Vita As Of Jan 2005

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Vita As Of Jan 2005

Curriculum Vita: Sherman Folland Department of Economics Oakland University

Date of Vita: May 2005 Department: Economics Rank: Associate Professor

I. Education

PhD in Economics University of Iowa 1975 B.A. in Political Science Concordia College - 1968 Moorhead, Minnesota

II. Employment Record

Department of Economics, Oakland University, 1986 to present.

Assistant Professor of Economics, Lebanon ValleyCollege, Annville, Pennsylvania, August 1985 to July 1986.

Assistant Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University--Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, August 1981 to August 1985.

Acting Director of Health Administration, School of Allied Health, University of South Dakota, January 1980 to June 1981.

Data Analyst, South Dakota Health Systems Agency, Vermillion, South Dakota, July 1977 to December 1979.

Health Manpower Specialist, Health Manpower Planning and Linkage Project, Pierre, South Dakota, October 1975 to July 1977.

III. Publications and Items In Press

Folland, Sherman, "Value of Life and Behavior Toward Risk: An Interpretation of Social Capital," Health Economics, Vol. 15, March 2006, pp. 159-171.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Small Areas of Three Command Economies," East European Economics, Vol. 43 No. 06 November-December 2005, pp. 31-52.

Folland, Sherman, "The Quality of Mercy: Social Health Insurance in the Charitable 2 Liberal State, International Journal of Health Economics and Finance," Vol. 5, 2005, pp. 23-46.

Folland, Sherman, Allen Goodman, and Miron Stano, The Economics of Health and Health Care, 4th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004.

Folland, Sherman, and Richard Hofler, "How Reliable Are Frontier Efficiency Estimates of Hospitals?: An Application of the Dual to the Homothetic Production Function," Health Economics, Vol. 10, December 2001, pp. 683-698. Folland, Sherman, "Apparent Inequalities in the Dreilandereck: Health Care Availabilities in Communist States," Abstract in the Proceedings of the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Command Economies: What Do the Data Mean?" Proceedings of the Canadian Health Economics Research Association (CHERA) Annual Meetings in Toronto, Canada, June 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Toward a Model of Academic Journals," Proceedings of the Association of Applied Business Research Annual Conference, Cancun, Mexico, March 2001.

Folland, Sherman, Allen Goodman, and Miron Stano, The Economics of Health and Health Care, 3rd Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001.

Folland, Sherman and Robbin Hough, "The External Effects of Nuclear Plants: Further Evidence," Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 40, No. 4, November 2000, pp, 735-753.

Folland, Sherman, "Toward A Model Of Academic Journals," Proceedings of the Applied Business and Economics Conference March 2001, Cancun, Mexico.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in the Dreilandereck: What Do the Data Mean?," Proceedings of the Midwest Business and Health Administration Conference Annual Meetings March 2001, Chicago, Illinois.

Folland, Sherman, “Health Care in Command Systems: The Question of Equality,” Proceedings of the Applied Business Research Journal Annual Meeting in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 2000.

Folland, Sherman, Allen Goodman, and Miron Stano, The Economics of Health and Health Care, 2nd Edition, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996).

Folland, Sherman, "On the Application of Property Rights Theory to the Nonprofit Firm," Proceedings of the International Cybernetics Association, Vienna, Austria, 1994.

Folland, Sherman, Allen Goodman, and Miron Stano, The Economics of Health and Health Care, (New York: MacMillan, 1993). 3

Hofler, Richard, and Sherman T. Folland, "The Relative Efficiency of Slavery Revisited," Applied Economics, Vol. 23, 1991, pp. 861-868.

Folland, Sherman T. and Robbin Hough, "Nuclear Power Plants and the Value of Agricultural Land," Land Economics, Vol. 67, No. 1, February 1991, pp. 30-36.

Folland, Sherman, Eileen Peacock, and Sandra Pelfrey, "Advertising by Accountants: Attitudes and Practice," Journal of Professional Services Marketing, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1991, pp. 97-112.

Folland, Sherman and Miron Stano, "Small Area Variations: A Critical Review of Propositions, Methods, and Evidence," Medical Care Review, Vol. 47, No. 4, Winter 1990, pp. 419-465.

Folland, Sherman, "A Critique of Pure Need: An Analysis of Norman Daniels' Concept of Health Care Need," International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1990, pp. 36- 45.

Folland, Sherman and Robert Kleiman, "The Effect of Prospective Payment Under DRGs on Hospital Market Values," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, Vol. 30, No. 2, Summer 1990, pp. 50-68.

Stano, Miron, Sherman Folland, Soo-Young Moon and Sadi Bazaz, "A Further Analysis of the Relationships Between Advertising, Sales, and Profitability," Journal of Midwest Marketing, Vol. 5, Spring 1990, pp. 21-28.

