Porch, William H., T. Galloway, A. Roche, S. M Massie, Urban Aerosol Observations And
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L. F. Zacher, L. D. Price, T. Galloway, B. Ritzel, & J. Kalejs, “E-Macrosystem and the E- Macrosystem Marine Process: A Sustainable Carbon-Free Naval and Shipping Community Technology, Mar, 7, 2013.
Chad Davisson (City of Richmond), & Terry R. Galloway, "Capture of Hydrogen from Municipal Biosolids." presented at the American Public Works Assoc. Conference, Richmond CA on Nov. 9, 2011,
Terry Galloway, "Solar House: A Guide for the Solar Designer,” Elsevier/Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 2009, ISBN 978-9944-89-628-3, 204 pp.
L. F. Zacher, L. D. Price, T. Galloway and J. Kalejs, “A Sustainable Carbon-free Technology and Community Concept for a National Energy Policy,” paper ES2010-90223, ASME 2010 4th International Conference On Energy Sustainability, May, 17-22, 2010, Phoenix, Arizona, . Terry R. Galloway, Joe Waidl, and Rick Noling, “Hydrogen from Steam/CO2 Reforming of Waste,” National Hydrogen Association, Hydrogen Conference & Expo, May 3-6, 2010, Long Beach, CA.
Porch, William H., T. Galloway, A. Roche, S. M Massie, “Urban Aerosol Observations and Comparisons of Daytime and Nighttime Characteristics” Chapter 6Aerosols: Chemistry, Environmental Impact and Health Effects, Nova Science Publishers, 2009.
Terry Galloway, "Solar House: A Guide for the Solar Designer,” Elsevier/China Machine Press, Dec. 2008, ISBN 978-7-111-22526-3, 183 pp.
T. R. Galloway, F. H. Schwartz and J. Waidl, “Hydrogen from Steam/CO2 Reforming of Waste,” Nat’l Hydrogen Assoc., Annual Hydrogen Conference 2008, Sacramento, CA March 30 – April 3, 2008.
F. H. Schwartz and T. R. Galloway, “Producing Hydrogen from Waste,” 2006 Hydrogen Production & Storage Forum, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Sept. 11-13, 2006.
Terry Galloway, "La Casa Solar House: Guîa De Diseño, Construccion Y Mantenimiento,” Elsevier, Madrid, Spain, 2006, ISBN 84-87440-04-5, 255 pp.
T. R. Galloway, F. H. Schwartz and J. Waidl, “Hydrogen from Steam/CO2 Reforming of Waste,” Nat’l Hydrogen Assoc., Annual Hydrogen Conference 2006, Long Beach, CA March 12-16, 2006.
T. R. Galloway, J. Waidl, J. Zweirschke & E. Dueck, “Hydrogen from Steam/CO2 Reforming of Municipal Solid Waste,” 15th Annual Hydrogen Conference, Los Angeles, CA April 26-29, 2004.
Terry Galloway, "Solar House: A Guide for the Solar Designer,” Elsevier, London, 2004, ISBN 0 7506 58312, 216 pp. 2
T. R. Galloway, "Why Waste-to-Energy Should be in any Country’s Renewable Energy Portfolio,” Energy Pulse Weekly: April 10, 2003, http://www.energypulse.net/centers/author.cfm?at_id=225
T. R. Galloway, & Joe Waidl, "Waste-to-Energy: Why it Should be on any Country’s Portfolio,” REFocus, The International Renewable Energy Magazine, International Solar Energy Society, pp 30-31, Mar/Apr 2003.
T. R. Galloway, Joe Waidl, K. Annamalai, J. Sweeten, T. L. Tomlinson, E. M. Bellet & Dave Weigle, "Energy Resource Recovery Applications Using Gasification and Steam Reforming,” paper and presentation at International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies, New Orleans, LA, May 11-17, 2002.
T. R. Galloway & R. T. Kusiolek, "A New Vision for America: Develop Environmentally Smart Renewable Energy and Advanced Wireless Convergent Solutions," presented to Congressional Energy & Water Committee, Sen. Richard Gephardt, Feb. 12, 2002.
T. R. Galloway, Matt Cage, & Tom Snyder, Chapter 4.3 of "Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Treatment Technologies Handbook," entitled "Application of Steam-Reforming to Various Types of Radioactive Waste," CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, July 2001.
