance to Ock Drive for the new housing site and by opening up Ock Drive by removing the garages they consider it would improve the outlook and connectivity with the proposed new development. Before anything is done SOHA Housing would need to define what they would do and get estimates and have discussions with South Oxfordshire District Council to discuss where the funding could be found. Consultation would also take place with all residents in Ock Drive. Discussion would also take place with Oxfordshire County Council as a large part of Ock Drive is adopted highway. Mr. Dransfield indicated that if the proposed scheme proved unpopular with residents they would not push it through. The plans were displayed at the village fete and a copy of the proposed plan was circulated to those present at the Parish Council meeting.

One resident informed the Parish Council that she preferred to be able to put her car away in her garage and would be upset if they were demolished. She also pointed out that residents from other areas in the village parked their vehicles in Ock Drive and if she did not have a garage she would have to fight to find a space to park her car. She asked if some of the small green areas in the village could be converted to car parks. Residents pointed out that some works vans contained tools and that their owners would want to be able to park near to their home. It was also mentioned that insurance premiums could be increased if vehicles were parked on the street and not in garages.

Charlotte Colver, Development Manager, Development and Regeneration Team, South Oxfordshire District Council was also present at the meeting and confirmed that SODC has been working with SOHA Housing. She stated that SODC wanted to see the environment in Berinsfield improved and consultation with residents has shown that garages are unsightly and that anti-social behaviour takes place in some of the garage areas. The Chairman, Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely asked if it would be possible to redevelop the garage areas but provide some new garages for residents who would still like to use one. Mr. Dransfield stated that SOHA Housing would not rule anything out at the present time. Ock Drive had been chosen as a prototype as it had the highest concentration of garages still in the ownership of SOHA Housing.

Councillor Eldridge referred to the withdrawal of bus services in Berinsfield and stated that this could lead to more residents having cars and therefore more parking spaces being required in the village.

The Chairman, Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely asked about funding for the proposed scheme, and who would be responsible for making the final decision. Charlotte Colver informed the meeting that discussion should take place between SODC and SOHA Housing and that if that did not result in a clear cut decision, the matter would be referred back to the Parish Council. With regard to time scale Charlotte Colver indicated that there should be three or four meetings of the Advisory Groups and that there should be a master plan by November 2017.

Mr. Dransfield informed the meeting that the grant from the DCLG was given for two purposes, the Ock Drive garage scheme and to engage Architects to assess if there are any opportunities to build extra houses on SOHA Housing land the village. Consultation would take place with adjoining residents if sites are identified. SOHA Housing would also look at housing need. Under new legislation people under 35 years of age do not get sufficient benefit to rent a flat and therefore would have to look for a room in a shared house. The Parish Council felt there was a need for one bedroom properties but pointed out that this would increase the need for car parking spaces. It

2 was mentioned that affordable housing would be provided on the proposed new development in the village. The Chairman, Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely stated that the village could also do with more housing for the elderly residents.

h) Berinsfield Community Investment Scheme. Mrs. Charlotte Colver, Development Manager, Development and Regeneration Team, South Oxfordshire District Council informed the meeting that the District Council is expecting the results of the village survey shortly. A total of 455 people took part in the survey. She also stated that South Oxfordshire District Council would be prepared to front load projects prior to the construction of the new houses. No firm housing numbers are available at the present time. The Parish Council was informed that 2100 new houses would need to be provided in the village in order for the provision of a through school to be considered. Charlotte stated that residents were keen to have a school in the village due to the transport problems in getting children to secondary schools in the area. She confirmed that the District Council is working with Oxfordshire County Council to do what they can with regard to the transport problem but the District Council is not able to pay for a bus service. They could consider providing money to an organisation in the village who in turn could lend the lump sum required to residents who are unable to pay this up front for school transport. The money would be a loan that would have to be repaid on a weekly/monthly basis. The Parish Council was informed that the frequency of the X39 and X40 bus services would be increased and more stops would be made in Littlemore. It was also hoped that a service could be provided to Cowley.

