Runshaw College Corporation

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Runshaw College Corporation



Present David Sherliker (Chairman), Eddie Sidgreaves (Vice Chairman), Yvonne Bradshaw, Joshi Jariwala, Ken Lee, Simon Partington (Principal), Jo Venn, Scott Shacklady (Staff Member), Philip Cowburn (Student Member), Tim Varghese (Student Member). In attendance Peter Snape (Clerk to the Corporation), Claire Foreman (Deputy Principal), Jill Gray (Deputy Principal), Clare Russell (Deputy Principal), Janet Ivill (Director of Finance), Shirley Collier (Chair of Governors York College).

Apologies Jacqui Chatwood, Andrew Newton, Stephen Penlington.

At 4.30pm Governors undertook a guided tour of the new Hawkshead (Sports Hall) Annex. Prior to the meeting at 5.15pm there were three short presentations. Eddie Sidgreaves was presented with a token of appreciation to mark his exemplary service and contribution to governance on his retirement from the Board, Tim Varghese with a book token as he leaves College to go to university and Jo Venn, a bouquet of flowers to mark her retirement as Headteacher of Balshaws High School. The Chairman welcomed Shirley Collier to the meeting as an observer. Agenda Items 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 were undertaken at the start of the Board Meeting.

Meeting began 5.15 pm Approved  % Attendance Meeting closed 8.30 pm Status of Minutes Unapproved 77%

14.28 DECLARATION OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 14.29 Agenda Item 3.4.2 - Search and Governance Committee 27 June 2014 (Minute 8.3) David Sherliker left the room for this agenda item. Eddie Sidgreaves presented the item. 29.1 The Board considered and approved the recommendation by the Search and Governance Committee to re-appoint David Sherliker for a further term of office commencing 6th December 2014. Agenda Item 3.4.1 - Search and Governance Committee 27 June 2014 (Minute 8.2) David Sherliker returned to the room. Ken Lee left the room for this agenda item. 29.2 The Board considered and approved the recommendation by the Search and Governance Committee to re-appoint Ken Lee for a further term of office commencing 6th December 2014. Ken Lee returned to the room. 29.3 The Board was reminded that this would be a third and final term of office for both Governors (Standing Order 5.5 - maximum terms of office). The Search and Governance Committee would now actively begin to succession plan for both positions. 14.30 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 19 MAY 2014 30.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 May 2014 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising 30.2 There were no matters arising. 14.31 CORPORATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Audit Committee 17 June 2014 31.1 The Committee had received and discussed the Audit Planning Memorandum for the year ended 31 July 2014 and the draft Internal Audit Strategy Plan 2014/15 – 2016/17 prepared by Mazars. In answer to a question about the number of days allocated for internal audit, the Director of Finance confirmed that this was an average sector allocation, which could and would be adjusted if required.