T. R. Galloway, "Steam-Reforming of Fossil Fuels and Wastes to Produce Energy and Chemicals Without Greenhouse Gases," invited presentation to the U.S. White House, Bush/Cheney Energy Task Force, Washington, DC, August 16, 2000.
T. R. Galloway, Matt Cage, & Tom Snyder, "Experience with Duratek Steam-Reforming of Various Types of Radwaste" April 2001.
T. R. Galloway, "Clean Renewable Energy & Transportation without Greenhouse Gases,” at Anshen+Allen/Chinese State Economy & Trade Commission & National Coal Industry Group, PRC , San Francisco, CA, Oct. 13, 2000
T. R. Galloway, Joe Waidl, Cheryl Heath, and Lynn Ratcliff " Commercial Applications of Fuel Cells at Billings,” U.S Department of Energy Project, Big Sky Economic Development Authority, Billings, MT , September, 2000
T. R. Galloway & Joe Waidl, " Partial Demo of Repowering of the Corette Plant with a Gasifier and Fuel Cell Combined Cycle,” U.S Department of Energy Project, Big Sky Economic Development Authority, Billings, MT , July 28-31, 2000
T. R. Galloway, "Waste Reforming,” at Anshen+Allen/Chinese Ministry of Housing & Construction, PRC , San Francisco, CA, May 4-8, 2000
T. R. Galloway, "Partial Demo of Repowering of the Corette Plant with a Gasifier and Fuel Cell Combined Cycle,” U.S Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, KY, Feb. 24, 2000 3
T. R. Galloway, "Clean Renewable Energy & Transportation without Greenhouse Gases,” WCSF2000 Summit Conference: Energy for the Future, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 10-12, 2000
T. R. Galloway, "Clean Renewable Energy & Transportation without Greenhouse Gases,” Ninth International Conference: Solutions for the Millennium at United Nations Headquarters, New York, April 26-28, 2000
T. R. Galloway, W. L. Millerd, S.J., Reduction of Carbon Emissions From Coal Energy Plants," a white paper presented to the U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy (White House), November 23, 1998.
T. R. Galloway, "Steam-Reforming of Fossil Fuels and Wastes to Produce Energy and Chemicals Without Greenhouse Gases," invited plenary paper for Fourth World Peace Conference, Washington, DC, November 27-30, 1997 and Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Colorado Springs, August 2-6, 1998
T. R. Galloway & Colleen Owens, "Steam-Reforming of Drummed, Bulk, and Mixed Radioactive Waste" invited paper for Fourth Biennial Mixed Waste Symposium, Baltimore, MD, August 18-21, 1997; Technology: Journal of the Franklin Institute, 335A, 15-22 (1998)
T. R. Galloway, "Converting NASA Space Colony Wastes Into Energy with Steam- Reforming,"Paper #972274, 27th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Lake Tahoe, NV, July 14-17, 1997.
T. R. Galloway, D. F. Gagel, & N. W. Dunaway, "Recent Experience With SEG Steam-Reforming Of Various Types of Radwaste, " invited paper for Winter AIChE Meeting in San Francisco, CA Nov. 10-15, 1996.
T. R. Galloway and Ken Miller, "Demonstration of Residential Solar-Assisted Heat Pump System – Using Ground Coils, Radiant Floors, and Pool,” Solar ’96 Conference, July, 1996, American Solar Energy Society Annual Proceedings.
T. R. Galloway, "Steam-Reforming," Westinghouse SEG Users Conference, Knoxville, TN, September 13, 1995.
T. R. Galloway, "The Application of Steam-Reforming Technology to Waste Markets," Westinghouse Science & Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, August 23, 1995
T. R. Galloway and Gary Gerber, "Demonstration of Residential Solar-Assisted Heat Pump System – Using Ground Coils, Radiant Floors, and Pool,” Solar ’95 Conference, Minneapolis, MN, July 15- 20, 1995, American Solar Energy Society Annual Proceedings. Pp. 330-335.
T. R. Galloway, "Steam-Reforming Technology Training of Marketing/Sales," Oak Ridge, TN, July 11, 1995.
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "What To Do With Low Level Waste Now That Barnwell Has Closed," Health Physics Society, U.S. Navy-Oak Knoll Hospital, December 1, 1994. 4
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier–Test Organism Kill & Chlorocarbon Destruction," American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Nov. 13-18, 1994
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI 1994 Health Care Initiative Conference in Atlanta, GA, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, October 11-14, 1994.