Charlotte Colver informed the meeting that her colleague, Nicola Wyer, was working with the Oxfordshire Youth Service and had had meetings with young people from the village and one of their requests was for a better skate park. She stated that the District Council want to set up advisory groups for all of their projects, including health, education, open spaces, sports and leisure, streets and parking, with approximately eight people serving on each group. The Parish Council will be asked to nominate two members for each advisory group. District Council Staff are currently writing the terms of reference for the advisory groups.

i) New path near to Puffin Crossing. A site meeting was held on 4th August to inspect the new path in the spinney area following reports that weeds are protruding through the new tarmac. The contractors are at fault for not preparing the base for the footpath properly and thereby allowing the weeds to come through in a very short time. It will be cleaned off and new tarmac laid and this will probably be carried out towards the end of the 12 month defect period.

2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs. McMenemy.

3. Declaration of Interests. Councillors were advised to make declarations of interest on any items on the agenda as appropriate

4. To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd July, 2017.

a) Minute 8f. Water mains and gravity sewers in Berinsfield. Members were asked to note that the sewage from the village is treated at the Culham Sewage treatment works and not at Sutton Courtenay, as reported in the minutes.

Subject to the amendment to Minute No. 8f, it was AGREED that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd July, 2017 should be APPROVED.

5. Matters Arising. Minute No. 8 b. Abandoned items and rubbish at the rear of the shops at the junction of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. It was reported that rubbish was again being

3 deposited behind the shops and it was AGREED that the Enforcement Officer at South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed about this in order that the relevant action can be taken.

6. District Councillor’s report. District Councillor Cotton had submitted a report but it was not received in time to be circulated at the meeting. It was circulated by email after the meeting to all Members of the Parish Council for information.

7. County Councillor’s Report. County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale had provided a report and this had been circulated to all Members of the Parish Council. It was AGREED to note the contents of County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale’s report.

8. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date.

a) Planning application P17/S2365/FUL change of use from Use Class D2 to Use Class B8. Vogue Business Park, Tower Road, Berinsfield OX10 7LN. The Parish Council AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the application should be approved. Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely declared an interest in the application and did not take part in the discussion or vote.

b) Planning application P17/S2598/HH. Householder. Front porch and canopy roof to front of property. 43 Colne Drive, Berinsfield Wallingford OX10 7PE. It was AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that Berinsfield Parish Council has no strong views on the application.

c) Planning application P17/S2461/FUL Full application. Change of use from Car Breakers to self storage facility and replacement signage. The application is for temporary 7 year planning to change use to self storage facility. Berinsfield Car Breakers, Oxford Road, Dorchester on Thames, OX10 7LY It was AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the application should be approved subject to the height of the storage containers or any other buildings on the site not exceeding two storeys.

d) Planning application P17/S2441/A Advertisement Consent. Change of use from Car Breakers to self storage facility and replacement signage. This application is for temporary 7 year planning to change use to self storage. Berinsfield Car Breakers, Oxford Road, Dorchester on Thames, OX10 7LY. It was AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be informed that the application should be approved if Application P17/S2461/FUL is approved.

9. Lodden Avenue Play Area. The Parish Council noted that South Oxfordshire District Council had offered the Parish Council a grant of up to £33,922.00 being match funding for improvements to the Lodden Avenue Play Area. The Parish Council agreed to accept the grant and to comply with the conditions attached to the offer as detailed in the letter dated 18th July, 2017. The Parish Council also agreed:-

i) to inform South Oxfordshire District Council of any changes in circumstances that may result in less funding being required.

ii) that if the project does not take place the grant is non-transferrable.

iii) to appoint Brethertons LLP as legal representatives to act on behalf of the Parish Council regarding the required grant agreement and legal restriction and authorise South Oxfordshire District Council to contact and work directly with them regarding these matters.

4 The Parish Council noted that quotations had been obtained for the provision and installation of new play equipment and these would be discussed at the Open Spaces Committee meeting to be held on 18th September 2017.

