Module 6 10Th Grade Appearance

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Module 6 10Th Grade Appearance

Module 6_10th grade Appearance

What does he/she look like? 1 Add the following words to the correct group in the key words (translate the words and key words), after that add your own words. Bears, blond, curly, elderly, long, overweight, slim, wavy, wrinkles Key words: Hair: bald, dark, fair, red, grey, fringe, plaits, ponytail, shoulder-length Age: in her/his early/mid/late teens/twenties/thirties, middle-aged Face: chin, eyebrows, forehead, freckles, lips, moustache, shape: narrow/thin/long General: good-looking, dark/light complexion, short, tall, well-built 2 Underline the correct word in to complete these sentences. 0 He has to put suntan cream on his head because he’s | fair | bald | fringe |. 1 She can’t be more than 12. She must be in her | late | mid | early | teens. 2 Like his father, Ahmet, Ali has got a dark | complexion | build | shape |. 3 I think she’s in her late | forehead | plaits | forties |. 4 I can feel your moustache when I kiss your | lips | plaits | freckles |. 5 My brother’s got shoulder length | freckled | grey | short | hair. 6 Most men in their late sixties are | long haired | bald | short |. 7 I can’t see your | forehead | freckles | chin | because of your fringe. 8 I’ve got long blonde wavy | hairs | hair | hare |. 9 I’m not overweight! I’m just very | well-built | slim | thin |! 10 My great grandfather needs glasses because he’s very | middle-aged | elderly | good looking |. 3 Use the key words and write five or six sentences describing the physical appearance of Penelope Cruz, Chuck Norris, and Robert Pattinson.

What’s he/she like? 1 You can often make opposites of adjectives using a prefix. e. g. usual/unusual, honest/dishonest Use the prefixes to make opposites of the adjectives in italic. Use a good dictionary to help you. Peter is very organised and reliable. He is also sociable, sensitive and tolerant. He seems interested in and aware of other people’s feelings and is often kind. When you ask him for something, he is always sympathetic and helpful. He is also very patient with children. I think he must be very satisfied with his life. 2 Complete the table with the opposites of the adjectives given. 0 usual unusual 1 sociable 2 tolerant 3 patient 4 organised 5 sensitive 6 lucky 7 honest 8 expensive 9 possible 10 dependent 11 usual

3 Translate the words and make up your own sentences with the following words. Grateful/ungrateful, accurate/inaccurate, mature/immature Smug, suspicious, trendy, 4 Choose the correct personality adjective from the box to describe the people in these sentences. cheerful materialistic stubborn generous moody reliable 0 She is always smiling and never gets depressed.______cheerful______1 He married a rich woman because he wanted a big house and fast cars. ___ 2 You never know with George. One day he’s cheerful another day he’s bad tempered. ___ 3 If I have a problem, Sheila will always help me. ___ 4 I know he’s not rich but look at this necklace he bought me! ___ 5 I explained to him that it was very dangerous but he would not change his mind! ___

5 Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives. Use only one word in each gap. 0 A __hard-working__ person is someone who works a lot. 1 A ______man has no hair on his head. 2 Someone who is ______often changes his/her feelings, from being happy to being sad and depressed. 3 If you have your own money, food and housing, and you can support yourself, you are ______of your parents. 4 ______people care only about themselves and nobody else.

Multi-part verbs with get, give, put and take

5 Match these words with the verbs get, give, put or take to make a multi-part verb. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. (

someone down, up (x2), up with, at, on with (x2), together I'm a very patient boy and I can (1) put up with a lot. But Fred, a boy in our class (2)___ me all the time. For example, he laughs at me. He's a very critical person and I'm not like that. I (3)___ everybody in the class. I'm always smiling. Nothing (4)___me ___. So I spoke to Fred, but it didn't help. But I don't (5)___ easily and I spoke to him again. In the end I said, “Fred, I've just (6)___ boxing. Let's (7) ___, just you and me and we'll have a boxing match.” And I've had no problems with Fred since that day. He just lets me (8)___ things in peace.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct verb below.

get, get, get put take give

0 We all like to ___get____ together with our friends. 1 Don’t let the bad weather ______you down. 2 Do you ______on with all your colleagues at work? 3 The doctor told me to ______up eating cakes. 4 She said that I needed more exercise. I should ______up jogging. 5 It’s very hot and humid here, but you soon learn to ______up with it.