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," Edison Institute Medical Waste Conference in Salt Lake City, UT, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, DC, July 29-31, 1994.
"Disposing of Hazardous Waste," Mechanical Engineering, 116, No. 5, 57-59 (1994)
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," ElectroTEC '94 Conference in Cincinnati, OH, Edison Electric Institute, Washington, DC, April 4-13, 1994.
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI Quarterly Health Care Initiative Conference in San Francisco, CA, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, August 11-14, 1994.
S. S. Depetris & T. R. Galloway, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI 1993 Medical Waste Management Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA,November 11, 1993.
S. S. Depetris & T. R. Galloway, "Destroying LLW and Hazardous Waste On-site with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI 1993 Low-Level Waste Management Seminar in Monterey, CA, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA,November 8, 1993.
Vince Loyola & T. R. Galloway, "The Destruction of Explosives and Propellants by High Temperature Steam Reaction," DOE 1993: Life Cycles of Energetic Materials, Hawaii, U. S. Department of Energy, Wash. DC, October 24-29, 1993.
K. B. Pfeifer, J. L. Sprung, & T. R. Galloway, "CCl4 Monitoring in Steam Reforming Environments " Electrochemical Society National Meeting Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, October 10-15, 1993.
T. R. Galloway & S. S. Depetris, "Destroying LLW and Hazardous Waste On-site with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI 1993 Low-Level Waste Management Seminar in Boulder, CO, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, August 1993.
T. R. Galloway, "On-site Reactivation of Granular Carbon with the Synthetica Detoxifier," Boston EPRI Water and Wastewater Meeting, sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute, Boston, MA, June 28 & 29, 1993. 5
T. R. Galloway, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI Medical Waste Disposal Meeting, sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute, Boston, MA, June 1 & 2, 1993.
T. R. Galloway, "On-site Biohazardous Waste Destruction with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," EPRI Medical Waste Disposal Meeting, sponsored by Southern Co. & Electric Power Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ, March 18 & 19, 1993.
T. R. Galloway, R. G. Dosch, & J. L. Sprung, "Destruction of Organics and Decomposition of Nitrates in UST Wastes by Steam Reforming," Proceedings of the Waste Management '93 Conference, Tucson, AZ, Feb. 28-March 3, 1993.
K. B. Pfeifer, J. L. Sprung, & T. R. Galloway, "In Situ Monitoring of VOCs in a Steam Reforming Reactor" submitted to Sensors & Actuators, 1993
T. R. Galloway, & J. L. Sprung, "Destruction of UST Organics and Nitrates, Polymeric Organic Wastes, and Chlorocarbon Solvents by Steam Reforming," Technical & Technology Integration Proceedings, U.S. Dept. of Energy, January 11, 1993.
T. R. Galloway, "The Destruction of Infectious Waste in the Synthetica Detoxifier," Fourth Annual Environmental Regulatory Compliance for Healthcare Providers Conference, Roanoke, VA, December 17 & 18, 1992.
T. R. Galloway, "The Destruction of Infectious Waste in the Synthetica Detoxifier," Infectious Waste Treatment Workshop, sponsored by Southern Co. & Electric Power Research Institute, Atlanta, GA, November 10, 1992.
T. R. Galloway, R. G. Dosch, & J. L. Sprung, "Destruction of Organics and Decomposition of Nitrates in UST Wastes by Steam Reforming," Selection of Organic Destruction Technologies for Compact Processing Workshop, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Salt Lake, UT, October 26-27, 1992.
S. L. Young, J. L. Carter, & T. R. Galloway, "Demonstration of Aromatic Organic Destruction with the Synthetica Detoxifier," 1992 Summer National A.I.Ch.E. Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 9- 12, 1992
T. R. Galloway, "The Destruction of Infectious Waste in the Synthetica Detoxifier," Medical Waste Disposal Workshop, sponsored by American Hospital Association & Electric Power Research Institute, Denver, CO, July 29, 1992.
T. R. Galloway & J. L. Sprung, "On-site Destruction of Chemical Warfare Agents with the Synthetica Steam Detoxifier," Committee on Alternative Chemical Demiliterization Technologies Workshop, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC , June 3-5, 1992.