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Page 2 of 6 31.2 The Board noted the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting. 31.3 The Board approved the draft IAS Plan 2014/15 - 2016/17. 31.4 The Board approved the Audit Planning Memorandum for the year ended 31 July 2014. Finance Committee 23 June 2014 31.5 The Finance Report to 31 May 2014, Budget and Financial Plan 2014/2015 and the two year financial plan and commentary 2014/2016 had all been debated in some detail and there would be further opportunity to discuss these at later agenda items. RESOLVED: 31.6 The Board noted the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting. Remuneration and Organisational Development Committee (Part 1) 23 June 2014 31.7 The Board was requested to note minute 6.5 concerning the Local Government Pension Discretions Policy. This confirmed that whilst discretion existed to waive actuarial reductions, the significant costs incurred would limit any such decision to exceptional cases only. There was no history of this being invoked. 31.8 The Board discussed the proposed pay award. The Finance Committee had made no reservations on the affordability of the award in their discussions and both Committees had unanimously approved the proposal. 31.9 The Board was requested to note minute 9 documenting a small number of redundancies completed without the need for any compulsory measures. 31.10 The Employment Law Update had been placed on Governance Moodle for reference. RESOLVED: 31.11 The Board noted the minutes of the Remuneration and Organisational Development Committee meeting. 31.12 The Board approved a pay award of 1% on all salaries for all staff with effect from 1 August 2014. Search and Governance Committee 27 June 2014 31.13 A good discussion had been held about the implementation of a workable governor/link programme. This was to be furthered by the SLT with a report to be presented at the next meeting in November. 31.14 The Chairman of the Board notified Governors of the recent resignation of Stephen Penlington. The Board now had three vacancies and although the Committee was active in filling the vacancies, Governors were requested to suggest any suitable links for the Committee to pursue. RESOLVED: 31.15 The Board noted the minutes of the Search and Governance Committee meeting. Standards and Curriculum Committee 27 June 2014 31.16 The meeting had included two presentations – one outlining the new revised BTEC qualification landscape and one – The Perspective of a Head of School on the CORS and on Accountability. Both presentations had been informative and well received. The Deputy Principal (JG) informed the meeting of the announcement made recently by BTEC who had now given a further year before the need to implement the changes outlined. It had been decided however to pilot the new engineering and public service courses next year before expected formal implementation in September 2015. 31.17 Committee had received the Lesson Observation Report 2013/2014 which showed that there had been a slight increase in lessons graded at 1 (outstanding). 97% of lessons were now graded at 1 or 2 (ie. good or better). The Committee had questioned senior management about the support that was available to staff in charge of lessons that required improvement and the Committee were also keen to verify the impact of support for those staff. 31.18 The committee had also received a verbal report on actions completed and progress made with the courses listed for monitoring. Positive action taken over the year was expected to produce improved results in August. 31.19 The Board was informed of the proposal to appoint Jo Venn as Chair of the Committee. Student Services and Enrichment Annual Report 2013/2014 31.20 The Board received the report and commended the College and the Student Services Team for the provision of a wide range of activities, despite reduced funding, that continued to ensure that the individual learning experience was a well-rounded one. The Student Governors commented positively on their experiences with enrichment activity and with the services offered. RESOLVED: Page 3 of 6 31.21 The Board noted the minutes of the Standards and Curriculum Committee and the Student Services and Enrichment Annual Report 2013/2014. 31.22 The Board congratulated the Student Services Team for a wide range of services and enrichment activity which had been successfully provided throughout the year. 31.23 The Board approved the appointment of Jo Venn as Chair of the Standards and Curriculum Committee meeting. 14.32 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 32.1 The Chairman, the Clerk and five other governors had attended the Vocational Awards Evening on 26 June. The evening had been an enjoyable celebration of student achievement. 32.2 The Chairman of the Board had included the results of his evaluation survey with the meeting papers so that all contributors to the review could be informed of the outcome. The results of the survey had been very positive. It was noted that one survey return may have mis-interpreted the ratings to be used. The Chairman requested that any further feedback on this could be made in confidence to the Clerk. RESOLVED: 32.3 The Board noted the Chairman’s Report. 14.33 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT 33.1 The Principal presented a comprehensive report to keep the Board informed of relevant and current issues. The report included the following  Estates Update  Finance Update  2014/2015 Business Planning  Internal Leavers Survey 2014  The Environment  Adult/HE/Business Environment  Strategic Plan (Staff Consultation)  2013-2014 Income Update and 2014/2015 Applications/Funding  Adult/HE/Business 2013/2014 end of year analysis  Funding/Environmental changes to Adult/HE/Business provision  Adult/HE/Business recruitment  Staffing Update  Key Achievements 2013/2014 (a year book of achievements is being produced. 