Linking words: giving examples

7 Underline the correct linking word in the text below.

My daughter Laura is sixteen. She's quite tall, (1) especially/for example compared to some of the girls in her class. She sometimes wears her hair up, (2) such as/particularly when she's going out for the evening. But most of the time, for ordinary days (3) also/such as school days, she wears it down to her shoulders. She wears a lot of make-up, which I don't really like, (4) especially/for example, of course, when she's going out in the evening. When someone has had bad news Laura is the first to go and help. (5) For example,/Particularly, when her younger brother's pet goldfish died, Laura bought him some chocolates. Laura is quite popular and nobody dislikes her. She doesn't eat a lot of food, which makes cooking for her very difficult. (6) Such as/For example, she won't eat eggs, rice or meat, (7) particularly/such as if it looks like an animal on the plate! She likes people who make her laugh, (8) such as/also her friend Jo, or her old dad! She (9) also/and likes shopping, (10) especially/such as for clothes.

Reading Read the text below and match the titles (A–F) with the appropriate paragraphs (15). There is one extra title. A Cartland’s political powers D Cartland’s personality B Cartland’s writing capacities E The general content of her books C Cartland’s support for the poor F Cartland’s main beliefs about life Barbara Cartland – Pretty in Pink 1 _____ Barbara Cartland, the world’s best-selling writer and Queen of Romance, died at the age of 98 in May 2000. Writing an average of twenty-three novels a year, she completed over 700 books, which have been translated into major languages, including Japanese, Chinese and Russian. Her literary career started in 1923 and she sold over 900 million copies of her books worldwide. 2 _____ Even in her late nineties, Barbara Cartland was full of the energy of a much younger woman. Although she could not see or hear very well, she listened carefully and talked with enthusiasm about English society and its values. She said, ‘What we have to do is bring back the wonderful manners English gentlemen used to have. All over the world, when I was a little girl, they all thought the English had beautiful manners and behaved extremely well.’ 3 _____ Barbara Cartland respected the ideals of charity and kindness. ‘It’s very important to think about new ideas for helping people,’ she said. ‘Nobody bothers today. People are not helping each other the way they used to. We must get away from that.’ She supported a number of British charities. 4 _____ Cartland was also famous for playing an active role in politics. She managed to get government support for programmes to provide houses for elderly people. She was even responsible for a change in the law which forced local government to provide sites for gypsy communities and enable gypsy children to attend local schools. 5 _____ She met politicians, royalty and stars from all over the world, but meeting the rich and famous was not the most important thing in Barbara Cartland’s life. Instead, she said, ‘The great thing is really to feel that you’re helping other people.’ She wanted to be remembered for her books through which she tried to give morality, beauty and love to the world. Writing Choose one of the topics below and write an essay about 200–250 words. (Use key words, multipart verbs and linking words from the Module)

1 ‘The most reliable person on earth.’ (Describe a person who you can rely on.) 2 ‘The most eccentric person I have ever met.’ (Describe a person who you think behaves, dresses, etc. in an unusual way.) Layout: paragraph 1 –introduction; paragraphs 2 and 3 - description, paragraph 4 – conclusion. Speaking Write a dialogue (250 words). You are discussing with your friend what you think an ideal friend should be like. If you are of the same opinion, try to express your agreement. If you don’t share the same feelings, also make it clear to your partner. Talk about:  positive features you value in a friend;  behaviours you can’t tolerate;  your expectations from your friend;  one of your best friends and why you think he/she is an ideal friend.