T. R. Galloway, "On-site Reactivation of Granular Carbon with the Synthetica Detoxifier," A.I.Ch.E. Northern California Section,Meeting, 31st Annual Symposium: New Treatment Technologies in Solving Environmental Problems, Berkeley, CA, March. 17, 1992 6
T. R. Galloway, "The Destruction of Infectious Waste in the Synthetica Detoxifier," Medical Waste Disposal Project Meeting, sponsored by Electric Power Research Institute, New Orleans, LA, February 18, 1992.
T. R. Galloway, "Renew Carbon On-site by Steam Reforming," Chem Eng, 12/91, p. 11.
T. R. Galloway & F. Sidney Howard, "On-site Reactivation of Granular Carbon with the Synthetica Detoxifier," Annual A.I.Ch.E. Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 17-22, 1991
T. R. Galloway & Jeremy L. Sprung, "Waste Destruction by Very High Temperature Steam Reforming," National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, Committee On Potential Applications of Concentrated Solar Photons, Solar Energy Research Institute, November 7-8, 1990, Golden, CO.
T. R. Galloway, "Synthetica Detoxifier," The Hazardous Waste Consultant, McCoy & Associates, Colorado, November/December 1990.
T. R. Galloway, "The Need for New Technical Approaches to Environmental Control & Management," Annual Chemical Marketing Research Assoc. Meeting, San Francisco, conference vol. pp. 13-16, February 5-7, 1990;.
T. R. Galloway, "Destroying Hazardous Waste On-site -- Avoiding Incineration," Environmental Progress, 8, 176-185 (1989).
C. A. Wentz & T. R. Galloway, "Public Impact on Technical Research: The Dissimilar Fates of Two Waste Gasification Projects," 8, 186-189 (1989).
T. R. Galloway, "The Role of Steam in Lowering PICs in a Thermal Detoxifier," Annual A.I.Ch.E. Meeting, San Francisco, Nov. 5-10, 1989
T. R. Galloway, "The Destruction of Infectious Waste in the Thermolytica Detoxifier," Proceedings of the HazMat West 89 Conference and Exhibition, Long Beach, Nov. 7-9, 1989.
T. R. Galloway, "Thermal Treatment with the Thermolytica Detoxifier," Chapter 8 in Book entitled: "Thermal Processes, Volume 1: Innovative Thermal Processes for Treating Hazardous Waste," pp. 77-93, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, Pennsyvannia, 1990
T. R. Galloway, "Thermolytica Detoxifier Performance", Final Report, California Hazardous Waste Reduction Grant Program, Contract #86-T0119 A-1, California State Department of Health Services, Alternative Technology Section, August 15, 1989.
T. R. Galloway, "Destroying Hazardous Waste On-Site", AIChE Annual Meeting, Pub. Symposium Vol., Washington, DC, November 27 - December 2, 1988.
T. R. Galloway, "Treatment and Destruction of Hazardous Waste with the Transportable ThermoLytica Detoxifier", Proceedings of the Hazardous Materials Management Conference, Hazmat West 88, November 8-10, 1988. 7
T. R. Galloway, "ThermoLytica Detoxifier," The Hazardous Waste Consultant, McCoy & Associates, Colorado, May/June 1988.
T. R. Galloway, "Achieving Reduced Risk -- The ThermoLytica Detoxifier Destroying Hazardous Waste On-Site", International Conference on Incineration of Hazardous/Radio-active Wastes, San Francisco, CA, May 3-6, 1988.
T. R. Galloway, "Economical On-Site Waste Detoxification: An Exercize in Heat Recovery", American Institute of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series No. 257, Vol. 83, pp. 418-424 (1987), Presented at 1987 National Heat Transfer Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, August 9-12, 1987.
T. R. Galloway, "On-Site Destruction of Hazardous Waste Using the New ThermoLytica Detoxifier", Proceedings of 5th Annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference, pp. 49-57, Atlantic City, NJ, June 9-11, 1987.
William H. Porch, T. R. Galloway, "Simultaneous Spectrographic Measurements of NO2, Water Vapor and Aerosol Extinction Across San Francisco Bay", Presented American Association for Aerosol Research, 1987 Annual Meeting, Paper A2C, Seattle, WA, September 14-17, 1987.
William H. Porch, T. R. Galloway, "Long Path Spectroscopic Measurements of Pollutants Across San Francisco Bay", Presented University of California Lawrence Livermore National Lab, G- Division Seminar, July 1, 1987.