Folland, Sherman T., and Miron Stano, "Sources of Small Area Variations in the Use of Medical Care," Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 8, March 1989, pp. 85-107.

Folland, Sherman T., Ravi Parameswaran, and John Darling, "On the Nature of the Physician's Opposition to Advertising," Journal of Advertising, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1989, pp. 4-12.

Folland, Sherman T., James Ziegenfuss, and Paul Chao, "On the Implications of Prospective Payment Under DRGs for Hospital Marketing," Journal of Health Care Marketing, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1988, pp. 29-36.

Stano, Miron, and Sherman T. Folland, "Variations in the Use of Physician Services by Medicare Beneficiaries," Health Care Financing Review, Vol. 9, No. 3, Spring 1988, pp. 51-58.

Ranahan, Larry A., and Sherman T. Folland, "DRGs and Unbundling: A Case Study of the Holter Monitor," Proceedings of the 1988 Conference of the Business and Health Administration Association, ed by Kenneth A. Heischmidt and William C. Sturm, March 1988, pp. 53-56. 4

Folland, Sherman T., "Advertising by Physicians: Behavior and Attitudes," Medical Care, Vol. 25, No. 4, April 1987, pp. 311-326.

Folland, Sherman T., "Health Care Need, Economics, and Social Justice," International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 13, No. 1/2, March 1986, pp. 98-116.

Folland, Sherman T., "A Note On the Quantity/Quality Model of the Nonprofit Hospital," Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economics Association, May 29-31, 1986, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, pp. 171-194.

Folland, Sherman T., "The Effects of Health Care Advertising," Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer 1985, pp. 329-345.

Folland, Sherman T., "Predicting Hospital Market Shares," Inquiry, Vol. 20, No. 1, Spring 1983, pp. 34-44.

Folland, Sherman T., "Need vs. Demand in Health Planning: An Economic Reassessment," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economics Association, May 1983, pp. 202-222,

Folland, Sherman T., "Optimal Pricing Strategy for New Products: Comment," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economics Association, May 1983, pp. 524-527.

Joseph, Hyman, and Sherman T. Folland,"Uncertainty and Hospital Costs," Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 39, No. 2, October 1972, pp. 267-273.

IV. Presentations

Folland, Sherman, "Value of Life and Behavior Toward Health Risks: An Interpretation of Social Capital," 5th European Conference on Health Economics, London School of Economics, September 2004.

Folland, Sherman, "The Quality of Mercy: Social Health Insurance in the Charitable, Liberal State," Western Economic Association International Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 2003.

Folland, Sherman, "Social Capital and the Health of Populations," International Health Economics Association Meeting, San Francisco, June 2003.

Folland, Sherman, "Contributions to Value Added in the Performance of College Economics," presented at the Allied Social Sciences Association Annual Meeting--Section of the National Council on Economic Education, Jan 2-5, 2003 Washington, DC. 5

Presented the Keynote Address, entitled "Ideas From the Health Economics of Health Insurance," at the annual University Senate Plenary of the University of Pittsburgh in March 2003

Folland, Sherman, "Social Health Insurance in the Charitable Liberal State", Invited personal presentation at the Economics Department Center for Austrian Economics at George Mason University, March 2002.

Folland, Sherman, "Apparent Inequalities in the Dreilandereck: Health Care Availabilities in Communist States", American Public Health Association Annual Meetings in Atlanta, October 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Command Economies", Canadian Health Economics and Research Association, CHERA, Annual Meeting, Toronto, July 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Social Health Insurance in the Charitable Liberal State," Invited presentation at the Economics Department, Center for Austrian Economics at George Mason University, March 2002.

Folland, Sherman, "Toward a Model of Academic Journals," at the Association of Applied Business Research Annual Conference, Cancun, Mexico, March 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Command Economies: What Do the Data Tell Use?" at the Midwest Association for Business and Health Administration, Chicago, March 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Command Economies: The Question of Equality," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Applied Business Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, March 2000.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Command Economies," Annual Meeting of the American Business and Economics Research Association in Budapest, Hungary, July 1998.

Folland, Sherman, "Health System Reform in International Perspective" at MEDIS, a health and environment study institute in Munich, Germany, April 1994.

Folland, Sherman," The Effect of the DRG System on the Stock Returns of For-Profit Hospitals in the United States," at the University of Zurich by invitation of Peter Zweifel, Zurich, Switzerland, April 1994.

Folland, Sherman, "Allocative and Technical Efficiency of U.S. Hospitals," at the University of Odense, Denmark, March 1994.