33.2 Governors sought and received assurance on the risks outlined and the relationship with Discover Training and Consultancy. RESOLVED: 33.3 The Board noted the Principal’s Report. The report would be circulated to Co-opted Committee members. 14.34 SAFEGUARDING ANNUAL REPORT 34.1 The Board received the report which summarised safeguarding activity, the volume of referrals by programme and level of programme, trends and an action plan for 2014/2015. There had been an increase in referrals on the same time last year and a proportionately higher number on Pre- Advanced course programmes. The plan to train all Level 2 staff in mental health and eating disorders was noted. 34.2 The Safeguarding Annual Report would be placed on the Governance Moodle page for future reference. RESOLVED: 34.3 The Board noted the report. 14.35 STRATEGIC PLAN 2014/2015 College Strategic Plan 2014 – 2015 35.1 The Board considered the Strategic Plan 2014/2015. Corporation Committees had considered those chapters relevant to their respective remits and had recorded their support and satisfaction with them. The Mission Statement, Values, Annual Theme and Targets and Goals for 2014/2015 were also noted. The plan would be placed on the Governance Moodle page for future reference. Page 4 of 6 RESOLVED: 35.2 The Board approved the Strategic Plan 2014/2015. HE Strategic Proposals 2014 – 2017 35.3 The Deputy Principal (CF) presented ‘The Revised Strategy for HE at Runshaw’ to the Board. The presentation commenced with a review of current courses, associated KPIs and an analysis of current provision in relation to employment opportunities and UCLan provision. This set the background for a description of the process undertaken to review current provision and consider re- positioning opportunities at the end of which there had been a consensus to re-brand and re- launch HE course provision. 35.4 The Deputy Principal (CF) introduced University Courses Runshaw 2015.These would be Career Degrees with each course having its own specific career package including a placement or part time employment, a compact two day timetable, additional employer recognised qualifications, high profile enrichment/enhancement, excellent student support, small class sizes and study skills. The presentation included samples of marketing literature and exhibition advertising material, all of which had been positively received. The presentation concluded with a description of the next steps to be undertaken to achieve the 2015 recruitment targets. 35.5 The Deputy Principal responded to questions raised some of which concerned the process of consulting with employers and the position of UCLan. On conclusion of the discussion, no concerns were expressed and the Board commended the strategy. RESOLVED: 35.6 The Board noted and commended the HE Strategic Proposals 2014 – 2017. Shirley Collier left the meeting at this point. 14.36 FINANCIAL PLANNING Budget and Financial Plan 2014/2015 36.1 The Director of Finance presented the Budget and Financial Plan 2014/2015 and the key objectives the plan would achieve. The Board discussed the key risk areas highlighted in the commentary with the Director of Finance describing in more detail the income table and the pay costs table contained in the paper. The Director of Finance confirmed that financial health remained ‘good’ over the period. 36.2 The Board considered the budget for Capital Projects as outlined. Further discussion followed on progress with the Patterdale Building and the Science and Engineering Centre, of which additional grant funding had been assumed into the plan, but had as yet not been secured. The Board discussed the Patterdale Building capital cost and noted the approval by the Finance Committee for a contingency fund to cover increased construction costs, should they arise. This had been done to ensure the project could commence in July. Two Year Financial Plan 2014/2016 and commentary 36.3 The Director of Finance presented the Two Year Financial Plan 2014/2016. The Board noted the plan, the Sensitivity Analysis, associated risks and the likely impact should ‘worse case’ scenarios occur. RESOLVED: 36.4 The Board approved the 2014/2015 Budget, the Capital Plan 2014/2016, and the Two Year Financial Plan 2014/2016. 36.5 The Board endorsed the approval, by the Finance Committee, of a contingency fund to cover increased construction costs with the Patterdale Building should they arise. 36.6 The Board thanked the Director of Finance and the Finance Team for all their work in preparing the budget. 14.37 MONITORING REPORTS Financial Report to 31 May 2014 37.1 The Board received the Financial Report for the month and ten months ended 31 May 2014 with the Director of Finance highlighting ‘green, red and amber’ issues and responding to comments and questions. 37.2 Financial health based upon the current position was good and this grading was expected to be maintained for the year end. The College was expected to comfortably exceed the year end budget surplus. RESOLVED: 37.3 The Board noted the report. Page 5 of 6 14.38 MEETINGS SCHEDULE 2014/2015 The meetings schedule for 2014/2015 approved at the March meeting was included in the papers for information. The schedule had also been placed on the governance moodle page. 14.39 TEAM SELF REVIEW The results are attached to these minutes. 14.40 RESERVED BUSINESS Access restricted to Governors as detailed.

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