T. R. Galloway, "On-Site Waste Reduction: The ThermoLytica Detoxifier", Semi-Conductor Safety Association Conference: International High Technology Safety, Health and Environmental, Scottsdale, AZ, April 21-23, 1987.
T. R. Galloway, "On-Site Waste Reduction: The ThermoLytica Detoxifier", Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Conference Expose, Paper W-C6, Rosemount, IL, September 22-25, 1986.
T. R. Galloway, "Technical Discussion: Destruction of Industrial Hazardous Waste With IPT's Thermal Decomposition Reactor", In- Process Technology, January, 1985, about 50 presentations and 500 mailings.
T. R. Galloway, "A New In-Situ Oil Shale Production Process," AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov. 1984, paper no. 95F
T. R. Galloway, "A Solar Micro-Utility System for Buildings", 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 19- 24, 1984, San Francisco, CA, pp. 168-1643.
T. R. Galloway, "New Opportunities and Challenges in Production of Methanol Fuels", 19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 19-24, 1984, San Francisco, CA, pp. 648-653.
T. R. Galloway, G. E. Pack, J. Patterson, and J. Chiaramonte, "Progress Toward the Hercules Coke- to-Methanol Plant", 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 21- 26, 1983, Orlando, FL, pp. 437-442. 8
T. R. Galloway, J. Waidl, "New Techniques in Handling Heavy California Crude Oil in Refineries", 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 21-26, 1983, Orlando, FL, pp. 662-667.
T. R. Galloway, "New Developments in Energy Recovery with Organic Rankine Bottoming Cycles", 18th Intersociety Energy conversion Engineering Conference, August 21-26, 1983, Orlando, FL, pp. 662- 667.
T. R. Galloway, "Scoping of Oil Shale Retorting with Nuclear Fusion Reactors", Nuclear Technology/Fusion Journal, 3, 73-88 (1983).
T. R. Galloway, W. T. Atkins, G. E. Pack, M. B. Pascoo, "A New Concept for a Lower Cost Coal- to-Methanol Plant", 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 8- 12, 1982, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 859-863, 1159.
T. R. Galloway, L. C. Brown, "A Viable Process for Producing Hydrogen Synfuel Using Nuclear Fusion Heat", 17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 8-12, 1982, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 1150-1158.
T. R. Galloway, R. G. Luthy, W. T. Atkins, "Understanding Heavy Oil Emulsions: Their Formation and Destruction", 1982 National American Institute of Chemical Engineers meeting, Anaheim, CA, June 6-10, 1982.
T. R. Galloway, "Solar Assisted Heat Pump and Swimming Pool Synergy for Domestic Heating", J. of Solar Energy Engineering, 103, 105-112 (1981).
W. M. Porch, T. R. Galloway, T. J. Green and H.W. Ellsaesser, "Long Path-Optical Extinction and Meteorology in the San Francisco Bay Areas", Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 15, No. 12, 2555- 2560, 1981.
T. R. Galloway, "Configuring the Thermochemical Hydrogen Sulfuric Acid Process Step for the Tandem Mirror Reactor", 16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 9- 14, 1981, Atlanta, GA, pp. 1553-1559.
R.W. Werner and F. L. Ribe (Principal Investigators), R. Busch, B. C. Fryer, T. R. Galloway, M. R. Hoffman, O. H. Krikorian, D. S. Rowe, and G. L. Woodruff (Contributors), "Synfuels from Fusion -- Producing Hydrogen with the Tandem Mirror Reactor and Thermochemical Cycles", Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Rept. UCID-18909, Vols. I and II, January 21, 1981.
T. R. Galloway, "Configuring the Thermochemical Hydrogen Sulfuric Acid Process Step for the Tandem Mirror Reactor", Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Rept. UCRL-85287, May 1, 1981.
T. R. Galloway, R. W. Lyczkowski, "The Behavior of Flow Channels in Rubble In-Situ Beds of Oil Shale", 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 18-22, 1980, Seattle, WA, pp. 268-277. 9
T. R. Galloway, "Interfacing the Tandem Mirror Reactor to the Sulfur-Iodine Process for Hydrogen Production", 15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 18-22, 1981, Seattle, WA, pp. 1668-1674.