Folland, Sherman, (three presentations sponsored by the Swedish Fulbright Commission), "Allocative and Technical Efficiency of United States Hospitals," "Small Area Variations Theory 6 and Evidence," and "Issues in Hospital Economics Under Uncertainty," at Lund University, Sweden by invitation of Carl Hampus Lytkens, March 1994.

Hofler, Richard and Sherman Folland (presenter), "The Relative Efficiency of Slave Farms Revisited" at the Annual Midwest Historical Society Meetings in Lawrence, Kansas, October 1992.

Folland, Sherman, "Nonprofit Entry: A Theory and an Empirical Investigtion," at the Missouri Valley Economics Association Annual Meeting in St. Louis, May 1992; and at the Southern Economic Association meetings in Washington D.C. in November 1992.

Folland, Sherman, "Allocative and Technical Efficiency in United States Hospitals: A Stochastic Frontier Approach," (coauthored with Richard Hofler), presented at the Meadowbrook Health Economics and Finance Forum, Oakland University, June 1990.

Folland, Sherman, "A Critique of Pure Need: An Analysis of Norman Daniels' Concept of Health Care Need," presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Social Economics, at the Allied Social Sciences Association meetings, Atlanta, December 1989.

Folland, Sherman T., "A Theory of Nonprofit Entry Behavior: The Case of Hospitals," presented at The Twenty-Eighth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 5-8, 1989.

Folland, Sherman T., and Miron Stano, "The Practice Style Phenomenon and Variations in the Use of Health Care Services," presented at The Twenty-Sixth International Atlantic Economic Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1988.

Folland, Sherman T., and Robert Kleiman, "The Effect of Prospective Payment Under DRGs on the Market Value of For-Profit Hospitals," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Economics Association in Los Angeles, June 30-July 3, 1988.

Larry Ranahan, and Sherman T. Folland, "Unbundling and DRGs," presented at the 1988 Conference of the Business and Health Administration Association, in Chicago, Illinois, March 1988.

Folland, Sherman T., "Physician Advertising," presented at the Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the Midwest Economics Association in St. Louis, Missouri, March 26-28, 1987.

Folland, Sherman T., "On the Quantity/Quality Model," presented at the 4th World Congress of Social Economics in Toronto, Canada, August 13-15, 1986.

Folland, Sherman T., "A Note on the Quantity/Quality Model of the Nonprofit Hospital," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economics Association in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, May 1986. 7

Folland, Sherman T., "Health Care Need, Economics, and Social Justice," presented at the 3rd World Congress of Social Economics in Fresno, California, August 15-18, 1983.

Folland, Sherman T., "Need vs. Demand in Health Planning: An Economic Reassessment," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Economics Association in Meadeville, Pennsylvania, May 1983.

V. Grants

Folland, Sherman, "Social Health Insurance in a Charitable Liberal State," $18,000, funded by the Earhart Foundation, Ann Arbor, Michigan, during November 2000 thru April 2001.

Folland, Sherman, "Health Care in Command Economies," funded by the School of Business Administration including travel expenses to Moscow, Spring/Summer 2001.

Folland, Sherman, “Proposal for the Assessment of the Teaching of Economics at Oakland University over 1999 through 2003,” funded by the University Assessment Committee, August 1999.

Folland, Sherman, "Proposal for The Oakland Journal," app. $13000 continuing funding initially approved by members of the Deans’ Council in Winter 1999, now funded by the Provost’s Office.

Folland, Sherman, "Measuring External Effects of Nuclear Power Generation: A Panel Data Approach," Summer Research Fellowship, School of Business Administration, Oakland University, May 1995-July 1996 (see publication listing for Journal of Regional Science).

Folland, Sherman, Swedish Fulbright Commission Grant at the Invitation from Lund University, Lund, Sweden, March 1994.

Folland, Sherman T., "Three Health Economic Studies of the Dreilandereck," Fulbright Commission, October 1993-February 1994.

Folland, Sherman T., "Three Studies of the Dreilandereck, Business and Education Fellowships in Eastern Europe (BEFEE), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1992.

Folland, Sherman T., "Nonprofit Behavior," Summer Research Fellowship funded by the School of Business Administration, Oakland University, May - August, 1987. 8

Folland, Sherman T., "Entry Behavior of Nonprofit Institutions: The Case of Hospitals," University Research Fellowship, May-August 1989.

Folland, Sherman T., "A Test to Distinguish Between Nonprofit Behavioral Models," Summer Research Fellowship funded by the School of Business Administration, Oakland University, May-June, 1990.

Winner of an HEW Fellowship (funded by the Department of Health Education and Welfare, now the Department of Health and Human Services) in health economics, for 1973- 1974, at the University of Iowa graduate program in health economics.

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