10. Correspondence and Items for Information.

a) Meeting with Mr. John Howell, MP. The Parish Council confirmed that it would like to meet with Mr. John Howell during the summer recess and would accept the offer for him to visit the Pavilion, Lay Avenue, Berinsfield at 11 a.m. on 22nd August, 2017

b) SOHA Housing. Consultation on Proposed changes to SOHA’s Housing Management Service in Berinsfield with effect from April 2018. The Parish Council noted the information that with effect from April 2018 Berinsfield Community Business would no longer deal with housing matters for tenants living in Berinsfield. Tenants would have to deal direct with SOHA Housing in Didcot. The Parish Council AGREED to inform SOHA Housing that it felt this change would lead to a loss of the local knowledge provided by Berinsfield Community Business.

c) Oxfordshire County Council Gypsy and Traveller Service. The Parish Council noted the information contained in the agenda about the Oxfordshire County Council Gypsy and Traveller Service.

d) OALC Training Courses. The Parish Council noted the information about the course entitled Roles and Responsibilities for New Councillors and Clerks to be held on 20th September, but unfortunately no Councillors were in a position to attend. Members were asked to contact the Clerk if they were interested in further courses offered by OALC.

e) To consider a request from a resident of Dorchester on Thames for two residents of Berinsfield to be put forward for a Queen’s Award. The letter was read to the Parish Council who noted the request and AGREED that the matter should be discussed at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

f) South Oxfordshire District Council Remuneration Panel. Review of District and Parish Councillor Allowances. Information regarding the recommendations made by South Oxfordshire District Council were circulated to Members of the Parish Council in the agenda and it was AGREED to adopt the recommendations :-

i) Basic Allowance. Parish Councils are entitled to pay elected Members an allowance of up to 5% of the Basic Allowance of the Vale of White Horse and South Oxfordshire District Council, i.e. £232.00 per annum. This allowance can only be paid to Members who are elected and not those co-opted.

ii) Chairman’s Allowance. The Panel felt that any decision regarding the payment of a Chairman’s Allowance should be left entirely to the discretion of individual Parish Councils, taking into account local circumstances.

iii) Travel and Subsistence. The Panel recommended that Parish Councils should pay a mileage allowance of .45p. per mile for a car which is in line with the HMRC recommendations, the same as the District Councils. Subsistence rates should also be paid in line with the District Councils.

5 iv) Indexation of Allowances. The indexation of the allowances paid to Members of the Parish and Town Councils should be in accordance with the indexation applied to Members’ Allowances at the District Councils. The agreed approach to indexation is in line with the District Councils’ staff salary increases.

v) Forgoing Allowances. A Parish Councillor may choose not to receive all or part of any allowance to which they would otherwise be entitled. To do so they must give written notice to the proper officer of the Parish Council.

g) School Bus Service. The Parish Council noted that Oxfordshire County Council has agreed contracts for increased capacities on the 1102 and 1103 school buses. The increase is from 103 – 148 pupils. Children not entitled to free school transport and those who would have previously caught the 114 public bus should apply for a seat through the Council’s concessionary fares scheme on https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk.cms/content/paid-home-school-transport-concessionary.

h) Neighbourhood Development Plans. The Parish Council noted that the Chairman, Councillor Stuart Scott-Ely, had completed a questionnaire asking what process the Parish was at with regard to a NDP in order that the questionnaire could be submitted to South Oxfordshire District Council within their time scale. The Parish Council considered that Berinsfield should have a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

i) Spinney Area adjacent to Abbey Woods Close, Berinsfield. The Parish Council noted that Oxfordshire County Council was obtaining quotations for work to remove some of the undergrowth and any unsafe trees from the spinney area adjacent to Abbey Woods Close, Berinsfield.

j) Path at the rear of Cherwell Road and Evenlode Drive houses. The Parish Council was informed that shrubbery from the rear gardens of houses backing on to the path was so bad now as to prevent pedestrian access along the path. It was AGREED that Oxfordshire County Council should be asked to send vegetation letters to residents whose properties back on to the path. The Parish Council will monitor the situation.

11. Statement of Accounts for payment in August 2017. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts in the sum of £9531.28 should be APPROVED.

12. Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 2nd October, 2017.

6 9. Statement of Accounts for payment in July 2017 It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for July in the sum of £12,852.03 should be APPROVED for payment.

10. Items for report to Chairman.

11. Date of next Parish Council Meeting 7th August, 2017


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