T. R. Galloway, "Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Seminar Series", "Synfuels from Mirror Fusion", Lawrence Livermore National Lab., May 12, 1981.
T. R. Galloway, "Some Process Aspects of Hydrogen Production Using the Tandem Mirror Reactor", Presented at the 4th American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting, King of Prussia, PA, October 14-17, 1980.
T. R. Galloway, R. W. Werner, "Some Chemical Engineering Challenges in Driving Thermochemical Hydrogen Processes with the Tandem Mirror Reactor", Presented at 73rd AIChE Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 16-20, 1980, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL- 84632.
T. R. Galloway, "Scoping of Fusion-Driven Retorting of Oil Shale", Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-83006, Rev. 1, September, 1980.
T. R. Galloway, "Analysis of Variables for Process Control of Commerical Modified In-Situ Retort Operations for High Yield", In-Situ, 4, (3), 237-260 (1980).
T. R. Galloway, "Scoping of Fusion-Driven Retorting of Oil Shale, Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, Vol. 3, 1543-1551, (1980).
T. R. Galloway, "Tritium Management in Fusion Synfuel Designs", American Nuclear Society National Topical Meeting on Tritium, April 28 - May 1, 1980, Dayton, Ohio.
T. R. Galloway, “Solar Assisted Heat Pump Swimming Pool Synergistics for Domestic Heating,” 2nd Annual Systems Simulation and Economics Analysis Conference, January 23-25, 1980, San Diego, CA and AIChE Meeting, Portland, OR, August 10-13, 1980, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. 83458 (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "Predicting Solar Energy Fluxes in Polluted Urban Areas", 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 5-10, 1979, Boston, MA, pp. 32-38,
T. R. Galloway, "Solar Energy Design Methods in Polluted Urban Areas", Hemisphere Press, in press, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "Solar Energy Less Than Predicted", Chemical & Engineering News, Pg. 18, August 13, 1979.
T. R. Galloway, "To Fix the Flux", Science News, Pg. 143, August 25, 1979.
T. R. Galloway, "Available Solar Energy", Industrial Research/Development, Pg. 29, September, 1979. 10
T. R. Galloway and W.T. Sandholtz, "In-Situ Oil Shale Retorts: Coupling of Heat and Mass Transfer", AIChE Meeting, November 25- 29, 1979, San Francisco, CA, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-83348, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "LLL Progress Toward Process Control of Commercial Modified In-Situ Retort Operations for High Yield", 12th Oil Shale Symposium, Golden, CO, April 18-20, 1979, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-82077, July 17, 1979.
T. R. Galloway and W. A. Sandholtz, "Comparison of Flow Non- Uniformities in Oil Shale Pilot Retorts with Those Predicted by Numerical Flow Simulations", 14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, pp, 973-982, August 5-10, 1979, Boston, MA, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-82132, 1979.
T. R. Galloway, "The Challenge of Efficiently Retorting Very Non- Uniform Beds of Oil Shale Rubble", 86th National AIChE Meeting, April 1-5, 1979, Houston, TX, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-81721, Rev. 1, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "Scoping of Fusion-Driven Retorting of Oil Shale", 8th Symposium on Engineering Problems in Fusion Research, San Francisco, CA, November 13-16, 1979, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-83006, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "Solar Energy Design Methods for Polluted Urban Areas", Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Energy and Environmental Seminar, November 6, 1979.
T. R. Galloway, "Solar Assisted Heat Pump Swimming Pool Synergistics for Domestic Heating", 2nd Annual Systems Simulation and Economics Analysis Conference, January 23-25, 1980, San Diego, CA and AIChE Meeting, Portland, OR, August 10-13, 1980, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. 83458, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "Oil Yield Loss Mechanisms in Modified In-Situ Retorting of Oil Shale: The Challenge of Efficiently Retorting Very Non-Uniform Beds of Oil Shale Rubble", Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Rept. UCRL-81721, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "The Challenge of Efficiently Retorting Very Non- Uniform Beds of Oil Shale Rubble", In-Situ, 3 (4), 279-330, (1979).
T. R. Galloway, "Paraffin Wax Heat-Storage for Solar Heated Homes", 13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 20-25, 1978, San Diego, CA, pp. 963-969.
T. R. Galloway, "Retorting of Broad Sized Shale at LLL", Second Annual Oil Shale Conversion Conference, DOE, Grand Junction, CO, December 6-8, 1978.