Grammar: Modal verbs for speculation Translate the following words: speculation, guess, highly probable, highly improbable, possibility, participle !!! Study the following slide presentation and learn about modal verbs for speculation:

Read and do the exercises online. Check yourself. Must or can’t 10201.php must, might or can't (Decide if it is a present state, an action in progress or a past action/state) deduction.html must have or can’t have might or could modal verbs + present or past infinitive

1 Underline the correct modal verb in these sentences. 0 You’ve got a great tan. You | might have | may not have | must have| had good weather onyour holiday! 1 I’m afraid Georgina isn’t at her desk, she | may be | may have | may not | at lunch. 2 They’ve just bought a pram and a child car seat. They | can be | must be | might be | expecting a baby. 3 Keith | can’t have | mustn’t have | mightn’t have | received my message because he hasn’t phoned. 4 The weather forecast said it | can | must | might | snow tonight. 5 I haven’t seen her for 20 years. She | could | can’t | must | be 28 years old now. 6 Hurry up! You | might have | can | may | be too late for your train! 7 You | must | could | can | get a distinction if you worked harder. 8 You | mustn’t | couldn’t | can’t | win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket. 9 I feel awful! I | must have eaten | must eat | must be eating | some bad shellfish. 10 Look at his CD collection! He | may have loved | can have loved | must have loved | classicalmusic!

2 Underline the correct form of the main verb (after the modal). 0 You mustn’t | park | have parked | be parking | here it a No Parking zone. 1 She’s so thin! She must have | be | been | being | on a diet! 2 She told me she couldn’t | rode | ride | ridden | a horse. 3 In ten years time I might | will be | been | be | married with six children! 4 We may | have gone | went | go | to New Zealand next summer. 5 I keep phoning him but there’s no answer. He might | fall | have fallen | be falling | asleep. 6 He was buying a Spanish dictionary when I saw him, he must | have learnt | be learning | learn | Spanish. 7 She didn’t leave until 6 o’clock so she can’t | arrive | arrives | have arrived | yet. 8 Sorry I didn’t phone you. I was watching a boring programme on T.V. and I must | fell |be falling | have fallen | asleep. 9 I’m so pleased to see you. I was so worried! You might | have | have had | has | an accident. 10 You can’t | be | to be | being | hungry. You ate a huge lunch. 3 Rewrite each sentence with must, can’t, might or might not so that it means the same as the sentence before. 0 I’m sure she is more mature than her sister-in-law. She __ _ must be more mature than her sister-in-law ___ . 1 It’s possible that my parents are enjoying themselves in Barcelona now. My parents ______. 2 It’s quite probable that she didn’t make a good impression on his parents. She ______. 3 Maybe they love their son more than they are able to show. They ____. 4 I’m sure she is telling us the truth about the accident. She _____. 5 I don’t believe you decided to quit your present job. You ____ . 6 I’m sure Barbara doesn’t have any idea about our reunion next month. Barbara ______. You can check yourself online: 49540.php 14361.php

4 Underline the correct alternative in each sentence. 0 The worst thing about Kate’s previous job was that she was able to/had to wear a uniform. 1 You couldn’t/didn’t have to buy milk – there is still some in the fridge. 2 After two months of intensive physiotherapy my grandfather could/was able to move from his bed to the bathroom. 3 The conference was scheduled for 9 a.m. so I could/had to be at work at least ten minutes before. 4 I could/was able to read and write long before I went to school. 5 Complete the text with the modals in the table.

had to could wasn’t able to couldn’t were able to didn’t have to

After I retired from work, I was a happy and carefree individual. I ___didn’t have to___ (0) go to work or get up early every morning. I just ______(1) remember to take my medicine every day. I ______(2) do whatever I wanted everyday and nobody worried about what I was doing. The only thing I ______(3) do was travel because I didn’t have much money. I had reasonably good health but I ______(4) lift heavy weights. After my wife retired we ______(5) share many happy years together.

Listening 1 What words have people used to describe his/her friend or partner?

2 What questions did the speaker ask the boy? What answers did the boy give that surprised you?

Culture corner

British English vs American English

3 What words are different in British and American English? (List them)

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