T. R. Galloway, "Retorting of Non-Uniform Size Particle Beds and Future Retort Runs", Second Briefing on In-Situ Oil Shale Technology, Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CA, October 18-19, 1978.
T. R. Galloway, "Tritium Management in Fusion Reactors", 3rd ANS Topical Meeting on Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, May 9-11, 1978, Santa Fe, NM, Lawrence Livermore 11
National Lab. Rept. UCRL-80479, 1978, and Transactions EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, pp. 296-299, May 10, 1978.
R. W. Lyczkowski, D. Gidaspow, and T. R. Galloway, "Hydrodynamic Modeling of Fluidized-Bed Gasifiers and Combustors", Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Rept. UCID-17759, (1978).
T. R. Galloway and W. M. Porch, "Astronomical Opportunities", Chemistry 51, (1), 5-6, (1978).
P. A. Nelson, T. R. Galloway, "Particle-to-Fluid Heat and Mass Transfer in Dense Systems of Fine Particles", Chemical Engineering Symposium Series, SS-V-174 Heat Transfer, (1978).
R. G. Luthy, T. R. Galloway, and R. E. Selleck, "Removal of Emulsified Oil with Organic Coagulants and Dissolved Air Flotation", J. Water Pollution Control Federation, pp. 331-346, February, 1978.
R. G. Luthy, T. R. Galloway, and R. E. Selleck, "Surface Properties of Petroleum Refinery Waste Oil Emulsions", Environmental Science and Technology, 11, 1211-1217, (1977).
T. R. Galloway, "Tritium Management in a 1 GWe Mirror Fusion Central Power Station", J. Nuclear Technology, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Rept. UCRL-77968, (1977).
W. M. Porch, C. A. Sherman, J. H. Dickerson, T. Green, P. Volker, J. Waidl and T. R. Galloway, “Astronomical Techniniques Applied to Pollutions Detection: 1. Pollution Transport, 4th Joint Conference on Sensing of Environmental Pollutants, New Orleans, pp. 289-293, Nov. 6-11, 1977
T. R. Galloway, J. Waidl, and W. M. Porch,“Astronomical Techniniques Applied to Pollutions Detection: 2. Chemical Compositions by Visible Extinction, 4th Joint Conference on Sensing of Environmental Pollutants, New Orleans, pp. 548-553, Nov. 6-11, 1977
T. R. Galloway, "Space Heating and Swimming Pool Heat", Energy Today, V, (1), September 13, 1977.
T. R. Galloway, S. T. Massie, "Long Path Optical Monitoring", Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Rept. UCRL-78724, (1977).
T. R. Galloway, S. T. Massie, "Optical Extinction as a Diagnostic Tool for Air Pollution", Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Rept. UCRL-78850, (1977).
T. R. Galloway, "A Plastic Solar Panel, Heat Storage, Baseboard Heating System for Both Swimming Pool and Home", 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 23 - September 2, 1977, Washington, DC, pp. 1263-1268.
T. R. Galloway, "Tritium Containment and Blanket Design Challenges for a 1 GWe Mirror Fusion Control Power Station", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 24, 62-63, (1976).
R. G. Luthy, T. R. Galloway, and R. E. Selleck, "Interfacial Phenomena Related to the Removal of Emulsified Oil from Refinery Wastewater", University of California, Sanit. Eng. Res. Lab., Rept. 75-3, Berkeley, CA, (1975). 12
T. R. Galloway, D. M. Reid, "Inquires into Turbulence Enhanced Local Mass Transfer and Skin Friction from a Sphere Using Electrochemical Probes", Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2, (3) 247-258, (May/June 1975).
T. R. Galloway, "Optical Probe Monitoring of Air Pollution Particulates", Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Complete Water Reuse, May 18, 1975, Chicago, IL, ppg. 324-30, (1975).
T. R. Galloway, and P. A. Nelson, "Particle-to-Fluid Heat and Mass Transfer in Dense Systems of Fine Particles", Chem. Eng. Sci. 30, 1-6, (1975).
T. R. Galloway, H. P. Skarheim, and R. E. Selleck, "Bioassessment Techniques for Setting Environmentally Safe Levels of Tertiary Treatment Nutrient Removal", Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Series, Water-1974 -- II. Municipal Wastewater Treatment, 2, 108-124, (1975).
H. P. Skarheim, T. R. Galloway, R. E. Selleck, A. J. Horne, and W. J. Kaufman, "Assessment of Biological Effects of Treated Wastewaster on the Truckee River", California State Water Resources Control Board, Final Report, Publ. No. 52, (1973).
S. F. Liang, C. V. Sternling, and T. R. Galloway, "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Lead Peroxide Method for Atmospheric Monitoring of Sulfur Dioxide", J. Air Pollution Control Association, 23, (7), 605-607, (1973).
T. R. Galloway, "Heat Transfer Fouling Through Growth of Calcareous Film Deposits", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 16, 443- 460, (1973).
T. R. Galloway, "Then Enhancement of Stagnation Flow Heat and Mass Transfer Through Interactions of Free Stream Turbulence", AIChE Journal, 19, 608-617, (1973).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Local and Macroscopic Thermal Transport from a Sphere in a Turbulent Air Stream", AIChE Journal, 18 (2), 287-293, (1972).
T. R. Galloway, "Discussion of ASME Paper No. 71-HT-8 by Newman, L. B., Sparrow, E. M., and Eckert, E. R. G., "Free Stream Turbulence Effects on Local Heat Transfer from a Sphere", J. Heat Transfer, 94, 7-16, (1972).
T. R. Galloway and J. E. Bailey, "Toward the A-Priori Computation of Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons from an Input Name", Chem. Tech., pp. 490-497, August, 1972.
T. R. Galloway, "Book Review: Symposium on Turbulence Measurements in Liquids", AIChE Journal, 18, 254, (1972).
T. R. Galloway, "Prediction of Physical Properties from Molecular Structures", AIChE Journal, 18, 833-842, (1972).
K. C. Youn, N. C. Samish, T. R. Galloway, F. A. Olsen, and C. D. Siebenthal, "Hydroprocess Design Capability in SPECS", Shell Development Co., Emeryville, CA, TPR-105-72, (1972). 13
T. R. Galloway, "The Mechanism of Fines Migration in Deep Bed Filtration", Shell Development Co., PTR-2007, Release No. 174, (1971).
T. R. Galloway, J. E. Bailey, A. R. Hague, "Direct Calculation of Hydrocarbon Thermophysical Properties from a Compound Name", Shell Development Co., TPR-279-70, (1971).
T. R. Galloway, P. R. Rhodes, and W. H. Sharp, "Corrosion in Hydroprocess Heat Exchangers -- I. Hydrocracker Reactor Effluent Air Coolers and Hydrotreater Separator Vapor Air Coolers", Shell Development Co., TPR-44-70, (1971).
T. R. Galloway, "Oil from Tar Sands by Solvent Extraction -- VII. A Mechanism and Model for Deep Bed Filtration of Tar Sand Slurry", Shell Development Co., TPR-29-70, (1979).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "A Model of the Mechanism of Transport in Packed, Extended and Fluidized Beds", Chem. Eng. Science, 25, 496-516, (1970).
T. R. Galloway, "An Inexpensive Oscillator-Inverter Clock Drive", Sky and Telescope, 36, (2), 115- 119, (1968).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Thermal and Material Transfer from Spheres -- Prediction of Local Transport", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 11, 539-549, (1968).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Transport Properties of the Normal Paraffins at Attenuation", J. Chem. and Engineering Data, 12, (1), 59-66, (1967), and 13, (1), 96, (1968).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Prediction of the Transport Properties of Paraffin Hydrocarbons", Chem. Eng. Science, 22, 979-995, (1967).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Thermal and Material Transport from Spheres -- Prediction of Macroscopic Thermal and Material Transport", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 10, 1105-1210, (1967).
T. R. Galloway, “A Study on the Mechanism of Molecular Transport with Systems of Gaseous Paraffins and of Convective Transport from Single Cylinders, Single Spheres, and Arrays of Spheres into Turbulently Flowing Streams, Ph.D. dissertation, California Institute of Technology, Univ. Microfilm Report No. 67-10 (1967)
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Local and Macroscopic Transport from a 1.5 inch Cylinder into a Turbulent Air Stream", AIChE Journal, 13, (3), 563-570, (1967).
T. R. Galloway and B. H. Sage, "Thermal and Material Transfer in Turbulent Gas Streams -- A Method of Prediction in Spheres", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 7, 283-291, 1964, and 10, 413-414, (1967). Terryresum58